Results for 'Conscience Philosophie.'

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  1. (1 other version)Science et conscience, Philosophie du XXe siècle.Félix Le Dantec - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (4):5-6.
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    Science et conscience, philosophie du XXe siècle..Félix Alexandre Le Dantec - 1908 - Paris,: E. Flammarion.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Conscience in Medieval Philosophy.Timothy C. Potts (ed.) - 1980 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents in translation writings by six medieval philosophers which bear on the subject of conscience. Conscience, which can be considered both as a topic in the philosophy of mind and a topic in ethics, has been unduly neglected in modern philosophy, where a prevailing belief in the autonomy of ethics leaves it no natural place. It was, however, a standard subject for a treatise in medieval philosophy. Three introductory translations here, from Jerome, Augustine and Peter Lombard, (...)
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    Conscience et vie: repenser la philosophie de l'esprit.Gilles Lévêque - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La recherche actuelle se trouve dans l'incapacité d'expliquer l'émergence de la conscience à partir du cerveau, ainsi que son efficience sur celui-ci et, par son intermédiaire, sur le corps. La faute en incombe au dualisme des substances qui constitue encore l'horizon de la science actuelle, lequel dualisme ouvre un abîme infranchissable entre la matière et l'esprit. Il convient donc de repenser les rapports de la conscience et du corps, et ce à partir de la vie qui les conjoint. (...)
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    Conscience et réflexivité dans la philosophie mathématique de Cavaillès.Pierre Cassou-Noguès - 2001 - Methodos 1.
    L’épistémologie de Cavaillès est connue pour une critique abrupte des notions de conscience et de sujet. Cette critique ne vise pas à éliminer de la philosophie la notion de conscience mais seulement à la destituer de sa place de notion primitive. Dès lors, il s’agit de rendre compte de la conscience. Nous soutenons que la conscience est définie et constituée à partir de la réflexivité du devenir mathématique. Pour établir ce point, nous discutons de quelques textes. (...)
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  6. Unstable Autonomy: Conscience and Judgment in Kant's Moral Philosophy.Dean Moyar - 2008 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 5 (3):327-360.
    In this paper I argue that Kant's claims about conscience in his moral writings of the 1790s reveal a fundamental instability in his moral philosophy. The central issue is the relationship between the moral law as the form of universality and the judgment of individuals about specific cases. Against Thomas Hill's claim that Kant has only a limited role for conscience, I argue that conscience has a comprehensive role in Kantian deliberation. I unpack the claims about (...) in the Metaphysics of Morals to show that they describe conscience as both a basic act of self-consciousness and as an all-things-considered judgment. I outline the role of conscience in moral motivation, and argue that taken together Kant's writings about conscience reveal a way to rethink Kant's conception of the Fact of Reason. (shrink)
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    Perception, conscience and will in ancient philosophy.Richard Sorabji - 2013 - Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate/Variorum.
    Richard Sorabji here presents a selection of his previously-published papers on four topics in ancient philosophy: two on the mind-body relation, nine on sense perception, and one each on moral conscience and on the will. The substantial introduction updates and interconnects the papers and fills out the picture by reference to other writings by himself and others, and to further thoughts. The picture of the four main topics shows that each continued to develop throughout the 1200 year course of (...)
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    Conscience, consciousness and ethics in Joseph Butler's philosophy and ministry.Bob Tennant - 2011 - Rochester, NY: Boydell Press.
    out a visitation and a thorough assessment of his diocese. His predecessor (or rather his friend Benson, the bishop of Gloucester, who during Edward Chandler's decline had managed Durham's affairs) had kept the deanery records in good ...
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    Conscience scientifique et conscience religieuse : unité de la philosophie de l’esprit de Brunschvicg.André Simha - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 111 (3):353-370.
    L’idéalisme critique de Brunschvicg ne cherche pas à construire un système, mais à dégager le sens de la confrontation de l’invention spirituelle et du caractère imprévisible des événements provoqués par l’expérience. Cette orientation qui caractérise sa philosophie des sciences trouve son moment réflexif dans une philosophie de l’esprit dont le champ ne se limite pas aux formes et aux étapes de la conscience scientifique, mais s’étend aux formes de la conscience religieuse. On dévoile ainsi le sens pratique ultime (...)
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    Conscience et réalité: études sur la philosophie française au XVIIIe siècle.Bernard Baertschi - 2005 - Geneve: Droz.
    Marqués par Descartes et Locke, les philosophes de ce siècle se sont notamment intéressés à l'épistémologie devenue alors discipline philosophique fondamentale.
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    Consciencism in African Political Philosophy: Nkrumah's Critique.Chuba Okadigbo - 1985 - Fourth Dimension Publishers.
  12. (2 other versions)La Philosophie de Fichte, ses rapports avec la conscience contemporaine.Xavier Léon & M. Emile Boutroux - 1902 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 10 (3):2-2.
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    The Concept of Moral Conscience in Ancient Greek Philosophy.Michail Mantzanas - 2020 - Conatus 5 (2):65.
    The concept of consciousness in ancient Greek philosophy, concerns the internal autonomy and philosophical freedom from the condemnation of ignorance of both the foreign and the domestic world. The ancient Greek philosophers pointed out the value of the dialectic with the inner self to the problem of moral conscience and handed us a legacy of values and the primacy of reason. The concept of moral consciousness in ancient Greek philosophy. The article examines the concept of moral consciousness in ancient (...)
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    Conscience and Religion in Hegel's Later Political Philosophy.Timothy Brownlee - 2011 - The Owl of Minerva 43 (1/2):41-73.
    In recent years, commentators have devoted increasing attention to Hegel’s conception of conscience. Prominent interpreters like Frederick Neuhouser have even argued that many points of contact can be found between Hegel’s conceptions of conscience and moral subjectivity and historical and contemporary liberalism. In this paper, I offer an interpretation of an under-examined 1830 addition to the Philosophy of Spirit concerning the relation between religion and the state which proves particularly resistant to the kind of liberal interpretation of (...) which Neuhouser provides. I assess the significance of Hegel’s argument for the “inseparability” of ethical and religious conscience for liberal interpretations. I conclude by arguing that we can identify a kind of consistency between the Philosophy of Right and the later writings and lectures, but that Hegel’s conception of conscience is incompatible with contemporary political liberalism. (shrink)
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  15. Philosophie de l'Histoire l'Histoire Sera-T-Elle Achev'ee? : [Al-Jihåad Bi-Al-°Ilm] : Les R'eponses de la Conscience Africaine Et des 'Ecritures du Coran'.Dame Gaye (ed.) - 1998 - [Dakar, Senegal: Le Farba.
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    Matters of Conscience: Conversations with Sterling M. McMurrin on Philosophy, Education, and Religion.Sterling M. McMurrin & L. Jackson Newell - 1996
    For more than fifty years, Sterling M. McMurrin served as one of the preeminent intellectual voices of the LDS community. From his beginnings as an Institute of Religion instructor to U.S. Commissioner of Education, and from a professor of philosophy to U.S. Envoy to Iran, he showed by example how personal and institutional morality can be defended.In a series of candid discussions with Jack Newell, McMurrin reveals his ability to reconcile freedom and conscience. In a spirit of repartee and (...)
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    Courant de conscience et philosophie de la culture.Tullio Viola - 2022 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147 (4):509-524.
    Dans le cadre général de la réception des Principles of Psychology dans les pays germanophones, on examine l’influence de cet ouvrage sur la philosophie de la culture d’Ernst Cassirer. Le concept de flux de conscience a notamment aidé Cassirer à résoudre ce que l’on peut appeler le problème de l’articulation : comment décrire la transition entre le flux continu de sensations et la création de formes culturelles capables de durer dans le temps? Pour répondre à cette question il faut (...)
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    Conscience-morale et certitude de soi dans les Principes de la philosophie du droit de Hegel.Antoine Grandjean - 2003 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4 (4):513-528.
    La section des Principes de la philosophie du droit concernant « Le Bien et la conscience-morale » développe la dialectique de la subjectivité morale au sens strict. Il s’agit du procès par lequel le point de vue moral subjectif, dès lors qu’il se porte à l’absolu, conduit à l’impossibilité pour la conscience morale formelle de délivrer un critère réel de l’action, de sorte que Hegel déplace le Mal de son lieu traditionnel (le libre arbitre) pour en faire l’un (...)
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    La conscience transcendantale. Critique de la philosophie kantienne.C. Radulescu-Motru - 1913 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 21 (6):752 - 786.
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  20. La philosophie et la méthodologie ouvertes: un nouveau style et une nouvelle conscience.Vasile Tonoiu - 1970 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 24 (3/4=93/94):601.
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  21. Conscience et signification, Bibliothèque de Philosophie contemporaine.Gabriel Madinier - 1959 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149:413-415.
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  22. Conscience et Mouvement, étude sur la philosophie française de Condillac à Bergson 2e édition.Gabriel Madinier & Aimé Forest - 1969 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 74 (3):369-370.
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  23. Dilthey. Conscience et Histoire, coll. « Philosophies ».Leszek Brogowski & Anthony O'hear - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (4):490-491.
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  24. The Philosophy of Evangelicalism Evolved From the Relations Between Conscience and Atonement [by R. Brown].Robert Brown - 1857
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    Two Models of Conscience and the Liberty of Conscience in Hegel’s Practical Philosophy.Timothy L. Brownlee - 2017 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 21 (1):38-55.
    Hegel presents significant accounts of “conscience” (Gewissen) at decisive moments both in the early Phenomenology of Spirit and the Philosophy of Right. In spite of some important similarities between these accounts, they present deeply different, perhaps even inconsistent, understandings of the nature and value of individual conscience. Roughly, on the Philosophy of Right account, conscience is fundamentally something inward and individualizing, requiring transformation if it is to be integrated into the social institutions and practices that constitute modern (...)
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  26. (2 other versions)Le progrès de la conscience dans la philosophie occidentale.Léon Brunschvicg - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (3):1-3.
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    Politics, Philosophy, and Liberty of Conscience: A Reply to Three Critics.Lucas Swaine - 2008 - Social Philosophy Today 24:201-208.
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    La philosophie transcendantale de Fichte ou « les limites de ma conscience comme limites de mon monde ».Dan Breazeale - 2011 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 71 (3):297-307.
    Peu de philosophes ont autant insisté sur la différence entre la lettre et l’esprit d’une philosophie que Fichte. Breazeale prend Fichte au mot concernant cette distinction et tente de reconstituer ce qu’il appelle l’esprit de la philosophie d’Iéna, soit la première version de la philosophie que Fichte construisit entre 1793 et 1799. L’auteur montre combien Fichte est loin de la caricature de l’idéalisme débridé, interprétation qui prévalut chez les commentateurs classiques comme dans une certaine philosophie analytique. Il montre aussi comment (...)
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    Conscience, mind and individual in chinese philosophy.Chung-Ying Cheng - 1974 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2 (1):3-40.
  30. Langage, conscience, rationalité : Une philosophie naturelle, entretien avec John Searle.John Searle - 2012
    John Searle : Le courant analytique, dans lequel je me situe, est pour une large part un ensemble de réactions à l’oeuvre de Gottlob Frege. Nous ne faisons que commencer à prendre la mesure de l’importance considérable de Frege, non seulement pour ce qui est de ses propres théories, mais aussi des directions de recherches qu’il a fourni à Russell, à Wittgenstein, et à Austin, qui fut mon professeur à Oxford.1 Donc, en un sens, j’appartiens à la révolution fregéenne. A (...)
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    Conscience and moral ignorance: Comments on chung‐ying Cheng's 'conscience, mind and individual in chinese philosophy'.Edmund Leites - 1974 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2 (1):67-78.
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    Penser la philosophie africaine du "muntu": de l'onto-temporalité à la conscience historique: herméneutique d'une anthropologie du transcendant.Harry Mbiziantouari - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Dans cet essai consacré à la pensée philosophique africaine, Harry Mbiziantouari 'nous conduit à la découverte du muntu ou l'être-homme qui se constitue dans le monde. En parlant de cette découverte il nous introduit au coeur d'un voyage d'exploration qui saisit le muntu dans son essence et dans sa conscience historique, pour en dévoiler l'aspiration la plus haute et la plus noble, qui est celle de vivre sa vie dignement et d'occuper une place de choix dans le monde actuel. (...)
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  33. Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience.Kimberley Brownlee - 2012 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Oxford Legal Philosophy publishes the best new work in philosophically-oriented legal theory. It commissions and solicits monographs in all branches of the subject, including works on philosophical issues in all areas of public and private law, and in the national, transnational, and international realms; studies of the nature of law, legal institutions, and legal reasoning; treatments of problems in political morality as they bear on law; and explorations in the nature and development of legal philosophy itself. The series represents diverse (...)
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    Rêve et conscience: quel apport des sciences du rêve à la philosophie de la conscience?Ludwig Crespin - 2020 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    S'il est naturel de tenir le rêve pour une forme de vie mentale consciente, celle-ci n'en est pas moins paradoxale : bien que nos souvenirs dénotent de vives expériences visuelles et émotionnelles, le rêve a tout l'air, cependant, d'avoir lieu durant le sommeil et d'échapper complètement à notre volonté. Mais ne rêvons-nous pas le rêve en nous éveillant? Et le rêveur est-il vraiment privé de tout contrôle sur ses pensées? Enfin, si l'on pouvait empiriquement établir qu'une part significative de l'expérience (...)
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  35. Conscience et mouvement. Etude sur la philosophie française de Condillac à Bergson.Gabriel Madinier - 1942 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 16 (1):68-70.
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  36. (1 other version)La philosophie de Fichte et la conscience contemporaine.Xavier Leon - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:533.
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    Conscience et logos: horizons et méthodes d'une philosophie personnaliste.Maurice Nédoncelle - 1961 - Paris,: Éditions de l'Épi.
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  38. The Dialectic of Conscience and the Necessity of Morality in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 1993 - The Owl of Minerva 24 (2):181-189.
    Hegel’s account of conscience at the conclusion to the chapter on morality in the Philosophy of Right has had more than its share of detractors. Theunissen tries to explain why the account is “so meager,” Findlay deems it “thoroughly scandalous,” and Tugendhat goes so far as to label it the pinnacle of a “no longer merely conceptual, but rather moral perversion.” Even commentators committed to rescuing Hegel’s discussion of conscience from such extreme reproaches agree that it is “one-sided” (...)
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  39. Philosophie de la conscience.Aimé Forest - 1978 - Filosofia Oggi 1 (3):199-215.
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  40. (1 other version)Le malheur de la conscience dans la philosophie de Hegel.Jean Wahl - 1930 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 110:136-143.
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    Conscience and its recovery: from the Frankfurt School to feminism.Guyton B. Hammond - 1993 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    The lack of moral conscience in contemporary society is frequently noted and lamented, but how valid is the idea of "conscience" today? Does it have a referent, or is the concept merely rhetorical? Guyton B. Hammond proposes in this book that the concept is valid, but that for its utopian possibilities to be recovered it must be revised.
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  42. Conscience: the mechanism of morality.Jeffrey White - manuscript
    Conscience is often referred to yet not understood. This text develops a theory of cognition around a model of conscience, the ACTWith model. It represents a synthesis of results from contemporary neuroscience with traditional philosophy, building from Jamesian insights into the emergence of the self to narrative identity, all the while motivated by a single mechanism as represented in the ACTWith model. Emphasis is placed on clarifying historical expressions and demonstrations of conscience - Socrates, Heidegger, Kant, M.L. (...)
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    Conscience, Compromise, and Complicity.Jason T. Eberl & Christopher Ostertag - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:161-174.
    Debate over whether health care institutions or individual providers should have a legally protected right to conscientiously refuse to offer legal services to patients who request them has grown exponentially due to the increasing legalization of morally contested services. This debate is particularly acute for Catholic health care providers. We elucidate Catholic teaching regarding the nature of conscience and the intrinsic value of being free to act in accord with one’s conscience. We then outline the primary positions defended (...)
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  44. L'Odyssee de la conscience dans la derniere philosophie de Schelling.Vladimir Jankelevitch - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:609.
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    Conscience-based refusal of patient care in medicine: a consequentialist analysis.Udo Schuklenk - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (6):523-538.
    Conscience-based refusals by health care professionals to provide care to eligible patients are problematic, given the monopoly such professionals hold on the provision of such services. This article reviews standard ethical arguments in support of conscientious refuser accommodation and finds them wanting. It discusses proposed compromise solutions involving efforts aimed at testing the genuineness and reasonability of refusals and rejects those solutions too. A number of jurisdictions have introduced policies requiring conscientious refusers to provide effective referrals. These policies have (...)
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    Comparative Cases of Conscience: Teaching Josiah Royce's Philosophy of Loyalty in China.Mathew A. Foust - 2014 - Comparative American Studies 12 (3):231-238.
    This essay first describes the distinctively American character of the life and thought of Josiah Royce, conceiving of Royce as equal parts Puritan and pioneer. Next, the author’s recent experience teaching Royce’s philosophy of loyalty in China is discussed, highlighting pedagogical challenges encountered and techniques employed to navigate these hurdles. A summary of Royce’s philosophy of loyalty is given, incorporating examples used in the classroom. It is shown that upon applying Royce’s philosophy of loyalty to real life situations, resonances between (...)
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    Being Guilty: Freedom, Responsibility, and Conscience in German Philosophy From Kant to Heidegger.Guy Elgat - 2021 - New York , NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    "What can guilt, the painful sting of the bad conscience, tell us about who we are as human beings? Being Guilty seeks to answer this question through an examination of the views of Kant, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Paul Rée, Nietzsche, and Heidegger on guilt, freedom, responsibility, and conscience. The concept of guilt has not received sufficient attention from scholars of the history of German philosophy. Being Guilty addresses this lacuna and shows how the philosophers' arguments can be more deeply (...)
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    Conscience in Medieval Philosophy. [REVIEW]L. F. E. - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (1):158-160.
    This slender volume contains a rapid sketch of the development of the notions of conscience and synderesis in medieval thought. Its timeliness is vouched for by the fact that conscience, to which appeal is so often made today, has not been thus far a major theme of modern philosophy. Much of the book's information is quarried from O. Lottin's classic study, Psychologie et morale aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles, whose findings have been restated in terms that are meant (...)
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    Philosophie du dialogue: essai sur l'esprit critique et la liberté de conscience.Guido Calogero - 1973 - Bruxelles: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
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    Why Conscience Matters: A Theory of Conscience and Its Relevance to Conscientious Objection in Medicine.Xavier Symons - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (1):1-21.
    Conscience is an idea that has significant currency in liberal democratic societies. Yet contemporary moral philosophical scholarship on conscience is surprisingly sparse. This paper seeks to offer a rigorous philosophical account of the role of conscience in moral life with a view to informing debates about the ethics of conscientious objection in medicine. I argue that conscience is concerned with a commitment to moral integrity and that restrictions on freedom of conscience prevent agents from living (...)
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