Results for 'Conditional U-entropy'

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  1.  74
    Aspects concerning entropy and utility.A. R. Hoseinzadeh, G. R. Mohtashami Borzadaran & G. H. Yari - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (2):273-285.
    Expected utility maximization problem is one of the most useful tools in mathematical finance, decision analysis and economics. Motivated by statistical model selection, via the principle of expected utility maximization, Friedman and Sandow (J Mach Learn Res 4:257–291, 2003a) considered the model performance question from the point of view of an investor who evaluates models based on the performance of the optimal strategies that the models suggest. They interpreted their performance measures in information theoretic terms and provided new generalizations of (...)
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    Aspects concerning entropy and utility.Gholam Reza Mohtashami Borzadaran - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (2):273-285.
    Expected utility maximization problem is one of the most useful tools in mathematical finance, decision analysis and economics. Motivated by statistical model selection, via the principle of expected utility maximization, Friedman and Sandow (J Mach Learn Res 4:257–291, 2003a) considered the model performance question from the point of view of an investor who evaluates models based on the performance of the optimal strategies that the models suggest. They interpreted their performance measures in information theoretic terms and provided new generalizations of (...)
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  3. Cunoașterea psihologică și condiția incertitudinii.Valeriu Ceaușu - 1978 - București: Editura Militară.
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    Thị hiếu thẩm mỹ của giới trẻ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.Thị Hậu Nguyẽ̂n (ed.) - 2013 - TP. HCM: Nhà xuất bản Văn hóa-văn nghệ.
    On the aesthetic tastes of the youth in Ho Chi Minh City.
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  5. From the Phenomenological Notion of the World to Its Existential Condition in Man's Self-Interpretation-in-Existence: Phenomenology and Philosophy of Life. Introducing the Spanish Perspective.U. Ferrer Santos - 1990 - Analecta Husserliana 29:249-261.
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  6. Principles of self-generation and self-maintenance.U. An Heiden, G. Roth & H. Schwegler - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4).
    Living systems are characterized as self-generating and self-maintaining systems. This type of characterization allows integration of a wide variety of detailed knowledge in biology.The paper clarifies general notions such as processes, systems, and interactions. Basic properties of self-generating systems, i.e. systems which produce their own parts and hence themselves, are discussed and exemplified. This makes possible a clear distinction between living beings and ordinary machines. Stronger conditions are summarized under the concept of self-maintenance as an almost unique character of living (...)
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    Probability kinematics, conditionals, and entropy principles.Zoltan Domotor - 1985 - Synthese 63 (1):75 - 114.
  8.  65
    An Indian solution to 'incompleteness'.U. A. Vinaya Kumar - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (4):351-364.
    Kurt Gödel’s Incompleteness theorem is well known in Mathematics/Logic/Philosophy circles. Gödel was able to find a way for any given P (UTM), (read as, “P of UTM” for “Program of Universal Truth Machine”), actually to write down a complicated polynomial that has a solution iff (=if and only if), G is true, where G stands for a Gödel-sentence. So, if G’s truth is a necessary condition for the truth of a given polynomial, then P (UTM) has to answer first that (...)
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  9.  19
    Young Children’s Indiscriminate Helping Behavior Toward a Humanoid Robot.Dorothea U. Martin, Madeline I. MacIntyre, Conrad Perry, Georgia Clift, Sonja Pedell & Jordy Kaufman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Young children help others in a range of situations, relatively indiscriminate of the characteristics of those they help. Recent results have suggested that young children’s helping behaviour extends even to humanoid robots. However, it has been unclear how characteristics of robots would influence children’s helping behaviour. Considering previous findings suggesting that certain robot features influence adults’ perception of and their behaviour towards robots, the question arises of whether young children’s behaviour and perception would follow the same principles. The current study (...)
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    Dashtakī's Solution to the Liar Paradox: A Synthesis of the Earlier Solutions Proposed by Ṭūsī and Samarqandī.U. K. Manchester - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):219-245.
    AbstractṢadr al-Dīn al-Dashtakī (d. 1498) has proposed a solution to the liar paradox according to which the liar sentence is a self-referential sentence in which the predicate ‘false’ is iterated. Discussing the conditions for the truth-aptness of the sentences with nested and iterated instances of the predicates ‘true’ and/or ‘false’, Dashtakī argued that the liar sentence is not truth-apt at all. In the tradition of Arabic logic, the central elements of Dashtakī's solution—the self-referentiality of the liar sentence and the implicit (...)
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  11.  6
    Coercion and Responsibility in Islam: A Study in Ethics and Law.Mairaj U. Syed - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In Coercion and Responsibility in Islam, Mairaj Syed explores how classical Muslim theologians and jurists from four intellectual traditions argue about the thorny issues that coercion raises about responsibility for one's action. This is done by assessing four ethical problems: whether the absence of coercion or compulsion is a condition for moral agency; how the law ought to define what is coercive; coercion's effect on the legal validity of speech acts; and its effects on moral and legal responsibility in the (...)
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    Contrary to time conditionals in Talmudic logic.M. Abraham, D. M. Gabbay & U. Schild - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 20 (2):145-179.
    We consider conditionals of the form A ⇒ B where A depends on the future and B on the present and past. We examine models for such conditional arising in Talmudic legal cases. We call such conditionals contrary to time conditionals.Three main aspects will be investigated: Inverse causality from future to past, where a future condition can influence a legal event in the past (this is a man made causality).Comparison with similar features in modern law.New types of temporal logics (...)
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  13.  98
    Metabolic systems maintain stable non‐equilibrium via thermodynamic buffering.Abir U. Igamberdiev & Leszek A. Kleczkowski - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (10):1091-1099.
    Here, we analyze how the set of nucleotides in the cell is equilibrated and how this generates simple rules that help the cell to organize itself via maintenance of a stable non‐equilibrium state. A major mechanism operating to achieve this state is thermodynamic buffering via high activities of equilibrating enzymes such as adenylate kinase. Under stable non‐equilibrium, the ratios of free and Mg‐bound adenylates, Mg2+ and membrane potentials are interdependent and can be computed. The adenylate status is balanced with the (...)
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  14.  25
    Assessing Boundary Conditions of the Testing Effect: On the Relative Efficacy of Covert vs. Overt Retrieval.L. Sundqvist Max, Mäntylä Timo & U. Jönsson Fredrik - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Organic and inorganic fertilizers increase wheat yield components and biomass under rainfed condition.Sadur Rehman, Shad Khan Khalil, Abdur Rehman & A. U. R. Saljoqi - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1000:2.
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  16. Being Qua Being: A Theory of Identity, Existence, and Predication. [REVIEW]U. S. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (3):620-621.
    How is it possible that a thing singled out not exist? How is it possible that two things singled out be numerically identical? How is one to understand the relationship between, say, a quality of a thing and what this quality is? And how is one to understand the relation between this quality and the thing which happens to be thus qualified? Trying to answer these four questions involves investigation of the four senses of the verb "to be," or of (...)
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  17.  53
    The Ehrenfest fleas: From model to theory.D. Costantini & U. Garibaldi - 2004 - Synthese 139 (1):107 - 142.
    A generalization of Ehrenfest''s urn model is suggested. This will allow usto treat a wide class of stochastic processes describing the changes ofmicroscopic objects. These processes are homogeneous Markov chains. Thegeneralization proposed is presented as an abstract conditional (relative)probability theory. The probability axioms of such a theory and some simpleadditional conditions, yield both transition probabilities and equilibriumdistributions. The resulting theory interpreted in terms of particles andsingle-particle states, leads to the usual formulae of quantum and classicalstatistical mechanics; in terms of (...)
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  18.  13
    Not a Negation, but a Position: Kierkegaard on Evil and Sin.Ingolf U. Dalferth - 2024 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 29 (1):147-163.
    For Kierkegaard, the problem of evil is the existential challenge of our entanglement in evil, suffering, and sin. Sin is not a “negation” but a “position,” not a moral wrongdoing or lack of virtue, but a distinctive condition in which humans live. Nor is evil simply a lack or absence of good, but the weakening, obstruction, and destruction of good. This paper traces Kierkegaard’s account of evil and sin in his major writings in terms of despair, boredom, and fear. Sin (...)
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  19.  24
    The role of the optic cortex in the dog in the determination of the functional properties of conditioned reactions to light.K. G. Wing & K. U. Smith - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 31 (6):478.
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    Predictive laws of association in statistics and physics.D. Costantini & U. Garibaldi - 1996 - Erkenntnis 45 (2-3):399 - 422.
    In the present paper we face the problem of estimating cell probabilities in the case of a two-dimensional contingency table from a predictive point of view. The solution is given by a double stochastic process. The first subprocess, the unobservable one, is supposed to be exchangeable and invariant. For the second subprocess, the observable one, we suppose it is independent conditional on the first one.
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  21.  20
    Modernisation à la chinoise et possibilités d’une nouvelle forme de civilisation.W. U. Xiaoming, Qi Tao & Soline Schweisguth - 2023 - Actuel Marx 73 (1):78-93.
    Les débats actuels au sujet de la « voie chinoise » sont intimement liés à deux questions primordiales. Premièrement, quelle espèce de modernisation cette « voie chinoise » représente-t-elle? Et deuxièmement, quel rapport entretient-elle avec la sinisation du marxisme? Cet article vise à répondre à ces enjeux à partir d’une double perspective, celle du récit historique et celle de la philosophie de l’histoire. Cet article soutient que la modernisation à la chinoise est née des conditions historiques particulières du xx e (...)
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  22.  37
    Whose Fault Is It?Bengt Brülde, U. Martin Persson, Lina Eriksson & Fredrik Hedenus - 2023 - Environmental Ethics 45 (2):103-129.
    Many of the major challenges facing global society are unstructured collective harms (e.g., global warming): collective in the sense that they arise as the result of the actions of, or interactions among, multiple agents, and unstructured in the sense that there is no coordination or intention to cause harm among these agents. But how should we distribute moral responsibility for these harms? In this paper, an answer is proposed to this question. This answer builds on but develops existing proposals by (...)
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  23.  40
    Maximum Entropy and Probability Kinematics Constrained by Conditionals.Stefan Lukits - 2015 - Entropy 17 (4):1690-1700.
    Two open questions of inductive reasoning are solved: (1) does the principle of maximum entropy (pme) give a solution to the obverse Majerník problem; and (2) is Wagner correct when he claims that Jeffrey’s updating principle (jup) contradicts pme? Majerník shows that pme provides unique and plausible marginal probabilities, given conditional probabilities. The obverse problem posed here is whether pme also provides such conditional probabilities, given certain marginal probabilities. The theorem developed to solve the obverse Majerník problem (...)
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  24.  30
    Finite Axiomatizability of Transitive Modal Logics of Finite Depth and Width with Respect to Proper-Successor-Equivalence.Yan Zhang & X. U. Ming - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):951-964.
    This paper proves the finite axiomatizability of transitive modal logics of finite depth and finite width w.r.t. proper-successor-equivalence. The frame condition of the latter requires, in a rooted transitive frame, a finite upper bound of cardinality for antichains of points with different sets of proper successors. The result generalizes Rybakov’s result of the finite axiomatizability of extensions of $\mathbf {S4}$ of finite depth and finite width.
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  25.  8
    Risks, Violence, Security and Peace in Latin America: 40 Years of the Latin American Council of Peace Research (CLAIP).Úrsula Oswald Spring, Serrano Oswald & Serena Eréndira (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book analyses the war against drugs, violence in streets, schools and families, and mining conflicts in Latin America. It examines the nonviolent negotiations, human rights, peacebuilding and education, explores security in cyberspace and proposes to overcome xenophobia, white supremacy, sexism, and homophobia, where social inequality increases injustice and violence. During the past 40 years of the Latin American Council for Peace Research (CLAIP) regional conditions have worsened. Environmental justice was crucial in the recent peace process in Colombia, but also (...)
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  26.  51
    Notes on Recent Discoveries.J. U. Powell - 1915 - Classical Quarterly 9 (03):142-.
    μxs22EF. ρ[…] τει. Professor Hunt thinks that this may be the remains of a verb ending in -εxs22EF or -λxs22EF; read perhaps 'κρινλάτει. The uncompounded verb occurs in col. iv. 1. 8. It is well known that Sophocles is fond of forming new verbs compounded with xs22EFκ. Professor Hunt tells me that this suggestion satisfies the conditions in the Papyrus. Compare κυνηλέσω, 11. 15, 44, and xs22EFκκυνηλxs22EFσαι, 1. 75.
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    Plausibility or Truth? An Essay on Medicine and World View.Paul U. Unschuld - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (1):9-30.
    The ArgumentThis paper introduces the notion of plausibility as a decisive condition for the acceptance by groups in society of fundamental ideas concerning the nature of illness.Plausibility, it is argued, helps to explain both transition from one system of fundamental ideas to another in history, and coexistence of different such systems in a single civilization. Hence this paper challenges an interpretation of medicine prevalent, especially in medical anthropology, since the 1940s, when Erwin Ackerknecht introduced the idea of medicine as an (...)
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  28. Kyosaron.Ŏg-U. Nam (ed.) - 1985 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Kyoyuk Chʻulpʻansa.
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    Why seemingly more difficult test conditions produce more accurate recognition of semantic prototype words: A recognition memory paradox?Jerwen Jou, Eric E. Escamilla, Andy U. Torres, Alejandro Ortiz, Martin Perez & Richard Zuniga - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 63:239-253.
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  30.  11
    Caught Between Autonomy and Insecurity: A Work-Psychological View on Resources and Strain of Small Business Owners in Germany.Kathleen Otto, Martin Mabunda Baluku, Lena Hünefeld & Maria U. Kottwitz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Much research has been done on the economic effects of self-employment, environmental conditions for entrepreneurial success, as well as attributes if the person him-/herself fits to this career path. To successfully run a business, however, is contingent on the health of the entrepreneur. In particular, small business owners (being solo self-employed without personnel) face financial uncertainties, a high workload, long working hours, and are often unable to call in sick. This study aimed at exploring the working situation considering resources (e.g., (...)
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  31.  11
    Conditional logic and the Principle of Entropy.Wilhelm Rödder - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 117 (1):83-106.
  32.  49
    On generalising from single case studies: Epistemological reflections.Colin W. Evers & W. U. H. - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):511–526.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the conditions under which generalisation from single case studies, in the sense of making inferences concerning a wider class of phenomena beyond a case, is reasonable. Two sets of conditions, in particular, provide the basis for our consideration of this issue. The first is an exploration of the impressive amount of empirical knowledge that is contained within the theories that are used to make observations, to classify phenomena, and to understand and interpret (...)
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  33.  18
    Where Is the Action in Perception? An Exploratory Study With a Haptic Sensory Substitution Device.Tom Froese & Guillermo U. Ortiz-Garin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:528286.
    Enactive cognitive science (ECS) and ecological psychology (EP) agree that active movement is important for perception, but they remain ambiguous regarding the precise role of agency. EP has focused on the notion of sensorimotor invariants, according to which bodily movements play an instrumental role in perception. ECS has focused on the notion of sensorimotor contingencies, which goes beyond an instrumental role because skillfully regulated movements are claimed to play a constitutive role. We refer to these two hypotheses as instrumental agency (...)
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  34.  20
    Nature-Based Relaxation Videos and Their Effect on Heart Rate Variability.Annika B. E. Benz, Raphaela J. Gaertner, Maria Meier, Eva Unternaehrer, Simona Scharndke, Clara Jupe, Maya Wenzel, Ulrike U. Bentele, Stephanie J. Dimitroff, Bernadette F. Denk & Jens C. Pruessner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Growing evidence suggests that natural environments – whether in outdoor or indoor settings – foster psychological health and physiological relaxation, indicated by increased wellbeing, reduced stress levels, and increased parasympathetic activity. Greater insight into differential psychological aspects modulating psychophysiological responses to nature-based relaxation videos could help understand modes of action and develop personalized relaxation interventions. We investigated heart rate variability as an indicator of autonomic regulation, specifically parasympathetic activity, in response to a 10-min video intervention in two consecutive studies as (...)
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  35.  14
    Existing Site Conditions. Building Thermography and U-value Measurements. Case Study Tirana, Albania.Klodjan Xhexhi - 2023 - In Ecovillages and Ecocities. Bioclimatic Applications from Tirana, Albania. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. pp. 171-189.
    The stock of Albania buildings dating between 1955 and 1985 during the communist period is a very powerful and important footprint not only in the city of Tirana, Albania, but all over the country. This category of buildings is positioned mostly in the center of the city, within the inner historical ring of the city of Tirana. They are designed considering the mottos: standardization and typification representing the standards of the time. In the city of Tirana almost in every neighborhood (...)
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  36.  17
    Examining the adequacy of preoperative informed consent in a developing country: Challenges in the era of surgical specialisation.Osita Ede, Oke R. Obadaseraye, Ifeanyi Anichi, Chisom Mbaeze, Chukwuka O. Udemezue, Chinonso Basil-Nwachuku, Kenechi A. Madu, Emmanuel C. Iyidobi, Udo E. Anyaehie, Cajetan U. Nwadinigwe, Chidinma Ngwangwa & Uto Essien Adetula - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (4):296-301.
    Preoperative informed consent is a legal and ethical requirement that ensures patients understand a procedure, its associated risks and benefits, alternative treatment options, and potential complications to make an informed decision about their care. This cross‐sectional study evaluated the informed consent process for major orthopaedic surgeries at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. A self‐administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 120 adult participants. Results showed that many patients do not read the consent form before signing it, and surgeons do (...)
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  37.  12
    Can natural selection and druggable targets synergize? Of nutrient scarcity, cancer, and the evolution of cooperation.Neil W. Blackstone & Jordan U. Gutterman - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000160.
    Since the dawn of molecular biology, cancer therapy has focused on druggable targets. Despite some remarkable successes, cell‐level evolution remains a potent antagonist to this approach. We suggest that a deeper understanding of the breakdown of cooperation can synergize the evolutionary and druggable‐targets approaches. Complexity requires cooperation, whether between cells of different species (symbiosis) or between cells of the same organism (multicellularity). Both forms of cooperation may be associated with nutrient scarcity, which in turn may be associated with a chemiosmotic (...)
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  38. Characterizing Entropy in Statistical Physics and in Quantum Information Theory.Bernhard Baumgartner - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (10):1107-1123.
    A new axiomatic characterization with a minimum of conditions for entropy as a function on the set of states in quantum mechanics is presented. Traditionally unspoken assumptions are unveiled and replaced by proven consequences of the axioms. First the Boltzmann–Planck formula is derived. Building on this formula, using the Law of Large Numbers—a basic theorem of probability theory—the von Neumann formula is deduced. Axioms used in older theories on the foundations are now derived facts.
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    Theorem proving for conditional logics: CondLean and GOALD U CK.Nicola Olivetti & Gian Luca Pozzato - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (4):427-473.
    In this paper we focus on theorem proving for conditional logics. First, we give a detailed description of CondLean, a theorem prover for some standard conditional logics. CondLean is a SICStus Prolog implementation of some labeled sequent calculi for conditional logics recently introduced. It is inspired to the so called “lean” methodology, even if it does not fit this style in a rigorous manner. CondLean also comprises a graphical interface written in Java. Furthermore, we introduce a goal-directed (...)
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  40. Logical Entropy: Introduction to Classical and Quantum Logical Information theory.David Ellerman - 2018 - Entropy 20 (9):679.
    Logical information theory is the quantitative version of the logic of partitions just as logical probability theory is the quantitative version of the dual Boolean logic of subsets. The resulting notion of information is about distinctions, differences and distinguishability and is formalized using the distinctions of a partition. All the definitions of simple, joint, conditional and mutual entropy of Shannon information theory are derived by a uniform transformation from the corresponding definitions at the logical level. The purpose of (...)
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  41.  13
    Guide to conditional Relations. Part 1. PTS series IV. 3 (I). By U Narada.M. J. Goullet - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (3):93-94.
    Guide to conditional Relations. Part 1. PTS series IV. 3. By U Narada. with 8 charts.
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    Deformed Entropy and Information Relations for Composite and Noncomposite Systems.Vladimir N. Chernega, Olga V. Man’ko & Vladimir I. Man’ko - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (7):783-798.
    The notion of conditional entropy is extended to noncomposite systems. The \-deformed entropic inequalities, which usually are associated with correlations of the subsystem degrees of freedom in bipartite systems, are found for the noncomposite systems. New entropic inequalities for quantum tomograms of qudit states including the single qudit states are obtained. The Araki–Lieb inequality is found for systems without subsystems.
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    Economic Policy Uncertainty and Conditional Dependence between China and U.S. Stock Markets.Xinyu Wu, Meng Zhang, Mengqi Wu & Hao Cui - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    In this paper, we investigate the impact of economic policy uncertainty on the conditional dependence between China and U.S. stock markets by employing the Copula-mixed-data sampling framework. In the case of EPU, we consider the global EPU, the American EPU, and the China EPU. The empirical analysis based on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite index in China and the S&P 500 index in the U.S. shows that the tail dependence between China and U.S. stock markets is symmetrical, and the (...)
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  44. The Trace Conditional Learning of the Noxious Stimulus in UWS Patients and Its Prognostic Value in a GSR and HRV Entropy Study.Daniela Cortese, Francesco Riganello, Francesco Arcuri, Lucia Lucca, Paolo Tonin, Caroline Schnakers & Steven Laureys - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Improved Permutation Entropy for Measuring Complexity of Time Series under Noisy Condition.Zhe Chen, Yaan Li, Hongtao Liang & Jing Yu - 2016 - Complexity 2019 (3):1-12.
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    First-order probabilistic conditional logic and maximum entropy.J. Fisseler - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (5):796-830.
  47. Entropy and Insufficient Reason: A Note on the Judy Benjamin Problem.Anubav Vasudevan - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (3):1113-1141.
    One well-known objection to the principle of maximum entropy is the so-called Judy Benjamin problem, first introduced by van Fraassen. The problem turns on the apparently puzzling fact that, on the basis of information relating an event’s conditional probability, the maximum entropy distribution will almost always assign to the event conditionalized on a probability strictly less than that assigned to it by the uniform distribution. In this article, I present an analysis of the Judy Benjamin problem that (...)
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    Entropy and sign conventions.G. M. Anderson - 2023 - Foundations of Chemistry 25 (1):119-125.
    It is a fundamental cornerstone of thermodynamics that entropy (SU,V\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$S_{U,V}$$\end{document}) increases in spontaneous processes in isolated systems (often called closed or thermally closed systems when the transfer of energy as work is considered to be negligible) and achieves a maximum when the system reaches equilibrium. But with a different sign convention entropy could just as well be said to decrease to a minimum in spontaneous constant U, V processes. It (...)
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  49. Entropy and Vacuum Radiation.Jean E. Burns - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (7):1191-1207.
    It is shown that entropy increase in thermodynamic systems can plausibly be accounted for by the random action of vacuum radiation. A recent calculation by Rueda using stochastic electrodynamics (SED) shows that vacuum radiation causes a particle to undergo a rapid Brownian motion about its average dynamical trajectory. It is shown that the magnitude of spatial drift calculated by Rueda can also be predicted by assuming that the average magnitudes of random shifts in position and momentum of a particle (...)
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  50. An introduction to logical entropy and its relation to Shannon entropy.David Ellerman - 2013 - International Journal of Semantic Computing 7 (2):121-145.
    The logical basis for information theory is the newly developed logic of partitions that is dual to the usual Boolean logic of subsets. The key concept is a "distinction" of a partition, an ordered pair of elements in distinct blocks of the partition. The logical concept of entropy based on partition logic is the normalized counting measure of the set of distinctions of a partition on a finite set--just as the usual logical notion of probability based on the Boolean (...)
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