Results for 'Daniela Cortese'

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  1. The Trace Conditional Learning of the Noxious Stimulus in UWS Patients and Its Prognostic Value in a GSR and HRV Entropy Study.Daniela Cortese, Francesco Riganello, Francesco Arcuri, Lucia Lucca, Paolo Tonin, Caroline Schnakers & Steven Laureys - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Rehabilitation of aphasia: application of melodic-rhythmic therapy to Italian language.Maria Daniela Cortese, Francesco Riganello, Francesco Arcuri, Luigina Maria Pignataro & Iolanda Buglione - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:146415.
    Aphasia is a complex disorder, frequent after stroke (with an incidence of 38%), with a detailed pathophysiological characterization. Effective approaches are crucial for devising an efficient rehabilitative strategy, in order to address the everyday life and professional disability. Several rehabilitative procedures are based on psycholinguistic, cognitive, psychosocial or pragmatic approaches, including amongst those with a neurobehavioral approach the Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT). Van Eeckhout’s adaptation of MIT to French language (Melodic-Rhythmic Therapy: MRT) has implemented the training strategy by adding a (...)
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    Developmental trajectory of number acuity reveals a severe impairment in developmental dyscalculia.Manuela Piazza, Andrea Facoetti, Anna Noemi Trussardi, Ilaria Berteletti, Stefano Conte, Daniela Lucangeli, Stanislas Dehaene & Marco Zorzi - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):33-41.
  4. Implicit prediction as a consequence of statistical learning.Laura J. Batterink, Sarah Hsiung, Daniela Herrera-Chaves & Stefan Köhler - 2025 - Cognition 258 (C):106088.
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  5. Cuerpo, sexo y cultura : disidencias de género a través del cine.Piedad Lucía Bolívar Goez, Daniel Ignacio Garzón Luna, María Camila Balcer Ángel, Sara Carolina Martínez Román, Daniela Natalia Polo Rivas & Sandra Liliana Rocha Gutiérrez - 2019 - In Pinto Bustamante, Boris Julián, Gómez Córdoba & Ana Isabel, Conflictos, dilemas y paradojas: cine y bioética en el inicio de la vida. Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    Artificial gametes: perspectives of geneticists, ethicists and representatives of potential users.Guido de Wert, Sjoerd Repping, Tsjalling Swierstra, Wybo Dondorp & Daniela Cutas - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (3):339-345.
    Several threads of research towards developing artificial gametes are ongoing in a number of research labs worldwide. The development of a technology that could generate gametes in vitro has significant potential for human reproduction, and raises a lot of interest, as evidenced by the frequent and extensive media coverage of research in this area. We have asked researchers involved in work with artificial gametes, ethicists, and representatives of potential user groups, how they envisioned the use of artificial gametes in human (...)
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  7. Parental Substance Abuse As an Early Traumatic Event. Preliminary Findings on Neuropsychological and Personality Functioning in Young Drug Addicts Exposed to Drugs Early.Micol Parolin, Alessandra Simonelli, Daniela Mapelli, Marianna Sacco & Patrizia Cristofalo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:190404.
    Parental substance use is a major risk factor for child development, heightening the risk of drug problems in adolescence and young adulthood, and exposing offspring to several types of traumatic event. First, prenatal drug exposure can be considered a form of trauma itself, with subtle but long-lasting sequalae at the neuro-behavioural level. Second, parents’ addiction often entails a childrearing environment characterised by poor parenting skills, disadvantaged contexts and adverse childhood experiences, leading to dysfunctional outcomes. Young adults born from/raised by parents (...)
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    Fuori dal palazzo.Roberto Cortese - 1991 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  9. Reason and values in establishing norms.R. Cortese & A. Lanciani - 1990 - Filosofia 41 (3):381-408.
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  10. Ragione e finitezza umana: Le suggestioni di Stanley Cavell.R. Cortese & A. Lanciani - 1996 - Filosofia 47 (1):29-60.
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    Mira como crece la maleza en el Lenguaje. Cuerpo y colonialidad en Piñen de Daniela Catrileo.Daniela Acosta - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 16:27-37.
    El presente artículo aborda la estrategia escritural de Daniela Catrileo. Se propone revisar la elaboración del concepto de piñen examinando la relación entre lenguaje y colonialidad, para, de ese modo, subrayar el potencial político y reivindicativo que comporta en la novela del mismo nombre, Piñen (2019). Dicha hipótesis articulará el ejercicio de lectura aquí propuesto, atendiendo principalmente las estrategias narrativas empleadas –servirse de un polilingüismo que rompe estructuras gramaticales– para descentrar el lenguaje de su determinismo colonial. Así, interpretamos dicha (...)
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  12. Daniela cojocaru Antonio Sandu.Daniela Cojocaru - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):258-276.
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  13. Daniela cojocaru Sorin cace Cristina gavrilovici.Daniela Cojocaru - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):37-56.
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  14. (1 other version)Kierkegaard today.A. Cortese - 1983 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 75 (3):500-510.
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    (1 other version)Moderne finance and human freedom. Money and debt between Hegelian dialectic and game theory.Domenico Cortese - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):677-684.
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    Cough Is Dangerous: Neural Correlates of Implicit Body Symptoms Associations.Daniela Mier, Michael Witthöft, Josef Bailer, Julia Ofer, Tobias Kerstner, Fred Rist & Carsten Diener - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Garaño, Santiago (2020). Memorias de la prisión política durante el terrorismo de Estado en la Argentina (1974-1983).Daniela Pighin - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (23):e113.
    En 2020 se publicó Memorias de la prisión política durante el terrorismo de Estado en la Argentina (1974-1983), investigación del antropólogo Santiago Garaño que forma parte de la colección de acceso abierto “Entre los libros de la buena memoria”, impulsada por las Universidades Nacionales de La Plata, Misiones y General Sarmiento. Se trata de un trabajo que aborda una problemática con poca visibilidad dentro de los estudios sobre violencia política: la experiencia de militancia y represión vivida por detenidas y detenidos (...)
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    The Art of Challenging: Re-Reading and Remembering.Daniela Koleva - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (3S):7-12.
    This is an introduction to the special issue of Filosofia-Philosophy dedicated to the memory of Ivaylo Ditchev (1955 – 2023), professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Sofia, Department of History and Theory of Culture. It combines personal recollections of Ivaylo with a brief overview of his work as a teacher, academic advisor and researcher in the fields of urban anthropology, digital cultures, current forms of political and civic participation. While broad in scope, his research works are united by (...)
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    Down and Dirty in the Field of Play: Startup Societies, Cryptostatecraft, and Critical Complicity.Daniela Gandorfer - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (3):355-377.
    Climate change and fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies are massively shifting the material and social conditions of existence on Earth and contribute to a state of indeterminacy and increased political experimentation. While various models for what might become the ‘next iteration of governance’ are currently emerging, this essay turns to specific contemporary political experiments which claim to democratize power, distribute and/or share sovereignty, function as peer-to-peer or actor-to-actor, and move beyond criticism—be it to the moon or to soil. More precisely, (...)
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    The Problem of Method: Deleuze and Simondon.Daniela Voss - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (1):87-108.
    This paper examines the relationship between Simondon's theory of individuation and Deleuze's transcendental empiricism. Deleuze credits Simondon with inventing a new conception of the transcendental – a claim that might have taken Simondon by surprise, as this term does not play any significant role in his oeuvre. The aim of this paper is to show both that Simondon's philosophy contributed to the construction of Deleuze's transcendental philosophy in an essential way and that the nature of his own project is radically (...)
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    Socialist gerontology? Or gerontology during socialism? The Bulgarian case.Daniela Koleva & Ignat Petrov - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (3-4):178-201.
    This article focuses on the emergence and development of gerontology in communist Bulgaria, looking at the interplay of various circumstances: scientific and political, national and international. We ask if an apparently ideologically neutral field of knowledge such as gerontology may have had some intrinsic qualities imbued by the regimes of knowledge production under a communist regime. More specifically, we ask to what extent and in which ways the production of such specialized, putatively universal knowledge could be ideologically driven and/or politically (...)
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  22. PRIMA 2019: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems.Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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    Tableaux for some deontic logics with the explicit permission operator.Daniela Glavaničová, Tomasz Jarmużek, Mateusz Klonowski & Piotr Kulicki - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (2):281-295.
    In this paper we present a tableau system for deontic logics with the operator of explicit permission. By means of this system the decidability of the considered logics can be proved. We will sketch how these logics are semantically defined by means of relating semantics and how they provide a simple solution to the free choice permission problem. In short, these logics employ relating implication and a certain propositional constant. These two are in turn used to define deontic operators similarly (...)
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    The Oblivion of the Life-World The Correspondence of Alfred Schutz and Talcott Parsons.Daniela Griselda López - 2012 - Schutzian Research 4:45-64.
    At the beginning of the 1940s in the United States, an exchange of correspondence took place between two of the great thinkers in Sociology, Alfred Schutz and Talcott Parsons. This correspondence dealt with matters which many deemed to be “the greatest central problems in the social sciences.” The reading of these letters leads one to assume that the focus of both authors was on answering how sociology could be appropriately based on the revision of Max Weber’s classical contribution. However, this (...)
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    A Separação Igreja-Estado Na Doutrina Sobre a Toler'ncia de John Locke.Daniela Amaral dos Reis - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (8):97-105.
    A liberdade religiosa foi um dos temas mais debatidos no século 17 na Inglaterra. Essa questão estava intimamente relacionada com o problema da extensão da jurisdição civil ou, ainda, da relação entre o poder civil e o poder eclesiástico. John Locke participou ativamente das discussões da época. Ele dedicou vários escritos ao tema, entre eles a Carta sobre Tolerância (1689). Nela está presente um dos argumentos lockianos em defesa da tolerância que mais influenciou a modernidade, a saber, a distinção Igreja-Estado. (...)
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  26. Finitezza, ripetizione, quotidianità: La proposta di Stanley Cavell.R. Cortese & A. Lanciani - 1998 - Studium 94 (6):887-896.
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    Introduction to the First Book of the 'Sentences'.Paul Cortese - 1973 - In Leonard A. Kennedy, Renaissance Philosophy: New Translations: Lorenzo Valla , Paul Cortese , Cajetan , Tiberio Baccilieri , Juan Luis Vives , Peter Ramus. De Gruyter. pp. 29-38.
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    “Um Nada em relação ao infinito”: O aniquilamento na comparação pascaliana.João Figueiredo Nobre Cortese - 2019 - Cadernos Espinosanos 40 (40):35-64.
    Tanto nos Pensamentos quanto em seus trabalhos matemáticos, Pascal faz referência ao “nada”, assim como a um processo que poderíamos chamar de “aniquilamento”, segundo o qual aquilo que é finito se torna um nada diante do infinito. O “nada” pascaliano, segundo a interpretação aqui defendida, pode ter, em diferentes passagens da obra do autor, uma acepção relativa ou uma acepção absoluta, o que vale também para os termos de “infinito”, “desproporção” e “indivisível” na obra de Pascal. Além do valor de (...)
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  29. Mit jako prafenomen rzeczywistości.Daniela Fobelova - 2001 - Colloquia Communia 71 (4):167-178.
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    The semantics of names and natural kind terms.Daniela A. Krasner - 2005 - Philosophia 33 (1-4):149-172.
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    Nanotechnologies and Novel Foods in European Law.Daniela Marrani - 2013 - NanoEthics 7 (3):177-188.
    Food is a big business in the EU and nanofood products are beginning to be placed on the market. It is still unclear whether the absence of minimum regulation at a global level promotes or prevents the growth of a market in nanofood. However, the development of an adequate risk management policy in relation to food safety is a key concern for consumers. Importantly, the European Parliament in its 2009 Resolution on “Legal aspects on nanomaterials” called for more in-depth scientific (...)
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  32. Partilhas sensíveis em São Félix do Paraguaçu-BA: juventude e resistências a partir de formatos audiovisuais.Daniela Matos - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (2):42-59.
    O artigo analisa a produção audiovisual do grupo juvenil “Equipe Iskalifá” tendo como referência uma perspectiva que considera a potencialidade da comunicação comunitária em produzir dissenso e reorganização das partilhas do sensível, a partir da proposição de Jacques Rancière. Nosso olhar interpretativo está atento, prioritariamente, aos processos comunicativos que contribuem para a emergência do sentido de território e de emancipação, assim como as referências ao global e ao embrutecimento, que compõem os materiais expressivos.
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    The World and Its Nightmare (Levinas on Sense and Nonsense).Daniela Matysová - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (1):79-99.
    This text deals with the interpretation of where the meaningfulness of existence and our being in the world in Emmanuel Levinas’s conception originates in its contrast to the similar conception developed by phenomenology of appearing - which is represented by M. Heidegger and H. Maldiney. I want to show on what premises Levinas argues that the epiphany of sense can only emerge in the case of a continuous overcoming of the nonsense of appearing and thus of Being as such. Therefore, (...)
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  34. Doing sovereignty" : Sardinian independentism and the limits of state sovereignty.Daniela Morgan - 2023 - In Hannes Černy & Janis Grzybowski, Variations on sovereignty: contestations and transformations from around the world. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  35. Augenblick and the rush' of extraordinary encounters : empathy and sociality with non-human radical others in Amazonia.Daniela Peluso - 2022 - In Francesca Mezzenzana & Daniela Peluso, Conversations on empathy: interdisciplinary perspectives on imagination and radical othering. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    From 'culture industry' to creative industries: an analysis of the mutation of the concept and its contemporary uses.Daniela Szpilbarg & Ezequiel Saferstein - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 16 (2):99-112.
    El siguiente artículo toma como punto de partida al concepto de industria cultural desde sus principales exponentes, para exponer sus usos actuales. Este nació como concepto filosófico como parte de la obra de los autores representantes de la llamada Escuela de Frankfurt, Theodor Adorno y Max Horkheimer, con valiosos aportes de Walter Benjamin. En la actualidad ha mutado su definición, siendo utilizado de manera instrumentalpor parte del Estado y organismos internacionales, para definir al grupo de sectores de producción cultural y (...)
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  37. Communicative Virtues of A-T. Tymieniecka’s Phenomenology of Life.Daniela Verducci - 2014 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Phenomenology of Space and Time: The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life: Book Two. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    A Heretical Defence of the Unity of Form and Content.Daniela Glavaničová - 2022 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 1:33-47.
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    Formal analysis of responsibility attribution in a multimodal framework.Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci - 2019 - In Daniela Glavaničová & Matteo Pascucci, PRIMA 2019: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems. Springer. pp. 36-51.
    The present article is devoted to a logical treatment of some fundamental concepts involved in responsibility attribution. We specify a theoretical framework based on a language of temporal deontic logic with agent-relative operators for deliberate causal contribution. The framework is endowed with a procedure to solve normative conflicts which arise from the assessment of different normative sources. We provide a characterization result for a basic system within this framework and illustrate how the concepts formalized can be put at work in (...)
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    Leibniz E o paradigma da perspectiva.João F. N. Cortese - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:137-162.
    No século XVII, vemos a emergência de uma nova abordagem geométrica às seções cônicas. Desenvolvida inicialmente por Girard Desargues e por Blaise Pascal, tal geometria é herdeira do método de representação pela perspectiva linear a aponta na direção da geometria projetiva do século XIX. Estudos recentes de J. Echeverría e de V. Debuiche iniciaram a discussão da recepção de tais trabalhos por Leibniz, assim como a relação deles com os trabalhos do próprio Leibniz em perspectiva e com a Geometria situs. (...)
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    Machines of Articulation: Reading Politics through Aesthetic Operations.Daniela Agostinho, Anders Engberg-Pedersen & Jussi Parikka - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (68).
    This article is articulated in three voices of scholars who have worked on questions of war, visual culture, and contemporary political aesthetics that also relates to art and film practices. Media theorist Jussi Parikka, literary scholar Anders Engberg-Pedersen, and visual culture researcher Daniela Agostinho address the relations between images, aesthetics and operations through the lens of two books published concomitantly, Parikka’s Operational Images: From the Visual to the Invisual and Engberg-Pedersen’s Martial Aesthetics: How War Became an Art Form. Both (...)
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  42. Sci-Fi Parenthood and the End of Love.Daniela Cutas - 2025 - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    In this article, I explore concerns that have been raised regarding the relation between love and uptake of reproductive technologies, embryo selection and enhancement. Objections to (certain) uses of these technologies in terms of fractures in love, either parental or between partners, come from a variety of directions, from the conservative to the liberal. I examine two claims: (1) that the separation of procreation from sex and intimacy is a threat to love, and (2) that intervention on the traits of (...)
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    Shifting attention between perception and working memory.Daniela Gresch, Sage E. P. Boettcher, Freek van Ede & Anna C. Nobre - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105731.
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    Giovanni Gentile.Daniela Coli - 2004 - Bologna: Mulino.
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    Infinity between mathematics and apologetics: Pascal’s notion of infinite distance.João Figueiredo Nobre Cortese - 2015 - Synthese 192 (8):2379-2393.
    In this paper I will examine what Blaise Pascal means by “infinite distance”, both in his works on projective geometry and in the apologetics of the Pensées’s. I suggest that there is a difference of meaning in these two uses of “infinite distance”, and that the Pensées’s use of it also bears relations to the mathematical concept of heterogeneity. I also consider the relation between the finite and the infinite and the acceptance of paradoxical relations by Pascal.
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    La norma giuridica.Ennio Cortese - 1962 - [Milano]: Giuffrè.
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    Menecrates of Elaea.Daniela Dueck - 2020 - Hermes 148 (4):470.
    There are only three fragments expressly associated with Menecrates of Elaea. All three derive from Strabo’s Geography. Yet, an additional four excerpts attributed to a certain unidentified Menecrates may possibly be added to the writings of the man from Elaea. This suggestion is supported primarily by the content of the fragments but may be further substantiated through considerations of availability and circulation of texts.
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  48. Integrating Conflicting Perspectives.Daniela Kloo - unknown
    "Theory of mind� describes the ability to impute mental states, such as beliefs, desires and intentions, to oneself and to other people. Usually we want to know why people did what they did and we wonder what they are going to do next. That is, everyday we try to predict and explain human behaviour. In order to do this we refer to a person"s beliefs, desires, emotions, intentions etc. Behaviour is the product of belief and desire: People do things because (...)
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    Identidades y transformación del orden social: Actualidad del pensamiento de Alfred Schutz.Daniela Griselda López - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 31 (102):39-47.
    El artículo se propone recuperar la potencialidad analítica de la perspectiva fenomenológica de Alfred Schutz, para reflexionar acerca de temas vinculados a “lo político, las identidades y la transformación del orden social. Para ello, desarrollaremos, en primer lugar, algunos lineamientos propuestos por Ernesto Laclau y Jacques Rancière en torno a esas nociones. Nos interesa particularmente plantear el momento del surgimiento del campo “lo político” en relación con el orden social y el rol que cumplen las identidades en ese surgimiento. En (...)
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    An Aristotelian School in Romania.Daniela Maci - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (2):213-223.
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