Results for 'Concept search'

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  1.  14
    Concepts in Space: Enhancing Lexical Search With a Spatial Diversity Prime.Soran Malaie, Hossein Karimi, Azra Jahanitabesh, John A. Bargh & Michael J. Spivey - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (8):e13327.
    Informed by theories of embodied cognition, in the present study, we designed a novel priming technique to investigate the impact of spatial diversity and script direction on searching through concepts in both English and Persian (i.e., two languages with opposite script directions). First, participants connected a target dot either to one other dot (linear condition) or to multiple other dots (diverse condition) and either from left to right (rightward condition) or from right to left (leftward condition) on a computer touchscreen (...)
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    In Search of Instrumentality: The Conception of Action in Being and Time.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2024 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 3 (2):216-233.
    This article examines the analysis of action in Division 1 of Being and Time to suggest that Heidegger makes a distinction between different kinds of action depending on their ends. But the ends of action are determined exclusively as the final ends of causality, never as instrumental ends. The article examines the effects of this move. It demonstrates that the concealment of the instrumental ends deprives Heidegger's conception of action of any sociopolitical import, undercuts the distinction between inauthenticity and authenticity, (...)
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    (1 other version)In Search of Concepts.Katia Saporiti - 2010 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 81 (1):153-172.
    After some general remarks about the contemporary debate on concepts and about the justification of the so-called definition question, I try to participate in this debate by criticizing what I take to be an instructive approach to concepts and concept possession, viz. Hans-Johann Glock's proposal to view concepts as rules or principles rather than abilities. I address his attempt to distinguish between sorting and classifying, his objections to the idea that concepts are abilities and his contention that thoughts and (...)
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  4. In search of the roots of Suárez's conception of metaphysics : Aquinas, Bonino, Hervaeus Natalis, Orbellis, Trombetta.Marco Forlivesi - 2014 - In Lukáš Novák (ed.), Suárez's Metaphysics in its Historical and Systematic Context. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    The Concept of Woman. Volume III: The Search for Communion of Persons, 1500–2015. By Sr. Prudence Alle.Sarah Borden Sharkey - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (4):701-703.
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  6. The Search for Vinland and Norse Conceptions of the World.Karl G. Johansson - 2018 - In Helge Jordheim & Erling Sandmo (eds.), Conceptualizing the world: an exploration across disciplines. New York: Berghahn.
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    In Search of The Roots of Suárez's Conception of Metaphysics: Aquinas, Bonino, Hervaeus Natalis, Orbellis, Trombetta.Marco Forlivesi - 2014 - In Lukáš Novák (ed.), Suárez's Metaphysics in its Historical and Systematic Context. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 13-38.
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    Theoretical search for life nurturance through natural life concept of Confucianism.YeonJa Choi - 2008 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 49:5-39.
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  9. Hegel concept of a middle-class family in the context of search for a feminist theory of femininity.C. Annerl - 1992 - Hegel-Studien 27:53-75.
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    Conceptions of slavonic origins of european civilisation. in search of the reasons for nationalistic thinking.Wojciech Balus - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (1-3):269-272.
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    Searches for the origins of the epistemological concept of model in mathematics.Gert Schubring - 2017 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 71 (3):245-278.
    When did the concept of model begin to be used in mathematics? This question appears at first somewhat surprising since “model” is such a standard term now in the discourse on mathematics and “modelling” such a standard activity that it seems to be well established since long. The paper shows that the term— in the intended epistemological meaning—emerged rather recently and tries to reveal in which mathematical contexts it became established. The paper discusses various layers of argumentations and reflections (...)
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    Ethical Concepts ‘in Search of a Meaning’: G.H. von Wright’s Broad Framework for (Contextual) Ethics.Lassi Jakola - 2020 - SATS 21 (2):117-140.
    This article revisits G.H. von Wright’s 1963 proposal of a ‘broad approach to ethics’ and his idea that moral goodness is a non-autonomous form of goodness ‘in search of a meaning’. In von Wright’s view, moral notions are to be examined in a broad framework consisting of various groups of ethically relevant concepts. This framework is described and some connections to Elizabeth Anscombe’s work in the late 1950s are identified. It is argued that von Wright’s broadly construed ethics provides (...)
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    The Concept of Woman, Vol. III: In Search for a Communion of Persons by Prudence Allen.Eileen Newara - 2019 - Newman Studies Journal 16 (1):116-118.
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    Infant search tasks reveal early concepts of containment and canonical usage of objects.N. H. Freeman, S. Lloyd & C. G. Sinha - 1980 - Cognition 8 (3):243-262.
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    Concept learning in nonprimate mammals: in search of evidence.Stephen Eg Lea - 2010 - In Denis Mareschal, Paul Quinn & Stephen E. G. Lea (eds.), The Making of Human Concepts. Oxford University Press.
  16. In Search of Philosophical Concepts in Contemporary Social Life.Suresh Chandra - 1980 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 7 (3):405.
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    Searching for a Concept of Personhood in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Focusing on a Recognition-Based Model -. 목광수 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 90:187-212.
    인공지능(artificial intelligence) 로봇과 관련된 과학 기술의 비약적 발전으로 인해, 이들 존재의 현실화가 예견되면서 인격(person) 논의의 필요성이 부각되고 있다. 왜냐하면, 앞으로 이들과 인간과의 사회적 관계가 전개되는 과정에서 제기될 수 있는 법적 또는 도덕적 차원의 문제들에 규범적으로 대응할 수 있는 이론의 가장 기초적인 논의가 인격 개념이기 때문이다. 따라서 본 논문은 인공지능 시대에 적합한 인격 개념을 모색하고자 한다. 전통적인 인격 개념에 대한 기존 해석은, 해당 존재가 합리성이나 쾌고 감수 능력(sentiment)과 같은 특정한 내재적 속성을 보유했는가와 관련되는데, 이러한 기존의 인격 논의는 인간종내에서도 식물인간과 같은 가장자리 (...)
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    Search for a Usable Concept of Value.Leo R. Ward - 1933 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 9:102.
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    Care Ethics: A Concept in Search of a Framework.Erich H. Loewy - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (1):56.
    In this paper, I want to try to put what has been termed the “care ethics” into a different perspective. While I will discuss primarily the use of that ethic or that term as it applies to the healthcare setting in general and to the deliberation of consultants or the function of committees more specifically, what I have to say is meant to be applicable to the problem of using a notion like “caring” as a fundamental precept in ethical decision (...)
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  20.  17
    Search for a New Metaphysics: The Concept of Philosophical Cosmology of Gilles Deleuze.Volodymyr Prykhodko - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):40-43.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The purpose of this article is to reveal the concept of philosophical cosmology as a new metaphysics based on ideas proposed by Gilles Deleuze in his work "The Logic of Sense". For this, it is necessary to get rid of the interpretation of philosophical cosmology as an exclusively philosophical-scientific discipline and begin to perceive it as a basic theory of order that can replace ontology. To implement this strategy, Deleuze (...)
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    Causal Isomorphism: A Concept in Search of a Meaning; Complementarity and Psychology.Douglas Snyder - 1989 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 10 (1).
  22.  12
    The Method of Search and Analysis of Oppositions as the Basis of Historical Systematization of Philosophy (about the Concept of Charles Renouvier).А.А Кротов - 2022 - History of Philosophy 27 (2):5-15.
    The article analyzes the features of understanding of the history of philosophical process by the leading representative of French Neo-Kantianism. The binary scheme, thoroughly substantiated by Renоuvier in the “Sketch of the Systematic Classification of Philosophical Doctrines”, was a certain result of his previous creative way. In the “Textbook of Philosophy of the New Age”, he, highlighting the pantheism–idealism dilemma, expresses his sympathies for eclecticism. In the “Textbook of Ancient Philosophy”, he advocates giving philosophy a scientific character by combining the (...)
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  23.  26
    Futility: A Concept in Search of a Definition.Ronald Cranford & Lawrence Gostin - 1992 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 20 (4):307-309.
  24. Extended Cognition & the Causal‐Constitutive Fallacy: In Search for a Diachronic and Dynamical Conception of Constitution.Michael David Kirchhoff - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2):320-360.
    Philosophical accounts of the constitution relation have been explicated in terms of synchronic relations between higher‐ and lower‐level entities. Such accounts, I argue, are temporally austere or impoverished, and are consequently unable to make sense of the diachronic and dynamic character of constitution in dynamical systems generally and dynamically extended cognitive processes in particular. In this paper, my target domain is extended cognition based on insights from nonlinear dynamics. Contrariwise to the mainstream literature in both analytical metaphysics and extended cognition, (...)
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    KeyConcept: Conceptual Search and Pruning Exploiting Concept Relationships.S. Gauch, D. Ravindran & A. Chandramouli - 2010 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 19 (3):265-288.
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    Synthesis, Dynamis, Praxis: Critical Theory’s ongoing search for a concept of society.Peter Schulz & Hartmut Rosa - 2023 - European Journal of Social Theory 26 (2):201-214.
    From its beginning, Critical Theory aimed to explore the laws governing social life as a formational totality and the forces shaping and driving its historical evolution. So the attempt to develop a comprehensive conception of ‘society’ encompassing both its structural as well as its cultural components can be considered one of the defining hallmarks of Critical Theory through all its theoretical and generational variations. But what, then, is Critical Theory’s conception of society? To answer this question, the authors make use (...)
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    Erotetic search scenarios.Andrzej Wiśniewski - 2003 - Synthese 134 (3):389 - 427.
    The concept of search scenario is explicated in terms of erotetic logic, i.e., the logic of questions. Different kinds of erotetic search scenarios are characterized. The basic logical properties of erotetic search scenarios are analyzed.
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  28. The Riddle of Reason: In Search of Husserl's Concept of Rationality.Witold Plotka - 2009 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    La compréhension de la raison humaine a été déterminante pour la phénoménologie de Husserl. Des Recherches logiques à la Krisis , le problème de la raison semble l'un de ses principaux thèmes de réflexion. Husserl aborde la question sous plusieurs angles distincts, évoquant les concepts de monde, de temps et de responsabilité. Ses découvertes l'ont conduit à identifier la crise de la culture. Les commentateurs doivent aujourd'hui mettre en question le concept husserlien de raison, s'ils veulent comprendre pleinement cette (...)
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    The Concept of Woman. Volume 3: The Search for Communion of Persons, 1500–2015. By Sister Prudence Allen, R.S.M. [REVIEW]Joseph W. Koterski - 2017 - International Philosophical Quarterly 57 (3):354-357.
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    Exposing futility by searching beneath the concept.Stephen Richards - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (4):321-329.
    The concept of futility in medicine refers to the incapability of an intervention to achieve its goal. Futility determinations form the basis for withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining interventions. Criticisms of attempted futility definitions relate to inconstant probability and value judgements concerning the goal pursued. This variability frustrates efforts to define futility. Language modifications and procedural approaches, both important ancillary measures, inherently lack the ability to resolve this difficulty. Beneath the notion of futility lie foundational factors whose revised understanding is (...)
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  31.  20
    Searching for ‘Moderate Enlightenment’: From Leo Strauss to J. G. A. Pocock.Nicholas Mithen - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (6):1070-1096.
    The meaning of ‘moderate enlightenment’ has been monopolised by Jonathan Israel. In this guise, ‘moderate enlightenment’ is built atop a compromise between authority and innovation, between reason and revelation, and amounts to an intellectually subordinate counterpart to the Radical Enlightenment. This ‘negative’ definition obstructs serious interpretation of what ‘moderate enlightenment’ can mean. This essay progresses instead an enquiry into a ‘positive’ definition of ‘moderate enlightenment’ – an enlightenment defined by moderation. It does so by surveying key lineaments within a century (...)
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    The re‐emergence of “emergence”: A venerable concept in search of a theory.Peter A. Corning - 2002 - Complexity 7 (6):18-30.
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  33. On What Ground Do Thin Objects Exist? In Search of the Cognitive Foundation of Number Concepts.Markus Pantsar - 2023 - Theoria 89 (3):298-313.
    Linnebo in 2018 argues that abstract objects like numbers are “thin” because they are only required to be referents of singular terms in abstraction principles, such as Hume's principle. As the specification of existence claims made by analytic truths (the abstraction principles), their existence does not make any substantial demands of the world; however, as Linnebo notes, there is a potential counter-argument concerning infinite regress against introducing objects this way. Against this, he argues that vicious regress is avoided in the (...)
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    Help-Search Practices in Rehabilitation Team Meetings: A Sacksian Analysis.Hiroaki Izumi - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (3):439-468.
    Using Harvey Sacks’s concept of membership categorization devices, this article examines the help-search sequences in which Japanese rehabilitation team members use a set of categories to locate the availability of stroke family caregivers. Specifically, based on an analysis of audiovisual data from rehabilitation team conferences in Japan, the article illustrates the ways in which participants at the meetings: evaluate the expectable behaviors of various category incumbents; classify which category of person is proper to turn to for help; and (...)
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    Spirituality in Psychology of Religion: A Concept in Search of Its Meaning.Herman Westerink - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (1):3-15.
    In this article it is argued that the apparent vagueness and broadness of the concept ‘spirituality’ and the difficulty in finding an agreeable definition for it are related to the different meanings of the concept within different intellectual and religious contexts and, subsequently, to different valuations of spirituality in relation to religion and lived religiosity. This article also examines the concept spirituality in the context of the psychology of religion’s historical entanglement with theology. On the one hand, (...)
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  36.  58
    Searching across boundaries: National information resource on ethics and human genetics.Martina Darragh, Harriet Hutson Gray, Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Susan Cartier Poland - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (1):103-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.1 (2002) 103-113 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note Update Searching Across Boundaries: National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics* While indeed an historical moment, the announcement of the mapping of the human genome has been treated in the literature as a beginning—a new way to think about biology and the ways in which biological concepts are applied to medicine. Issues of both (...)
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  37.  28
    A Searching for Mażmūns (Poetic Themes) Pertaining to Turkish Islamic Litera-ture in the Works of Yūnus Emre, Niyāzī-i Mıṣrī and Ismāʿīl Ḥaqqı Bursawī.Mehmet Murat Yurtsever - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):693-714.
    Ṣūfī poetry or dīvān poetry, both of our poems have a universal appeal and a classical value just as the poetry of many nations’. Poets of both groups enhanced the consciousness level of every people one by one and created a virtuous society by taking power from the potential that existed in Turkish society already. If it is needed to mention a difference between those two poetries, it could be that dīvān poetry is a static one and sūfī poetry is (...)
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    In Search of Modal Hypodoxes using Paradox Hypodox Duality.Peter Eldridge-Smith - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2457-2476.
    The concept of hypodox is dual to the concept of paradox. Whereas a paradox is incompatibly overdetermined, a hypodox is underdetermined. Indeed, many particular paradoxes have dual hypodoxes. So, naively the dual of Russell’s Paradox is whether the set of all sets that are members of themselves is self-membered. The dual of the Liar Paradox is the Truth-teller, and a hypodoxical dual of the Heterological paradox is whether ‘autological’ is autological. I provide some analysis of the duality and (...)
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  39.  10
    Local Search and the Evolution of World Models.Neil R. Bramley, Bonan Zhao, Tadeg Quillien & Christopher G. Lucas - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    An open question regarding how people develop their models of the world is how new candidates are generated for consideration out of infinitely many possibilities. We discuss the role that evolutionary mechanisms play in this process. Specifically, we argue that when it comes to developing a global world model, innovation is necessarily incremental, involving the generation and selection among random local mutations and recombinations of (parts of) one's current model. We argue that, by narrowing and guiding exploration, this feature of (...)
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  40. The meaning of the concept of education: searching for the lost arc.J. D. Marshall - 2006 - Journal of Thought 41 (3):33.
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    Searching for a name: the development of the concept of the critical point (1822-1869)/A la recherche d'un nom: le développement du concept de point critique (1822-1869). [REVIEW]Yorgos Goudaroulis - 1994 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 47 (3):353-380.
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    In search of our human face: Black consciousness, black spirituality, inclusive humanity and the politics of vulgarity.Allan A. Boesak - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3).
    This contribution grapples with the question: Is there a relationship between Steve Biko’s ‘quest for a true humanity’ or, differently put, his search for South Africa’s ‘human face’ and Vuyani Vellem’s quest for an African spirituality? Our proposition is that there is such a relationship. This discussion is framed overall by two other questions: What is the relevance of this ‘quest’ within the present South African context, what is its contribution to the global situation and, fundamentally, what is the (...)
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    Two Monsters in Search of a Concept.Robert Yanal - 2003 - Contemporary Aesthetics 1.
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  44. The Search for the Foundations of the Aesthetic as Experienced in the Phenomenology of V. Shapp and K. Stavenhagen.Evgeny Popov - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):332-352.
    The article evaluates the search for the foundations of the aesthetic. In comparison with some positions of analytical and receptive aesthetics, the features of the phenomenological aesthetics of two outstanding students of Husserl—Wilhelm Schapp (1884–1965) and Kurt Stavenhagen (1884–1951) are revealed. The orientation and necessity of searching for aesthetic grounds for these thinkers lies in the possibilities of deviation from the well-known principle of transcendence in the aestheticization of the world of things and the surrounding reality as a whole. (...)
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    The Coherence of Eu Law: The Search for Unity in Divergent Concepts.Sacha Prechal & Bert van Roermund (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume examines the problems of legal and linguistic diversity in the EU legal system. In a union of 27 member states, with 23 different languages, how can the coherence of EU law be guaranteed? Is there a common understanding between lawyers from different national backgrounds as to the meaning and domestic application of EU law? The volume addresses these central questions from a range of theoretical and practical perspectives.
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    In search of reasonableness: between legal and political philosophy.Michele Mangini - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (7):937-955.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 7, Page 937-955, September 2022. Reasonableness is a complex notion recently developed by legal and political theorists. John Rawls’s famous proposal of ‘reasonableness as reciprocity’ requires careful testing in the light of several criteria arising from legal doctrine and adjudication. I enquire into this variety of concepts in search of a common thread that makes sense of the use of the same concept in diverse contexts. I assume the normative thrust of (...)
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  47. Quest for a Concept of Postmodernity in Postmodernism: Search for Criteria.R. Palmer - 1985 - Krisis 3:9-21.
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    Technology in decline: a search for useful concepts: The case of the Dutch madder industry in the nineteenth century.Anthony Travis, Willem Hornix, Robert Bud & Johan Schot - 1992 - British Journal for the History of Science 25 (1):5-26.
    Until late in the nineteenth century, madder was the most popular natural red dye. Holland was the largest and best-known supplier. As early as the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the province of Zeeland and adjoining parts of the provinces of South Holland and Brabant developed into important producers. In the course of the seventeenth century these areas even succeeded in acquiring a monopoly position. Early in the nineteenth century, however, this position came under attack because France had gone over to (...)
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    The Sociopolitical Conception of Eurasianism and the Problem of the Search for Reliable Foundations for Social Integration.V. S. Krzhevov - 2008 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 47 (1):64-97.
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    The Prisoner’s Dilemma: An Adequate Concept for Ethical Analysis in Healthcare? A Systematic Search and Critical Review.Wolf Rogowski & Oliver Lange - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (1):63-77.
    Schools of economic ethics inspired by Buchanan propose viewing ethical conflicts as prisoners’ dilemmas to facilitate solutions based on Pareto-improving institutional changes. Given that healthcare is determined by complex institutional arrangements, it has been claimed that this approach is also suitable for business ethics in healthcare. To scrutinize this claim, this research systematically searched for studies reporting PD structures in healthcare. PubMed, EconLit, and EconBiz were searched to find articles in German and English. Study type, characteristics of the game, and (...)
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