Results for 'Complete theory'

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  1. A Complete Theory of Everything (will be subjective).Marcus Hutter - 2010 - Algorithms 3 (4):329-350.
    Increasingly encompassing models have been suggested for our world. Theories range from generally accepted to increasingly speculative to apparently bogus. The progression of theories from ego- to geo- to helio-centric models to universe and multiverse theories and beyond was accompanied by a dramatic increase in the sizes of the postulated worlds, with humans being expelled from their center to ever more remote and random locations. Rather than leading to a true theory of everything, this trend faces a turning point (...)
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    Positive Complete Theories and Positive Strong Amalgamation Property.Mohammed Belkasmi - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):301-319.
    We introduce the notion of positive strong amalgamation property and we investigate some universal forms and properties of this notion. Considering the close relationship between the amalgamation property and the notion of complete theories, we explore the fundamental properties of positively complete theories, and we illustrate the behaviour of this notion by bringing changes to the language of the theory through the groups theory.
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    Complete theories with only universal and existential axioms.A. H. Lachlan - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):698-711.
    Let T be a complete first-order theory over a finite relational language which is axiomatized by universal and existential sentences. It is shown that T is almost trivial in the sense that the universe of any model of T can be written $F \overset{\cdot}{\cup} I_1 \overset{\cdot}{\cup} I_2 \overset{\cdot}{\cup} \cdots \overset{\cdot}{\cup} I_n$ , where F is finite and I 1 , I 2 ,...,I n are mutually indiscernible over F. Some results about complete theories with ∃∀-axioms over a (...)
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    A complete theory with arbitrarily large minimality ranks.Robert E. Woodrow & Julia F. Knight - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2):321-328.
    An example is given of a complete theory with minimal models of arbitrarily large minimality rank.
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    (1 other version)A complete theory of natural, rational, and real numbers.John R. Myhill - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):185-196.
  6.  39
    Complete Theories.Abraham Robinson - 1977 - North-Holland.
  7.  71
    A complete theory of tests for a theory of mind must consider hierarchical complexity and stage.Michael Lamport Commons & Myra Sturgeon White - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):606-606.
    We distinguish traditional cognition theories from hierarchically complex stacked neural networks that meet many of Newell's criteria. The latter are flexible and can learn anything that a person can learn, by using their mistakes and successes the same way humans do. Shortcomings are due largely to limitations of current technology.
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    A complete theory of human evolution of intelligence must consider stage changes.Michael Lamport Commons & Patrice Marie Miller - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):404-405.
    We show 13 stages of the development of tool-use and tool making during different eras in the evolution of Homo sapiens. We used the NeoPiagetian Model of Hierarchical Complexity rather than Piaget's. We distinguished the use of existing methods imitated or learned from others, from doing such a task on one's own.
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  9. A complete theory of empathy must consider stage changes.Michael Lamport Commons & Chester Arnold Wolfsont - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):30-31.
    A sequential, hierarchical stage model of empathy can account for a comprehensive range of empathic behaviors. We provide an illustrative table, “Stages of Empathy,” to demonstrate how increasingly complex empathic behaviors emerge at each stage, beginning with the infant's “automatic empathy” and ending with the advanced adult's “coconstruction of empathetic reality.”.
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    Sahlqvist Completeness Theory for Hybrid Logic with Downarrow Binder.Zhiguang Zhao - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In the present paper, we continue the research in Zhao (2021, Logic J. IGPL) to develop the Sahlqvist completeness theory for hybrid logic with satisfaction operators and downarrow binders |$\mathcal {L}( @, {\downarrow })$|⁠. We define the class of restricted Sahlqvist formulas for |$\mathcal {L}( @, {\downarrow })$| following the ideas in Conradie and Robinson (2017, J. Logic Comput., 27, 867–900), but we follow a different proof strategy which is purely proof-theoretic, namely showing that for every restricted Sahlqvist formula (...)
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    Coding Complete Theories in Galois Groups.James Gray - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):474 - 491.
    In this paper, I will give a new characterisation of the spaces of complete theories of pseudofinite fields and of algebraically closed fields with a generic automorphism (ACFA) in terms of the Vietoris topology on absolute Galois groups of prime fields.
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    (1 other version)Relatively Complete Theories.D. W. H. Gillam - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):245-250.
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    (1 other version)Model-complete theories of pseudo-algebraically closed fields.William H. Wheeler - 1979 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 17 (3):205-226.
  14. The disposition of complete theories.David Miller - unknown
    The purpose of this paper is to give a purely logical proof of a result of Mostowski [1937] concerning the complete theories of a calculus based on classical propositional logic; and then modestly to generalize it. Mostowski’s result is announced by Tarski on p. 370 of Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics [1956]. (All references to Tarski’s work here are to this book.) Tarski himself provides only a fragment of a proof, and the proof published by Mostowski makes extensive use of topological (...)
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  15. Incompatible Ω-Complete Theories.Peter Koellner & W. Hugh Woodin - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1155 - 1170.
    In 1985 the second author showed that if there is a proper class of measurable Woodin cardinals and $V^{B1} $ and $V^{B2} $ are generic extensions of V satisfying CH then $V^{B1} $ and $V^{B2} $ agree on all $\Sigma _1^2 $ -statements. In terms of the strong logic Ω-logic this can be reformulated by saying that under the above large cardinal assumption ZFC + CH is Ω-complete for $\Sigma _1^2 $ Moreover. CH is the unique $\Sigma _1^2 $ (...)
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    A complete theory of psychosis and autism as diametric disorders of social brain must consider full range of clinical syndromes.Katharine N. Thakkar, Natasha Matthews & Sohee Park - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (3):277-278.
    We argue that autism and psychosis spectrum disorders cannot be conceptualized as polar extremes of mentalizing ability. We raise two main objections: (1) the autistic-psychotic continuum, as conceptualized by the authors, excludes defining features of schizophrenia spectrum: negative symptoms, which correlate more strongly with mentalizing impairments; and (2) little evidence exists for a relationship between mentalizing ability and positive symptoms.
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  17. Geometrical Axiomatization for Model Complete Theories of Differential Topological Fields.Nicolas Guzy & Cédric Rivière - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (3):331-341.
    In this paper we give a differential lifting principle which provides a general method to geometrically axiomatize the model companion (if it exists) of some theories of differential topological fields. The topological fields we consider here are in fact topological systems in the sense of van den Dries, and the lifting principle we develop is a generalization of the geometric axiomatization of the theory DCF₀ given by Pierce and Pillay. Moreover, it provides a geometric alternative to the axiomatizations obtained (...)
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  18. A model complete theory of valued d-fields.Thomas Scanlon - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1758-1784.
    The notion of a D-ring, generalizing that of a differential or a difference ring, is introduced. Quantifier elimination and a version of the Ax-Kochen-Eršov principle is proven for a theory of valued D-fields of residual characteristic zero.
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    Model-complete theories of formally real fields and formally p-adic fields.William H. Wheeler - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1130-1139.
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    A note on countable complete theories having three isomorphism types of countable models.Robert E. Woodrow - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (3):672-680.
    With quantifier elimination and restriction of language to a binary relation symbol and constant symbols it is shown that countable complete theories having three isomorphism types of countable models are "essentially" the Ehrenfeucht example [4, $\s6$ ].
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    Finalization and completed theories.Stig Alstrup Rasmussen - 1982 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 13 (2):359-369.
    Summary According to the so-called Starnberger Group1, the amenability of a science to science policy measures, conceptualised by the Group in terms of finalization , depends crucially on conditions intrinsic to the science not invariably present at every stage of its development. Finalization is possible only at junctures where the science in question faces methodologically divergent alternative lines of development. The most significant kind of case depends on the presence of completed , or classical , theories.
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    Denumerable Models of Complete Theories.R. L. Vaught, Lars Svenonius, Erwin Engeler & Gebhard Fukrken - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (2):342-344.
  23. Complete theories with countably many rigid nonisomorphic models.Jerome Malitz - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (3):389-392.
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    Model-complete theories of e-free AX fields.Moshe Jarden & William H. Wheeler - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1125-1129.
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    Nearly Model Complete Theories.David W. Kueker & Brian P. Turnquist - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (3):291-298.
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    Is Quantum Mechanics a Complete Theory?: A Philosophical Defense of Einstein's Position.U. O. Egbai - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 8 (2).
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    Can stochastic physics be a complete theory of nature?Steven M. Moore - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (3-4):237-259.
    The prospects for a complete stochastic theory of microscopic phenomena are considered. The two traditional schools of stochastic physics, the diffusion process school and the zero-point electromagnetic field school, are reviewed. A completely relativistic theory, stochastic field theory, is proposed as an extension of the ideas of these two schools. Within the context of stochastic field theory we present the following new results: an elementary stochastization scheme which produces the zero-point electromagnetic field; a physical interpretation (...)
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  28. (1 other version)A complete theory of everything: Satisfiability in the universal domain Harvey M. Friedman october 10, 1999 Friedman@math.ohio-state.Edu www.math.ohio-state.Edu/~Friedman/. [REVIEW]Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    Here we take the view that LPC(=) is applicable to structures whose domain is too large to be a set. This is not just a matter of class theory versus set theory, although it can be interpreted as such, and this interpretation is discussed briefly at the end.
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    On L α,ω complete extensions of complete theories of Boolean algebras.Matatyahu Rubin - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (5):571-582.
    For a complete first order theory of Boolean algebras T which has nonisomorphic countable models, we determine the first limit ordinal α = α(T) such that We show that for some and for all other T‘s, A nonprincipal ideal I of B is almost principal, if a is a principal ideal of B} is a maximal ideal of B. We show that the theory of Boolean algebras with an almost principal ideal has complete extensions and characterize (...)
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  30. Er caianiello1.Completely Solved - 1986 - In G. Palm & A. Aertsen, Brain Theory. Springer. pp. 147.
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    Is a spectrum of a non-disintegrated flat strongly minimal model complete theory in a language with finite signature.Uri Andrews & Omer Mermelstein - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1632-1656.
    We build a new spectrum of recursive models (SRM(T)) of a strongly minimal theory. This theory is non-disintegrated, flat, model complete, and in a language with a finite structure.
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    Myhill John R.. A complete theory of natural, rational, and real numbers. [REVIEW]W. V. Quine - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):65-67.
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    On the category of models of a complete theory.Daniel Lascar - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (2):249-266.
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    On absorption’s formula definable semigroups of complete theories.Mahsut Bekenov, Aida Kassatova & Anvar Nurakunov - 2025 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 64 (1):107-116.
    On the set of all first-order complete theories T(σ)T(\sigma ) of a language σ\sigma we define a binary operation {}\{\cdot \} by the rule: TS=Th({A×BAT  and  BS})T\cdot S= {{\,\textrm{Th}\,}}(\{A\times B\mid A\models T \,\,\text {and}\,\, B\models S\}) for any complete theories T,ST(σ)T, S\in T(\sigma ). The structure T(σ);\langle T(\sigma );\cdot \rangle forms a commutative semigroup. A subsemigroup S of T(σ);\langle T(\sigma );\cdot \rangle is called an absorption’s formula definable semigroup if there is a complete theory $$T\in (...)
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    Doing with development: Moving toward a complete theory of concepts.Haley A. Vlach, Lauren Krogh, Emily E. Thom & Catherine M. Sandhofer - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):227-228.
    Machery proposes that the construct of detracts from research progress. However, ignoring development also detracts from research progress. Developmental research has advanced our understanding of how concepts are acquired and thus is essential to a complete theory. We propose a framework that both accounts for development and holds great promise as a new direction for thinking about concepts.
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    Model companions and k-model completeness for the complete theories of Boolean algebras.J. Mead & G. C. Nelson - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (1):47-55.
  37. (1 other version)Review: Abraham Robinson, Complete Theories. [REVIEW]Robert L. Vaught - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (2):172-174.
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    Translation of first order formulas into ground formulas via a completion theory.Robert Demolombe, Luis Fariñas del Cerro & Naji Obeid - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 15:130-149.
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    R. L. Vaught. Models of complete theories. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 69 , pp. 299–313.H. Jerome Keisler - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (2):344.
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  40. (1 other version)William H. Wheeler. Model-complete theories of pseudo-algebraically closed fields. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 17 , pp. 205–226. [REVIEW]Alexander Prestel - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):1055-1056.
  41. Domain-specific increases in stage of performance in a complete theory of the evolution of human intelligence.Chester Wolfsont, Sara Nora Ross, Patrice Marie Miller, Michael Lamport Commons & Miriam Chernoff - 2008 - World Futures 64 (5-7):416 – 429.
    The evolution of humans required performing increasingly hierarchically complex tasks within multiple domains. Hierarchical complexity increases task by task. Tasks occur within, and differ by, determinable domains, their stages of performance measurable using the Model of Hierarchical Complexity. How well one performs within single and multiple domains is considered to indicate intelligence. Original task-initiation is more difficult than imitational learning and can create new domains. Levels of support reduce task difficulty, increasing performance. Task-performance may be generalized to other domains. Stages (...)
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    A Complete Graphical Calculus for Spekkens’ Toy Bit Theory.Miriam Backens & Ali Nabi Duman - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (1):70-103.
    While quantum theory cannot be described by a local hidden variable model, it is nevertheless possible to construct such models that exhibit features commonly associated with quantum mechanics. These models are also used to explore the question of \-ontic versus \-epistemic theories for quantum mechanics. Spekkens’ toy theory is one such model. It arises from classical probabilistic mechanics via a limit on the knowledge an observer may have about the state of a system. The toy theory for (...)
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    Completeness in Equational Hybrid Propositional Type Theory.Maria Manzano, Manuel Martins & Antonia Huertas - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (6):1159-1198.
    Equational hybrid propositional type theory ) is a combination of propositional type theory, equational logic and hybrid modal logic. The structures used to interpret the language contain a hierarchy of propositional types, an algebra and a Kripke frame. The main result in this paper is the proof of completeness of a calculus specifically defined for this logic. The completeness proof is based on the three proofs Henkin published last century: Completeness in type theory, The completeness of the (...)
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    Complete topoi representing models of set theory.Andreas Blass & Andre Scedrov - 1992 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 57 (1):1-26.
    By a model of set theory we mean a Boolean-valued model of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory allowing atoms (ZFA), which contains a copy of the ordinary universe of (two-valued,pure) sets as a transitive subclass; examples include Scott-Solovay Boolean-valued models and their symmetric submodels, as well as Fraenkel-Mostowski permutation models. Any such model M can be regarded as a topos. A logical subtopos E of M is said to represent M if it is complete and its cumulative hierarchy, as (...)
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  45.  33
    Semantic Completeness of First-Order Theories in Constructive Reverse Mathematics.Christian Espíndola - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (2):281-286.
    We introduce a general notion of semantic structure for first-order theories, covering a variety of constructions such as Tarski and Kripke semantics, and prove that, over Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, the completeness of such semantics is equivalent to the Boolean prime ideal theorem. Using a result of McCarty, we conclude that the completeness of Kripke semantics is equivalent, over intuitionistic Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, to the Law of Excluded Middle plus BPI. Along the way, we also prove the equivalence, over (...)
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  46.  14
    The Completeness of Scientific Theories: On the Derivation of Empirical Indicators within a Theoretical Framework: The Case of Physical Geometry.Martin Carrier - 2012 - Springer.
    Earlier in this century, many philosophers of science (for example, Rudolf Carnap) drew a fairly sharp distinction between theory and observation, between theoretical terms like 'mass' and 'electron', and observation terms like 'measures three meters in length' and 'is _2° Celsius'. By simply looking at our instruments we can ascertain what numbers our measurements yield. Creatures like mass are different: we determine mass by calculation; we never directly observe a mass. Nor an electron: this term is introduced in order (...)
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    (1 other version)A remark concerning decidability of complete theories.Antoni Janiczak - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (4):277-279.
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    Model completeness for trivial, uncountably categorical theories of Morley rank 1.Alfred Dolich, Michael C. Laskowski & Alexander Raichev - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (8):931-945.
    We show that if T is a trivial uncountably categorical theory of Morley Rank 1 then T is model complete after naming constants for a model.
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  49. (1 other version)Completeness in Hybrid Type Theory.Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn, Antonia Huertas & María Manzano - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic (2-3):1-30.
    We show that basic hybridization (adding nominals and @ operators) makes it possible to give straightforward Henkin-style completeness proofs even when the modal logic being hybridized is higher-order. The key ideas are to add nominals as expressions of type t, and to extend to arbitrary types the way we interpret $@_i$ in propositional and first-order hybrid logic. This means: interpret $@_i\alpha _a$ , where $\alpha _a$ is an expression of any type $a$ , as an expression of type $a$ that (...)
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    Janiczak Antoni. A remark concerning decidability of complete theories. [REVIEW]Rózsa Péter - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):146-147.
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