In the present paper, we continue the research in Zhao (2021, Logic J. IGPL) to develop the Sahlqvist completeness theory for hybrid logic with satisfaction operators and downarrow binders |$\mathcal {L}( @, {\downarrow })$|. We define the class of restricted Sahlqvist formulas for |$\mathcal {L}( @, {\downarrow })$| following the ideas in Conradie and Robinson (2017, J. Logic Comput., 27, 867–900), but we follow a different proof strategy which is purely proof-theoretic, namely showing that for every restricted Sahlqvist formula |$\varphi $| and its hybrid pure correspondence |$\pi $|, |$\textbf {K}_{\mathcal {H}( @, {\downarrow })}+\varphi $| proves |$\pi $|; therefore, |$\textbf {K}_{\mathcal {H}( @, {\downarrow })}+\varphi $| is complete with respect to the class of frames defined by |$\pi $|, using a modified version |$\textsf {ALBA}^{{\downarrow }}_{\textsf {Modified}}$| of the algorithm |$\textsf {ALBA}^{{\downarrow }}$| defined in Zhao (2021, Logic J. IGPL).