Results for 'Community of Faith'

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  1.  15
    Teaching and Learning in Communities of Faith: Empowering Adults Through Religious Education.Linda J. Vogel - 1999 - Jossey-Bass.
    Why are we here? What is our higher purpose? How can we lead lives of integrity and wholeness? Increasing numbers of adults, looking for some higher meaning in life, are turning to religion for the answers.Teaching and Learning in Communities of Faith explores the growing movement toward adult religious education and draws on knowledge of the field of adult learning and development to offer strategies for teaching adults in both Christian and non-Christian settings. It emphasizes the importance of integrating (...)
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  2. A Community of Faith. Remarks on Kant's Conception of Church.Maximilian Forschner - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (4):303-314.
  3. P4C, Community of Inquiry, and Methodological Faith.Dale Cannon - 2012 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 33 (1):30-35.
    n this paper I venture to bring out and disclose an element of faith at the heart of the kind of critical inquiry that we encourage and foster in philosophy with children. It is clearly distinct from doubt, the kind of doubt we customarily associate with what makes critical thinking critical, but, properly understood, it grants to doubt and critical reflection essential roles in the process. What I mean by “faith” in this connection may be understood as trust (...)
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    The Physician and Community of Faithful in the Integrated Care of the Mentally Ill: An Orthodox Christian Discussion of the Physician’s Moral and Professional Obligations.Mariana Cuceu & Theodote Pontikes - 2016 - Christian Bioethics 22 (3):301-314.
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  5. The Communication of the Christian Faith.Hendrik Kraemer - 1956
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    Juventude e religiosidade: Cartografia dos processos de subjetivação de jovens católicos em uma comunidade de fé (Youth and religiousness: mapping the subjectivation processes of the catholic youth in a community of faith).Mary Rute Gomes Esperandio & Alexsander Cordeiro Lopes - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (26):476-499.
    Juventude e religiosidade: Cartografia dos processos de subjetivação de jovens católicos em uma comunidade de fé (Youth and religiousness: mapping the subjectivation processes of the catholic youth in a community of faith). DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012.v10n26p476. Este estudo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa motivada pela constatação de que muitas subjetividades juvenis católicas do Brasil vivem uma situação de fragmentação que faz emergir distintos grupos identitários e em graves conflitos no seio das comunidades de fé. Por meio da realização de (...)
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    under the title of Apostolic Fathers offers usauniqueglimpseinto the early church as it came to identify itself as a community of faith after the passing of the apostles. These assorted texts represent avariety of Christian voices that spoke throughout theRoman world foralmost.Clayton N. Jefford - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham, The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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  8. Planning for Christian Education Formation: A Community of Faith Approach.Israel Galindo & Marty C. Canaday - 2010
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    The Karoo Fracking Debate: A Christian Contribution to the World Communities of Faith.A. Roger Tucker & Gerrit van Tonder - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (3):631-653.
    The fracking debate is a product of the tension between the environmental degradation it may cause, on the one hand, and on the other the greater energy demands of a rapidly increasing South African population with expectations of an ever-increasing standard of living. Shale gas fracking in the Karoo of South Africa promises to make vast reserves of oil and gas available to help meet a significant percentage of the country’s energy needs for many years to come. This will aid (...)
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    Politics of faith: Transforming religious communities and spiritual subjectivities in post-apartheid South Africa.Haley McEwen & Melissa Steyn - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    The enforcement of racial segregation during apartheid was aimed not only at regulating public spaces, residential areas and the workforce, but also at shaping the subjectivities of individuals who were socialised to see themselves through the lens of a white racial hierarchy. The ideology of white supremacy and superiority that informed apartheid policy was largely justified using Christonormative epistemologies that sought to legitimate the racial hierarchy as having basis in Holy Scripture and as an extension of God’s will. At the (...)
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    Articles of Faith: African-American Community Churches in Chicago.Dave Jordano - 2009 - Center for American Places.
    In this era of suburban mega-churches and televised Sunday morning services, it is easy to forget that many Americans worship in small, community churches whose sanctuaries are often repurposed commercial spaces. In Articles of Faith, photographer Dave Jordano documents the at once humble and dynamic storefront churches of Chicago’s African American neighborhoods. These churches, which dot the south and west sides of the city, are truly community churches—individualized and idiosyncratic, they cater to the specific needs and wants (...)
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    Foreigners go home! Re-imagining ubuntology and the agency of faith communities in addressing the migration crisis in the City of Tshwane.Thinandavha D. Mashau - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-8.
    Foreigners go home! This is a reverberating chorus at the heart of the migration crisis everywhere in the world. This call manifests itself in the recurring xenophobic or Afrophobic attacks directed at foreign nationals in South Africa. This article reflects on the most recent xenophobic attacks directed at foreign nationals during the anti-immigration march, held on 24 February 2017, in the City of Tshwane. This article states that calls for foreigners to go home and the xenophobic or Afrophobic violent attacks (...)
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  13. The World of Jesus and the Early Church: Identity and Interpretation in Early Communities of Faith.[author unknown] - 2011
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    Discerning the role of faith communities in responding to urban youth marginalisation.Reginald W. Nel - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-08.
    Urban youth marginalisation became a key consideration in scholarly and policy literature in the 1990s. This entailed a shift from an emphasis on youth in relation to activism in the struggle to overcome colonial racism - popularly known as 'the struggle against apartheid' - to an emphasis on youth as the object of social inquiry and social welfare programmes. Irrespective of how we evaluate this shift, the question in this article is how urban faith communities and youth ministry research (...)
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    John Henry Newman’s Art of Communicating Christian Faith.Danielle Nussberger - 2011 - Newman Studies Journal 8 (2):62-73.
    Newman was a profoundly skilled communicator of Christian faith who provides a model for an efficacious elucidation of the doctrinal content and transformative power of Christianity. His exemplarity resides in his three-dimensional approach to theological communication: (1) the communicator’s personal investment in faith’s import; (2) faith’s threefold nature that includes its doctrinal content, its demand for personal involvement, and its reasonableness; and (3) the audience’s active contribution to the process of faith-transmission. Although repeated emphasis upon subjective (...)
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    Ethical Challenges that Arise at the Community Interface of Health R esearch: Village R eporters’ Experiences in Western K enya.Tracey Chantler, Faith Otewa, Peter Onyango, Ben Okoth, Frank Odhiambo, Michael Parker & Paul Wenzel Geissler - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 13 (1):30-37.
    Community Engagement (CE) has been presented by bio-ethicists and scientists as a straightforward and unequivocal good which can minimize the risks of exploitation and ensure a fair distribution of research benefits in developing countries. By means of ethnographic fieldwork undertaken in Kenya between 2007 and 2009 we explored how CE is understood and enacted in paediatric vaccine trials conducted by the Kenyan Medical Research Institute and the US Centers for Disease Control (KEMRI/CDC). In this paper we focus on the (...)
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    Associations of Changes in Religiosity With Flourishing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Faith Communities in the United States.Christopher Justin Jacobi, Richard G. Cowden & Brandon Vaidyanathan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explored the extent to which perceived changes in religiosity from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic are associated with flourishing. Participants from a diverse set of faith communities in two United States metropolitan regions completed an online survey between October and December 2020. The survey included items capturing perceived changes in four dimensions of religiosity and a multidimensional measure of flourishing. Based on multilevel regressions, results indicated that self-reported decreases in each dimension of religiosity were associated with (...)
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  18.  6
    Flames of faith: an introduction to Chasidic thought.Zev Reichman - 2014 - New York, NY: Kodesh Press.
    The secrets from the inner meaning of Torah form the soul of the Chasidic movement's thought. They inspire, revive, and inflame Jewish souls with a passion to constantly increase observance and devotion. For more than two centuries it has inoculated millions against the ravages of secularism and preserved the spiritual life of the Jewish nation. Chasidus emerged as a protection from the storm winds of modernity. Today's Jewish community might benefit from a new look at the Chasidic movement's beginnings (...)
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  19.  42
    The role of faith-based organizations in the ethical aspects of pandemic flu planning—lessons learned from the toronto Sars experience.S. Faust Halley, M. Bensimon Cécile & E. G. Upshur Ross - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (1).
    Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto and University of Toronto Ross E. G. Upshur * Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Joint Centre for Bioethics University of Toronto, Toronto * Corresponding author: Ross E. G. Upshur, Primary Care Research Unit, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, 2075 Bayview Avenue, #E-349, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4N 3M5. Tel.: 416-480-4753; Fax: 416-480-4536; Email: ross.upshur{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Are restrictive measures and duties to care ethically reasonably acceptable to faith-based organizations? (...)
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    Kierkegaard and the Crisis of Faith: An Introduction to His Thought.George Pattison - 2013 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    The standing of the Danish philosopher and religious thinker S¿ren Kierkegaard has gone up in recent years. Yet because he regarded communication as being as much about self-concealment as about self-revelation, he can still seem a forbidding and difficult figure. The deliberate ambiguity of Kierkegaard, in which he set out to repel as much as to attract his readers, is here explored by George Pattison, who gives full attention to the scandalous element of the philosopher's work, and does not shy (...)
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  21. Lex Narrandi: The Sacramental Dimension of the Recital of a Community’s Faith.John Navone - 1984 - Journal of Dharma 9 (3):246-206.
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    On the Practice of Faith: A Lutheran's Interior Dialogue with Buddhism.Paul O. Ingram - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):43-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 43-50 [Access article in PDF] On the Practice of Faith: A Lutheran's Interior Dialogue with Buddhism Paul O. Ingram Pacific Lutheran University I earn my living practicing the craft of history of religions. In Lutheran theological language, this is my "calling" and "vocation." I know this to be true because of how I was first opened to an amazing world of religious pluralism nearly (...)
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    God’s patronage constitutes a community of compassionate equals.Gert J. Malan - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):8.
    The central themes of Jesus’ preaching, the kingdom and household of God, are root metaphors expressing the symbolic universe of God’s patronage subverting patronage and patriarchy structuring contemporary Mediterranean society, thus legitimising an anti-hierarchical community of faith. This dominant focus of Jesus’ message was discarded, as society’s prevalent patronage and patriarchy became the societal structure of the later faith communities. Today, patronage and patriarchy still forms the social structure for a large sector of Christian communities and many (...)
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    Infant feeding and hiv in sub-Saharan Africa: What lies beneath the dilemma?Faith E. Fletcher, Paul Ndebele & Maureen C. Kelley - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (5):307-330.
    The debate over how to best guide HIV-infected mothers in resource-poor settings on infant feeding is more than two decades old. Globally, breastfeeding is responsible for approximately 300,000 HIV infections per year, while at the same time, UNICEF estimates that not breastfeeding (formula feeding with contaminated water) is responsible for 1.5 million child deaths per year. The largest burden of these infections and deaths occur in Sub-Saharan Africa. Using this region as an example of the burden faced more generally in (...)
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    Between Stephen Lloyd and Esteban Yo-eed: Locating Jamaica Through Cuba.Faith Smith - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (1):22-38.
    In their oft-cited manifesto, the Martinican Creolists exhort Caribbean people to forego their continuing allegiances to the “mythical shores” of various old worlds, and to affirm instead the “alluvial Creoleness” that binds (or that ought to bind) them to each other, and to other communities across the globe with a similar plantation history: “Neither Europeans, nor Africans, nor Asians, we proclaim ourselves Creoles; “[the Creole language] is the initial means of communication of our deep self, or our collective unconscious, of (...)
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    Community of Infancy: Suspending the Sovereignty of the Teacher's Voice.Igor Jasinski & Tyson E. Lewis - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4):538-553.
    While some argue that the only way to make a place for Philosophy for Children in today's strict, standardised classroom is to measure its efficacy in promoting reasoning, we believe that this must be avoided in order to safeguard what is truly unique in P4C dialogue. When P4C acquiesces to the very same quantitative measures that define the rest of learning, then the philosophical dimension drops out and P4C becomes yet another progressive curriculum and pedagogy for enhancing argumentation skills that (...)
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    The World of Jesus and the Early Church: Identity and Interpretation in Early Communities of Faith. Edited by Craig A.Evans. Pp. xvi, 257, Hendrickson, Peabody, MA, 2011, £19.99. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Turner - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (1):121-122.
  28.  16
    “Making a big stink”: Women's work, women's relationships, and toxic waste activism.Faith I. T. Ferguson & Phil Brown - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (2):145-172.
    Women constitute the majority of both the leadership and the membership of local toxic waste activist organizations; yet, gender and the fight against toxic hazards are rarely analyzed together in studies on gender or on environmental issues. This absence of rigorous analysis of gender issues in toxic waste activism is particularly noticeable since many scholars already make note that women predominate in this movement. This article is an attempt to understand how women activists transcend private pain, fear, and disempowerment and (...)
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  29. ""Taking the" I" Out of IRB-And Putting" Community" In.Mary Faith Marshall - 2000 - Bioethics Forum 16:7-12.
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    The persistence of faith: religion, morality & society in a secular age.Jonathan Sacks - 2005 - New York: Continuum.
    Sacks argues that faiths must remain open to criticism, keep alive their separate communities and still contribute far more to national debates on moral issues. they m,ust also learn to get along better. His thesis is that we still live under a Biblical canopy and that a cohesive morality needs the uniting bonds of faith. Confidence in a faith is a subtle quality and lack of it shows in many ways, some contradictory. Dr Sacks has that confidence and (...)
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  31. On the value of faith and faithfulness.Daniel J. McKaughan - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (1-2):7-29.
    There was a time when Greco-Roman culture recognized faith as an indispensable social good. More recently, however, the value of faith has been called into question, particularly in connection with religious commitment. What, if anything, is valuable about faith—in the context of ordinary human relations or as a distinctive stance people might take in relation to God? I approach this question by examining the role that faith talk played both in ancient Jewish and Christian communities and (...)
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    In Search of Faith.Kate Rowland - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):210-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Search of FaithKate RowlandSometimes I’m jealous of my patients’ faith. As a former happily religious person I miss the benefits I used to get from an active faith. I know that some of my patients must struggle with their faith, and I know the struggle probably affects their well–being. For those who simply believe or those who simply don’t believe, it’s easy. And for those (...)
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    True Faith: Against Doxastic Partiality about Faith (in God and Religious Communities) and in Defence of Evidentialism.Katherine Dormandy - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (1):4-28.
    ABSTRACT Is it good to form positive beliefs about those you have faith in, such as God or a religious community? Doxastic partialists say that it is. Some hold that it is good, from the viewpoint of faith, to form positive beliefs about the object of your faith even when your evidence favours negative ones. Others try to maintain respect for evidence by appealing to a highly permissive epistemology. I argue against both forms of doxastic partiality, (...)
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    Human Genetics and Politics as Mutually Beneficial Resources: The Case of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics During the Third Reich.Sheila Faith Weiss - 2006 - Journal of the History of Biology 39 (1):41-88.
    This essay analyzes one of Germany's former premier research institutions for biomedical research, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics (KWIA) as a test case for the way in which politics and human heredity served as resources for each other during the Third Reich. Examining the KWIA from this perspective brings us a step closer to answering the questions at the heart of most recent scholarship concerning the biomedical community under the swastika: (1) How do we (...)
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  35.  24
    Blanket Bans on Therapeutic Abortion and the Responsibilities of Hospitals as Moral Communities.Lois Shepherd & Mary Faith Marshall - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):55-57.
    Larry Nelson’s target article “Provider Conscientious Refusal of Abortion, Obstetrical Emergencies, and Criminal Homicide Law” (Nelson 2018) makes two primary claims. The first is that physicians a...
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    The therapeutic and integrative significance of faith in the African quest for healing and wholeness.Nathan H. Chiroma - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    The therapeutic and integrative significance of faith in the African quest for healing and wholeness has attracted a considerable level of interest amongst scholars in recent times. Despite the increasing interest in places of healing, faith communities have not paid much attention to studying the intersection of these practices for appropriate community hermeneutics. By means of qualitative methods, this research explored the therapeutic implication of the role of faith in the quest and appropriation of health and (...)
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    “Trolls” or “warriors of faith”?Tobias Eberwein - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (4):575-587.
    Purpose The idea that user comments on journalistic articles would help to increase the quality of the media has long been greeted with enthusiasm. By now, however, these high hopes have mostly evaporated. Practical experience has shown that user participation does not automatically lead to better journalism but may also result in hate speech and systematic trolling – thus having a dysfunctional impact on journalistic actors. Although empirical journalism research has made it possible to describe various kinds of disruptive follow-up (...)
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    Walking Together in a Pandemic: Reflections on a Semester of Place, Decolonization, and Classroom Community.Ela Przybyło, Edcel Cintrón Gonzalez, Serenah Minasian, Shawna Sheperd, Natalie Jipson, Anna Ortiz, Charley Koenig & Faith Borland - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):915-939.
    In this co-authored reflection by seven graduate students and one instructor, we revisit the “Apocalyptic Feminisms” graduate class taught in Fall 2020, at the height of the pandemic, in which students were asked to engage with interdisciplinary writing on the Anthropocene and to hone their own feminist praxes through going on and documenting their walks. We reflect on the “Walk and Movement Reading Instagram Engagements” assignment, exploring what walking can offer to deepen theoretical, methodological, and praxis-based approaches to environmental and (...)
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  39. SYNERGY BETWEEN SCHOOL MEAL PROGRAMS AND FOOD BANKS TO COMBAT FOOD INSECURITY AMONG CHILDREN: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF EXPERTS INVOLVEMENT.Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Chenaimoyo Lufutuko Faith Katiyatiya, Adrino Mazenda, Chido Chakanya, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Background: Food insecurity condition challenges the availability of food, access to food, food supply stability, and food utilization. Food banks play a major role in the food aid sector by distributing donated and purchased groceries directly to food-insecure families, thus significantly impacting food insecurity. On the other hand, school meal programs are implemented in many countries to combat food insecurity among school-aged children. The synergy between school meal programs and food banks has a great potency to combat food insecurity among (...)
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    Ann Sharp’s Concept of Personhood and the Spiritual Dimension of the Community of Philosophical Inquiry.Hamad Al-Rayes - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-20.
    In this paper, I critically explore Ann Sharp’s conception of personhood as it figures in the theory and practice of the community of philosophical inquiry (CPI). Through surveying Sharp’s rich and varied philosophical output, it will be shown how Sharp’s conception of personhood as a trilateral relationship (between self, other(s), and community) maps onto “the Three C’s” of critical, creative, and caring thinking that make up the practice of Philosophy for Children. After thus presenting Sharp’s conception of personhood, (...)
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  41. The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in the Ethical Aspects of Pandemic Flu Planning--Lessons Learned from the Toronto SARS Experience.Halley S. Faust, Cécile M. Bensimon & Ross E. G. Upshur - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (1):105-112.
    Are restrictive measures and duties to care ethically reasonably acceptable to faith-based organizations? This study describes the perceptions of individually interviewed spiritual leaders of the disease control measures used during the recent SARS outbreak in Toronto. Four central themes were identified: the relationship between religious obligation and civic responsibilities; the role of faith-based organizations in supporting public health restrictive measures; the reciprocal obligations of public health and religious communities during restrictions; and justifiable limits to duties to care. We (...)
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    Faith community as a centre of liberationist praxis in the city.Elina Hankela - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-09.
    Theologians speak of the silence of churches' prophetic voice in the 'new' South Africa, whilst the country features amongst the socio-economically most unequal countries in the world, and the urban areas in particular continue to be characterised by segregation. In this context I ask: where is liberation theology? I spell out my reading of some of the recent voices in the liberationist discourse. In dialogue with these scholars I, firstly, argue for the faith community to be made a (...)
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    Worldly Community and Community of Blood in The Star Of Redemption: A Critical Approach From Helmuth Plessner’s Anthropology.Roberto Navarrete Alonso - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (4):451-466.
    This work offers a critical approach to Franz Rosenzweig’s conception of community in The Star of Redemption based on Helmuth Plessner’s political anthropology. First, it presents Plessner’s critique of social radicalism and of the apoliticism of the German spirit, and its parallelism with the Jewish spirit. Second, it delves into the passage from Hegel und der Staat to The Star in a communitarian key. Third, it dwells on the difference between community of blood and community of (...) in Rosenzweig, together with his theological-political translation into the distinction between the eternal people and the peoples of the world. Last, as a conclusion, it makes manifest the apoliticism of the Rosenzweigian proposal, and therefore, its incapacity to give an answer to the political problem in Weimar, of which its catastrophic consequences Rosenzweig did not know. (shrink)
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    Qualitative study of comprehension of heritability in genomics studies among the Yoruba in Nigeria.Rasheed O. Taiwo, John Ipadeola, Temilola Yusuf, Faith Fagbohunlu, Gbemisola Jenfa, Sally N. Adebamowo & Clement A. Adebamowo - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    Background With growth of genomics research in Africa, concern has arisen about comprehension and adequacy of informed consent given the highly technical terms used in this field. We therefore decided to study whether there are linguistic and cultural concepts used to communicate heritability of characters, traits and diseases in an indigenous African population. Methods We conducted Focus Group Discussions among 115 participants stratified by sex, age and socio-economic status and Key Informant Interviews among 25 stakeholders and Key Opinion Leaders among (...)
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    The Way That Leads There: Augustinian Reflections on the Christian Life; Ethics in the Community of Promise: Faith, Formation, and Decision.Jeff B. Pool - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (2):219-221.
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    The ethical and legal considerations of young people and their parents using a hospital patient portal: Hospital Ethics Committee members perspectives.Pippa Sipanoun, Jo Wray, Kate Oulton & Faith Gibson - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092210944.
    Background In April 2019, our hospital transitioned to an electronic patient record system and patient portal. MyGOSH enables young people aged 12 years or older and their parents to access results, documentation, appointments, and to communicate with their care team. Aims A focus group was conducted to explore the ethical and legal considerations of young people and their parents using a patient portal from the perspective of hospital Ethics Committee members. Participants and research context Members of the hospital Paediatric Bioethics (...)
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    Worldly community and community of blood in the star of redemption: A critical approach from Helmuth Plessner’s anthropology.Alonso Navarrete - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (4):451-466.
    This work offers a critical approach to Franz Rosenzweig?s conception of community in The Star of Redemption based on Helmuth Plessner?s political anthropology. First, it presents Plessner?s critique of social radicalism and of the apoliticism of the German spirit, and its parallelism with the Jewish spirit. Second, it delves into the passage from Hegel und der Staat to The Star in a communitarian key. Third, it dwells on the difference between community of blood and community of (...) in Rosenzweig, together with his theological-political translation into the distinction between the eternal people and the peoples of the world. Last, as a conclusion, it makes manifest the apoliticism of the Rosenzweigian proposal, and therefore, its incapacity to give an answer to the political problem in Weimar, of which its catastrophic consequences Rosenzweig did not know. (shrink)
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    ‘Coming Out’ as a Faith Changer: Experiences of Faith Declaration for Arabs of a Muslim Background who Choose to Follow a Christian Faith.Kathryn Kraft - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (2):96-106.
    In the process of conversion, one of the greatest challenges faced by Arab Muslims who choose to follow a Christian faith is determining how to relate to their birth communities, especially their immediate families. They continue to identify with their family and desire to function within its communal system and expectations, but also desire to be true to their new faith. For most converts in the Middle East, ceasing to adhere to the Islamic creed per se is not (...)
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    Strauss, Spinoza & Sinai: Orthodox Judaism and modern questions of faith.Jeffrey Bloom, Alec Goldstein & Gil Student (eds.) - 2022 - New York, N.Y.: Kodesh Press.
    More than three centuries after Baruch Spinoza's excommunication from the Jewish community of Amsterdam, his legacy remains contentious. Born in 1632, Spinoza is one of the most important thinkers of the Enlightenment and arguably the paradigm of the secular Jew, having left Orthodoxy without converting to another faith. One of the most provocative critiques of Spinoza comes from an unexpected source, the influential twentieth-century political philosopher, Leo Strauss. Though Strauss was not an Orthodox Jew, in a well-known essay (...)
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    Erotic faith: desire, transformation, and beloved community in the incarnational theology of Wendy Farley.Mari Kim, Ellen T. Armour, Mount Shoop & W. Marcia (eds.) - 2022 - Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
    The thought of contemporary North American theologian and ethicist Wendy Farley is an unflinching clarion call to justice and compassion. Farley invites us to discover ways of embodying the deep compassion capable of resisting pernicious distortions and traumatizing injustices that harm and dehumanize us all. This volume of essays embodies her invitation to awaken as beloved community. And when we are overwhelmed by the magnitude of struggle and despair, Farley reminds us that the powerful longing of hope, at times (...)
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