Results for 'Colin Foad'

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  1.  18
    Hypocrisy in ethical consumption.Colin Foad, Geoff Haddock & Gregory Maio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    When making consumption choices, people often fail to meet their own standards of both ethics and frugality. People also generally tend to demand more of others than they do of themselves. But little is known about how these different types of hypocrisy interact, particularly in relation to attitudes toward ethical consumption. In three experiments, we integrate research methods using anchoring and hypocrisy within the context of ethical consumption. Across three experiments, we find a default expectation that people should spend less (...)
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  2. Species of Mind: The Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology.Colin Allen & Marc Bekoff (eds.) - 1997 - MIT Press.
    The heart of this book is the reciprocal relationship between philosophical theories of mind and empirical studies of animal cognition.
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  3. Prolegomena to any future artificial moral agent.Colin Allen & Gary Varner - 2000 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 12 (3):251--261.
    As arti® cial intelligence moves ever closer to the goal of producing fully autonomous agents, the question of how to design and implement an arti® cial moral agent (AMA) becomes increasingly pressing. Robots possessing autonomous capacities to do things that are useful to humans will also have the capacity to do things that are harmful to humans and other sentient beings. Theoretical challenges to developing arti® cial moral agents result both from controversies among ethicists about moral theory itself, and from (...)
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    Exploiting the deep structure of constraint problems.Colin P. Williams & Tad Hogg - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 70 (1-2):73-117.
  5. Deciphering animal pain.Colin Allen, Perry N. Fuchs, Adam Shriver & Hilary M. Wilson - 2005 - In Murat Aydede, Pain: New Essays on its Nature and the Methodology of its Study. MIT Press.
    In this paper we1 assess the potential for research on nonhuman animals to address questions about the phenomenology of painful experiences. Nociception, the basic capacity for sensing noxious stimuli, is widespread in the animal kingdom. Even rel- atively primitive animals such as leeches and sea slugs possess nociceptors, neurons that are functionally specialized for sensing noxious stimuli (Walters 1996). Vertebrate spinal cords play a sophisticated role in processing and modulating nociceptive signals, providing direct control of some motor responses to noxious (...)
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    Analysing" `know(s) that.Colin Radford - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (80):222-229.
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    Logic primer.Colin Allen & Michael Hand - 2022 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. Edited by Michael Hand.
    Presents a self-contained introduction to logic suitable for majors and nonmajors, and can be covered entirely in a one-semester course. Natural deduction systems of sentential logic and of first-order logic, truth tables, and the basic ideas of model theory are presented without superfluous discussion.
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    The Problem of Natural Religion in Smith’s Moral Thought.Colin Heydt - 2017 - Journal of the History of Ideas 78 (1):73-94.
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  9. Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds.Colin Allen - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (S1):75-97.
    In this paper, I describe grounds for dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the sciences of animal cognition and argue that a turn toward mathematical modeling of animal cognition is warranted. I consider some objections to this call and argue that the implications of such a turn are not as drastic for ordinary, commonsense understanding of animal minds as they might seem.
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  10. Animal Minds, Cognitive Ethology, and Ethics.Colin Allen & Marc Bekoff - 2007 - The Journal of Ethics 11 (3):299-317.
    Our goal in this paper is to provide enough of an account of the origins of cognitive ethology and the controversy surrounding it to help ethicists to gauge for themselves how to balance skepticism and credulity about animal minds when communicating with scientists. We believe that ethicists’ arguments would benefit from better understanding of the historical roots of ongoing controversies. It is not appropriate to treat some widely reported results in animal cognition as if their interpretations are a matter of (...)
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  11. Mental content.Colin Allen - 1992 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43 (4):537-553.
    Daniel Dennett and Stephen Stich have independently, but similarly, argued that the contents of mental states cannot be specified precisely enough for the purposes of scientific prediction and explanation. Dennett takes this to support his view that the proper role for mentalistic terms in science is heuristic. Stich takes it to support his view that cognitive science should be done without reference to mental content at all. I defend a realist understanding of mental content against these attacks by Dennett and (...)
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    The Sophists.Colin Strang - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (23):177-178.
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  13. Animal play and the evolution of morality: An ethological approach.Colin Allen & Marc Bekoff - 2005 - Topoi 24 (2):125-135.
    In this paper we argue that there is much to learn about “wild justice” and the evolutionary origins of morality – behaving fairly – by studying social play behavior in group-living mammals. Because of its relatively wide distribution among the mammals, ethological investigation of play, informed by interdisciplinary cooperation, can provide a comparative perspective on the evolution of ethical behavior that is broader than is provided by the usual focus on primate sociality. Careful analysis of social play reveals rules of (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Between wars.Colin Richmond - 2003 - Common Knowledge 9 (2):355-358.
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    Utopia.Colin Richmond - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (1):5-7.
    This guest column consists of a tongue-in-cheek counterfactual history of England from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Its highlight is the fifty-year reign of the saintly King Richard III, who dies a martyr in New York at the hands of the Iroquois in 1536 and is promptly canonized. In this version of events, England evades the Reformation and the wars of religion and enters modernity as a prosperous nation of small farmers who have no interest in enclosures and engrossing, (...)
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  16. A skeptic's progress.Colin Allen - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (5):695-702.
    Seven chimpanzees in twenty-seven experiments run over the course of five years at his University of Louisiana laboratory in New Iberia, Louisiana, are at the heart of Daniel Povinelli’s case that chimpanzee thinking about the physical world is not at all like that of humans. Chimps, according to Povinelli and his coauthors James Reaux, Laura Theall, and Steve Giambrone, are phenomenally quick at learning to associate visible features of tools with specific uses of those tools, but they appear to lack (...)
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  17. Private codes and public structures.Colin Allen - 2012 - In David McFarland, Keith Stenning & Maggie McGonigle, The Complex Mind: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 223.
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  18. On subject terms.Colin Radford - 1974 - Mind 83 (330):161-179.
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  19. Intentionality, social play, and definition.Colin Allen & Marc Bekoff - 1994 - Biology and Philosophy 9 (1):63-74.
    Social play is naturally characterized in intentional terms. An evolutionary account of social play could help scientists to understand the evolution of cognition and intentionality. Alexander Rosenberg (1990) has argued that if play is characterized intentionally or functionally, it is not a behavioral phenotype suitable for evolutionary explanation. If he is right, his arguments would threaten many projects in cognitive ethology. We argue that Rosenberg's arguments are unsound and that intentionally and functionally characterized phenotypes are a proper domain for ethological (...)
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    Science and Policy--Why the Marriage Is So Unhappy.Colin Reeve & David Collingridge - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (4):356-372.
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    Profiles in sanity.Colin Richmond - 2004 - Common Knowledge 10 (2):252-272.
  22.  34
    Rancor and Reconciliation in Medieval England.Colin Richmond - 2005 - Common Knowledge 11 (3):488-488.
  23.  14
    Schwitters.Colin Richmond - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):453-454.
    This novel's plot, if one may speak of a plot, appears to have been hatched, if one may speak of something not an egg being hatched, at Oxford. The plotters, who have unlikely names even for plotters, met in Wellington Square, a place I know well. I once drank whiskey in the afternoon there with Jane Minto, as likely a character as any in a city that breeds characters (as any follower of Inspector Morse will know). The plotters, however, drank (...)
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    The Books of Jacob.Colin Richmond - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (2):287-287.
    In old age, I seldom keep the books I read, but The Books of Jacob has been shelved next to Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah; my copy of the latter bears an inscription on its flyleaf, “Gift of Jacob Taubes to Tantur, 1978,” which in some way (possibly mystical) authenticates bringing the two books together. It seems I have been waiting for the conjunction since first reading Gerhom Scholem on the Frankists, in his Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, in the (...)
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    Representing and Intervening.Colin Wright - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (1):37-39.
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    Human Nature and Primal Man.Colin Turnbull - 1973 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 40.
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    International Berkeley Essay Prize Competition.Colin Turbayne & Ailsa Turbayne - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (2):427-427.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 2 Seiten: 427-427.
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  28. Plato's 'Fantastic'Appendix: The Procreation Model of the Timaeus.Colin M. Turbayne - 1976 - Paideia:125-140.
  29.  45
    Performativity and the Intellectual Historian's Re-enactment of Written Works.Colin Tyler - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (2):167-186.
    This article develops and defends a performative conception of historical re-enactment as a fruitful method by which intellectual historians can interpret texts. Specifically, it argues that, in order to understand properly any given text, the intellectual historian should re-enact the performative activities of the writer of that text. The first section analyses one of the most influential and powerful theories of historical re-enactment, namely that found in the later writings of Robin George Collingwood. Drawing on Wittgenstein's theory of family resemblances, (...)
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    Spencer (ca. 1874-5).Colin Tyler - 2006 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 12 (1):5-38.
    In this previously unpublished essay, Edward Caird attacks Spencer's Transfigured Realism, before defending an absolute idealist theory of the formation of self-consciousness. Along the way, Caird also considered the writings of Bishop George Berkeley, David Hume, Sir William Hamilton, J.S. Mill and Henry Sidgwick. Yet the primary foci of the essay were Herbert Spencer's writings, particularly First Principles, the second edition of Principles of Psychology and the third volume of Essays: Scientific, Political and Speculative . It appears to follow from (...)
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  31. TH Green.Colin Tyler - 2002 - In Philip Breed Dematteis, Peter S. Fosl & Leemon B. McHenry, British Philosophers, 1800-2000. Bruccoli Clark Layman. pp. 262--95.
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  32. Science fictions and fairy tales: Narratives of cure and fulfilment in homosexuality research.Colin D. Varley - 1991 - Nexus 9 (1):11.
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    Euclid's Optics and Geometrical Astronomy.Colin Webster - 2014 - Apeiron 47 (4):526-551.
    This paper seeks to demonstrate that propositions 23–27 of the Euclidian Optics originated in the context of geometrical astronomy. These entries, which deal with the geometry of spheres and rays, present material that overlaps considerably with propositions 1–3 of Aristarchus of Samos’ On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and the Moon. While all these theorems deal with material that could conceivably be native to celestial illumination, the proofs do not work for binocular vision. It therefore seems probable that (...)
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  34. Ethics and the science of animal minds.Colin Allen - 2006 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (4):375-394.
    Ethicists have commonly appealed to science to bolster their arguments for elevating the moral status of nonhuman animals. I describe a framework within which I take many ethicists to be making such appeals. I focus on an apparent gap in this framework between those properties of animals that are part of the scientific consensus, and those to which ethicists typically appeal in their arguments. I will describe two different ways of diminishing the appearance of the gap, and argue that both (...)
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  35. It isn't what you think: A new idea about intentional causation.Colin Allen - 1995 - Noûs 29 (1):115-126.
  36. Hume’s theorem.Colin Howson - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):339-346.
    A common criticism of Hume’s famous anti-induction argument is that it is vitiated because it fails to foreclose the possibility of an authentically probabilistic justification of induction. I argue that this claim is false, and that on the contrary, the probability calculus itself, in the form of an elementary consequence that I call Hume’s Theorem, fully endorses Hume’s argument. Various objections, including the often-made claim that Hume is defeated by de Finetti’s exchangeability results, are considered and rejected.
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  37. Artificial morality: Top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid approaches. [REVIEW]Colin Allen, Iva Smit & Wendell Wallach - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (3):149-155.
    A principal goal of the discipline of artificial morality is to design artificial agents to act as if they are moral agents. Intermediate goals of artificial morality are directed at building into AI systems sensitivity to the values, ethics, and legality of activities. The development of an effective foundation for the field of artificial morality involves exploring the technological and philosophical issues involved in making computers into explicit moral reasoners. The goal of this paper is to discuss strategies for implementing (...)
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    Conditioned anti-anthropomorphism.Colin Allen & Grant Goodrich - 2007 - Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews 2:147-150.
    How should scientists react to anthropomorphism (defined for the purposes of this paper as the attribution of mental states or properties to nonhuman animals)? Many thoughtful scientists have attempted to accommodate some measure of anthropomorphism in their approaches to animal behavior. But Wynne will have none of it. We reject his argument against anthropomorphism and argue that he does not pay sufficient attention to the historical facts or to the details of alternative approaches.
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    Review essay : Philosophical geographies navigating philosophy in social science.Colin Wight - 1998 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 28 (4):552-566.
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    Why Eshkol-Wachman behavioral notation is not enough.Colin Allen - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):266-267.
  41. Synthese special issue: representing philosophy.Colin Allen & Tony Beavers - 2011 - Synthese 182 (2):181-183.
    This special issue of Synthese discusses conceptual, ontological, technological, ethical, political, and professional dimensions of attempts to represent the entire discipline of philosophy. One of our goals with this issue was to collect in one place several of the leading projects in digital philosophy so that the profession can begin to discern and debate what might be the best practices for the representation of philosophy in the 21st century.
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    Heuristic Medicine: The Methodists and Metalepsis.Colin Webster - 2015 - Isis 106 (3):657-668.
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    The Coming Classics Revolution: Part I: Argument.Colin Wells - 2015 - Arion 22 (3):37.
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    The Coming Classics Revolution: Part II: Synthesis.Colin Wells - 2015 - Arion 23 (2):95.
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    Whitehead As Existentialist.Colin Wilson - 2007 - Philosophy Now 64:28-31.
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    Colour Intensities.Colin Wright - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (4):1049-1067.
    This article evaluates the gains but also the losses of the set-theoretical ontology Badiou develops in Being and Event, in order to stress the importance of the shift to a concern with appearance and difference in Logics of Worlds. It is argued that this shift suggests a possible rapprochement between Badiou’s philosophy of the event on the one hand and postcolonial critical race theory on the other. This is explored through an evental reading of the so-called Morant Bay Revolt that (...)
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    Two challenges to the notion of rational autonomy and their educational implications.Colin Wringe - 1995 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 27 (2):49–63.
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    Teleology Revisited, and Other Essays.Colin Wright - 1981 - Philosophical Books 22 (3):177-179.
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  49. Schopenhauer and Contemporary Metaethics.Colin Marshall - 2017 - In Sandra Shapshay, Palgrave Schopenhauer Handbook. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 239-59.
    In this chapter, Colin Marshall argues that Schopenhauer’s views about the foundations of morality pose important challenges for five tenets of contemporary metaethics. After presenting these challenges, Marshall explores the potential viability of contemporary Schopenhauerian approaches to metaethics that would leave aside his radical metaphysical monism.
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    Computers, Personal Data, and Theories of Technology: Comparative Approaches to Privacy Protection in the 1990s.Colin J. Bennett - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (1):51-69.
    Public policies designed to regulate the use of information technology to protect personal data have been based on different theoretical assumptions in different states, depending on whether the problem is defined in technological, civil libertarian, or bureaucratic terms. However, the rapid development, dispersal, and decentralization of information technology have facilitated a range of new surveillance practices that have in turn rendered the approaches of the 1960s and 1970s obsolete. The networking of the postindustrial state will require a reconceptualization of the (...)
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