Results for 'Colin Foad'

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  1.  17
    Hypocrisy in ethical consumption.Colin Foad, Geoff Haddock & Gregory Maio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    When making consumption choices, people often fail to meet their own standards of both ethics and frugality. People also generally tend to demand more of others than they do of themselves. But little is known about how these different types of hypocrisy interact, particularly in relation to attitudes toward ethical consumption. In three experiments, we integrate research methods using anchoring and hypocrisy within the context of ethical consumption. Across three experiments, we find a default expectation that people should spend less (...)
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  2. What the body commands: the imperative theory of pain.Colin Klein - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    In What the Body Commands, Colin Klein proposes and defends a novel theory of pain. Klein argues that pains are imperative; they are sensations with a content, and that content is a command to protect the injured part of the body. He terms this view "imperativism about pain," and argues that imperativism can account for two puzzling features of pain: its strong motivating power and its uninformative nature. Klein argues that the biological purpose of pain is homeostatic; like hunger (...)
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    Collected Papers.Colin McGinn - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (2):278.
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  4. The Collapse of Logical Pluralism has been Greatly Exaggerated.Colin R. Caret - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (4):739-760.
    According to the logical pluralism of Beall and Restall, there are several distinct relations of logical consequence. Some critics argue that logical pluralism suffers from what I call the collapse problem: that despite its intention to articulate a radically pluralistic doctrine about logic, the view unintentionally collapses into logical monism. In this paper, I propose a contextualist resolution of the collapse problem. This clarifies the mechanism responsible for a plurality of logics and handles the motivating data better than the original (...)
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    (1 other version)The logic of Bayesian probability.Colin Howson - 2001 - In David Corfield & Jon Williamson (eds.), Foundations of Bayesianism. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 137-160.
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  6. Peter Winch.Colin Lyas - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (291):146-149.
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    Cognition and consciousness.Colin Martindale - 1981 - Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey Press.
  8. Color in a Material World: Margaret Cavendish against the Early Modern Mechanists.Colin Chamberlain - 2019 - Philosophical Review 128 (3):293-336.
    Consider the distinctive qualitative property grass visually appears to have when it visually appears to be green. This property is an example of what I call sensuous color. Whereas early modern mechanists typically argue that bodies are not sensuously colored, Margaret Cavendish (1623–73) disagrees. In cases of veridical perception, she holds that grass is green in precisely the way it visually appears to be. In defense of her realist approach to sensuous colors, Cavendish argues that (i) it is impossible to (...)
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    Hegel: Three Studies.Colin Harper - 1997 - Philosophy Now 19:42-43.
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    Mathematics in Philosophy.Colin Howson - 1992 - In Javier Echeverría, Andoni Ibarra & Thomas Mormann (eds.), The space of mathematics: philosophical, epistemological, and historical explorations. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 192.
  11.  41
    The Demandingness of Individual Climate Duties: A Reply to Fragnière.Colin Hickey - 2021 - Utilitas (First view):1-8.
    In this article, I respond to Augustin Fragnière's recent attempt to understand the demandingness of individual climate duties by appealing to the difference between “concentrated” harm and “spread” harm and the importance of “moral thresholds”. I suggest his arguments don't succeed in securing the conclusion he is after, even from within his own commitments, which themselves are problematic. As this is primarily a critical project, the upshot of this discussion is that if there is a defensible way to justify the (...)
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    Adaptation to the Direction of Others’ Gaze: A Review.Colin W. G. Clifford & Colin J. Palmer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  13.  6
    Who Is Frankenstein's Monster?Colin McGinn - 1997 - In Ethics, evil, and fiction. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter, McGinn begins with a study of the meaning of monstrosity, in which he considers the view set out in the previous chapters that evil is ugliness of soul. Monsters seem to be visible embodiments of evil: however, the connection between physical ugliness and ugliness of soul is not logically necessary. To pursue this point, McGinn presents a close study of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. McGinn interprets the novel as a metaphorical depiction of the human condition. He argues that (...)
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  14. Mental States, Natural Kinds and Psychophysical Laws.Colin McGinn & James Hopkins - 1978 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 52 (1):195-236.
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    Pluralistic perspectives on logic: an introduction.Colin R. Caret & Teresa Kouri Kissel - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 20):4789-4800.
  16. What is the problem of other minds?Colin McGinn - 1984 - Aristotelian Society Proceedings 58:119-37.
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  17. ‘Let us imagine that God has made a miniature earth and sky’: Malebranche on the Body-Relativity of Visual Size.Colin Chamberlain - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (2):206-224.
    Malebranche holds that visual experience represents the size of objects relative to the perceiver's body and does not represent objects as having intrinsic or nonrelational spatial magnitudes. I argue that Malebranche's case for this body-relative thesis is more sophisticated than other commentators—most notably, Atherton and Simmons —have presented it. Malebranche's central argument relies on the possibility of perceptual variation with respect to size. He uses two thought experiments to show that perceivers of different sizes—namely, miniature people, giants, and typical human (...)
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  18.  21
    Being as Communion: Sophist 247D–248B.Colin C. Smith - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (3):395-423.
    Abstract:The author considers the Eleatic Stranger's account of being as communing (κοινωνεῖν), an under-recognized aspect of the well-known "dunamis proposal" and Plato's unfolding of the notion of being in the Sophist. The Stranger calls being "the power to act upon or be affected" (247d7-e3), and shortly thereafter describes "being affected or acting upon from a certain power" (248b6) as "communing" (248b2). This marks a shift away from understanding being as capacity toward understanding it as activity. The author identifies two functions (...)
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    Karl Mannheim and the Legacy of Max Weber: Retrieving a Research Programme.David Kettler & Colin Loader - 2008 - Routledge.
    This book focuses on the important work of Karl Mannheim by demonstrating how his theoretical conception of a reflexive sociology took shape as a collaborative empirical research programme. The authors show how contemporary work along these lines, whether derived from Foucault, Bourdieu or other theorists, can benefit from the insights of Mannheim and his students into both morphology and genealogy.
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    Imagination and idealism in the medical sciences of an ageing world.Colin Farrelly - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (4):271-274.
    Imagination and idealism are particularly important creative epistemic virtues for the medical sciences if we hope to improve the health of the world’s ageing population. To date, imagination and idealism within the medical sciences have been dominated by a paradigm of disease control, a paradigm which has realised significant, but also limited, success. Disease control proved particularly successful in mitigating the early-life mortality risks from infectious diseases, but it has proved less successful when applied to the chronic diseases of late (...)
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  21. Consciousness evaded: Comments on Dennett.Colin McGinn - 1995 - Philosophical Perspectives 9:241-49.
  22.  16
    Philosophy of language: the classics explained.Colin McGinn - 2015 - London, England: The MIT Press.
    Many beginning students in philosophy of language find themselves grappling with dense and difficult texts not easily understood by someone new to the field. This book offers an introduction to philosophy of language by explaining ten classic, often anthologized, texts. Accessible and thorough, written with a unique combination of informality and careful formulation, the book addresses sense and reference, proper names, definite descriptions, indexicals, the definition of truth, truth and meaning, and the nature of speaker meaning, as addressed by Frege, (...)
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  23.  8
    The Uses of Philosophy after the Collapse of Metaphysics.Colin Koopman - 2020 - In Alan Malachowski (ed.), A companion to Rorty. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 100–118.
    Richard Rorty's pragmatism is a distinctively doubled philosophy formed at the twain of a rigorous antifoun‐dational philosophical perspective and a committed postmetaphysical cultural criticism. Rorty instead rigorously held to the line that no particular politics follows from anti‐foundational philosophy. Rorty's arguments against representationalism, foundationalism, and metaphysics‐first philosophy in Mirror are complex and not always easy to navigate without careful guidance. The risk of the approach in Mirror is that it could implicate Rorty in a foundationalist critique of foundationalism, or a (...)
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    Science and Policy--Why the Marriage Is So Unhappy.Colin Reeve & David Collingridge - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (4):356-372.
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    Relocating Energy in the Social Commons: Ideas for a Sustainable Energy Utility.Colin Ruggero, Cecilia Martinez & John Byrne - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (2):81-94.
    Climate change, rising energy costs, and other dilemmas raise the prospect for major change in energy-ecology-society relations. Two prominent proposals for change include: a nuclear power renaissance; and mega-scale renewable energy development. Both suggest that modern society will receive a rising stream of less CO2-rich kilowatt-hours, so that increased energy consumption and economic growth can continue. The article doubts these CO2 claims and finds both options lead to deepening unsustainability and environmental injustice. A third approach is proposed. A new institutional (...)
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  26.  13
    In Search of the Spirit in Spiritual Assets.Colin Smith - 2015 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 32 (1):38-49.
    This article discusses the concept of spiritual assets or spiritual capital in community development and social transformation. It argues that much of the existing discourse on the subject tends to be reductionist in its approach, often limiting discussion of spiritual assets to the social and cultural capital of religious organizations. The study proposes an understanding of spiritual assets which acknowledges the creative and sustaining work of the Spirit in enabling and motivating communities to envision, and discern paths of renewal and (...)
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    Herbert Marcuse's Criticism of "Linguistic" Philosophy.Colin Lyas - 1982 - Philosophical Investigations 5 (3):166-189.
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    Replies to Three Critics.Colin Radford - 1989 - Philosophy 64 (247):93 - 97.
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    Is Sustainability Reporting Becoming Institutionalised? The Role of an Issues-Based Field.Colin Higgins, Wendy Stubbs & Markus Milne - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (2):309-326.
    We study companies that do not produce a sustainability report in contexts where institutionalisation is assumed. Based on a careful analysis of interaction patterns between non-reporting companies, sustainability interest groups, and peer organisations, we find patterns of discursive and material isomorphism that suggest sustainability reporting is confined to an issues-based field, rather than spreading as an institutionalised practice across the business community. We argue that the issues-based field exerts only weak pressure for sustainability reporting, and that encouraging more firms to (...)
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    Popper's Views on Natural and Social Science.Colin George Frederick Simkin (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Brill.
    Explains Popper's views on natural and social science, ranging in Part I from metaphysical considerations to his interpretation of the formalism of quantum mechanics, and in Part II from the errors of historicism and holism to the roles of theoretical models, institutions, traditions and history.
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    (1 other version)An a priori argument for realism.Colin McGinn - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (3):113-133.
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  32. (1 other version)On Human Communication. A Review, a Survey, and a Criticism, 1966.Colin Cherry - 1970 - Foundations of Language 6 (4):594-595.
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    El sermón Dolbeau 26: Teología y pastoral en la predicación de San Agustín.Miguel Santiago Flores Colín - 2006 - Augustinus 51 (202):255-272.
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    Dialectical Methods and the Stoicheia Paradigm in Plato’s Trilogy and Philebus.Colin C. Smith - 2019 - Plato Journal: The Journal of the International Plato Society 19:7-23.
    Plato’s Theaetetus, Sophist, and Statesman exhibit several related dialectical methods relevant to Platonic education: maieutic in Theaetetus, bifurcatory division in Sophist and Statesman, and non-bifurcatory division in Statesman, related to the ‘god-given’ method in Philebus. I consider the nature of each method through the letter or element paradigm, used to reflect on each method. At issue are the element’s appearances in given contexts, its fitness for communing with other elements like it in kind, and its own nature defined through its (...)
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  35. The wisdom-of-crowds: an efficient, philosophically-validated, social epistemological network profiling toolkit.Colin Klein, Marc Cheong, Marinus Ferreira, Emily Sullivan & Mark Alfano - 2023 - In Hocine Cherifi, Rosario Nunzio Mantegna, Luis M. Rocha, Chantal Cherifi & Salvatore Miccichè (eds.), Complex Networks and Their Applications XI: Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications: COMPLEX NETWORKS 2022 — Volume 1. Springer.
    The epistemic position of an agent often depends on their position in a larger network of other agents who provide them with information. In general, agents are better off if they have diverse and independent sources. Sullivan et al. [19] developed a method for quantitatively characterizing the epistemic position of individuals in a network that takes into account both diversity and independence; and presented a proof-of-concept, closed-source implementation on a small graph derived from Twitter data [19]. This paper reports on (...)
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    Sustainability, Neoliberalism, and the Moral Quality of Capitalism.Colin Crouch - 2012 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 31 (2):363-374.
    Paradoxically, the rise of neoliberal economic thinking and its rejection of concepts of both state intervention in the economy and the pursuit of purposes bybusiness that are not directly related to profit maximization, has been accompanied by intensified social criticism of business and concerns about sustainability. The article explores the implications of these paradoxes and relates them to active consumerism and to the issue of market externalities.
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    Beauty of Soul.Colin McGinn - 1997 - In Ethics, evil, and fiction. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The ‘aesthetic theory of virtue’ or ATV, is the thesis, partly inspired by Thomas Reid, that virtue coincides with beauty of soul and vice with ugliness of soul. The basic idea of ATV is that for a person to be virtuous is for his soul to have certain aesthetic properties, which are necessary and sufficient conditions for personal goodness. The relation between morally aesthetic properties and moral attributes is one of supervenience of the former upon the latter. McGinn cites the (...)
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    (1 other version)Consciousness, Atomism, and the Ancient Greeks.Colin McGinn - 2004 - In Consciousness and its Objects. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press University Press.
    Physical atomism, as proposed by Democritus, was a speculative theory, without much empirical support or explanatory success, which much later received serious confirmation. Comparisons are drawn between some ancient Greek responses to puzzling phenomena and modern reductionist responses to the mind-body problem. It is conjectured that atomism with regard to the mental is true in advance of there being any particular evidence for it. According to this theory, conscious states consist of unobserved underlying states, which combine to produce the states (...)
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    Conclusion: Stories and Morals.Colin McGinn - 1997 - In Ethics, evil, and fiction. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the conclusion, McGinn distinguishes the ‘commandment’ paradigm and the ‘parable’ paradigm of ethical reflection, and argues that analytical moral philosophy, despite its emphasis on moral language, tends to follow the former. In this book, McGinn has argued that the latter, as exemplified in fictional narrative, with its appeal to our aesthetic sensibility, is the true vehicle of moral thought and persuasion. The fictional world is ideal for the exploration of ethical questions and the acquisition of ethical knowledge.
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    Introduction.Colin McGinn - 1999 - In Knowledge and Reality: Selected Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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    The Picture: Dorian Gray.Colin McGinn - 1997 - In Ethics, evil, and fiction. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, McGinn argues, presents in an extreme and exemplary form, the power of the aesthetic to conceal and to express evil; it shows us what happens if the aesthetic is allowed to dominate over the moral. The character of Dorian has an exterior beauty, which is taken as a sign of virtue, but he has an inner ugliness or an ugliness of soul, which is identified as moral depravity. The lesson of Dorian Gray, McGinn (...)
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  42. Repelling a Prussian charge with a solution to a paradox of Dubins.Colin Howson - 2016 - Synthese 195 (1).
    Pruss uses an example of Lester Dubins to argue against the claim that appealing to hyperreal-valued probabilities saves probabilistic regularity from the objection that in continuum outcome-spaces and with standard probability functions all save countably many possibilities must be assigned probability 0. Dubins’s example seems to show that merely finitely additive standard probability functions allow reasoning to a foregone conclusion, and Pruss argues that hyperreal-valued probability functions are vulnerable to the same charge. However, Pruss’s argument relies on the rule of (...)
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  43. Temporal Passage and Being in Time.Colin Johnston - 2021 - In Adrian Haddock & Rachael Wiseman (eds.), The Anscombean Mind. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 154-173.
    This paper argues that the passage of time cannot be understood in a certain ‘objective’ manner: it is not something comprehensible as from no one and nowhen by means of generalizations over times, properties, subjects, events etc. This does not mean, however, that its reality should be denied, that we should lower our sights to explaining instead ‘the experience of time as passing’. Rather, time’s passage is to be elaborated within a metaphysics of time of a rather different kind, one (...)
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  44. Imagination.Colin McGinn - 2007 - In Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  45. Does Unwitting Knowledge Entail Unconscious Belief?Colin Radford - 1970 - Analysis 30 (3):103 - 107.
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    Disgust and Disease.Colin McGinn - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):381-382.
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    Grosseteste and an Ancient Optical Principle.Colin Turbayne - 1959 - Isis 50 (4):467-472.
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    Hegel’s Critique of Kant’s Moral Postulates in advance.Colin Bodayle - forthcoming - Idealistic Studies.
    This paper shows how Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit criticizes Kant for positing a realm beyond the scope of finite cognition, a “supersensible” realm of things in-themselves. Hegel not only rejects Kant’s attempt to ground the supersensible through his theoretical philosophy, but also criticizes Kant’s attempt to provide a practical basis for the sensible-supersensible divide. In the second Critique, Kant claims that practical reason extends theoretical reason by showing that the supersensible is more than a “merely problematic thought” since we can (...)
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    (1 other version)Conceptual causation: Some elementary reflections.Colin McGinn - 1991 - Mind 100 (4):573-586.
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    Method and Appraisal in the Physical Sciences: The Critical Background to Modern Science, 1800–1905.Colin Howson (ed.) - 1976 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1976, this is a volume of studies on the problems of theory-appraisal in the physical sciences - how and why important theories are developed, changed and are replaced, and by what criteria we judge one theory an advance on another. The volume is introduced by a classic paper of Imre Lakatos's, which sets out a theory for tackling these problems - the methodology of scientific research programmes. Five contributors then test this theory against particular and celebrated case-studies (...)
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