Results for 'Cohen Ambrose'

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  1.  76
    Review: L. Jonathan Cohen, Tense Usage and Propositions. [REVIEW]Alice Ambrose - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):297-298.
  2.  38
    Cohen L. Jonathan. Postscript . Philosophy and analysis, A selection of articles published in Analysis between 1933-40 and 1947-53, edited by Macdonald Margaret; Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1954, and Philosophical Library, New York 1954; pp. 188–190. [REVIEW]Alice Ambrose - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):301-301.
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    (1 other version)"rational Fluid Mechanics, 1687-1765" By Clifford Ambrose Truesdell. [REVIEW]I. Cohen - 1962 - Isis 53:532-533.
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  4. New borel independence results.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    S. Adams, W. Ambrose, A. Andretta, H. Becker, R. Camerlo, C. Champetier, J.P.R. Christensen, D.E. Cohen, A. Connes. C. Dellacherie, R. Dougherty, R.H. Farrell, F. Feldman, A. Furman, D. Gaboriau, S. Gao, V. Ya. Golodets, P. Hahn, P. de la Harpe, G. Hjorth, S. Jackson, S. Kahane, A.S. Kechris, A. Louveau,, R. Lyons, P.-A. Meyer, C.C. Moore, M.G. Nadkarni, C. Nebbia, A.L.T. Patterson, U. Krengel, A.J. Kuntz, J.-P. Serre, S.D. Sinel'shchikov, T. Slaman, Solecki, R. Spatzier, J. Steel, D. (...)
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    Harmful Thoughts: Essays on Law, Self, and Morality.Meir Dan-Cohen - 2002 - Princeton University Press.
    In these writings by one of our most creative legal philosophers, Meir Dan-Cohen explores the nature of the self and its response to legal commands and mounts a challenge to some prevailing tenets of legal theory and the neighboring moral, political, and economic thought. The result is an insider's critique of liberalism that extends contemporary liberalism's Kantian strand, combining it with postmodernist ideas about the contingent and socially constructed self to build a thoroughly original perspective on some of the (...)
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  6. A better best system account of lawhood.Jonathan Cohen & Craig Callender - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 145 (1):1 - 34.
    Perhaps the most significant contemporary theory of lawhood is the Best System (/MRL) view on which laws are true generalizations that best systematize knowledge. Our question in this paper will be how best to formulate a theory of this kind. We’ll argue that an acceptable MRL should (i) avoid inter-system comparisons of simplicity, strength, and balance, (ii) make lawhood epistemically accessible, and (iii) allow for laws in the special sciences. Attention to these problems will bring into focus a useful menu (...)
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  7. The expected value of control: an integrative theory of anterior cingulate cortex function.Amitai Shenhav, Matthew Botvinick & Jonathan Cohen - 2013 - Neuron 79 (2):217–40.
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  8. Special Sciences, Conspiracy and the Better Best System Account of Lawhood.Jonathan Cohen & Craig Callender - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (3):427 - 447.
    An important obstacle to lawhood in the special sciences is the worry that such laws would require metaphysically extravagant conspiracies among fundamental particles. How, short of conspiracy, is this possible? In this paper we'll review a number of strategies that allow for the projectibility of special science generalizations without positing outlandish conspiracies: non-Humean pluralism, classical MRL theories of laws, and Albert and Loewer's theory. After arguing that none of the above fully succeed, we consider the conspiracy problem through the lens (...)
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    Why Does God Command?Shlomit Wygoda Cohen - forthcoming - Religious Studies:1-10.
    Assuming the existence of God and divine commands, it makes sense to ask to what end God issues commands. This question has been raised in recent philosophical literature in the context of whether there can be a divine command to believe in, or to worship, God. In this article, I argue that the answers proposed to this question fail to appreciate the wide range of possible purposes of divine commanding. In particular, I argue that commands that cannot be conformed or (...)
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    A memory-based theory of emotional disorders.Rivka T. Cohen & Michael Jacob Kahana - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (4):742-776.
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  11. Empirical evidence for moral Bayesianism.Haim Cohen, Ittay Nissan-Rozen & Anat Maril - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (4):801-830.
    Many philosophers in the field of meta-ethics believe that rational degrees of confidence in moral judgments should have a probabilistic structure, in the same way as do rational degrees of belief. The current paper examines this position, termed “moral Bayesianism,” from an empirical point of view. To this end, we assessed the extent to which degrees of moral judgments obey the third axiom of the probability calculus, ifP(A∩B)=0thenP(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B), known as finite additivity, as compared to degrees of beliefs on the one (...)
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    The use of AI in legal systems: determining independent contractor vs. employee status.Maxime C. Cohen, Samuel Dahan, Warut Khern-Am-Nuai, Hajime Shimao & Jonathan Touboul - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-30.
    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to aid legal decision making has become prominent. This paper investigates the use of AI in a critical issue in employment law, the determination of a worker’s status—employee vs. independent contractor—in two common law countries (the U.S. and Canada). This legal question has been a contentious labor issue insofar as independent contractors are not eligible for the same benefits as employees. It has become an important societal issue due to the ubiquity of the gig (...)
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  13. Genericity.Ariel Cohen - 2022 - In Mark Aronoff (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press. pp. 1-35.
    Generics are sentences such as Birds fly, which express generalizations. They are prevalent in speech, and as far as is known, no human language lacks generics. Yet, it is very far from clear what they mean. After all, not all birds fly—penguins don’t! -/- There are two general views about the meaning of generics in the literature, and each view encompasses many specific theories. According to the inductivist view, a generic states that a sufficient number of individuals satisfy a certain (...)
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  14.  53
    Handle with Care: The WHO Report on Human Genome Editing.I. Glenn Cohen, Jacob S. Sherkow & Eli Y. Adashi - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (2):10-14.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 2, Page 10-14, March‐April 2022.
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    Ignoring Complexity: Epistemic Wagers and Knowledge Practices among Synthetic Biologists.Talia Dan-Cohen - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (5):899-921.
    This paper links two domains of recent interest in science and technology studies, complexity and ignorance, in the context of knowledge practices observed among synthetic biologists. Synthetic biologists are recruiting concepts and methods from computer science and electrical engineering in order to design and construct novel organisms in the lab. Their field has taken shape amidst revised assessments of life’s complexity in the aftermath of the Human Genome Project. While this complexity is commonly taken to be an immanent property of (...)
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  16. Kant on Epistemic Autonomy.Alix Cohen - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 687-696.
    The aim of this paper is to defend the claim that epistemic autonomy plays a central role in Kant’s account of epistemic normativity. Just as the formula of autonomy ought to regulate the activity of the will, I argue that our epistemic activity, and in particular our beliefs (‘holding to be true’, Fürwahrhalten) ought to be regulated by an epistemic version of this formula. To support this claim, I show that while believing and willing are different kinds of activities, they (...)
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  17.  39
    Why Just, Reasonable Multiculturalism?Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2319-2332.
  18.  70
    The Audibility Problem and Indirect Listening.Wouter A. Cohen - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):147-158.
    There is a strong intuition that we can listen to works of music, yet musical ontologies on which works of music are abstract objects, perhaps most notably, type theories of music, seem to imply that this is impossible. This problem has received relatively little attention in the literature. I here explore and develop a solution suggested by Julian Dodd and argue that it has at least two problematic consequences, namely (i) that some works of music cannot be listened to unless (...)
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    Systemic features of immune recognition in the gut.Bartlomiej Swiatczak, Maria Rescigno & Irun Cohen - 2011 - Microbes and Infection 13:983-991.
    The immune system, to protect the body, must discriminate between the pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes and respond to them in different ways. How the mucosal immune system manages to make this distinction is poorly understood. We suggest here that the distinction between pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes is made by an integrated system rather than by single types of cells or single types of receptors; a systems biology approach is needed to understand immune recognition.
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    Introduction.Cynthia B. Cohen & Elizabeth Leibold McCloskey - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (2):vii-x.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionCynthia B. CohenThe explosion of genetic information in recent years raises a fundamental question for us as individuals and as members of various communities: Have we an obligation to know as much as possible about our genes—or should we bypass genetic information, leaving it hidden? A terrible ambivalence grips us when it comes to our genes. We want to respond to the Socratic call to know ourselves by learning (...)
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  21. Harms of silence: From Pierre Bayle to de-platforming.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (2):114-131.
    Early in the history of liberalism, its most important proponents were concerned with freedom of religion. As polities and individuals now accept a dizzying array of religions, this has receded to the background for most theorists. It nonetheless remains a concern. Freedom of speech is a similar concern and very much in the foreground for theorists looking at the current state of academia. In this essay, I argue that inappropriate limits to freedom of religion and inappropriate limits to freedom of (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Modern Social Theory.Percy S. Cohen - 1968 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 27 (2):326-330.
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  23. Freedom and the open future.Yishai Cohen - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 64 (3):228-255.
    I draw upon Helen Steward's concept of agential settling to argue that freedom requires an ability to change the truth‐value of tenseless future contingents over time from false to true and that this ability requires a metaphysically open future.
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  24. Feeling, Orientation and Agency in Kant: A Response to Merritt and Eran.Alix Cohen - 2021 - Kantian Review 26 (3):379-391.
    On my interpretation of Kant, feeling plays a central role in the mind: it has the distinct function of tracking and evaluating our activity in relation to ourselves and the world so as to orient us. In this article, I set out to defend this view against a number of objections raised by Melissa Merritt and Uri Eran. I conclude with some reflections on the fact that, despite being very different, Merritt and Eran’s respective views of Kantian feelings turn out (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Marx, Justice, and History.Marshall Cohen, Thomas Nagel & Thomas Scanlon - 1983 - Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (2):144-148.
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    Extended Mind Over Matter: Privacy Protection Is the Sine Qua Non.Cohen Marcus Lionel Brown - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):97-99.
    Palermos’s (2023) concept of “mental data” is appreciated as advancing fresh considerations in urgent discourse on mental privacy. However, it is suggested that the proposal for an ontologically di...
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  27. Probabilism: An Open Future Solution to the Actualism/Possibilism Debate.Yishai Cohen & Travis Timmerman - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (2):349-370.
    The actualism/possibilism debate in ethics is traditionally formulated in terms of whether true counterfactuals of freedom about the future (true subjunctive conditionals concerning what someone would freely do in the future if they were in certain circumstances) even partly determine an agent's present moral obligations. But the very assumption that there are true counterfactuals of freedom about the future conflicts with the idea that freedom requires a metaphysically open future. We develop probabilism as a solution to the actualism/possibilism debate, a (...)
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  28. Feldman, R., 61 Glanzberg, M., 217 Glymour, B., 271 Lycan, WG, 35 Predelli, S., 145.A. Bumpus, J. Cohen, S. Cohen, E. Conee, C. L. Elder, M. Ridge, M. Sabatés, E. C. Tiffany & D. Vander Laan - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 103 (343).
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  29. Exploring RoBERTa's theory of mind through textual entailment.Michael Cohen - manuscript
    Within psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science, theory of mind refers to the cognitive ability to reason about the mental states of other people, thus recognizing them as having beliefs, knowledge, intentions and emotions of their own. In this project, we construct a natural language inference (NLD) dataset that tests the ability of a state of the art language model, RoBERTa-large finetuned on the MNLI dataset, to make theory of mind inferences related to knowledge and belief. Experimental results suggest that the (...)
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  30. The Uncoordinated Teachers Puzzle.Michael Cohen - 2024 - Episteme 21 (3):1023-1030.
    Williamson (2000) argues that the KK principle is inconsistent with knowledge of margin for error in cases of inexact perceptual observations. This paper argues, primarily by analogy to a different scenario, that Williamson's argument is fallacious. Margin for error principles describe the agent's knowledge as a result of an inexact perceptual event, not the agent's knowledge state in general. Therefore, epistemic agents can use their knowledge of margin for error at most once after a perceptual event, but not more. This (...)
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  31. A Bleeding Heart Libertarian View of Inequality.Andrew Jason Cohen - 2020 - In Hugh Lafollette (ed.), Ethics in Practice: An Anthology, Fifth Edition. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 598-610.
    We live in a market system and witness much economic inequality. Although such inequality may not be an essential characteristic of market systems, it seems historically inevitable. How we should evaluate this inequality, on the other hand, is contentious. I propose that bleeding heart libertarians provide the best diagnosis and prescription.
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  32. Sovereignty in the Context of Globalization: A Constitutional Pluralist Perspective.Jean Cohen - 2010 - In Samantha Besson & John Tasioulas (eds.), The philosophy of international law. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  33. Kant on Evolution: A Re-evaluation.Alix Cohen - 2020 - In John J. Callanan & Lucy Allais (eds.), Kant and Animals. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 123-135.
    Kant’s notorious remark about the impossibility of there ever being a Newton of a blade of grass has often been interpreted as a misguided pre-emptive strike against Darwin and evolutionary theories in general: 'It would be absurd for humans even to make such an attempt or to hope that there may yet arise a Newton who could make comprehensible even the generation of a blade of grass according to natural laws that no intention has ordered; rather, we must absolutely deny (...)
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    J.S. Mill's Boundaries of Freedom of Expression: A Critique.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (4):565-596.
    The essay opens with some background information about the period in which J.S. Mill wrote. The discussion revolves around the concept of blasphemy which Mill considered to be highly problematic. Tagging unpopular views as ‘blasphemous’ amounted to abuse of governmental powers and infringed on the basic liberties of the out-of-favour speakers. The discussion on blasphemy sets the scene to the understanding of Mill's concerns, his priorities and consequently his emphasis on the widest possible liberty of expression. Section 2 presents the (...)
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    “You are Not Qualified—Leave it to us”: Obstetric Violence as Testimonial Injustice.Sara Cohen Shabot - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (4):635-653.
    This paper addresses epistemic aspects of the phenomenon of obstetric violence—which has been described as a kind of gender violence—mainly from the perspective of recent theories on epistemic injustice. I argue that what is behind the dismissal of women’s voices in labor is mainly how the birthing subject, in general, is conceived. Thus, I develop a link between the phenomenon of testimonial injustice in labor and the marked irrationality that is seen as a core characteristic of birthing subjects: an irrationality (...)
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  36. Identity, belief, and bias.Geoffrey L. Cohen - 2012 - In Jon Hanson (ed.), Ideology, Psychology, and Law. Oup Usa. pp. 385.
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    Just and Unjust Wars - and Just and Unjust Arguments.Daniel H. Cohen - 2003 - In IL@25: Proceedings of the 2003 Meetings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation.
    For all its problems, there is still much to be gleaned from the argument-is-war paradigm. Much of the conceptual vocabulary that we use to talk about wars is commonly applied to arguments. Other concepts in the war-cluster can also be readily adapted to arguments. Some parts, of course, do not seem to apply so easily, if at all. Of most interest here are those war-concepts that have not been deployed in thinking about arguments but really should be because of the (...)
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  38.  52
    A Preface to Logic.Morris Raphael Cohen - 1944 - New York: Routledge.
    Published in 1946, this volume does not purpose to be a treatise on logic. The author's contributions to the substance of logical doctrine have been made in his other works. What he has attempted in the studies that form this volume is an exploration of the periphery of logic, the relation of logic to the rest of the universe, the philosophical presuppositions which give logic its meaning and the applications which give it importance. It is his belief that formal logic (...)
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    A new axiomatization of Belnap's conditional assertion.Daniel H. Cohen - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (1):124-132.
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    Bioética.Marco Segre & Cláudio Cohen (eds.) - 2002 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Edusp.
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    Le Sorgenti Irrazionali del Pensiero. [REVIEW]Morris R. Cohen - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (20):554-556.
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  42. The value of ownership.Meir Dan-Cohen - 2001 - Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (4):404–434.
    To understand private property, it is generally assumed, we must recognize the contribution objects make to human life. On the prevailing view, ownership is valuable only insofar as its subject matter is of value. In the order of valuation, objects come first, owning them comes second. But despite its air of obviousness, the assumption does not suit our ordinary concept of ownership. Ownership can be valuable quite apart from the value of the owned object, and it can be the source (...)
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    The Moral Gradation of Media of Deception.Shlomo Cohen - 2018 - Theoria 84 (1):60-82.
    A central debate in the ethics of deception concerns the moral comparison among the three media through which deception is executed: lying, falsely implicating, or nonlinguistic deception. The two prominent views are that lying is morally worse or that the choice of medium is morally insignificant. This article refutes both and argues for a new position. The article first presents a theory on the moral significance of the medium of deception as such: it argues that the medium of communication affects (...)
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  44. Wittgenstein and W.C. Fields.Daniel Cohen - 1990 - Lyceum 2 (1):15-30.
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    A Commentary on Kinsbourne and Hobson.Jonathan D. Cohen - 1997 - In Jonathan D. Cohen & Jonathan W. Schooler (eds.), Scientific Approaches to Consciousness. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 25--397.
  46.  2
    A Critical Sketch of Legal Philosophy in America.Morris Raphael Cohen - 1937 - New York University Press.
  47.  10
    Aesthetics in Present Future: The Arts and the Technological Horizon.Alain Cohen, Rob Spruijt, Erith Jaffe-Berg, Miltos Manetas, Alessandro Lanni, Roberto Diodato, Domenico Parisi, Teresa Iaria, Peter B. Lunenfeld & Ysamur Flores Pena (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The theme of Aesthetics in Present Future concerns the new chances the arts have and the deep changes they are undergoing, due to the new media, and the digital world in which we are growingly immersed. That this world is to be understood from an aesthetic point of view, become clear if we think of how much of what we produce, and observe and study is offered through images in particular and perceptual means in general.
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  48. A modern myth: Classical Athens as a" face-to-face" society.Edward E. Cohen - 1997 - Common Knowledge 6:97-124.
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    Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1966-1968.Robert Sonné Cohen & Marx W. Wartofsky (eds.) - 1969 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1966/1968.
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  50. Christiaan Huygens en de Wetensschapsrevolutie van der 17de eeuw.H. F. Cohen & A. Meskens - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (3):312-312.
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