14 found
  1.  26
    Medicine and the Church.Clifford Allbutt - 1911 - The Monist 21:478.
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  2.  52
    Celsus de Medicina Aulus Cornelius Celsus: Ueber die Artzneiwissenschaft; übersetzt und erklärt von Eduard Scheller: zweite Auflage von Walther Frieboes. Braunschweig: Vieweg und Sohn, 1906. 8vo. Pp. xlii + 862. Tafeln iv. M. 18. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1908 - The Classical Review 22 (05):151-154.
  3.  50
    Corpus Medicorum Graecorum. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (3):84-86.
  4.  35
    Die Überlieferung der Gynaekologie des Soranus von Ephesus. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1911 - The Classical Review 25 (2):49-52.
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  5.  39
    Diogenes of Apollonia. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1910 - The Classical Review 24 (7):225-227.
  6.  30
    Greco-Roman and Arabic Bronze Instruments and their Medico-Surgical Use. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1921 - The Classical Review 35 (5-6):106-107.
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  7.  40
    Galen on the Natural Faculties. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1917 - The Classical Review 31 (3-4):100-103.
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  8.  96
    Hippocrates Hippocrates. With English Translation by W. H. S. Jones, St. Catherine's College, Cambridge (Loeb Classical Library.) Vol. II. Pp. lvi+336: London: Heinemann; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1923. Hippocrates and his Successors in Relation to the Philosophy of their Time. By R. O. Moon, M.D., F.R.C.P. The Fitzpatrick Lectures, R.C.P., 1921–22. London: Longmans, 1923. 6s. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (7-8):175-177.
  9.  74
    Theophrastus and the Greek Physiological Psychology before Aristotle. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1918 - The Classical Review 32 (5-6):117-120.
  10.  40
    The Beginning of Life. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (4):115-116.
  11.  38
    Two Books on Greek Science. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1923 - The Classical Review 37 (5-6):129-131.
  12.  58
    The Doctor's Oath: The Early Forms of the Hippocratic Oath. With translations and an essay. By W. H. S. Jones. One vol. Pp. 62; 2 MSS. facsimiles and medieval effigy of Hippocrates on cover. Cambridge: University Press, MCMXXIV. 7s. 6d. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1925 - The Classical Review 39 (5-6):139-139.
  13.  39
    Theophrastus' Scientific Enquiries. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1918 - The Classical Review 32 (1-2):36-38.
  14.  38
    udolf Eucken's Kampf um einen neuen Idealismus. [REVIEW]Clifford Allbutt - 1911 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 21:478.