Results for 'Clemens Cüppers'

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  1. Die erkenntnistheoretischen Grundgedanken Wilhelm Diltheys.Clemens Cuppers - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45:102.
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  2. (1 other version)Cüppers, Clemens, Die erkenntnistheoretischen Grundgedanken Wilhelm Diltheys. [REVIEW]Johannes Hennig - 1935 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 40:329.
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    Toward a historicized sociology: Theorizing events, processes, and emergence.Elisabeth S. Clemens - manuscript
    Since the 1970s, historical sociology in the United States has been constituted by a configuration of substantive questions, a theoretical vocabulary anchored in concepts of economic interest and rationalization, and a methodological commitment to comparison. More recently, this configuration has been destabilized along each dimension: the increasing autonomy of comparative-historical methods from specific historical puzzles, the shift from the analysis of covariation to theories of historical process, and new substantive questions through which new kinds of arguments have been elaborated. Although (...)
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    Clemens Friedrich & Birgit Menzel (Eds.), Osteuropa in Umbruch. Alte und neue Mythen. [REVIEW]Clemens Friedrich & Birgit Menzel - 1998 - Studies in East European Thought 50 (2):153-155.
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  5. Abhandlungen Zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters Festgabe Clemens Baeumker Zum 70 Geburtstag.Clemens Baeumker - 1923 - Aschendorff.
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    Studien zur Geschichte der Philosophie: Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag Clemens Baeumker.Clemens Baeumker - 1913 - Aschendorff.
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    Cows desiring to be milked? Milking robots and the co-evolution of ethics and technology on Dutch dairy farms.Clemens Driessen & Leonie F. M. Heutinck - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (1):3-20.
    Ethical concerns regarding agricultural practices can be found to co-evolve with technological developments. This paper aims to create an understanding of ethics that is helpful in debating technological innovation by studying such a co-evolution process in detail: the development and adoption of the milking robot. Over the last decade an increasing number of milking robots, or automatic milking systems (AMS), has been adopted, especially in the Netherlands and a few other Western European countries. The appraisal of this new technology in (...)
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  8. Teaching Tutankhamun.Pam Cupper - 2011 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 46 (1):72.
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    Introduction to Harold Garfinkel's Ethnomethodological "Misreading" of Aron Gurwitsch on the Phenomenal Field.Clemens Eisenmann & Michael Lynch - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (1):1-17.
    This article is the editors’ introduction to the transcript of a lecture that Harold Garfinkel delivered to a seminar in 1993. Garfinkel extensively discusses the relevance of Aron Gurwitsch’s phenomenological treatment of Gestalt theory for ethnomethodology. Garfinkel uses the term “misreading” to signal a respecification of Gurwitsch’s phenomenological investigations, and particularly his conceptions of contextures, functional significations, and phenomenal fields, so that they become compatible with detailed observations and descriptions of social actions and interactions performed in situ. Garfinkel begins with (...)
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  10.  16
    Metaphysicae systema methodicum: libris quinque per theoremata et problemata selcta concinnatum.Clemens Timpler - 2018 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. Edited by Alexander Aichele.
    Das Werk "Metaphysicae systema methodicum" des Steinfurter Gymnasialprofessors Clemens Timpler (1563/64-1618) war, als es 1604 erstmals erschien, das erste Lehrbuch der Metaphysik aus protestantischer Feder und schon damit vor allem in Form und Stil, aber auch dem Inhalt nach wegweisend für die gesamte deutsche Schulphilosophie. Fest verwurzelt in der Tradition des Aristoteles und seiner thomistischen Auslegung und in stetem Bezug auf Suarez' seinerzeit gerade erschienene "Disputationes metaphysicae", entwickelt Timpler eine Lehre von erstaunlicher Eigenständigkeit, die akademisch umfassend rezipiert und intensiv (...)
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  11.  19
    Familiengründung mittels Eizellspende: Zur Ethik einer reproduktionsmedizinischen Praxis in der liberalen Gesellschaft.Clemens Heyder - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    The new series of 'Studies on Ethics and Science' complements the Yearbook for Ethics and Science edited since 1995 by the Institute for Science and Ethics in Bonn and published by de Gruyter. The monographs and collected volumes in the series cover the same subjects as the Yearbook, namely outstanding and innovative contributions to the investigation of ethical questions connected with modern science and its development. Particular interest is directed towards ethical questions in medicine and the biological sciences.
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    Farmers Engaged in Deliberative Practices; An Ethnographic Exploration of the Mosaic of Concerns in Livestock Agriculture.Clemens Driessen - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (2):163-179.
    A plethora of ethical issues in livestock agriculture has emerged to public attention in recent decades, of which environmental and animal welfare concerns are but two, albeit prominent, themes. For livestock agriculture to be considered sustainable, somehow these interconnected themes need to be addressed. Ethical debate on these issues has been extensive, but mostly started from and focused on single issues. The views of farmers in these debates have been largely absent, or merely figured as interests, instead of being considered (...)
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    The Enigma of Giorgio Agamben.Justin Clemens, Nicholas Heron & Alex Murray - 2008 - In Justin Clemens, Nicholas Heron & Alex Murray (eds.), The Work of Giorgio Agamben: Law, Literature, Life. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-12.
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  14.  33
    Predictive error detection in pianists: a combined ERP and motion capture study.Clemens Maidhof - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  15. Oxford big ideas: History level 6 [Book Review].Pam Cupper - 2012 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 47 (4):63.
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  16. On dangerous ground: A Gallipoli story [Book Review].Pam Cupper - 2013 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 48 (1):54.
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    Grundelemente der mittelalterlichen Jagd in einer quellenkritischen Perspektive. Naturräumliche Voraussetzungen, herrschaftliche Bezüge, Funktionen.Clemens Dasler - 2008 - Das Mittelalter 13 (2):107-121.
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    Kritik terhadap Filsafat Pendidikan Jacques Rancière.Clemens Dion Yusila Timur - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (1):56-96.
    This article contains four criticisms against Jacques Rancière's philosophy of education, insofar as his philosophy is written in his work The Ignorant Schoolmaster. In the first criticism, Rancière's presupposition of equality of intelligence would be framed as a truth claim and to the extent that it can be treated as such, Rancière's argument contains a number of defects. The second criticism underscores the distinction between inequality of intelligence and inequality of knowledge Rancière confuses. The third criticism concerns the contradiction between (...)
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  19.  43
    The borderlands of waking: Quantifying the transition from reflective thought to hallucination in sleep onset.Clemens Speth & Jana Speth - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 41 (C):57-63.
  20.  36
    Intervention Effects and Additivity.Clemens Mayr - 2014 - Journal of Semantics 31 (4):fft010.
    Next SectionBy discussing a novel paradigm, it is shown that the likeliness of an operator to trigger an intervention effect in a wh-in-situ question is determined by the logical properties of that operator (contra Beck 1996a, 2006, for instance). A new empirical generalization accounting for the differences between operators in their ability to cause intervention and improving on existing analyses is suggested. This generalization is fully predictive and allows one to not have to list in the lexicon whether an intervener (...)
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  21.  31
    Enrolling the Toggle Switch: Visionary Claims and the Capability of Modeling Objects in the Disciplinary Formation of Synthetic Biology.Clemens Blümel - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (3):269-287.
    Synthetic biology is a research field that has grown rapidly and attracted considerable attention. Most prominently, it has been labelled the ‘engineering of biology’. While other attempts to label the field have been also pursued, the program of engineering can be considered the core of the field’s disciplinary program, of its identity. This article addresses the success of the ‘engineering program’ in synthetic biology and argues that its success can partly be explained by distinct practices of persuasion that aim at (...)
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  22. The Theory of Obligation in Wolff, Baumgarten, and the Early Kant.Clemens Schwaiger - 2009 - In Karl Ameriks (ed.), Kant's Moral and Legal Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 58--76.
  23.  78
    The Abandonment of Sex: Giorgio Agamben, Psychoanalysis and Melancholia.Justin Clemens - 2010 - Theory and Event 13 (1).
  24.  33
    Self-recognition of highly skilled actions: A study of orchestral conductors.Clemens Wöllner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1311-1321.
    The influence of movement skill on action representations and identification of agency was investigated. Point-light displays were created of highly skilled gestures of thirteen orchestral conductors in visual, auditory, and audiovisual versions and compared to two control conditions . In subsequent experimental sessions, participants indicated whether displays presented them or other conductors, whether the soundtrack contained their or others’ musical interpretations, and rated the quality and emotional content of the gestures. Self-recognition was more accurate in conditions presenting highly skilled conducting (...)
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  25.  51
    Computable Reducibility of Equivalence Relations and an Effective Jump Operator.John D. Clemens, Samuel Coskey & Gianni Krakoff - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-22.
    We introduce the computable FS-jump, an analog of the classical Friedman–Stanley jump in the context of equivalence relations on the natural numbers. We prove that the computable FS-jump is proper with respect to computable reducibility. We then study the effect of the computable FS-jump on computably enumerable equivalence relations (ceers).
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    Sebuah Apresiasi terhadap Perubahan Pasal Hukuman Mati.Clemens Dion Yusila Timur - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (2):234-256.
    This paper is meant to show why the introduction of probation in the capital punishment act of the new Code of Criminal Law is a change we should appreciate. This change will expectedly lead Indonesia to be a nation that de facto no longer employs capital punishment. This is a desirable consequence given that, in my view, capital punishment cannot be ethically justified. In this paper, I will show why arguments in defense of capital punishment by appealing to the deterrence (...)
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    Erziehungswissenschaft als Kulturwissenschaft: die Potentiale der Netzwerktheorie für einekulturwissenschaftliche und kulturtheoretische Ausrichtung der Erziehungswissenschaft.Iris Clemens - 2015 - Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
  28. Man is a swarm animal.Justin Clemens - 2009 - In Dominiek Hoens, Sigi Jottkandt & Gert Buelens (eds.), The catastrophic imperative: subjectivity, time and memory in contemporary thought. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  29.  33
    Ordered pair semantics and negation in LP.Matthew Clemens - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Logic 17 (5):201-205.
    In this note, I present a modified semantic framework for the multi-valued paraconsistent logic LP, which allows for a straightforward preservation of a significant classical intuition about negation, namely that the negation operator reverses truth-value.
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    Heterotopie des Museums.Clemens-Carl Härle - 2017 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 26 (1):37-45.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Paragrana Jahrgang: 26 Heft: 1 Seiten: 37-45.
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  31.  30
    Classifying Borel Automorphisms.John D. Clemens - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1081 - 1092.
  32.  48
    Die Vorlesungsnachschriften zu Kants praktischer Philosophie in der Akademie-Ausgabe.Clemens Schwaiger - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (s1):178-188.
  33. Euklids Data in arabischer Fassung.Clemens Thaer - 1942 - Hermes 77 (2):197-205.
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    Reine Anschauung und Idealität des Raumes.Clemens Thaer - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1):107.
  35.  10
    Biologische Indikation - Tiergartenbiologische, tier- und umweltethische Überlegungen zur Tötung von Tieren.Clemens Wustmans & Dag Encke - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 63 (4):250-265.
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    »Homo Deus« oder Menschsein in Grenzen und Relationalität?: Eine theologische Antwortmöglichkeit auf Yuval Noah Harari.Clemens Wustmans - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 65 (1):46-51.
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    Einführung in den Band 2.Clemens Zimmermann - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann (eds.), Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 1-10.
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    Einführung in den Band 3.Clemens Zimmermann - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann (eds.), Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 1-10.
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    Resümee.Clemens Zimmermann - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann (eds.), Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 437-444.
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    New jump operators on equivalence relations.John D. Clemens & Samuel Coskey - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (3).
    We introduce a new family of jump operators on Borel equivalence relations; specifically, for each countable group [Formula: see text] we introduce the [Formula: see text]-jump. We study the elementary properties of the [Formula: see text]-jumps and compare them with other previously studied jump operators. One of our main results is to establish that for many groups [Formula: see text], the [Formula: see text]-jump is proper in the sense that for any Borel equivalence relation [Formula: see text] the [Formula: see (...)
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  41.  36
    Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten - ein intellektuelles Porträt: Studien zur Metaphysik und Ethik von Kants Leitautor.Clemens Schwaiger - 2011 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten gilt mit Fug und Recht als der selbstandigste aller Wolffianer. Doch hat man kaum je systematisch untersucht, worin - uber die Begrundung der Asthetik hinaus - seine denkerische Originalitat besteht. Im vorliegenden Band wird der fur Kant wichtigste Schulautor als Erkenntnistheoretiker, Psychologe und Moralphilosoph erstmals prononciert aus dem Schatten Wolffs herausgeholt. Nach der jungsten Pionierubersetzung der Metaphysica ins Deutsche folgt hier eine interpretatorisch wegweisende Detailstudie zu philosophischen Schlusselthemen des fruhvollendeten Hochaufklarers - gerade recht zu den anstehenden Jubilaen. (...)
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  42.  81
    Polish metric spaces: Their classification and isometry groups.John D. Clemens, Su Gao & Alexander S. Kechris - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):361-375.
    § 1. Introduction. In this communication we present some recent results on the classification of Polish metric spaces up to isometry and on the isometry groups of Polish metric spaces. A Polish metric space is a complete separable metric space.Our first goal is to determine the exact complexity of the classification problem of general Polish metric spaces up to isometry. This work was motivated by a paper of Vershik [1998], where he remarks : “The classification of Polish spaces up to (...)
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    Philosophy as anti-religion in the work of Alain Badiou.Justin Clemens & Jon Roffe - 2008 - Sophia 47 (3):345-358.
    The Heideggerian rupture in the history of philosophy in the name of a phenomenological and poetic ontology has provided an opening which many of the key figures in twentieth century continental thought have exploited. However, this opening was marked by Heidegger himself as an ambiguous one, insofar as metaphysics was perhaps integrally ‘onto-theology,’ that is, ultimately continuous with the world-historical capture of the thought of being. This piece argues that the philosophy of Alain Badiou, which departs from the recognition that (...)
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  44. On the termination of russell’s description elimination algorithm.Clemens Grabmayer, Joop Leo, Vincent van Oostrom & Albert Visser - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):367-393.
    In this paper we study the termination behavior of Russell’s description elimination rewrite system. We discuss certain claims made by Kripke (2005) in his paper concerning the possible nontermination of elimination of descriptions.
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    Traditional Concerns, New Language? Reflections on Laudato Si.Clemens Sedmak - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (6):942-952.
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    »Die Kunst Rembrandts, nicht die eines beliebigen Stümpers« Georg Simmel als Philosoph der repräsentativen Kultur.Clemens Albrecht - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2015 (1-2):23-40.
    It seems misleading to regard Georg Simmel as one of the founders of modern cultural studies. Instead, it is argued that Simmel's cultural sociology remained oriented to 19th century's culture. In this sense the article reconstructs his theory of individual and collective cultivation as standing in contrast to currently dominating cultural concepts based on egalitarianism.
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  47. La filosofia europea del medioevo.Clemens Baeumker - 1945 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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  48. Witelo, philosophe et naturaliste du xiiie siècle, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters.Clemens Baeumker, Cl Baeumker & G. Fr V. Hertling - 1911 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 72:314-316.
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  49. Kategorienlehre.Brentano Franz Clemens & Kastil Alfred - 1933 - F. Meiner.
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    Humbert von Preuilly (1298), einer der ältesten thomasischen Denker.Clemens Heidack - 1965 - Bonn,:
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