Results for 'Clay Calvert'

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  1. Epistemological Misgivings of Karen Barad’s ‘Posthumanism’.Chris Calvert-Minor - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):123-137.
    Karen Barad develops a view she calls ‘posthumanism,’ or ‘agential realism,’ where the human is reconfigured away from the central place of explanation, interpretation, intelligibility, and objectivity to make room for the epistemic importance of other material agents. Barad is not alone in this kind of endeavor, but her posthumanism offers a unique epistemological position. Her aim is to take a performative rather than a representationalist approach to analyzing ‘socialnatural’ practices and challenge methodological assumptions that may go unnoticed in some (...)
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    The Isomorphism Problem for Computable Abelian p-Groups of Bounded Length.Wesley Calvert - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):331 - 345.
    Theories of classification distinguish classes with some good structure theorem from those for which none is possible. Some classes (dense linear orders, for instance) are non-classifiable in general, but are classifiable when we consider only countable members. This paper explores such a notion for classes of computable structures by working out a sequence of examples. We follow recent work by Goncharov and Knight in using the degree of the isomorphism problem for a class to distinguish classifiable classes from non-classifiable. In (...)
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    The neural basis of human error processing: Reinforcement learning, dopamine, and the error-related negativity.Clay B. Holroyd & Michael G. H. Coles - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (4):679-709.
  4.  17
    What’s Special about Basic Research?Jane Calvert - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (2):199-220.
    “Basic research” is often used in science policy. It is commonly thought to refer to research that is directed solely toward acquiring new knowledge rather than any more practical objective. Recently, there has been considerable concern about the future of basic research because of purported changes in the nature of knowledge production and increasing pressures on scientists to demonstrate the social and economic benefits of their work. But is there really something special about basic research? The author argues here that (...)
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    Educational Equality: Luck Egalitarian, Pluralist and Complex.John Calvert - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (1):69-85.
    The basic principle of educational equality is that each child should receive an equally good education. This sounds appealing, but is rather vague and needs substantial working out. Also, educational equality faces all the objections to equality per se, plus others specific to its subject matter. Together these have eroded confidence in the viability of equality as an educational ideal. This article argues that equality of educational opportunity is not the best way of understanding educational equality. It focuses on Brighouse (...)
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    Science and Technology Studies in Policy: The UK Synthetic Biology Roadmap.Jane Calvert & Claire Marris - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (1):34-61.
    In this paper, we reflect on our experience as science and technology studies researchers who were members of the working group that produced A Synthetic Biology Roadmap for the UK in 2012. We explore how this initiative sought to govern an uncertain future and describe how it was successfully used to mobilize public funds for synthetic biology from the UK government. We discuss our attempts to incorporate the insights and sensibilities of STS into the policy process and why we chose (...)
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  7. Classification from a computable viewpoint.Wesley Calvert & Julia F. Knight - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (2):191-218.
    Classification is an important goal in many branches of mathematics. The idea is to describe the members of some class of mathematical objects, up to isomorphism or other important equivalence, in terms of relatively simple invariants. Where this is impossible, it is useful to have concrete results saying so. In model theory and descriptive set theory, there is a large body of work showing that certain classes of mathematical structures admit classification while others do not. In the present paper, we (...)
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  8. Calculating life? Duelling discourses in interdisciplinary systems biology.Jane Calvert & Joan H. Fujimura - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (2):155-163.
    A high profile context in which physics and biology meet today is in the new field of systems biology. Systems biology is a fascinating subject for sociological investigation because the demands of interdisciplinary collaboration have brought epistemological issues and debates front and centre in discussions amongst systems biologists in conference settings, in publications, and in laboratory coffee rooms. One could argue that systems biologists are conducting their own philosophy of science. This paper explores the epistemic aspirations of the field by (...)
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    Effective categoricity of equivalence structures.Wesley Calvert, Douglas Cenzer, Valentina Harizanov & Andrei Morozov - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (1):61-78.
    We investigate effective categoricity of computable equivalence structures . We show that is computably categorical if and only if has only finitely many finite equivalence classes, or has only finitely many infinite classes, bounded character, and at most one finite k such that there are infinitely many classes of size k. We also prove that all computably categorical structures are relatively computably categorical, that is, have computably enumerable Scott families of existential formulas. Since all computable equivalence structures are relatively categorical, (...)
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    Michael Della Rocca, The Parmenidean Ascent.Clay Graham - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy Today 3 (2):222-227.
    Ancient Philosophy Today, Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 222-227, October, 2021.
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    Commonsense realism and triangulation.Chris Calvert-Minor - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1):67-86.
    Realism about the external world enjoys little philosophical support these days. I rectify this predicament by taking a relatively pragmatist line of thought to defend commonsense realism; I support commonsense realism through an interpretation and application of Donald Davidson’s notion of triangulation, the triangle composed of two communicators coordinating and correcting their responses with a shared causal stimulus. This argument is important because it has a crucial advantage over the often used abductive argument for realism. My argument avoids unwarranted conclusions, (...)
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    Descartes and the Problem of Evil.Brian Calvert - 1972 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):117 - 126.
    The main aim of this paper is to revive interest among philosophers, and particularly philosophers of religion, in Descartes’ Fourth Meditation. Two recent works on Descartes1 make virtually no mention of it, and this omission seems to reflect a fairly general feeling that it is of relatively little philosophical significance. In philosophy of religion textbooks, the Fifth Meditation is often discussed in connection with the ontological proof, but in sections devoted to the problem of evil, no reference is made to (...)
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    Dare to care.Anita Calvert - 2019 - Disputatio Philosophica 20 (1):25-43.
    Paper is divided into two parts. The first contains two philosophical discussions about comprehension of courage and the second focuses on the findings in an empirical study with care home managers about the virtue of courage. First discussion revolves around the question whether the virtue of courage is expressed a) only in life–threatening situations or is it a virtue trained and exemplified in b) everyday life settings, while the second emphasises the difference between i) courage of efficiency as a skill (...)
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    Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education - By Anne Brockbank and Ian McGill.Mike Calvert - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (3):330-331.
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    Structural Highness Notions.Wesley Calvert, Johanna N. Y. Franklin & Dan Turetsky - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1692-1724.
    We introduce several highness notions on degrees related to the problem of computing isomorphisms between structures, provided that isomorphisms exist. We consider variants along axes of uniformity, inclusion of negative information, and several other problems related to computing isomorphisms. These other problems include Scott analysis (in the form of back-and-forth relations), jump hierarchies, and computing descending sequences in linear orders.
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    Why Meaning in Life Matters for Societal Flourishing.Clay Routledge & Taylor A. FioRito - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  17. The Development of Logic.William Calvert Kneale & Martha Kneale - 1962 - Oxford, England: Clarendon Press. Edited by Martha Kneale.
    This book traces the development of formal logic from its origins inancient Greece to the present day. The authors first discuss the work oflogicians from Aristotle to Frege, showing how they were influenced by thephilosophical or mathematical ideas of their time. They then examinedevelopments in the present century.
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  18. When death thoughts lead to death fears: Mortality salience increases death anxiety for individuals who lack meaning in life.Clay Routledge & Jacob Juhl - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (5):848-854.
  19.  47
    Index Sets for Classes of High Rank Structures.W. Calvert, E. Fokina, S. S. Goncharov, J. F. Knight, O. Kudinov, A. S. Morozov & V. Puzarenko - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1418 - 1432.
    This paper calculates, in a precise way, the complexity of the index sets for three classes of computable structures: the class $K_{\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}}$ of structures of Scott rank $\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}$ , the class $K_{\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}+1}$ of structures of Scott rank $\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}+1$ , and the class K of all structures of non-computable Scott rank. We show that I(K) is m-complete $\Sigma _{1}^{1},\,I(K_{\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}})$ is m-complete $\Pi _{2}^{0}$ relative to Kleen's O, and $I(K_{\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}+1})$ is m-complete $\Sigma _{2}^{0}$ relative to O.
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  20.  33
    Hierarchical control over effortful behavior by rodent medial frontal cortex: A computational model.Clay B. Holroyd & Samuel M. McClure - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (1):54-83.
  21.  38
    Establishing How Natural Environmental Competency, Organizational Social Consciousness, and Innovativeness Relate.Clay Dibrell, Justin B. Craig, Jaemin Kim & Aaron J. Johnson - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (3):591-605.
    This article investigates the moderating effects of organizational social consciousness on the natural environmental competency and innovativeness relationship. Organizational social consciousness reflects the organization’s awareness of its place and contribution to the larger system in which it exists and is developed through an organization’s social responsibility, ethics, culture, corporate values, and the view of its stakeholders. Through our study of key strategic decision makers from organizations located in the USA, we operationalize organizational social consciousness and demonstrate the efficacy of this (...)
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  22.  33
    Effective categoricity of Abelian p -groups.Wesley Calvert, Douglas Cenzer, Valentina S. Harizanov & Andrei Morozov - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (1-2):187-197.
    We investigate effective categoricity of computable Abelian p-groups . We prove that all computably categorical Abelian p-groups are relatively computably categorical, that is, have computably enumerable Scott families of existential formulas. We investigate which computable Abelian p-groups are categorical and relatively categorical.
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    Computable Trees of Scott Rank [image] , and Computable Approximation.Wesley Calvert, Julia F. Knight & Jessica Millar - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):283 - 298.
    Makkai [10] produced an arithmetical structure of Scott rank $\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}$. In [9]. Makkai's example is made computable. Here we show that there are computable trees of Scott rank $\omega _{1}^{\mathit{CK}}$. We introduce a notion of "rank homogeneity". In rank homogeneous trees, orbits of tuples can be understood relatively easily. By using these trees, we avoid the need to pass to the more complicated "group trees" of [10] and [9]. Using the same kind of trees, we obtain one of rank (...)
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    The "strong programme", normativity, and social causes.Chris Calvert-Minor - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (1):1–22.
    Barry Barnes and David Bloor of the Strong Programme of the sociology of knowledge advance a naturalized epistemology that reduces all accounts of normativity to social causes. I endorse their program of naturalizing one kind of normativity, but I argue that there is another kind they cannot naturalize. Within the context of sociological explanations of rationality, there are norms of rationality instantiated by scientists that Barnes and Bloor study, and Barnes and Bloor's own normative ascriptions of scientists as rational beings. (...)
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    The Urge to Know.Jonathan C. Calvert - 2014 - Hamilton Books.
    It was love at first sight when Jonathan Calvert saw the Matterhorn in 1953. Something in the way the mountain held sway over him inspired a lifelong passion for natural beauty and adventure. Over the next fifty years, Calvert climbed, hiked, trekked, sailed, kayaked, and dog-sledded in wild places across the globe, following his urge to know. And he hasn t quit yet. In July 2014, he will spend a month in Central Asia traveling the Silk Road through (...)
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  26. Hunting For Humans: On Slavery as the Basis of the Emergence of the US as the World’s First Super Industrial State or Technocracy and its Deployment of Cutting-Edge Computing/Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Predictive Analytics, and Drones towards the Repression of Dissent.Miron Clay-Gilmore - manuscript
    This essay argues that Huey Newton’s philosophical explanation of US empire fills an epistemological gap in our thinking that provides us with a basis for understanding the emergence and operational application of predictive policing, Big Data, cutting-edge surveillance programs, and semi-autonomous weapons by US military and policing apparati to maintain control over racialized populations historically and in the (still ongoing) Global War on Terror today – a phenomenon that Black Studies scholars and Black philosophers alike have yet to demonstrate the (...)
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  27. Motivation of extended behaviors by anterior cingulate cortex.Clay B. Holroyd & Nick Yeung - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):122-128.
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    Implementing Ethics in Healthcare AI-Based Applications: A Scoping Review.Robyn Clay-Williams, Elizabeth Austin & Magali Goirand - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-53.
    A number of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics frameworks have been published in the last 6 years in response to the growing concerns posed by the adoption of AI in different sectors, including healthcare. While there is a strong culture of medical ethics in healthcare applications, AI-based Healthcare Applications (AIHA) are challenging the existing ethics and regulatory frameworks. This scoping review explores how ethics frameworks have been implemented in AIHA, how these implementations have been evaluated and whether they have been successful. (...)
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    The Philosophy of Art.Calvert Alexander - 1930 - Modern Schoolman 6 (3):57-58.
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    Traversing No-Man's Land.Clay - 2021 - Arion 29 (2):1.
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  31. The international reception of N.F.S. Grundtvig's educational ideas.Clay Warren - 2011 - In Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (ed.), The school for life: N.F.S. Grundtvig on education for the people. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
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    Die Stammbildung des hethitischen Verbums.Calvert Watkins & Norbert Oettinger - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (2):473.
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    What Motivates People to Teach, and Why Do They Leave? Accountability, Performativity and Teacher Retention.Jane Perryman & Graham Calvert - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (1):3-23.
    A longstanding problem in the teacher workforce, internationally and in the UK, is the continuing and substantial numbers of qualified teachers who leave the profession within five years. This paper uses data collected from a survey to the last five years of teacher education graduates of UCL Institute of Education (IOE) in London, to explore what originally motivated them to teach, and the reasons why they have left or may consider leaving in the future. We discovered that despite claiming to (...)
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    Postscript by prof. Clay.J. Clay - 1948 - Synthese 7 (1):465-465.
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    Achilles Revolutionary? Homer, Iliad 1.191.Jenny Strauss Clay - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):934-939.
    At the climax of the quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon in the Iliad, Achilles ponders whether to kill the king (1.191). The first half of the line, however, has received little attention, but the various interpretations that have been put forth have been unconvincing. This article proposes an interpretation that reveals an Achilles at least momentarily contemplating fomenting a revolt on the part of the army against Agamemnon's authority.
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    Hegel's Century: Alienation and Recognition in a Time of Revolution by Jon Stewart (review).Clay Graham - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):330-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel's Century: Alienation and Recognition in a Time of Revolution by Jon StewartClay GrahamJon Stewart. Hegel's Century: Alienation and Recognition in a Time of Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xi + 338. Hardback, $39.99.Hegel's Century serves as (yet another) important contribution in Jon Stewart's ever-expanding research in nineteenth-century philosophy. The central premise of this monograph explores Hegel's pan-European legacy and argues that Hegelian concepts are fundamental (...)
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    Slavery in Plato's Republic.Brian Calvert - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):367-.
    For a number of years, in the not too distant past, there was a lively debate between Plato's defenders and critics over the question of whether his Republic contained slaves. However, since the appearance of an article by Gregory Vlastos1 some twenty years ago, it seems to have been generally felt that the issue has been resolved, and the controversy has died down. Vlastos argued that the evidence admits of no doubt - Plato included slaves in his ideal state. In (...)
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    Crossmodal identification.Gemma A. Calvert, Michael J. Brammer & Susan D. Iversen - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (7):247-253.
  39.  41
    PAC learning, VC dimension, and the arithmetic hierarchy.Wesley Calvert - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (7-8):871-883.
    We compute that the index set of PAC-learnable concept classes is m-complete Σ30\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Sigma^{0}_{3}}$$\end{document} within the set of indices for all concept classes of a reasonable form. All concept classes considered are computable enumerations of computable Π10\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Pi^{0}_{1}}$$\end{document} classes, in a sense made precise here. This family of concept classes is sufficient to cover all standard examples, and also has the property that PAC learnability (...)
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  40. Roochnik, D.-Of Art and Wisdom.B. Calvert - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:112-112.
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  41. Vegetarianism in Britain and America.Samantha Jane Calvert - 2013 - In Andrew Linzey & Desmond Tutu (eds.), The global guide to animal protection. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
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    Greek Poets and Strangers: A Memoir.Diskin Clay - 2011 - Arion 18 (3):123-147.
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  43. On a Forgotten Kind of Reading.Diskin Clay - 1991 - In Alan Udoff (ed.), Leo Strauss's thought: toward a critical engagement. Boulder: L. Rienner Publishers. pp. 253--66.
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  44. On the Yellow Thistles, George Seferis.Diskin Clay - 1997 - Arion 4 (2).
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    Animal Liberation and the Great Awakening.Clay Lancaster - 1989 - Between the Species 5 (2):3.
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    Between tbe Species PO Box 254 Berkeley, California 94701, USA (Telephone: 415-526-5346).Clay Lancasur & Steve Zawistowski - 1990 - Between the Species 6 (3).
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    The Golden Bowl: Thoughts on the New Sappho and its Asianic Background.Calvert Watkins - 2007 - Classical Antiquity 26 (2):305-324.
    The paper explores the relation between a set of poetic formulas in early Greek and Anatolian languages of the second and early first millennia having to do with the cosmography of the rising sun in macrocosm, and going up into bed in microcosm, with an eye to defending the reading and restoration έρωι δέπασ εισομβάμεν in the editio princeps of the new Sappho. The Luvian word for “sky, heaven,” represented as a bowl in Hieroglyphic, is the likeliest source of the (...)
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  48. “Start Stabbing Before the Soup Cools Down”.Miron Clay-Gilmore - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy Review.
    In this essay, I fill this gap in knowledge by arguing that the central object of Fanonian dialectics is violence (anticolonial guerilla warfare), the achievement of the decolonized Black nation and the eventual creation of a new anti-colonial (Pan-African) world order over and against its dialectical negation: Neo-colonialism via colonial counterinsurgency. Furthermore, I argue that Fanon’s dialectical thought helped lay the basis for the emergence of a new theory of revolution against US empire coined by Huey P. Newton as intercommunalism. (...)
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    Governing in the Context of Uncertainty.Jane Calvert - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (S5):31-33.
    Kaebnick, Gusmano, and Murray tackle some important issues raised by the emerging field of synthetic biology. Many of these issues arise pre­cisely because synthetic biology is still emerging, making it hard, if not impossible, to predict how the technology will pan out. In the context of this uncertainty, Kaebnick, Gusmano, and Murray imply, we may have to change our familiar patterns of thinking and governing. It is this point that I elaborate on here. I argue that if we embrace the (...)
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    Knowledge and skepticism.Marjorie Clay & Keith Lehrer (eds.) - 1989 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
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