Results for 'Claus Færch'

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  1.  10
    Deictic NPs and Generative Pragmatics: A Possible Derivation of Deictic Nominal Expressions in English.Claus Faerch - 1975 - Foundations of Language 13 (3):319-348.
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    Practical Wisdom: Management’s No Longer Forgotten Virtue.Claus Dierksmeier, André Habisch & Claudius Bachmann - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):147-165.
    The ancient virtue of practical wisdom has lately been enjoying a remarkable renaissance in management literature. The purpose of this article is to add clarity and bring synergy to the interdisciplinary debate. In a review of the wide-ranging field of the existing literature from a philosophical, theological, psychological, and managerial perspective, we show that, although different in terms of approach, methodologies, and justification, the distinct traditions of research on practical wisdom can indeed complement one another. We suggest a conciliatory conception (...)
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    Qualitative Freiheit: Selbstbestimmung in weltbürgerlicher Verantwortung.Claus Dierksmeier - 2016 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    (1 other version)A theory of visual attention.Claus Bundesen - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (4):523-547.
  5. Philosophy of science at sea: Clarifying the interpretability of machine learning.Claus Beisbart & Tim Räz - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (6):e12830.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 6, June 2022.
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    Qualitative Freedom - Autonomy in Cosmopolitan Responsibility.Claus Dierksmeier - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In the light of growing political and religious fundamentalism, this open access book defends the idea of freedom as paramount for the attempt to find common ethical ground in the age of globality. The book sets out to examine as yet unexhausted ways to boost the resilience of the principle of liberalism. Critically reviewing the last 200 years of the philosophy of freedom, it revises the principle of liberty in order to revive it. It discusses many different aspects that fall (...)
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    After Business Ethics.Claus Dierksmeier - 2024 - Journal of Human Values 30 (1):52-58.
    Lamenting the deplorable state of business ethics is, itself, a staple of the deplorable state of business ethics. But if, as its many critics claim, business ethics continuously fails to deliver on its promise, what could take its place in management education? After business ethics—How else can we integrate ethics into the curriculum? This article argues that an ethical grounding of business theory and corporate practice requires a critique of conventional economics, replacing the mechanistic paradigm that predominated economics over the (...)
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  8. How can computer simulations produce new knowledge?Claus Beisbart - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 2 (3):395-434.
    It is often claimed that scientists can obtain new knowledge about nature by running computer simulations. How is this possible? I answer this question by arguing that computer simulations are arguments. This view parallels Norton’s argument view about thought experiments. I show that computer simulations can be reconstructed as arguments that fully capture the epistemic power of the simulations. Assuming the extended mind hypothesis, I furthermore argue that running the computer simulation is to execute the reconstructing argument. I discuss some (...)
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    The Freedom–Responsibility Nexus in Management Philosophy and Business Ethics.Claus Dierksmeier - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (2):263-283.
    This article pursues the question whether and inasmuch theories of corporate responsibility are dependent on conceptions of managerial freedom. I argue that neglect of the idea of freedom in economic theory has led to an inadequate conceptualization of the ethical responsibilities of corporations within management theory. In a critical review of the history of economic ideas, I investigate why and how the idea of freedom was gradually removed from the canon of economics. This reconstruction aims at a deconstruction of certain (...)
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    Wearing Face Masks Strongly Confuses Counterparts in Reading Emotions.Claus-Christian Carbon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Neural Theory of Visual Attention: Bridging Cognition and Neurophysiology.Claus Bundesen, Thomas Habekost & Søren Kyllingsbæk - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (2):291-328.
  12.  35
    (1 other version)Metaphysik im Barockscotismus. Untersuchungen zum Metaphysikwerk des Bartholomaeus Mastrius. Mit Dokumentation der Metaphysik in der scotistischen Tradition ca. 1620-1750.Claus Asbjørn Andersen - 2016 - Amsterdam, Niederlande: John Benjamins.
    Die Philosophie des Barockscotismus war einerseits durch die rückwärtsgewandte Anknüpfung an den mittelalterlichen Denker Johannes Duns Scotus, andererseits durch die Anknüpfung an die Entwicklung in der zeitgenössischen Scholastik, vor allem der Jesuitenscholastik, geprägt. Welche Art von Metaphysik hat diese besondere philosophiehistorische Konstellation hervorgebracht? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, analysiert die vorliegende Arbeit das Metaphysikwerk des wichtigsten Repräsentanten des frühneuzeitlichen Scotismus, Bartholomaeus Mastrius (1602-1673); sie erschließt außerdem eine Vielzahl von kaum bis gar nicht erforschten Metaphysikwerken aus der Franziskanerscholastik des 17. und (...)
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    Autopoietic Systems, Replicators, and the Search for a Meaningful Biologic Definition of Life.Claus Emmeche - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (4):244-264.
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    Towards a Semiotic Biology: Life is the Action of Signs.Claus Emmeche & Kalevi Kull (eds.) - 2011 - London: Imperial College Press.
    This book presents programmatic texts on biosemiotics, written collectively by world leading scholars in the field (Deacon, Emmeche, Favareau, Hoffmeyer, Kull, Markoš, Pattee, Stjernfelt). In addition, the book includes chapters which focus closely on semiotic case studies (Bruni, Kotov, Maran, Neuman, Turovski). According to the central thesis of biosemiotics, sign processes characterise all living systems and the very nature of life, and their diverse phenomena can be best explained via the dynamics and typology of sign relations. The authors are therefore (...)
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  15. Contradictions of the Welfare State.Claus Offe - 1984 - MIT Press.
    Contradictions of the Welfare State is the first collection of Offe's essays to appear in a single volume in English, and it contains a selection of his most important recent work on the breakdown of the post-war settlement.
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  16. [no title].Robert Claus - unknown
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    Der Sprachbegriff in den verschiedenen französischen Enzyklopädien des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts.Claus Bunk - 1975 - [s.l.: [S.N.].
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  18. Der Schwan von Pesaro. Vom Absoluten und vom Tragischen in der Musik Rossinis.Claus-Artur Scheier - 2001 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 27:419-449.
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  19. Privileged, Typical, or not even that? – Our Place in the World According to the Copernican and the Cosmological Principles.Claus Beisbart & Tobias Jung - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):225-256.
    If we are to constrain our place in the world, two principles are often appealed to in science. According to the Copernican Principle, we do not occupy a privileged position within the Universe. The Cosmological Principle, on the other hand, says that our observations would roughly be the same, if we were located at any other place in the Universe. In our paper we analyze these principles from a logical and philosophical point of view. We show how they are related, (...)
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    Opacity thought through: on the intransparency of computer simulations.Claus Beisbart - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11643-11666.
    Computer simulations are often claimed to be opaque and thus to lack transparency. But what exactly is the opacity of simulations? This paper aims to answer that question by proposing an explication of opacity. Such an explication is needed, I argue, because the pioneering definition of opacity by P. Humphreys and a recent elaboration by Durán and Formanek are too narrow. While it is true that simulations are opaque in that they include too many computations and thus cannot be checked (...)
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    Luhmanns Schatten: zur Funktion der Philosophie in der medialen Moderne.Claus-Artur Scheier - 2016 - Hamburg: Meiner.
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    Principles of Visual Attention: Linking Mind and Brain.Claus Bundesen & Thomas Habekost - 2008 - Oxford University Press Oxford.
    The nature of attention is one of the oldest and most central problems in psychology. A huge amount of research has been produced on this subject in the last half century, especially on attention in the visual modality, but a general explanation has remained elusive. Many still view attention research as a field that is fundamentally fragmented. This book takes a different perspective and presents a unified theory of visual attention: the TVA model. The TVA model explains the many aspects (...)
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    Semiotic Scaffolding of the Social Self in Reflexivity and Friendship.Claus Emmeche - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (2):275-289.
    The individual and social formation of a human self, from its emergence in early childhood through adolescence to adult life, has been described within philosophy, psychology and sociology as a product of developmental and social processes mediating a linguistic and social world. Semiotic scaffolding is a multi-level phenomenon. Focusing upon levels of semiosis specific to humans, the formation of the personal self and the role of friendship and similar interpersonal relations in this process is explored through Aristotle’s classical idea of (...)
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  24. Ludwik Fleck and the concept of style in the natural sciences.Claus Zittel - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (1-2):53-79.
    Ludwik Fleck is a pioneer of the contemporary social constructionist trend in scientific theory, where his central concept of thinking style has become standard fare. Yet the concept is too often misunderstood and simplified with serious consequences not only for Fleck studies. My essay situates Fleck’s concept of thinking style in the historical context of the 1920s and ‘30s, when the notion of style was first applied to the natural sciences, in order to illustrate the uniqueness of Fleck’s concept among (...)
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    The Politics of Cognition: Genesis and Development of Ludwik Fleck’s ‘Comparative Epistemology’.Claus Zittel - 2010 - In Moritz Epple & Claus Zittel, Science as cultural practice. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 1--183.
  26.  20
    Introduction.Claus Beisbart & Stephan Hartmann - 2011 - In Claus Beisbart & Stephan Hartmann, Probabilities in Physics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Many results of modern physics—those of quantum mechanics, for instance—come in a probabilistic guise. But what do probabilistic statements in physics mean? Are probabilities matters of objective fact and part of the furniture of the world, as objectivists think? Or do they only express ignorance or belief, as Bayesians suggest? And how are probabilistic hypotheses justified and supported by empirical evidence? Finally, what does the probabilistic nature of physics imply for our understanding of the world? This volume is the first (...)
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  27. (1 other version)William R. sadish and Steve Fuller (eds). The social psycholog of science.Claus-Dieter Middle - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (3):326-328.
  28.  77
    The Wistar rat as a right choice: Establishing mammalian standards and the ideal of a standardized mammal.Bonnie Tocher Clause - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (2):329-349.
    In summary, the creation and maintenance of the Wistar Rats as standardized animals can be attributed to the breeding work of Helen Dean King, coupled with the management and husbandry methods of Milton Greenman and Louise Duhring, and with supporting documentation provided by Henry Donaldson. The widespread use of the Wistar Rats, however, is a function of the ingenuity of Milton Greenman who saw in them a way for a small institution to provide service to science. Greenman's rhetoric, as captured (...)
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  29. Die Entwicklungsvokabel: Redenschmuck oder Gedankenstütze?Claus Heidemann - 1993 - Karlsruhe: Institut für Regionalwissenschaft der Universität Karlsruhe.
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    Chiffer und Dogma.Claus Uwe Hommel - 1968 - (Zürich,: EVZ-Verlag, Abt.) Editio Academica.
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  31. Der Zeitbegriff in der Quantengravitation.Claus Kiefer - 1990 - Philosophia Naturalis 27 (1):43-65.
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  32. A Thousand Tears and a Day.Claus Westermann & Stanley Rudman - 1962
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    Oikonomia Versus Chrematistike: Learning from Aristotle About the Future Orientation of Business Management.Claus Dierksmeier & Michael Pirson - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S3):417-430.
    As a philosopher, whose theory about economics and business is systematically connected to a moral and political philosophy, Aristotle provides a rich conceptual framework to reflect upon personal wellbeing, the wealth of households, and the welfare of the state. Even though Aristotle has mainly been portrayed as an enemy of business, interest in his teachings has been on the rise among management scholars. Several articles have examined Aristotle's position with regard to current managerial approaches such as total quality management, knowledge (...)
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    Das Noumenon Religion: eine Untersuchung zur Stellung der Religion im System der praktischen Philosophie Kants.Claus Dierksmeier - 1998 - Walter de Gruyter.
    This series publishes outstanding monographs and edited volumes that investigate all aspects of Kant's philosophy, including its systematic relationship to other philosophical approaches, both past and present. Studies that appear in the series are distinguished by their innovative nature and ability to close lacunae in the research. In this way, the series is a venue for the latest findings in scholarship on Kant.
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  35. Genesis 1–11: A Commentary.Claus Westermann & John J. Scullion - 1984
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    A Utilitarian Assessment of Alternative Decision Rules in the Council of Ministers.Claus Beisbart, Luc Bovens & Stephan Hartmann - 2005 - European Union Politics 6 (4):395-419.
    We develop a utilitarian framework to assess different decision rules for the European Council of Ministers. The proposals to be decided on are conceptualized as utility vectors and a probability distribution is assumed over the utilities. We first show what decision rules yield the highest expected utilities for different means of the probability distri- bution. For proposals with high mean utility, simple bench- mark rules (such as majority voting with proportional weights) tend to outperform rules that have been proposed in (...)
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    Welfarist Evaluations of Decision Rules under Interstate Utility Dependencies.Claus Beisbart & Stephan Hartmann - 2010 - Social Choice and Welfare 34 (2):315-344.
    We provide welfarist evaluations of decision rules for federations of states and consider models, under which the interests of people from different states are stochastically dependent. We concentrate on two welfarist standards; they require that the expected utility for the federation be maximized or that the expected utilities for people from different states be equal. We discuss an analytic result that characterizes the decision rule with maximum expected utility, set up a class of models that display interstate dependencies and run (...)
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    Freedom and Sustainability.Claus Dierksmeier - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (1):1-20.
    This article examines the perceived conflict between freedom and sustainability, proposing that a qualitative understanding of freedom can integrate liberal and ecological interests. It critiques the notion of quantitative freedom, focused on maximizing individual choices without considering their content or purpose, for ignoring essential aspects such as the rights of future generations and ecological sustainability. In contrast, it argues that qualitative freedom, which values options based on their contribution to human autonomy and dignity, offers a more comprehensive solution. This perspective (...)
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  39. Ancient indian logic as a theory of non-monotonic reasoning.Claus Oetke - 1996 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 24 (5):447-539.
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    Some remarks on theses and philosophical positions in early madhyamaka.Claus Oetke - 2003 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 31 (4):449-478.
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  41. Governance: An “Empty Signifier”?Claus Offe - 2009 - Constellations 16 (4):550-562.
  42. A semiotical reflection on biology, living signs and artificial life.Claus Emmeche - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (3):325-340.
    It is argued, that theory sf signs, especially in the tradition of the great philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914) can inspire the study of central problems in the philosophy of biology. Three such problems are considered: (1) The nature of biology as a science, where a semiotically informed pluralistic approach to the theory of science is introduced. (2) The peculiarity of the general object of biology, where a realistic interpretation of sign- and information-concepts is required to see sign-processes as immanent (...)
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  43. Disorganized Capitalism: Contemporary Transformations of Work and Politics.Claus Offe - 1985 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Should the Western democracies, contrary to their prevailing self-image as "planned" and "managed," be seen as highly disorganized systems of social power and political authority? If so, what are the symptoms, consequences of, and possible remedies for these disorganizing tendencies?In these ten essays, Claus Offe seeks to answer such questions. Moving beyond the boundaries of both Marxism and established forms of political sociology, he focuses on the growth of serious divisions within the work force, the importance of the "informal" (...)
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    The Garden in the Machine: The Emerging Science of Artificial Life.Claus Emmeche - 1994 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    What is life? Is it just the biologically familiar--birds, trees, snails, people--or is it an infinitely complex set of patterns that a computer could simulate? What role does intelligence play in separating the organic from the inorganic, the living from the inert? Does life evolve along a predestined path, or does it suddenly emerge from what appeared lifeless and programmatic? In this easily accessible and wide-ranging survey, Claus Emmeche outlines many of the challenges and controversies involved in the dynamic (...)
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  45. Creation.Claus Westermann & John J. Scullion - 1974
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  46. Genesis 12–36.Claus Westermann & John J. Scullion - 1985
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  47. Body odours and odour preferences in humans.Claus Wedekind - 2009 - In Robin Dunbar & Louise Barrett, Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    Democracy and Trust.Claus Offe - 2000 - Theoria 47 (96):1-13.
  49. Does a robot have an Umwelt? Reflections on the qualitative biosemiotics of Jakob von Uexküll.Claus Emmeche - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134):653-693.
  50.  35
    Scotist Metaphysics in Mid-Sixteenth Century Padua Giacomino Malafossa from Barge’s A Question on the Subject of Metaphysics.Claus A. Andersen - 2020 - Studia Neoaristotelica 17 (1):69-107.
    For more than four decades around the middle of the sixteenth century, Giacomino Malafossa from Barge held the Scotist chair of metaphysics at the University of Padua. In his A Question on the Subject of Metaphysics, in Which Is Included the Question, Whether Metaphysics Is a Science, he developed a remarkable stance on the subject matter of metaphysics. Metaphysics has two objects: being qua being and God. However, only when it deals with the latter object can it be said to (...)
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