Results for 'Claudine Germé'

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  1. Semantic Normativity and Naturalism.Claudine Verheggen - 2011 - Logique Et Analyse 54 (216):553-567.
    I distinguish among three senses in which meaning may be said to be normative, one trivial, the other two more robust. According to the trivial sense, meaningful expressions have conditions of correct application. According to the first robust sense, these conditions are determined by norms. According to the second robust sense, statements about these conditions have normative implications. Normativity in one or the other of the robust senses, but not in the trivial sense, is commonly thought to pose a threat (...)
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  2. Hopital & ethique: Roles et defis Des comites d'ethiq ue cliniq ue.Claudine Eyraud All - 1996 - HEC Forum 8 (3):187-191.
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  3. Sommes-nous bien nous? Petite socio-anthropologie des guichets dans un hôtel de ville.Claudine Dardy - 1994 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 97:389-401.
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  4. Eléments pour une anthropologie politique des positions et des préséances (types d'économies psychiques et systèmes politiques chez Norbert Elias et le Duc de Saint-Simon): Norbert Elias: une lecture plurielle.Claudine Haroche & Ana Montoia - 1995 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 99:247-263.
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  5. Le statut du nom propre chez C.S. Peirce.Claudine Tiercelin - 2006 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 50:75-109.
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    Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40.Claudine Verheggen (ed.) - 2024 - New York,: Cambridge University Press.
    Saul Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language is one of the most celebrated and important books in philosophy of language and mind of the past forty years. It generated an avalanche of responses from the moment it was published and has revolutionized the way in which we think about meaning, intentionality, and the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. It introduced a series of questions that had never been raised before concerning, most prominently, the normativity of meaning and the prospects for (...)
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    Abduction and the Semiotics of Perception.Claudine Tiercelin - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):389-412.
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  8. The meaningfulness of meaning questions.Claudine Verheggen - 2000 - Synthese 123 (2):195-216.
    Contra an expanding number of deflationary commentators onWittgenstein, I argue that philosophical questions about meaningare meaningful and that Wittgenstein gave us ample reason tobelieve so. Deflationists are right in claiming that Wittgensteinrejected the sceptical problem about meaning allegedly to befound in his later writings and also right in stressing Wittgenstein''s anti-reductionism. But they are wrong in taking these dismissals to entail the end of all constructive philosophizing about meaning. Rather, I argue, the rejection of the sceptical problem requires that we (...)
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    The community view revisited.Claudine Verheggen - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (5):612-631.
    Joining a vast Wittgensteinian anti-theoretical movement, John Canfield has argued that it is possible to read the claims that (1) “language is essentially communal” and (2) “it is conceptually possible that a Crusoe isolated from birth should speak or follow rules” in such a way that they are perfectly compatible, and, indeed, that Wittgenstein held them both at once. The key to doing this is to drain them of any theoretical content or implications that would put each claim at odds (...)
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    Peirce's realistic approach to mathematics: or can one be a realist without being a platonist.Claudine Tiercelin - unknown
    Peirce's realism is a sophisticated realism inherited from the Avicennian Scotistic tradition, which may be briefly characterized by its opposition to metaphysical realism (Platonism) and various forms of nominalism. In this chapter, I consider how Peirce's realism fits his approach to mathematics, which is often presented as a somewhat incoherent mixture of Platonistic and conceptualistic elements. Without denying these, I claim that Peirce's subtle position not only helps to clear up some of these so-called inconsistencies but offers many insights for (...)
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  11. The Phenomenology of Self-Projection as a Value of Intersubjectivity.Claudine Coles - 2021 - Suri: Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines 9 (2):118-144.
    Central to the discourse on the intentional structure of consciousness encompasses further forms of experience, for instance, the notion of one’s direct experience of others. In essence, one’s experience of others is materialized through intersubjective engagement which is fundamental in comprehending the relation of the Self and Other. Intersubjective engagement between the two cognizing subjects is evidently interactive negotiation of understanding, thus necessarily meditational. This paper will substantiate the meditational or reflective nature of intersubjective engagement with the phenomenology of self-projection, (...)
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  12. Assisted Procreation: Fertility in Mourning and the Perspectives of the Couple.Claudine Bourg - 1998 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 4 (2):29-32.
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    Crise de la conscience contemporaine et expansion d'un savoir non cumulatif.Claudine Haroche - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 125 (2):331.
    On examine dans cette étude les effets des flux sensoriels et informationnels continus et accélérés sur la conscience, sur les capacités de penser et de réfléchir. Ces flux conduisent – au-delà de l’inachèvement intrinsèque à toute science dont parlait Weber – à des formes instables, changeantes et illimitées, perçues comme telles par le sujet, et tendant dès lors à provoquer un état de crise de la conscience, d’insécurité psychique profonde dans la fluidité contemporaine.We deal here with the effects caused by (...)
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  14. Urgence sanitaire et liens sociaux: L'exceptionnalité du sida?: Crises sociales, crise de l'organisation.Claudine Herzlich & Philippe Adam - 1997 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 102:5-28.
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  15. Gedichte.Claudine Kranz - 2001 - In Norbert Haas, Rainer Nägele, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Gerhard Herrgott (eds.), Kontamination. Eggingen: Edition Isele.
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  16. Représentations médiévales du mythe de l'enfant divin.Claudine Marc - 2002 - Iris 23:17-25.
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    Tapping the wisdom of the ancestors: an attempt to recast vodou and morality through the voice of Mama Lola and Karen McCarthy Brown.Claudine Michel - 1996 - Boston: University of Massachusetts, William Monroe Trotter Institute.
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    Dispositions and essences (exposé au colloque "Dispositions et pouvoirs causaux",organisé par Max Kistler Paris X-ENS Ulm, septembre 2002); version préliminaire.Claudine Tiercelin - unknown
    The paper presents the main lines of arguments recently offered by Brian Ellis and Steven Mumford in favor of some versions of dispositional essentialism and tries to evaluate them, especially as far as a dispositionalist account of laws is concerned. Favoring herself some form of dispositional realism (rather than essentialism), the author makes some suggestions about the major difficulties which any kind of dispositionalism should be ready to face.
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  19. Peirce's semiotic version of the semantic tradition in formal logic.Claudine Tiercelin - 1991 - In Neil Cooper & Pascal Engel (eds.), New inquiries into meaning and truth. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press. pp. 187--213.
    The aim of the text is not so much to stress the importance of Peirce's formal contributions to the semantic view in formal logic as to argue that Peirce's semantic trend is part and parcel of his semiotic treatment of a general theory of meaning, understanding, and interpretation, a theory of how signs function which enables him to classify different sorts of signs in a natural way.
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    Wittgenstein and 'solitary' languages.Claudine Verheggen - 1995 - Philosophical Investigations 18 (4):329-347.
  21.  56
    The Philosophes and Black Slavery: 1748-1765.Claudine Hunting - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (3):405.
  22.  46
    Towards A Better Understanding of Cognitive Polyphasia.Claudine Provencher - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (4):377-395.
    Despite its intuitive appeal and the empirical evidence for it, the hypothesis of cognitive polyphasia (Moscovici, 1961/1976/2008) remains largely unexplored. This article attempts to clarify some of the ideas behind this concept by examining its operations at the level of individuals and by proposing a conceptual model that includes some elements of social cognition. Indeed, calls for a rapprochement between the theory of social representations and cognitive psychology have been made by Moscovici, in particular, in his 1984 paper on The (...)
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  23. Vagueness and the Onthology of Art: A Vagueza e a Ontologia da Arte.Claudine Tiercelin - 2005 - Cognitio 6 (2).
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  24. Stroud on Wittgenstein, Meaning, and Community.Claudine Verheggen - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (1):67-85.
    According to Barry Stroud, Wittgenstein thought that language is social only in this minimal way: we cannot make sense of the idea of someone having a language unless we can describe her as using signs in conformity with the linguistic practices of some community. Since a solitary person could meet this condition, Stroud concludes that, for Wittgenstein, solitary languages are possible. I argue that Wittgenstein in fact thought that language is social in a much more robust way. Solitary languages are (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir and the Women’s Movement in France: An Eye-Witness Account.Claudine Monteil - 1997 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 14 (1):6-12.
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  26. La Pensée-Signe: Études sur Peirce.Claudine Tiercelin - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (4):1019-1028.
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    Peirce et la possibilité de la connaissance métaphysique.Claudine Tiercelin - 2023 - Philosophie 159 (4):29-51.
    Charles Sanders Peirce shares with many pragmatists, both classical and contemporary, a certain distrust of metaphysics, the nature and importance of which have been constantly questioned at the turn of the 20th century. It is however him who, after having decried it, claimed the possibility and the necessity of metaphysics. It is shown that this pragmaticist metaphysical project, which emphasizes logic, semiotics, inquiry and science (but without scientism), against the background of a very specific realist approach, is a source of (...)
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    O Problema da Aplicatio da Norma Constitucional e a Judicialização da Saúde No Brasil: A Efetivação Dos Direitos Sociais Via Políticas Públicas.Claudine Freire Rodembusch & Henrique Alexander Keske - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (1):58.
    O presente artigo trata do fenômeno da judicialização da saúde no Brasil, a partir do significativo acúmulo de demandas judiciais promovidas pela cidadania ativa, como forma de concretização do direito social fundamental à saúde. Valendo-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e recurso a bancos de dados oficiais, apresenta o percurso doutrinário, a base constitucional e legal, bem como trata das decisões judiciais a essa demanda social como inseridas no contexto de uma política pública judiciária necessária a efetivação de tais direitos, como resposta (...)
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    (1 other version)Spécificité du travail à domicile à la Protection judiciaire de la jeunesse.Claudine Foulquier - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 192 (2):73.
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    La femme devant le "tribunal masculin" dans trois romans des lumières: Challe, Prévost, Cazotte.Claudine Hunting - 1987 - Peter Lang.
    Cette etude est une lecture, une interpretation feministe de trois romans des Lumieres - Les Illustres Francaises de Challe (la sixieme histoire) (1713), L'Histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut de Prevost (1731), et Le Diable amoureux de Cazotte (1772) - notamment du theme de la vertu feminine et de ses transgressions, sur le plan sexuel, a une epoque de transformation profonde dans le domaine de l'ethique et des moeurs. Pris au piege entre la tradition et les nouvelles (...)
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    La philosophie pour enfants: le modèle de Matthew Lipman en discussion.Claudine Leleux (ed.) - 2005 - Bruxelles: De Boeck.
    Les enfants peuvent apprendre à penser et " conceptualiser"s'ils sont mis dès leur plus jeune âge en situation de réfléchir et discuter des questions philosophiques. Matthew Lipman a développé une méthodologie, la " philosophie pour enfants ", qui a fait ses preuves dans le monde entier. Cet ouvrage, qui s'ouvre par un texte de Matthew Lipman, a pour objectif de confronter le modèle lipmanien à d'autres points de vue pour en dégager les points forts, tout en l'enrichissant de la recherche (...)
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    Madeleine Pelletier (1874–1939): The Politics of Sexual Oppression.Claudine Mitchell - 1989 - Feminist Review 33 (1):72-92.
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    Farsahhan sih selban imu[…], lihhamun hreinnan… Alles nur Worte? Askese in Scriptorium und Bibliothek.Claudine Moulin - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (1):15-37.
    Focusing especially on case studies from the Old High German glosses to the Rule of Benedict, and especially on the lexeme disciplina, one of their central ascetic terms, this contribution examines different manifestations and methods of the glossators’ annotation system from a primarily linguistic viewpoint. The Old High German words interpolated between and to the side of the Latin lines are interpreted not only as linguistic primary material, but at the same time as means of deepening our cultural-historical understanding of (...)
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  34. À quoi tient la force d'une idée?Claudine Tiercelin - 2020 - In David Simonetta & Alexandre de Vitry (eds.), Histoire et historiens des idées: figures, méthodes, problèmes. Paris: Collège de France éditions.
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  35. Comment donner un visage humain à la vérité sans la défigurer: sur le pragmatisme de H. Putnam.Claudine Tiercelin - 1999 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 207 (1):37-60.
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    Ramsey's pragmatism.Claudine Tiercelin - 2004 - Dialectica 58 (4):529–547.
    For C.S. Peirce, who had a well‐known influence on many aspects of Ramsey's thought, pragmatism was viewed as inseparable from realism. The aim of this paper is to challenge the view according to which Ramsey's reflexions on universals are of a mere linguistic and logical nature. Not only is this view controversial, but it may be argued that some elements in Ramsey's analyses suggest a possibly realist answer to the problem of universals. By drawing comparisons with Peirce's own position, it (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Davidson on Language, Thought, and Action.Claudine Verheggen (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Wittgenstein and Davidson are two of the most influential and controversial figures of twentieth-century philosophy. However, whereas Wittgenstein is often regarded as a deflationary philosopher, Davidson is considered to be a theory builder and systematic philosopher par excellence. Consequently, little work has been devoted to comparing their philosophies with each other. In this volume of new essays, leading scholars show that in fact there is much that the two share. By focusing on the similarities between Wittgenstein and Davidson, their essays (...)
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    Post “Post-Truth”: Still a Long Way to Go.Claudine Tiercelin - 2021 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 297 (3):43-71.
    After recalling the progress made in the diagnosis of the post-truth phenomenon, thanks to recent experimental findings (from cognitive and social psychology) and theoretical work (post-truth versus half-lies and propaganda, degrees in epistemic vice and scale of responsibility), we indicate four other ways to improve our awareness of the scope and mechanisms of post-truth: we introduce some qualifications so as to distinguish between a post-truth world and an Orwellian universe, the negative and positive sides of emotions, an utter contempt for (...)
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    Protogaea.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Claudine Cohen & Andre Wakefield - 2008 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Protogaea, an ambitious account of terrestrial history, was central to the development of the earth sciences in the eighteenth century and provides key philosophical insights into the unity of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s thought and writings. In the book, Leibniz offers observations about the formation of the earth, the actions of fire and water, the genesis of rocks and minerals, the origins of salts and springs, the formation of fossils, and their identification as the remains of living organisms. Protogaea also includes (...)
  40.  17
    Pragmatism and vagueness: the Venetian lectures.Claudine Tiercelin - 2019 - [no place given]: Mimesis International.
    For most early pragmatists, including the founder C.S. Peirce and L. Wittgenstein, vagueness was a real and universal principle and not a mere defect of our knowledge or thought. This volume begins by exploring this pragmatist notion of vagueness and the way it was tied to their basic opposition to various kinds of reductionism and nominalism. It then develops towards an analysis of Peirce's original and wide views on vagueness, as seen through the angles of logic, semiotics, epistemology and metaphysics. (...)
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  41. Donald Davidson: Looking Back, Looking Forward.Claudine Verheggen - 2019 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 7 (2):7-28.
    The papers collected in this issue were solicited to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of Donald Davidson’s birth. Four of them discuss the implications of Davidson’s views—in particular, his later views on triangulation—for questions that are still very much at the centre of current debates. These are, first, the question whether Saul Kripke’s doubts about meaning and rule-following can be answered without making concessions to the sceptic or to the quietist; second, the question whether a way can be found to answer (...)
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    Peirce's Objective Idealism: A Defense.Claudine Tiercelin - 1998 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (1):1 - 28.
  43. Leibniz et Benoît de maillet: De la protogée au telliamed.Claudine Cohen - 2010 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 59:55-78.
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  44. Symbolic or Decorative? The Inhabited Scroll as a Means of Studying Some Early Byzantine Mentalities.Claudine Dauphin - 1978 - Byzantion 48:10-34.
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    Le genre des migrations européennes en Algérie coloniale (xixe-début xxe siècle).Claudine Guiard - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):247-271.
    European migration, which began with the conquest of Algiers in 1830, increased when Louis-Philippe decided in December 1840, after ten years of procrastination, to conquer the entire Algerian territory and establish a settlement colony. However, although the presence of European women in Algeria is evident from the first demographic censuses, the numerous studies on European migration fail to analyse sex ratios. This article revisits these migration flows from a gender perspective. The analysis of quantitative data provided by the French administration (...)
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  46. Effets psychiques du mouvement continu et de l'illimitation dans l'exercice contemporain de la pensée1.Claudine Haroche - 2006 - In Eugène Enriquez, Claudine Haroche & Jan Spurk (eds.), Désir de penser, peur de penser. Lyon: Parangon-Vs. pp. 270.
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    Vers une théorie générale de la fiction.Claudine Jacquenod - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):143-167.
    Cet article remet en question une définition de la fiction parue en 1988, dans un ouvrage intitulé « Contribution à une étude du concept de fiction ». Etant fondée sur la théorie des actes de langage, cette définition présentait en effet l’inconvénient de ne pouvoir s’appliquer qu’aux fictions verbales. Une nouvelle définition est donc proposée dans cet article, faisant apparaître clairement la fiction comme un concept de nature pragmaticosémiotique : une fiction est une représentation, verbale ou non verbale, qu’un auteur (...)
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    Plaidoyer pour la prévention : le nouveau paradigme des origines développementales de la santé (DOHaD).Claudine Junien - 2017 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 59 (1):53-65.
    Les approches pour lutter contre le fléau des maladies chroniques qui augmentent dans le monde entier se révèlent infructueuses et très coûteuses. Il est maintenant possible de corriger les chiffres alarmants et d’envisager une prévention efficace en adoptant le nouveau paradigme des Origines du Développement de la Santé et des Maladies (DOHaD), à condition d’intervenir très tôt en agissant sur le risque et non lorsque la maladie est déjà apparue. Ce concept est largement reconnu grâce à des études épidémiologiques et (...)
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    Françoise Frontisi-Ducroux, Ouvrages de dames. Ariane, Hélène, Pénélope..Claudine Leduc - 2011 - Clio 34:01-01.
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    La bibliothèque des imprimés de la reine Marie de Hongrie régente des Pays-Bas, 1505-1558.Claudine Lemaire - 1996 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 58 (1):119-139.
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