Results for 'Claudia Gentile'

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  1.  36
    La question indienne en Argentine : entre le néolibéralisme, le national-populaire et le néo-développementisme.Claudia Briones & Ana Maria Gentile - 2014 - Actuel Marx 56 (2):85-96.
    Approaches to the “Indian Issue” which fail to go beyond the mere charting of evolutions in legal norms or the articulation between neoliberalism and multiculturalism do not allow us to take the full measure of indigenous policies, in terms of the goal set for the enlargement of the spaces for public interpellation and the reconfiguration of ideas and practices pertaining to citizenship. Starting from the Argentine experience, the aim of this article is to examine the question of the sedimentation of (...)
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    Polycomb Repressive Complexes in Hox Gene Regulation: Silencing and Beyond.Claudia Gentile & Marie Kmita - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (10):1900249.
    The coordinated expression of the Hox gene family encoding transcription factors is critical for proper embryonic development and patterning. Major efforts have thus been dedicated to understanding mechanisms controlling Hox expression. In addition to the temporal and spatial sequential activation of Hox genes, proper embryonic development requires that Hox genes get differentially silenced in a cell‐type specific manner as development proceeds. Factors contributing to Hox silencing include the polycomb repressive complexes (PRCs), which control gene expression through epigenetic modifications. This review (...)
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    Idee linguistiche e pratica della lingua in Giovanni Gentile.Claudia Fabrizio - 2008 - Pisa: F. Serra.
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    Critica della ragione pura.Immanuel Kant & Giovanni Gentile - 1822
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    Genesi e struttura della società.Giovanni Gentile - 1946 - Firenze,: G. C. Sansoni.
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    Saggi di una nuova storia della filosofia.Marino Gentile - 1973 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    Vincenzo Cuoco.Giovanni Gentile - 1924 - Sansoni.
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  8. La filosofia di Marx.Giovanni Gentile - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 30 (2):312-314.
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    Modulating Motor Learning through Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation: An Integrative View.Claudia Ammann, Danny Spampinato & Javier Márquez-Ruiz - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Abductive reasoning, interpretation and collaborative processes.Claudia Arrighi & Roberta Ferrario - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (1):75-87.
    In this paper we want to examine how the mutual understanding of speakers is reached during a conversation through collaborative processes, and what role is played by abductive inference (in the Peircean sense) in these processes. We do this by bringing together contributions coming from a variety of disciplines, such as logic, philosophy of language and psychology. When speakers are engaged in a conversation, they refer to a supposed common ground: every participant ascribes to the others some knowledge, belief, opinion (...)
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  11. Rethinking Trafficking in Women: Politics out of security.Claudia Aradau - 2008
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    La riforma dell'educazione: discorsi ai maestri di Trieste.Giovanni Gentile - 1935 - Sansoni.
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    Sommario di pedagogia come scienza filosofica..Giovanni Gentile - 1934 - Firenze,: G.C. Sansoni.
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    Educazione e scuola laica.Giovanni Gentile - 2003 - Treves-Treccani-Tumminelli.
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  15. La politica di Platone.Marino Gentile - 1940 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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  16. Marsilio Ficino E Il Ritorno di Platone Mostra di Manoscritti, Stampe E Documenti 17 Maggio - 16 Giugno 1984.S. Gentile, Marsilio Ficino, S. Niccoli, Paolo Viti & Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana - 1984 - Casa Editrice le Lettere.
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    Lambek’s Syntactic Calculus and Noncommutative Variants of Linear Logic: Laws and Proof-Nets.V. Michele Abrusci & Claudia Casadio - 2021 - In Claudia Casadio & Philip J. Scott, Joachim Lambek: The Interplay of Mathematics, Logic, and Linguistics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-37.
    This work is devoted to the relations between Lambek’s Syntactic Calculus and noncommutative variants of Girard’s Linear Logic; in particular the paper will consider: the geometrical representation of the laws of LC by means of proof-nets; the discovery - due to such a geometrical representation - of some laws of LC not yet considered; the discussion of possible linguistic uses of these new laws.
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    The ultimate capital is the sun: Metabolismus in Kunst, Politik, Philosophie und Wissenschaft = Metabolism in contemporary art, politics, philosophy and science.Elena Agudio, Claudia Weigel, Anne-Sophie Springer & Claudia Jones (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: NGBK, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst.
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  19.  34
    La Razon Del gusano.Claudia Aguilar - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 43:55-80.
    This article analyzes the spinozist mereology, that is, how parts arerelated according to Spinoza. In order to do this it will be crucial toexplore the concepts of part and whole, considering both the Ethics andthe letters of our philosopher — specially that letter in which we findthe famous example of the worm in blood. The hypothesis that I wantto defend is that, if we consider the degrees of individuation, part andwhole are not mere inadequate ideas of imagination.
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  20. The dynamic nature of meaning.Claudia Arrighi & Roberta Ferrario - 2005 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Riccardo Dossena, Computing, Philosophy and Cognition: Proceedings of the European Computing and Philosophy Conference (ECAP 2004). College Publications. pp. 295-312.
    In this paper we investigate how the dynamic nature of words’ meanings plays a role in a philosophical theory of meaning. For ‘dynamic nature’ we intend the characteristic of being flexible, of changing according to many factors (speakers, contexts, and more). We consider meaning as something that gradually takes shape from the dynamic processes of communication. Accordingly, we present a draft of a theory of meaning that, on the one hand, describes how a private meaning is formed as a mental (...)
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  21. L'ambigua neutralità di Charles Larmore da patterns of moral complexity a respect for persons.Claudia Atzori - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
  22. Introduzione a una nuova storia della filosofia.Marino Gentile - 1972 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (3):311.
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  23. La filosofia e lo Stato.Giovanni Gentile - 1929 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 10:161.
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  24. Quindici lettere di Terenzio Mamiani a Francesco Bonatelli.Giovanni Gentile - 1930 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 11:237.
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  25. Práticas políticas de Antigo Regime: redes governativas e centralidade régia na capitania de Minas Gerais (1720-1725).Claudia Cristina Azeredo Atallah - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (22):24-43.
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  26. Opere Italiane II, Dialoghi morali.G. Bruno & G. Gentile - 1911 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 71:440-441.
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  27. El concepto de biopolítica en Michel Foucault.Francisco Ávila Fuenmayor & Claudia Ávila Montaño - 2010 - A Parte Rei 69:5.
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  28. El miedo, o el origen de lo social en el pensamiento de Emmanuel Lévinas.Claudia Gutiérrez Olivares - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 49:7-20.
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  29. La muerte : punto central de la lucha entre Dios y el diablo, religión y brujería.Claudia Marina Benito Millán - 2014 - In Díaz Cárdenas & J. Gloria, El problema de la muerte: perspectivas de estudio. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Uniminuto, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios.
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  30. A construção da Identidade, o comércio do eu no universo publicitário e modos de relacionamento social hipermodernos.Maria Cláudia Tardin Pinheiro - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 16 (2):80-94.
    This article presents some culture and social influences in the construction of Brazilian identity in the hypermodern society of big cities. For that I’ll analyze the advertising world that represents this contemporanea society. I’ll describe some results of my doctorate thesis defended in May of 2007 with I pointed out the thematic and strategies of publicity persuasions more appeared in the more consumed magazines in Brazil in 2005, mainly the emotional strategies of publicity that are frequently used in this country (...)
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  31. Injustice, Evil, and Oppression.Claudia Card - 2009 - In Ann Ferguson & Mechtild Nagel, Dancing with Iris: The Philosophy of Iris Marion Young. New York: Oup Usa.
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    Relational Autonomy in Spinoza. Freedom and Joint Action.Claudia Aguilar - 2023 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 15 (1):36-44.
    Over the last years, some of Spinoza studies have shifted to a consideration of the relational character of his ethics by focusing on the notion of autonomy. This concept is foreign to Spinoza's vocabulary. Therefore, I will attempt to explain what Spinozan relational autonomy is and its connection with the most important ethical concept in his philosophy: freedom. Following considerations about Spinozan freedom, I claim that it entails a relational character and that, for this reason, it is equal to relational (...)
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    Individuo Como Cosa Singular. Los Dos Sentidos de Acción En la Ética de Spinoza.Claudia Aguilar - 2023 - Endoxa 51.
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es indagar sobre la compleja relación entre las nociones de individuo y cosa singular en la Ética de Spinoza, delimitando en qué sentido son equiparables y en cual no. La hipótesis que me interesa defender es que, por un lado, las nociones de individuo y de cosa singular no son totalmente equiparables. Por otro lado, que tanto la cosa singular como la acción pueden entenderse en un sentido amplio y en uno restringido; y, por (...)
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    Removing Veils of Ignorance.Claudia Card - 1991 - Noûs 25 (2):194.
    For more than two millennia the development of philosophy in what is called the West has been the province of men who trace their intellectual heritage to men in ancient Greece. Within “the development of philosophy” I include the training of philosophers as well as publishing and preserving philosophical work in libraries. Thus I regard philosophy as a very material as well as spiritual enterprise. My focus here is on the spiritual impact, actual and potential, of recent changes in the (...)
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    New Perspectives in Logic and Formal Linguistics: Proceedings of the Vth Roma Workshop.V. Michele Abrusci & Claudia Casadio - 2002
  36. Trabalho Docente: a dinâmica entre formação, profissionalização e proletarização na constituição da identidade.Claudia Barcelos de Moura Abreu & Sonia Regina Landini - 2003 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 5 (1):p - 17.
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    Eraclito: vita e frammenti: facsimile del manoscritto della traduzione dal Diels.Hermann Heraclitus, Giovanni Diels, Hervâe A. Gentile & Cavallera - 1995 - Firenze: Le lettere. Edited by Hermann Diels, Giovanni Gentile & Hervé A. Cavallera.
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    Training health care providers in the treatment of tobacco use and dependence: pre‐ and post‐training results.Christine E. Sheffer, Claudia P. Barone & Michael E. Anders - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):607-613.
  39. Opere. [8 Vols. In 11. Var. Eds].Giovanni Battista Vico & Giovanni Gentile - 1914
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  40. Derecho, argumentación y ponderación. Ensayos en honor a Robert Alexy.Gonzalo Villa Rosas, Claudia Toledo, Alejandro Nava Tovar & Arnulfo Mateos (eds.) - 2023 - Universidad del Externado de Colombia.
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    Frances Calderón de la Barca, La corte de Isabel II y la revolución de 1854 en Madrid: [reseña].Claudia Albarrán - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (147):160.
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  42. 4 Alain Badiou.Claudia Aradau - 2009 - In Jenny Edkins & Nick Vaughan-Williams, Critical theorists and international relations. New York, N.Y.: Routledge. pp. 42.
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    A fenomenologia da percepção a partir da autopoiesis de Humberto Maturana e Francisco Varela.Claudia Castro de Andrade - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 6 (2):98-121.
    No presente artigo pretendo apresentar a Autopoiesis, uma teoria formulada pelo biólogo chileno Humberto Maturana e pelo médico chileno Francisco Varela. Além de mostrar as similaridades entre o processo orgânico e o processo epistemológico, presentes nesta teoria, busco ressaltar a importância da Autopoiesis não somente no campo científico, como teoria epistemológica, mas também no campo ético e cultural, como uma teoria que ressalta desde a dinâmica interna do ser vivo, enquanto unidade, até a importância de sua interação com o mundo (...)
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    Avaliação intelectual de escolares com hipotireoidismo congênito.Cláudia Androvandi & Maria Lucia Tiellet Nunes - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 20:55-64.
    O hipotireoidismo congênito (HC) é uma doença endócrina resultante da carência de hormônios tireoidianos no organismo. Os programas de rastreamento neonatal para HC possibilitam evitar a maior parte das conseqüências neuropsicológicas, permitindo que as crianças tenham um desenvolvimento normal. Est..
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    Aprendizagem na ação revisitada e seu papel no desenvolvimento de competências.Claudia Simone Antonello - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:146-167.
    O estudo teve por objetivo identificar e analisar os processos de aprendizagem que contribuem para o desenvolvimento de competências requeridas ao administrador no atual ambiente de negócios a partir da percepção de estudantes universitários que estavam trabalhando e cursando a etapa final do curso ..
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  46. El¿ retorno? del Tratado sobre la Familia de Gary Becker-Algunas reflexiones en torno a los criterios de eficiencia que legitiman los planes compensatorios de fines de la década de 1990.Claudia Anzorena - 2009 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 24:1.
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    Estado y división sexual del trabajo: las relaciones de género en las nuevas condiciones del mercado laboral.Claudia Anzorena - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (41).
    This article discusses the role of gender relations vis à vis the steps taken by the State to mitigate the social problems derived from the unemployment provoked by neoliberal policies. During the last decades, notwithstanding the transformations undergone by the labor market and the State, gender s..
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  48. Algorithmic governmentality: questions of method.Claudia Aradau - 2023 - In William Walters & Martina Tazzioli, Handbook on governmentality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    The Roma in Italy: racism as usual?Claudia Aradau - 2009 - Radical Philosophy 153:2-6.
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    Physician-assisted dying: thoughts drawn from Albert Camus’ writing.Claudia Bozzaro - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (2):111-122.
    Physician-assisted dying is currently an intensely discussed topic in several countries. Despite differences in legislation and application, countries with end-of-life laws have similar eligibility criteria for assistance in dying: individuals must be in a hopeless situation and experience unbearable suffering. Hopelessness, as a basic aspect of the human condition, is a central topic in Albert Camus’ philosophical work The Myth of Sisyphus, which addresses the question of suicide. Suffering in the face of a hopeless situation, and the way doctors approach (...)
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