Results for 'Claudia Christophersen'

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  1.  28
    Hannah Arendt – Paul Tillich. Briefwechsel.Claudia Schulze & Alf Christophersen - 2002 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 9 (1):131-156.
    This edition presents the hitherto largely unpublished correspondence between Hannah Arendt and Paul Tillich, and is supplemented by further important documents, taken from the Andover-Harvard Theological Library, the Library of Congress in Washington and the New York Public Library. This is the first time these documents have been published in full.
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    Chronologie eines Eklats. Hannah Arendt und Paul Tillich.Claudia Schulze & Alf Christophersen - 2002 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 9 (1):98-130.
    The contribution takes a closer look at the relations between Hannah Arendt and Paul Tillich, and focuses on the controversy surrounding Emil Ludwig's ideas on a possible ‘re-education’ of postwar Germany which was published mainly in the New York journal Aufbau of 1942. The letters and other documents used from 1942 to 1965 also shed light on the personal life and work of those embroiled in this dispute, as well as their involvement in the public discussions of their day.
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    The beginnings of Nietzsche's theory of language.Claudia Crawford - 1988 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    The Beginnings of Nietzsche's Theory of Language is concerned with the years 1865 through Winter/Spring 1870-71. Four texts of Nietzsche's, "Vom Ursprung der Sprache", "Zur Teleologie", "Zu Schopenhauer", and "Anschauung Notes", are translated into English and interpreted from the perspective of Nietzsche's developing theory of language. An examination of the major influences of Schopenhauer, Kant, Eduard von Hartmann, and Frederick A. Lange are pursued. ;Theory, in this work, does not assume that it is possible to take a position of authority (...)
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    The Subjectification Function of Education.Claudia Ruitenberg - 2020 - Philosophy of Education 76:130-146.
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    Abstraction and Generalization in the Logic of Science: Cases from Nineteenth-Century Scientific Practice.Claudia Cristalli & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (1):93-121.
    Abstraction and generalization are two processes of reasoning that have a special role in the construction of scientific theories and models. They have been important parts of the scientific method ever since the nineteenth century. A philosophical and historical analysis of scientific practices shows how abstraction and generalization found their way into the theory of the logic of science of the nineteenth-century philosopher Charles S. Peirce. Our case studies include the scientific practices of Francis Galton and John Herschel, who introduced (...)
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  6. Gender and moral luck [1990].Claudia Card - 1995 - In Virginia Held, Justice and care: essential readings in feminist ethics. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. pp. 79.
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    Large Gatherings? No, Thank You. Devaluation of Crowded Social Scenes During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Claudia Massaccesi, Emilio Chiappini, Riccardo Paracampo & Sebastian Korb - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In most European countries, the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the imposition of physical distancing rules, resulting in a drastic and sudden reduction of real-life social interactions. Even people not directly affected by the virus itself were impacted in their physical and/or mental health, as well as in their financial security, by governmental lockdown measures. We investigated whether the combination of these events had changed people's appraisal of social scenes by testing 241 participants recruited mainly in Italy, (...)
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  8.  15
    Implicit Associations With Nature and Urban Environments: Effects of Lower-Level Processed Image Properties.Claudia Menzel & Gerhard Reese - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Nature experiences usually lead to restorative effects, such as positive affective states and reduced stress. Even watching nature compared to urban images, which are known to differ in several image properties that are processed at early stages, can lead to such effects. One potential pathway explaining how the visual input alone evokes restoration is that image properties processed at early stages in the visual system evoke positive associations. To study these automatic bottom-up processes and the role of lower-level visual processing (...)
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    “We Live in the Ruins of Christendom”: Bioethics in a Post-Engelhardtian Age.Claudia Paganini - 2018 - Conatus 3 (2):99.
    Hugo Tristram Engelhardt Jr. is a philosopher and a physician who has devoted all his life and all his creative power to developing and promoting a Christian bioethics. At the same time, the American is a personality who polarizes and has received euphoric praise on the one hand and malicious criticism on the other. This has already been the case during his lifetime and will presumably remain so even after his death, which we wish to commemorate here. In the following (...)
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  10. Trabalho Docente: a dinâmica entre formação, profissionalização e proletarização na constituição da identidade.Claudia Barcelos de Moura Abreu & Sonia Regina Landini - 2003 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 5 (1):p - 17.
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    Confirmation of the Factor Structure and Reliability of the ‘Adult Eating Behavior Questionnaire’ in an Adolescent Sample.Claudia Hunot-Alexander, Rebecca J. Beeken, William Goodman, Alison Fildes, Helen Croker, Clare Llewellyn & Silje Steinsbekk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  12. O mutualismo E sua contribuição para a expansão da cidadania no brasil.Antonio Gasparetto Júnior & Cláudia Maria Ribeiro Viscardi - forthcoming - Principia.
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    A moda infantil no século XX: representações imagéticas na revista do Globo.Monica Tonding Kern, Claudia Schemes & Denise Castilhos de Araújo - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (2).
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    The Nature of the Relationship Between Corporate Identity and Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from The Retail Industry.Cláudia Simões & Roberta Sebastiani - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (3):423-453.
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  15. Pathophysiological Bases of Comorbidity in Migraine.Claudia Altamura, Ilenia Corbelli, Marina de Tommaso, Cherubino Di Lorenzo, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Antonio Di Renzo, Massimo Filippi, Tommaso B. Jannini, Roberta Messina, Pasquale Parisi, Vincenzo Parisi, Francesco Pierelli, Innocenzo Rainero, Umberto Raucci, Elisa Rubino, Paola Sarchielli, Linxin Li, Fabrizio Vernieri, Catello Vollono & Gianluca Coppola - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:640574.
    Despite that it is commonly accepted that migraine is a disorder of the nervous system with a prominent genetic basis, it is comorbid with a plethora of medical conditions. Several studies have found bidirectional comorbidity between migraine and different disorders including neurological, psychiatric, cardio- and cerebrovascular, gastrointestinal, metaboloendocrine, and immunological conditions. Each of these has its own genetic load and shares some common characteristics with migraine. The bidirectional mechanisms that are likely to underlie this extensive comorbidity between migraine and other (...)
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  16. The Right Extremist Identitarian Movement in Europe: A Critical Theory Analysis.Claudia Leeb - 2020 - Azimuth: An International Journal of Philosophy 16 (8):71-88.
    In this article, I expose the psychologically oriented techniques a core leader of the right extremist Identitarian Movement in the German-speaking context, Martin Sellner, uses to capture new followers. I show that such techniques offer the prospective followers irrational gratifications and release their feelings of failure and frustration of not living up to capitalist and patriarchal values, thereby distracting them from the Identitarian Movement's destructive aims. I also engage with Theodor W. Adorno's psychoanalytically inspired writings on fascist agitators and their (...)
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    Actitud filosófica como herramienta para pensar.Claudia Janneth Arias Sanabria, Gina Alexandra Carreño Sabogal & Liliana Andrea Mariño Díaz - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (66):237-261.
    This article presents the results of the research “Philosophical Attitude and Childhood: Teachers’ Formation and Transformation”, developed at the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia UPTC Kindergarten, by using the Community of Inquiry as a strategy to foster a philosophical attitude. It is divided in three descriptive moments, the first one, previous considerations, contains: philosophy as a tool to think, philosophical attitude as a life style, philosophy for kids as a theoretical and methodological perspective; the second one includes methodological perspectives; (...)
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    Vernunft ohne „Gespenst in der Maschine“?Frank Kannetzky & Claudia Henning - 2012 - In Sebastian Rödl & Henning Tegtmeyer, Sinnkritisches Philosophieren. De Gruyter. pp. 129-166.
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    Internal Marketing As A Key To Strategic Human Resources Management In The Education Industry In The Context Of The COVID-19 Pandemic.Ana Serafim, Cláudia Miranda Veloso, Etelvina Vaz Miranda & Bruno Sousa - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:157-168.
    Several studies prove the relevance of internal marketing in promoting job satisfaction and life satisfaction among professionals. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, educational institutions were faced with a set of challenges that forced the redefinition of strategies appropriate to the context experienced, with internal marketing being a key factor in redefining these same strategies. This study aims to evaluate whether internal marketing is a catalyst for professional satisfaction and life satisfaction among professionals in the Education industry active in Portugal during the (...)
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  20.  21
    The ideal Benedictine Monastery: From the Saint Gall map to ontologies.Claudia Cantale, Domenico Cantone, Manuela Lupica Rinato, Marianna Nicolosi-Asmundo, Daniele Francesco Santamaria & Maria Rosaria Stufano Melone - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (2):137-160.
    We present an OWL 2 ontology, called SaintGall, representing the Saint Gall plan, one of the most ancient documents arrived intact to us. The Saint Gall plan describes the ideal model of a Benedictine monastic complex that inspired the design of many European monasteries. The structural, functional, and architectural specification of an ideal Benedectine monastery is modeled by the SaintGall ontology, which allows one to analyse and model the Monastery architectural type. This work started with the purpose of relating Catania’s (...)
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  21.  33
    Adorno and Freud meet Kazuo Ishiguro: The Rise of the Far Right from a Psychoanalytic and Critical Theory Perspective.Claudia Leeb - 2021 - In Jeremiah Morelock, How to Critique Authoritarian Populism: Methodologies of the Frankfurt School. Studies in Critical Social Sci. pp. 200-219.
    In this chapter, I analyze Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day to outline the interaction of socio-economic and psychological factors in today's rise of the global far and extremist right. The ego-ideal refers to the ideal view of ourselves and what we aspire to achieve and is generated through societal standards. The main character, Mr. Stevens, who works as a butler for Lord Darlington in England during World War II, replaces his ego-ideal with his employer to view himself as (...)
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  22.  18
    About as boring as flossing sharks: Cognitive accounts of irony and the family of approximate comparison constructions in American English.Claudia Lehmann - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (1):133-158.
    This paper reports a case study on a family of American English constructions that will be called the family of approximate comparison constructions. This family has three members, all of which follow the syntactic pattern about as X as Y with X being an adjective, but which allow three related functions: literal comparison, simile and irony. Two cognitive frameworks concern themselves with irony, the cognitive modelling approach and viewpoint approach, and the paper will show that, while the ironic approximate comparison (...)
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  23.  15
    Homo patiens: implicações filosófico-teológicas da experiência do sofrimento.Cláudia Maria Rocha de Oliveira - forthcoming - Horizonte:738.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar, a partir de uma leitura de Paul Ricoeur, a experiência do sofrimento como enigma para a razão e desafio para a fé. Os males éticos e religiosos, compreendidos como transgressão e pecado, estão relacionados a uma atitude ativa, a um fazer. O sofrimento inocente, ao contrário, deve ser pensado a partir da perspectiva da vítima. Como justificar a dor de inocentes vítimas de catástrofes, de doenças incuráveis, de violência? É possível, por exemplo, conferir sentido (...)
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    Instrumentos de evaluación pragmática y comunicativa en español.Claudia Prieto, Consuelo Sepúlveda & Guillermo Soto - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (1):3-25.
    En esta revisión bibliográfica completa, se analizan instrumentos de evaluación pragmática comunicativa utilizados durante la práctica clínica con población hispanohablante, con el objeto de caracterizarlos, establecer y comparar las conductas comunicativas y lingüísticas evaluadas y discutir su utilidad en la pragmática clínica. Se identifican doce instrumentos. Predomina una concepción amplia de la pragmática que la entiende como perspectiva más que como nivel del lenguaje y que se apoya no solo en estudios pragmáticos en sentido estricto, sino también en el análisis (...)
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  25.  10
    Procedimientos argumentativos en el fragmento 17 de Sobre la filosofía.Claudia Marisa Seggiaro - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (1):83-111.
    La hipótesis que intentaremos defender en este trabajo es que en Sobre la filosofía Aristóteles hace una defensa dialéctica de su concepción de los principios, tomando como punto de partida algunas de las opiniones existentes al respecto. En ese sentido, el modo de proceder aristotélico en esta obra es consistente con el implementado con idénticos fines en las obras canónicas y contribuye a comprender el uso epistémico de la dialéctica en este pensador. Para demostrar esto, nos centraremos en el análisis (...)
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  26. La dipendenza contestuale. Per una theoria pragmatica del significato.Claudia Bianchi - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (1):126-126.
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  27. More than Just Networking for Citizen Science : Examining Core Roles of Practitioner Organizations.Claudia Göbel, Jessica L. Cappadonna, Gregory J. Newman, Jian Zhang & Katrin Vohland - 2017 - In Luigi Ceccaroni, Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
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  28. El pensamiento de lo fugaz aproximación a la filosofía contemporánea.Claudia Villa Uribe - 2009 - Escritos 17 (38):98-124.
    El presente artículo intenta esbozar las condiciones de posibilidad de la tarea filosófica en el presente. Teniendo en cuenta que al comenzar el siglo XXI el pensamiento ya vislumbra las problemáticas derivadas de la razón tecnológica en sus diferentes manifestaciones. La experiencia del tiempo vivido como gasto de la velocidad, ha generado transformaciones significativas en la creación de subjetividades, es así como estas sociedades se ven abocadas a replantearse el ¿qué? Y el ¿cómo? de su actividad vital. ¿Qué luces brinda (...)
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  29. Semantics and pragmatics: distinction reloaded.Claudia Bianchi - 2004 - In the semantics/pragmatics distinction. CSLI.
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    ‘Bitch is Not a Term of Endearment’: A Metaethical Reflection on the Presumed Value Monism of Trash TV.Stefan Kosak & Claudia Paganini - 2025 - Journal of Media Ethics 40 (1):2-10.
    Trash TV is generally regarded as an inferior genre that showcases the depths of human behavior for the sake of high viewership ratings. In this sense, the prevailing prejudice suggests that the moral orientation of the participants in trash TV is at best characterized by the (questionable) values of success and pleasure. Confronting this prejudice, the article aims to discuss the value orientation in trash TV, using examples from such show formats as Sommerhaus der Stars, Promis unter Palmen, and Temptation (...)
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    Tommaso Campanella (1568–1639): Canzone I from "three prayers in metaphysical psalm form, joined together".Claudia Ruggiero Corradini - 2002 - Philosophical Forum 33 (3):288–303.
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    A garden for ideoscopy.Claudia González Costanzo - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (140).
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    To Nietzsche: Dionysus, I Love You! Ariadne.Claudia Crawford - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    This book explores the possibility that Friedrich Nietzsche simulated his madness as a form of "voluntary death," and thus that his madness functioned as the symbolic culmination of his philosophy.
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    A participação popular nas disputas políticas em torno das magistraturas no republicanismo de Maquiavel.Claudia Assunpção Dias - 2019 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 17 (2).
    A presente comunicação tem como propósito analisar o modo de participação do povo nas disputas políticas em torno das magistraturas por ele conquistadas, a partir da análise Maquiavel do paradigma republicano romano na obra Discorsi.
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  35. El concepto de biopolítica en Michel Foucault.Francisco Ávila Fuenmayor & Claudia Ávila Montaño - 2010 - A Parte Rei 69:5.
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  36. El miedo, o el origen de lo social en el pensamiento de Emmanuel Lévinas.Claudia Gutiérrez Olivares - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 49:7-20.
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    Lares mineiros: a família entre a legitimidade e a ilegitimidade-doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v18i1.802.Helen Ulhôa Pimentel & Claudia De Jesus Maia - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (1).
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    The Power of Analogies for Imagining and Governing Emerging Technologies.Claudia Schwarz-Plaschg - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (2):139-153.
    The emergence of new technologies regularly involves comparisons with previous innovations. For instance, analogies with asbestos and genetically modified organisms have played a crucial role in the early societal debate about nanotechnology. This article explores the power of analogies in such debates and how they could be effectively and responsibly employed for imagining and governing emerging technologies in general and nanotechnology in particular. First, the concept of analogical imagination is developed to capture the explorative and anticipatory potential of analogies. Yet (...)
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  39. Research on patients with dementia.Adrian Treloar & Claudia Dunlop - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron, The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    ‘Crowded Places Are Everywhere We Go’: Crowds, Emergency, Politics.Claudia Aradau - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (2):155-175.
    ‘Crowded places’ have recently been problematized as objects of terrorist attacks. Following this redefinition of terrorism, crowds have been reactivated at the heart of a security continuum of counter-terrorism, emergency planning and policing. How does the crowd referent recalibrate security governance, and with what political effects? This article argues that several subtle reconfigurations take place. First, counter-terrorism governance derives the knowledge of crowds from ‘generic events’ as unexpected, unpredictable and potentially catastrophic. This move activates 19th-century knowledge about crowds as pathological, (...)
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    Parentalidade e contemporaneidade: os desafios para a psicologia.Claudia Corrêa da Rocha & Aline Groff Vivian - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:244-246.
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    (2 other versions)Rastros y gestos de las emociones. Desbordes disciplinarios.Claudia Mariana Darrigrandi Navarro - 2019 - Aisthesis. Revista Chilena de Investigaciones Estéticas 65:249-254.
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    Machado de Assis's Philosopher or Dog?: From Serial to Book Form.Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva - 2010 - Legenda.
    Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Oxford, 2007.
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  44. Rethinking Ethical, Legal, and Societal Framework for Assessing and Governing Nanomaterials.Angela Kallhoff, Claudia Schwarz-Plaschg & Elias Moser - 2019 - In Iris Eisenberger, Angela Kallhoff & Claudia Schwarz-Plaschg, Nanotechnology: Regulation and Public Discourse. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 1-16.
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  45. La muerte : punto central de la lucha entre Dios y el diablo, religión y brujería.Claudia Marina Benito Millán - 2014 - In Díaz Cárdenas & J. Gloria, El problema de la muerte: perspectivas de estudio. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Uniminuto, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios.
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    Training health care providers in the treatment of tobacco use and dependence: pre‐ and post‐training results.Christine E. Sheffer, Claudia P. Barone & Michael E. Anders - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):607-613.
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    Écrire, lire, raconter – le roman d'amour de Sinhá, Malhado, Carybé et Jorge Amado.Cláudia Sousa Pereira - 2002 - Diogène 198 (2):40-48.
  48. TV Pendrive: o que dizem os professores.Ana Cláudia Cerini Trevisan, Gabriela Spagnuolo Cavicchioli, Mariana Sieni da Cruz Gallo & Doralice Aparecida Paranzini Gorni - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (2):23-37.
    Este estudo pretende discutir as relações existentes entre mídia e educação, analisando as políticas públicas que influenciaram a criação da TV Pendrive, identificando a percepção dos professores acerca da mesma. Justifica-se pelo fato de que no ano de 2007 o governo federal criou o Programa Nacional de Tecnologia Educacional (ProInfo), com o objetivo de informatizar o ensino, buscando promover uma educação com maior qualidade. Nesse contexto, a Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná, com vistas à inclusão e ao acesso (...)
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    (1 other version)Histoire de l'art et traduction.Iain Boyd Whyte & Claudia Heide - 2010 - Diogène 231 (3):60.
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    Jochen Vollmann (2008) Patientenselbstbestimmung und Selbstbestimmungsfähigkeit. Beiträge zur Klinischen Ethik.Prof Dr Claudia Wiesemann - 2010 - Ethik in der Medizin 22 (1):79-80.
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