Results for 'Claudia Bernini'

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  1.  2
    Leveraging large language models for abstractive summarization of Italian legal news.Irene Benedetto, Luca Cagliero, Michele Ferro, Francesco Tarasconi, Claudia Bernini & Giuseppe Giacalone - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-21.
    Condensing the key message conveyed by a long document into an informative summary is particularly helpful to lawyers and legal experts. State-of-the-art approaches to legal document summarization rely on Language Models (LMs) and are mostly trained on English documents. More limited research efforts have been devoted to summarizing legal documents in languages other than English. In this work, we investigate the applicability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to summarize Italian legal news documents. We benchmark state-of-the-art abstractive summarization techniques based on (...)
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    Distinct roles of eye movements during memory encoding and retrieval.Claudia Damiano & Dirk B. Walther - 2019 - Cognition 184 (C):119-129.
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  3. Confronting Evils: Terrorism, Torture, Genocide.Claudia Card - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this contribution to philosophical ethics, Claudia Card revisits the theory of evil developed in her earlier book The Atrocity Paradigm, and expands it to consider collectively perpetrated and collectively suffered atrocities. Redefining evil as a secular concept and focusing on the inexcusability - rather than the culpability - of atrocities, Card examines the tension between responding to evils and preserving humanitarian values. This stimulating and often provocative book contends that understanding the evils in terrorism, torture and genocide enables (...)
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    Corporate Philanthropy Through the Lens of Ethical Subjectivity.Claudia Eger, Graham Miller & Caroline Scarles - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):141-153.
    The dynamic organisational processes in businesses dilute the boundaries between the individual, organisational, and societal drivers of corporate philanthropy. This creates a complex framework in which charitable project selection occurs. Using the example of European tour operators, this study investigates the mechanisms through which companies invest in charitable projects in overseas destinations. Inextricably linked to this is the increasing contestation by local communities as to how they are able to engage effectively with tourism in order to realise the benefits tourism (...)
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  5. The child's right to an open future?Claudia Mills - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (4):499–509.
  6.  37
    The Likelihood of Actions and the Neurobiology of Virtues: Veto and Consent Power.Claudia Navarini - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (2):309-323.
    An increasing number of studies indicate that virtues affect brain structure. These studies might shed new light on some neuroethical perspectives suggesting that our brain network activity determines the acquisition and permanence of virtues. According to these perspectives, virtuous behavior could be interpreted as the product of a brain mechanism supervised by genes and environment and not as the result of free choice. In this respect, the neural correlates of virtues would confirm the deterministic theory. In contrast, I maintain that (...)
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    Meaning, Contexts and Justification.Nicla Vassallo & Claudia Bianchi - 2007 - In B. Kokinov (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. 6th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT '07, LNAI 4635. Springer. pp. 69--81.
    Contextualism in philosophy of language and in epistemology are two distinct but closely entangled projects. The epistemological thesis is grounded in a semantic claim concerning the context-sensitivity of the predicate “know”: we gain insight into epistemological problems by investigating our linguistic intuitions concerning knowledge attribution sentences. Our aim here is to evaluate the plausibility of a project that takes the opposite starting point: the general idea is to establish the semantic contextualist thesis on the epistemological one. According to semantic contextualism, (...)
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    The seeds of social learning: Infants exhibit more social looking for plants than other object types.Claudia Elsner & Annie E. Wertz - 2019 - Cognition 183 (C):244-255.
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    Kant y el carácter regulativo del principio mecanicista en la antinomia de la facultad de juzgar teleológica.Claudia Jáuregui - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (11):92-109.
    En la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar, Kant atribuye al principio mecanicista un carácter meramente regulativo. Esto podría dar lugar a pensar que, en esta obra, se opera una transformación del modo en que el autor concibe la causalidad general, ya que, en las primeras dos Críticas, existe una tendencia a identificar el principio mecanicista con el principio de la segunda analogía de la experiencia. En este trabajo, intentaré mostrar que la presentación del principio que Kant hace en la (...)
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  10. The Moral Psychology of Hope: An Introduction.Claudia Blöser & Titus Stahl - 2019 - In Claudia Blöser & Titus Stahl (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Hope: An Introduction (The Moral Psychology of the Emotions). Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 1-12.
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    Inter‐ A frican cooperation in the social sciences in the era of decolonization: A case of science diplomacy.Cláudia Castelo & Frederico Ágoas - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (1):67-83.
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    Denial and Despair?Claudia Carter - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (5):577-580.
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    Implicature, intenzioni e normatività.Claudia Bianchi - 2011 - Esercizi Filosofici 6 (1):16-29.
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    Uma confissão.Claudia Danielle Andrade Ritz - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1442.
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    The Team Based Biopsychosocial Model: Having a Clinical Ethicist as a Facilitator and a Bridge Between Teams.Claudia R. Sotomayor & Colleen M. Gallagher - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (1):75-83.
    The biopsychosocial model is characterized by the systematic consideration of biological, psychological, and social factors and their complex interactions in understanding health, illness, and health care delivery. This model opposes the biomedical model, which is the foundation of most current clinical practice. In the biomedical model, quest for evidence based medicine, the patient is reduced to molecules, genes, organelles, systems, diseases, etc. This reduction has brought great advances in medicine, but it lacks a holistic view of the person. To solve (...)
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    (1 other version)Surviving Long‐Term Mass Atrocities1.Claudia Card - 2012 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 36 (1):35-52.
  17.  14
    Giving Place to Unforeseeable Learning: The Inhospitality of Outcomes-Based Education.Claudia Ruitenberg - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:266-274.
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    Aristotle on Becoming Human.Claudia Baracchi - 2012 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 43:93-121.
    Este ensayo se enfoca en las reflexiones de Aristóteles sobre el ser humano - sobre la humanidad no como algo dado, sino como un hecho en devenir, entendido como una tarea. Resalto el trabajo constructivo involucrado en el proceso de llegar a hacerse humano, y muestro que, lejos de una construcción en su carácter meramente técnico-mecánico, está en juego un proceso formativo que en buena medida se desenvuelve en la oscuridad y carece de guías eidéticas claras. En efecto, es a (...)
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    Parole come pietre: atti linguistici e subordinazione.Claudia Bianchi - 2015 - Esercizi Filosofici 10 (2).
    Derogatory epithets are terms such as “nigger” and “faggot” targeting individuals and groups of individuals on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. There is no consensus on the best treatment of derogatory epithets. The aim of my paper is to evaluate a proposal recently put forward by Rae Langton, the speech acts account. Assessing SAA is far from an easy task, since the proposal is little more than an outline, deeply intertwined with Langton’s general view on (...)
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    Grasping the Agent’s Perspective: A Kinematics Investigation of Linguistic Perspective in Italian and German.Claudia Gianelli, Michele Marzocchi & Anna M. Borghi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Beekeeper: Rescuing the Stolen Women of Iraq, by Dunya Mikhail.Claudia Hauer - 2018 - Journal of Military Ethics 17 (2-3):181-182.
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    Filosofía a contratiempo: Presentación del libro Política, igualdad y emancipación.Claudia Gutiérrez Olivares - 2019 - Revista de Filosofía 75:43-46.
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    (1 other version)The Paradox of Genocidal Rape Aimed at Enforced Pregnancy.Claudia Card - 2008 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 46 (S1):176-189.
  24.  93
    The significance of prognosis for a theory of medical practice.Claudia Wiesemann - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (3):253-261.
    A typical problem of modern medicine results from the gap between scientific knowledge and its application in individual cases. Whereas scientific knowledge is generalized and impersonal information, medical practice takes place under conditions which are singular, individual and irreversible. The paper examines whether prognosis is able to bridge this gap or hiatus theoreticus. It is shown that diagnosis of a single case always relies on prognostic considerations. The individual prognosis (as distinguished from the nosologic prognosis of a certain disease) enables (...)
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  25.  37
    Emotions before actions: When children see costs as causal.Claudia G. Sehl, Ori Friedman & Stephanie Denison - 2024 - Cognition 247 (C):105774.
  26.  20
    Amefricanity: A Black Feminist Proposal for a Political Organization and Social Transformation.Cláudia Pons Cardoso & Lia Castillo Espinosa - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):559-565.
    This article analyzes the work and thought of Lélia Gonzalez on the experience of Black women in Brazil. It highlights her legacy within studies of Black Feminism in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the importance of her articulation between sex, class, and race with the intention of understanding the social inequality Indigenous and Black women suffer. Gonzalez's political-cultural category of Amefricanity is presented in this article as an instrument of analysis specific to the region, which promotes an (...)
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    Livia Marin: Sobre objetos, citas y apropiaciones en el arte chileno contemporáneo.Claudia Campaña - 2012 - Aisthesis 52:283-303.
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    Climate Change, Irreversible Change and Changing Perspectives.Claudia Carter - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (5):497-500.
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    Genealogies and Perspectives.Claudia Card - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):99-111.
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    Radicalesbianfeminist Theory.Claudia Card - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (1):206 - 213.
    Cheshire Calhoun has been working to distinguish lesbian oppression from the sexist oppression of women in general, with the idea that different strategies may be needed to oppose each. On a radical feminist understanding of sexism, however, lesbian oppression is a very important part of the oppression of females generally. Women's liberation requires opposition to lesbian oppression. Or so I argue in supporting radicalesbianfeminism as a unified theory.
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    The road to lake wobegon.Claudia Card - 1999 - Journal of Social Philosophy 30 (3):369–378.
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  32. Realtà E apparenza Del cielo: La filosofia di parmenide E zenone.Dario Drivet & Claudia Traversa - 2006 - Filosofia 57 (1-3).
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  33. A Sala de aula no berçario: Conciliando funcionalidade E objetivos pedagógicos.Mateus Lorenzon & Cláudia Inês Horn - 2016 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 6 (14):83-96.
    Neste artigo, apresentamos algumas experiências realizadas na disciplina de Estágio Supervisionado em Educação Infantil I, do curso de Pedagogia da UNIVATES, no qual investigou-se as possibilidades de conciliar a funcionalidade do espaço da sala de aula dos bebês com objetivos pedagógicos. Os dados foram obtidos mediante a realização de filmagens, fotografias e do uso de Diário de Campo. Observa-se que buscar contemplar na sala de aula de Educação Infantil os interesses e necessidades das crianças e dos adultos, exige dos docentes (...)
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    As origens da interioridade: autoconhecimento e externalismo (The Origins of Interiority: Self-knowledge and Externalism).Claudia Passos-Ferreira - 2006 - Dissertation, Rio de Janeiro State University
    This thesis aims to study the origins of interiority from an externalist perspective. The process by which self-knowledge is formed is considered in relation to the development of the first-person perspective. From a first-person perspective, one is capable of self-referring and knowing one's own mental and physical states. Self-consciousness and self-knowledge are discussed in relation to Descartes' idea of first-person authority. The Cartesian idea contends that the first-person perspective has privileged and non-empirical access to one's own mental state. On the (...)
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    Spinoza e os caminhos dos afetos na docência como corpos múltiplos no cotidiano escolar.Ana Cláudia Santiago Zouain, Janete Magalhães Carvalho & José Américo Cararo - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-26.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca dizer da multiplicidade que povoa a escola: de corpos, de acontecimentos, de vida. Busca com base na leitura Deleuze-Guattariana de instrumentos conceituais de Spinoza, na afirmação da multiplicidade que habita a docência, dar-lhes novos sentidos, nas redes de conversações nas veredas de afetos que atravessam o cotidiano escolar. Utiliza, como metodologia, redes de conversações, modos de dizer das experiências vividas, estabelecidas com professoras em encontros quinzenais realizados em escolas públicas situadas em bairros periféricos. A noção spinozana (...)
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    An Exploratory Study of Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Animals in Medical and Veterinary Medical Undergraduate Education.Cláudia S. Baptista, Pedro Oliveira & Laura Ribeiro - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (1):115-136.
    Animals are frequently utilized as a teaching-learning tool in multiple educational settings. It is, therefore, important to understand what students think about this topic, in particular medical and veterinary students as “life caregivers” and competent people for a dynamic and responsible social intervention. In this context, this research aims to characterize and disseminate a set of issues related to animal welfare/wellbeing in higher education in the North of Portugal, particularly as regards the teaching of students of the Integrated Master in (...)
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  37.  26
    Gods, German Scholars, and the Gift of Greece.Claudia Breger - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (7-8):111-134.
    This article argues that the abundance of Greek figures and scenarios in Kittler’s recent work points to a shift in his oeuvre, which, however, does not represent a radical break with his ‘hardware studies’. At the turn of the 21st century, Kittler champions an emphatic notion of culture as a necessary supplement to science and technology. This conceptual marriage mediates grand historical narratives of cultural identity. Specifically, Kittler’s texts provide us with narratives of Greek origin which serve to re-capture collective (...)
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    Balancing the digital universe: Power and patterns in the new public sphere.Claudia Ritzi - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):159-177.
    From the viewpoint of Political Theory, digital technology presents both risks and opportunities for the democratic public sphere. Public discourse is now more complex and fragmented than ever before. Against this background, this paper uses the metaphor of a “communicative universe” to analyze the latest structural change of the public sphere. It emphasizes the significance of achieving a balance between different actors and powers in contemporary political discourse. Patterns in media communication can not only be identified but also influenced and (...)
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  39.  10
    Distributive PBZ $$^{*}$$ -lattices.Claudia Mureşan - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1319-1341.
    Arising in the study of Quantum Logics, PBZ \(^{*}\) -_lattices_ are the paraorthomodular Brouwer–Zadeh lattices in which the pairs of elements with their Kleene complements satisfy the Strong De Morgan condition with respect to the Brouwer complement. They form a variety \(\mathbb {PBZL}^{*}\) which includes that of orthomodular lattices considered with an extended signature (by endowing them with a Brouwer complement coinciding with their Kleene complement), as well as antiortholattices (whose Brouwer complements are trivial). The former turn out to have (...)
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    Climate justice and global development: outlining a new framework from the work of Achille Mbembe and Charles Mills.Claudia J. Ford, Matthew J. LaVine & Michael J. Popović - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (2):195-214.
    As currently understood and practiced, global development and climate justice appear irreconcilable. In fact, global development has been and remains a key driver of climate inequalities. We hold that this is not an accident, but instead is a result of global development being established within worldwide systems of oppression. We define global development as setting the goals for, and the processes for achieving, what constitutes a good life for all communities, and taking the steps needed to reach those goals. This (...)
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  41.  10
    The Monastic Cell as Utopian Niche: The Contribution of Religious Niches to Socio-Ecological Transformation.Claudia Gärtner - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):67-82.
    This article explores the extent to which Christian traditions, especially the monastic way of life, possess a transformative potential toward a socio-ecological society. Christian ideas are not unbroken utopias, but they possess an eschatological proviso based on God's otherness. Neither is monastic life a prefiguration of the Kingdom of God, nor do Christians or the Church prefigure a heavenly society, but Christian action and religious communities can be regarded as forms of _refigurative practice_, which can fail again and again without (...)
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  42. Environmental Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Post-socialism Development and Local Governance.Vanesa Castán Broto, Claudia Carter & Lucia Elghali - 2008 - In R. C. Hillerbrand & R. Karlsson (eds.), Beyond the Global Village. Environmental Challenges inspiring Global Citizenship. The Interdisciplinary Press.
  43.  19
    The Importance of Choice: Catfish Man of the Woods Theory of Development.Claudia Williamson Kramer - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (1):260-271.
    The importance of economic freedom for economic development can no longer be denied. What is often denied, however, is respect for individuals’ rights and personal choices. The role of individual choice is often dismissed or set aside by the development community. In this essay, I argue that inherent to economic freedom’s economic success is the promotion and acceptance of individual choice. Development theory should include recognition of and respect for personal choices, a theory I call “Catfish Man of the Woods” (...)
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  44.  17
    Individuo Como Cosa Singular. Los Dos Sentidos de Acción En la Ética de Spinoza.Claudia Aguilar - 2023 - Endoxa 51.
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es indagar sobre la compleja relación entre las nociones de individuo y cosa singular en la Ética de Spinoza, delimitando en qué sentido son equiparables y en cual no. La hipótesis que me interesa defender es que, por un lado, las nociones de individuo y de cosa singular no son totalmente equiparables. Por otro lado, que tanto la cosa singular como la acción pueden entenderse en un sentido amplio y en uno restringido; y, por (...)
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  45.  15
    El ritmo en la danza.Claudia Barretta - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans Telondefondo. Revista de Teoria y Critica Teatral, n° 9, julio, 2009. Nous remercions Claudia Barretta de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire sur RHUTHMOS.: Choreographers and dancers, pupils and teachers, and musicians work hard every day on solving problems implied by the concept of rhythm. All of them apply different concepts and procedures but they are in need of theoretical traditions and a general framework of ideas. We look for an approach to the (...)
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    Microsoft, refusal to license intellectual property rights, and the incentives balance test of the EU commission.Wolfgang Kerber & Claudia Schmidt - unknown
    This article contributes to the analysis of refusal to license cases as abuse of a dominant position pursuant Article 82 EC from an economic perspective. In the Microsoft case, the European Commission introduced an "Incentives Balance Test" to assess whether the refusal to give access to interface information can be justified by arguing that this information is protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs): The Commission argued that if the overall innovative effects evoked by a compulsory license are significantly higher than (...)
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    School segregation in public and semiprivate primary schools in andalusia.Claudia Prieto-Latorre, Oscar D. Marcenaro-Gutierrez & Anna Vignoles - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (2):175-196.
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    Conversation with Hermann Haken.Wolfgang Tschacher & Claudia Bergomi - 2013 - Mind and Matter 11 (1):7-20.
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    Der Blockierte Dialog: zur Rezeption feministischer Theorie-Impulse im Wissenschaftsbetrieb.Claudia von Braunmühl (ed.) - 1999 - Berlin: Berlin Verlag Spitz.
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    Joshua C. Gregory, A short history of atomism from Democritus to Bohr, London, A. & C. Black Ltd, 1931.Cláudia Ribeiro - 2012 - Kairos 5:171-175.
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