Results for 'Claire Soriano'

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  1.  62
    Rational belief, epistemic possibility, and the a priori.Claire Https://Orcidorg Field - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-9.
    In this paper, I discuss Whiting’s (2021) account of rational belief and discuss some unresolved issues arising from its reliance on epistemic possibility and, by extension, perspective-relative aprioricity.
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    Understanding Deleuze.Claire Colebrook - 2002 - Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin.
    An accessible introduction to the contemporary thought of Deleuze. It makes concepts clear, showing their political and theoretical complexity, elaborating their social and artistic relevance. Australian author (previously at Monash University) now living in Edinburgh.
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    Introduction to, Preferences and Rational Choice: New Perspectives and Legal Implications.Matthew D. Adler, Claire Finkelstein & Peter Huang - unknown
  4. Gilles Deleuze.Claire Colebrook - 2017 - In Adam Kotsko & Carlo Salzani, Agamben's Philosophical Lineage. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Correction to: Macleay’s Choice: Transacting the Natural History Trade in the Nineteenth Century.Simon Ville, Claire Wright & Jude Philp - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (3):377-378.
    During the publication process of above mentioned article the Notes to Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 were erroneously deleted from the figure legends. The correct versions are given below.
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    Présentation / Introduction.Claire Salomon Bayet - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (1):5-8.
  7.  10
    Rachel Trubowitz, Nation and Nurture in Seventeenth-Century English Literature.Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille - 2013 - Clio 38.
    Ce livre cherche à mettre en évidence les liens qui existent entre l’émergence de l’État moderne et le statut de la mère entre 1603 et 1675. L’association entre la mère nourricière et la nation anglaise, célébrée dans Richard II de Shakespeare comme « cette nourrice, cette matrice féconde en princes royaux » perdure et s’infléchit au xviie siècle. À partir de minutieuses analyses textuelles, développées dans cinq chapitres et présentées dans une foisonnante introduction, Rachel Trubowitz mont...
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    Rousseau intimiste et la fusion des cultures?Marie-Claire Grassi - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):559-563.
    Rousseau est certainement un des écrivains français qui interroge le plus car la multiplicité de son oeuvre reflète une ambiguïté. C'est en effet l'homme du discours logique et de la rêverie, de l'oeuvre philosophique, politique, lyrique et intime: un long itinéraire ‘de la marche de la raison au tragique de la recherche d'un salut individuel’.1 Ce qui nous intéresse ici, c'est l'aspect intime, c'est Rousseau intimiste dans son rapport avec la culture ou les cultures; sa démarche et son interrogation sur (...)
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  9.  19
    Gender, HIV/AIDS and Refugees. Reconceiving Vulnerability and Promoting Transformation. A Kenyan Study.Margot Claire Morris - 2005 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 3 (1):1-40.
  10.  11
    Divine Wo/men Are Dignitaries: Seven Billion of Them ‘Walk’ in Dignity and Flourish.Anne-Claire Mulder - 2013 - Feminist Theology 21 (3):232-243.
    In this text the author takes up Luce Irigaray’s call upon women to image their ‘God’: a quality or attribute that makes them divine women when they realize it in their lives. She presents ‘human dignity’ as such a ‘divine’ quality and as a value that is understood by many to be the ultimate of our human being. Inspired by Ina Praetorius’ expression that seven billion dignitaries walk the earth, the author connects the different aspects of the concept of human (...)
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  11. Conclusion.Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud - 2010 - In Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud, Digital cognitive technologies: epistemology and the knowledge economy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  12.  38
    Of whistleblowers, investigators, and judges.Sandra Scarr & Claire B. Ernhart - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (2):199 – 206.
    Needleman's (1993) reply to our article in this journal (Emhart, Scarr, & Geneson, 1993) is a good example of the tactics he uses to deflect attention from questions of his scientific misconduct. Rather than address the many doubts about his scientific conduct, he attempted to focus readers' attention on (a) the motives and character of colleagues who question his research, (b) legitimate debates in the research literature on low-level lead effects on children, and (c) testimonials by colleagues who cannot know (...)
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  13. La connaissance du physique et du moral (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles).Celine Spector, Claire Crignon-De Oliveira, Gilles Barroux, Martin Rueff, Alexandra Torero Ibad, Mariafranca Spalianzani, Francois Pepin & Thierry Hoquet - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 43:23-416.
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    Invitation au voyage: kunst als voertuig voor mentale reizen.Claire van Damme - 2010 - Gent: Academia Press. Edited by Marijke van Eeckhaut & Björn Scherlippens.
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    Critical Life Studies and the Problems of Inhuman Rites and Posthumous Life.Jami Weinstein & Claire Colebrook - 2017 - In Jami Weinstein & Claire Colebrook, Posthumous Life: Theorizing Beyond the Posthuman. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 1-14.
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    Can McGowan Explain Hepeating?Claire Horisk - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (3):519-527.
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  17.  12
    George Sand fils de Jean-Jacques. Textes établis, présentés et annotés par Christine Planté.Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 2013 - Clio 38.
    Christine Planté nous a habitués à des généalogies inattendues et à des regroupements familiaux insolites, sa « petite sœur de Balzac », dans la lignée de la sœur de Shakespeare chère à Virginia Woolf, en est un exemple bien connu. Avec George Sand fils de Jean-Jacques, elle nous entraîne dans une histoire de filiation qui, cette fois, n’est pas de son invention mais s’inscrit dans l’histoire littéraire du xixe siècle et dans l’histoire personnelle de George Sand. Celle-ci s’est elle-même qua...
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  18. Sobre el peso y la elección del pasado: Una lectura crítica de El síndrome de Vichy.Marie-Claire Lavabre - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (5):19 - 9.
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  19.  50
    Feedback circuits in hepatitis B virus infection.Claire Martinet-Edelist - 2003 - Acta Biotheoretica 51 (4):245-263.
    A simplified model using kinetic logic is proposed to approach the problem after Hepatitis B viral (HBV) infection. It accounts for several stable regimes or attractors corresponding to the essential dynamic behaviour of the replication of the Hepatitis B virus. Infection with the virus can result in viral clearance, fulminant hepatic failure and death, or chronic transmissible infection, that is multistationarity corresponding to the existence of the positive feedback circuit in our modelling. Another implication of this model is the existence (...)
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  20.  56
    Integral humanism We are connected to the larger community, with a purpose in life. The impact of Jacques Maritain’s vision.Anne-Claire Motte - 2012 - The Chesterton Review 38 (3/4):634-637.
  21.  28
    The federal marriage amendment and the attack on American democracy.R. Claire Snyder - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 3 (4).
  22.  18
    Hand metastasis: an unusual presentation of renal cell carcinoma.Kian Tjon Tan, Claire Simpson & Coonoor R. Chandrasekar - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 204-206.
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    1. On the Very Possibility of Queer Theory.Claire Colebrook - 2009 - In Chrysanthi Nigianni & Merl Storr, Deleuze and Queer Theory. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 11-23.
  24.  17
    Epistemological Warfare and Hope in Critical Dystopia by Emrah Atasoy (review).Claire P. Curtis - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):519-520.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Epistemological Warfare and Hope in Critical Dystopia by Emrah AtasoyClaire P. CurtisEmrah Atasoy. Epistemological Warfare and Hope in Critical Dystopia. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler, 2021. vii+ 167 pp. ISBN: 978-625-7589-04-8This book is an application of the idea of critical dystopia to three understudied novels and the beginning of an argument about utopian desire itself. Emrah Atasoy, a prolific author who reviewed Turkish speculative fiction in a well-received 2021 (...)
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  25.  23
    Utopian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Pursuit.Claire P. Curtis & Carrie Hintz - 2020 - Utopian Studies 31 (2):334-337.
    The article reflects on Lyman Tower Sargent's role in fostering interdisciplinary inquiry.
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    Parents' attitudes to neonatal research involving venepuncture.Janet E. Berrington, Claire Snowdon & Alan C. Fenton - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (3):148-155.
    The objective of the study was to explore parental experiences of being offered participation in a previous neonatal research study involving venepuncture. The method employed was a questionnaire-based exploration of parents' attitudes in those approached to participate in a study of term and preterm immunization responses (Preterm Immunisation Study [PREMIS]). We explored experience of the initial approach, knowledge of study, venepuncture and views on research ‘in general’. In all, 59% of families responded. Highest response rates were for those participating in (...)
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    Lead-letter days: Writing, communication and crisis in the ancient greek world.Esther Eidinow & Claire Taylor - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60 (1):30-.
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  28.  14
    Deleuze and History.Jeffrey A. Bell & Claire Colebrook (eds.) - 2009 - Deleuze Connections.
    Despite the fact that time, evolution, becoming and genealogy are central concepts in Deleuze's work, there has been no sustained study of his philosophy in relation to the question of history. This book aims to open up Deleuze's relevance to those working in history, the history of ideas, science studies, evolutionary psychology, history of philosophy and interdisciplinary projects inflected by historical problems.The essays in this volume cover all aspects of Deleuze's philosophy and its relation to history, ranging from the application (...)
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  29.  25
    The Role of Experiential Avoidance and Parental Control in the Association Between Parent and Child Anxiety.Lisa-Marie Emerson, Claire Ogielda & Georgina Rowse - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Cultures et histoire.Claire Feuvrier Prévotat, Isabelle Paresys, Jean-Michel Sallmann, Joël Cornette, Laurent Bourquin, Françoise Waquet, Nicole Lemaître, Jean-Yves Mollier, Isabelle Backouche, Dominique Poulot, Perrine Simon-Nahum & Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 1996 - Revue de Synthèse 117 (3-4):547-575.
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    Bouddhisme et philosophie occidentale: une rencontre entre mythes et influences.Claire Maitrot Tapprest - 2017 - Reims: Épure, éditions et presses de l'université de Reims. Edited by Céline Denat & Patrick Wotling.
    Le XIXe siècle signe la découverte intellectuelle du bouddhisme par les Occidentaux, ouvrant alors de nouvelles perspectives. Cette nouvelle religion ne ressemble pas aux religions occidentales, elle désoriente et intrigue, mais remet aussi en question nos propres conceptions métaphysiques et religieuses. Ainsi, le bouddhisme est devenu un objet intellectuel dont les philosophes se sont emparés, et qui a tout à la fois influencé leur pensée, et atteint sous leur plume le statut de mythe. Ce ou ces mythes sont aussi des (...)
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    (1 other version)Le rempart.Pierre Aupert, Claire Balandier & Pierre Leriche - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (2):667-679.
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  33.  18
    Does Economic Theory Matter in Shaping Banking Regulation? A Case-study of Italy (1861-1936).Alfredo Gigliobianco & Claire Giordano - 2012 - Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium 2 (1):5.
  34.  19
    Emerging Issues in Location Based Services.Claire Levallois-Barth - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 53 (1).
    Location Based Services (LBS) are information services that can be\naccessed with mobile phones. They rely on the system's knowledge of the\ngeographical position and the identifier of the phone being used, and\ntherefore on collecting data on an identified or identifiable user. In\nthis respect, the French data protection act stipulates that users agree\nto be supplied with an LBS service on a fully transparent basis and that\ntheir location data must be erased or made anonymous once the service\nhas been provided. In some cases, location-based (...)
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    (2 other versions)Reconstruction of binary relations from their restrictions of cardinality 2, 3, 4 and (n ‐ 1) I.Gérard Lopez & Claire Rauzy - 1992 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 38 (1):27-37.
    We shall prove here that any binary relation on a base E with cardinality n > 6 is reconstructible from its restrictions of cardinality 2, 3, 4 and . This proof needs results of part I of this paper where we characterize any pair of relations R, R' which are 2-, 3- and 4-hypomorphic. As a corollary we obtain that any binary relation is -reconstructible.
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    The Political is Personal – Or, Why have a Revolution (from within or without) When you can have Soma?Sasha Claire McInnes - 2001 - Feminist Review 68 (1):160-166.
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    Éditorial.Marie-Claire Caloz-Tschopp, Ahmet Insel & Ilaria Possenti - 2015 - Rue Descartes 85 (2):1.
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    Accueil des éprouvés d’empiètement et transformation du conflit narcissique dans les liens de filiation.Anne-Claire Dobrzynski - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 238 (4):69-89.
    Au cœur de la clinique des agirs violents à l’adolescence, cet article présente la modélisation puis les effets du maniement de la limite entre l’intime et le partageable ( lip ), enveloppe de l’espace intersubjectif. Sa double fonction de dilution, part trans-subjective du lien, et de différenciation, part intersubjective, est en souffrance chez ces adolescents. Le commettage, langage subjectif de l’agir violent, déchire l’enveloppe de cet espace, en expulsant des fragments de matière psychique brute archaïque et transgénérationnelle et produit des (...)
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    Les frontières du profane dans l'antiquité tardive.Éric Rebillard & Claire Sotinel (eds.) - 2010 - Rome: École française de Rome.
    Papers presented to various conferences, 2003-2006.
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    Civilian Starvation: A Just Tactic of War?Claire Thomas - 2005 - Journal of Military Ethics 4 (2):108-118.
    Abstract There is general agreement that the targeting of civilians in war is morally wrong. But sometimes starvation tactics are accepted as being a better option than direct military attacks. This article questions this view by arguing that starvation tactics affect civilians first and inflict long-term suffering. It argues that they are not just unless they can be limited to a small area where only military personnel will be affected. It looks at the provision for starvation tactics in the Geneva (...)
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    Hybridized, Influenced, or Evolved? A Typology to Aid the Categorization of New and Developing Arts.Claire Anscomb - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (3):317-329.
    The category within which an artwork is received affects its critical and aesthetic significance (Levinson 2011; Walton 1970).1 Yet, it is not always clear how.
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    Past Life Meditation Decreases Existential Death Anxiety and Increases Meaning in Life among Individuals Who Believe in the Paranormal.Claire White & Miguel Farias - 2023 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 23 (3-4):338-356.
    Despite their growing popularity, little is known about the psychological effects of participating in past-life meditation groups in contemporary western contexts. We conducted a study to re-create some of the conditions observed in the field by facilitating a group of adults interested in exploring past life meditation. Before the session, participants completed a survey about their afterlife beliefs and associated experiences. Participants also completed questionnaires measuring meaningfulness in life and fear of death before and after the session. In the sample (...)
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    Vagueza: a metáfora de frege e o paradoxo sorites.Linda Claire Burns - forthcoming - Critica.
  44. La santé se gouverne-t-Elle? Les enjeux de la critique de la médecine préventive à l'époque moderne.Claire Crignon-de Oliveira - 2008 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 54:67-91.
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    Mercantilisme et utopie dans la « Préface » de L'Anatomie de la Mélancolie de Robert Burton.Claire Crignon de Oliveira - 2003 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3 (3):345-363.
    Si l’on s’accorde à voir dans l’ouvrage du clergyman mélancolique Robert Burton paru en 1621 une sorte d’aboutissement et de consécration de la mode mélancolique, l’on a toutefois tendance à négliger le fait que l’anatomiste utilise le discours médical et la tradition mélancolique pour attirer l’attention de ses contemporains sur l’existence d’un désordre qui se manifeste, au niveau de la collectivité, par une crise religieuse, politique, sociale et économique. C’est sous le patronage de l’un des premiers représentants du courant mercantiliste (...)
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    Facilitating a dedicated focus on the human dimensions of care in practice settings: Development of a new humanised care assessment tool ( HCAT ) to sensitise care.Kathleen T. Galvin, Claire Sloan, Fiona Cowdell, Caroline Ellis-Hill, Carole Pound, Roger Watson, Steven Ersser & Sheila Brooks - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12235.
    There is limited consensus about what constitutes humanly sensitive care, or how it can be sustained in care settings. A new humanised care assessment tool may point to caring practices that are up to the task of meeting persons as humans within busy healthcare environments. This paper describes qualitative development of a tool that is conceptually sensitive to human dimensions of care informed by a life‐world philosophical orientation. Items were generated to reflect eight theoretical dimensions that constitute what makes care (...)
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  47.  65
    Female Correspondences in the 19th century: From Ordinary Writing to Networks.Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 2012 - Clio 35:67-88.
    Partant du constat que l’épistolaire est depuis toujours un écrit ordinaire « permis » aux femmes, on s’interroge sur les raisons qui font que, au cours xixe siècle et en particulier dans sa première moitié, ce genre d’écrit voué à rester dans le cercle restreint de l’intimité et de la sphère domestique, s’élargit en réseau, permettant aux femmes de redéfinir leur espace de vie et d’expression. Par quelles ruses, ces épistolières, essentiellement allemandes, vont-elles réussir à se créer à l’échelle européenne (...)
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  48.  16
    Les «Lexiques» de la «Métaphysique» d'Avicenne.Marie-Claire Lambrechts - 1983 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 81 (52):634-637.
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    A Bibliography on Jean-Paul Sartre: 1970-1975.Francois H. Lapointe & Claire C. Liapointe - 1975 - Philosophy Today 19 (4):341-357.
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    In the public interest: autonomy and resistance to methods of standardising nurses’ advice and practices from a health call centre in Perth, Western Australia.Ann-Claire Larsen - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (2):135-143.
    In the public interest: autonomy and resistance to methods of standardising nurses’ advice and practices from a health call centre in Perth, Western Australia The history of nursing is replete with examples of nurses battling for autonomy over their education, knowledge and work practices. The latest battleground is HealthDirect, Australia's first medial call centre, where nurses are required to meet externally imposed clinical standards while satisfying legal and financial obligations. These objectives are arguably achieved when nurses assess callers’ health problems (...)
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