Results for 'Chunlei Ge'

972 found
  1.  30
    How to Improve the Well-Being of Youths: An Exploratory Study of the Relationships Among Coping Style, Emotion Regulation, and Subjective Well-Being Using the Random Forest Classification and Structural Equation Modeling.Xiaowei Jiang, Lili Ji, Yanan Chen, Chenghao Zhou, Chunlei Ge & Xiaolin Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The relationship between coping styles and subjective well-being has recently received considerable empirical and theoretical attention in the scientific literature. However, the mechanisms underlying this relationship have primarily remained unclear. The present research aimed to determine whether emotion regulation mediated the relationship between coping styles and subjective well-being. Our hypothesis is based on the integration of theoretical models among 1,247 Chinese college students. The SWB questionnaire, Ways of Coping Questionnaire, and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire were used to correlate SWB, emotion regulation (...)
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    Effects of Limited Computational Precision on the Discrete Chaotic Sequences and the Design of Related Solutions.Chunlei Fan & Qun Ding - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
    In this paper, we analyzed the periodicity of discrete Logistic and Tent sequences with different computational precision in detail. Further, we found that the process of iterations of the Logistic and Tent mapping is composed of transient and periodic stages. Surprisingly, for the different initial iterative values, we first discovered that all periodic stages have the same periodic limit cycles. This phenomenon has seriously affected the security of chaotic cipher. To solve this problem, we designed a novel discrete chaotic sequence (...)
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    Mengzi: ru jia di yi bian shou.Chunlei He - 2008 - Beijing: Zhongguo fa zhan chu ban she.
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    Audience engagement with news on Chinese social media: A discourse analysis of the People’s Daily official account on WeChat.Chunlei Pan & Geqi Wu - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (1):129-145.
    Delivering news on social media platforms is an increasingly important consideration in journalism practice. However, little attention has been paid to audience engagement with news on social media, especially the discursive presentation of news on the Chinese social media platform WeChat. Based on 36 news reports collected from the People’s Daily official account, this study analyses how news discourse is constructed and presented to engage audiences. The results suggest that highlighting proximity, personalisation, positivity and human interest in news values are (...)
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    High cycle fatigue and fracture behaviour of a hot isostatically pressed nickel-based superalloy.Chunlei Qiu & Xinhua Wu - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (3):242-264.
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    Shanzai Xiong'an.Chunlei Li - 2017 - Baoding Shi: Hebei da xue chu ban she. Edited by Junfeng Huang.
    本书主要分为善之柔:好水热土润身心、善之骨:嘉言义举多贤良、善之雅:诗情画意满雄安、善之纯:矢志不渝家国情四个部分,每一部分又分为两个小节,内容包括:上善若水、源头活水、尚善先贤、嘉言善行、美善荷风、 诗情渔歌、兼善天下、从善如流。.
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  7. Ge Xianweng zhi dao xin zhuan.Xuan Ge - 1968 - Taibei: Zi you chu ban she. Edited by Shouzhi Dong, Tianshi Xiao & Lansheng Jin.
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    Analysis of the Time Series Generated by a New High-Dimensional Discrete Chaotic System.Chuanfu Wang, Chunlei Fan, Kai Feng, Xin Huang & Qun Ding - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Teilhard de Chardin: science, géopolitique, religion: l'avenir réenchanté.Gérard Donnadieu - 2018 - [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Les acteurs du savoir.
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    Śrī Gaṅgeśopādhyāyaviracitah̤ Tattvacintāmaṇyantargatah̤ Avayavah̤ =. Gaṅgeśa - 1996 - Tirupati: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth. Edited by Ramanuja Tatacharya, S. N., Raghunātha Śiromaṇi & Gadādharabhaṭṭācārya.
    Portion of Tattvacintāmaṇi dealing with syllogism (avayava); includes commentaries and supercommentary.
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  11. Śrīmadgaṅgeśopādhyāyaviracite Tattvacintāmaṇau Anumānakhaṇḍaḥ. Gaṅgeśa - 1892 - Navadehalī rājadhanyāṃ: Navaraṅga. Edited by Kāmākhyānātha Tarkavāgīśa, Mathurānātha Tarkavāgīśa & Jayadevamiśra.
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  12. The Śabdakhaṇḍa of Gaṅgeśa's Tattvacintāmaṇi. Gaṅgeśa - 1991 - Calcutta: Jadavpur University, Calcutta in collaboration with K.P. Bagchi & Company. Edited by Sukharanjan Saha & Pradyot Kumar Mukhopadhyay.
    Critical edition of the portion of Tattvacintāmaṇi of Gaṅgésa, 13th cent., basic work on Hindu logic and epistemology of the neo-Nyaya school in Hindu philosophy.
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    Ge Chenhong wen ji.Chenhong Ge - 2021 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
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    Ge Rongjin wen ji.Rongjin Ge - 2014 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    Wen ji" fen wei "Wo de xue shu chuang xin zhi lu (dai zi xu)" he "Ming dai zhu ming zhe xue jia Wang Tingxiang yan jiu"(di 1-2 juan), "Zhongguo zhe xue Fan Chou shi yan jiu" (di 3-4 juan), "Zhongguo shi xue yu Dong Ya shi xue yan jiu", "Zhongguo guan li zhe xue yan jiu" (di 5-6 juan), "Zhonguo zhe xue ji qi xian dai quan shi lun ji" (di 10-12 juan) wu da ban kuai.
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    Une génération en marche: Maurice Blondel, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Emmanuel Mounier.M. -J. Coutagne, Gérard Donnadieu, Jean-François Petit & Gérard-Henry Baudry (eds.) - 2014 - [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Saint-Léger éditions.
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  16. Śrīmadgaṅgeśopādhyāyaviracitatattvacintāmaṇiḥ Upamānakhaṇḍātmakaḥ: Śrīpragalbhācāryapraṇītayā ʻPragalbhīʼ ṭīkayā samalaṅkr̥taḥ. Gaṅgeśa - 1983 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānandasaṃskr̥ta-viśvavidyālayaḥ. Edited by Pragalbhācārya & Gaurīnātha Śāstrī.
    Basic work, with 15th century commentary, of the neo-Nyaya school in Indic philosophy; portion dealing with analogy (upamāna).
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  17. Navyanyāyaprapañcaprajāpatinā Maithileyena Śrīmatā Gaṅgeśopādhyāyena viracite Tattvacintāmaṇau Pratyakṣakhaṇḍāntargataḥ Anyathākhyātivādaḥ: Abhinavavyākhyayā Dīpikayā saṃvalitaḥ. Gaṅgeśa - 2013 - Śr̥ṅgerī: Śrīśaṅkara Advaitaśodhakendram. Edited by Navīna Hoḷḷa.
    Portion of Pratyakṣakhaṇḍa of Tattvacintāmaṇi, compendium of Navya Nyāya philosophy by Gaṅgeśa, 13th century with Dīpikā commentary.
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    Women’s Entrepreneurial Contribution to Family Income: Innovative Technologies Promote Females’ Entrepreneurship Amid COVID-19 Crisis.Taoan Ge, Jaffar Abbas, Raza Ullah, Azhar Abbas, Iqra Sadiq & Ruilian Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:828040.
    Women entrepreneurs innovate, initiate, engage, and run business enterprises to contribute the domestic development. Women entrepreneurs think and start taking risks of operating enterprises and combine various factors involved in production to deal with the uncertain business environment. Entrepreneurship and technological innovation play a crucial role in developing the economy by creating job opportunities, improving skills, and executing new ideas. It has a significant impact on the income of the household. The study focused on investigating the role of women’s entrepreneurship (...)
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  19.  13
    Māthurī, Jāgadīśī and Kāṇādī on Gaṅgeśa's Avayacintāmaṇi: with the mūla and translation, Dīdhiti annexed at the end. Gaṅgeśa - 2016 - Kolkata: The Asiatic Society. Edited by Subuddhi Charan Goswami, Gaṅgeśa, Mathurānātha Tarkavāgīśa, Jagadīśatarkālaṅkāra & Kaṇādatarkavāgīśa.
    Sanskrit text, portion of Tattvacintāmaṇi dealing with syllogism (avayava) ; with commentary and supercommentary, of the Navya-Nyaya school in Indic philosophy.
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  20. The philosophy of injunctions: containing the Vidhivāda of the Śabdakhaṇḍa of the Tattvacintāmaṇi of Gaṅgeśa, with its English rendering and a detailed introduction. Gaṅgeśa - 1987 - Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan. Edited by V. N. Jha.
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  21.  49
    How Do Board Size and Occupational Background of Directors Influence Social Performance in For-profit and Non-profit Organizations? Evidence from California Hospitals.Ge Bai - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (1):171-187.
    This study investigates how board size and occupational background of directors differentially influence social performance in for-profit and non-profit organizations. Using data from California hospitals, we develop a quantitative measure of social performance and provide the following empirical evidence. First, board size is negatively (positively) associated with social performance in for-profit (non-profit) hospitals. Second, the presence of government officials on the board is negatively (positively) related to social performance in for-profit (non-profit) hospitals. Third, representation of physicians on the board is (...)
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  22.  12
    Phywa-pa Chos-kyi-seng-geʼi gsung gces btus dbu tshad kyi yig cha bzhugs so.Phya-Pa Chos-Kyi-Seng-Ge - 2012 - Lhasa: Bod-ljongs Bod-yig-dpe-rnying Dpe-skrun-khang.
    Selection of author's works on Svātantrika Madhyamika philosophy and logic.
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  23. Morgan, Thomas, hunt-materialism and experimentalism in the development of modern genetics.Ge Allen - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51 (3):709-738.
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  24.  21
    When Girls Grow Up They Have to Get Married..Ge Youli - 1996 - Feminist Studies 22 (3):502-505.
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  25.  23
    Why Is It the "History of Thought"?: Reflections on the "Chinese Philosophy" Issue.Ge Zhaoguang - 2005 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 37 (1):43-49.
  26.  45
    Corporate fraud as a negative signal: Implications for firms’ innovation performance.Ge Ren, Ping Zeng & Tiebo Song - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (3):790-808.
    Based on signaling theory, we explore the impact of corporate fraud on firms’ innovation performance. First, we propose that corporate fraud harms firms’ innovation performance. This is because, as a negative signal, fraud makes it difficult for firms to obtain the policy, funding, and human resources needed for outstanding innovation performance. We further argue that the institutional aspects of the signaling environment (e.g., industrial competition, regional institutional development, and social trust) will influence core stakeholders’ reception and interpretation of fraud signals. (...)
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  27.  27
    Primary stages in single-glance face recognition: Expression and identity.Gé Calis & Lucas Mens - 1986 - In H. Ellis, M. Jeeves, F. Newcombe & Andrew W. Young, Aspects of Face Processing. Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 356--362.
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    Les médecins cartésiens: héritage et diffusion de la représentation mécaniste du corps humain (1646-1696).Géraldine Caps - 2010 - Hildesheim: G. Olms.
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  29. Socrate.Gérard Cotton - 1944 - Bruxelles,: Office de publicité.
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  30. Laws in Spinoza and Saint Thomas Aquinas.Gérard Courtois - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos, Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic.
  31.  70
    Liberation as Affirmation: The Religiosity of Zhuangzi and Nietzsche.Ge Ling Shang - 2006 - State University of New York Press.
    _Uses the concept of religiosity to challenge traditional views of Nietzsche and Zhuangzi as nihilistic and anti-religious._.
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  32.  8
    À quoi rêvent les machines?Gérard Chazal - 2016 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    A quoi réent les machines? La question peut paraître étrange. C’est cependant une manière d’interroger nos propres rêveries autour des réalisations techniques, en faisant jouer aux machines le rôle de reflet de nos propres existences. A travers de nombreux artifices, dont les machines sont les plus élaborés, nous construisons notre monde, enchevêtrant raison et imaginaire et mêlant utile et gratuit. La machine et ses rêves nous renvoient alors une image éclairée de nous-mêmes. Ce jeu de miroir Ne pose-t-il pas la (...)
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  33.  13
    Les Lumières et l'idée de la nature.Gérard Chazal (ed.) - 2011 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    Aujourd'hui la notion de nature est omniprésente : le mot se trouve au coeur des réflexions écologiques mais sert aussi d'argument publicitaire pour les produits les plus divers de l'industrie agroalimentaire à la cosmétique. Cependant, les usages actuels et multiformes de cette notion se trouvaient déjà dans les débats du siècle des Lumières. Alors que les fondements religieux de la société s'effritaient sous l'effet de la division du christianisme et de la révolution scientifique, la Nature cessait d'être l'oeuvre divine offerte (...)
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    Logiques non-standard.Gérard Chazal - 2009 - [Dijon]: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    En associant philosophie et logique, cet ouvrage apporte un éclairage sur l'évolution de la logique de l'époque d'Aristote à nos jours. Il présente les différents formalismes des logiques non-standard en expliquant tout d'abord les besoins de ces logiques puis leurs descriptions syntaxiques et sémantiques. A l'aide d'exercices, il offre un panorama de ces logiques qui sont complexes à " utiliser " pour modéliser des connaissances permettant ainsi aux lecteurs d'appréhender ce domaine.
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    Le défi monothéiste: le Dieu vivant, le mal, la mystique.Gérard Siegwalt - 2015 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
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    Nature et histoire.Gérard Siegwalt - 1965 - Leiden,: Brill.
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    Dieser Text ist eine Fälschung.Gérard Simenon - 1997 - Tübingen: GIFT.
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  38.  22
    Principia Ethica: Naturalistic Ethics.Ge Moore - 2009 - In Michael Ruse, Philosophy After Darwin: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Princeton University Press. pp. 141-152.
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    Az egyedi egyetemes (Jean-Paul Sartre): egy polgári filozófus-művész egyéni és társadalmi kalandja a XX. században.Géza Nagy - 1980 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Autour de l'esthétique expérimentale.Gérard Pelé - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage rend compte de l'émergence d'une esthétique "expérimentale" à partir du XIXe siècle, présente ses précurseurs et ses suites, notamment sa critique dans la première moitié du XXe siècle, puis sa mise à l'écart par le postmodernisme et l'art relationnel, et enfin ses résurgences dans les arts numériques. Des fragments de textes connus ou plus confidentiels y sont commentés en suivant l'idée d'un morcellement qui laisserait toutefois subsister l'espoir d'un progrès des connaissances sur l'art : ce qui lui redonnerait (...)
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    Critique de la raison impure: Platon et Artaud.Gérard Pelé - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La Critique de la raison impure rapproche deux auteurs, deux oeuvres, a priori inconciliables : Le Banquet de Platon et Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu d'Antonin Artaud. On ne peut bien sûr pas savoir si Platon a vraiment douté de ses propres thèses, mais il a probablement eu conscience de l'impasse de la métaphysique, du peu de consistance de la connaissance contemplative au regard de l'évidence des "faits construits" de la connaissance opératoire qui, au lieu de constituer (...)
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  42.  63
    A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Deliberative Reasoning of Canadian and Chinese Accounting Students.Lin Ge & Stuart Thomas - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):189-211.
    Using Hofstede's culture theory (1980, 2001 Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviours, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nation. Sage, NewYork), the current study incorporates the moral development (e.g. Thorne, 2000; Thorne and Magnan, 2000; Thorne et al., 2003) and multidimensional ethics scale (e.g. Cohen et al., 1993; Cohen et al., 1996b; Cohen et al., 2001; Flory et al., 1992) approaches to compare the ethical reasoning and decisions of Canadian and Mainland Chinese final year undergraduate accounting students. The results indicate that Canadian accounting (...)
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  43.  17
    Du prophète au savant: l'horizon du savoir chez Maïmonide.Géraldine Roux - 2010 - Paris: les éditions du Cerf.
    La figure du savant et son rôle, dans le temps de l'exil et de la perte de la prophétie depuis la chute du Second Temple, est analysée à partir d'une lecture du Guide des perplexes de Maïmonide, rabbin, philosophe et médecin (1138-1204).
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    Maïmonide, ou, La nostalgie de la sagesse.Géraldine Roux - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Points.
    De la vie de cette grande figure juive que fut Moïse Maïmonide (1138-1204), on connaît peu de choses. Mais on sait que son siècle fut marqué par les persécutions et l'exil de son peuple, entraînant l'oubli de la tradition et plongeant ainsi les siens, particulièrement les savants, dans ce que le penseur diagnostiqua comme une douloureuse perplexité. Comment retrouver une sagesse perdue quand on en a un besoin vital? Comment concilier la Torah avec le savoir philosophique d'alors? Telles furent les (...)
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  45. Mirror neuron system based therapy for aphasia rehabilitation.Wenli Chen, Qian Ye, Xiangtong Ji, Sicong Zhang, Xi Yang, Qiumin Zhou, Fang Cong, Wei Chen, Xin Zhang, Bing Zhang, Yang Xia, Ti-Fei Yuan & Chunlei Shan - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  46.  43
    Essays in aesthetics.Gérard Genette - 2005 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
    Over the course of the past forty years, Ge;rard Genette’s work has profoundly influenced scholars of narratology, poetics, aesthetics, and literary and cultural criticism, and he continues to be one of France’s most influential theorists. The eighteen pieces in Essays in Aesthetics are of international interest because they are concerned either with universal aesthetic problems (the receiver’s relationship to an aesthetic object, abstract art, the role of repetition in aesthetics, genre theory, and the rapport between literature and music) or with (...)
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  47. Caturdaśalakṣaṇī: Dīdhiti with Gādādharī and the sub-commentaries Kr̥ṣṇaṃbhaṭṭīya and Nyāyaratna. Gaṅgeśa - 1986 - Madras: Adyar Library and Research Centre. Edited by N. Santanam Aiyar, Raghunātha Śiromaṇi, Gadādharabhaṭṭācārya, Kr̥ṣṇambhaṭṭa & Raghunātha.
    Supercommentary on the concept of pervasion (vyāpti) from a topic in Tattvacintāmaṇi, a basic neo-Nyaya work by Gaṅgeśa.
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  48. Stéphane Lupasco: pour une nouvelle logique: la logique dynamique du contradictoire: étude analytique.Gérard Moury - 1976 - Arras: Institut national de recherche et de documentation pédagogiques, CDDP.
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    Die Inbesitznahme Goethes durch die Philosophie: Goetherezeption bei deutschsprachigen Philosophen in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts.Ulrike Böge - 2001 - Kiel: [S.N.].
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    Zur rechtlichen Bedeutung der Lehre Albert Schweitzers von der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben.Axel Böge - 2015 - Dresden: Kleanthes.
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