Results for 'Christine Montalbetti'

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  1. The sources of normativity.Christine Marion Korsgaard - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Onora O'Neill.
    Ethical concepts are, or purport to be, normative. They make claims on us: they command, oblige, recommend, or guide. Or at least when we invoke them, we make claims on one another; but where does their authority over us - or ours over one another - come from? Christine Korsgaard identifies four accounts of the source of normativity that have been advocated by modern moral philosophers: voluntarism, realism, reflective endorsement, and the appeal to autonomy. She traces their history, showing (...)
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  2. Creating the Kingdom of Ends.Christine M. Korsgaard - 1996 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Christine Korsgaard has become one of the leading interpreters of Kant's moral philosophy. She is identified with a small group of philosophers who are intent on producing a version of Kant's moral philosophy that is at once sensitive to its historical roots while revealing its particular relevance to contemporary problems. She rejects the traditional picture of Kant's ethics as a cold vision of the moral life which emphasises duty at the expense of love and value. Rather, Kant's work is (...)
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  3. The constitution of agency: essays on practical reason and moral psychology.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Christine M. Korsgaard is one of today's leading moral philosophers: this volume collects ten influential papers by her on practical reason and moral psychology ...
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  4. Fellow Creatures. Our Obligations to the Other Animals.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 73 (1):165-168.
  5. Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals.Christine Marion Korsgaard - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Christine M. Korsgaard presents a compelling new view of our moral relationships to the other animals. She offers challenging answers to such questions as: Are people superior to animals, and does it matter morally if we are? Is it all right for us to eat animals, experiment on them, make them work for us, and keep them as pets?
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  6. Expressivism, Anti-Archimedeanism and Supervenience.Christine Tiefensee - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (2):163-181.
    Metaethics is traditionally understood as a non-moral discipline that examines moral judgements from a standpoint outside of ethics. This orthodox understanding has recently come under pressure from anti-Archimedeans, such as Ronald Dworkin and Matthew Kramer, who proclaim that rather than assessing morality from an external perspective, metaethical theses are themselves substantive moral claims. In this paper, I scrutinise this anti-Archimedean challenge as applied to the metaethical position of expressivism. More precisely, I examine the claim that expressivists do not avoid moral (...)
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    Decolonising Dignity for Inclusive Democracy.Christine J. Winter - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (1):9-30.
    The idea of dignity is often taken to be a foundation for principles of justice and democracy. In the West it has numerous formulations and conceptualisations. Within the capabilities approach to justice theorists have expanded the concept of dignity to encompass animals and ecological communities. In this article I rework the idea of dignity to include the Māori philosophical concepts of Mauri, tapu and mana – something I argue is necessary if the capabilities approach is to decolonise in the Aotearoa (...)
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    Using Experimental Research Designs to Explore the Scope of Cumulative Culture in Humans and Other Animals.Christine A. Caldwell - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):673-689.
    Culture drives cognitive evolution by supporting the transmission and intergenerational accumulation of skills and knowledge, based on social learning and teaching: Later generations benefit from what their predecessors acquired. Taking a metaperspective on those experimental studies that explore the mechanisms underlying cultural transmission, Caldwell discusses their potential for generating valuable insights, their possible limitations, and their generalizability to other species.
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    The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference.Christine Battersby - 2007 - Routledge.
    Christine Battersby is a leading thinker in the field of philosophy, gender studies and visual and literary aesthetics. In this important new work, she undertakes an exploration of the nature of the sublime, one of the most important topics in contemporary debates about modernity, politics and art. Through a compelling examination of terror, transcendence and the ‘other’ in key European philosophers and writers, Battersby articulates a radical ‘female sublime’. A central feature of _The Sublime, Terror and Human Difference_ is (...)
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    Introduction.Christine Daigle - 2019 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 23 (2):1-4.
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  11. Sex/Gender Transitions and Life-Changing Aspirations.Christine Overall - 2009 - In Laurie Shrage (ed.), You’Ve Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity. Oup Usa.
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    Putting Socrates back in Socratic method: Theory‐based debriefing in the nursing classroom.Christine Sorrell Dinkins & Pamela R. Cangelosi - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (2):e12240.
    The term “Socratic method” is so pervasive in education across the disciplines that it has largely lost its meaning, and it has lost its roots in its originator—the historical Socrates. In this article we draw from the original source, Plato's ancient dialogues, to understand the theory and principles behind the questioning used in Socratic method. A deep understanding of Socratic method is particularly timely now as nursing leaders call for increased use of theory‐based debriefing across the nursing curriculum. Socratic questioning (...)
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  13. Begging.Christine Sypnowich - 2006 - In The Egalitarian Conscience: Essays in Honour of G. A. Cohen. Oxford University Press.
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    Beyond Open Communication: A Call for Partnership Between Clinical Ethics and Research Ethics Committees.Christine Grady, David Gibbes Miller & Hae Lin Cho - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):52-54.
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  15. La chimie et l'Encyclopédie: introduction.Christine Lehman & François Pepin - 2009 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 56:5-36.
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    Interactions with the integrative memory model.Christine Bastin, Gabriel Besson, Emma Delhaye, Adrien Folville, Marie Geurten, Jessica Simon, Sylvie Willems & Eric Salmon - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The integrative memory model formalizes a new conceptualization of memory in which interactions between representations and cognitive operations within large-scale cerebral networks generate subjective memory feelings. Such interactions allow to explain the complexity of memory expressions, such as the existence of multiples sources for familiarity and recollection feelings and the fact that expectations determine how one recognizes previously encountered information.
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    The Lesbian, the Mother, the Heterosexual Lover: Irigaray's Recodings of Difference.Christine Holmlund - 1991 - Feminist Studies 17 (2):283.
  18. (1 other version)Nietzsche's virtue ethics.Christine Swanton - 2014 - In S. van Hooft, N. Athanassoulis, J. Kawall, J. Oakley & L. van Zyl (eds.), The handbook of virtue ethics. Durham: Acumen Publishing.
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  19. Problem‐based learning: Using students' questions to drive knowledge construction.Christine Chin & Li‐Gek Chia - 2004 - Science Education 88 (5):707-727.
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    From the Ethical to the Political.Christine Daigle - 2006 - In Existentialist Thinkers and Ethics. McGill/Queen's University Press. pp. 167.
  21. The Measurement and Valuation of Intangible Assets in the Service Sector.Christine Greenhalgh & Mark Rogers - 2008 - In Harry Scarbrough (ed.), The Evolution of Business Knowledge. Oxford University Press.
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    Cold intolerance after brachial plexus nerve injury.Christine B. Novak, Dimitri J. Anastakis, Dorcas E. Beaton, Susan E. Mackinnon & Joel Katz - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 66-71.
  23. La lettre d'amour: et la femme est jetée là où elle tombe.Christine Servais - 1990 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 65.
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    Bhakti and nationalism in the poetry of Subramania Bharati.Christine Mangala Frost - 2006 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 10 (2):151-167.
  25.  62
    (1 other version)Animal instincts in the commercial jungle? Reflections on Peter Singer's ethics in action.Christopher J. Cowton & Christine J. Gunn - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (2):176–185.
  26.  9
    (1 other version)Predigten 1824.Kirsten Maria Christine Kunz (ed.) - 1980 - De Gruyter.
    Der vorliegende Band enthält Predigten zu 56 Terminen des Jahres 1824 sowie ergänzend 28 dazugehörige Liederblätter Schleiermachers. Mit Ausnahme der zahlreichen Kasualpredigten und zweier im Urlaub gehaltener Kanzelreden ist Schleiermachers Predigttätigkeit damit für das genannte Jahr lückenlos dokumentiert. Die Editionsbasis bilden neben Drucktexten und einem Autograph Schleiermachers mehrheitlich die qualitativ hochwertigen Nachschriften des Theologiestudenten Johann Gottfried Andrae. Zu 22 Terminen existierte bislang keine Predigtveröffentlichung; zu 34 Terminen liegen bereits Drucke vor. Für 12 der insgesamt 15 von Schleiermacher selbst redigierten und (...)
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  27. Women's Philosophy Review.Christine Battersby General, Sabina Lovibond-Stella Sandford-Anne Seller & Alison Stone - 2000 - Philosophy 110:24.
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    Pets and People: The Ethics of our Relationships with Companion Animals.Christine Overall (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Animal ethics is generating growing interest both within academia and outside it. This book focuses on ethical issues connected to animals who play an extremely important role in human lives: companion animals, with a special emphasis on dogs and cats, the animals most often chosen as pets. Companion animals are both vulnerable to and dependent upon us. What responsibilities do we owe to them, especially since we have the power and authority to make literal life-and-death decisions about them? What kinds (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Critical Pedagogies for Social Work.Christine Morley, Phillip Ablett, Carolyn Noble & Stephen Cowden (eds.) - 2020 - London, UK: Routledge.
    The Routledge Handbook of Critical Pedagogies for Social Work traverses new territory by providing a cutting-edge overview of the work of classic and contemporary theorists, in a way that expands their application and utility in social work education and practice; thus, providing a bridge between critical theory, philosophy, and social work. Each chapter showcases the work of a specific critical educational, philosophical and/or social theorist including: Henry Giroux, Michel Foucault, Cornelius Castoriadis, Herbert Marcuse, Paulo Freire, bell hooks, Joan Tronto, Iris (...)
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    Informed Consent in Two Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers: Insights From Research Coordinators.Christine M. Suver, Jennifer K. Hamann, Erin M. Chin, Felicia C. Goldstein, Hanna M. Blazel, Cecelia M. Manzanares, Megan J. Doerr, Sanjay J. Asthana, Lara M. Mangravite, Allan I. Levey, James J. Lah & Dorothy F. Edwards - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (2):114-124.
  31.  12
    In Situ Ethics Education Within Research Laboratories: Insights into the Ethical Issues Important to Research Groups and Educational Approaches.Kelly Laas, Christine Z. Miller, Eric M. Brey & Elisabeth Hildt - 2024 - In E. Hildt, K. Laas, C. Miller & E. Brey (eds.), Building Inclusive Ethical Cultures in STEM. Springer Verlag. pp. 219-243.
    This chapter describes the development of a workshop series focused on helping students develop research lab ethics guidelines. The workshop was developed through a National Science Foundation-funded project that situates ethics education within the research environment. Students in four departments at a private research university were recruited to join a Student Ethics Committee that collaboratively developed context-specific codes-of-ethics-based guidelines for their departments. These bottom-up developed guidelines were revised in an iterative process, including feedback from faculty, other graduate students, and the (...)
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    Selected Court Decisions.Christine Fedas - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (2):102-103.
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    Student interactions with ethical issues in the lab: results from a qualitative study.Kelly Laas, Christine Z. Miller, Eric M. Brey & Elisabeth Hildt - 2025 - Research Ethics 21 (1):127-160.
    Student researchers encounter ethical issues daily, but little is known about their unique perspectives. This article presents the results of 30 qualitative semi-structured interviews exploring students’ views and experiences around ethical issues in research groups. During the interviews, students were asked to describe challenges and successes they have encountered in their lab, their conception of what counts as an “ethical issue in research,” and how they handle these issues when they arise. Against this background, the article discusses students’ conceptions of (...)
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    Open Space: Feminism in Transnational Times, a Conversation with Christine Delphy: An Edited Transcription of Christine Delphy and Sylvie Tissot's Public Talk at the LSE.Sylvie Tissot, Clare Hemmings, Liana Eloit & Christine Delphy - 2017 - Feminist Review 117 (1):148-162.
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  35. Gender, Aspirational Identity, and Passing.Christine Overall - 2012 - In Dennis R. Cooley & Kelby Harrison (eds.), Passing/Out: Sexual Identity Veiled and Revealed. Ashgate Press.
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    Office Review: Managing successful change in an overwork culture.Christine Child & Rachel Lander - 2008 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 12 (2):38-43.
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    Genres.Christine Théré, Stéphanie Condon & Monique Cottret - 2006 - Revue de Synthèse 127 (1):199-210.
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    Old Age and Ageism, Impairment and Ableism: Exploring the Conceptual and Material Connections.Christine Overall - 2006 - National Women’s Studies Association Journal 18 (1):207-217.
    Much can be learned about (old) age-identity and age-related oppression by noting their similarities to, respectively, impairment and ableism. Drawing upon the work of Shelley Tremain, I show that old age, like impairment, is not a biological given but is socially constructed, both conceptually and materially. I also describe the striking similarities and connections between ableism and ageism as systems of oppression. That disability and aging both rest upon a biological given is a fiction that functions to excuse and perpetuate (...)
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    Introduction.Nicole Pellegrin & Christine Bard - 1999 - Clio 10.
    À chacune/chacun, son image de la fille en garçon, et la panoplie vestimentaire qui va avec : complet trois pièces, salopette, cuirasse, strass, smoking, perfecto, bloomer, pourpoint, monocle, lévite de bure, chevelures rases, musculatures gonflées... Qui n'a pas rêvé de Katherine Hepburn dans Sylvia Scarlett et de Greta Garbo en Christine de Suède, de Jeanne Moreau entre Jules et Jim, de Barbara Streisand jouant Yentl, de Sarah Bernhardt faisant l'Aiglon, sans parler d'héroïnes plus...
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    Measuring excess risk of child mortality: An exploration of dhs I for burundi, uganda and zimbabwe.Christine Mcmurray - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (1):73-91.
    This paper proposes a new method of measuring excess risk of child mortality in cross-sectional surveys, which is applied to DHS I data for Burundi, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The expected child mortality experience is estimated for each mother on the basis of child's age, mother's age at child's birth and her parity, and compared with her observed experience. Mothers who exceed their expected child mortality experience and also had more than one child die are considered to have excess child mortality. (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: Media and Ethnic Minorities in Europe.Christine Ogan & Leen D'Haenens - 2007 - Communications 32 (2):137-140.
    Across the countries of Europe and within the European Union, there seems to be no end to discussions of policies related to migrants – from the labor migrants who came to Europe more than 40 years ago to the continued requests from prospective migrants who want to immigrate for asylum and family formation. The discussions on what those policies should be, range from multiculturalism to integration and assimilation. Shifts in policies have occurred because of the slow economic and educational progress (...)
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  42. ‘‘Frozen Embryos and ‘Fathers’ Rights’: Parenthood and Decision Making in the Cryopreservation of Embryos.Christine Overall - 1995 - In Joan C. Callahan (ed.), Reproduction, Ethics, and the Law: Feminist Perspectives. Indiana University Press.
  43.  14
    (1 other version)Surrogate Motherhood.Christine Overall - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume:285.
    This paper will explore some moral and conceptual aspects of the practice of surrogate motherhood. Although I put forward a number of criticisms of existing ideas about this subject, I do not claim to offer a fully developed position. Instead what I have tried to do is to call into question what seem to be some generally accepted assumptions about surrogate motherhood, and to lend plausibility to my view that surrogate motherhood may be morally troubling for reasons not always fully (...)
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    The Future of Human Reproduction.Christine Overall (ed.) - 1989 - Women's Press.
    Reproductive technology has become virtually synonymous with new reproductive choices for women. We are led to believe these technological practices will primarily enable women to conceive and bear the children they previously could not. The presentation of this as fact urges us to support the advancement of reproductive technology so that future techniques may be perfected. The Future of Human Reproduction critically assesses the social, moral, legal, and political impact of reproductive technology on women's lives. Through a feminist analysis, writers (...)
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  45. Linda Seidel, Legends in Limestone: Lazarus, Gislebertus, and the Cathedral of Autun. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1999. Pp. xvi, 220; black-and-white frontispiece and 95 black-and-white figures. $32.50. [REVIEW]Christine B. Verzar - 2001 - Speculum 76 (3):792-793.
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    Scarlett BEAUVALET-BOUTOUYRIE, Etre veuve sous l'Ancien Régime, préface de Jean-Pierre Bardet, Paris, Belin, Essais d'histoire moderne, 2001, 415 p. [REVIEW]Christine Dousset - 2003 - Clio 17:276-277.
    L'ouvrage de Scarlett Beauvalet-Boutouyrie vient combler une lacune de l'historiographie en proposant la première synthèse sur le veuvage féminin dans la France d'Ancien Régime. Se plaçant dans une perspective d'histoire sociale, l'auteure a mené un travail ambitieux, résultat d'une habilitation à diriger des recherches, dans laquelle elle a volontairement croisé les approches. Partant d'une étude des discours, dans la première partie consacrée à la figure mythique de la veuve, elle ab...
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    Claudie LESSELIER, Fiammetta VENNER (dir.), L'Extrême droite et les femmes. Enjeux et actualité, Villeurbanne, Golias, 1997, 299 p. [REVIEW]Christine Bard - 2000 - Clio 12:20-20.
    Cet ouvrage collectif, qui réunit 14 articles et une riche bibliographie aborde l'histoire récente de l'extrême droite pour mettre en lumière une dimension fondamentale et pourtant occultée de son idéologie et de sa pratique : le sexisme. Il est pour l'essentiel consacré au cas français, même si trois articles traitent de l'Allemagne, de l'Italie et de la Belgique. L'article de Caroline Fourest sur « les féministes contre l'extrême droite » expose d'une certaine façon la genèse intelle...
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    Jean-Louis BODINIER, Didier GUYVARC'H, Les Folles agapes de Nantes au clair de lune. La construction des scandales au regard de l'historien, Rennes, Apogée, 1999, 144 p. [REVIEW]Christine Bard - 2000 - Clio 11:37-37.
    Deux « scandales » raniment la guerre civile à Nantes en 1927. En janvier, une « surprise-party » très mondaine dégénère en « partouze » : les autorités ne parviennent pas totalement à étouffer l'affaire, exploitée par la gauche et par les chansonniers de la ville. Le 11 novembre, des anciens combattants membres des Jeunesses patriotes s'attaquent à coups de hache à la statue de la Délivrance, femme nue qu'ils jugent indécente et déplacée. Si ces deux scandales se prêtent aisément (...)
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    The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal (Tokyo, 2000): a feminist answer to historical revisionism? [REVIEW]Christine Lévy - 2014 - Clio 39:129-150.
    The article examines the emergence in the 1990s of the issue of “Comfort women” and the conditions that led to the holding of The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal for the Trial of Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery. It argues that it was a response both to victims’ needs and to the prevailing revisionism concerning the violence committed during the Asian-Pacific war by the Japanese army, which had been the subject of the Tokyo war crimes trials of 1946-1948. The women’s tribunal (...)
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    Embodied X Figures and Forms of Thought. [REVIEW]Christine Grausso - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):337-346.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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