Results for 'Christine Godt'

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  1. Enforcement of benefit sharing duties in user countries' courts.Christine Godt - 2009 - In Evanson C. Kamau & Gerd Winter, Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law: solutions for access and benefit sharing. Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
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  2. What's Wrong with Prostitution? Evaluating Sex Work.Christine Overall - 1992 - Signs 17 (4):705-724.
  3. Sex/Gender Transitions and Life-Changing Aspirations.Christine Overall - 2009 - In Laurie Shrage, You’Ve Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity. Oup Usa.
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  4. Hypocrisy, with a Note on Integrity.Christine McKinnon - 1991 - American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (4):321 - 330.
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  5. Choosy moral punishers.Christine Clavien, Colby Tanner, Fabrice Clément & Michel Chapuisat - 2012 - PLoS ONE.
    The punishment of social misconduct is a powerful mechanism for stabilizing high levels of cooperation among unrelated individuals. It is regularly assumed that humans have a universal disposition to punish social norm violators, which is sometimes labelled “universal structure of human morality” or “pure aversion to social betrayal”. Here we present evidence that, contrary to this hypothesis, the propensity to punish a moral norm violator varies among participants with different career trajectories. In anonymous real-life conditions, future teachers punished a talented (...)
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    Species-Being and the Badness of Extinction and Death.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 1 (1):143-162.
    This paper offers an account of the property Feuerbach and Marx called “species-being,” the human being’s distinctive tendency to identify herself as a member of her species, and to think of the species as a “we.” It links the notion to Kant’s theory of rights, arguing that every claim of right commits the maker of that claim to something like world government, and therefore to the conception of humanity as a collective agent. It also links species-being to the concept of (...)
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    Thinking Like a Woman: Personal Life and Political Ideas.Christine Overall - 2001 - Sumach Press.
    ago that thinking (along with speaking and acting) “like a woman” was taken as a matter of shame and weakness. The phrase remains an insult to any man who is accused of being “like a woman” in any respect. But the only reason the phrase ...
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  8. Valeurs et émotions, les perspectives du néo-sentimentalisme.Christine Tappolet - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (1):7-30.
    ABSTRACT: Neo-sentimentalism is the view that to judge that something has an evaluative property is to judge that some affective or emotional response is appropriate to it, but this view allows for radically different versions. My aim is to spell out what I take to be its most plausible version. Against its normative version, I argue that its descriptive version can best satisfy the normativity requirement that follows from Moore’s Open Question Argument while giving an answer to the Wrong Kind (...)
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  9. Rethinking Cognitive Mediation: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Perceptual Theory of Emotion.Christine Tappolet & Bruce Maxwell - 2012 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 19 (1):1-12.
    Empirical assessments of Cognitive Behavioral Theory and theoretical considerations raise questions about the fundamental theoretical tenet that psychological disturbances are mediated by consciously accessible cognitive structures. This paper considers this situation in light of emotion theory in philosophy. We argue that the “perceptual theory” of emotions, which underlines the parallels between emotions and sensory perceptions, suggests a conception of cognitive mediation that can accommodate the observed empirical anomalies and one that is consistent with the dual-processing models dominant in cognitive psychology.
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    Enframing geography: subject, curriculum, knowledge, responsibility.Christine Winter - 2012 - Ethics and Education 7 (3):277-290.
    . Enframing geography: subject, curriculum, knowledge, responsibility. Ethics and Education: Vol. 7, Creating spaces, pp. 277-290. doi: 10.1080/17449642.2013.767004.
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  11. Gloomy duck or cheerful rabbit?Christine Tappolet & Bruce Maxwell - 2012 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 19 (1):21-23.
  12. Kitcher’s Revolutionary Reasoning Inversion in Ethics.Christine Clavien - 2012 - Analyse & Kritik 34 (1):117-128.
    This paper examines three specific issues raised by The Ethical Project. First, I discuss the varieties of altruism and spell out the differences between the definitions proposed by Kitcher and the ways altruism is usually conceived in biology, philosophy, psychology, and economics literature. Second, with the example of Kitcher’s account, I take a critical look at evolutionary stories of the emergence of human ethical practices. Third, I point to the revolutionary implications of the Darwinian methodology when it is thoughtfully applied (...)
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    Where Id Was: Challenging Normalization in Psychoanalysis. Disseminations, Psychoanalysis in Contexts.Anthony Molino & Christine Ware (eds.) - 2001 - Wesleyan University Press.
    A unique authoritative analysis of the individual an social concerns informing the politics of contemporary psychoanalysis.
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  14. Mais où va l'éthique fondamentale ? Introduction.Christine Tappolet - 2012 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 7 (3):89-91.
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  15. ‘From Here to Eternity’: Is It Good to Live Forever?Christine Overall - 2010 - In David Benatar, Life, Death, and Meaning: Key Philosophical Readings on the Big Questions, 2nd edition. Rowman & Littlefield.
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  16. Gender, Aspirational Identity, and Passing.Christine Overall - 2012 - In Dennis R. Cooley & Kelby Harrison, Passing/Out: Sexual Identity Veiled and Revealed. Ashgate Press.
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    Old Age and Ageism, Impairment and Ableism: Exploring the Conceptual and Material Connections.Christine Overall - 2006 - National Women’s Studies Association Journal 18 (1):207-217.
    Much can be learned about (old) age-identity and age-related oppression by noting their similarities to, respectively, impairment and ableism. Drawing upon the work of Shelley Tremain, I show that old age, like impairment, is not a biological given but is socially constructed, both conceptually and materially. I also describe the striking similarities and connections between ableism and ageism as systems of oppression. That disability and aging both rest upon a biological given is a fiction that functions to excuse and perpetuate (...)
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    Carleton Watkins: The Complete Mammoth Photographs.Weston Naef & Christine Hult-Lewis - 2011 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    Discusses the life and work of the nineteenth century landscape photographer, presenting a selection of photographs of the American West taken between 1858 and 1891.
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    A qualitative investigation of hospital visitors’ experiences using the analytic lens of liminality: Informing nursing practice and policy.Janet Underwood & Christine Rhodes - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12239.
    This research aimed to inform nursing practice and policy by identifying satisfying and problematic experiences of hospital visitors during the hospitalisation episode of a significant other. An extensive contextual review revealed that healthcare systems in advanced economies face multiple pressures and that in England, the government leaves the determination of hospital visiting rules to individual trusts. The analytic lens of liminality provides rich interpretations of visitors’ accounts and demonstrates the importance to visitors of structure (hospital rules and systems) and communitas (...)
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    Conjoined Twins, Embodied Personhood, and Surgical Separation.Christine Overall - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 69--84.
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    Perspectives on AIDS: Ethical and Social Issues.Christine Overall & William P. Zion (eds.) - 1991 - Oxford University Press.
    Aimed at undergraduate courses dealing with contemporary and/or sexual ethics, this collection of essays examines the culture and context of AIDS, as well as specific ethical and social issues. Topics include HIV testing and confidentiality, ethics and religion, and individual rights.
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  22. The Case Against the Legalization of Contract Motherhood.Christine Overall - 1991 - In Simon Rosenblum & Peter Findlay, Debating Canada’s Future: Views From the Left. James Lorimer.
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    The Future of Human Reproduction.Christine Overall (ed.) - 1989 - Women's Press.
    Reproductive technology has become virtually synonymous with new reproductive choices for women. We are led to believe these technological practices will primarily enable women to conceive and bear the children they previously could not. The presentation of this as fact urges us to support the advancement of reproductive technology so that future techniques may be perfected. The Future of Human Reproduction critically assesses the social, moral, legal, and political impact of reproductive technology on women's lives. Through a feminist analysis, writers (...)
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    Empowerment and the Role of Advocacy in a Globalized World.Christine Koggel - 2007 - Ethics and Social Welfare 1 (1):8-21.
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    The Digital Storywork Partnership: Community-Centered Social Studies to Revitalize Indigenous Histories and Cultural Knowledges.Christine Rogers Stanton, Brad Hall & Jioanna Carjuzaa - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (2):97-108.
    Indigenous communities have always cultivated social studies learning that is interactive, dynamic, and integrated with traditional knowledges. To confront the assimilative and deculturalizing education that accompanied European settlement of the Americas, Montana has adopted Indian Education for All (IEFA). This case study evaluates the Digital Storywork Partnership (DSP), which strives to advance the goals of IEFA within and beyond the social studies classroom through community-centered research and filmmaking. Results demonstrate the potential for DSP projects to advance culturally revitalizing education, community (...)
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  26. Expanding agency : conceptual, explanatory, and normative implications.Christine M. Koggel - 2019 - In Lori Keleher & Stacy J. Kosko, Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Exploration of unitization processes in episodic memory in Alzheimer's disease.Delhaye Emma, Salmon Eric & Bastin Christine - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  28. Functorial bounds for cut elimination inL βω. II.Marie-Christine Ferbus - 1985 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 25 (1):13-20.
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  29. Introduction.Christine M. Koggel & Andreea Deciu Ritivoi - 2018 - In Christine M. Koggel & Andreea Deciu Ritivoi, Interpretation, Relativism, and Identity: Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Krausz. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Age-Related Interference between the Selection of Input-Output Modality Mappings and Postural Control—a Pilot Study.Christine Stelzel, Gesche Schauenburg, Michael A. Rapp, Stephan Heinzel & Urs Granacher - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ethical Issues to Consider for Microchip Implants in Humans.Roger Achille, Christine Perakslis & Katina Michael - 2012 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3 (1-3):75-86.
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    L'éloquence du sage: Platonisme et rhétorique dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle.Christine Noille-Clauzade - 2004 - Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur.
    "Élève-toi, mon éloquence, j'aperçois Platon qui s'élève au-dessus de l'homme! C'est sur sa bouche que les abeilles ont fait leur miel, que les rossignols ont chanté, que la déesse de la persuasion a élu son siège..." Le jésuite Nicolas Caussin témoigne ici pour nous de la mémoire du platonisme qui est celle du XVIIe siècle: un portrait de Platon en philosophe orateur s'y affirme, où la figure du Sage s'allie au prestige de l'écrivain pour consacrer comme modèle rhétorique celui que (...)
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  33. Étude d'un ensemble mobilier de la fin du Moyen âge: les atouts de la dendrochronologie.Didier Pousset & Christine Locatelli - 2002 - Techne: La Science au Service de l'Histoire de l'Art Et des Civilisations 16:33-39.
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    Professional identity as a resource for talk: exploring the mentor–student relationship.Pam Shakespeare & Christine Webb - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (4):270-279.
    This paper discusses a study examining how mentors in nurse education make professional judgments about the clinical competence of their pre‐registration nursing students. Interviews were undertaken with nine UK students and 15 mentors, using critical incidents in practice settings as a focus. The study was undertaken for the English National Practice‐Based Professional Learning Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. This paper reports on the conversation analytic thread of the work. The mentor role with pre‐registration nursing students is not only (...)
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  35. 10. Thomas C. Schelling, Strategies of Commitment and Other Essays Thomas C. Schelling, Strategies of Commitment and Other Essays (pp. 176-181).Christine M. Korsgaard, R. Jay Wallace, Gary Watson, Stephen Darwall & David Shoemaker - 2006 - In Laurie Dimauro, Ethics. Greenhaven Press.
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    (1 other version)Remembering and Loving in Relationships Involving Dying, Death, and Grief.Christine M. Koggel - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4).
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    Martin Schönfeld.Eric Palmer & Christine M. Koggel - 2020 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (2):138-138.
    Courtesy of Diane Liu Martin Schönfeld, co-Editor of Journal of Global Ethics, passed away June 21st. Martin received his first degrees from Regensburg University, he continued in philosophy at Lud...
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    Voice features of telephone operators predict auditory preferences of consumers.Vanessa André, Christine Petr, Nicolas André, Martine Hausberger & Alban Lemasson - 2016 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 17 (1):77-97.
    What makes a human voice agreeable is a matter of scientific discussion. Whereas prosody was shown to play a role regarding “male-female” attraction, the impact of frequency modulations in “non-sexual”, notably commercial, contexts has attracted little attention. Another point unaddressed in the literature is auditory sensitivity to short-term frequency modulations as current studies focus more on sentence. Thirty French female operators were recorded over the phone. All “bonjour” greeting words were classified in terms of frequency modulation linearity and orientation at (...)
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    The specification of sensory neuron identity in Drosophila.Alain Ghysen & Christine Dambly-Chaudière - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (5):293-298.
    Different types of sense organs are present on the larva of Drosophila. Several genes that specify the type of sense organ that will form at a particular position have been recently identified. Here we review the functional and molecular analyses of these genes, and summarize the evidence which supports a role in the choice of which type of organ will be formed. Most or all of these genes are required for the appropriate specification of adult as well as larval sense (...)
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  40. La Métaphysique de Whitehead.Ervin Laszlo, Christine Harzic, La Haye & Martinus Nijhoff - 1974 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 79 (3):426-428.
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    Management behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of healthcare middle managers.Marie-Christine Mackay, Marie-Hélène Gilbert, Pierre-Sébastien Fournier, Julie Dextras-Gauthier & Frédéric Boucher - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe spread of COVID-19 has disrupted the lifestyles of the world’s population. In the workplace, the pandemic has affected all sectors and has changed the way work is organized and carried out. The health sector has been severely impacted by the pandemic and has faced enormous challenges in maintaining healthcare services while providing care to those infected by the virus. At the heart of this battle, healthcare managers were key players in ensuring the orchestration of operations and the physical and (...)
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    Susan Sontag: Standpunkt beziehen. Fünf Essays.Rudolf Piston & Christine Eckhardt - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (4):357-358.
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  43. „Hier bitte einen Satz zu Kompetenzen einfügen“. Kompetenzorientierung, gesellschaftliche Verantwortungsübernahme und Homogenisierung in Universitäten Curricular am Beispiel Führungsverantwortung.Philipp Richter, Marie-Christine Fregin, Benedikt Schreiber, Stefanie Wüstenhagen, Julia Dietrich, Rolf Frankenberger, Uwe Schmidt & Peter Walgenbach - 2016 - Das Hochschulwesen 4:117-123.
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    L'atelier de Takis: Tous deux, l'artiste et le savant sont tellement proches. Takis, Christine Buci-Glucksmann, François Boissonnet, Jean-françois Lyotard, Gilles Chatelet & Dolorès Djidzek-Lyotard - 1994 - Rue Descartes 10:155-167.
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    Hart on Paternalism.Christine Pierce - 1975 - Analysis 35 (6):205 - 207.
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    The Nature of Mystical Experience.Christine Overall - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (1):47 - 54.
    In the philosophy of mysticism, an important and foundational problem concerns the nature of mystical experience. The problem is both significant and basic because an understanding of the nature of mystical experience is a necessary precondition for the evaluation of its epistemological, ontological, and ethical significance, and will in fact influence that evaluation. In other words, our ideas about the nature of mystical experience are premises for our conclusions about the role of mystical experience in human knowledge, about the ‘object (...)
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    On the Use of Strict Liability in the Criminal Law.Christine T. Sistare - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):395 - 407.
    A highly controversial issue in criminal law theory has been the use of strict liability offenses, i.e., offenses which create liability ‘without fault.’ The collection of strict liability offenses is varied according to the element of the particular offense with respect to which liability is strict. For example, a statute prohibiting the filing of a false financial statement with the Secretary of State might impose liability despite a reasonable error as to the truth of the statement, or as to the (...)
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    Planning Community-Centered Inquiries: (Re)Imagining K-8 Civics Teacher Education With/In Rural and Indigenous Communities.Christine Rogers Stanton, Danielle Morrison & Hailey Hancock - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (1):85-99.
    This phenomenological case study investigates how planning community-centered civics inquiries can prepare elementary pre-service teachers to better address inequities facing rural communities, including those located on Indigenous reservations. Specifically, the study addresses this research question: How does community-centered planning inform pre-service teacher readiness to support place-conscious and anti-colonial civics education within elementary contexts? Findings suggest that guided, community-centered planning leads to enhanced pre-service teacher confidence in preparing to facilitate equity-oriented elementary education, particularly as related to evolving understandings of civics content (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Justice and Judgment Without Hindsight: The Failed Justification of the Iraq War.Christine Stender - 2008 - Ethics 6 (1):21-52.
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    Revealing Structures of Argumentations in Classroom Proving Processes.Christine Knipping & David Reid - 2013 - In Andrew Aberdein & Ian J. Dove, The Argument of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 119--146.
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