Results for 'Christianity in Historial Perspective'

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  1.  11
    Patterns in history: a Christian perspective on historical thought.David Bebbington - 1979 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House.
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    Christianity in the anthropological perspective of the XXI century.Tetiana Gavryliuk - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:72-78.
    The problem of man is one of the "eternal" problems of philosophy. Repeatedly exercising "Anthropological turn", philosophy raises the question of the essence of man almost throughout its history and, according to a new era, is trying to give it exhaustive answer. Summarizing a number of concepts, let's note that they are related awareness of the incompleteness of any definition. Man is both simple and extraordinary mysterious creature on planet earth. Being one of the natural creatures, an integral part nature, (...)
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    Patterns in history.David Bebbington - 2018 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
    Patterns in History was first published in 1979 by InterVarsity Press (Leicester, England), as Patterns in History: A Christian View. A revised edition entitled Patterns in History: A Christian Perspective on Historical Thought, with new preface and afterword, was first published in 1990 by Baker Book House (Grand Rapids, Michigan) and was reissued in 2000 by Regent College Publishing (Vancouver, Canada), an imprint of the Regent College Bookstore. This fourth edition was first published by Baylor University Press (Waco, Texas) (...)
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    Is There Progress in Economics? Knowledge, Truth and the History of Economic Thought. Stephan Boehm, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Richard Sturn (eds).Boehm Stephan, Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Richard Sturn, Donald Winch, Mark Blaug, Klaus Hamberger, Jack Birner, Sergio Cremaschi, Roger E. Backhouse, Uskali Maki, Luigi Pasinetti, Erich W. Streissler, Philippe Mongin, Augusto Graziani, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Stephen J. Meardon, Andrea Maneschi, Sergio Parrinello, Manuel Fernandez-Lopez, Richard van den Berg, Sandye Gloria-Palermo, Hansjorg Klausinger, Maurice Lageux, Fabio Ravagnani, Neri Salvadori & Pierangelo Garegnani - 2002 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
    This thought-provoking book discusses the concept of progress in economics and investigates whether any advance has been made in its different spheres of research. The authors look back at the history, successes and failures of their respective fields and thoroughly examine the notion of progress from an epistemological and methodological perspective. The idea of progress is particularly significant as the authors regard it as an essentially contested concept which can be defined in many ways – theoretically or empirically; locally (...)
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    Progressive business: an intellectual history of the role of business in American society.Christian Christiansen - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Offering a new intellectual history of ideas about reforming capitalism from within, this book traces the emergence of different value systems in the American context, offering a fresh perspective on debates about capitalism in the late 19th century and 20th century.
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    Research in an Extreme Environment.Eike-Christian Heine - 2021 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 29 (2):171-202.
    In 1958, one of the first projects to carry out a systematic archaeological campaign underwater began off the coast of Asia Minor. At Cape Gelidonya, the wreck of a Bronze Age ship was investigated. To understand the concrete problems and working methods of underwater archaeology, it is important to account not only for the tangible objects of research and the technical aids used, but also the natural features and the political framework in which actors operated. Situated in the years between (...)
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    Science and Christianity in Pulpit and Pew.Ronald L. Numbers - 2007 - Oxford University Press USA.
    As past president of both the History of Science Society and the American Society of Church History, Ronald L. Numbers is uniquely qualified to assess the historical relations between science and Christianity. In this collection of his most recent essays, he moves beyond the clichés of conflict and harmony to explore the tangled web of historical interactions involving scientific and religious beliefs. In his lead essay he offers an unprecedented overview of the history of science and Christianity from (...)
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    Two Stories in One: Literature as a Hidden Door to the History of Seventeenth-Century France.Cynthia J. Koepp & Christian Jouhaud - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (1):92-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Stories in One: Literature as a Hidden Door to the History of Seventeenth-Century FranceChristian Jouhaud (bio)Translated by Cynthia J. Koepp (bio)I would like to take you into the history of seventeenth-century France through a narrow door—a door that is not only narrow but hidden. Why should we struggle to squeeze through this passage? Well, there are at least two reasons. First, it is an attempt to experience a (...)
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    Epistemic values in the Burgess Shale debate.Christian Baron - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (4):286-295.
    Focusing primarily on papers and books discussing the evolutionary and systematic interpretation of the Cambrian animal fossils from the Burgess Shale fauna, this paper explores the role of epistemic values in the context of a discipline striving to establish scientific authority within a larger domain of epistemic problems and issues . The focal point of this analysis is the repeated claims by paleontologists that the study of fossils gives their discipline a unique ‘historical dimension’ that makes it possible for them (...)
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  10.  33
    The Reality of the Social World: Medieval, Early Modern, and Contemporary Perspectives on Social Ontology.Jenny Pelletier & Christian Rode (eds.) - 2023 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a collection of contributions on medieval, early modern, and contemporary perspectives on social ontology. Since the 1990s, social ontology has emerged as a vibrant research area in contemporary analytical philosophy. Questions concerning the nature and properties of social groups, institutions, facts, and objects like money and marriage, have been thoroughly discussed. However, the historical perspective has been largely neglected. One of the central aims of this volume is to show that relevant views on social ontology can (...)
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    Schelling und die historische Theologie des 19. Jahrhunderts.Christian Danz (ed.) - 2013 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: This volume looks at the so far little studied connections between the philosophy of Schelling and the historiographic waves in theological, philosophical and historical discourse during the first half of the 19th century. The reception of Schelling in theology, philosophy and history relates primarily to his writings around 1800. The essays in this volume firstly analyze the considerable impact that these texts had on the structure of contemporary debate. Secondly, they analyze the interdependence of the historical theology that (...)
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  12.  23
    Christians in the Hands of Flaccid Secularists.Stanley Hauerwas - 1997 - Ethical Perspectives 4 (1):32-44.
    I am a Christian theologian who teaches ethics. I could alternatively say I am a Christian ethicist, with the hope that most people would concentrate on the noun and not the qualifier but that probably wouldn t help matters much. In fact many people have become and still do become Christian ethicists because they do not like theology. They think justice is something worth thinking about or even advocating or doing, but they do not like or they see little point (...)
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  13. Mathematical models and reality: A constructivist perspective[REVIEW]Christian Hennig - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (1):29-48.
    To explore the relation between mathematical models and reality, four different domains of reality are distinguished: observer-independent reality, personal reality, social reality and mathematical/formal reality. The concepts of personal and social reality are strongly inspired by constructivist ideas. Mathematical reality is social as well, but constructed as an autonomous system in order to make absolute agreement possible. The essential problem of mathematical modelling is that within mathematics there is agreement about ‘truth’, but the assignment of mathematics to informal reality is (...)
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    The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk (review).Christian P. B. Haskett - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):192-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist MonkChristian P. B. HaskettThe Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk. By Georges B. J. Dreyfus. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. 445 + xv pp.Georges Dreyfus is a uniquely valuable contributor to the academic study of Tibetan Buddhism. He is the first Westerner to have received the Geshe degree, signifying (...)
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    Shaping Human Science Disciplines: Institutional Developments in Europe and Beyond.Christian Fleck, Matthias Duller & Victor Karády (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book presents an analysis of the institutional development of selected social science and humanities disciplines in Argentina, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Where most narratives of a scholarly past are presented as a succession of ‘ideas,’ research results and theories, this collection highlights the structural shifts in the systems of higher education, as well as institutions of research and innovation within which these disciplines have developed. This institutional perspective will facilitate systematic comparisons (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Der Junge Carnap in Historischem Kontext: 1918–1935 / Young Carnap in an Historical Context: 1918–1935.Christian Damböck & Gereon Wolters (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This Open Access volume is based on the 'Early Carnap in Context’ workshop that took place in Konstanz in 2017 and looks at Rudolf Carnap’s philosophy, documented in his recently released diaries, from a combination of historical, cultural and philosophical perspectives. It enables further evaluation of the diaries and traces newly found interrelationships and their systematic definition. From a cultural and historical point of view, Logical Empiricism and Carnap’s pivotal opus, The Logical Structure of the World, did not evolve in (...)
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    Homo Œconomicus, Social Order, and the Ethics of Otherness.Christian Arnsperger - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (2):139-149.
    Economics is often believed to be a `value-free' discipline, and even an `a-moral' one. My aim is to demonstrate that homo œconomicus can recover his ethical nature if the philosophical roots of contemporary economics are laid bare. This, however, requires us to look for an alternative foundation for the idea of `social order,' a foundation which economics is ill-equipped to provide because of its exclusive focus on calculative rationality. But a new ethical perspective on homo œconomicus and on the (...)
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    Hume's Philosophy in Historical Perspective.M. A. Stewart - 2022 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    David Hume was a highly original thinker. Nevertheless, he was a writer of his time and place in the history of philosophy. In this book, M. A. Stewart puts Hume’s writing in context, particularly that of his native Scotland, but also that of British and European philosophy more generally. Through meticulous research Stewart brings to life the circumstances by means of which we can get a deeper understanding of Hume’s writings on the nature and reach of human reason, the foundation (...)
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    Story of the Tower of Babel in the Samaritan Book Asatir as a Historical Midrash on the Samaritan Revolts of the Sixth Century C.E.Christian Stadel - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):189-207.
    The Asatir is a collection of Samaritan midrashim on parts of the Torah, which reached its final form in the tenth or eleventh century. It embellishes the pericope of the Tower of Babel with a number of surprising details: The Tower of Babel was built on a mountain and had a beacon attached to its top; the mount with the tower and the valley of Shinar are compared to Mt. Gerizim and the valley of Shechem. It is argued that these (...)
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    Using the ‘regime shift' concept in addressing social-ecological change : Social-ecological regime shifts.Christian A. Kull, Christoph Kueffer, David M. Richardson, Ana Sofia Vaz, Joana R. Vicente & João Pradinho Honrado - unknown
    ‘Regime shift’ has emerged as a key concept in the environmental sciences. The concept has roots in complexity science and its ecological applications, and is increasingly applied to intertwined social and ecological phenomena. Yet what exactly is a regime shift? We explore this question at three nested levels. First, we propose a broad, contingent, multi-perspective epistemological basis for the concept, seeking to build bridges between its complexity theory origins and critiques from science studies, political ecology, and environmental history. Second, (...)
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    Contexts of religious tolerance: New perspectives from early modern Britain and beyond.Christian Maurer & Giovanni Gellera - 2020 - Global Intellectual History 5 (2):125-136.
    This article is an introduction to a special issue on ‘Contexts of Religious Tolerance: New Perspectives from Early Modern Britain and Beyond’, which contains essays on the contributions to the debates on tolerance by non-canonical philosophers and theologians, mainly from seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Scotland and England. Among the studied authors are the Aberdeen Doctors, Samuel Rutherford, James Dundas, John Finch, George Keith, John Simson, Archibald Campbell, Francis Hutcheson, George Turnbull and John Witherspoon. The introduction draws attention to several methodological points (...)
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    Catholic Social Teaching in Global Perspective.Ron Mercier - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):211-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Catholic Social Teaching in Global PerspectiveRon MercierCatholic Social Teaching in Global Perspective Edited by Daniel Mcdonald, SJ Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 2010. 218 pp. $26.00The collection of essays in Catholic Social Teaching in Global Perspective, the second in a Gregorian University series, responds to a question posed to its authors: “How can you reflect on your particular continent and its ‘culture’ in order to best apply... CST (...)
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    Spekulative Theologie und gelebte Religion: Falk Wagner und die Diskurse der Moderne.Christian Danz & Michael Murrmann-Kahl (eds.) - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: In this volume, the Munich and Vienna-based theologian Falk Wagner's work in the fields of philosophical theology, sociology and lived religion is taken up for the first time against the backdrop of current theological and philosophical controversies. The essays integrate Wagner's thinking into the history of theology and philosophy in the twentieth century, reconstruct fundamental elements of his philosophical theology between the poles of speculative theology and lived religion, while also highlighting the constellations and context wherein his theology (...)
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    Argumentation studies and discourse analysis: the French situation and global perspectives.Christian Plantin - 2002 - Discourse Studies 4 (3):343-368.
    This article focuses on the development of argumentation studies in France and their complex relations with discourse analysis. First, the meanings of the basic word `argument' in French and in American English are discussed and contrasted. Second, a brief historical section summarizes the complex history of rhetorical argumentation in France up until the late 1980s and the Perelmanian revival. Third, Grize `natural logic' and Anscombre and Ducrot `argumentation within language' are briefly discussed from the discourse analysis point of view. These (...)
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    'Pataphysics: the poetics of an imaginary science.Christian Bok - 2001 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    'Pataphysics: The Poetics of an Imaginary Science is a survey that attempts to describe a hypothetic philosophy--the avant-garde pseudo-science imagined by Alfred Jarry. 'Pataphysics is a supplement to metaphysics, accenting it, then replacing it, in order to create a philosophic alternative, whose discipline can study cases, not of conception, but of exception: variance , alliance , and deviance . 'Pataphysics synthesizes the romantic schism between a literal, scientized discourse and a figural, poeticized discourse, and my thesis suggests that this revision (...)
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    Existential Idealism?Christian Lotz - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):109-135.
    In this essay, I shall attempt to shed light on central practical concepts, such as action and decision, in Heidegger’s existentialism and in Fichte’s idealism. BothFichte and Heidegger, though from different philosophical frameworks and with different results, address the practical moment by developing [1] a non-epistemic concept of certainty, in connection with [2] a temporal analysis of the conditions of action, which leads to the primacy of future in their analyses. Both [1] and [2] shed light on their concept of (...)
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    Differences in perspectives on the Christian revolution of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in China.Shuihuan E. Wang - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (3):7.
    In terms of civilian casualties directly and indirectly caused by the war, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement was the largest war in world history in the second half of the nineteenth century and had a strong East Asian Christian background. This article adopts the ‘historical contextualism’ approach of the Cambridge School in the history of political thought, and through a comparison of the relevant views of Karl Marx, Max Weber and Kang Youwei, it reveals that this intentional omission comes from (...)
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    The Past, History, and Corporate Social Responsibility.Robert Phillips, Judith Schrempf-Stirling & Christian Stutz - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):203-213.
    An emerging body of research recognizes the importance of the past and history for corporate social responsibility scholarship and practice. However, the meanings that scholars and practitioners can ascribe to the past and history differ fundamentally, posing challenges to the integration of history and CSR thinking. This essay reviews diverse approaches and proposes a broad conceptualization of the relationship between the past, history, and CSR. We suggest historical CSR as an umbrella term that comprises three distinct theoretical perspectives. The “past-of-CSR” (...)
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    Hilbert Space Quantum Mechanics is Contextual.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In a recent paper Griffiths [38] has argued, based on the consistent histories interpretation, that Hilbert space quantum mechanics is noncontextual. According to Griffiths the problem of contextuality disappears if the apparatus is “designed and operated by a competent experimentalist” and we accept the Single Framework Rule. We will argue from a representational realist stance that the conclusion is incorrect due to the misleading understanding provided by Griffiths to the meaning of quantum contextuality and its relation to physical reality and (...)
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    From Silent to Salient Stakeholders: A Study of a Coffee Cooperative and the Dynamic of Social Relationships.Christiane Molina & Anabella Davila - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (8):1195-1224.
    Theoretical and empirical research on stakeholder behavior tends to focus on specific actions or responses in the context of the organization–stakeholder relationship. Despite increased efforts to look beyond the dyadic organization–stakeholder relationship, research still favors the perspective of the focal organization. The taken-for-granted assumption of the organization–stakeholder relationship may limit our understanding of how organization–stakeholder linkages are formed and evolve over time. By adopting the perspective of the stakeholder, this article examines organization–stakeholder relationship formation and tracks changes in (...)
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  31.  13
    Christian ethical perspective of church and politics in Nagaland: prospects in definition, relationship, mission, and guidelines.Kerio Wetsah - 2018 - [Kohima, Nagaland]: [Kerio Wetsah].
    Articles on the history of Assamese Sikhs.
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    Le problème de la fondation de l'ontologie sociale et les dispositifs fondationnels du néokantisme de Bade.Christian Krijnen - 2010 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 92 (1):67.
    Résumé — Bien que le « social » ne soit pas un thème central du néokantisme de Bade, il est néanmoins l’occasion de développer, dans le contexte de ce courant philosophique, ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui une ontologie sociale, qui peut être élaborée de manière exemplaire dans la perspective de Rickert. La conception fondamentale de la philosophie de l’histoire, que j’analyse, offre chez Rickert la clef d’une détermination formelle de l’ontologie sociale. En outre, Rickert offre une base systématique qui permet (...)
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  33.  9
    World Christianity and indigenous experience: a global history, 1500-2000.David Lindenfeld - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, David Lindenfeld proposes a new dimension to the study of world history. Here, he explores the global expansion of Christianity since 1500 from the perspectives of the indigenous people who were affected by it, and helped change it, giving them active agency. Integrating the study of religion into world history, his volume surveys indigenous experience in colonial Latin America, Native North America, Africa and the African diaspora, the Middle East, India, East Asia, and the Pacific. Lindenfeld (...)
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    Christian life: ethics, morality, and discipline in the early church.Everett Ferguson (ed.) - 1903 - New York: Garland.
    An integrated overview of history The volume in this series are arranged topically to cover biography, literature, doctrines, practices, institutions, worship, missions, and daily life. Archaeology and art as well as writings are drawn on to illuminate the Christian movement in its early centuries. Ample attention is also given to the relation of Christianity to pagan thought and life, to the Roman state, to Judaism, and to doctrines and practices that came to be judged as heretical or schismatic. Introductions (...)
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    Christianity and the Roots of Morality: Philosophical, Early Christian and Empirical Perspectives.Petri Luomanen, Anne Birgitta Pessi & Illka Pyysiäinen (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: BRILL.
    _Christianity and the Roots of Morality_ combines philosophical, early Christian and empirical studies to cast light on the role of religion, especially Christianity, in morality, pro-social behavior and altruism.
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    Comparative Perspectives on Jewish and Christian HistoryStudies in Jewish and Christian History Part One.Baruch A. Levine & Elias Bickerman - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (1):81.
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    Integrity, Honesty, and Truth Seeking.Christian B. Miller & Ryan West (eds.) - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Integrity, honesty, and truth seeking are important virtues that most people care about and want to see promoted in society. Yet surprisingly, there has been relatively little work among scholars today aimed at helping us better understand this cluster of virtues related to truth. This volume incorporates the insights and perspectives of experts working in a variety of disciplines, including philosophy, law, communication and rhetorical studies, theology, psychology, history, and education. For each virtue, there is a conceptual chapter, an application (...)
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    A fiction of long standing.Christian Dayé - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (4-5):35-58.
    There appears to be a widespread belief that the social sciences during the 1950s and 1960s can be characterized by an almost unquestioned faith in a positivist philosophy of science. In contrast, the article shows that even within the narrower segment of Cold War social science, positivism was not an unquestioned doctrine blindly followed by everybody, but that quite divergent views coexisted. The article analyses two ‘techniques of prospection’, the Delphi technique and political gaming, from the perspective of a (...)
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    Franciscan Work Theology in Historical Perspective.Patricia Ranft - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:41-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A few years ago the esteemed Franciscan scholar David Flood argued that when early Franciscans used the term subditi in early texts to describe their work relationships, they "imagined a new way of working" and "gave work a new definition." To them labor was "a social act;" it was for others as well as self; it offered "the possibility of being a complete person," and "the possibility of a (...)
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    History of Christian Dogma.Peter C. Hodgson (ed.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume a translation of a mid-nineteenth century work on the history of Christian dogma by Ferdinand Christian Baur, who brilliantly applied Hegelian categories to his historical studies in New Testament, church history, and history of Christian dogma. "Dogma" for him is the rational articulation of the Christian "idea" or principle-the idea that God and humanity are united in Christ and reconciled through the faith of the spiritual community. Baur offers a unique perspective on the whole of Christian intellectual (...)
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    History and developments of pastoral care in Africa: A survey and proposition for effective contextual pastoral caregiving.Vhumani Magezi - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):14.
    The practice of pastoral care (cura animarum) over the ages has been informed and influenced by the need to develop creative ways (interventions) to respond to people’s contextual challenges. These approaches have been well documented. However, the history, developments and emerging pastoral care practices in Africa have not been documented. This article, by way of a survey, considers the pastoral care approaches that emerged in Africa from the period when Christianity was introduced to the continent. It addresses three interlinked (...)
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    Unification and explanation from a causal perspective.Alexander Gebharter & Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 99 (C):28-36.
    We discuss two influential views of unification: mutual information unification (MIU) and common origin unification (COU). We propose a simple probabilistic measure for COU and compare it with Myrvold’s (2003, 2017) probabilistic measure for MIU. We then explore how well these two measures perform in simple causal settings. After highlighting several deficiencies, we propose causal constraints for both measures. A comparison with explanatory power shows that the causal version of COU is one step ahead in simple causal settings. However, slightly (...)
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    Catholic Ethics in Today's World; Catholic Moral Theology in the United States: A History; Gathered for the Journey: Moral Theology in Catholic Perspective.Brian D. Berry - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (2):236-239.
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    Being an Indonesian Christian: Exploration of a theology of nationalism in the history of the proclamation of Indonesian Independence on 17 August 1945.Johny C. Ruhulessin & Yohanes Parihala - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    Despite the fact that the introduction of Christianity in Indonesia coincides with the arrival of Portugal and Dutch Colonialism in the 16th-19th centuries, Christianity in Indonesia could not be claimed as a colonised religion. This study emphasises the importance of Christianity as an integral part of the history of Indonesian nation-building. It also has significance and relevance for Christianity, and how people of different religions should live together in Indonesia. Using historical theology analysis, we argue that (...)
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    Early Ethiopian Christianity: Retrospective enquiry from the perspective of Indian Thomine tradition.Rugare Rukuni - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):10.
    Ethiopian Christianity’s narrative is aggregately established with an explicit aversion to the account of the Ethiopian Eunuch in the Lukan Acts (Ac 8). The preceding practise neglects a cardinal record in Christian history, as arguably the Book of Acts is the basicsource for 1st century Christianity. The main arguments for this approach derive from the lack of detailed archaeological data for the existence of Christianity before the Negus Ezana. However, this also evades the reality of the Judaic-Ethiopic (...)
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    Hans Jonas: the early years.Daniel Herskowitz, Elad Lapidot & Christian Wiese (eds.) - 2025 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    This book offers new perspectives on the early and formative years of the German-Jewish philosopher Hans Jonas, through innovative studies of his German and Hebrew work in pre-war Germany and Palestine. Covering all facets of Jonas's early work, the book brings together leading scholars to explore key conceptual, historical, genealogical, and biographical contexts. Some of the main topics examined include his deep intellectual history of Western thought and its origins in late antiquity through the category of Gnosis, the intellectual influence (...)
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  47. Intelligent design in theological perspective.Niall Shanks & Keith Green - 2011 - Synthese 178 (2):307 - 330.
    While "scientism" is typically regarded as a position about the exclusive epistemic authority of science held by a certain class of "cultured despisers" of "religion", we show that only on the assumption of this sort of view do purportedly "scientific" claims made by proponents of "intelligent design" appear to lend epistemic or apologetic support to claims affirmed about God and God's action in "creation" by Christians in confessing their "faith". On the other hand, the hermeneutical strategy that better describes the (...)
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    Futurities of Law.Malte-Christian Gruber - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (3):367-391.
    The law of the future faces fundamental challenges that it cannot overcome by means of ‘tried and trusted’ dogmatics alone. Nor can it, from a methodological standpoint, take refuge in a purportedly apolitical hermeneutics or a one-sided application of empirical methods. Its responsibilities are not exhausted in mere steering, innovation or stimulating operations, but also encompass critical-emancipatory functions. Methodological reflection and legal critique - understood as social theory in the ‘interior’ of law - enable legal doctrine to meet the particular (...)
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    Resisting History: Historicism and its Discontents in German-Jewish Thought.David N. Myers - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Nineteenth-century European thought, especially in Germany, was increasingly dominated by a new historicist impulse to situate every event, person, or text in its particular context. At odds with the transcendent claims of philosophy and--more significantly--theology, historicism came to be attacked by its critics for reducing human experience to a series of disconnected moments, each of which was the product of decidedly mundane, rather than sacred, origins. By the late nineteenth century and into the Weimar period, historicism was seen by many (...)
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    Great Christian Jurists in French History.Olivier Descamps & Rafael Domingo (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    French legal culture, from the Middle Ages to the present day, has had an impressive influence on legal norms and institutions that have emerged in Europe and the Americas, as well as in Asian and African countries. This volume examines the lives of twenty-seven key legal thinkers in French history, with a focus on how their Christian faith and ideals were a factor in framing the evolution of French jurisprudence. Professors Olivier Descamps and Rafael Domingo bring together this diverse group (...)
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