Results for 'Christian Burdo'

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    Trends in French Thought.Christian Burdo - 1930 - Modern Schoolman 7 (1):8-8.
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    Trends In French Thought.Christian Burdo - 1930 - Modern Schoolman 7 (1):12-13.
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  3. The Structure of Causal Sets.Christian Wüthrich - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (2):223-241.
    More often than not, recently popular structuralist interpretations of physical theories leave the central concept of a structure insufficiently precisified. The incipient causal sets approach to quantum gravity offers a paradigmatic case of a physical theory predestined to be interpreted in structuralist terms. It is shown how employing structuralism lends itself to a natural interpretation of the physical meaning of causal set theory. Conversely, the conceptually exceptionally clear case of causal sets is used as a foil to illustrate how a (...)
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  4. Ethical Consumerism: A Defense of Market Vigilantism.Christian Barry & Kate MacDonald - 2018 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 46 (3):293-322.
  5. Cressida J. Heyes, Self-Transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized Bodies Reviewed by.Christian Perring - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (4):267-269.
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  6. „Die Umweltgeschichte untersucht Wirkungszusammenhänge von Gesellschaften mit ihrer naturhaushaltlichen Umwelt in der Vergangenheit auf der physischen und auf der kulturellen Ebene anhand von anthropogenen Quellen.“McNeill, John: Observations on the Nature and Culture of Environmental History.Christian Pfister - 2003 - History and Theory 42:5-43.
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    Foundations of Communication/Media/Digital (In)justice.Christian Fuchs - 2021 - Journal of Media Ethics 36 (4):186-201.
    The task of this article is to outline foundations of a Marxist-humanist approach to communication justice, media justice, and digital justice. A dialectical approach to justice is outlined that di...
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  8. Ethical design and conduct of focus groups in bioethics research.Christian M. Simon & Maghboeba Mosavel - 2007 - Advances in Bioethics 11:63-81.
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  9. Child Assent and Parental Permission for Clinical Research-Some Considerations.Christian Simon - 2002 - Bioethics Forum 18:36-42.
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  10. Some Sceptical Remarks Regarding Robot Responsibility and a Way Forward.Christian Neuhäuser - 1st ed. 2015 - In Catrin Misselhorn (ed.), Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Springer Verlag.
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    Berlin Alexanderplatz and the Politics of Intermedial Transformation.Christian Sieg - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (137):188-192.
    Peter Jelavich's new study pursues a double agenda: while it examines the role of radio and film in the broader context of cultural politics in Weimar Germany, it at the same time explores the transformation of Alfred Döblin's novel Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929) into a radio play (1930) and then a film (1931). The detailed and intriguing intermedial comparison serves to demonstrate Jelavich's main thesis that the death of the innovative and critical culture of the first German Republic predates the end (...)
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    Lehrbuch der Kritik des Geschmacks, mit beständiger Rücksicht auf die Kantische Kritik der ästhetischen Urtheilskraft.Christian Wilhelm Snell - 1795 - [Bruxelles,: Culture et Civilisation.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  13. Philosophische Perspektiven von Dôgens Genjôkôans und Busshô.Christian Steineck - 2002 - In Christian Steineck, Guido Rappe, Kåogaku Arifuku & Dåogen (eds.), Dôgen als Philosoph. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag.
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    Scaling up Predictive Processing to language with Construction Grammar.Christian Michel - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (3):553-579.
    Predictive Processing (PP) is an increasingly influential neurocognitive-computational framework. PP research has so far focused predominantly on lower level perceptual, motor, and various psychological phenomena. But PP seems to face a “scale-up challenge”: How can it be extended to conceptual thought, language, and other higher cognitive competencies? Compositionality, arguably a central feature of conceptual thought, cannot easily be accounted for in PP because it is not couched in terms of classical symbol processing. I argue, using the example of language, that (...)
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    La actitud hermenéutica.Christian Berner - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70 (176):177-194.
    RESUMEN Este ensayo presenta una reflexión sobre las limitaciones del medio digital para la enseñanza de disciplinas teóricas como la filosofía. Se quiere contrarrestar, hasta cierto punto, el entusiasmo prematuro que despierta la virtualidad en algunos estamentos universitarios. El texto se nutre de mi experiencia pedagógica en la pandemia y traza una mirada fenomenológica sobre lo que implica la pérdida del entorno de la presencia para la enseñanza filosófica. Al reflexionar sobre dicha pérdida, el ensayo también esboza algunas reflexiones dispersas (...)
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    The power of social norms: Why conceptual engineers should care about implementation.Christian Nimtz - 2024 - Synthese 203 (6):1-24.
    Jennifer Nado has recently argued that conceptual engineers should focus on (re-)designing representations and may safely ignore issues of implementation. I make a general case for the methodological importance of implementation to conceptual engineering. Using the Social Norms Account as a foil, I argue for three claims. (1) Inquiring into methods of implementation is a theoretically challenging and philosophically worthwhile project in and of itself. (2) A sound theoretical understanding of implementation is imperative for theorists of conceptual engineering. It proves (...)
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    Vom Geist des Bauches: Für Eine Philosophie der Verdauung.Christian W. Denker - 2015 - Transcript Verlag.
    Aktuelle Debatten um Food Ethics, Körperlichkeit und gutes Leben sind von Wechselspielen zwischen gastraler und gedanklicher Verdauung geprägt. Doch auch die Geschichte der abendländischen Philosophie ist von Fragen der Verdauung durchzogen. Die thematische Vielfalt ist hier enorm und erbitterter Meinungsstreit keine Seltenheit. Christian W. Denker greift charakteristische Motive dieser Ideengeschichte auf, etwa bei Pythagoras, Platon, Epikur, Philon, Montaigne, Diderot, Kant, Lichtenberg, Hegel, Nietzsche, Freud, Wittgenstein, Foucault, Searle und Derrida, und zeigt zum einen, wie sich die Bedeutung der Verdauung für (...)
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    Was sind Experten? Eine begriffliche Grundlegung.Christian Quast - 2021 - Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland: Campus Verlag.
    In komplexen Gesellschaften muss man sich im Arbeits- und Privatleben auf weit mehr Personen verlassen, als man deren Vertrauenswürdigkeit jemals überprüfen könnte. Dies steht im scharfen Kontrast zum wachsenden Misstrauen in die Leistungsträger*innen aus Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik. Im Zentrum dieses Gegensatzes steht die Figur des Experten. Doch was sind Experten*innen und wie kann man sie erkennen? Christian Quast widmet sich diesen Fragen aus philosophischer Perspektive. Eine zentrale These lautet, dass trotz des unvermeidlichen Vertrauens in Expert*innen, sich diese auch (...)
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    Constraint acquisition.Christian Bessiere, Frédéric Koriche, Nadjib Lazaar & Barry O'Sullivan - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):315-342.
  20.  21
    “AI will fix this” – The Technical, Discursive, and Political Turn to AI in Governing Communication.Christian Katzenbach - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Technologies of “artificial intelligence” and machine learning are increasingly presented as solutions to key problems of our societies. Companies are developing, investing in, and deploying machine learning applications at scale in order to filter and organize content, mediate transactions, and make sense of massive sets of data. At the same time, social and legal expectations are ambiguous, and the technical challenges are substantial. This is the introductory article to a special theme that addresses this turn to AI as a technical, (...)
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  21.  21
    On How Expertise Ascriptions Work.Christian Quast - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (2):399-430.
    Expertise is often ascribed to persons who are considered exceptionally competent in a particular subject matter. In contrast to this traditional approach, the present paper introduces a contextual understanding of expertise ascriptions. More precisely, this paper introduces two different kinds of contextuality by advancing and advocating the thesis that expertise ascriptions are true if and only if their content within their context of use is true against standards in the context of assessment. This means that expertise ascriptions have indexical content (...)
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    Internalism and externalism in transcendental phenomenology.Christian Skirke - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):182-204.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 1, Page 182-204, March 2022.
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    The Relationship of Future State Maximization and von Foerster’s Ethical Imperative Through the Lens of Empowerment.Christian Guckelsberger, Christoph Salge & Daniel Polani - 2020 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (1):057-060.
    We formulate a critique of the Future State Maximization umbrella term and its connection to von Foerster’s Ethical Imperative by considering the relationship between Empowerment and other ….
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  24. Der Einfluss der Medien auf die Erwartungshaltung der Patienten in der Medizin.Christian Staehr - 1989 - In Odo Marquard, Eduard Seidler & Hansjürgen Staudinger (eds.), Medizinische Ethik und soziale Verantwortung. München: F. Schöningh.
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    J.G. Fichtes Grundlegung des ethnischen Idealismus, oder, Transzendentale Deduktion zwischen Wissen und Wollen.Christian Maria Stadler - 1996 - Cuxhaven: Junghans.
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    Surviving the 2015 Mount Everest disaster: A phenomenological exploration into lived experience and the role of mental toughness.Christian Swann, Lee Crust & Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson - 2016 - Psychology of Sport and Exercise 27:157-167.
    The 2015 Nepal earthquake and subsequent avalanche at Mount Everest Base Camp is the deadliest mountaineering disaster to date. This study is novel in exploring the lived experiences of survivors and the role of mental toughness in their psychological responses to the disaster. Design: Phenomenological study. Method: Ten mountaineers, who were on expeditions during the earthquake, participated in phenomenological interviews. Data were analysed inductively and thematically, while strategies to enhance trustworthiness were also employed. Results: Seven dimensions emerged from the data, (...)
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  27. Free Will and Zhuangzi: An Introduction.Christian Wenzel - 2021 - In John Perry, Michael Bratman & John Martin Fischer (eds.), Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings. Oxford University Press. pp. 460-473.
    In this piece, Wenzel explores how the ancient Chinese philosopher, Zhuangzi, approaches issues of freedom and moral responsibility. Zhuangzi’s writings are very different in form from traditional Western philosophy, but there is significant overlap in the treatment of freedom and moral responsibility. Distinctive of Zhuangzi’s approach is the method of “fasting of the mind,” where one is less focused on extensive practical deliberations and is more attuned to the environment and task at hand. In this way, acting and deciding are (...)
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  28. Depiction and plastic perception. A critique of Husserl’s theory of picture consciousness.Christian Lotz - 2007 - Continental Philosophy Review 40 (2):171-185.
    In this paper, I will present an argument against Husserl’s analysis of picture consciousness. Husserl’s analysis of picture consciousness (as it can be found primarily in the recently translated volume Husserliana 23) moves from a theory of depiction in general to a theory of perceptual imagination. Though, I think that Husserl’s thesis that picture consciousness is different from depictive and linguistic consciousness is legitimate, and that Husserl’s phenomenology avoids the errors of linguistic theories, such as Goodman’s, I submit that his (...)
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    Moral Psychology.Christian B. Miller - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element provides an overview of some of the central issues in contemporary moral psychology. It explores what moral psychology is, whether we are always motivated by self-interest, what good character looks like and whether anyone has it, whether moral judgments always motivate us to act, whether what motivates action is always a desire of some kind, and what the role is of reasoning and deliberation in moral judgment and action. This Element is aimed at a general audience including undergraduate (...)
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  30. Do Parental Licensing Schemes Violate the Rights of Biological Parents?Christian Barry & R. J. Leland - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (3):755-761.
  31.  12
    Reasoning with Ambiguity.Christian Wurm - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (1):139-206.
    We treat the problem of reasoning with ambiguous propositions. Even though ambiguity is obviously problematic for reasoning, it is no less obvious that ambiguous propositions entail other propositions, and are entailed by other propositions. This article gives a formal analysis of the underlying mechanisms, both from an algebraic and a logical point of view. The main result can be summarized as follows: sound reasoning with ambiguity requires a distinction between equivalence on the one and congruence on the other side: the (...)
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    Deleuze e a escrita: entre a filosofia e a literatura.Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães Vinci - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):53-72.
    Resumo: Esse ensaio buscará sondar as relações entre filosofia e literatura, no pensamento de Gilles Deleuze, a despeito de sua parceria conjunta com Félix Guattari, atentando tanto para as concepções de escrita expressas ao longo de sua obra quanto para o modo como essas concepções teriam influenciado o estilo de seus escritos filosóficos. Partindo da premissa deleuziana de que a escrita possui um acentuado lastro clínico, sendo a responsável pela elaboração de um diagnóstico das forças capazes de aprisionar ou calar (...)
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    Reconsidering a Human Right to Democracy.Christian Barry - 2020 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (3):305-315.
    In this brief article, I will raise some challenges to each of Pablo Gilabert’s arguments for a human right to democracy (HRD). First, I will question whether the instrumental case for affirming a HRD is as strong as Gilabert and others have suggested. I will then call into question the argument from moral risk, arguing that, for any particular country, we should not operate with a strong presumption that they should pursue further democratization as a high-priority goal. Finally, I will (...)
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    Disproof of Bell’s Theorem: Illuminating the Illusion of Entanglement.Joy Christian - 2014 - Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
  35. Die Fabel von der Welt als Fabel oder Nietzsches andere Vernunft : Irrtümer um eine Geschichte? (1996).Christian Niemeyer - 2014 - In Friedrich Nietzsche. Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    The meaning and computation of causal power: Comment on Cheng (1997) and Novick and Cheng (2004).Christian C. Luhmann & Woo-Kyoung Ahn - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (3):685-692.
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    Schleiermachers Theorie der Frömmigkeit: ihr wissenschaftlicher Ort und ihr systematischer Gehalt in den Reden, in der Glaubenslehre und in der Dialektik.Christian Albrecht - 1994 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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    New Caledonian crows afford invaluable comparative insights into human cumulative technological culture.Christian Rutz & Gavin R. Hunt - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    The New Caledonian crow may be the only non-primate species exhibiting cumulative technological culture. Its foraging tools show clear signs of diversification and progressive refinement, and it seems likely that at least some tool-related information is passed across generations via social learning. Here, we explain how these remarkable birds can help us uncover the basic biological processes driving technological progress.
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    Carnap Aufklärer.Christian Bonnet - 2020 - Cahiers Philosophiques 161 (2):61-71.
    Par sa défense de l’esprit critique et de la tolérance, son refus de l’individualisme, sa conviction que la connaissance rationnelle peut contribuer à l’amélioration de la vie privée et sociale des individus et œuvrer au développement des possibilités de chacun, Carnap s’inscrit dans la tradition des Lumières. Loin de se préoccuper exclusivement de problèmes logiques ou épistémologiques, il tient la question philosophique des valeurs pour la plus importante de toutes et reconnaît la part essentielle de l’affectivité dans la vie humaine, (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue “Popularizing Philosophy”.Alexander Christian & Frauke Albersmeier - 2021 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):283-285.
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    Reflections on Popular Culture and Philosophy.Alexander Christian - 2021 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):335-357.
    Contributions to the philosophical genre of popular culture and philosophy aim to popularize philosophical ideas with the help of references to the products of popular culture with TV series like The Simpsons, Hollywood blockbusters like The Matrix and Jurassic Park, or popular music groups like Metallica. While being commercially successful, books in this comparatively new genre are often criticized for lacking scientific rigor, providing a shallow cultural commentary, and having little didactic value to foster philosophical understanding. This paper discusses some (...)
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    3. Some Aspects of Whitehead's Metaphysics.William A. Christian - 1983 - In Lewis S. Ford & George L. Kline (eds.), Explorations in Whitehead's philosophy. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 31-44.
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    Unpalatable Gods. Jacobi and the Controversies about the Divine in the ‘Sattelzeit der Moderne’.Christian Danz - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (2):175-185.
    Der Beitrag diskutiert die Rezeption des Werks von Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi in den philosophischen und theologischen Debatten der sogenannten ‚Sattelzeit der Moderne‘. Vor dem Hintergrund von Jacobis Kritik am Gottesbegriff der rationalen Philosophie werden Johann Gottlieb Fichtes und Friedrich Schleiermachers Neubestimmungen von Religion und Gott thematisiert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass es in den Kontroversen über die göttlichen Dingen um die Sinngrundlagen einer sich modernisierenden Gesellschaft und Kultur geht.
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    La politique extérieure de la Belgique en l 977.Christian Franck - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (2):357-365.
    Belgium's foreign policy is largely embedded in the external action of the European Community. Besides, the unity of action of the nine memberstates in maior issues of international polities corresponds to a deliberate option of the Belgian government. In the debates of the North-South Dialogue and in the Belgrade conference, Belgium has endeavoured to promote a common stand by the nine member-states. During the term of its EC presidency, Belgium has forwarded the proceedings concerning the extension of the community, the (...)
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    Person, Recht und Natur.Christian Hofmann - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1).
    Zusammenfassung: Bis zu welchem Grad ist eine mit dem Lebens- und Gesundheitsschutz begründete Einschränkung von Grundrechten und des gesellschaftlichen Lebens, wie bei der gegenwärtigen Covid-19-Pandemie, aus ethischer und rechtsphilosophischer Sicht legitim? Ethik und Recht und nicht die Medizin sind es, die in diesen Fragen letztlich den normativen Orientierungsrahmen geben müssen – was nicht ausschließt, dass auch medizinische Argumente bei der Deliberation eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Es stellen sich deshalb Fragen nach diesem normativen Orientierungsrahmen und danach, wie die Berufung auf das (...)
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    Natur.Christian Illies - 2021 - In Michael Bongardt, Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon & Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora (eds.), Hans Jonas-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 327-329.
    ›Natur‹ ist von natura, und damit durch das zusammengesetzte Suffix -tu-ra von dem lateinischen Verb nasci abgeleitet. Solche Suffixe drücken in der Regel eine Tätigkeit oder ein Ergebnis aus. Sie sind nicht wörtlich zu übersetzen; ›natura‹ ließe sich vielleicht noch am besten als das ewig Tätige, Produzierende oder Entstandene umschreiben.
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    The look of writing in reading. Graphetic empathy in making and perceiving graphic traces.Christian Mosbæk Johannessen, Marieke Longcamp, Susan A. J. Stuart, Paul J. Thibault & Chris Baber - 2021 - Language Sciences 84.
    This article presents preliminary considerations and results from a research project designed to investigate the relation between gestures, graphic traces and perceptions. More specifically, the project aims to test the hypothesis that graphic traces, including handwriting, can set up graphetic empathy between writers and readers of traces across long temporal and spatial distances. Insofar as a graphic trace is lawfully related to the gesture by which it came into being, the trace itself will hold information about the gesture, which may (...)
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    Populism and the double liberalism: exploring the links.Christian Joppke - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (5):769-790.
    The rise of populism in the West is often depicted as opposition to a “double liberalism”, which is economic and cultural in tandem. In this optic, neoliberalism and multiculturalism are allied under a common liberal regime that prescribes “openness”, while populism rallies against both under the flag of “closure”. This paper questions the central assumptions of this scenario: first, that neoliberalism and multiculturalism are allies; and, secondly, that populism is equally opposed to neoliberalism and to multiculturalism. With respect to the (...)
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    Praktisches Wissen von misslingenden Handlungen.Christian Kietzmann - 2020 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 45 (3).
    G. E. M. Anscombe introduced the concept of »practical knowledge« into contemporary action theory. According to Anscombe, in cases where someone’s action fails to be performed successfully, the error lies in what he or she is doing and not in what he or she is thinking, wherefore his thought is not mistaken, and thus still knowledge. But Anscombe also seems to believe that knowledge is factive, i.e. to know that p implies that p. Both claims are, however, in tension with (...)
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    Der Philosoph Georg Simmel.Christian Möckel - 2022 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 75 (1):57-100.
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