Results for 'Chr Møller'

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  1.  14
    Karl Popper und das Staatsverständnis des Kritischen Rationalismus.Robert Christian van Ooyen & Martin H. W. Möllers (eds.) - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Kaum einer hat die offene Gesellschaft in der politischen Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts so leidenschaftlich verteidigt wie Karl Popper. Sein Demokratieverstandnis ist eng gekoppelt an seine Wissenschaftstheorie und die Kritik an Platon, Hegel, Marx. Als Liberaler und sozialer Reformist wird er parteiubergreifend zum Stichwortgeber bundesdeutscher Politik seit den 70er Jahren. Popper-Rezeptionen finden sich bis in die Staatsrechtslehre (namentlich Peter Haberle) und das Bundesverfassungsgericht hinein. Noch heute lasst sich mit Popper gegen Diktaturen wie uberhaupt gegen Konzepte von "Gemeinschaft" Position beziehen - (...)
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  2. Joachim Möller and Bernd Krysmanski (eds.), Creative Reception: John Locke's Impact on Literature and Pictorial Art.Bernd Krysmanski & Joachim Möller - 2024 - Dinslaken: Krysman Press.
    The authors of this volume — all of them recognized representatives of a wide range of academic disciplines — agree that Locke’s work must have had a considerable influence both on English and German literature and the visual arts of Great Britain, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the perspective of interdisciplinarity and intertextuality, the essays presented here deal with Locke as a source of ideas for Archibald Alison, John Constable, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Timotheus (...)
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    The Epistemology of Popularity and Incentives.Dan Moller - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):148-156.
    This paper discusses two epistemic principles that are important to buyers and sellers: the appeal to popularity and the appeal to incentive structures. I point out the various ways these principles are defeasible, and then offer some examples of them at work in the contexts of hiring, politics and the arts. Finally, I consider why these principles are generally neglected, and conclude that our neglect is unwarranted on both epistemic and moral grounds.
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    Nagarjuniana: studies in the writings and philosophy of Nāgārjuna.Chr Lindtner - 1982 - Copenhagen: Akademisk forlag.
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  5. Parfit on Pains, Pleasures, and the Time of Their Occurrence.Dan Moller - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):67 - 82.
    Consider our attitude toward painful and pleasant experiences depending on when they occur. A striking but rarely discussed feature of our attitude which Derek Parfit has emphasized is that we strongly wish painful experiences to lie in our past and pleasant experiences to lie in our future. Our asymmetrical attitudes toward future and past pains and pleasures can be forcefully illustrated by means of a thought-experiment described by Parfit (1984, 165) which I will paraphrase as follows: You are in the (...)
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  6. Zu Chronologie und Interprétation der Münzprägung der Achaischen Liga nach 146 v. Chr.Chr Boehringer - 1997 - Topoi 7:103-108.
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  7. A simple argument against design: Dan Moller.Dan Moller - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (4):513-520.
    This paper presents a simple argument against life being the product of design. The argument rests on three points. We can conceive of the debate in terms of likelihoods, in the technical sense – how probable the design hypothesis renders our evidence, versus how probable the competing Darwinian hypothesis renders that evidence. God, as traditionally conceived, had many more options by which to bring about life as we observe it than were available to natural selection. That is, the relevant parameters (...)
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  8. Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity.Guido Mollering - 2006 - Elsevier.
    What makes trust such a powerful concept? Is it merely that in trust the whole range of social forces that we know play together? Or is it that trust involves a peculiar element beyond those we can account for? While trust is an attractive and evocative concept that has gained increasing popularity across the social sciences, it remains elusive, its many facets and applications obscuring a clear overall vision of its essence. In this book, Guido Möllering reviews a broad range (...)
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  9. Wealth, Disability, and Happiness.Dan Moller - 2011 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 39 (2):177-206.
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    Atiśa's introduction to the two truths, and its sources.Chr Lindtner - 1981 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 9 (2):161-214.
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    Zwiefältige Wahrheit und zeitliches Sein: e. Interpretation d. parmenideischen Gedichts.Vigdis Songe-Möller - 1980 - Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann.
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  12. The Manual of Discipline.P. Wernberg-Moller - 1957
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  13. Abortion and Moral Risk.D. Moller - 2011 - Philosophy 86 (3):425-443.
    It is natural for those with permissive attitudes toward abortion to suppose that, if they have examined all of the arguments they know against abortion and have concluded that they fail, their moral deliberations are at an end. Surprisingly, this is not the case, as I argue. This is because the mere risk that one of those arguments succeeds can generate a moral reason that counts against the act. If this is so, then liberals may be mistaken about the morality (...)
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  14. Love and death.Dan Moller - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (6):301-316.
    Empirical evidence indicates that bereaved spouses are surprisingly muted in their responses to their loss, and that after a few months many of the bereaved return to their emotional baseline. Psychologists think this is good news: resilience is adaptive, and we should welcome evidence that there is less suffering in the world. I explore various reasons we might have for regretting our resilience, both because of what resilience tells us about our own significance vis-à-vis loved ones, and because resilience may (...)
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    Henri de Lubac and The Question of Original Sin for Catholic Theology.S. J. Philip Moller - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (5):477-486.
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    Governing Least: A New England Libertarianism.Dan Moller - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    This book argues that political libertarianism can be grounded in widely shared, everyday moral beliefs--particularly in strictures against shifting our burdens onto others. It also seeks to connect these philosophical arguments with related work in economics, history, and politics for a wide-ranging discussion of political economy.
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    “Bread, wine and strong drink” in deut 29:5a.Chr Begg - 1980 - Bijdragen 41 (3):266-275.
  18.  54
    The chinese theory of forms and names (xingming zhi xue) and its relation to a "philosophy of signs".Hans Georg Möller - 1997 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 24 (2):179-190.
  19.  79
    Distinctively Political Normativity in Political Realism: Unattractive or Redundant.Eva Erman & Niklas Möller - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (3):433-447.
    Political realists’ rejection of the so-called ‘ethics first’ approach of political moralists, has raised concerns about their own source of normativity. Some realists have responded to such concerns by theorizing a distinctively political normativity. According to this view, politics is seen as an autonomous, independent domain with its own evaluative standards. Therefore, it is in this source, rather than in some moral values ‘outside’ of this domain, that normative justification should be sought when theorizing justice, democracy, political legitimacy, and the (...)
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    Irrational Elements in Some Theories of Life.Chr P. Raven - 1956 - Synthese 10 (1):359 - 363.
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    Managing Competing Demands: Coping With the Inclusiveness–Efficiency Paradox in Cross-Sector Partnerships.Guido Möllering, Andreas Rasche & Leona A. Henry - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (2):267-304.
    This article discusses how cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) for sustainability manage the paradoxical tension between stakeholder inclusiveness and administrative efficiency. Drawing on qualitative data from a case study of a CSP focused on urban sustainability, we show how the inclusiveness–efficiency paradox unfolded throughout the studied collaboration. We discuss how the paradox reemerged in a different guise within each phase of the partnership and how three practices of paradox management helped actors to cope with the tension: “customized inviting” (during the formation phase), (...)
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  22. Is multiculturalism bad for women?Susan Moller Okin (ed.) - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Polygamy, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, punishing women for being raped, differential access for men and women to health care and education, unequal rights of ownership, assembly, and political participation, unequal vulnerability to violence. These practices and conditions are standard in some parts of the world. Do demands for multiculturalism — and certain minority group rights in particular — make them more likely to continue and to spread to liberal democracies? Are there fundamental conflicts between our commitment to gender equity (...)
  23.  94
    Multi-Level Democracy.Christoph Möllers - 2011 - Ratio Juris 24 (3):247-266.
    Modern democratic polities regularly operate at several political levels. In the case of the EU at the level of the member-states and the EU itself, and in addition at federal, regional, and municipal levels. Is there any democratic rule to determine which level is more legitimate than the others? The article argues that from a majoritarian perspective there is none. Individual citizens may have quite different preferences with regard to the level that is of particular political importance for them. The (...)
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  24. Zhuangzi’s “Dream of the Butterfly‘: A Daoist Interpretation.Hans-Georg Möller - 1999 - Philosophy East and West 49 (4):439-450.
    Guo Xiang's (252-312) reading of the famous "Butterfly Dream" passage from the Zhuangzi differs significantly from modern readings, particularly those that follow the Giles translation. Guo Xiang's view is based on the assumption that the character of Zhuang Zhou has no recollection of his dream after awakening and therefore does not entertain doubts about what or who he really is. This leads to a specific understanding of the allegorical and philosophical meaning of the text that stands in contradistinction to most (...)
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    Formen der Solidarität: Eine Begriffssystematik.Julia Masurkewitz-Möller - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Solidarität wird in Krisenzeiten sowie bei Ungerechtigkeit und Marginalisierung gefordert. Sie tritt dabei in unterschiedlichen Reichweiten und Akteurskonstellationen auf und basiert auf verschiedenen Motiven und Ausgangslagen. Julia Masurkewitz-Möller nimmt sich dieser Vielfalt an und erarbeitet eine Systematisierung der Solidarität, die Ordnung in den begrifflichen Dschungel des Konzepts bringt. Sie zeigt, dass verschiedene Solidaritätsformen trotz ihrer Unterschiede einen gemeinsamen Kern und eine Beziehung zueinander haben - und damit die Transformationen von Solidaritätsformen möglich machen.
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    Incarnation Anyway: Arguments for Supralapsarian Christology.Edwin Chr Van Driel - 2008 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book raises in a new way a central question of Christology: what is the divine motive for the incarnation? Throughout Christian history a majority of Western theologians have agreed that God's decision to become incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ was made necessary by "the Fall": if humans had not sinned, the incarnation would not have happened. This position is known as "infralapsarian." A minority of theologians however, including some major 19th- and 20th-century theological figures, championed a "supralapsarian" (...)
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    Dimensional comparison theory.Jens Möller & Herb W. Marsh - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (3):544-560.
  28. Landulph Caracciolo and Gerard Odonis on predestination: opposite attitudes toward Scotus and Auriol.Chr Schabel - 2002 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit: Franziskanische Studien Zu Theologie, Philosophie Und Geschichte 65 (1):62-81.
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  29. Moral Risk.Dan Moller - unknown
    It is natural for those with permissive attitudes toward abortion to suppose that, if they have examined all of the arguments they know against abortion and have concluded that they fail, their moral deliberations are at an end. Surprisingly, this is not the case, as I argue. This is because the mere risk that one of those arguments succeeds can generate a moral reason that counts against the act. If this is so, then liberals may be mistaken about the morality (...)
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    Der Geist Hegels in Italien.Chr D. Pflaum - 1910 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 23 (1-4):106-116.
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    Verse byzantinischer Dichter im Ilias-Kommentar des Eustathios.Chr Theodoridis - 1988 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 81 (2).
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    Recent German Works in Psychology.Chr Ufer - 1892 - The Monist 2 (2):272-277.
  33. Anticipated Emotions and Emotional Valence.Dan Moller - 2011 - Philosophers' Imprint 11.
    This paper addresses two questions: first, when making decisions about what to do, does the mere fact that we will feel regretful or guilty or proud afterward give us reason to act? I argue that these emotions of self-assessment give us little or no reason to act. The second question concerns emotional valence--how desirable or undesirable our emotions are. What is it that determines the valence of an emotion like regret? I argue that the valence of emotions, and indeed of (...)
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    Safety is more than the antonym of risk.Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson & Martin Peterson - 2006 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (4):419–432.
    abstract Even though much research has been devoted to studies of safety, the concept of safety is in itself under‐theorised, especially concerning its relation to epistemic uncertainty. In this paper we propose a conceptual analysis of safety. The paper explores the distinc‐tion between absolute and relative safety, as well as that between objective and subjective safety. Four potential dimensions of safety are discussed, viz. harm, probability, epistemic uncertainty, and control. The first three of these are used in the proposed definition (...)
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    Ritual male circumcision and parental authority.Kai Möller - 2017 - Jurisprudence 8 (3):461-479.
    A recent judgment by a lower court in Germany brought the problem of ritual male circumcision to the consciousness of the wider public and legal academia. This essay weighs in on this emerging discussion and argues that ritual male circumcision is not covered by parental authority. It first considers and dismisses the best interest of the child test, which is the most widely used test of parental authority in legal practice. Instead, the essay proposes what it terms the autonomy conception (...)
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    Transcranial Electric Stimulation Can Impair Gains during Working Memory Training and Affects the Resting State Connectivity.Annie Möller, Federico Nemmi, Kim Karlsson & Torkel Klingberg - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  37. An Argument against Marriage.Dan Moller - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (1):79-91.
    There is an obvious, perhaps even trite, argument against getting married which deserves our attention. Reduced to a crude sketch, the argument is simply that, most of us view the prospect of being married in the absence of mutual love with something like horror or at least great antipathy; the mutual love between us and our spouse existing at the inception of our marriage may very well fail to persist; and hence when we marry we are putting ourselves in the (...)
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  38.  22
    The Global Model of Constitutional Rights.Kai Möller - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    The rapid spread of judicially-enforced constitutional rights has been one of the most dramatic developments in modern law. This book argues that there is now a global model for how such rights should function, and develops an original, philosophically grounded, account of their nature and scope.
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  39. (1 other version)Abriss der Geschichte der Philosophie.Chr Joh Deter - 1910 - The Monist 20:640.
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    Sur Les notions de „gradient” et „champ” dans l'embryologie causale.Chr P. Raven - 1943 - Acta Biotheoretica 7 (3-4):135-146.
    In biology, the “field” concept is used in different ways. Therefore, its meaning in biology as compared to that in physics, and the relation between the conceptions of “gradient” and “field” are studied.In physics, scalar fields, vector fields and tensor fields are distinguished. In a scalar field, the variation of the scalar in space is expressed in form of a gradient. For the whole of a scalar field with its derived gradients the term “gradient-field” may be used.In biology, especially in (...)
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  41. Is There an Old Testament Theology?P. Wernberg-Moller - 1960 - Hibbert Journal 59:21-29.
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    Popular Sovereignty, Populism and Deliberative Democracy.Kolja Möller - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (1-2):14-36.
    This article investigates the relationship between popular sovereignty, populism, and deliberative democracy. My main thesis is that populisms resurrect the polemical dimension of popular sovereignty by turning “the people” against the “powerbloc” or the “elite”, and that it is crucial thatthis terrain not be ceded to authoritarian distortions of this basic contestatory grammar. Furthermore, I contend that populist forms of politics are compatible with a procedural and deliberative conception of democracy. Ifirst engage with the assumption that populism and a procedural (...)
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    Wissen und Umwelt in der „partizipatorischen Diktatur“Knowledge and Environment in the “Participatory Dictatorship”.Christian Möller - 2018 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 26 (4):367-403.
    Zusammenfassung1989/90 war die DDR ein ökologisch gescheiterter Staat. Doch während Eingaben aus der Bevölkerung und kritische Umweltgruppen im Laufe der 1980er Jahre immer offener gegen die vorhandenen Umweltprobleme protestierten, blieben die etablierten Wissenschaften merkwürdig stumm und waren allem Anschein nach nicht in der Lage, geeignete Konzepte zur Lösung der Umweltkrise zu entwickeln. Knapp 20 Jahre zuvor hatte jedoch in der DDR ein umweltpolitischer Aufbruch eingesetzt, der maßgeblich von wissenschaftlichen Reforminitiativen getragen wurde. Die Aufnahme des Natur- und Umweltschutzgedankens in die Verfassung (...)
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    On the impact of quantum computing technology on future developments in high-performance scientific computing.Matthias Möller & Cornelis Vuik - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (4):253-269.
    Quantum computing technologies have become a hot topic in academia and industry receiving much attention and financial support from all sides. Building a quantum computer that can be used practically is in itself an outstanding challenge that has become the ‘new race to the moon’. Next to researchers and vendors of future computing technologies, national authorities are showing strong interest in maturing this technology due to its known potential to break many of today’s encryption techniques, which would have significant and (...)
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  45.  53
    Two Conceptions of Positive Liberty: Towards an Autonomy-based Theory of Constitutional Rights.Kai Möller - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (4):757-786.
    In the jurisprudence of constitutional courts around the world, there is an emerging trend towards an autonomy-based understanding of constitutional rights: increasingly, rights are interpreted as being about enabling people to live autonomous lives, rather than disabling the state in certain ways. This article investigates the conception of autonomy employed by courts by presenting two candidates and examining which of them explains the current practice of constitutional rights law better. The first, labelled the excluded reasons conception of autonomy, claims that (...)
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  46. The Boring.Dan Moller - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (2):181-191.
    This article discusses the aesthetic concept of boringness, of which there has been relatively little philosophical discussion, especially along its objective, nonpsychological dimensions. I begin by confronting skepticism about the validity of judgments about boringness and rebut suggestions to the effect that these judgments are inevitably compromised by mistakes or vices of the audience. The article then develops an account focused on certain kinds of reasonable expectations we form in a given aesthetic context. I go on to confront the question (...)
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    Zu Cicero.Chr Ostermannn - 1859 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 14 (1-4):331-331.
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    Bootstrapping Cognition from Behavior—A Computerized Thought Experiment.Ralf Möller & Wolfram Schenck - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (3):504-542.
    We show that simple perceptual competences can emerge from an internal simulation of action effects and are thus grounded in behavior. A simulated agent learns to distinguish between dead ends and corridors without the necessity to represent these concepts in the sensory domain. Initially, the agent is only endowed with a simple value system and the means to extract low‐level features from an image. In the interaction with the environment, it acquires a visuo‐tactile forward model that allows the agent to (...)
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  49. Setting a principled boundary'? Euthanasia as a response to 'life fatigue.Richard Huxtable & Maaike Möller - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (3):117–126.
    ABSTRACT The Dutch case of Brongersma presents novel challenges to the definition and evaluation of voluntary euthanasia since it involved a doctor assisting the suicide of an individual who was (merely?) ‘tired of life’. Legal officials had called on the courts to ‘set a principled boundary’, excluding such cases from the scope of permissible voluntary euthanasia, but they arguably failed. This failure is explicable, however, since the case seems justifiable by reference to the two major principles in favour of that (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Women in Western Political Thought.Susan Moller Okin - 1979 - Princeton University Press.
    Susan Moller Okin. AFTERWORD or greater weighting of these over “masculine" values. For how are women to continue to assume all of the nurturing activities that allegedly both follow from and reinforce their “naturally” superior virtues, and  ...
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