Results for 'Chong-hyŏn Chŏng'

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  1.  97
    Kant’s theory of transcendental truth as ontology.Chong-Hyon Paek - 2005 - Kant Studien 96 (2):147-160.
  2. Pak Chong-hong chŏnjip.Chong-Hong Pak, Kyu-Yong Kim & Chong-Hyon Pak - 1980 - Soul: Hyŏngsŏl Ch⁽ulp⁽ansa.
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    Phänomenologische Untersuchung zum Gegenstandsbegriff in Kants "Kritik der reinen Vernunft".Chong-Hyon Paek - 1985 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Nicht nur die Rezeptivität unseres menschlichen Erkenntnisvermögens, sondern auch seine Spontaneität, womit es von sich aus reine Vorstellungen a priori hervorbringt, machen gerade darin seine Grenze offenkundig, weil es nur seinen subjektiven Vorstellungen gemäss etwas erkennen kann und muss. Ein solches allein, was unseren apriorischen Vorstellungen gemäss uns erscheint, können wir als einen Gegenstand erkennen. Diese apriorischen Vorstellungen konstituieren also die Gegenständlichkeit von etwas als einem so-und-so erkannten Gegenstand. Ein von uns so-und-so erkannter Gegenstand ist aber nur eine Erscheinung von (...)
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  4. Togil ch'ŏrhak kwa 20-segi Han'guk ŭi ch'ŏrhak.Chong-Hyon Paek - 1998 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Ch'ŏrhak kwa Hyŏnsil.
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    The Reception and Development of Kant’s Philosophy in South Korea.Chong-Hyon Paek & Ji-Young Kang - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1345-1352.
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  6. The buddhist confucian conflict in the early chosôn and kihwa's syncretic response: The hyôn chông non.A. Charles Muller - unknown
    Buddhism became established as a state religion in Korea during the sixth century, and was able to maintain that status with relatively little opposition throughout the Unified Silla and Koryô periods. However, at the end of the Koryô, the Buddhist establishment ended up in a serious confrontation with a rising Korean Neo Confucian polemical movement, a confrontation in which it would end up being the clear loser. The nature of the developing Neo Confucian polemic was twofold. The first aspect was (...)
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    시적 사색을 통한 칸트의 ‘시간(Tempus)’ 개념 고찰. 김은하 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 89:31-58.
    본 논문은 칸트가 『순수이성비판』초판 A99~110에 간단히 기술만 하고 더 이상 파고들지 않은 ‘인식의 삼중적 종합(dreifache Synthese von Erkenntnis, KrV A99~110)’ 체계에 주목하며, 칸트가 비판서 이전부터 전제한 시간의 구성적 의미를 「교수취임논문」을 통해 규명한다. 그리고 시적 직관 속에 구체화된 시간의 반추를 통해서 시에 현시된 내적 시간 의미를 ‘직관에서의 각지의 종합(Synthesis der Apprehension in der Anschauung)’ 관점에서 재구성하고 재해석한다.BR 본론 앞부분에는 시간 개념의 출현과 관련하여 외재적 시간에 대한 문제제기를 한다. “변화라는 개념[도] 오직 경험에서만 얻을 수 있는 개념”이기 때문이다. 본론 두 번째 절은 내적으로 (...)
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    Kant’s Open Gradual Time : A Poetic Reflection on Kant’s Theory of Time in the Inaugural dissertation in 1770. 김은하 - 2017 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 73:35-68.
    본 연구는 칸트가 『순수이성비판』 초판에 짧게 개략만 하고 더 이상 연구를 진척시키지 않은 “직관에서의 각지의 종합(Synthesis der Apprehension in der Anschauung)”에 주목하며, 「교수취임논문」에서부터 전제한 ‘표상들의 관계조건’으로서의 시간 의미를 규명한다.BR 지금까지 직관에서의 각지 종합에 대한 국내 연구는 적은 수를 차지한다. 시간의 관점에서 해명한 논문도 드물 것으로 생각된다. 더욱이 1770년 논문에 대한 연구 역시 국내⋅외로 아직까지 소수이며, 그중 시간론을 독립적으로 다룬 논문은 찾기 어렵다. 이러한 점에서 본 연구는, 사유의 한 과정으로 구성되는 각지의 종합과 그에 함축된 시간의 의미를 취임논문과의 연계 속에 분석하는 한편, (...)
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    Zhuangzi and Hui Shi on Qing 情.Kim-Chong Chong - 2010 - Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 40 (1):21~45.
    This essay examines Zhuangzi's idea, in his dialogue with Hui Shi in the De Chong Fu, of being without human qing. This idea is situated within the contrast that Zhuangzi constantly makes between heaven and human beings. Some contexts for this contrast are described. The essay concludes that qing should be read as basically referring to “facts" in the Zhuangzi, including certain factual beliefs about (false or mistaken) emotions.
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  10. The concept of Zhen 真 in the zhuangzi.Kim-Chong Chong - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (2):324-346.
    The term zhen 真 in the Zhuangzi 莊子 is commonly associated with the zhen ren 真人 or "true person." We find metaphorical descriptions such as that he can go through fire and water unharmed. On the other hand, some scholars would claim that there is a more mystical element to the Zhuangzi that is missed if we think that such descriptions are "merely" metaphorical. However, the term zhen is not only applied to the zhen ren, and this essay has the (...)
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  11.  27
    5. Mengzi and Gaozi on Nei and Wai.Kim-Chong Chong - 2002 - In Alan K. L. Chan (ed.), Mencius: Contexts and Interpretations. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 103-125.
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  12. Zhuangzi and the Nature of Metaphor.Kim-Chong Chong - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):370 - 391.
    While it is well known that Zhuangzi uses metaphor extensively, there is much less appreciation of the role that it plays in his thought-a topic that is investigated in this essay. At the same time, this investigation is closely concerned with questions about the nature of metaphor. Comparisons are made between a central metaphorical structure in the Zhuangzi on the one hand and contemporary views of the nature of metaphor by Donald Davidson and by Lakoff and Johnson on the other. (...)
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    Did Zhuangzi Criticize Mengzi?Kim-Chong Chong - forthcoming - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy:1-17.
    Mengzi 孟子 and Zhuangzi 莊子 lived around the same time in the mid–Warring States period of ancient China. The historical relation between them is unclear. There is no mention of each other in the texts named after them. But some authors have claimed that characterizations of deformed bodies, the heart-mind, and qi 氣 in the Inner Chapters of the Zhuangzi are directly critical of Mengzi. I argue that there is no good reason for this claim. Although their philosophies are conceptually (...)
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  14. Classical Confucianism (ii) : Meng Zi and Xun Zi.Kim-Chong Chong - 2009 - In Bo Mou (ed.), History of Chinese philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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    Moral perspectives.Kim Chong Chong (ed.) - 1992 - Singapore: Singapore University Press, National University of Singapore.
    While interdisciplinary work on morality has largely been confined to a dialogue between psychologists and philosophers on the one hand, and economists and philosophers on the other, this volume brings together papers from a wider field ...
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    Egoism, Desires, and Friendship.Kim-Chong Chong - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (4):349 - 357.
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  17. Xunzi's systematic critique of mencius.Kim Chong Chong - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (2):215-233.
    : Some commentators hold that Xunzi's criticism of Mencius' thesis that human nature is good depends more on Xunzi's definition of xing or nature than on substantive argument. Some also claim that Xunzi is committed to accepting Mencius' thesis. A more precise account of Xunzi's critique is offered here, based on an elaboration of his distinction in the "Xing e pian" between ke yi (capacity) and neng (ability). Others have noted this distinction, but no one has sufficiently appreciated its role (...)
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  18. Zhuangzi and the nature of metaphor.Kim Chong Chong - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):370-391.
    : While it is well known that Zhuangzi uses metaphor extensively, there is much less appreciation of the role that it plays in his thought—a topic that is investigated in this essay. At the same time, this investigation is closely concerned with questions about the nature of metaphor. Comparisons are made between a central metaphorical structure in the Zhuangzi on the one hand and contemporary views of the nature of metaphor by Donald Davidson and by Lakoff and Johnson on the (...)
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  19.  34
    Zhuangzi and the Issue of Human Nature.Kim-Chong Chong - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2):237-254.
    The issue of human nature or xing 性 was a major philosophical topic of the mid- and late-Warring States period of ancient China. It was famously discussed, for example, in the Mencius. Zhuangzi 莊子 lived around the same time as Mencius and one might expect that he, too, would have discussed it. Surprisingly, the term xing is absent from the Inner Chapters of the Zhuangzi. There have been different responses to this, namely, that Zhuangzi: used different terms equivalent to xing; (...)
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  20.  75
    Ritual transformation—Xunzi’s response to Mozi in the Lilun Pian.Kim-Chong Chong - unknown
    It is well known that Mozi criticizes the ritual practices of the Ru for being wasteful. However, another criticism has been less appreciated: These practices are merely conventional habituations and violate the Ru’s own moral ideals of ren 仁 , yi 義 and xiao 孝 . Xunzi responds to both criticisms in the Li Lun Pian 禮論篇 . Based on an account of Mozi’s arguments and Xunzi’s replies, this essay discusses the significance of ritual transformation in Xunzi’s moral philosophy.
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    The practice of Jen.Kim-Chong Chong - 1999 - Philosophy East and West 49 (3):298-316.
    Under Mencius' influence jen has been regarded as part of a theory of nature. As such, commentators have had difficulty resolving the apparent paradox in "Analects" 9.1 that Confucius rarely talked about jen. No paradox arises if jen is seen as a practice involving self-cultivation as a never-ending task and the immediacy of ethical commitment where a cluster of emotions, attitudes, and values are expressed. Jen is an ethical orientation from which one speaks and acts--not particular qualities that one might (...)
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  22. Xunzi's Systematic Critique of Mencius.Kim-Chong Chong - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (2):215 - 233.
    Some commentators hold that Xunzi's criticism of Mencius' thesis that human nature is good depends more on Xunzi's definition of xing or nature than on substantive argument. Some also claim that Xunzi is committed to accepting Mencius' thesis. A more precise account of Xunzi's critique is offered here, based on an elaboration of his distinction in the "Xing e pian" between ke yi (capacity) and neng (ability). Others have noted this distinction, but no one has sufficiently appreciated its role in (...)
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    The moral circle and the self: Chinese and Western approaches.Kim Chong Chong, Sor-Hoon Tan & C. L. Ten (eds.) - 2003 - Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
    This question is the theme uniting all these essays by lead Chinese and Western philosophers.
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    Zhuangzi's critique of the Confucians: blinded by the human.Kim Chong Chong - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Blinded by heaven -- The pre-established heart-mind -- The transformation of things -- Zhen, some normative concerns -- The facts of human construction -- Metaphor in the Zhuangzi and theories of metaphor -- Self, virtue (de) and values in the Zhuangzi.
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  25. Xunzi and the essentialist mode of thinking on human nature.Kim-Chong Chong - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (1):63–78.
    In his essay “Philosophy of Human Nature,” Antonio Cua argues that the term “bad” in Xunzi’s statement that “Human nature is bad” is to be taken in a consequential sense. This goes against a common tendency to read the Xunzi in what I refer to as the essentialist mode of thinking. In this paper, I show how it is that the consequential reading of “bad” and other features that Professor Cua describes offer a significant understanding of Xunzi’s position as a (...)
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  26. Autonomy in the analects.Kim-Chong Chong - 2003 - In Kim Chong Chong, Sor-Hoon Tan & C. L. Ten (eds.), The moral circle and the self: Chinese and Western approaches. Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
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    Altruism and the Avoidance of Solipsism.Kim-Chong Chong - 1989 - Philosophical Inquiry 11 (3-4):18-26.
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    Behuniak jr., James, mencius on becoming human.Kim-Chong Chong - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (3):337-340.
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  29. Woodworker Qing : Matching heaven with heaven.Kim-Chong Chong - 2019 - In Karyn Lai & Wai Wai Chiu (eds.), Skill and Mastery Philosophical Stories from the Zhuangzi. London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
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  30.  12
    Introduction.Kim-Chong Chong - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong (eds.), Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 1-21.
    This is an introduction to the Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. It provides a brief account of the life of Mencius, discusses the issue of the authorship of the Mencius, and describes the salient features of Mencius’s philosophy and its influence in the history of Chinese philosophy. Historically, Mencius’s influence spans the classical Pre-Qin period to the present. Philosophically, the Mencius has inspired the examination of issues in social and political thought, ethics and epistemology, moral development and moral (...)
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    Mencius, Zhuangzi and “Daoism”.Kim-Chong Chong - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong (eds.), Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 119-135.
    This chapter discusses the relation between Mencius and “Daoism” by taking Zhuangzi (and other authors of the Zhuangzi) as representative of the latter and seeing where each of them stood in response to the cross-current of ideas of the Warring States period. The ideas of some figures mentioned in the Mencius, such as Gaozi, Yang Zhu, and Xu Xing, are extended in the Zhuangzi. Some ideas gathered in the Zhuangzi can be seen to contrast with Mencius’s and these are referred (...)
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    A.S. Cua, Moral Vision and Tradition (Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press), 1998. 357 pages. Hardback. Cost: $66.95. ISBN: 0-8 132-0890-4. [REVIEW]Kim-Chong Chong - 1999 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 26 (3):397-405.
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    Zorba: Justifying ethical egoism. [REVIEW]Kim-Chong Chong - 1996 - Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (1-2):325-328.
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    Pak Chong-hong chŏnjip.Chong-Hong Pak & Yoram Kinyom Saophoe - 1980 - Soul: Hyŏngsŏl Ch⁽ulp⁽ansa.
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    Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius.Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
    This book is about the philosophical, historical, and interpretative aspects of Mencius. It explores his influence, reception, and relevance in China from the third century BCE to the present, as well as offers comparative studies of Mencius and major figures in the history of Chinese and Western philosophy. With 34 accessible articles written by leading philosophers and scholars, the Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius provides both broad pictures and in-depth discussions regarding the work of one of the most (...)
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  36. Raymond Aron, The Dawn of Universal History. New York: Basic Books, 2003, 518 pp.(indexed). ISBN 0-465-00408-3, $22.00 (pb). Linda A. Bell, Beyond the Margins: Reflections of a Feminist Philosopher. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003, 245 pp.(indexed). ISBN 0-7914-5904-7, $17.95 (pb). [REVIEW]E. Christian Brugger, Stella Chen, Carrie E. Reed, Cao Yuqing, Kim-Chong Chong, Sor-Hoon Tan & C. L. Ten - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38:433-435.
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    Myŏnu Kwak Chong-sŏk ŭi chisik paekkwa Mongŏ.Chong-sŏk Kwak - 2020 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Aurum. Edited by Hong-gŭn Cho.
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  38. Hanʼguk sasangsa: Sŏksan Han Chong-man Paksa hwagap kinyŏm.Chong-man Han & Sæoksan Han Chong-man Paksa Hwagap Kinyæom Nonmunjip Kanhaeng Wiwæonhoe (eds.) - 1991 - Chŏlla-bukto Iri-si: Pogŭpchʻŏ Sŏksan Han Chong-man Paksa Hwagap Kinyŏm Nonmunjip Kanhaeng Wiwŏnhoe.
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  39. Yuhŏn Yi Chong-hu Paksa hwagap kinyŏm nonmunjip.Chong-hu Yi (ed.) - 1981 - Taegu-si: Imunsa.
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    Negotiating Patriarchy: South Korean Evangelical Women and the Politics of Gender.Kelly H. Chong - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (6):697-724.
    Based on ethnographic research, this study investigates the meaning and impact of women’s involvement in South Korean evangelicalism. While recent works addressing the “paradox” of women’s participation in conservative religions have highlighted the significance of these religions as unexpected vehicles of gender empowerment and contestation, this study finds that the experiences and consequences of Korean evangelical women’s religiosity are highly contradictory; although crucial in women’s efforts to negotiate the injuries of the modern Confucian-patriarchal family, conversion, for many women, also signifies (...)
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  41. Yŏram Pak Chong-hong Paksa.Chong-Hong Pak (ed.) - 1963
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    Chen Chong ren sheng gan wu lu.Chong Chen - 2003 - Xian: Shanxi ren min mei shu chu ban she. Edited by Yunlong Chen.
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    Pak Chong-hong chʻŏrhak ŭi chaejomyŏng: Yŏram tʻansin 100-chunyŏn ŭl kinyŏm hayŏ.Chong-Hong Pak (ed.) - 2003 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Chʻŏnji.
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  44.  96
    Moism: Despotic or Democratic?Chaehyun Chong - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (3):511-521.
  45. Commemorative Artefactual Speech.Chong-Ming Lim - forthcoming - Ergo.
    Commemorative artefacts purportedly speak – they communicate messages to their audience, even if no words are uttered. Sometimes, such artefacts purportedly communicate demeaning or pejorative messages about some members of society. The characteristics of such speech are, however, under-examined. I present an account of the paradigmatic characteristics of the speech of commemorative artefacts (or, “commemorative artefactual speech”), as a distinct form of political speech. According to my account, commemorative artefactual speech paradigmatically involves the use of an artefact by an authorised (...)
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    Mohohan Kungjung: Sahoe Ch'ŏrhak Esei.Hyŏn-U. Pak - 2010 - Han'guk Haksul Chŏngbo.
    『모호한 군중』은 현대인의 도덕성에 전하는 철학적 메시지를 담았다. 바쁜 일상 속에서 자칫 잊기 쉬운 ‘그대 안의 도덕성’을 일깨워야 한다는 저자의 외침들은 우리로 하여금 많은 생각을 하게 한다.
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    The cinema of the real.Hyon Joo Yoo - 2024 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Alters the landscape of Lacanian film theory by revealing an "emancipatory drive" in transnational cinema.
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  48. Vandalizing Tainted Commemorations.Chong-Ming Lim - 2020 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 48 (2):185-216.
    What should we do about “tainted” public commemorations? Recent events have highlighted the urgency of reaching a consensus on this question. However, existing discussions appear to be dominated by two naïve opposing views – to remove or preserve them. My aims in this essay are two-fold. First, I argue that the two views are not naïve, but undergirded by concerns with securing self-respect and with the character of our engagement with the past. Second, I offer a qualified defence of vandalising (...)
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  49. Reviewing resistances to reconceptualizing disability.Chong-Ming Lim - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (3):321-331.
    I attempt to adjudicate the disagreement between those who seek to reconceptualize disability as mere difference and their opponents. I do so by reviewing a central conviction motivating the resistance, concerning the relationship between disability and well-being. I argue that the conviction depends on further considerations about the costs and extent of change involved in accommodating individuals with a particular disability trait. I conclude by considering three pay-offs of this clarification.
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  50. Kim Chong-jik tohak sasang.Hak-Sang Sin & Chong-jik Kim - 1990 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Yŏng. Edited by Chong-jik Kim.
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