Results for 'Céline León'

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  1.  45
    Feminist Interpretations of Søren Kierkegaard.Céline León & Sylvia Walsh (eds.) - 1997 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Unlike many of the major figures in Western philosophy, Kierkegaard explores many issues of interest to feminist theorists today. Moreover, he does so in a style—labyrinthine, many-voiced, multilayered, adverse to authority—that adumbrates _écriture féminine_. A major question probed in the volume is whether Kierkegaard's writings are misogynist, ambivalent, or essentialist in their views of women and the feminine or whether, in some important and vital ways, they are liberatory and empowering for feminists and women trying to free themselves from the (...)
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    The (In)Difference of Seduction.Céline Léon - 2008 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2008 (1):76-84.
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    Simone de Beauvoir’s Woman: Eunuch or Male?Céline T. Léon - 1988 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 11 (3):196-211.
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    Naguère et aujourd’hui (suite et fin): Aujourd’hui.Céline Léon - 2008 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 24 (1):12-31.
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    La Genèse du Deuxième Sexe à la lumière des Lettres à Nelson Algren.Céline Léon - 2002 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 18 (1):61-81.
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    The (In-) Appropriateness of Using the Feminine as Paradigm.Céline Léon - 2000 - Philosophy Today 44 (4):339-346.
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    Conférences de Simone de Beauvoir aux États-Unis (28 janvier - 8 mai 1947).Céline Léon - 2003 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 19 (1):87-101.
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    Dialogues transatlantiques: Naguère et Aujourd’hui.Céline Léon - 2007 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 23 (1):40-54.
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    Rapports d'oppression: De Sartre à Beauvoir, de Beauvoir à Sartre (1945-1950).Céline Léon - 2004 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 20 (1):54-63.
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    The Second Sex: Differently Other or Otherly Different?Céline T. Léon - 1995 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 12 (1):139-153.
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    Simone de Beauvoir on the Writing[s] of Women.Céline T. Léon - 1993 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 10 (1):5-14.
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    Can the Second Sex be One?Céline Léon - 1996 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 13 (1):25-44.
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    Can a Women be Kept? The Meaning of Repetition's Repetitions.Céline Léon - 2002 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2002 (1):61-77.
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    Supplementary report: The Weinstock partial reinforcement effect and habit reversal.Leon M. Wise - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (6):647.
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    Definition of Sts: Foundation for the You, Me and Technology Curriculum.Leon Trilling, E. Joseph Piel & Minaruth Galey - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):178-183.
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  16. Habit and Custom.Leon Trotsky - 2002 - In Ben Highmore, The everyday life reader. New York: Routledge.
  17.  10
    Scuola francescana: filosofia, teologia, spiritualità.Léon Veuthey - 1996 - Miscellanea Francescana.
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  18.  51
    Socially responsible consumption: an application in Colombia.William Fernando Durán León, Sebastián Dueñas Ocampo, Jesús Perdomo-Ortiz & Lida Esperanza Villa Castaño - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):460-481.
    This study constructs a measurement scale for Socially Responsible Consumption in the particular context of Colombia. It uses a mixed qualitative and quantitative methodological approach, beginning with four focus groups and ending with a quantitative validation exercise employing Exploratory Factor Analysis. The result is a Socially Responsible Consumption measurement scale consisting of four dimensions that reflect paradigms found in the existing literature. These are, however, expressed differently in Colombia. In particular, Socially Responsible Consumption involves consumer behavior that favors corporate social (...)
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  19.  93
    On the Aesthetic Appreciation of Damaged Environments.María José Alcaraz León - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (4):420-431.
    As aesthetic appreciators of the environment, we often encounter cases where our environmental commitments and our aesthetic responses do not seem to match. Some highly altered or contaminated environments may occasion powerful and insightful aesthetic experiences. In this article, I discuss some arguments that have been offered in favor of the view that this mismatch is not possible when we appreciate a particular environment with full awareness of its damaged or altered condition. I show that these arguments are not conclusive (...)
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  20.  44
    Una amistad filosófica. Cioran y su amigo italiano Mario Andrea Rigoni.Alberto Pinzón León - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (105).
    El artículo muestra las relaciones de amistad que se van tornando en reflexiones filosóficas entre Cioran y el escritor italiano Mario Andrea Rigoni, a partir de su obra: Cioran dans mes souvenirs. Nuestro interés está en dar a conocer las reflexiones que hace Rigoni sobre la obra y el carácter humano de Cioran.
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  21.  39
    Right Actions and Motives.P. Leon - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (30):191 - 204.
    CAN actions be right irrespective of the motives from which they come? Can an action be right though coming from a bad or an ‘indifferent’ motive?
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  22. Discussioni e postille-A proposito >.Leon Pompa & Fulvio Tessitore - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (2):383.
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  23. (1 other version)Histoire de la philosophie grecque.Léon Robin - 1926 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 102:463-471.
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  24. Platon.Léon Robin - 1968 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  25. Philosophie religieuse.Léon Robin, Ernest Fraenkel, E. Unger, Guéroult, G. Gusdorf & E. Duprat - 1936 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 122 (7):100-110.
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  26. Ha-Hinukh Ve- Erkhe Ha-Adam Perakim Be-Hishtalshelut Ha-Ra Ayon Ha-Humanisti Ba-Hinukh.Leon Roth - 1960 - Devir.
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  27. Religion and Literature.Leon Roth - 1961 - Hibbert Journal 60 (36):24-34.
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  28. (1 other version)Spinoza, Descartes and Maimonides.Leon Roth - 1924 - Mind 33 (132):456-459.
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    The Goodness of God.Leon Roth - 1927 - Humana Mente 2 (8):503-515.
    The problem to which the present paper is addressed is one aspect of that of the relationship between Religion and Morality. That God is good is a proposition which presents itself to many with axiomatic force, and by its help the path is traced which leads directly either from Religion to Morality or from Morality to Religion. Yet the reflective mind may well ask: By what evidence, or in what way, do we know that God is good? If the proposition (...)
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  30. Exile, war and democracy An exemplary sequence.Leon Rozitchner - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 152:41-50.
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  31. Dimensiones de la célula primitiva.León Garzón Ruipérez - 1978 - El Basilisco 2:4-11.
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  32. El lenguaje de las relaciones. I, en el macrocosmos.León Garzón Ruipérez - 1992 - El Basilisco 12:44-50.
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  33.  49
    Individual differences in working memory and conditional reasoning with concrete and abstract content.Henry Markovits, Celine Doyon & Michael Simoneau - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (2):97 – 107.
    This study examined the hypothesis that conditional reasoning involves visual short-term memory resources (Johnson-Laird, 1985). A total of 147 university students were given measures of verbal and visual short-term memory capacity and a series of concrete and abstract conditional reasoning problems. Results indicate that there is a positive correlation between verbal working memory capacity and reasoning with both concrete and abstract premises. A positive correlation was also obtained between visual working memory capacity and reasoning with concrete premises.
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    God Had to Create the World.Leon Pearl - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (3):331 - 333.
    In a recent paper T. D. J. Chappell advances the thesis that orthodox Christianity is incompatible with consequentialism. 1 His thesis is grounded on a number of premises; I shall, however, confine my criticism to only one of them, i.e. a consequentialist God could not possibly have created a world. Here is his argument.
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    Objective and subjective duty.Leon Pearl - 1971 - Mind 80 (319):413-417.
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    Space and social theory.Andrzej Jan Leon Zieleniec - 2007 - London: SAGE.
    Giving an essential and accessible overview of social theories of space, this books shows why it matters to understand these theorists spatially.
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    Individuality in theological anthropology and theories of embodied cognition.Léon Turner - 2013 - Zygon 48 (3):808-831.
    Contemporary theological anthropology is now almost united in its opposition toward concepts of the abstract individual. Instead there is a strong preference for concrete concepts, which locate individual human being in historically and socioculturally contingent contexts. In this paper I identify, and discuss in detail, three key themes that structure recent theological opposition to abstract concepts of the individual: (1) the idea that individual human beings are constituted in part by their relations with their environments, with other human beings, and (...)
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    Consistent Forecasting vs. Anchoring of Market Stories: Two Cultures of Modeling and Model Use in a Bank.Leon Wansleben - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (4):605-630.
    ArgumentIt seems theoretically convenient to construe knowledge practices in financial markets and organizations as “applied economics.” Alternatively or additionally, one might argue that practitioners draw on economic knowledge in order to systematically orient their actions towards profit-maximization; models, then, are understood as devices that make calculative rationality possible. However, empirical studies do not entirely confirm these theoretical positions: Practitioners’ actual calculations are often not “framed” by models; organizations and institutions influence the choice and adoption of models; and different professional groups (...)
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  39. An Existentialist "Proof of the Existence of God".P. Leon - 1952 - Hibbert Journal 51:24.
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    ¿Relaciones entre Metafísica y Arte?Paulo Vélez León - 2013 - Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía 48:131-138.
    In this paper we intend to make visible a possible relationship between metaphysics and art, from the presuppose, in absolute terms they are the same, so that what you say is true of the metaphysical arts. However, the distinction between metaphysics and art is not feasible to show the world, especially in an artistic event such as a concert or show, but because the distinctions of the world. Try to address this issue since the concept of Sorge (cure, care) and (...)
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  41. Speculating God: Speculative Realism and Meillassoux’s Divine Inexistence.Leon Niemoczynski - 2014 - In Clayton Crockett, Keith Putt & Jeffrey Robbins, The future of continental philosophy of religion. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp. 92-108.
    “Speculating God: Speculative Realism and Meillassoux’s Divine Inexistence.” In The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion. Edited by Clayton Crockett, Keith Putt, and Jeffrey Robbins. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
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    On Painting.Leon Battista Alberti, John R. Spencer, Leonardo da Vinci & A. Philip Mcmahon - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (4):488-489.
  43.  23
    Selected papers of Léon Rosenfeld.Leon Rosenfeld - 1979 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. Edited by R. S. Cohen & John J. Stachel.
    The decision to undertake this volume was made in 1971 at Lake Como during the Varenna summer school ofthe Italian Physical Society, where Professor Leon Rosenfeld was lecturing on the history of quantum theory. We had long been struck by the unique blend of epistemological, histori cal and social concerns in his work on the foundations and development of physics, and decided to approach him there with the idea of publishing a collection of his papers. He responded enthusiastically, and agreed (...)
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  44.  2
    Jan Amos Komeński a problemy współczesnej pedagogiki: praca zbiorowa.Leon Leja & Uniwersytet im Adama Mickiewicza W. Poznaniu (eds.) - 1974 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
    Rapport de la conférence scientifique "Jan Amos KomensKi et les problèmes de la pédagogie contemporaine" (Institut pédagogique de l'Université de Poznan, 19-20 novembre 1970). Série d'articles concernant la théorie du pédagogue sur les plus importants problèmes de la pédagogie contemporaine.
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  45.  11
    El ambiente, paradigma del nuevo milenio.José-Balbino León - 2009 - Caracas, Venezuela: Alfa.
  46.  21
    El culto de la forma en la literatura de Flaubert.Francisco Cruz León - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (22):41-57.
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  47.  17
    Espumas y espacio basura: movilidad y conformación del sujeto político postmetropolitano según Peter Sloterdijk y Antonio Negri.Jorge León Casero - 2022 - Arbor 198 (803-804):a638.
    A diferencia de la ciudad medieval y de la metrópolis decimonónica, la lógica de funcionamiento de las actuales postmetrópolis se basa en un incremento sin parangón de la movilidad de personas, mercancías y capitales. Frente a la división ciudad -campo, propia del medioevo, y a la división producción -consumo, característica de la metrópolis clásica, la postmetrópolis ha multiplicado exponencialmente la diversidad y transversalidad de sus principales divisiones. En consecuencia, el sujeto político hegemónico generado por la nueva condición postmetropolitana ya no (...)
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  48.  28
    Risk preference and feedback.Orfelio G. LeóN & Lola L. Lopes - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (4):343-346.
  49.  23
    Fichte et son Temps. I. Establissement et Predication de la Doctrine de la Liberte. La Vie de Fichte jusque-au Depart d'Iena.Xavier Leon - 1922 - Philosophical Review 31:627.
  50.  45
    Solipsism Regained.Mark Leon - 1987 - Analysis 47 (2):116 - 120.
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