Results for 'Cervantes Xavier'

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  1.  50
    Cervantes in Italy: Christian Humanism and the Visual Impact of Renaissance Rome.Fernando Cervantes - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (3):325-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cervantes in Italy:Christian Humanism and the Visual Impact of Renaissance RomeFernando CervantesToward the end of 1569, shortly after his twenty-second birthday, Miguel de Cervantes arrived in Rome to serve as chamberlain to the young monsignor Giulio de Acquaviva, soon to be made a cardinal by Pope Pius V.1 The event marked the beginning of a six-year sojourn about which surprisingly little is known with certainty. From scattered (...)
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    Genetic disenhancement and xenotransplantation: diminishing pigs’ capacity to experience suffering through genetic engineering.Daniel Rodger, Daniel J. Hurst, Christopher A. Bobier & Xavier Symons - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):729-733.
    One objection to xenotransplantation is that it will require the large-scale breeding, raising and killing of genetically modified pigs. The pigs will need to be raised in designated pathogen-free facilities and undergo a range of medical tests before having their organs removed and being euthanised. As a result, they will have significantly shortened life expectancies, will experience pain and suffering and be subject to a degree of social and environmental deprivation. To minimise the impact of these factors, we propose the (...)
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    Xavier Léon/Élie Halévy Correspondance (1891-1898).Xavier Léon, Élie Halévy & Perrine Simon-Nahum - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (1/2):3 - 58.
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    Xavier Zubiri texts.Xavier Zubiri - unknown
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    Numerical order and quantity processing in number comparison.Eva Turconi, Jamie I. D. Campbell & Xavier Seron - 2006 - Cognition 98 (3):273-285.
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    Nursing students’ attitude toward euthanasia following its legalization in Spain.Antonia Arreciado Marañón, Rosa García-Sierra, Xavier Busquet-Duran, Gloria Tort-Nasarre & Maria Feijoo-Cid - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (2):412-423.
    Background Euthanasia is a controversial practice in many countries. Since Spain’s Euthanasia Law came into effect on March 24, 2021, healthcare providers have faced a new challenge since they must inform patients, provide care, accompany them, and implement the law. It also represents a new stumbling block at universities, which must adapt to regulatory changes and educate future professionals accordingly. Little is known about the attitude of nursing students in Spain toward euthanasia since this law was implemented. Objective This study (...)
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    Attentional control, attentional network functioning, and emotion regulation styles.Miquel Tortella-Feliu, Alfonso Morillas-Romero, Maria Balle, Xavier Bornas, Jordi Llabrés & Antonia P. Pacheco-Unguetti - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (5):769-780.
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    RESEÑA de: Escribano, Xavier. Sujeto encarnado y expresión creadora : aproximación al pensamiento de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Cabrills : Prohom edicions, 2004.Xavier Escribano - 2005 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:281.
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    “When” Does Picture Naming Take Longer Than Word Reading?Andrea Valente, Svetlana Pinet, F. -Xavier Alario & Marina Laganaro - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    La filosofia come santità della ragione: scritti in onore di Xavier Tilliette.Xavier Tilliette, Antonio Russo & Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron (eds.) - 2004 - Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste.
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    Three Arguments Against Institutional Conscientious Objection, and Why They Are (Metaphysically) Unconvincing.Xavier Symons & Reginald Mary Chua - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (3):298-312.
    The past decade has seen a burgeoning of scholarly interest in conscientious objection in healthcare. While the literature to date has focused primarily on individual healthcare practitioners who object to participation in morally controversial procedures, in this article we consider a different albeit related issue, namely, whether publicly funded healthcare institutions should be required to provide morally controversial services such as abortions, emergency contraception, voluntary sterilizations, and voluntary euthanasia. Substantive debates about institutional responsibility have remained largely at the level of (...)
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    Moral decay, inequality, and the perception of corruption: the reproduction of bribery as a social norm.Josafat I. Hernández Cervantes - 2024 - Mind and Society 23 (1):123-143.
    In the paper, the role of a citizen, a public official, and an observer in the reproduction of bribery as a social norm are each analyzed. To make the analysis of this cellular-social form of corruption, three variables are incorporated: the agent’s perception of how widespread the corruption is, the agent’s available resources with which to act, and the role of moral values. Later, some scenarios of normalization and denormalization of corruption are explored, making different assumptions regarding the analysis and (...)
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    Philosophie, théologie, littérature: hommage à Xavier Tilliette, SJ, pour ses quatre-vingt-dix ans.Miklós Vetö, Xavier Tilliette & Simone Stancampiano (eds.) - 2011 - Louvain: Peeters.
    Le Pere Xavier Tilliette est l'un des plus grands historiens contemporains de la philosophie. Il est l'auteur d'une monumentale etude en deux volumes sur Schelling... qui il avait d'ailleurs consacre plusieurs autres ouvrages. Il a egalement ecrit d'excellents livres sur d'autres grandes figures de la philosophie occidentale notamment Fichte, Merleau-Ponty, Lequier. Il est aussi et surtout le representant le plus connu d'un genre unique de la philosophie de la religion, celui qui traite des grands themes de la theologie chretienne (...)
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    Festschrift für Xavier Tilliette anlässlich der Verleihung der Humboldt-Medaille durch das Institut für Philosophie der Humboldt-Universität.Xavier Tilliette & Elke Hahn (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Total-Verl..
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  15. Deontic Logic and Normative Systems.Fabrizio Cariani, Davide Grossi, Joke Meheus & Xavier Parent (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
  16.  5
    Crónica.Celeste Cancela, José Henrique Silveira De Brito, Alfredo Dinis, Eckhard Frick, Jão B. Libânio & Xavier Tilliette - 2002 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 58 (3):703 - 712.
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    Etica política derecho y situaciones de muerte.Alfredo Castillo Valery & Xavier Mugarra Torca (eds.) - 1991 - Caracas: Ediciones del Rectorado.
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    Estructura dinámica de la realidad.Xavier Zubiri - 1989 - Madrid: Fundación Xavier Zubiri.
    Para completar la exposición de su propio pensamiento Xavier Zubiri dictó en 1968 un ciclo de conferencias titulado Estructura dinámica de la realidad. El texto de esas conferencias es el que ahora, forma este libro. En él analiza el momento dinámico de la realidad, lo que denomina su «dar de sí». Si en Sobre la esencia la realidad era definida como «de suyo», ahora se completaba esa definición afirmando que es, además un «dar de sí». De suyo, la realidad (...)
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  19. Doctor Xavier EMMANUELLI.Doctor Xavier Emmanuelli, Leonid Roshal, Boris Cyrulnik, Hatem Kotrane, Alexey Ivanovitch Golovane, Norman Long & Pr Elena Rostislavovna Yarskaya-Smirnova - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    University leaders and student leading role. Case University of Medical Sciences.Arleen Abreu Cervantes & Maritza Yuliet Téllez Cabrera - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):504-520.
    RESUMEN La formación de profesionales competentes y comprometidos con el ideal de justicia social y solidaridad humana es un reto para las universidades médicas en Cuba. El protagonismo estudiantil en este contexto contribuye a formar jóvenes autodeterminados, críticos, reflexivos, que se hagan cargo de su desarrollo profesional y participen de forma creadora en la transformación de la sociedad. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, con el objetivo de valorar la visión que tienen los (...)
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  21. Credibility, Idealisation, and Model Building: An Inferential Approach.Xavier Donato Rodríguez & Jesús Zamora Bonilla - 2009 - Erkenntnis 70 (1):101-118.
    In this article we defend the inferential view of scientific models and idealisation. Models are seen as “inferential prostheses” (instruments for surrogative reasoning) construed by means of an idealisation-concretisation process, which we essentially understand as a kind of counterfactual deformation procedure (also analysed in inferential terms). The value of scientific representation is understood in terms not only of the success of the inferential outcomes arrived at with its help, but also of the heuristic power of representation and their capacity to (...)
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    Avons-nous encore une âme?Xavier Lacroix - 2017 - Paris: Salvator.
    Pourquoi parle-t-on si facilement de l'âme d'un violon, d'une poutre, d'un canon et avec plus d'embarras, de l'âme humaine? Le mot "âme" a des résonances qui pour beaucoup paraissent suspectes. Nombre de nos contemporains pensent ou préfèrent se passer de la notion d'âme qu'ils jugent désuète, mythique ou trop chargée de religieux. Et s'il y avait une relation étroite entre le refoulement du religieux et celui de l'âme? se demande Xavier Lacroix. De même que le religieux est porteur d'une (...)
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    The Fundamental Problems of Western Metaphysics.Xavier Zubiri - 2009 - Upa.
    This book introduces profound reflections of Xavier Zubiri on the history of philosophy to English-speaking audiences. The book discusses the transcendental in Western philosophy and how a firm grasp of it reveals underlying unity, but also fundamental problems that Zubiri believed require a complete rethinking of certain theories.
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    Una pedagogía revolucionaria para el despertar: Walter Benjamin en la radio.Haydeé Lorena Cervantes Reyes - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 56 (156):18-70.
    Entre 1927 y 1933 Walter Benjamin escribió guiones radiofónicos que fueron transmitidos en Radio Berlín y Radio Fráncfort, y que él mismo actuó y narró al aire, o bien, dirigió y participó en su producción. Aunque el propio Benjamin veía con cierto desdén esas colaboraciones, y de forma similar lo han hecho los estudiosos de su obra —en buena medida por dirigirse al público infantil—, estos trabajos resultan en particular relevantes porque concretan los postulados teóricos del filósofo berlinés en términos (...)
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    La psychologie cartésienne turlupinée et l’anthropologie secrète de Pierre Nicole.Xavier Kieft - 2023 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 306 (4):59-72.
    On sait que sur la question des pensées imperceptibles, Nicole, bientôt suivi par le bénédictin François Lamy, heurte l’opinion d’Arnauld. L’opposition d’Arnauld à Nicole touchant la question de la grâce est bien connue. C’est plutôt de l’originalité philosophique de Nicole qu’il s’agira dans ce travail. En tirant Nicole de « l’ombre d’Arnauld et de Pascal » et en lui faisant crédit d’une consistance spéculative propre, on retrouvera la finesse de sa psychologie, mais on découvrira également l’esquisse d’une subtile anthropologie.
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  26. La philosophie de Fichte..Xavier Leon - 1902 - [n.p.]:
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    How Fair Is Actuarial Fairness?Xavier Landes - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (3):519-533.
    Insurance is pervasive in many social settings. As a cooperative device based on risk pooling, it serves to attenuate the adverse consequences of various risks by offering policyholders coverage against the losses implied by adverse events in exchange for the payment of premiums. In the insurance industry, the concept of actuarial fairness serves to establish what could be adequate, fair premiums. Accordingly, premiums paid by policyholders should match as closely as possible their risk exposure. Such premiums are the product of (...)
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  28.  40
    Building Happiness Indicators Some Philosophical and Political Issues.Xavier Landes - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):4-37.
    Xavier Landes | : Happiness has become a central theme in public debates. Happiness indicators illustrate this importance. This article offers a typology of the main challenges conveyed by the elaboration of happiness indicators, where happiness can be understood as hedonia, subjective well-being, or eudaimonia. The typology is structured around four questions: what to measure?—i.e., the difficulties linked to the choice of a particular understanding of happiness for building an indicator; whom to include?—i.e., the limits of the community monitored (...)
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  29. Self-Transcendent Aspirations and Life Satisfaction: The Moderated Mediation Role of Gratitude Considering Conditional Effects of Affective and Cognitive Empathy.Xavier Oriol, Jesús Unanue, Rafael Miranda, Alberto Amutio & César Bazán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Science biologique et tradition chrétienne.Xavier Dijon - 2007 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 129 (3):402-418.
  31. Multiculturalisme et culture: La portée de la critique réductionniste.Xavier Landes - 2011 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 109 (4):641-670.
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    Future-oriented mental time travel in individuals with disordered gambling.Xavier Noël, Mélanie Saeremans, Charles Kornreich, Nematollah Jaafari & Arnaud D'Argembeau - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:227-236.
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    Conscientious Objection in Health Care: Why the Professional Duty Argument is Unconvincing.Xavier Symons - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (4):549-557.
    The past decade has seen a burgeoning of scholarly interest in conscientious objection in health care. Specifically, several commentators have discussed the implications that conscientious objection has for the delivery of timely, efficient, and nondiscriminatory medical care. In this paper, I discuss the main argument put forward by the most prominent critics of conscientious objection—what I call the Professional Duty Argument or PDA. According to proponents of PDA, doctors should place patients’ well-being and rights at the center of their professional (...)
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    Images of numbers, or “when 98 is upper left and 6 sky blue”.Xavier Seron, Mauro Pesenti, Marie-Pascale Noël, Gérard Deloche & Jacques-André Cornet - 1992 - Cognition 44 (1-2):159-196.
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    The Vacuity of Structurelessness: Situating Agency and Structure in Exploitative and Alienated Social Relations.Xavier Lafrance - 2021 - Historical Materialism 29 (3):84-106.
    Replying to Samuel Knafo and Benno Teschke, this article shows how Political Marxism offers powerful conceptual tools to understand modes of production that structure historical processes as fundamentally constituted by exploitative social and political relations. I explain how structure, or rules of reproduction, should be understood as alienated social relations, which are inherent to all class societies. Understanding structure this way leaves ample space for – and makes inevitable – the consideration of agency.
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    Theory and Practice in Plato’s Statesman.Xavier Márquez - 2007 - Ancient Philosophy 27 (1):31-53.
  37. Tres dimensiones del ser humano: individual, social, histórica.Xavier Zubiri - 2006 - Madrid: Fundación Xavier Zubiri.
    En enero de 1974 Zubiri dio un breve curso en la Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones de Madrid sobre el tema Tres dimensiones del ser humano: individual, social e histórica. Meses después publicó la última de esas lecciones bajo el título de La dimensión histórica del ser humano. El presente volumen recoge el texto de las tres conferencias, más la versión escrita de la última de ellas. La tesis que Zubiri desarrolla en estas lecciones es que el ser humano es (...)
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    Pellegrino, MacIntyre, and the internal morality of clinical medicine.Xavier Symons - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (3):243-251.
    There has been significant debate about whether the moral norms of medical practice arise from some feature or set of features internal to the discipline of medicine. In this article, I analyze Edmund Pellegrino’s conception of the internal morality of medicine, and situate it in the context of Alasdair MacIntyre’s influential account of “practice.” Building upon MacIntyre, Pellegrino argued that medicine is a social practice with its own unique goals—namely, the medical, human, and spiritual good of the patient—and that the (...)
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  39. El asesoramiento filosófico: ¿una terapia?Xavier Carbonell - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39):81-99.
    La Práctica Filosófica tiene lugar en el asesoramiento que realiza un filósofo con un cliente que le plantea un problema vital suyo. Este encuentro se realiza siempre mediante el diálogo. Sin embargo, este diálogo siempre está condicionado por unos presupuestos metafísicos del filósofo asesor porque, de hecho, estos condicionan toda acción del filósofo. En este dialogar conjunto, el cliente clarifica su relación con el entorno y le permite comprenderlo mejor. Esta comprensión genera en él un bienestar. El bienestar que gana (...)
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  40. Poesía y otredad: de la crítica a la modernidad como génesis de las teorías decoloniales.Xavier Rodríguez Ledesma - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
    La crítica de Octavio Paz sobre el significado de la modernidad para los países latinoamericanos, sustentada en una visión poética y en una perspectiva otorgada por ser un autor proveniente de la otredad que postulaba la necesidad de que la Razón recuperará su espíritu crítico abandonado a raíz del intento de imponerla como forma hegemónica de pensar el presente, pasado y futuro de toda la humanidad, sentó las bases para lo que hoy en día conocemos como teorías de la decolonialidad. (...)
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    Les chances d'une herméneutique trinitaire.Xavier Thévenot - 1997 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 53 (2):403-413.
  42. Der Kreuzesschrei.Xavier Tilliette - 2009 - In Edith Düsing, Werner Neuer & Hans-Dieter Klein, Geist und Heiliger Geist: philosophische und theologische Modelle von Paulus und Johannes bis Barth und Balthasar. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  43. La philosophie de Schelling et le problème de l'individuation.Xavier Tilliette - 1991 - In Annie Bitbol-Hespériès & Pierre-Noël Mayaud, Le Problème de l'individuation. Paris: J. Vrin.
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  44. Belangstelling in verveling.Xavier Vanmechelen - 2007 - Krisis 8 (4):85-90.
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    Intersections entre histoire du genre et histoire ouvrière.Xavier Vigna & Michelle Zancarini-Fournel - 2013 - Clio 38:181-208.
    Cette actualité de la recherche se placera sous les auspices des deux historiennes, Michelle Perrot et Joan Scott, qui incarnent admirablement, et très précocement, l’intersection entre histoire ouvrière et histoire du genre. Toutes deux avaient commencé par une étude des mobilisations ouvrières que ce soit par l’étude des grèves (Michelle Perrot) ou par celle d’un métier masculin, les verriers de Carmaux (Joan Scott). En 1996, dans le numéro 3 de Clio, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés sur « Méti...
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    Anselm's Metaphysics in the Lineage of Parmendies: Nihil est per nihil.Maria Leonor Xavier - 2016 - Philosophy Study 6 (8).
    Among those who pay homage to Parmenides as a source of unquenchable inspiration for Western thought, we now revisit the Poem Of Nature as the birthplace of the principle of causality through the elimination of non-being at the origin of being. Indeed in Parmenides’ Poem, a negative conviction can be found—the refusal that the non-being is at the origin of the being—which leads most philosophers to the affirmative conviction that something is at the origin of the being. The two convictions (...)
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    Consensus and Liberal Legitimacy: From First to Second Best?Xavier Landes - 2017 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 12 (1):84-106.
    Xavier Landes | : In this article, consensus, defined as the consent of all citizens, is argued to be the first best for part of the liberal tradition on political legitimacy. Consensus would be the foundation of the liberal society that, when out of reach, needs to be approximated through, for instance, voting. I build on the timid attempts in political theory at using the theorem of the second best as a tool to settle difficult decision making in applied (...)
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    Why Conscience Matters: A Theory of Conscience and Its Relevance to Conscientious Objection in Medicine.Xavier Symons - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (1):1-21.
    Conscience is an idea that has significant currency in liberal democratic societies. Yet contemporary moral philosophical scholarship on conscience is surprisingly sparse. This paper seeks to offer a rigorous philosophical account of the role of conscience in moral life with a view to informing debates about the ethics of conscientious objection in medicine. I argue that conscience is concerned with a commitment to moral integrity and that restrictions on freedom of conscience prevent agents from living a moral life. In section (...)
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    Strengthening the ethical distinction between euthanasia, palliative opioid use and palliative sedation.Xavier Symons - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):57-58.
    Thomas Riisfeldt’s essay1 is a valuable contribution to the literature on palliative sedation, appropriately titrated administration of opioids (ATAOs) and euthanasia. In this response, I will not deal with the author’s empirical claim about the relationship between opioid use, palliative sedation and survival time. Rather, I will briefly critique the author’s discussion of doctrine of double effect (DDE) and its application to palliative sedation and opioid use at the end of life. That is, I will focus on the ethical claims (...)
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  50. 9 Bakhtin.Xavier Guillaume - 2010 - In Cerwyn Moore & Chris Farrands, International Relations Theory and Philosophy: Interpretive Dialogues. Routledge. pp. 80--95.
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