Results for 'Cecile Landau'

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  1.  13
    The little book of philosophy.Cecile Landau, Andrew Szudek, Sarah Tomley, James Graham, Will Buckingham, Douglas Burnham & Clive Hill (eds.) - 2018 - New York, New York: DK Publishing.
    How did the universe begin? What is truth? How can we live good live? The Little Book of Philosophy answers these questions and more. Packed with simple explanations, witty illustrations, and step-by-step diagrams that untangle complex theories, you'll find plenty of food for thought in this book, whether you're a novice, a student, or an armchair philosopher"--Page 4 of cover.
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    Conversation avec Cécile Laborde.Cécile Laborde, François Boucher & Ophélie Desmons - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 15 (15).
    1. La philosophie politique contemporaine : en français et en anglais François Boucher (FB) : Votre travail semble habité par une volonté d'établir des ponts entre la pensée politique française et anglo-américaine. Cette volonté est déjà visible dans votre ouvrage de 2000, Pluralist Thought and the State in Britain and France (1900-1925), qui compare les penseurs pluralistes du début XXe en France et en Angleterre. Elle est également au cœur de Critical Republicanism, The Hijab Controversy an...
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    Presenting women philosophers.Cecile Thérèse Tougas & Sara Ebenreck (eds.) - 2000 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Western philosophy has long excluded the work of women thinkers from their canon. Presenting Women Philosophers addresses this exclusion by examining the breadth of women's contributions to Western thought over some 900 years. Editors Cecile T. Tougas and Sara Ebenreck have gathered essays and other writings that reflect women's deep engagement with the meaning of individual experience as well as the continuity of their philosophical concerns and practices. Arranged thematically, the collection ranges across eras and literary genres as it (...)
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    Finding Meaning in an Imperfect World.Iddo Landau - 2017 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Is life meaningless? Does life have enough meaning to make it feel worthwhile? If we think our lives lack meaning, what can we do about it? Finding Meaning in an Imperfect World answers these and other difficult questions, while confronting head-on famous, recurrent theories that insist on life's meaninglessness. Landau shows us how to single out what is meaningful, explains why we sometimes fail to recognize meaning, and suggests ways in which we can resensitize ourselves to it.
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    Spying Through a Glass Darkly: The Ethics of Espionage and Counter-Intelligence.Cécile Fabre - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    Cécile Fabre draws back the curtain on the ethics of espionage and counterintelligence. In a book rich with historical examples she argues that spying is only justified to protect against ongoing violations of fundamental rights. Blackmail, bribery, mass surveillance, cyberespionage, treason, and other nefarious activities are considered.
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    In Defense of Mercenarism.Cecile Fabre - 2010 - British Journal of Political Science 40 (2010):539-559.
    The recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been characterized by the deployment of large private military forces, under contract with the US administration. The use of so-called private military corporations and, more generally, of mercenaries, has long attracted criticisms. This article argues that under certain conditions, there is nothing inherently objectionable about mercenarism. It begins by exposing a weakness in the most obvious justification for mercenarism, to wit, the justification from freedom of occupational choice. It then deploys a less (...)
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  7. Moral realism: a defence.Russ Shafer-Landau - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Moral Realism is a systematic defence of the idea that there are objective moral standards. Russ Shafer-Landau argues that there are moral principles that are true independently of what anyone, anywhere, happens to think of them. His central thesis, as well as the many novel supporting arguments used to defend it, will spark much controversy among those concerned with the foundations of ethics.
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  8. Ethics as philosophy : A defense of ethical nonnaturalism.Russ Shafer-Landau - 2006 - In Terry Horgan & Mark Timmons (eds.), Metaethics After Moore. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  9. Distributive Justice and Freedom: Cohen on Money and Labour*: Cécile Fabre.Cécile Fabre - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (4):393-412.
    In his recent Rescuing Justice and Equality, G. A. Cohen mounts a sustained critique of coerced labour, against the background of a radical egalitarian conception of distributive justice. In this article, I argue that Cohenian egalitarians are committed to holding the talented under a moral duty to choose socially useful work for the sake of the less fortunate. As I also show, Cohen's arguments against coerced labour fail, particularly in the light of his commitment to coercive taxation. In the course (...)
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    Liberalism’s Religion.Cécile Laborde (ed.) - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    Liberal societies conventionally treat religion as unique under the law, requiring both special protection and special containment. But recently this idea that religion requires a legal exception has come under fire from those who argue that religion is no different from any other conception of the good, and the state should treat all such conceptions according to principles of neutrality and equal liberty. Cécile Laborde agrees with much of this liberal egalitarian critique, but she argues that a simple analogy between (...)
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    On the use of metaphor in political analysis.Martin Landau - 1961 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 28 (3):331-353.
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  12.  29
    Economic Statecraft - Human Rights, Sanctions and Conditionality.Cecile Fabre - 2018 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    At least since Athenian trade sanctions helped to spark the Peloponnesian War, economic coercion has been a prominent tool of foreign policy. In the modern era, sovereign states and multilateral institutions have imposed economic sanctions on dictatorial regimes or would-be nuclear powers as an alternative to waging war. They have conditioned offers of aid, loans, and debt relief on recipients’ willingness to implement market and governance reforms. Such methods interfere in freedom of trade and the internal affairs of sovereign states, (...)
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  13. Foundations of Analysis.Edmund Landau & F. Steinhardt - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (8):342-343.
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  14. Moral and theological realism: The explanatory argument.Russ Shafer-Landau - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (3):311-329.
    There are striking parallels, largely unexplored in the literature, between skeptical arguments against theism and against moral realism. After sketching four arguments meant to do this double duty, I restrict my attention to an explanatory argument that claims that we have most reason to deny the existence of moral facts (and so, by extrapolation, theistic ones), because such putative facts have no causal-explanatory power. I reject the proposed parity, and offer reasons to think that the potential vulnerabilities of moral realism (...)
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  15. The Arabs and the Middle East before Islam.Ella Landau-Tasseron - 2017 - In Meʼir Mikhaʼel Bar-Asher & Meir Hatina (eds.), ha-Islam: hisṭoryah, dat, tarbut = Islam: history, religion, culture. Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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  16. Ṭipah afelah bi-ḳelipah: masot ʻal ha-lashon ṿe-taʻatuʻeha ba-madaʻ, ba-omanut, ba-sifrut uva-poliṭiḳah.Idan Landau - 2015 - [Tel Aviv]: Indibuḳ.
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    The sterile couch.W. M. Landau - 1990 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 34 (2):312-313.
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    Literatura e gênero: vetores para a formação do leitor.Cecil Jeanine Albert Zinani - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):145-154.
    O mágico de Oz, obra de L. Frank Baum, muito embora tenha sido escrita no fim do século XIX, permanece atuando sobre o imaginário infantil cem anos depois. Centrado na personagem feminina, o texto não só desconstrói os estereótipos do conto de fadas tradicional, ao relativizar o papel da bruxa, que pode ser boa ou má, como também garante o estatuto de herói para uma personagem infantil do gênero feminino. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho pretende discutir qual é a representação de (...)
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  19. Vagueness, Borderline Cases and Moral Realism.Russ Shafer-Landau - 1995 - American Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1):83 - 96.
  20.  33
    Update on “What” and “Where” in Spatial Language: A New Division of Labor for Spatial Terms.Barbara Landau - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S2):321-350.
    In this article, I revisit Landau and Jackendoff's () paper, “What and where in spatial language and spatial cognition,” proposing a friendly amendment and reformulation. The original paper emphasized the distinct geometries that are engaged when objects are represented as members of object kinds, versus when they are represented as figure and ground in spatial expressions. We provided empirical and theoretical arguments for the link between these distinct representations in spatial language and their accompanying nonlinguistic neural representations, emphasizing the (...)
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    Bognár Cecil.Cecil Bognár & Erzsébet Hász - 2002 - Budapest: Országos Pedagógai Könyvtár és Múzeum. Edited by Erzsébet Hász.
  22.  27
    Editor's Introduction: 2017 Rumelhart Prize Issue Honoring Lila R. Gleitman.Barbara Landau - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):7-21.
    Landau introduces the volume with a selective review of Lila R. Gleitman’s intellectual history, emphasizing the theoretical roots of her research. These include influences of Zellig Harris and Noam Chomsky, her creation of “The Great Verb Game” (which paved the way for the theory of syntactic bootstrapping), the importance of natural “deprivation” experiments, and how they shed light on understanding what the data for learning really might be, and her life as an empiricist, driven by data to nativist conclusions. (...)
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  23. A defence of categorical reasons.Russ Shafer-Landau - 2009 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109 (1pt2):189-206.
    In this paper I offer two arguments designed to defend the existence of categorical reasons, which I define as those justifying considerations that obtain independently of their relation to an agent's commitments. The first argument is based on certain paradigm cases meant to reveal difficulties for practical instrumentalism—the view, as I define it here, that categorical reasons do not exist, because all reasons must serve the commitments of the agents to whom they apply. The second argument relies on considerations of (...)
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  24. Evolutionary Debunking, Moral Realism and Moral Knowledge.Russ Shafer-Landau - 2012 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 7 (1):1-38.
    This paper reconstructs what I take to be the central evolutionary debunking argument that underlies recent critiques of moral realism. The argument claims that given the extent of evolutionary influence on our moral faculties, and assuming the truth of moral realism, it would be a massive coincidence were our moral faculties reliable ones. Given this coincidence, any presumptive warrant enjoyed by our moral beliefs is defeated. So if moral realism is true, then we can have no warranted moral beliefs, and (...)
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  25. Immorality and the Meaning of Life.Iddo Landau - 2011 - Journal of Value Inquiry 45 (3):309-317.
  26.  65
    Whence and whither in spatial language and spatial cognition?Barbara Landau & Ray Jackendoff - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):255-265.
  27. Oxford Studies in Metaethics: Volume 4.Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    This is a periodical publication devoted to original philosophical work on the foundations of ethics and includes study being carried out at the intersections ...
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  28. Political Liberalism and Religion: On Separation and Establishment.Cécile Laborde - 2011 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (1):67-86.
  29.  26
    Learning Simple Spatial Terms: Core and More.Barbara Landau - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):91-114.
    Landau also pushes the role of syntax and its mapping to semantics in learning what some would consider “easy words”—the simplest spatial prepositions in English, in and on. Taking as a starting point that the syntactic distribution of a word is a reflex of its meaning, Landau shows that careful study of how children and adults linguistically encode a range of containment and support configurations reveals a special status for “core” configurations in each domain. She proposes that children (...)
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    Spatial representation of objects in the young blind child.Barbara Landau - 1991 - Cognition 38 (2):145-178.
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  31.  21
    (1 other version)Spinoza's Metaphysics of Time.Raphael Krut-Landau - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 144–157.
    This chapter considers eternity, duration, time, and their interrelations, and aims to resolve a paradox in Spinoza's theory of the mind's eternity. Spinoza's metaphysics of time includes an endless series of virtuous regresses. Spinoza characterizes duratio as a “magnitude. Spinoza says that duratio is “conceived as being greater or lesser, and as composed of parts”. Spinoza addresses time and its relation to duratio in the Metaphysical Thoughts. Spinoza accepts Suarez's view that “duratio and existence are only rationally distinct”. Spinoza holds, (...)
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  32. III—Doxastic Wrongs, Non-Spurious Generalizations and Particularized Beliefs.Cécile Fabre - 2022 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 122 (1):47-69.
    According to the doxastic wrongs thesis, holding certain beliefs about others can be morally wrongful. Beliefs which take the form of stereotypes based on race and gender and which turn out to be false and are negatively valenced are prime candidates for the charge of doxastic wronging: it is no coincidence that most of the cases discussed in the literature involve false beliefs. My aim in this paper is to show that the thesis of doxastic wrongs does not turn on (...)
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    The Philosophy of Ibn 'Arabi.Rom Landau - 1959 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Ibn al-ʻArabī.
    Originally published 1959. Ibn ‘Arabi is one of the most significant thinkers of Islam. Yet he is far less widely known in the Western world than Ibn Sina, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd or even Al Farabi. This volume provides original interpretations and illustrations to some of Ibn ‘Arabi’s ideas, as well as including a number of his texts in English.
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  34. Cosmopolitan war.Cécile Fabre - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  35. The Oxford Handbook of Meaning in Life.Iddo Landau (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents thirty-two essays on a wide array of topics in modern philosophical meaning in life research. The essays are organized into six parts. Part I, Understanding Meaning in Life, focuses on various ways of conceptualizing meaning in life. Among other issues, it discusses whether meaning in life should be understood objectively or subjectively, the relation between importance and meaningfulness, and whether meaningful lives should be understood narratively. Part II, Meaning in Life, Science, and Metaphysics, presents opposing views on (...)
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  36. Mandatory rescue killings.Cécile Fabre - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 15 (4):363–384.
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  37. Rights and Non-existence.Cécile Fabre - 2008 - In Matthew H. Kramer (ed.), The legacy of H.L.A. Hart: legal, political, and moral philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  38. Two Stories.Cecil Helman - 2003 - Medical Humanities 29 (1):50-51.
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    Good Women and Bad Men: A Bias in Feminist Research.Iddo Landau - 1997 - Journal of Social Philosophy 28 (1):141-150.
    The variety of feminist thought has produced many fruitful discussions and debates. Liberal, radical, postmodern, psychoanalytic, and other feminists have criticized each others' work and underlying presuppositions. The aim of this paper is to point out a prejudice which has not yet received sufficient attention, although it lies at the base of a fair amount of feminist research: the bias that whereas men are bad and aggressive, women are good and peaceful. Although as an explicit view this contention has been (...)
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    Sefer Ahavat Tsiyon: le-vaʻal ha-Nodaʻ bi-Yehudah: divre musar u-derashot asher darash be-makʹ̣helet ʻam bi-ḳehilat ḳodesh Prag.Ezekiel ben Judah Landau - 2004 - Betar ʻIlit: Mekhon Mayim mi-dalyaṿ.
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  41. Sefer Derushe ha-Tselaḥ: le-Vaʻal ha-Nodaʻ bi-Yehudah: divre musar u-derashot.Ezekiel ben Judah Landau - 2002 - Betar ʻIlit: Mekhon "Mayim mi-dalyaṿ".
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    Oxford Studies in Metaethics: The First ten Years, 2006-2015.Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Oxford Studies in Metaethics is the only publication devoted exclusively to original philosophical work in the foundations of ethics. It provides an annual selection of much of the best new scholarship being done in the field. Its broad purview includes work being done at the intersections of ethical theory with metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind. The essays included in the series provide an excellent basis for understanding recent developments in the field; those who would like to (...)
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    Oxford Studies in Metaethics Volume 16.Russ Shafer-Landau (ed.) - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    Oxford Studies in Metaethics is the only publication devoted exclusively to original philosophical work in the foundations of ethics. It provides an annual selection of much of the best new scholarship being done in the field. Its broad purview includes work being done at the intersections of ethical theory with metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind. The essays included in the series provide an excellent basis for understanding recent developments in the field; those who would like to (...)
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  44.  54
    Territorial sovereignty and humankind's common heritage.Cécile Fabre - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 52 (1):17-23.
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  45. Whose Body is It Anyway? Justice and the Integrity of the Person.Cécile Fabre - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Do we have the right to deny others access to our body? What if this would harm those who need personal services or body parts from us? Ccile Fabre examines the impact that arguments for distributive justice have on the rights we have over ourselves, and on such contentious issues as organ sales, prostitution, and surrogate motherhood.
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    War, Duties to Protect, and Military Abolitionism.Cécile Fabre - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (3):395-406.
    Just war theorists who argue that war is morally justified under certain circumstances infer implicitly that establishing the military institutions needed to wage war is also morally justified. In this paper, I mount a case in favor of a standing military establishment: to the extent that going to war is a way to discharge duties to protect fellow citizens and distant strangers from grievous harms, we have a duty to set up the institutions that enable us to discharge that duty. (...)
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  47.  99
    The Morality of Treason.Cécile Fabre - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 39 (4):427-461.
    Treason is one of the most serious legal offences that there are, in most if not all jurisdictions. Laws against treason are rooted in deep-seated moral revulsion about acts which, in the political realm, are paradigmatic examples of breaches of loyalty. Yet, it is not altogether clear what treason consists in: someone’s traitor is often another’s loyalist. In this paper, my aim is twofold: to offer a plausible conceptual account of treason, and to partly rehabilitate traitors. I focus on informational (...)
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  48. Ethical disagreement, ethical objectivism and moral indeterminacy.Russ Shafer-Landau - 1994 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54 (2):331-344.
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  49. Foundations of Ethics: An Anthology.Russ Shafer-Landau & Terence Cuneo (eds.) - 2006 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A substantial collection of seminal articles, Foundations of Ethics covers all of the major issues in metaethics. Covers all of the major issues in metaethics including moral metaphysics, epistemology, moral psychology, and philosophy of language. Provides an unparalleled offering of primary sources and expert commentary for students of ethical theory. Includes seminal essays by ethicists such as G.E. Moore, Simon Blackburn, Gilbert Harman, Christine Korsgaard, Michael Smith, Bernard Williams, Jonathan Dancy, and many other leading figures of ethical theory.
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    “What” and “where” in spatial language and spatial cognition.Barbara Landau & Ray Jackendoff - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):217-238.
    Fundamental to spatial knowledge in all species are the representations underlying object recognition, object search, and navigation through space. But what sets humans apart from other species is our ability to express spatial experience through language. This target article explores the language ofobjectsandplaces, asking what geometric properties are preserved in the representations underlying object nouns and spatial prepositions in English. Evidence from these two aspects of language suggests there are significant differences in the geometric richness with which objects and places (...)
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