Results for 'Catherine Parry'

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  1.  41
    Human Rights and Inclusion Policies for Transgender Women in Elite Sport: The Case of Australia ‘Rules’ Football (AFL).Catherine Ordway, Matt Nichol, Damien Parry & Joanna Wall Tweedie - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-23.
    The discourse inside and outside of sport in Australia and abroad on the participation of transgender women in female sport focuses on the principles of fairness, equity and the safety of competitors. These concerns commonly materialise (with little evidence) labelling transgender women as ‘cheats’, dominating female sport, strategically being coached in collision sports to intentionally hurt opponents or fraudulently transitioning with the sole aim of competing in elite women’s sport. Our research examines the process by which the Australian Football League (...)
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    Validation of simple dichotomous self-report on prenatal alcohol and other drug use in women attending midwife obstetric units in the Cape Metropole, South Africa.Petal Petersen Williams, Catherine Mathews, Esmé Jordaan, Yukiko Washio, Mishka Terplan & Charles D. H. Parry - 2020 - Clinical Ethics 15 (4):181-186.
    Background This paper examines the degree of agreement among simple dichotomous self-report, validated screening results, and biochemical screening results of prenatal alcohol and other drug use among pregnant women. Method Secondary analysis was conducted on a cohort of pregnant women 16 years or older, presenting for prenatal care in the greater Cape Town, South Africa. Dichotomous verbal screening is a standard of care, and pregnant patients reporting alcohol and other drug use in dichotomous verbal screenings were asked to engage in (...)
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  3. Enhancing Research Ethics Decision-Making: An REB Decision Bank.Sally Bean, Blair Henry Jr, J. Kinsey, Keitha McMurray & Catherine Parry - 2010 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 32 (6):9-12.
    In both law and ethics, precedent shapes the deliberation of novel issues. Despite the interconnection between new and old decisions, few research ethics boards have an explicit mechanism for archiving issue-based research ethics decisions to inform future decisions. With the intent of promoting expediency, consistency, and accountability in REB decision-making, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre implemented a “decision bank”: a formal mechanism for systematically capturing institutional REB decisions. We describe the development of the decision bank, its implementation, and the lessons we (...)
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    Fandom as Methodology: A Sourcebook for Artists and Writers.Catherine Grant & Kate Random Love (eds.) - 2019 - London: MIT Press.
    An illustrated exploration of fandom that combines academic essays with artist pages and experimental texts. Fandom as Methodology examines fandom as a set of practices for approaching and writing about art. The collection includes experimental texts, autobiography, fiction, and new academic perspectives on fandom in and as art. Key to the idea of “fandom as methodology” is a focus on the potential for fandom in art to create oppositional spaces, communities, and practices, particularly from queer perspectives, but also through transnational, (...)
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  5. Talent, Skill, and Celebrity.Catherine M. Robb & Alfred Archer - 2022 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (1):33-63.
    A commonly raised criticism against celebrity culture is that it celebrates people who become famous without any connection to their skills, talents or achievements. A culture in which people become famous simply for being famous is criticized for being shallow and inauthentic. In this paper we offer a defence of celebrity by arguing against this criticism. We begin by outlining what we call the Talent Argument: celebrity is a negative cultural phenomenon because it creates and sustains fame without any connection (...)
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  6. Du sujet, lacanien, chez l'enfant.Catherine Bonningue - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    La question du sujet est ici abordée à partir de l´enseignement de Lacan à partir d´exemple clinique d´enfants suivis dans un cadre institutionnel relevant de l´Aide sociale à l´enfance. On tente d´y démontrer la vacuité du concept de sujet philosophique ou psychologique quant il s´agit de se repérer sur une éthique de la jouissance, d´un sujet de l´inconscient qui se soutient du phallus, d´une séparation du fantasme maternel, d´un abandon dans le réel, de l´effet-sujet attendu de la mise en place (...)
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  7. Le développement urbain en Syrie du Nord, étude des cas de Séleucie et Apamée de l'Euphrate.Abadie-Reynal Catherine & Gaborit Justine - forthcoming - Topoi.
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  8. Oxford Handbook of Early modern Philosophy.Desmonde Clarke Catherine Wilson (ed.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
  9.  24
    Reply to Van Cleve.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2013 - In Matthias Steup & John Turri (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 267.
  10. Futures of Reproduction: Bioethics and Biopolitics.Catherine Mills - 2011 - Springer.
    Issues in reproductive ethics, such as the capacity of parents to ‘choose children’, present challenges to philosophical ideas of freedom, responsibility and harm. This book responds to these challenges by proposing a new framework for thinking about the ethics of reproduction that emphasizes the ways that social norms affect decisions about who is born. The book provides clear and thorough discussions of some of the dominant problems in reproductive ethics - human enhancement and the notion of the normal, reproductive liberty (...)
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  11. Eine Neubestimmung der Ästhetik. Goodmans epistemische Wende.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2005 - In Nelson Goodman, Jakob Steinbrenner, Oliver R. Scholz & Gerhard Ernst (eds.), Symbole, Systeme, Welten: Studien zur Philosophie Nelson Goodmans. Heidelberg: Synchron.
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    Representation, Comprehension, and Competence.Catherine Elgin - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51.
  13. Mechanisms in psychology: ripping nature at its seams.Catherine Stinson - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5).
    Recent extensions of mechanistic explanation into psychology suggest that cognitive models are only explanatory insofar as they map neatly onto, and serve as scaffolding for more detailed neural models. Filling in those neural details is what these accounts take the integration of cognitive psychology and neuroscience to mean, and they take this process to be seamless. Critics of this view have given up on cognitive models possibly explaining mechanistically in the course of arguing for cognitive models having explanatory value independent (...)
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  14. On the Definition of Sport.Jim Parry - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (1):49-57.
    This paper side-steps the question of whether ‘the’ concept of sport exists, or can be usefully analysed. Instead, I try to explain the much more modest aim of exhibition-analysis, which is to seek a description of an actually existing example of some concept of sport internal to a normative position. My example is that of Olympic-sport. I try to set out its logically necessary conditions, which of course are conditioned by its context within a theory that emphasises the values of (...)
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  15. What is Intelligence For? A Peircean Pragmatist Response to the Knowing-How, Knowing-That Debate.Catherine Legg & Joshua Black - 2020 - Erkenntnis (5):1-20.
    Mainstream philosophy has seen a recent flowering in discussions of intellectualism which revisits Gilbert Ryle’s famous distinction between ‘knowing how’ and ‘knowing that’, and challenges his argument that the former cannot be reduced to the latter. These debates so far appear not to have engaged with pragmatist philosophy in any substantial way, which is curious as the relation between theory and practice is one of pragmatism’s main themes. Accordingly, this paper examines the contemporary debate in the light of Charles Peirce’s (...)
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  16. Homologizing as kinding.Catherine Kendig - 2015 - In Natural Kinds and Classification in Scientific Practice. Routledge.
    Homology is a natural kind concept, but one that has been notoriously elusive to pin down. There has been sustained debate over the nature of correspondence and the units of comparison. But this continued debate over its meaning has focused on defining homology rather than on its use in practice. The aim of this chapter is to concentrate on the practices of homologizing. I define “homologizing” to be a concept-in-use. Practices of homologizing are kinds of rule following, the satisfaction of (...)
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    Nuclear Families: Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques and the Regulation of Parenthood.Catherine Mills - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (3):507-527.
    Since mitochondrial replacement techniques were developed and clinically introduced in the United Kingdom, there has been much discussion of whether these lead to children borne of three parents. In the UK, the regulation of MRT has dealt with this by stipulating that egg donors for the purposes of MRT are not genetic parents even though they contribute mitochondrial DNA to offspring. In this paper, I examine the way that the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act in the UK manages the question (...)
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  18. A way of reading.Catherine Belsey - 2006 - In Paul Wake & Simon Malpas (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Critical Theory. Routledge. pp. 43.
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  19. Activities of kinding in scientific practice.Catherine Kendig - 2015 - In Natural Kinds and Classification in Scientific Practice. Routledge.
    Discussions over whether these natural kinds exist, what is the nature of their existence, and whether natural kinds are themselves natural kinds aim to not only characterize the kinds of things that exist in the world, but also what can knowledge of these categories provide. Although philosophically critical, much of the past discussions of natural kinds have often answered these questions in a way that is unresponsive to, or has actively avoided, discussions of the empirical use of natural kinds and (...)
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    The Routledge Guidebook to Augustine's Confessions.Catherine Conybeare - 2016 - Routledge.
    Augustine’s _Confessions_ is one of the most significant works of Western culture. Cast as a long, impassioned conversation with God, it is intertwined with passages of life-narrative and with key theological and philosophical insights. It is enduringly popular, and justly so. The Routledge Guidebook to Augustine’s Confessions is an engaging introduction to this spiritually creative and intellectually original work. This guidebook is organized by themes: the importance of language creation and the sensible world memory, time and the self the afterlife (...)
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  21.  38
    Mapping Espoused Organizational Values.Humphrey Bourne, Mark Jenkins & Emma Parry - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):133-148.
    This paper develops an inventory and conceptual map of espoused organizational values. We suggest that espoused values are fundamentally different to other value forms as they are collective value statements that need to coexist as a basis for organizational activity and performance. The inventory is built from an analysis of 3112 value items espoused by 554 organizations in the UK and USA in both profit and not-for-profit sectors. We distil these value items into 85 espoused value labels, and these are (...)
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  22. Perceived integrity of transformational leaders in organisational settings.Ken W. Parry & Sarah B. Proctor-Thomson - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (2):75 - 96.
    The ethical nature of transformational leadership has been hotly debated. This debate is demonstrated in the range of descriptors that have been used to label transformational leaders including narcissistic, manipulative, and self-centred, but also ethical, just and effective. Therefore, the purpose of the present research was to address this issue directly by assessing the statistical relationship between perceived leader integrity and transformational leadership using the Perceived Leader Integrity Scale (PLIS) and the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). In a national sample of (...)
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  23. Just War Theory, Legitimate Authority, and Irregular Belligerency.Jonathan Parry - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (1):175-196.
    Since its earliest incarnations, just war theory has included the requirement that war must be initiated and waged by a legitimate authority. However, while recent years have witnessed a remarkable resurgence in interest in just war theory, the authority criterion is largely absent from contemporary discussions. In this paper I aim to show that this is an oversight worth rectifying, by arguing that the authority criterion plays a much more important role within just war theorising than is commonly supposed. As (...)
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    Conscience as consciousness: the idea of self-awareness in French philosophical writing from Descartes to Diderot.Catherine Glyn Davies - 1990 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    The Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series, previously known as SVEC (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955 as part of the Voltaire Foundation at the University of Oxford. International in focus, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment volumes cover wide-ranging aspects of the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment, from gender studies to political theory, and from economics to visual arts and music, and are published in English or French.
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  25. Lorraine Code, Sheila Mullett and Christine Overall, eds., Feminist Perspectives: Philosophical Essays on Method and Morals Reviewed by.Catherine Bray - 1989 - Philosophy in Review 9 (4):142-145.
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    Teachers Building Dwelling Thinking with Slideware.Catherine A. Adams - 2010 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 10 (1):1-12.
    Teacher-student discourse is increasingly mediated through, by and with information and communication technologies: in-class discussions have found new, textually-rich venues online; chalk and whiteboard lectures are rapidly giving way to PowerPoint presentations. Yet, what does this mean experientially for teachers? This paper reports on a phenomenological study investigating teachers’ lived experiences of PowerPoint in post-secondary classrooms. As teachers become more informed about the affordances of information and communication technology like PowerPoint and consequently take up and use these tools in their (...)
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    (1 other version)The Epistemology of Anger in Argumentation.Moira Howes & Catherine Hundleby - 2018 - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 5 (2):229-254.
    Moira Howes and Catherine Hundleby ABSTRACT: While anger can derail argumentation, it can also help arguers and audiences to reason together in argumentation. Anger can provide information about premises, biases, goals, discussants, and depth of disagreement that people might otherwise fail to recognize or prematurely dismiss. Anger can also enhance the salience of certain premises...
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    Body Matters in Emotion: Restricted Body Movement and Posture Affect Expression and Recognition of Status-Related Emotions.Catherine L. Reed, Eric J. Moody, Kathryn Mgrublian, Sarah Assaad, Alexis Schey & Daniel N. McIntosh - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Thick Concepts in Economics: The Case of Becker and Murphy’s Theory of Rational Addiction.Catherine Herfeld & Charles Djordjevic - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (4):371-399.
    In this paper, we examine the viability of avoiding value judgments encoded in thick concepts when these concepts are used in economic theories. We focus on what implications the use of such thick concepts might have for the tenability of the fact/value dichotomy in economics. Thick concepts have an evaluative and a descriptive component. Our suggestion is that despite attempts to rid thick concepts of their evaluative component, economists are often not successful. We focus on the strategy of explication to (...)
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    The Specter of Motherhood: Culture and the Production of Gendered Career Aspirations in Science and Engineering.Catherine J. Taylor & Sarah Thébaud - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (3):395-421.
    Why are young women less likely than young men to persist in academic science and engineering? Drawing on 57 in-depth interviews with PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the United States, we describe how, in academic science and engineering, motherhood is constructed in opposition to professional legitimacy, and as a subject of fear, repudiation, and public controversy. We call this the “specter of motherhood.” This specter disadvantages young women and amplifies anticipatory concerns about combining an academic career with motherhood. By (...)
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    Meaning and triangulation.Catherine J. L. Talmage - 1997 - Linguistics and Philosophy 20 (2):139-145.
  32.  13
    Dirk Vanderbeke and Brett Cooke, eds. Evolution and Popular Narrative.Catherine Salmon - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (1):141-144.
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  33. Authority and Harm.Jonathan Parry - 2017 - Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 3:252-278.
    This paper explores the connections between two central topics in moral and political philosophy: the moral legitimacy of authority and the ethics of causing harm. Each of these has been extensively discussed in isolation, but relatively little work has considered the implications of certain views about authority for theories of permissible harming, and vice versa. As I aim to show, reflection on the relationship between these two topics reveals that certain common views about, respectively, the justification of harm and the (...)
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    Dumb beasts and dead philosophers: humanity and the humane in ancient philosophy and literature.Catherine Osborne - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The book is about three things. First, how Ancient thinkers perceived humans as like or unlike other animals; second about the justification for taking a humane attitude towards natural things; and third about how moral claims count as true, and how they can be discovered or acquired. Was Aristotle was right to see continuity in the psychological functions of animal and human souls? The question cannot be settled without taking a moral stance. As we can either focus on continuity or (...)
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  35. Legitimate Authority and the Ethics of War: A Map of the Terrain.Jonathan Parry - 2017 - Ethics and International Affairs 2 (31):169-189.
    Despite a recent explosion of interest in the ethics of armed conflict, the traditional just war criterion that war be waged by a “legitimate authority” has received less attention than other components of the theory. Moreover, of those theorists who have addressed the criterion, many are deeply skeptical about its moral significance. This article aims to add some clarity and precision to the authority criterion and to debates surrounding it, and to suggest that this skepticism may be too quick. First, (...)
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    When Gender is not Enough:: Women Interviewing Women.Catherine Kohler Riessman - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (2):172-207.
    This article examines two contrasting interviews—with an Anglo and a Puerto Rican woman—and concludes that gender congruence does not help an Anglo interviewer make sense of the working-class, Hispanic woman's account of her marital separation. Both in form and content, her discourse contrasts sharply with an Anglo woman's account. The two women use different narrative genres or forms of telling to communicate their culturally distinctive experiences with marriage. In the case of the Puerto Rican woman, these differences result in major (...)
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  37. This is Simply What I Do.Catherine Legg - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 66 (1):58–80.
    Wittgenstein's discussion of rule-following is widely regarded to have identified what Kripke called "the most radical and original sceptical problem that philosophy has seen to date". But does it? This paper examines the problem in the light of Charles Peirce's distinctive "scientific hierarchy". Peirce identifies a phenomenological inquiry which is prior to both logic and metaphysics, whose role is to identify the most fundamental philosophical categories. His third category, particularly salient in this context, pertains to general predication. Rule-following scepticism, the (...)
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  38. A Properly Pragmatist Pragmatics: Peircean Reflections on the Distinction Between Semantics and Pragmatics.Catherine Legg - 2020 - Pragmatics and Cognition 27 (2):387-407.
    Although most contemporary philosophers of language hold that semantics and pragmatics require separate study, there is surprisingly little agreement on where exactly the line should be drawn between these two areas, and why. In this paper I suggest that this lack of clarity is at least partly caused by a certain historical obfuscation of the roots of the founding three-way distinction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics in Charles Peirce’s pragmatist philosophy of language. I then argue for recovering and revisiting these (...)
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    Individuals in Relation to Others: Independence and Interdependence in a Kindergarten Classroom.Catherine Raeff - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 34 (4):521-557.
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    The Collected Dialogues of Plato, Including the Letters.Catherine D. Rau, Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (2):234.
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    Plato's Craft of Justice.Richard D. Parry - 1996 - SUNY Press.
    This book traces the development of Plato's analogy between craft and virtue from Euthydemus and Gorgias through the central books of the Republic. It shows that Plato's middle dialogues develop and extend, rather than reject, philosophical positions taken in the early dialogues.
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    Grief, Phantoms, and Re-membering Loss.Catherine Fullarton - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (3):284-296.
    Analogies of grief to amputation and phantom limb are common in memoirs and literary accounts of loss.1 Consider, for example, C. S. Lewis's response to the suggestion that he will "get over" the loss of his wife, in A Grief Observed: Getting over it so soon? But the words are ambiguous. To say the patient is getting over it after an operation for appendicitis is one thing; after he's had his leg off it is quite another. … There will be (...)
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    Translated by Andrew Slade.Catherine Chalier - 2003 - In Claire Elise Katz & Lara Trout (eds.), Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Routledge. pp. 3--44.
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    Fallacy Forward: Situating fallacy theory.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2009 - Ossa Conference Archive.
    I will situate the fallacies approach to reasoning with the aim of making it more relevant to contemporary life and thus intellectually significant and valuable as a method for teaching reasoning. This entails a revision that will relegate some of the traditional fallacies to the realm of history and introduce more recently recognized problems in reasoning. Some newly recognized problems that demand attention are revealed by contemporary science studies, which reveal at least two tenacious problems in reasoning that I will (...)
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    Skilled performance in Contact Improvisation: the importance of interkinaesthetic sense of agency.Catherine Deans & Sarah Pini - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-17.
    In exploring skilled performance in Contact Improvisation, we utilize an enactive ethnographic methodology combined with an interdisciplinary approach to examine the question of how skill develops in CI. We suggest this involves the development of subtleties of awareness of intra- and interkinaesthetic attunement, and a capacity for interkinaesthetic negative capability—an embodied interpersonal ‘not knowing yet’—including an ease with being off balance and waiting for the next shift or movement to arise, literally a ‘playing with’ balance, falling, nearly falling, momentum and (...)
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    Revisiting the criticisms of rational choice theories.Catherine Https://Orcidorg Herfeld - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 17 (1):e12774.
    Theories of rational choice are arguably the most prominent approaches to human behaviour in the social and behavioral sciences. At the same time, they have faced persistent criticism. In this paper, I revisit some of the core criticisms that have for a long time been levelled against them and discuss to what extent those criticisms are still effective, not only in light of recent advancements in the literature but also of the fact that there are different variants of rational choice (...)
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  47. Civil War and Revolution.Jonathan Parry - 2015 - In Seth Lazar & Helen Frowe (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War. Oxford University Press.
    The vast majority of work on the ethics of war focuses on traditional wars between states. In this chapter, I aim to show that this is an oversight worth rectifying. My strategy will be largely comparative, assessing whether certain claims often defended in discussions of interstate wars stand up in the context of civil conflicts, and whether there are principled moral differences between the two types of case. Firstly, I argue that thinking about intrastate wars can help us make progress (...)
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  48. Soft-Bodied Fossils Are Not Simply Rotten Carcasses - Toward a Holistic Understanding of Exceptional Fossil Preservation.Luke A. Parry, Fiann Smithwick, Klara K. Nordén, Evan T. Saitta, Jesus Lozano-Fernandez, Alastair R. Tanner, Jean-Bernard Caron, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Derek E. G. Briggs & Jakob Vinther - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (1):1700167.
    Exceptionally preserved fossils are the product of complex interplays of biological and geological processes including burial, autolysis and microbial decay, authigenic mineralization, diagenesis, metamorphism, and finally weathering and exhumation. Determining which tissues are preserved and how biases affect their preservation pathways is important for interpreting fossils in phylogenetic, ecological, and evolutionary frameworks. Although laboratory decay experiments reveal important aspects of fossilization, applying the results directly to the interpretation of exceptionally preserved fossils may overlook the impact of other key processes that (...)
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    Philia and Social Ethics.Catherine Cowley - 2009 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 14 (1):17-37.
    Benedict XVI's first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, treated the different characteristics of human love and their expression. The first section discusses eros and the second shows how agape provides the essential framework for Catholic charitable organisations. I will be arguing that by omitting any reflection on the role of philia, he missed a significant opportunity to retrieve an important part of the Tradition and expand our usual understanding of the elements of social ethics. Part I briefly gives the background of (...)
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    Shame, Guilt and Reconciliation after War.Catherine Lu - 2008 - European Journal of Social Theory 11 (3):367-383.
    How do experiences of shame and guilt shape or reflect the ways in which the vanquished are reconciled (or not) to the new world order established by the victors? Shame and guilt are universal experiences in the emotional landscape of post-war politics, albeit for different reasons and with radically different political effects. An examination of Germany after 1918 and of Japan after 1945 reveals that experiences of shame and guilt may be pivotal for creating conditions of possibility for reconciliation marked (...)
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