Results for 'Caterina Rohrbach'

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  1.  24
    The Electrocortical Signature of Successful and Unsuccessful Deception in a Face-to-Face Social Interaction.Tobias A. Wagner-Altendorf, Arie H. van der Lugt, Jane F. Banfield, Carsten Meyer, Caterina Rohrbach, Marcus Heldmann & Thomas F. Münte - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Ravens and Strawberries: Remarks on Hempel’s and Ramsey’s Accounts of laws and scientific explanation.Caterina Sisti - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (4):1-16.
    Hempel never met Ramsey, but he knew his work. In his 1958 The Theoretician’s Dilemma: a study in the logic of theory construction, Hempel introduces the term Ramsey sentence, referring to Ramsey’s attempt in Theories to get rid of theoretical terms in formal accounts of scientific theories. In this paper, I draw the attention to another connection between Ramsey’s and Hempel’s works. Hempel’s Deductive-Nomological (DN) account of scientific explanation resembles very closely Ramsey’s account of a certain type of conditional sentences. (...)
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  3. Le etiche della diversità culturale.Caterina Botti (ed.) - 2013 - Le Lettere.
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    Mito e filosofia nella tradizione indiana: le cosmogonie nei Mahāpurāna.Caterina Conio - 1974 - Milano: Mursia.
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    L'interpretazione Metafisica Della Conoscenza Malebranchiana Dell'anima Di Jean-cristophe Bardout: un confronto con i testi.Caterina Fraioli - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Identità, differenza, diversità.Caterina Genna (ed.) - 2022 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    Ein Spiel? Spieltheoretische Überlegungen zu den Pferdekämpfen der Sagaliteratur.Lena Rohrbach - 2013 - In Matthias Teichert, Sport Und Spiel Bei den Germanen: Nordeuropa von der Römischen Kaiserzeit Bis Zum Mittelalter. De Gruyter. pp. 467-480.
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  8. Im lande Jahwehs und Jesu.Paul Rohrbach - 1911 - Berlin-Schöneberg,: Fortschritt (Buchverlag der "Hilfe"), g. m. b. h..
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    Sur L’Adoration de Jean-Luc Nancy.Philippe Rohrbach - 2011 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 30:263-274.
    À Jean-Luc Nancy, un maître qui m’a donné la chiquenaude initiale et dont la salutation m’a introduit à la pensée. Une des clés pour la lecture de cet ouvrage se trouve à la page 23. Nous y lisons qu’il ne s’agit pas de thématiser l’adoration, c’est-à-dire aussi bien d’en faire la théorie, d’en construire un concept ou d’en proposer une analyse méthodique. Même si l’analyse méthodique n’est pas absente, loin s’en faut, du livre de Jean-Luc Nancy! Mais cette analyse ne (...)
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    Violence and the Visual.Augusta Rohrbach - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):71-82.
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    Zugänge zur Philosophie Ernst Blochs.Klaus Rohrbacher (ed.) - 1995 - Frankfurt/Main: Dipa.
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    Borrowed voices: narrating the migrant’s story in contemporary European literature between advocacy, silence and ventriloquism.Caterina Scarabicchi - 2019 - Journal for Cultural Research 23 (2):173-186.
    ABSTRACTOver the last decade, Europe’s immigration regulations have raised concerns regarding human rights and divided the public opinion on transnational movement, particularly with the ever-growi...
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    Osservazioni sulla recente edizione delle Glossae super Peri Hermeneias di Pietro Abelardo (Jacobi-Strub) e sul codice Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, M 63 sup.Caterina Tarlazzi - 2017 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (2):313-327.
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    Italien.Caterina Zanfi - 2021 - In Jörn Bohr, Gerald Hartung, Heike Koenig & Tim-Florian Steinbach, Simmel-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 515-516.
    Die Besonderheit der Simmelrezeption in Italien besteht darin, dass hier ausgesprochen philosophische Lesarten deutlich im Vordergrund stehen. Zuerst machen einige kritische Rezensionen von Benedetto CroceCroce, Benedettound Giovanni GentileGentile, Giovanni zu Beginn des Jahrhunderts auf Simmel aufmerksam, deren neo-idealistische Ausrichtung immer auf Distanz zu den Autoren der Lebensphilosophie und ihren italienischen Lesern bleibt.
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    Accommodating Nature: The Photographs of Frank Gohlke.John Rohrbach & Frank Gohlke - 2007 - Center for American Places.
    Wind, water, and molten rock constantly tear apart and resculpt the natural world we live in, and people have always struggled to create structures that will permanently establish their existence on the land. Frank Golhke has committed his camera lens to documenting that fraught relationship between people and place, and this retrospective collection of his work by John Rohrbach reveals how people carve out their living spaces in the face of constant natural disruption. An acclaimed master of landscape photography, (...)
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    Life Death.Caterina Resta & Translated From the Italian by Simon Tanner - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):20-31.
    Deconstruction occupies an “eccentric” place in the varied field of biopolitics, as it radicalizes the indissoluble knot that binds life to power. On the basis of Foucauldian analysis, Derrida reflects on the “deviation” of biopolitics, which turns into bio-thanato-politics, that is to say, politics over life (bios) and death (thanatos). Life and death are not opposite, rather, they are inseparable, as one has inscribed the other within itself. Derrida’s bio-thanato-politics, as a deconstruction of the concept of life and its relationship (...)
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  17.  31
    Prima lezione di filosofia morale di Eugenio Lecaldano.Caterina Botti, Claudia Mancina & Maurizio Mori - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 24 (3):667-688.
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    Quale filosofia ad inizio del XXI secolo?Caterina Genna (ed.) - 2023 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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  19. Il paesaggio senese riflesso nel 'gorgo cristallino' di Osip Mandel'stam.Caterina Graziadei - 2008 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 29:77-98.
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    Studi di epistemologia pedagogica su Althusser, Foucault e Piaget, su Makarenko.Caterina Laprea (ed.) - 1985 - Milano: Unicopli.
  21.  17
    Monstrous ontologies: politics ethics materiality.Caterina Nirta & Andrea Pavoni (eds.) - 2021 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    While the presence of monsters in popular culture is ever-increasing, their use as an explicit or implicit category to frame, stigmatise, and demonise the other is seemingly on the rise. At the same time, academic interest for monsters is ever-growing. Usually, monstrosity is understood as a category that emerges to signal a transgression to a given order; this approach has led to the demystification of the insidious characterisations of the (racial, sexual, physical) other as monstrous. While this effort has been (...)
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  22.  50
    L’Ipséité Corporelle Entre Finitude Naturelle et Institution.Caterina Rea - 2007 - Chiasmi International 9:149-165.
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    Nichilismo, tecnica, mondializzazione: saggi su Schmitt, Jünger, Heidegger e Derrida.Caterina Resta - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
  24. Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?Hans Rohrbach - 1966 - Mainz,: Johannes Gutenberg-Buchhandlung Kohl.
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    La Glosa Victorina super partem Prisciani De Constructione.Caterina Tarlazzi - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (3):533-538.
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    I Miserabili e il trionfo delle opposizioni. Il mostro inaspettato.Caterina Tortoli - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 20.
    In this essay, the author wants to put in evidence the figure of the monster into the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. First of all, it is shown how the Grotesque’s category is utilized by Hugo to describe his characters. In this part, it’s clear the link between Victor Hugo’s Aesthetics and Karl Rosenkranz’s idea of Ugly. Then, it is underlined how the Ugly is one of the main themes of this book. This paper wants to show how the (...)
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    Connecting Personal History and Organizational Context: Suggestions for Developing Educational Programs for Youth Soccer Coaches.Caterina Gozzoli, Daniela Frascaroli, Chiara D’Angelo & Giuseppe Licari - 2014 - World Futures 70 (2):140-156.
    (2014). Connecting Personal History and Organizational Context: Suggestions for Developing Educational Programs for Youth Soccer Coaches. World Futures: Vol. 70, No. 2, pp. 140-156.
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  28. Creative Agents: Rethinking Agency and Creativity in Human and Artificial Systems.Caterina Moruzzi - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 9 (2):245-268.
    1. In the last decade, technological systems based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) architectures entered our lives at an increasingly fast pace. Virtual assistants facilitate our daily tasks, recom...
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  29.  42
    Living and Working Together in Organizations: Traces and Ways.Caterina Gozzoli - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):222-233.
    This article explores the state of the art in relation to the theme of living and working together in organizations and proposes a new theoretical model. A thorough examination of literature highlights that there are almost no works specifically coping with this theme, defining its theoretical perspective and specifying the choice of proposed indicators. Several, instead, are the works indirectly dealing with living and working together in organizations, mostly considered equivalent to the quality of interpersonal relationships, or developed starting from (...)
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  30.  55
    Rodolfo Sacco’s Legacy: Insights from a Young Scholar.Caterina Bergomi - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (5):1629-1641.
    This article aims to demonstrate the enduring impact of Rodolfo Sacco’s influential contributions to comparative law on the perspectives of young scholars. It explores two pivotal aspects of his research that continue to significantly influence the work of a young scholar—the theory of legal formant and exploration of the relationship between law and language. The article also briefly highlights the relevance of legal comparison in the contemporary European legal context.
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    Dynamic Embodimnet and its functional role. A body feedback perspective.Caterina Suitner, Sabine C. Koch, Katharina Bachmeier, Anne Maass, S. C. Koch, T. Fuchs, M. Summa & C. Müller - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller, Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins.
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    Living and Working Together in Organizations: Theme Relevance—An Introduction.Caterina Gozzoli - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):219-221.
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    How mechanisms explain interfield cooperation: biological–chemical study of plant growth hormones in Utrecht and Pasadena, 1930–1938.Caterina Schürch - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (3):16.
    This article examines to what extent a particular case of cross-disciplinary research in the 1930s was structured by mechanistic reasoning. For this purpose, it identifies the interfield theories that allowed biologists and chemists to use each other’s techniques and findings, and that provided the basis for the experiments performed to identify plant growth hormones and to learn more about their role in the mechanism of plant growth. In 1930, chemists and biologists in Utrecht and Pasadena began to cooperatively study plant (...)
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  34.  47
    Measuring creativity: an account of natural and artificial creativity.Caterina Moruzzi - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-20.
    Despite the recent upsurge of interest in the investigation of creativity, the question of how to measure creativity is arguably underdiscussed. The aim of this paper is to address this gap, proposing a multidimensional account of creativity which identifies problem-solving, evaluation, and naivety as measurable features that are common among creative processes. The benefits that result from the adoption of this model are twofold: integrating discussions on creativity in various domains and offering the tools to assess creativity across systems of (...)
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  35. Deliberate Play and Preparation Jointly Benefit Motor and Cognitive Development: Mediated and Moderated Effects.Caterina Pesce, Ilaria Masci, Rosalba Marchetti, Spyridoula Vazou, Arja Sääkslahti & Phillip D. Tomporowski - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:175175.
    In light of the interrelation between motor and cognitive development and the predictive value of the former for the latter, the secular decline observed in motor coordination ability as early as preschool urges identification of interventions that may jointly impact motor and cognitive efficiency. The aim of this study was twofold. It (1) explored the outcomes of enriched physical education, centered on deliberate play and cognitively challenging variability of practice, on motor coordination and cognitive processing; (2) examined whether motor coordination (...)
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  36.  19
    Note sur Maimon et sa critique du principe de causalité chez Kant.Maria Caterina Marinelli - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 109 (1):27-33.
    Cet article expose la critique de Maimon du principe kantien de causalité. Pour ce faire, nous considérerons les deux niveaux sur lesquels cette critique se développe, l’un formel et l’autre matériel. Au premier niveau, Maimon soulève trois objections au jugement hypothétique, relativement à son origine, sa fonction et sa modalité. Selon le deuxième, Maimon développe deux objections, dont la première concerne en général la démonstration kantienne de la validité des catégories, tandis que la seconde concerne en particulier celle du principe (...)
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    La filosofia di Josef Pieper: in relazione alle correnti filosofiche e culturali contemporanee.Caterina Dominici - 1980 - Bologna: Pàtron. Edited by Josef Pieper.
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    Le lezioni inedite di Cosmo Guastella.Caterina Gravina - 2015 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
    Il volume analizza e commenta le lezioni inedite che Cosmo Guastella, docente di Filosofia teoretica nell’Università di Palermo, tenne tra il 1903 e il 1915. Il testo contribuisce a colmare un aspetto inedito per la ricostruzione dell’intera produzione de.
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    L’esperienza per immagini: condizionamento e possibilità dello sguardo fotografico nella percezione dell’arte.Caterina Zaira Laskaris - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):145-164.
    Our society is experiencing a radical transformation through photographic multimedia. The photographic gaze is the dominant mode of the daily visual relationship with reality, due to the extreme pervasiveness of photography in every field of our experience. Starting from some empirical considerations, this paper will reflect on this trend in terms of visual perception of reality in general, focusing on works of art. Since visual art is made to be perceived as an object, this field of experience is congenial to (...)
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  40.  26
    Il dibattito sull'etica.Caterina Melis - 1989 - Idee 12:165-169.
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    Ethical Judgments: Re-writing Medical Law.Caterina Milo - 2018 - The New Bioethics 24 (1):99-101.
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    Corpi senza frontiere: il sesso come questione politica.Caterina Rea - 2012 - Bari: Dedalo.
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  43.  17
    Denise Souche-Dagues, Du «Logos» chez Heidegger.Caterina Rea - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (3):631-634.
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    Psicoanálisis y dispositivo de la sexualidad: cuerpo, norma y construcción de género.Caterina Rea - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (33):407.
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    Riassunto: L’Ipseità corporea tra finitudine naturale e istituzione.Caterina Rea - 2007 - Chiasmi International 9:167-167.
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  46. Egidio Romano nella cultura ebraica: le versioni di Yehudah b. Mosheh Romano.Caterina Rigo - 1994 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 5:397-437.
    L'artefice della diffusione dei trattati di Egidio Romano in ambiente ebraico fu Yehudah Romano, quasi contemporaneo dell'autore latino ed egli stesso autore di molte opere in lingua ebraica che circolarono nei secc. XIV-XVI. I suoi testi furono parzialmente letti da Pico della Mirandola, per il quale Flavio Guglielmo Raimondo Mitridate tradusse in latino l'inizio del commento all'Opus creationis. Inoltre Yehudah tradusse dal latino alcune opere del corpus aristotelico, facendo ampio uso dei commenti egidiani, e alcune parti dei trattati di Alberto (...)
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  47.  36
    Iconicity and abduction: a categorical approach to creative hypothesis-formation in Peirce's existential graphs.G. Caterina & R. Gangle - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (6):1028-1043.
  48.  41
    Reactivity in the human sciences.Caterina Marchionni, Julie Zahle & Marion Godman - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (1):1-24.
    The reactions that science triggers on the people it studies, describes, or theorises about, can affect the science itself and its claims to knowledge. This phenomenon, which we call reactivity, has been discussed in many different areas of the social sciences and the philosophy of science, falling under different rubrics such as the Hawthorne effect, self-fulfilling prophecies, the looping effects of human kinds, the performativity of models, observer effects, experimenter effects and experimenter demand effects. In this paper we review state-of-the-art (...)
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  49.  10
    La passione dell'impossibile: saggi su Jacques Derrida.Caterina Resta - 2016 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Among the ‘Glimpses’: A Pedagogical Perspective at the Relationship between Prison and Psychiatry.Caterina Benelli & Elena Zizioli - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (69):31-42.
    This contribution deals with the relationship between psychiatry and prison, taking a pedagogical perspective, despite the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the subject. We started from the reconstruction of the historical and cultural context by linking up with the teachings of Franco Basaglia (one hundred years after his birth), recovering his model of democratic psychiatry that is still relevant and to be reread in a contemporary key, also in the light of new emergencies, as shown by the data collected by (...)
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