Results for 'Cate McCall'

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  1.  80
    Meanings of Pain: Volume 2: Common Types of Pain and Language.Marc A. Russo, Joletta Belton, Bronwyn Lennox Thompson, Smadar Bustan, Marie Crowe, Deb Gillon, Cate McCall, Jennifer Jordan, James E. Eubanks, Michael E. Farrell, Brandon S. Barndt, Chandler L. Bolles, Maria Vanushkina, James W. Atchison, Helena Lööf, Christopher J. Graham, Shona L. Brown, Andrew W. Horne, Laura Whitburn, Lester Jones, Colleen Johnston-Devin, Florin Oprescu, Marion Gray, Sara E. Appleyard, Chris Clarke, Zehra Gok Metin, John Quintner, Melanie Galbraith, Milton Cohen, Emma Borg, Nathaniel Hansen, Tim Salomons & Grant Duncan - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Experiential evidence shows that pain is associated with common meanings. These include a meaning of threat or danger, which is experienced as immediately distressing or unpleasant; cognitive meanings, which are focused on the long-term consequences of having chronic pain; and existential meanings such as hopelessness, which are more about the person with chronic pain than the pain itself. This interdisciplinary book - the second in the three-volume Meanings of Pain series edited by Dr Simon van Rysewyk - aims to better (...)
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  2. The Dappled World: A Study of the Boundaries of Science.Storrs Mccall - 2003 - Mind 112 (445):99-106.
  3.  56
    The strong future tense.Storrs McCall - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (3):489-504.
  4.  59
    Assessing American executive compensation: a cautionary tale for Europeans.John J. McCall - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (4):243-254.
  5.  59
    Interpolation for extended modal languages.Balder ten Cate - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):223-234.
    Several extensions of the basic modal language are characterized in terms of interpolation. Our main results are of the following form: Language ℒ' is the least expressive extension of ℒ with interpolation. For instance, let ℳ be the extension of the basic modal language with a difference operator [7]. First-order logic is the least expressive extension of ℳ with interpolation. These characterizations are subsequently used to derive new results about hybrid logic, relation algebra and the guarded fragment.
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    From Venus to Penis.Cate Whittemore - 1995 - Feminist Studies 21 (1):91.
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  7. Expressivity of second order propositional modal logic.Balder ten Cate - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (2):209-223.
    We consider second-order propositional modal logic (SOPML), an extension of the basic modal language with propositional quantifiers introduced by Kit Fine in 1970. We determine the precise expressive power of SOPML by giving analogues of the Van Benthem–Rosen theorem and the Goldblatt Thomason theorem. Furthermore, we show that the basic modal language is the bisimulation invariant fragment of SOPML, and we characterize the bounded fragment of first-order logic as being the intersection of first-order logic and SOPML.
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    Contrariety.Storrs McCall - 1967 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8 (1-2):121-132.
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  9. Choosing to Feel. Virtue, Friendship, and Compassion for Friends.Diana Fritz Cates, Pamela M. Hall, G. Simon Harak, James F. Keenan, Daniel Mark Nelson & Paul J. Waddell - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (1):189-215.
    We are currently seeing a revival of interest in Aquinas's moral thought among Christian ethicists, both Protestant and Catholic. Although recent studies of his moral thought have touched on a number of topics, the majority of these have focused on his account of the virtues and their place in the Christian life. Probing the questions of the relation of virtue and law, the role of reason and will, and the place of the passions in Aquinas's moral theology, I will examine (...)
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    Excluded middle, bivalence and fatalism.Stotrs McCall - 1966 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (1-4):384-386.
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  11.  15
    Public Perceptions and Expectations of the Forensic Use of DNA: Results of a Preliminary Study.Cate Curtis - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (4):313-324.
    The forensic use of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is demonstrating significant success as a crime-solving tool. However, numerous concerns have been raised regarding the potential for DNA use to contravene cultural, ethical, and legal codes. In this article the expectations and level of knowledge of the New Zealand public of the DNA data-bank and the surrounding processes are discussed. A questionnaire was developed in consultation with key stakeholders, comprising a combination of open and closed questions. The ensuing survey comprised a sample (...)
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    Identification and desire: Lacan and Althusser versus Deleuze and Guattari. A short note.Cate Watson - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (2).
    The paper constitutes an exploration of the construction of academic identities through a retrospective autoethnographic narrative analysis. In what is an essentially experimental mode I set out to examine processes of identification, and in particular, the understanding of desire that lies at the heart of them, for, it can be argued without desire there is no identity. Therefore, I begin my analysis by following two lines of thought concerning desire. The first, drawing on the work of Lacan, conceives of desire (...)
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    Public Understandings of the Forensic Use of DNA: Positivity, Misunderstandings, and Cultural Concerns.Cate Curtis - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (1-2):21-32.
    The forensic use of DNA involves the public in a number of roles. The rapid adoption of DNA identification as a part of the legal system and continuing developments have afforded little opportunity to thoroughly interrogate public understandings of issues. This article reports on a survey that explores public understanding of the forensic use of DNA: sources of knowledge, understandings of processes, and attitudes toward DNA use. Overall, knowledge about DNA use was limited, particularly around means of taking samples and (...)
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  14.  33
    A simple decision procedure for one-variable implicational/negation formulae in intuitionist logic.Storrs McCall - 1962 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 3 (2):120-122.
  15. McCall Pragmatic Epistemology Presentation.Bradford McCall - manuscript
    This is a presentation on Charles Sanders Peirce's pragmatic philosophy, and the ay that it functions in his conception of epistemology.
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  16. A Model of the Universe: Space-Time, Probability and Decision.Richard Feist & Storrs McCall - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (4):632.
    The title alone of McCall’s book reveals its ambitious enterprise. The book’s structure is a long inference to the best explanation: chapters present problems that are solved by a single, ontological model. Problems as diverse as time flow, quantum measurement, counterfactual semantics, and free will are discussed. McCall’s style of writing is lucid and pointed—in general, very pleasant to read.
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  17.  21
    Student-generated video creation for assessment: can it transform assessment within Higher Education?Cate Allen & Ruth Hawley - 2018 - International Journal for Transformative Research 5 (1):1-11.
    Student-generated video creation assessments are an innovative and emerging form of assessment in higher education. Academic staff may be understandably reluctant to transform assessment practices without robust evidence of the benefits and rationale for doing so and some guidance regarding how to do so successfully. A systematic approach to searching the literature was conducted to identify relevant resources, which generated key documents, authors and internet sources which were thematically analysed. This comprehensive critical synthesis of literature is presented here under the (...)
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  18. The Virtue of Temperance.D. Fritz Cates - 2002 - In Stephen J. Pope, The Ethics of Aquinas. Georgetown University Press.
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    Modal languages for topology: Expressivity and definability.Balder ten Cate, David Gabelaia & Dmitry Sustretov - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 159 (1-2):146-170.
    In this paper we study the expressive power and definability for modal languages interpreted on topological spaces. We provide topological analogues of the van Benthem characterization theorem and the Goldblatt–Thomason definability theorem in terms of the well-established first-order topological language.
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    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.ten Cate Balder, Marx Maarten & Viana Petrúcio - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
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    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.B. ten Cate - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
  22.  55
    Making the best of a difficult situation?Cate McBurney - 1994 - HEC Forum 6 (6):355-362.
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  23.  53
    Making sense of emergence: A critical engagement with leidenhag, leidenhag, and Yong.David Bradnick & Bradford McCall - 2018 - Zygon 53 (1):240-257.
    A number of theologians engaged in the theology and science dialogue—particularly Pentecostal theologian Amos Yong—employ emergence as a framework to discuss special divine action as well as causation initiated by other spiritual realities, such as angels and demons. Mikael and Joanna Leidenhag, however, have issued concerns about its application. They argue that Yong employs supernaturalistic themes with implications that render the concept of emergence obsolete. Further, they claim that Yong's use of emergence theory is inconsistent because he highlights the ontological (...)
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  24. Lull's Modal Voluntarism.Lynn D. Cates - 2000 - In I. Angelelli & P. Pérez-Ilzarbe, Medieval and Renaissance Logic in Spain. G. Olms. pp. 405--409.
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  25. The Problem of Evil: Reflections and Considerations.Malachi Cate - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (2).
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  26.  40
    You Deserve to Suffer for What You Did.Diana Fritz Cates - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (4):771-782.
    On many philosophical accounts, the emotion of anger includes a belief that we have been wrongly injured by someone, deliberately or from a lack of due regard. It includes also the belief that the person who injured us deserves to suffer for what she did. Her suffering would serve as fair payback for the suffering she caused us. In slightly different terms, anger includes a desire to strike back at someone who has injured us because we believe that hurting her (...)
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  27.  30
    Editors' Review and Introduction: Learning Grammatical Structures: Developmental, Cross‐Species, and Computational Approaches.Carel ten Cate, Judit Gervain, Clara C. Levelt, Christopher I. Petkov & Willem Zuidema - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):804-814.
    Artificial grammar learning (AGL) is used to study how human adults, infants, animals or machines learn various sorts of rules defined over sounds or visual items. Ten Cate et al. introduce the topic and provide a critical synthesis of this important interdisciplinary area of research. They identify the questions that remain open and the challenges that lie ahead, and argue that the limits of human, animal and machine learning abilities have yet to be found.
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  28.  90
    Philosophical and Theological Essays on the Trinity.Michael C. Rea & Thomas McCall (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Classical Christian orthodoxy insists that God is Triune: there is only one God, but there are three divine Persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — who are somehow of one substance with one another. But what does this doctrine mean? How can we coherently believe that there is only one God if we also believe that there are three divine Persons? This problem, sometimes called the ‘threeness-oneness problem’ or the ‘logical problem of the Trinity’, is the focus of this (...)
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  29.  52
    Some modal aspects of XPath.Balder ten Cate, Gaëlle Fontaine & Tadeusz Litak - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (3):139-171.
    This paper provides several examples of how modal logic can be used in studying the XML document navigation language XPath. More specifically, we derive complete axiomatizations, computational complexity and expressive power results for XPath fragments from known results for corresponding logics. A secondary aim of the paper is to introduce XPath in a way that makes it accessible to an audience of modal logicians.
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  30.  47
    In Honor and Memory of Sumner B. Twiss.Diana Fritz Cates, Irene Oh, Bruce Grelle, Simeon O. Ilesanmi, John Kelsay, Paul Lauritzen, David Little, Ping-Cheung “Pc” Lo & Kate E. Temoney - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):545-566.
    Sumner B. (Barney) Twiss, who died in 2023, was for ten years a General Editor of the Journal of Religious Ethics (JRE). He was a frequent contributor of articles, a member of the JRE Editorial Board, and a member of the journal's Board of Trustees. In this article, colleagues and students reflect on some of his many contributions, not only to the JRE but to the broader discursive fields of comparative religious ethics and human rights.
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  31.  13
    Friedrich Nietzsche.Curtis Cate - 2002 - Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press.
    A portrait of the influential western philosopher and writer is targeted to lay readers and seeks to clarify his ideas and influences, offering insight into the impact of his chronic ill health and insanity on his beliefs while challenging stereotypes that have been attributed to his character. 10,000 first printing.
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  32.  56
    Complete axiomatizations for XPath fragments.Balder ten Cate, Tadeusz Litak & Maarten Marx - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (2):153-172.
  33. Connexive implication.Storrs Mccall - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (3):415-433.
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  34. (1 other version)Expressivity of extensions of dynamic first-order logic.Balder ten Cate & Jan van Eijck - unknown
    Dynamic predicate logic (DPL), presented in [5] as a formalism for representing anaphoric linking in natural language, can be viewed as a fragment of a well known formalism for reasoning about imperative programming [6]. An interesting difference from other forms of dynamic logic is that the distinction between formulas and programs gets dropped: DPL formulas can be viewed as programs. In this paper we show that DPL is in fact the basis of a hierarchy of formulas-as-programs languages.
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    The Role of Dissociative Compartmentalization in Difficult-to-Treat Psychotic Phenomena.Cate Treise & Jesus Perez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  36. Decision.Storrs McCall - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):261 - 287.
    We all make decisions, sometimes dozens in the course of a day. This paper is about what is involved in this activity. It's my contention that the ability to deliberate, to weigh different courses of action, and then to decide on one of them, is a distinctively human activity, or at least an activity which sets man and the higher animals apart from other creatures. It is as much decisio as ratio that constitutes the distinguishing mark of human beings. Homo (...)
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  37. Model of the Universe.Storrs McCall - 1996 - Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Storrs McCall presents an original philosophical theory of the nature of the universe based on a striking new model of its space- time structure. He shows how his model illuminates a broad range of subjects, including causation, probability, quantum mechanics, identity, and free will, and argues that the fact that the model throws light on such a large number of problems constitutes strong evidence that the universe is as the model portrays it.
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    A Comparative Perspective on the Role of Acoustic Cues in Detecting Language Structure.Jutta L. Mueller, Carel ten Cate & Juan M. Toro - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):859-874.
    Mueller et al. discuss the role of acoustic cues in detecting language structure more generally. Across languages, there are clear links between acoustic cues and syntactic structure. They show that AGL experiments implementing analogous links demonstrate that prosodic cues, as well as various auditory biases, facilitate the learning of structural rules. Some of these biases, e.g. for auditory grouping, are also present in other species.
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  39.  34
    Structured Sequence Learning: Animal Abilities, Cognitive Operations, and Language Evolution.Christopher I. Petkov & Carel ten Cate - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):828-842.
    Human language is a salient example of a neurocognitive system that is specialized to process complex dependencies between sensory events distributed in time, yet how this system evolved and specialized remains unclear. Artificial Grammar Learning (AGL) studies have generated a wealth of insights into how human adults and infants process different types of sequencing dependencies of varying complexity. The AGL paradigm has also been adopted to examine the sequence processing abilities of nonhuman animals. We critically evaluate this growing literature in (...)
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    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.Balder Cate, Maarten Marx & Petrúcio Viana - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
    We show that every extension of the basic hybrid logic with modal Sahlqvist axioms is complete. As a corollary of our approach, we also obtain the Beth property for a large class of hybrid logics. Finally, we show that the new completeness result cannot be combined with the existing general completeness result for pure axioms.
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  41. Conceiving Emotions: Martha Nussbaum's Upheavals of Thought. [REVIEW]Diana Fritz Cates - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (2):325 - 341.
    In "Upheavals of Thought", Martha Nussbaum offers a theory of the emotions. She argues that emotions are best conceived as thoughts, and she argues that emotion-thoughts can make valuable contributions to the moral life. She develops extensive accounts of compassion and erotic love as thoughts that are of great moral import. This paper seeks to elucidate what it means, for Nussbaum, to say that emotions are forms of thought. It raises critical questions about her conception of the structure of emotion, (...)
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  42.  87
    A defense of employee rights.Joseph R. Des Jardins & John J. McCall - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5):367-376.
    Recent trends in business ethics along with growing attacks upon unions, suggest that employee rights will be a major social concern for business managers during the next decade. However, in most of the discussions of employee rights to date, the very meaning and legitimacy of such rights are often uncritically taken for granted. In this paper, we develop an account of employee rights and defend this conception against what we take to be the strongest in-principle objections to it.
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    Expressivity of Second Order Propositional Modal Logic.Balder Cate - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (2):209-223.
    We consider second-order propositional modal logic (SOPML), an extension of the basic modal language with propositional quantifiers introduced by Kit Fine in 1970. We determine the precise expressive power of SOPML by giving analogues of the Van Benthem–Rosen theorem and the Goldblatt Thomason theorem. Furthermore, we show that the basic modal language is the bisimulation invariant fragment of SOPML, and we characterize the bounded fragment of first-order logic as being the intersection of first-order logic and SOPML.
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  44.  22
    The Value of Religious Ethics.Diana Fritz Cates - 2023 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (1):7-10.
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    Recuperating the Real: New Materialism, Object-Oriented Ontology, and Neo-Lacanian Ontical Cartography.Caleb Cates, M. Lane Bruner & I. I. I. Joseph T. Moss - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (2):151-175.
    The spring, summer, and fall 2006 editions of Critical Inquiry hosted a heated exchange between Ernesto Laclau and Slavoj Žižek regarding the proper definition of the Lacanian Real. Žižek claims "the Real is the inexorable abstract spectral logic of capital that determines what goes on in social reality". In response, Laclau states that Žižek's "spectral logic of capital" is a gross distortion of Lacanian theory: "The Real is not a specifiable object endowed with laws of movement on its own but, (...)
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  46.  77
    Aristotle's modal syllogisms.Storrs McCall - 1963 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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  47. Myths about the State of Nature and the Reality of Stateless Societies.Karl Widerquist & Grant McCall - 2015 - Analyse & Kritik 37 (1-2):233-257.
    This article argues the following points. The Hobbesian hypothesis, which we define as the claim that all people are better off under state authority than they would be outside of it, is an empirical claim about all stateless societies. It is an essential premise in most contractarian justifications of government sovereignty. Many small-scale societies are stateless. Anthropological evidence from them provides sufficient reason to doubt the truth of the hypothesis, if not to reject it entirely. Therefore, contractarian theory has not (...)
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  48. The 3d/4d controversy: A storm in a teacup.Storrs McCall & E. J. Lowe - 2006 - Noûs 40 (3):570–578.
  49.  45
    End-of-life decisions for children under 1 year of age in the Netherlands: decreased frequency of administration of drugs to deliberately hasten death.Katja ten Cate, Suzanne van de Vathorst, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Agnes van der Heide - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (10):795-798.
    Objective To assess whether the frequency of end-of-life decisions for children under 1 year of age in the Netherlands has changed since ultrasound examination around 20 weeks of gestation became routine in 2007 and after a legal provision for deliberately ending the life of a newborn was set up that same year. Methodology This was a recurrent nationwide cross-sectional study in the Netherlands. In 2010, a sample of death certificates from children under 1 year of age was derived from the (...)
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  50.  35
    Can Birds Perceive Rhythmic Patterns? A Review and Experiments on a Songbird and a Parrot Species.Carel ten Cate, Michelle Spierings, Jeroen Hubert & Henkjan Honing - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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