Results for 'Carsten Griesel'

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  1. Francis Ludwig Carsten 1911–1998.Francis Ludwig Carsten - 2002 - In Carsten Francis Ludwig, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 115 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, I. pp. 119-129.
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    Residual stress measurements and mechanical properties of AlN thin films as ultra-sensitive materials for nanoelectromechanical systems.R. Grieseler, J. Klaus, M. Stubenrauch, K. Tonisch, S. Michael, J. Pezoldt & P. Schaaf - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (25-27):3392-3401.
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    Rezension: Kahn, Laurence, Ce que le nazisme a fait à la psychanalyse.Carsten Pilzecker - 2020 - Psyche 74 (5):386-389.
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    Self-Fulfillment of Social Science Theories: Cooling the Fire.Carsten Bergenholtz & Jacob Busch - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (1):24-43.
    Self-fulfillment of theories is argued to be a threat to social science in at least two ways. First, a realist might worry that self-fulfillment constitutes a threat to the idea that social science is a proper science consistent with a realist approach that develops true and successful statements about the world. Second, one might argue that the potential self-fulfilling nature of social science theories potentially undermines the ethical integrity of social scientists. We argue that if one accepts that social science (...)
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    Renate Huber: Einstein und Poincaré. Die philosophische Beurteilung physikalischer Theorien\Carsten Klein: Konventionalismus und Realismus. Zur erkenntnistheoretischen Relevanz der empirischen Unterbestimmtheit von Theorien.Carsten Held - 2002 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 5 (1):215-226.
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  6. Tradition Und Translation Zum Problem der Interkulturellen Ubersetzbarkeit Religioser Phanomene; Festschrift Fur Carsten Colpe Zum 65. Geburtstag.Christoph Elsas & Carsten Colpe - 1994
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  7. Fischer Servi's Intuitionistic Modal Logic has the Finite Modal Property.Carsten Grefe - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 85-98.
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  8. What can we learn from Merleau-ponty's ontology for a science of consciousness?Carsten Allefeld - 2008 - Mind and Matter 6 (2):235-255.
    Representative for contemporary attempts to establish a science of consciousness we examine Chalmers' statement and resolution of the 'hard problem of consciousness'. Agreeing with him that in order to account for subjectivity it is necessary to expand the ontology of the natural sciences, we argue that it is not sufficient to just add conscious experience to the list of fundamental features of the world. Instead, we turn to phenomenology as the philosophy of conscious experience and give an outline of Merleau-Ponty's (...)
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  9. Exclusion Criteria in Experimental Philosophy.Carsten Bergenholtz, Jacob Busch & Sara Kier Praëm - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (6):1531-1545.
    When experimental philosophers carry out studies on thought experiments, some participants are excluded based on certain exclusion criteria, mirroring standard social science vignette methodology. This involves excluding people that do not pay attention or who miscomprehend the scenario presented in thought experiments. However, experimental philosophy studies sometimes exclude an alarmingly high number of participants. We argue that this threatens the external and internal validity of the conclusions being drawn and we show how a simple visualization of thought experiments can reduce (...)
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  10. Truth does not explain predictive success.Carsten Held - 2011 - Analysis 71 (2):232-234.
    Laudan famously argued that neither truth nor approximate truth can be part of an explanation of a scientific theory's predictive success because in the history of science there were theories that enjoyed some limited success but now are considered outright false. The power of his argument lay in the many historic examples he listed . Realists have disputed that all theories on Laudan's list can be regarded as predictively successful but let's suppose momentarily that at least some exist that support (...)
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    Agonistic Recognition in Education: On Arendt’s Qualification of Political and Moral Meaning.Carsten Ljunggren - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (1):19-33.
    Agonistic recognition in education has three interlinked modes of aesthetic experience and self-presentation where one is related to actions in the public realm; one is related to plurality in the way in which it comes into existence in confrontation with others; and one is related to the subject-self, disclosed by ‘thinking. Arendt’s conception of ‘thinking’ is a way of getting to grips with aesthetic self-presentation in education. By action, i.e., by disclosing oneself and by taking initiatives, students and teachers constitute (...)
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    (1 other version)Further Insights on Fake-Barn Cases and Intuition Variation.Carsten Bergenholtz, Jacob Busch & Sara Kier Praëm - 2021 - Episteme:1-18.
    Studies in experimental philosophy claim to document intuition variation. Some studies focus on demographic group-variation; Colaçoet al., for example, claim that age generates intuition variation regarding knowledge attribution in a fake-barn scenario. Other studies claim to show intuition variation when comparing the intuition of philosophers to that of non-philosophers. The main focus has been on documenting intuition variation rather than uncovering what underlying factor(s) may prompt such a phenomenon. We explore a number of suggested explanatory hypotheses put forth by Colaçoet (...)
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  13. Donna J. Haraway’s ecofeminism revisited: Critical new materialist pedagogies for Anthropocenic crisis times.Delphi Carstens & Evelien Geerts - 2024 - Southern African Journal of Environmental Education 40 (1):1-16.
    By bringing feminist science studies scholar Donna J. Haraway’s A manifesto for cyborgs (1985) and Situated knowledges (1988) in line with contemporary critical new materialist thought (see Colman & Van der Tuin, 2024; Dolphijn & Van der Tuin, 2012; Geerts, 2022), this critical pedagogical and philosophical think piece tackles the problematic of Anthropocenic disruptions of the planetary biosphere for critical pedagogies and higher education (also see Carstens, 2016). It additionally encourages its readers to think through their own pedagogical conceptions and (...)
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    Formierung einer wissenschaftlich-technischen Gemeinschaft: NMR-Spektroskopie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Carsten Reinhardt & Thomas Steinhauser - 2008 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 16 (1):73-101.
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    In intergroup conflict, self-sacrifice is stronger among pro-social individuals, and parochial altruism emerges especially among cognitively taxed individuals.Carsten K. W. De Dreu, D. Berno Dussel & Femke S. Ten Velden - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Zwischen Rausch und Kritik.Carsten Bäuerl - 2003 - Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
    1. Auf den Spuren von Nietzsche, Bataille, Adorno und Benjamin -- 2. Vom Willen nicht regiert zu werden in 10 Variationen -- 3. Der tragische und der rauschhafte Ton in der Musik.
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    2. A Sociospatial Approach to the Song of Song’s Structure.Carsten L. Wilke - 2017 - In Carsten Wilke, Farewell to Shulamit: Spatial and Social Diversity in the Song of Songs. De Gruyter. pp. 16-38.
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    Contents.Carsten L. Wilke - 2017 - In Carsten Wilke, Farewell to Shulamit: Spatial and Social Diversity in the Song of Songs. De Gruyter.
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    Non-Contextual and Local Hidden-Variable Model for the Peres–Mermin and Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger Systems.Carsten Held - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-17.
    A hidden-variable model for quantum–mechanical spin, as represented by the Pauli spin operators, is proposed for systems illustrating the well-known no-hidden-variables arguments by Peres (Phys Lett A 151:107–108, 1990) and Mermin (Phys Rev Lett 65:3373–3376, 1990) and by Greenberger et al. (Bell’s theorem, quantum theory, and conceptions of the universe, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989). Both arguments rely on an assumption of non-contextuality; the latter argument can also be phrased as a non-locality argument, using a locality assumption. The model suggested here is (...)
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    Deleuze and the Question of Style.Carsten Henrik Meiner - 1998 - Symploke 6 (1):157-173.
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    Mitleid aus Pflicht?Carsten Olk - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 2001-2012.
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    It wasn’t me! Motor activation from irrelevant spatial information in the absence of a response.Carsten Bundt, Lara Bardi, Elger L. Abrahamse, Marcel Brass & Wim Notebaert - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Introduction.Carsten Reinhardt - 2018 - Isis 109 (3):559-564.
    The linkages and interactions of scientific disciplines with industry, politics, and society have long been a staple in the history of science, the history of technology, and science studies. However, it is arguable that the impact of this intertwining on the epistemic and social core of scientific disciplines has not yet been sufficiently explored. Chemistry is an ideal case in point, given that it has emerged as one of the largest scientific disciplines while at the same time becoming one of (...)
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    Notes on Humanity: Faith, Reason, Certainty.Ronald W. Carstens - 1985 - Upa.
    These reflections on faith, reason and certainty have the purpose of engaging again, if not anew, the fundamental intellectual elements of western civilization.
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    Aesthetic Experience witout Art.Carsten Friberg - 2004 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 16 (29-30).
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    The Importance of Aesthetic Experience.Carsten Friberg - 2001 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 13 (24).
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  27. Findings but Sense of Unity On Philosophical Works by Kurt Riezler.Carsten Günter - 2018 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 104 (2):253-280.
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    Combining interval-based temporal reasoning with general TBoxes.Carsten Lutz - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 152 (2):235-274.
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    Das Transzendentale Schema: Ein Produkt der Einbildungskraft?Carsten Olk - 2013 - In Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner & Carsten Olk, Das Leben der Vernunft. Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 62-94.
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    Kants Theorie der Synthesis: zu einem grundlegenden Gedanken der kritischen Philosophie.Carsten Olk - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Kants Anliegen, Erfahrung zu begr nden als eine Verbindung von Anschauung und Begriff, erweist sich als ein komplexes Unterfangen, insofern hierzu viele Synthesisleistungen des Verstandes und der Einbildungskraft strukturell notwendig sind. Die Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, diese isoliert und in ihrer Bezogenheit aufeinander zu untersuchen. Ausgehend von einer Betrachtung der Anschauungsformen Raum und Zeit und einer Analyse der urspr nglich-synthetischen Einheit der Apperzeption, wird der Bogen geschlagen zu den einzelnen Synthesen der Einbildungskraft und der synthetischen Reflexion durch den Verstand. (...)
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    Incompatibility of standard completeness and quantum mechanics.Carsten Held - unknown
    The completeness of quantum mechanics is generally interpreted to be or entail the following conditional statement ): If a QM system S is in a pure non-eigenstate of observable A, then S does not have value ak of A at t. QM itself can be assumed to contain two elements: a formula generating probabilities; Hamiltonians that can be time-dependent due to a time-dependent external potential. It is shown that, given and, QM and SC are incompatible. Hence, SC is not the (...)
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  32. Between a rock and a hard place: Mental causation and the mind-body problem.Carsten Martin Hansen - 2000 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 43 (4):451-491.
  33. Deleuzoguattarian Thought, the New Materialisms, and (Be)wild(erring) Pedagogies: A Conversation between Chantelle Gray, Delphi Carstens, Evelien Geerts, and Aragorn Eloff.Evelien Geerts, Chantelle Gray, Delphi Carstens & Aragorn Eloff - 2021 - Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research 1 (2).
    This intra-view explores a number of productive junctions between contemporary Deleuzoguattarian and new materialist praxes via a series of questions and provocations. Productive tensions are explored via questions of epistemological, ontological, ethical, and political intra-sections as well as notions of difference, transversal contamination, ecosophical practices, diffraction, and, lastly, schizoanalysis. Various irruptions around biophilosophy, transduction, becomology, cartography, power relations, hyperobjects as events, individuation, as well as dyschronia and disorientation, take the discussion further into the wild pedagogical spaces that both praxes have (...)
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  34. Putnam's indeterminacy argument: The skolemization of absolutely everything.Carsten Hansen - 1987 - Philosophical Studies 51 (1):77--99.
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    Santo Daime in Deutschland - eine verbotene Frucht aus Brasilien.Carsten Balzer - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 7 (1):49-94.
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    Unbedingte Bildung: Perspektiven kritischer Bildungstheorie.Carsten Bünger & Martina Lütke-Harmann (eds.) - 2020 - Wien: Löcker.
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    Sozialer Wandel und Macht: die theoretischen Ansätze von Max Weber, Norbert Elias und Michel Foucault im Vergleich.Carsten Kaven - 2006 - Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.
  38. Funken 1-12.Carsten Nicolai - 2015 - In Rudolf Finsterwalder, Kristin Feireiss & Frei Otto, Form follows nature: eine Geschichte der Natur als Modell für Formfindung in Ingenieurbau, Architektur und Kunst = a history of nature as model for design in engineering, architecture and art. Basel: Birkhäuser.
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    Kant and the Practical Man.Carsten Fogh Nielsen - 2017 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 50:132-156.
    The Appendix to Kant’s Toward Perpetual Peace is commonly viewed as an explication of the systematic relations between political practice and normative political theory. This paper provides an alternative interpretation of Kant’s main aim in the Appendix which is to provide an argument against the so-called “practical man.” The practical man believes that human nature precludes normative political ideals from ever playing a significant role within political practice. Drawing on the 1793 text “On the common saying: That may be correct (...)
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    Das ewige Wiederkäuen des Gleichen.Carsten Pallesen - 2005 - Nietzsche Studien 34 (1):424-429.
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    Den uendelige parrhesi – teologiske eftertanker i anledning af en religionspædagogisk ph.d.-afhandling.Carsten Petersen Pallesen - 2014 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 3 (2):87-114.
    The article examines the role of narrative discourse in religious education and communication as represented in Kirsten M. Andersen’s Kantian approach. In Hegel’s Lutheran perspective figurative thinking is deconstructed in forms of interpretive narrative, the topos of the speculative Good Friday. On this account the words of Jesus should be understood as an unprecedented revolutionary parrhesia. Hegel’s pervasive awareness of the linguistic mediation, translation and appropriation anticipates the role of language and communication in hermeneutics and deconstruction. The proposed alternative to (...)
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  42. Boundary spanning research : the industrial PhD.Carsten Lund Pedersen - 2018 - In Christopher McMaster, Caterina Murphy & Jakob Rosenkrantz de Lasson, The Nordic PhD: surviving and succeeding. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Under Suspicion: A Phenomenology of Media.Carsten Strathausen (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The public generally regards the media with suspicion and distrust. Therefore, the media's primary concern is to regain that trust through the production of sincerity. Advancing the field of media studies in a truly innovative way, Boris Groys focuses on the media's affect of sincerity and its manufacture of trust to appease skeptics. Groys identifies forms of media sincerity and its effect on politics, culture, society, and conceptions of the self. He relies on different philosophical writings thematizing the gaze of (...)
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    Controlling in der Fußballbranche – Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Implementierungsstand des Controlling in den drei höchsten deutschen Fußballligen / Accounting Practices and Control in the Soccer Industry – An Empirical Study on the State of Accounting Practices and Control Implementation in the Top Three German Soccer Leagues.Carsten Tietje, Björn Filbrich & Kathryn Viemann - 2005 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 2 (3):296-313.
    Zusammenfassung Die Komplexität und Dynamik des Umfeldes, in dem sich Fußballvereine bewegen, hat in der Vergangenheit enorm zugenommen. Um bei dieser Entwicklung wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, bedarf es entsprechender Konzepte zur Unterstützung der Unternehmensführung. So hat die durchgeführte empirische Untersuchung ihren Fokus auf das Controlling als ein unterstützendes Konzept zur zielorientierten Unternehmenssteuerung gelegt. Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, das Controlling in Fußballvereinen zu beschreiben und zu analysieren.
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    Motivating inhibition – reward prospect speeds up response cancellation.Carsten N. Boehler, Jens-Max Hopf, Christian M. Stoppel & Ruth M. Krebs - 2012 - Cognition 125 (3):498-503.
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    Habitus, Hierarchien und Methoden: „Feine Unterschiede“ zwischen Physik und Chemie.Carsten Reinhardt - 2011 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 19 (2):125-146.
    Research methods and their developers play a crucial role in bringing together scientific fields. Scientists, who wish to have their methods acknowledged and used in another discipline have to bridge the gaps between different practices and worldviews, and they often experience hostility, incredulity, and in general feelings of ‘otherness’, while changing the established practice in a scientific field. Researchers representing newly emerging fields such as materials science have to overcome obstacles that are caused more by feelings of threat and fear (...)
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  47. Eichmann's Kant.Carsten Bagge Laustsen & Rasmus Ugilt - 2007 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 21 (3):166-180.
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    IT for a better future: how to integrate ethics, politics and innovation.Bernd Carsten Stahl - 2011 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 9 (3):140-156.
    PurposeThe paper aims to explore future and emerging information and communication technologies. It gives a general overview of the social consequences and ethical issues arising from technologies that can currently be reasonably expected. This overview is used to present recommendations and integrate these in a framework of responsible innovation.Design/methodology/approachThe identification of emerging ICTs and their ethical consequences is based on the review and analysis if several different bodies of literature. The individual features of the ICTs and the ethical issues identified (...)
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  49. Code of conduct: Transparency in the net: Search engines.Carsten Welp & M. Machill - 2005 - International Review of Information Ethics 3:18.
    1. The Search Engine operators inform the users about the way in which the Search Engine works; particularly the basic criteria of ranking are explained. Also, the Search Engine operators describe which ways of manipulating websites lead to exclusion from the result lists in case of doubt.2. The Search Engine operators design their sites in the most transparent way. Contents whose position on the result list is due to a commercial arrangement are clearly marked.3. It is the intention of the (...)
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    Feeling at Home. Reflection on a Theme in Human Existence.Carsten Friberg - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):20-27.
    This essay is about the significance of the body for dwelling. Considering the body implies considering a concrete body, i.e. asking for the experiences embedded in it. Consequently, the body in consideration is, for example, gendered. The topic of dwelling takes Martin Heidegger’s work on the hand as the point of departure and uses philosophical anthropology and Jacques Derrida’s comments on Heidegger as inspiration to suggest that the relationship between the hand and thinking implies asking whose hands build places of (...)
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