Results for 'Carol Joffe'

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    Abortion and Antifeminism.Carole Joffe - 1987 - Politics and Society 15 (2):207-212.
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    Reconceiving Abortion: Medical Practice, Women's Access, and Feminist Politics before and after "Roe v. Wade"When Abortion Was a Crime: Women, Medicine, and the Law in the United States, 1867-1973The Abortionist: A Woman against the LawThe Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion ServiceDoctors of Conscience: The Struggle to Provide Abortion before and after "Roe v. Wade."Abortion Wars: A Half-Century of Struggle, 1950-2000Beyond Pro-Life and Pro-Choice: Moral Diversity in the Abortion Debate. [REVIEW]Johanna Schoen, Leslie J. Reagan, Rickie Solinger, Laura Kaplan, Carol Joffe & Kathy Rudy - 2000 - Feminist Studies 26 (2):349.
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    The Regulation of Sexuality: Experiences of Family Planning Workers. By Carole Joffe. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Hardcover 1986; paperback, 1988. - The Tentative Pregnancy: Prenatal Diagnosis and the Future of Mother-hood. By Barbara Katz Rothman Hardcover: New York: Viking, 1986; paperback: New York: Penguin, 1987. [REVIEW]Kathryn Pyne Addelson - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (2):191-197.
  4. A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality.Carol S. Dweck & Ellen L. Leggett - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (2):256-273.
  5. The Obligation to Resist Oppression.Carol Hay - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (1):21-45.
    In this paper I argue that, in addition to having an obligation to resist the oppression of others, people have an obligation to themselves to resist their own oppression. This obligation to oneself, I argue, is grounded in a Kantian duty of self-respect.
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    The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales.Carol Levine & Oliver Sacks - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (2):42.
    Book reviewed in this article: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales. By Oliver Sacks.
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  7. Transnational solidarities.Carol C. Gould - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (1):148–164.
  8. Group Agency and Individualism.Carol Rovane - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S9):1663-1684.
    Pettit and List argue for realism about group agency, while at the same time try to retain a form of metaphysical and normative individualism on which human beings qualify as natural persons. This is an unstable and untenable combination of views. A corrective is offered here, on which realism about group agency leads us to the following related conclusions: in cases of group agency, the sort of rational unity that defines individual rational unity is realized at the level of a (...)
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  9. Historical science, experimental science, and the scientific method.Carol Cleland - 2001
    Many scientists believe that there is a uniform, interdisciplinary method for the prac- tice of good science. The paradigmatic examples, however, are drawn from classical ex- perimental science. Insofar as historical hypotheses cannot be tested in controlled labo- ratory settings, historical research is sometimes said to be inferior to experimental research. Using examples from diverse historical disciplines, this paper demonstrates that such claims are misguided. First, the reputed superiority of experimental research is based upon accounts of scientific methodology (Baconian inductivism (...)
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  10. Prediction and Explanation in Historical Natural Science.Carol E. Cleland - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (3):551-582.
    In earlier work ( Cleland [2001] , [2002]), I sketched an account of the structure and justification of ‘prototypical’ historical natural science that distinguishes it from ‘classical’ experimental science. This article expands upon this work, focusing upon the close connection between explanation and justification in the historical natural sciences. I argue that confirmation and disconfirmation in these fields depends primarily upon the explanatory (versus predictive or retrodictive) success or failure of hypotheses vis-à-vis empirical evidence. The account of historical explanation that (...)
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  11. From needs to goals and representations: Foundations for a unified theory of motivation, personality, and development.Carol S. Dweck - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (6):689-719.
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  12. Is the church-Turing thesis true?Carol E. Cleland - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (3):283-312.
    The Church-Turing thesis makes a bold claim about the theoretical limits to computation. It is based upon independent analyses of the general notion of an effective procedure proposed by Alan Turing and Alonzo Church in the 1930''s. As originally construed, the thesis applied only to the number theoretic functions; it amounted to the claim that there were no number theoretic functions which couldn''t be computed by a Turing machine but could be computed by means of some other kind of effective (...)
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    Material Feminisms: New Directions for Education.Carol A. Taylor & Gabrielle Ivinson (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Material Feminisms: New Directions for Education_ provides a range of powerful theoretical and innovative methodological examples to illuminate how new material feminism can be put to work in education to open up new avenues of research design and practice. It poses challenging questions about the nature of knowledge production, the role of the researcher, and the critical endeavour arising from inter- and post-disciplinarity. Working with diffractive methodologies and new materialist ecological epistemologies, the book offers resources for hope which widen the (...)
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    Four Stages in Social Media Network Analysis—Building Blocks for Health-Related Digital Autonomy in Artificial Intelligence, Social Media, and Depression.Carol G. Gu, Elizabeth Lerner Papautsky, Andrew D. Boyd & John Zulueta - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):38-40.
    The authors of the concept Health-Related Digital Autonomy have laid the first building block to examine the interactions between artificial intelligence, social media, and depression f...
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  15. The possibility of alternative microbial life on Earth.Carol E. Cleland - unknown
    : Despite its amazing morphological diversity, life as we know it on Earth today is remarkably similar in its basic molecular architecture and biochemistry. The assumption that all life on Earth today shares these molecular and biochemical features is part of the paradigm of modern biology. This paper examines the possibility that this assumption is false, more specifically, that the contemporary Earth contains as yet unrecognized alternative forms of microbial life. The possibility that more than one form of life arose (...)
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    How Democracy Can Inform Consent: Cases of the Internet and Bioethics.Carol C. Gould - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (2):173-191.
    Traditional conceptions of informed consent seem difficult or even impossible to apply to new technologies like biobanks, big data, or GMOs, where vast numbers of people are potentially affected, and where consequences and risks are indeterminate or even unforeseeable. Likewise, the principle has come under strain with the appropriation and monetisation of personal information on digital platforms. Over time, it has largely been reduced to bare assent to formalistic legal agreements. To address the current ineffectiveness of the norm of informed (...)
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    Building a New Consensus: Ethical Principles and Policies for Clinical Research on HIV / AIDS.Carol Levine, Nancy Neveloff Dubler & Robert J. Levine - 1991 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 13 (1/2):194-210.
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    Notes on the stability of separably closed fields.Carol Wood - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (3):412-416.
    The stability of each of the theories of separably closed fields is proved, in the manner of Shelah's proof of the corresponding result for differentially closed fields. These are at present the only known stable but not superstable theories of fields. We indicate in § 3 how each of the theories of separably closed fields can be associated with a model complete theory in the language of differential algebra. We assume familiarity with some basic facts about model completeness [4], stability (...)
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  19. The essential role of improvisation in musical performance.Carol S. Gould & Kenneth Keaton - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (2):143-148.
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  20. (1 other version)Marx’s Social Ontology: Individuality and Community in Marx’s Theory of Social Reality.Carol C. Gould - 1978 - Studies in Soviet Thought 22 (4):306-308.
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    Questions and (Some Very Tentative) Answers about Hospital Ethics Committees.Carol Levine - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (3):9-12.
  22. (1 other version)Structuring global democracy: Political communities, universal human rights, and transnational representation.Carol C. Gould - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (1):24-41.
    Abstract: The emergence of cross-border communities and transnational associations requires new ways of thinking about the norms involved in democracy in a globalized world. Given the significance of human rights fulfillment, including social and economic rights, I argue here for giving weight to the claims of political communities while also recognizing the need for input by distant others into the decisions of global governance institutions that affect them. I develop two criteria for addressing the scope of democratization in transnational contexts— (...)
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  23. Depression in the context of disability and the “right to die”.Carol J. Gill - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (3):171-198.
    Arguments in favor of legalized assisted suicide often center on issues of personal privacy and freedom of choice over one's body. Many disability advocates assert, however, that autonomy arguments neglect the complex sociopolitical determinants of despair for people with disabilities. Specifically, they argue that social approval of suicide for individuals with irreversible conditions is discriminatory and that relaxing restrictions on assisted suicide would jeopardize, not advance, the freedom of persons with disabilities to direct the lives they choose. This paper examines (...)
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  24. Varieties of Global Responsibility: Social Connection, Human Rights, and Transnational Solidarity.Carol C. Gould - 2009 - In Ann Ferguson & Mechtild Nagel, Dancing with Iris: The Philosophy of Iris Marion Young. New York: Oup Usa.
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    Self-theories.Carol S. Dweck & Daniel C. Molden - 2005 - In Andrew J. Elliot & Carol S. Dweck, Handbook of Competence and Motivation. The Guilford Press. pp. 122--140.
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  26. On effective procedures.Carol E. Cleland - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (2):159-179.
    Since the mid-twentieth century, the concept of the Turing machine has dominated thought about effective procedures. This paper presents an alternative to Turing's analysis; it unifies, refines, and extends my earlier work on this topic. I show that Turing machines cannot live up to their billing as paragons of effective procedure; at best, they may be said to provide us with mere procedure schemas. I argue that the concept of an effective procedure crucially depends upon distinguishing procedures as definite courses (...)
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    Roman Catholic Health Care Identity and Mission: Does Jesus Language Matter?Carol Taylor - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (1):29-47.
    This article examines the current use of Jesus language in a convenience sample of twenty-five mission statements from Roman Catholic hospitals and health care systems in the United States. Only twelve statements specifically use the words “Jesus” or “Christ” in their mission statements. The author advocates the use of explicit Jesus language and modeling. While the witness of Jesus in the Gospel healing narratives is not the only corrective to current abuses in the health care delivery system, it is foundational (...)
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    Has AIDS Changed the Ethics of Human Subjects Research?Carol Levine - 1988 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 16 (3-4):167-173.
  29. The representation of protein complexes in the Protein Ontology.Carol Bult, Harold Drabkin, Alexei Evsikov, Darren Natale, Cecilia Arighi, Natalia Roberts, Alan Ruttenberg, Peter D’Eustachio, Barry Smith, Judith Blake & Cathy Wu - 2011 - BMC Bioinformatics 12 (371):1-11.
    Representing species-specific proteins and protein complexes in ontologies that are both human and machine-readable facilitates the retrieval, analysis, and interpretation of genome-scale data sets. Although existing protin-centric informatics resources provide the biomedical research community with well-curated compendia of protein sequence and structure, these resources lack formal ontological representations of the relationships among the proteins themselves. The Protein Ontology (PRO) Consortium is filling this informatics resource gap by developing ontological representations and relationships among proteins and their variants and modified forms. Because (...)
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    Introduction.Carol C. Gould & Alistair M. Macleod - 2006 - Journal of Social Philosophy 37 (1):1–5.
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    Socializing the Means of Free Development.Carol C. Gould - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (2):81-103.
    This paper investigates the import for a conception of democratic socialism of Marx’s well-known principle “From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs,” arguing that it is best taken together with another of his principles: “The free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.” It considers their implications for the near term rather than some possible ultimate form of communal society, and also brings in a principle that I have developed previously—equal (...)
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    Philosophical Issues in Natural History and Its Historiography.Carol E. Cleland - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 44–62.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Scientific Method of Yore The Structure and Research Practices of Scientific Historiography of Nature Explanation and Confirmation in Scientific Historiography Narrative Explanation Common Cause Explanation References.
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    A Puzzle about the Possibility of Aristotelian enkrateia.Carol Gould - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (2):174-186.
  34. Marx's Social Ontology.Carol Gould - 1980 - Human Studies 3 (3):291-301.
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  35. The Role of Business Ethics in Merger and Acquisition Success: An Empirical Study.Carol Yeh-Yun Lin & Yu-Chen Wei - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (1):95-109.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore job performance, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) from an ethical perceptive. A great number of studies have extensively discussed the link between M&A and performance; however, most focused on the financial functions and strategy selections. Although ethical issues emerge in the M&A process, it is a less studied area. This study adopted the structural equation modeling approach to empirically test our hypotheses. Based on 264 samples from financial companies, data analyses indicated that ethical (...)
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    At the centre.Carol Levine - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (3):4-4.
  37.  49
    Acceptance, avoidance, and ambiguity: Conflicting social values about childhood disability.Carol Levine - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (4):371-383.
    : Advances in medical technology now permit children who need ventilator assistance to live at home rather than in hospitals or institutions. What does this ventilator-dependent life mean to children and their families? The impetus for this essay comes from a study of the moral experience of 12 Canadian families—parents, ventilator-dependent child, and well siblings. These families express great love for their children, take on enormous responsibilities for care, live with uncertainty, and attempt to create "normal" home environments. Nevertheless, they (...)
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    Reflections on "nursing considered as moral practice".Carol R. Taylor - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (1):71-82.
    : This response to the preceding article by Gastmans, Dierckx de Casterle, and Schotsmans challenges the notion of "good care" as the ultimate goal of nursing practice, explores further the possible goals of nursing and how they may be identified, and presents six elements of professional caring along with their related virtues and moral obligations.
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  39. What do care recipients owe their caregivers?Carol Levine - 2013 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 6 (2):89-93.
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    Personhood and human embryos and fetuses.Carol A. Tauer - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (3):253-266.
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    Chapter zero: fundamental notions of abstract mathematics.Carol Schumacher - 2019 - Hoboken: Pearson.
    This book is designed for the sophomore/junior level Introduction to Advanced Mathematics course. Written in a modified R.L. Moore fashion, it offers a unique approach in which readers construct their own understanding. However, while readers are called upon to write their own proofs, they are also encouraged to work in groups. There are few finished proofs contained in the text, but the author offers “proof sketches” and helpful technique tips to help readers as they develop their proof writing skills. This (...)
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    Introduction.Carol C. Gould & Sally J. Scholz - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (1):3–6.
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    Hands On/Hands Off: Why Health Care Professionals Depend on Families but Keep Them at Arm's Length.Carol Levine & Connie Zuckerman - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (1):5-18.
    In the theater the fictional Dr. Kelekian’s relief that he does not have to talk to family members about his patient’s cancer treatment draws uneasy laughter from the audience. Doctors, patients, and family members alike recognize the situation, even if hearing it so baldly expressed discomfits them.Why do physicians and other health care professionals, including lawyers and bioethicists, so often view families as “trouble”? And why do families so often see medical professionals as uncaring and uncommunicative? Presumably everyone wants the (...)
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    Business Ethics in Taiwan.Carol Yeh-Yun Lin - 1999 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 18 (2):69-90.
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    The Hidden Tradition: Feminism, Women, and Nationalism in Ireland.Carol Coulter & J. J. Lee - 1993
  46. Contemporary legal conceptions of property and their implications for democracy.Carol Gould - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (11):716-729.
  47.  46
    Objections to Simpson’s argument in ‘Robots, Trust and War’.Carol Lord - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (3):241-251.
    In “Robots, Trust and War” Simpson claims that victory in counter-insurgency conflicts requires that military forces and their governing body win the ‘hearts and minds’ of civilians. Consequently, forces made up primarily of autonomous robots would be ineffective in these conflicts for two reasons. Firstly, because civilians cannot rationally trust them because they cannot act from a motive based on good character. If they ever did develop this capacity then the purpose of sending them to war in our stead would (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Carol Levine - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (2):16-16.
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  49. The death penalty and deontology.Carol Steiker - 2011 - In John Deigh & David Dolinko, The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of the Criminal Law. Oxford University Press.
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  50. Socratic Intellectualism and the Problem of Courage: An Interpretation of Plato's Laches.Carol S. Gould - 1987 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 4 (3):265 - 279.
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