Results for 'Carlotta Cini'

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  1. Know-how, action, and luck.Carlotta Pavese - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 7):1595-1617.
    A good surgeon knows how to perform a surgery; a good architect knows how to design a house. We value their know-how. We ordinarily look for it. What makes it so valuable? A natural response is that know-how is valuable because it explains success. A surgeon’s know-how explains their success at performing a surgery. And an architect’s know-how explains their success at designing houses that stand up. We value know-how because of its special explanatory link to success. But in virtue (...)
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  2. Know-How and Gradability.Carlotta Pavese - 2017 - Philosophical Review 126 (3):345-383.
    Orthodoxy has it that knowledge is absolute—that is, it cannot come in degrees. On the other hand, there seems to be strong evidence for the gradability of know-how. Ascriptions of know-how are gradable, as when we say that one knows in part how to do something, or that one knows how to do something better than somebody else. When coupled with absolutism, the gradability of ascriptions of know-how can be used to mount a powerful argument against intellectualism about know-how—the view (...)
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  3. Practical Senses.Carlotta Pavese - 2015 - Philosophers' Imprint 15.
    In their theories of know how, proponents of Intellectualism routinely appeal to ‘practical modes of presentation’. But what are practical modes of presentation? And what makes them distinctively practical? In this essay, I develop a Fregean account of practical modes of presentation: I argue that there are such things as practical senses and I give a theory of what they are. One of the challenges facing the proponent of a distinctively Fregean construal of practical modes of presentation is to provide (...)
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  4. Skill in epistemology II: Skill and know how.Carlotta Pavese - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (11):650-660.
    The prequel to this paper has discussed the relation between knowledge and skill and introduced the topic of the relationship between skill and know how. This sequel continues the discussion. First, I survey the recent debate on intellectualism about knowing how (§1-3). Then, I tackle the question as to whether intellectualism (and anti-intellectualism) about skill and intellectualism (and anti-intellectualism) about know how fall or stand together (§4-5).
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    The psychological reality of practical representation.Carlotta Pavese - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (5):784-821.
    We represent the world in a variety of ways: through percepts, concepts, propositional attitudes, words, numerals, recordings, musical scores, photographs, diagrams, mimetic paintings, etc. Some of these representations are mental. It is customary for philosophers to distinguish two main kinds of mental representations: perceptual representation (e.g., vision, auditory, tactile) and conceptual representation. This essay presupposes a version of this dichotomy and explores the way in which a further kind of representation – procedural representation – represents. It is argued that, in (...)
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  6. Probabilistic Knowledge in Action.Carlotta Pavese - 2020 - Analysis 80 (2):342-356.
    According to a standard assumption in epistemology, if one only partially believes that p , then one cannot thereby have knowledge that p. For example, if one only partially believes that that it is raining outside, one cannot know that it is raining outside; and if one only partially believes that it is likely that it will rain outside, one cannot know that it is likely that it will rain outside. Many epistemologists will agree that epistemic agents are capable of (...)
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  7. Knowledge, Action, Defeasibility.Carlotta Pavese - 2021 - In Jessica Brown & Mona Simion, Reasons, Justification, and Defeat. Oxford Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    One can intentionally do something only if one knows what one is doing while they are doing it. For example, one can intentionally kill one’s neighbor by opening their gas stove overnight only if one knows that the gas is likely to kill the neighbor in their sleep. One can intentionally sabotage the victory of one’s rival by putting sleeping drugs in their drink only if one knows that sleeping drugs will harm the rival’s performance. And so on. In a (...)
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  8. Knowledge-How.Carlotta Pavese - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (Ed.).
  9. Knowing a rule.Carlotta Pavese - 2015 - Philosophical Issues 25 (1):165-188.
    In this essay, I provide a new argument for Intellectualism about knowing how, one that does not rest on controversial assumptions about how knowing how is ascribed in English. In particular, I argue that the distinctive intentionality of the manifestations of knowing how ought to be explained in terms of a propositional attitude of belief about how to perform an action.
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  10. Happiness and Aristotle’s Definition of Eudaimonia.Carlotta Capuccino - 2013 - Philosophical Topics 41 (1):1-26.
    Happiness is a much-debated topic in both ancient and contemporary philosophy. The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to establish what are the necessary and sufficient conditions of eudaimonia for Aristotle in Book I of Nicomachean Ethics; and second, to show how Aristotle’s theory is also a good answer to the questions of the contemporary common sense about what happiness is and how to achieve it. In this way, I would suggest new arguments to give a new voice to (...)
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  11. Practical Representation.Carlotta Pavese - 2020 - In Ellen Fridland & Carlotta Pavese, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Skill and Expertise. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter discusses recent attempts to clarify the notion of practical representation and its theoretical fruitfulness. The ultimate goal is not just to show that intellectualists are on good grounds when they appeal to practical representation in their theories of know-how. Rather, it is to argue that ​ any plausible theory of skill and know-how has to appeal to the notion of practical representation developed here. §1 explains the notion of a mode of presentation and introduces practical modes of presentation. (...)
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  12. Skill in epistemology I: Skill and knowledge.Carlotta Pavese - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (11):642-649.
    Knowledge and skill are intimately connected. In this essay, I discuss the question of their relationship and of which (if any) is prior to which in the order of explanation. I review some of the answers that have been given thus far in the literature, with a particular focus on the many foundational issues in epistemology that intersect with the philosophy of skill.
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  13. Modal Virtue Epistemology.Bob Beddor & Carlotta Pavese - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (1):61-79.
    This essay defends a novel form of virtue epistemology: Modal Virtue Epistemology. It borrows from traditional virtue epistemology the idea that knowledge is a type of skillful performance. But it goes on to understand skillfulness in purely modal terms — that is, in terms of success across a range of counterfactual scenarios. We argue that this approach offers a promising way of synthesizing virtue epistemology with a modal account of knowledge, according to which knowledge is safe belief. In particular, we (...)
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  14. The Know-How Solution to Kraemer's Puzzle.Carlotta Pavese & Henne Paul - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105490.
    In certain cases, people judge that agents bring about ends intentionally but also that they do not bring about the means that brought about those ends intentionally—even though bringing about the ends and means is just as likely. We call this difference in judgments the Kraemer effect. We offer a novel explanation for this effect: a perceived difference in the extent to which agents know how to bring about the means and the ends explains the Kraemer effect. In several experiments, (...)
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  15. Logical Inference and Its Dynamics.Carlotta Pavese - 2016 - In Olivier Roy, Allard Tamminga & Malte Willer, Deontic Logic and Normative Systems. London, UK: College Publications. pp. 203-219.
    This essay advances and develops a dynamic conception of inference rules and uses it to reexamine a long-standing problem about logical inference raised by Lewis Carroll’s regress.
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  16. A Theory of Practical Meaning.Carlotta Pavese - 2017 - Philosophical Topics 45 (2):65-96.
    This essay is divided into two parts. In the first part (§2), I introduce the idea of practical meaning by looking at a certain kind of procedural systems — the motor system — that play a central role in computational explanations of motor behavior. I argue that in order to give a satisfactory account of the content of the representations computed by motor systems (motor commands), we need to appeal to a distinctively practical kind of meaning. Defending the explanatory relevance (...)
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    Le riviste di Umberto Notari (1903-1922): cultura visiva a Milano tra Futurismo e Novecento.Carlotta Castellani - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (2):191-223.
    Obiettivo del contributo è delineare l’attività editoriale di Umberto Notari, poco studiata dalla critica, analizzando alcune riviste fondate a Milano tra 1903 e 1917: il «Verde e Azzurro», «La Giovane Italia», «Gli Avvenimenti» e «Le Industrie Italiane Illustrate». Oltre a rintracciare le collaborazioni con i membri del Futurismo e del gruppo di Novecento, l’analisi di questi periodici mostra in che misura Notari si sia servito delle sue riviste per elaborare pionieristiche strategie pubblicitarie, di comunicazione di massa e di organizzazione del (...)
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    Le case sono infrastrutture? Riproduzione, intimità e lavoro negli spazi domestici.Carlotta Cossutta - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (69):73-88.
    Il testo prende in esame lo spazio domestico e le relazioni che lo caratterizzano attraverso il tentativo di leggerli come un’infrastruttura sociale. Pensare la casa come infrastruttura significa anche ampliare la concezione di cosa sia un’infrastruttura e riflettere sulla relazione tra politica e intimità per mettere in discussione i confini tra pubblico e privato. Inoltre, osservare la casa attraverso la dimensione infrastrutturale permette di mettere la centro il lavoro riproduttivo non solo come lavoro ma anche come elemento centrale per l’infrastruttura (...)
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    Lorenzo Ferroni, Arnaud Macé (éd.), Platon : Ion.Carlotta Capuccino - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:175-178.
    A inizio estate del 2018 l’editore Les Belles Lettres di Parigi ha pubblicato una nuova «édition bilingue commentée» dello Ione platonico, la prima opera di filosofia greca antica a essere ospitata nella collana Commentario. Si tratta di un lavoro a quattro mani a cura del filologo italiano Lorenzo Ferroni e del filosofo francese Arnaud Macé, che presenta una chiara divisione dei compiti: oltre all’introduzione, alla traduzione e a un commento del dialogo (a cura di Macé), come previsto dalla...
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  20. Continuity and Discontinuity in the Definition of a Disciplinary Field: The Case of XXth Century in Imre Lakatos and Theories of Scientific Change.M. Cini - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 111:83-94.
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    Overcoming Revolutions: Property, Independence, and Relation in Mary Wollstonecraft.Carlotta Cossutta - 2025 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 7:103-121.
    The article examines Mary Wollstonecraft’s interpretation of revolutionary movements, particularly through her analysis of the French Revolution. Wollstonecraft examines the oppression of women as a form of slavery, but also uses it as a lens through which to denounce socio-economic injustices and propose radical change. Her critique of mercantile society and property contrasts with her rethinking of the domestic sphere as an alternative political space. The article shows how these reflections lead to a rethinking of femininity and the construction of (...)
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    Significati, proposizioni e decitazionismo.Carlotta Pavese - 2007 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 20 (2):361-370.
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  23. Metaphysical Arguments in Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study -- Philosophie.Carlotta Piscopo - unknown
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    At the Origins of Modern Geography. The Oecumene: an Anthropogeographical Pattern.Carlotta Santini - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (6):560-569.
    ABSTRACTGeography must be conceived in relation to man. It is not merely a description of the Earth, rather it accounts for the history of man’s relationship with it, of man’s movements on its surface, and his transformative impact on the world. From this perspective, Friedrich Ratzel was extraordinarily innovative respect to other nineteenth century scholars. That said, however, his revolutionary approach actually relied on an ancient foundation. To understand the basis of Ratzel’s anthropogeographical project it is vital to return to (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche e a crítica dos paradigmas culturais nas preleções da Basileia.Carlotta Santini - 2018 - Cadernos Nietzsche 39 (3):49-75.
    Resumo Quando pensamos na Grécia, o “lugar dos sonhos” dos alemães, e especialmente na relação de Nietzsche com a Grécia, muitas coisas podem com razão chamar nossa atenção. Grécia pode ser interpretada de diferentes maneiras na obra de Nietzsche. Mas todos podemos talvez concordar que, para Nietzsche, o mundo grego é uma ferramenta de valor crítico insuperável. Eles são testemunhas da diferença que os separa de nós. Eles são uma alternativa cultural inalcançável e inalcançada, para a qual é permitido orientar-nos, (...)
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    Zwischen Geschichte und Gedächtnis: Aby Warburg, Jacob Burckhardt und Friedrich Nietzsche.Carlotta Santini - 2020 - In Anthony K. Jensen & Carlotta Santini, Nietzsche on Memory and History: The Re-Encountered Shadow. De Gruyter. pp. 279-300.
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    News on “Nietzsche on Theognis of Megara”?Carlotta Santini - 2017 - Nietzsche Studien 46 (1):308-313.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 46 Heft: 1 Seiten: 308-313.
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  28. On the Meaning of 'Therefore'.Carlotta Pavese - 2017 - Analysis 77 (1):88-97.
    I argue for an analysis of ‘therefore’ as presupposition trigger against the more standard conventional implicature story originally put forward by Grice (1975). I propose that we model the relevant presupposition as “testing” the context in a way that is similar to how, according to some dynamic treatments of epistemic `must', ‘must’ tests the context. But whereas the presupposition analysis is plausible for ‘therefore’, ‘must’ is not plausibly a presupposition trigger. Moreover, whereas ‘must’ can naturally occur under a supposition, the (...)
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    (1 other version)Reduced shared emotional representations toward women revealing more skin.Carlotta Cogoni, Andrea Carnaghi & Giorgia Silani - forthcoming - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion:1-16.
  30. Meaning without Gricean Intentions.Pavese Carlotta & Radulescu Alexandru - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Gricean theories analyse meaning in terms of certain complex intentions on the part of the speaker—the intention to produce an effect on the addressee, and the intention to have that intention recognized by the addressee. By drawing an analogy with cases widely discussed in action theory, we propose a novel counterexample where the speaker lacks these intentions, but nonetheless means something, and successfully performs a speech act.
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  31. Intelligence Socialism.Carlotta Pavese - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind.
    From artistic performances in the visual arts and in music to motor control in gymnastics, from tool use to chess and language, humans excel in a variety of skills. On the plausible assumption that skillful behavior is a visible manifestation of intelligence, a theory of intelligence—whether human or not—should be informed by a theory of skills. More controversial is the question as to whether, in order to theorize about intelligence, we should study certain skills in particular. My target is the (...)
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  32. Factive Mindreading in the Folk Psychology of Action.Carlotta Pavese - forthcoming - In Artūrs Logins & Jacques Henri Vollet, Putting Knowledge to Work: New Directions for Knowledge-First Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In the recent literature, several authors have argued that the capacity to track factive mental states plays a central role in explaining our ability to understand and predict people’s behavior (Nagel 2013; Nagel 2017; Phillips & Norby 2019; Phillips et al. 2020; Westra & Nagel 2021). The topic of this chapter is whether this capacity also enters into an explanation of our ability to track skilled and intentional actions.
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  33. Skills as Knowledge.Carlotta Pavese & Beddor Bob - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):609-624.
    1. What is the relation between skilful action and knowledge? According to most philosophers, the two have little in common: practical intelligence and theoretical intelligence are largely separate...
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    Editor’s introduction.Carlotta Pavese & Felipe De Brigard - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (5):585-587.
    Volume 32, Issue 5, July 2019, Page 585-588.
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  35. Knowledge, Skills, and Creditability.Carlotta Pavese - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-19.
    The article discusses the relation between skills (or competences), creditability, and aptness . The positive suggestion is that we might make progress understanding the relation between creditability and aptness by inquiring more generally about how different kinds of competences and their exercise might underwrite allocation of credit. Whether or not a competence is acquired and whether or not a competence is actively exercised might matter for the credit that the agent deserves for the exercise of that competence. A fine-grained taxonomy (...)
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  36. A Critique of the Constitutive Role of Truthlikeness in the Similarity Approach.Carlotta Piscopo & Mauro Birattari - 2010 - Erkenntnis 72 (3):379-386.
    The similarity approach stands as a significant attempt to defend scientific realism from the attack of the pessimistic meta-induction. The strategy behind the similarity approach is to shift from an absolute notion of truth to the more flexible one of truthlikeness. Nonetheless, some authors are not satisfied with this attempt to defend realism and find that the notion of truthlikeness is not fully convincing. The aim of this paper is to analyze and understand the reasons of this dissatisfaction. Our thesis (...)
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  37. Practical knowledge first.Carlotta Pavese - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-18.
    This idea that what is distinctive of intentional performances (or at least of those intentional performances that amount to skilled actions) is one’s practical knowledge in it —i.e., knowledge of what one is doing while doing it— famously traces back to Anscombe ([]1963] 2000). While many philosophers have theorized about Anscombe’s notion of practical knowledge (e.g., Setiya (2008), Thompson et al. (2011), Schwenkler (2019), O’Brien (2007)), there is a wide disagreement about how to understand it. This paper investigates how best (...)
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  38. Introduction to the Practical Mind.Pavese Carlotta - manuscript
    This is the introduction to my forthcoming book and the table of contents.
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    How individual metacognitive awareness relates to situation-specific metacognitive interpretations of collaborative learning tasks.Ahsen Çini, Jonna Malmberg & Sanna Järvelä - forthcoming - Educational Studies:1-22.
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    Knowledge and mentality.Carlotta Pavese - 2021 - Philosophical Perspectives 35 (1):359-382.
    This paper reexamines the case for mentality — the thesis that knowledge is a mental state in its own right, and not only derivatively, simply by virtue of being composed out of mental states or by virtue of being a property of mental states — and explores a novel argument for it. I argue that a certain property singled out by psychologists and philosophers of cognitive science as distinctive of skillful behavior (agentive control) is best understood in terms of knowledge. (...)
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    Incontri aristotelici.Carlotta Capuccino (ed.) - 2018 - Bologna: Bononia University Press.
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  42. Contexto de descubrimiento y contexto de demostración: las propuestas de Newmann y de Wiener en el desarrollo de la física del siglo XX.Marcelo Cini - 1986 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 59:11-24.
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    How algorithms are reshaping the exploitation of labour-power: insights into the process of labour invisibilization in the platform economy.Lorenzo Cini - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-27.
    Marx conceives of capitalism as a production mode based on the exploitation of labour-power, whose productive consumption in the labour process is considered as the main source of value creation. Capitalists seek to obscure and secure workers’ contribution to the production process, whereas workers strive to have their contribution fully recognized. The struggle between capitalists and workers over labour-time is thus central to capital’s valorization process. Hence, capital–labour antagonism is structured over the capture and exploitation of unpaid labour-time. Building on (...)
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  44. Il valore del fine nel mondo.Fondazione "Giorgio Cini & " Venice - 1955 - [Firenze]: Sansoni.
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    Defending the Body Without Sensing the Body Position: Physiological Evidence in a Brain-Damaged Patient With a Proprioceptive Deficit.Carlotta Fossataro, Valentina Bruno, Patrizia Gindri & Francesca Garbarini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Eine kommentierte Übersetzung von Nietzsches lateinischen Schüler-Texten.Carlotta Santini - 2012 - Nietzsche Studien 41 (1):432-435.
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    Nicht der Anfang, sondern das Ende.Carlotta Santini - 2012 - In Jutta Georg & Claus Zittel, Nietzsches Philosophie des Unbewussten. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 137-146.
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    Pour une épistémologie de l’image. Schleiermacher sur les procès de formation et diffusion des formes archétypiques.Carlotta Santini - 2023 - In Christian Berner, Sarah Schmidt, Brent W. Sockness & Denis Thouard, Kommunikation in Philosophie, Religion und Gesellschaft: Akten des InternationalenSchleiermacher-Kongresses 25.–29. Mai 2021. De Gruyter. pp. 403-420.
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  49. Practical Knowledge without Luminosity.Bob Beddor & Carlotta Pavese - 2021 - Mind 131 (523):917-934.
    According to a rich tradition in philosophy of action, intentional action requires practical knowledge: someone who acts intentionally knows what they are doing while they are doing it. Piñeros Glasscock argues that an anti-luminosity argument, of the sort developed in Williamson, can be readily adapted to provide a reductio of an epistemic condition on intentional action. This paper undertakes a rescue mission on behalf of an epistemic condition on intentional action. We formulate and defend a version of an epistemic condition (...)
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    Nietzsche und der antike Skeptizismus.Carlotta Santini - 2013 - Nietzsche Studien 42 (1).
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