Results for 'Carl Lemmens'

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  1.  67
    Justice for the Professional Guinea Pig.Trudo Lemmens & Carl Elliott - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (2):51-53.
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    Pharma Goes to the Laundry: Public Relations and the Business of Medical Education.Carl Lemmens - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (5):18-23.
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    Toxic Torts: Science, Law and the Possibility of Justice.Carl F. Cranor - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    The relationship between science, law and justice has become a pressing issue with US Supreme Court decisions beginning with Daubert v. Merrell-Dow Pharmaceutical. How courts review scientific testimony and its foundation before trial can substantially affect the possibility of justice for persons wrongfully injured by exposure to toxic substances. If courts do not review scientific testimony, they will deny one of the parties the possibility of justice. Even if courts review evidence well, the fact and perception of greater judicial scrutiny (...)
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    Challenge and response.Carl Wellman - 1971 - Carbondale,: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Mr. Wellman’s highly original contribution to the relatively new field of justification in ethics consists of characterizing the different ways in which ethical statements can be challenged and showing how each sort of challenge can be met by an appropriate response, enabling reasonable men to appropriately discuss or reflect on ethical issues. In developing his unique, systematic, methodology of ethics, Mr. Wellman has, first, rigorously reviewed and refuted the main arguments for the view of the nature of all reasoning as (...)
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    Valuation and objectivity in science.Carl G. Hempel - 1983 - In Robert S. Cohen & Larry Laudan, Physics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Essays in Honor of Adolf Grünbaum. D. Reidel. pp. 73--100.
  6. Psychology and Religion: West and East.Carl G. Jung, Herbert Reed, Michael Fordham, Gerhard Adler & R. F. C. Hull - 1959 - Philosophy East and West 9 (3):177-180.
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  7. Analysis of Consent Validity for Invasive, Nondiagnostic Research Procedures.Jonathan Kimmelman, Trudo Lemmens & Scott Kim - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (5):1-7.
    A growing number of clinical trials use invasive research procedures to obtain tissue for disease screening and to monitor the effects of drugs. These procedures can be ethically contentious because they often have neither therapeutic nor diagnostic value, and because research participants may not realize this, which could compromise the validity of their consent to the procedure. In the first section of this paper, we describe the burdens, risks, and benefits associated with certain common invasive, nondiagnostic research procedures. We next (...)
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  8. Physics: Frightful, but fun. Pupils' and teachers' views of physics and physics teaching.Carl Angell, Øystein Guttersrud, Ellen K. Henriksen & Anders Isnes - 2004 - Science Education 88 (5):683-706.
  9. Probability kinematics and commutativity.Carl G. Wagner - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (2):266-278.
    The so-called "non-commutativity" of probability kinematics has caused much unjustified concern. When identical learning is properly represented, namely, by identical Bayes factors rather than identical posterior probabilities, then sequential probability-kinematical revisions behave just as they should. Our analysis is based on a variant of Field's reformulation of probability kinematics, divested of its (inessential) physicalist gloss.
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  10. Provisos: A philosophical problem concerning the inferential function of scientific laws.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1988 - In Adolf Grünbaum & Wesley C. Salmon, Limitstions of Deductivism. University of California Press, Berkeley, Ca. pp. 19Ð36.
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  11. Die Pseudo-Aristotelischen Probleme Über Musik.Carl Stumpf - 1897 - Königl, Akademie der Wissenschaften in Commission Bei G. Reimer.
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    Teaching Otherwise.Carl Anders Säfström - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (1):19-29.
    In this paper I discuss some conditions forunderstanding teaching as an act ofresponsibility towards an other, rather than asan instrumental act identified throughepistemology. I first put the latter intocontext through a critical reading of teachingas it is inscribed in humanistic discourses oneducation. Within these discourses, I explorehow students are treated as objects ofknowledge that reinforce the teacher's ego. Icontend that the taking up of this positionmakes not only an ethical relation to thestudent impossible, but also disqualifies anytype of meaningful social (...)
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  13. Experimental Artefacts.Carl F. Craver & Talia Dan-Cohen - 2024 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 75 (1):253-274.
    A core, constitutive norm of science is to remove or remedy the artefacts in one’s data. Here, we consider examples of artefacts from many fields of science (for example, astronomy, economics, electrophysiology, psychology, and systems neuroscience) and discuss their contribution to a more general evidential selection problem at the heart of the epistemology of evidence. Synthesizing and building on previously disparate discussions in many areas of the philosophy of science, we provide a novel, causal–pragmatic account that fits the examples and (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Spreken lokale afdelingen van Vlaamse partijen uit één mond?Carl Devos, D. Verlet & Herwig Reynaert - 2007 - Res Publica: Tijdschrift Voor Politologie 1:89.
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    Discovery and justification.Carl R. Kordig - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (1):110-117.
    The distinction between discovery and justification is ambiguous. This obscures the debate over a logic of discovery. For the debate presupposes the distinction. Real discoveries are well established. What is well established is justified. The proper distinctions are three: initial thinking, plausibility, and acceptability. Logic is not essential to initial thinking. We do not need good supporting reasons to initially think of an hypothesis. Initial thoughts need be neither plausible nor acceptable. Logic is essential, as Hanson noted, to both plausibility (...)
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  16. Four Systems.Carl Cohen - 1983 - Studies in Soviet Thought 25 (3):219-226.
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    A cohesive set which is not high.Carl Jockusch & Frank Stephan - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):515-530.
    We study the degrees of unsolvability of sets which are cohesive . We answer a question raised by the first author in 1972 by showing that there is a cohesive set A whose degree a satisfies a' = 0″ and hence is not high. We characterize the jumps of the degrees of r-cohesive sets, and we show that the degrees of r-cohesive sets coincide with those of the cohesive sets. We obtain analogous results for strongly hyperimmune and strongly hyperhyperimmune sets (...)
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  18.  49
    Cruel and Unusual Treatment.Carl Elliott & Charles Weijer - unknown
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    Kleines Philosophenlexikon.Carl Decurtins - 1952 - Affoltern a. A.,: Aehren Verlag.
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    Les Nekudaimones et leurs errances nocturnes: du paganisme au christianisme.Carl Omer Deroux - 2004 - Paideia 59:97-114.
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    The meaning of consciousness.Carl Gustaf Erickson - 1922 - New Haven:
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  22. The Theology and Philosophy of Eliade.Carl Olson - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (1):122-123.
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  23. Gifted knowledge: An exception to Thomistic epistemology?Carl N. Still - 1999 - The Thomist 63 (2):173-190.
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    Morals & ethics.Carl Wellman - 1975 - Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman.
  25.  27
    L’univers TikTok.Carl Amiard - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):163-170.
    TikTok a changé ma vie. D’une part, en y passant trois heures par jour, j’y suis devenu presque addict. D’une autre part, TikTok m’a permis de me créer une audience à travers la création de vidéos courtes. Cette dualité consommateur-producteur est l’une des particularités de la plateforme. À travers des analyses formelles et mes expérimentations personnelles, cet article essaie de comprendre ce qui fait le succès et la puissance de TikTok.
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  26.  37
    The trouble with unifying Narratives: African Americans and the civil Rights movement in U.S. history content Standards.Carl B. Anderson - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (2):111-120.
    This textual analysis is a collective case study of K-12 United States History content standards in light of how they represent the historical experiences of African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. The study uses a multi-perspective critical conceptual framework to evaluate the standards for nine state-level polities on both the quality of treatment and the orientation of how African Americans are depicted in the standards. Analysis revealed that the reviewed standards tend to discourage rigorous historical thinking in favor of (...)
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  27. Introduction to practical knowledge and normativity studies.Carl Cederberg, Kåre Fuglseth & Edwin van der Zande - 2023 - In Carl Cederberg, Kåre Fuglseth & Edwin Van der Zande, Exploring practical knowledge: life-world studies of professionals in education and research. Boston: Brill.
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    Two Dogmas of Probabilism.Carl G. Wagner - 2003 - In Erik Olsson, The Epistemology of Keith Lehrer. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 143--152.
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    Emotivism and Ethical Objectivity.Carl Wellman - 1968 - American Philosophical Quarterly 5 (2):90 - 99.
  30. Working (on) Electronic Portfolis: Connections between Work and Study.Carl Whithaus & Mary Beth Lakin - 2005 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 9 (2).
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    A Selection of Thomas More's Political Epigrams.Carl E. Young - 2020 - Moreana 57 (2):202-228.
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    Objectivity, Scientific Change, and Self-Reference.Carl R. Kordig - 1970 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1970:519 - 523.
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    The relations between the sciences.Carl Frederick Abel Pantin - 1968 - London,: Cambridge University Press. Edited by A. M. Pantin & William Homan Thorpe.
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    The justification of scientific change.Carl R. Kordig - 1971 - Dordrecht,: Reidel.
    Based on author's dissertation--Yale University.
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    Wissenschaft und Sinnlichkeit.Carl Amery & Peter Oberlechner (eds.) - 1986 - Wien: H. Böhlau.
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  36. The Role of a Distinction Between Primary and Secondary Qualities in Realism Since Descartes.Carl G. Anderson - 1996 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    In the thesis I criticize the project of showing that the primary qualities mentioned in a special "scientific" or "objective" conception of the world enjoy a status that secondary qualities do not, and suggest how the appeal of such a distinction might be overcome. ;Descartes argued that we erroneously ascribe illusory "secondary" qualities to the world. In the painting analogy of the First Meditation I identify a line of reasoning that has been previously overlooked yet is crucial to the success (...)
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  37. The small game in the shadow of the great game: Kjellénian biopolitics between constructivism and realism.Carl Marklund - 2021 - In Ragnar Björk & Thomas Lundén, Territory, state and nation: the geopolitics of Rudolf Kjellén. New York: Berghahn Books.
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  38. Bergson's critique of practical reason.Carl Power - 2012 - In Alexandre Lefebvre & Melanie White, Bergson, Politics, and Religion. Durham: Duke University Press.
  39. GloboChrist: The Great Commission Takes a Postmodern Turn.Carl Raschke - 2008
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    10How Many Levels Are There? How Insights from Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality Help Measure the Hierarchical Complexity of Life.Carl Simpson - 2011 - In Brett Calcott & Kim Sterelny, The Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited. MIT Press.
    This chapter argues that the multilevel selection -1 to MLS-2 model of a major transition is incomplete because it overlooks a crucial component of fitness. It addresses that the evolution of individuality literature has failed to account for expansive fitness and that expansive fitness differences play an important role in the transition to regimes sensitive to the fitness of the corporate agent. It discusses multilevel evolution during the three phases of transitions in individuality: the aggregate phase, the group phase, and (...)
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  41. Platon Und Sokrates Darstellung des Platonischen Lebenswerkes Auf Neuer Grundlage.Carl Siegel - 1920 - Felix Meiner.
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    Die Autonomie des philosophischen Bewusstseins ; Die Grundlehren der Anthroposophie ; Zur vernunftgemässen Verarbeitung der Geisteswissenschaft Rudolf Steiners.Carl Unger - 1964 - Stuttgart: Verlag Freies Geistesleben. Edited by Carl Unger.
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    Between Leibniz and Mill: Kant's Logic and the Rhetoric of Psychologism.Carl J. Posy - 1997 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 30 (3):243 - 270.
  44.  12
    Die Tyrannei der Werte.Carl Schmitt - 1979 - Hamburg: Lutherisches Verlagshaus. Edited by Eberhard Jüngel & Sepp Schelz.
    Schmitt, C. Die Tyrannei der Werte.--Jüngel, E. Wertlose Wahrheit.--Schelz, S. Der Wert als ideologischer Begriff.
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  45. Art and Knowledge.Carl Mathesonevan Kirchhoff - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (4):575-598.
    In his Art and Knowledge, the distinguished Canadian philosopher of art, James O. Young, takes on the daunting task of defending his opening claim that ‘every item properly classified as a work of art can contribute to human knowledge’. His assertion is a general one, intended to apply to any and every prospective artwork, not merely to sub-genres like the moral novel or the ‘Shock-Headed Peter’ school of didactic bedtime terror-fest. Thus, according to Young, works such as The Well-Tempered Clavier (...)
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  46. The influence of Arabic Aristotelianism upon the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.Carl Johannes Rautzenberg - 1930 - Chicago,:
  47. Encountering Marcuse.Carl E. Schorske - 2004 - In John Abromeit & William Mark Cobb, Herbert Marcuse: a critical reader. New York: Routledge.
  48. Il concetto discriminatorio di guerra.Carl Schmitt - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (4):719.
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  49. Źródła tragizmu.Carl Schmitt - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (3):18-28.
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  50. Wprowadzenie.Carl Schmitt - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (3):6-7.
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