Results for 'Cara Swain'

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  1.  2
    Considering the ethics of live tissue training in trauma surgery.Cara Swain, Rory Rickard, Klas Karlgren & Gert Helgesson - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    ‘Live tissue training’, using an anaesthetised live animal substituted for a human patient for the practice of surgical skills, is a controversial topic. Although simulator technologies have developed significantly for inclusion in many areas of surgical education, it is contested that training to manage traumatic injuries requires a model that can bleed and has a dynamic circulation. This article uses the published literature to explore the values at stake regarding live tissue training in the context of trauma with the aim (...)
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  2. Ecological Refugees, States Borders, and the Lockean Proviso.Cara Nine - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (4):359-375.
    Ecological refugees are expected to make up an increasing percentage of overall refugees in the coming decades as predicted climate change related disasters will displace millions of people. In this essay, I focus on those rights ecological refugees may claim on the basis of collective self-determination. To this end, I will focus on a few specific cases that I call cases of ‘ecological refugee states’. Tuvalu, the Maldives, and to a certain extent, Bangladesh are predicted to be ecological refugee states (...)
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  3. The instability of philosophical intuitions: Running hot and cold on truetemp.Stacey Swain, Joshua Alexander & Jonathan M. Weinberg - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76 (1):138-155.
    A growing body of empirical literature challenges philosophers’ reliance on intuitions as evidence based on the fact that intuitions vary according to factors such as cultural and educational background, and socio-economic status. Our research extends this challenge, investigating Lehrer’s appeal to the Truetemp Case as evidence against reliabilism. We found that intuitions in response to this case vary according to whether, and which, other thought experiments are considered first. Our results show that compared to subjects who receive the Truetemp Case (...)
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    Global Justice and Territory.Cara Nine - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Historical injustice and global inequality are basic problems embedded in territorial rights. In Global Justice and Territory Cara Nine advances a general theory of territorial rights adapting a theoretical framework from natural law theory to ground all territorial claims.
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    Water Crisis Adaptation: Defending a Strong Right Against Displacement from the Home.Cara Nine - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (1):37-52.
    This essay defends a strong right against displacement as part of a basic individual right to secure access to one’s home. The analysis is purposefully situated within the difficult context of climate change adaptation policies. Under increasing environmental pressures, especially regarding water security, there are weighty reasons motivating the forced displacement of persons—to safeguard water resources or prevent water-related disasters. Even in these pressing circumstances, I argue, individuals have weighty rights to secure access to their homes. I explain how the (...)
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  6. Creativity in military complexity: design, disruptors and defence forces.Cara Wrigley & Murray Simons - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    This work offers a groundbreaking exploration of the urgent need for creativity and innovation in contemporary military thought. In an era characterised by the ceaseless flux of global dynamics, traditional paradigms of warfare have become increasingly obsolete. The imperative has arisen to harness out-of-box thinking, underscoring creativity and innovation within the realm of military thought. The pursuit of victory no longer lies in the fixation upon past conflicts, but rather in the discerning assessment of and adaptation to the challenges that (...)
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    Reasons and knowledge.Marshall Swain - 1981 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  8.  67
    Compromise and original acquisition: Explaining rights to the arctic.Cara Nine - 2015 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (1):149-170.
  9. Is there a problem of the essential indexical?Cara Spencer - unknown
    Some time ago, John Perry argued that the content of an indexical belief, that is, a belief expressible with a sentence containing an indexical or demonstrative, cannot be a proposition. I consider several of his arguments for this view, and show that they can be extended to show that belief expressible with other non-indexical expressions such as natural kind terms and proper names presents the very same problem for the traditional picture. I then suggest that if indexical belief has any (...)
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  10. Superseding historic injustice and territorial rights.Cara Nine - 2008 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 11 (1):79-87.
    Emotions situate actors in relationships and shape their social interactions. Culture defines both the qualities of individual identity and the constitution of social groups with distinctive values and practices. Emotions, then, are necessarily experienced and acted upon in culturally inflected forms that define not only the conventions of their articulation through individual and collective action, but also the very words that name them. This article develops theoretical arguments to support these claims and illustrates their application in a description of differing (...)
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    Kristeva and Bataille.Cara Judea Alhadeff - 2012 - Philosophy Today 56 (2):198-210.
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    Endogenous and exogenous opiates modulate the development of parent-infant attachment.Swain Je, L. C. Mayes & J. F. Leckman - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3).
  13.  53
    ``Justification and the Basis of Belief".Marshall Swain - 1979 - In George Pappas, Justification and Knowledge: New Studies in Epistemology. Boston: D. Reidel. pp. 25-50.
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    The false right to autonomy in education.Lucas Swaine - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (1):107-124.
    The ideal of personal autonomy enjoys considerable support in educational theory, but close analysis reveals serious problems with its core analytical and psychological components. The core conception of autonomy authorizes individuals to employ their imaginations in troubling and unhealthy ways that clash with sound ideals of moral character. Lucas Swaine argues in this essay that this gives grounds to deny that the core conception of autonomy should be promoted in democratic education. What is more, according to Swaine, young citizens appear (...)
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  15.  53
    The Structure of Justification. [REVIEW]Marshall Swain - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (4):968-970.
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    Epistemic Defeasibility.Marshall Swain - 1974 - American Philosophical Quarterly 11 (1):15 - 25.
  17. Predictive genetic testing in minors for late-onset conditions: a chronological and analytical review of the ethical arguments: Figure 1.Cara Mand, Lynn Gillam, Martin B. Delatycki & Rony E. Duncan - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):519-524.
    Predictive genetic testing is now routinely offered to asymptomatic adults at risk for genetic disease. However, testing of minors at risk for adult-onset conditions, where no treatment or preventive intervention exists, has evoked greater controversy and inspired a debate spanning two decades. This review aims to provide a detailed longitudinal analysis and concludes by examining the debate's current status and prospects for the future. Fifty-three relevant theoretical papers published between 1990 and December 2010 were identified, and interpretative content analysis was (...)
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    Sharing Territories: Overlapping Self-Determination and Resource Rights.Cara Nine - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    In Sharing Territories, Cara Nine defends a river model of territorial rights. On a river model, groups are assumed to be interdependent and overlapping. Drawing on natural law philosophy, Nine's theory argues for the establishment of foundational territories around geographical areas like rivers.
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    Is the Bible Value-Neutral Toward Competition?Cara Beed & Clive Beed - 2015 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 32 (4):256-268.
    Competition is pervasive in modern society, affecting work, education, and recreation. The question arises whether competition is consistent with scriptural teaching. The context for this enquiry is that Christians today disagree among themselves about whether Scripture has any normative content relating to competition. Some view competition as incompatible with Scripture, while for others it is compatible. On the basis of a given definition of competition, Christian contributions to the debate in the last decade are reviewed. Only six inputs were discovered, (...)
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    Jesus on Cooperation.Cara Beed & Clive Beed - 2015 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 32 (2):97-111.
    Cooperation, meaning collaboration between people who assist each other to achieve common goals, is argued to be one of Jesus’ major normative themes. This proposal has not previously been made in Christian ethics. Jesus’ emphasis on cooperation occurs within His major undertaking, His practice of obedience to God. Outlined initially is the meaning of cooperation that aims for mutual help and partnership with others in a friendly, trusting and harmonious alliance. Following that, Jesus’ teachings relating to cooperation are assessed, as (...)
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  21. Historical overview of ethics in neurosurgery.Cara Sedney - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  22. Spinal neurosurgery.Cara Sedney - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  23. Shared indexical belief.Cara Spencer - manuscript
    In this paper, I take issue with the familiar view that the problem of the essential indexical is a merely technical problem, which can be solved through a straightforward revision of the familiar model of belief content. (The familiar model just says that the content of belief is a proposition.) I do not object to these technical fixes, but I think they leave some questions unanswered. Specifically, they deny us an attractive account of what it is for different people to (...)
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    The development of parent-infant attachment through dynamic and interactive signaling loops of care and cry.James Edward Swain, Linda C. Mayes & James F. Leckman - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):472-473.
    In addition to the infant cry being a signal for attention, it may also be a critical component of the early formation of attachments with caregivers. We consider the complex development of that attachment, which involves reciprocal interactive signaling and a host of evolutionarily conserved caregiver factors.
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    Induction, acceptance, and rational belief.Marshall Swain (ed.) - 1970 - Dordrecht,: Reidel.
    The papers collected in this volume were originally presented at a sym posium held at the University of Pennsylvania in December of 1968. Each of the papers has been revised in light of the discussions that took place during this symposium. None of the papers has appeared in print previously. The extensive bibliography that appears at the end of the volume was originally distributed during the symposium and was revised on the basis of many helpful suggestions made by those who (...)
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  26.  12
    Reporters' ethics.Bruce McArthur Swain - 1978 - Ames: Iowa State University Press.
    More than sixty reporters discuss ethical dilemmas facing the journalist and how they have personally coped with such problems as conflicts of interest, gifts, bribes, news leaks, and confidentiality of sources.
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    Lucas Swaine, The Liberal Conscience: Politics and Principle in a World of Religious Pluralism: New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. ISBN: 978-0231136044. £22.50GBP. [REVIEW]Lucas Swaine - 2007 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10 (5):515-517.
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    (1 other version)Colloquy.Cara Buskmiller - 2016 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 16 (4):553-553.
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    Social motivation in autism: Gaps and directions for measurement of a putative core construct.Cara M. Keifer, Gabriel S. Dichter, James C. McPartland & Matthew D. Lerner - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    This commentary highlights the observation that social motivation is usually an imprecisely specified construct. We suggest four social motivation conceptualizations across levels of analysis and explore where the target article situates among these. We then offer theoretical and practical guidance for operationalization and measurement of social motivation to support more comprehensive future research on this complex construct in the autism literature.
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    Web accessibility: an introduction and ethical implications.Cara Peters & David A. Bradbard - 2010 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 8 (2):206-232.
    – Web accessibility is the practice of making web sites accessible to people, such as the disabled, who are using more than just traditional web browsers to access the internet. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to overview web accessibility and to highlight the ethics of web accessibility from a managerial perspective., – To that end, this paper reviews related literature, highlights relevant public policy, discusses web accessibility from a systems development perspective, and concludes with a discussion of web (...)
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    Personal Identity and the Skeptical System of Philosophy.Corliss Gayda Swain - 2006 - In Saul Traiger, The Blackwell Guide to Hume’s Treatise. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 133–150.
    This chapter contains section titled: References Further reading.
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  32. Being Sure of One's Self: Hume on Personal Identity.Corliss Gayda Swain - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (2):107-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Being Sure of One's Self: Hume on Personal Identity1 Corliss Gayda Swain A number of papers recently published on Hume's theory of personal identityhavebeen devoted to the question: Whyin the Appendix to the Treatise did Hume express complete or acute dissatisfaction with his account of personal identity in book 1 of that work?2 In this paper I shall argue that no adequate answer can be given to this (...)
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    Deliberate and free: Heteronomy in the public sphere.Lucas Swaine - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (1-2):183-213.
    In this article, I consider the extent to which heteronomous people can be positive contributors to political deliberation. I examine the normative potential of heteronomous people as participants in public debate, and address the overall effects that inclusion of heteronomous people can provide for group deliberations. I subsequently consider empirical findings that bear upon the case I develop, and conclude that liberals ought to reconsider the importance of heteronomous people in healthy liberal democracy. This philosophical recognition lays groundwork for a (...)
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    Survey of physicians' approach to severe fetal anomalies.Cara C. Heuser, Alexandra G. Eller & Janice L. Byrne - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):391-395.
    Objective Standards of care regarding obstetric management of life-threatening anomalies are not defined. It is hypothesised that physicians' management of these pregnancies is variable and influenced by demographic factors. Design A questionnaire was mailed to members of the Society of Maternal–Fetal Medicine with valid US addresses assessing obstetric management of both ‘uniformly lethal’ (eg, anencephaly, renal agenesis) and ‘uniformly severe, commonly lethal’ (eg, trisomy 13 and 18) anomalies. Respondents were asked to answer as if not limited by state/institutional restrictions. Fisher's (...)
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    Seeing Us as Unbroken: Learning with Others to Gaze with Love.Cara Furman - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (1):14-19.
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    (1 other version)5 The Genesis of a False Dichotomy: A Critique of Conceptual Alienation.Cara S. Greene - 2021 - In Adrian Johnston, Objective Fictions: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Marxism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 85-104.
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  37. Compromise, Democracy and Territory.Cara Nine - 2012 - Irish Journal of Sociology 20 (2):91-110.
    Territorial rights come with both costs (war, inequality and oppression) and benefits (political participation, coordinated use of resources). The immense importance of these normative aspects of territorial rights solidifies our need for a principled theory of territory. With globalisation and transnational interactions, a cosmopolitan account of territorial rights is required – it should justify territorial authority generally. This generalised justification must also provide an account of the special, normative relationship that certain groups have with certain lands and resources, providing groups (...)
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  38.  51
    The Moral Ambiguity of Job Qualifications.Cara Nine - 2002 - Philosophy of Management 2 (2):37-43.
    When people seek to overcome discrimination in employment they often appeal to the principle that ‘one should be hired on the basis of qualifications alone’. But do we know what the principle means? And would applying it solve the problems of discrimination in employment? We may take the claim to mean that certain aspects of a person such as her race, religion and attractiveness that are thought to be irrelevant to almost all jobs should not be considered in employment decisions. (...)
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    Shelley: a Russellian Romantic.Cara Elizabeth Rice - 2009 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 29 (1).
    Russell’s enthusiasm for the romantic poet Shelley contradicts the common notion that the philosophical outlook dulls our emotions. Russell loved Shelley even though he was careful to examine the shortcomings of the young poet and of the romantic genre. Furthermore, Russell acknowledged his own weaknesses inherent to his interest in the romantics. Love through a philosophical lens is arguably superior to love through a romantic filter because the former allows for a clear perception of the object. Russell’s passion for Shelley (...)
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    Shifting the Balance: Equalizing Protection for Both Participants and Beneficiaries of Research.Cara Smith - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (12):20-22.
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  41. On the Metaphysics of Belief.Cara Spencer - 1998 - Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    There is a traditional picture of belief, according to which someone's having a belief is that person's standing in a certain relation to an abstract object, a proposition. My dissertation examines the metaphysical demands that two problems for this picture of belief make on these abstract objects. The first problem comes to us from Frege's "On Sense and Reference," and the second concerns a certain sort of one's beliefs about oneself, which I call "indexical beliefs." ;Frege notes that someone can (...)
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  42. Modern Abstract Sacrifice in Robespierre's Terror and Hitler's Holocaust.Cara S. Greene - 2025 - Chiasma: A Site for Thought 9 (1):23-42.
    In “Modern Abstract Sacrifice in Robespierre’s Terror and Hitler’s Holocaust,” I use Hegel’s analysis of Robespierre’s Terror in the Phenomenology and Adorno and Horkheimer’s analysis of the Nazi Holocaust in the Dialectic of Enlightenment to identify what I term “modern abstract sacrifice” as the dominant kind of instrumental destruction that took place during these nation-building mass-sacrifices. As I show, these events relied upon a justificatory instrumental logic—a sacrificial story—even if that sacrificial story broke down or was abandoned in practice, in (...)
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    Moral Character for Political Leaders: A Normative Account.Lucas Swaine - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (4):317-333.
    This article analyzes the moral and political implications of strong moral character for political action. The treatment provides reason to hold that strong moral character should play a role in a robust normative account of political leadership. The case is supported by empirical findings on character dispositions and the political viability of the account’s normative prescriptions.
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    The Instability of Philosophical Intuitions: Running Hot and Cold on Truetemp.Joshua Alexander Stacey Swain - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76 (1):138-155.
    A growing body of empirical literature challenges philosophers’ reliance on intuitions as evidence based on the fact that intuitions vary according to factors such as cultural and educational background, and socio‐economic status. Our research extends this challenge, investigating Lehrer’s appeal to the Truetemp Case as evidence against reliabilism. We found that intuitions in response to this case vary according to whether, and which, other thought‐experiments are considered first. Our results show that compared to subjects who receive the Truetemp Case first, (...)
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  45.  16
    Behavioral ethics in practice: why we sometimes make the wrong decisions.Cara Biasucci - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Robert Prentice.
    This book is an accessible, research-based introduction to behavioral ethics. Often ethics education is incomplete because it ignores how and why people make moral decisions. But using exciting new research from fields such as behavioral psychology, cognitive science, and evolutionary biology, the study of behavioral ethics uncovers the common reasons why good people often screw up. Chapters coordinate with free online teaching resources from The University of Texas at Austin. Scientists have long studied the ways human beings make decisions, but (...)
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    Wonder‐Full Education: The Centrality of Wonder in Teaching and Learning Across the Curriculum.Cara Furman - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (5):666-672.
  47. Models and methods in ethics.Cara Sedney - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  48. Sporting transnational feminisms : gender, nation, and women's athletic migrations between Brazil and the United States.Cara K. Snyder - 2021 - In Ashwini Tambe & Millie Thayer, Transnational feminist itineraries: situating theory and activist practice. Durham: Duke University Press.
  49. Indexical Knowledge and Phenomenal Knowledge.Cara Spencer - manuscript
    A familiar story about phenomenal knowledge likens it to indexical knowledge, i.e. knowledge about oneself typically expressed with sentences containing indexicals or demonstratives. The popularity of this sort of story owes in part to its promise of resolving some longstanding puzzles about phenomenal knowledge. One such puzzle arises from the compelling arguments that we can have full objective knowledge of the world while lacking some phenomenal knowledge. I argue that the widespread optimism about the indexical account on this score is (...)
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  50. Keeping track of objects in conversation.Cara Spencer - 2006 - In Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Josep Macià, Two-Dimensional Semantics. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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