Results for 'Camilla Wasserman'

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  1.  56
    Maintaining confidentiality in prospective studies: anonymous repeated measurements via email (ARME) procedure.Vladimir Carli, Gergö Hadlaczky, Camilla Wasserman, Nicola Stingelin-Giles, Stella Reiter-Theil & Danuta Wasserman - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):127-129.
    Respecting and protecting the confidentiality of data and the privacy of individuals regarding the information that they have given as participants in a research project is a cornerstone of complying with accepted research standards. However, in longitudinal studies, establishing and maintaining privacy is often challenging because of the necessity of repeated contact with participants. A novel internet-based solution is introduced here, which maintains privacy while at the same time ensures linkage of data to individual participants in a repeated measures design. (...)
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  2. Metametaphysics: New Essays on the Foundations of Ontology.Ryan Wasserman, David Manley & David Chalmers (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
  3.  58
    Paradoxes of Time Travel.Ryan Wasserman - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Ryan Wasserman explores a range of fascinating puzzles raised by the possibility of time travel, with entertaining examples from physics, science fiction, and popular culture, and he draws out their implications for our understanding of time, tense, freedom, fatalism, causation, counterfactuals, laws of nature, persistence, change, and mereology.
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    Reb Simcha speaks: Rabbi Simcha Wasserman's insights and teachings on vital principles of life and faith.Simcha Wasserman - 1994 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications in conjunction with Yeshiva Ohr Elchanan. Edited by Yaakov Branfman & Akiva Tatz.
    Rabbi Simcha Wasserman was a rosh yeshivah; kiruv pioneer; advisor; foster father; storyteller; transmitter of tradition; founder of yeshivos; hatzalah activist. This book captures him speaking with patience, simplicity, and intellect, about burning topics such as Holocaust, Kabbalah, Providence, and child-rearing. Includes a biographical sketch.
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  5. Theories of persistence.Ryan Wasserman - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):243-250.
    The debate over persistence is often cast as a disagreement between two rival theories—the perdurantist theory that objects persist through time by having different temporal parts at different times, and the endurantist theory that objects persist through time by being wholly present at different times. This way of framing the debate over persistence involves both an important insight and an important error. Unfortunately, the error is often embraced and the insight is often ignored. This paper aims to correct both of (...)
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  6. The Independence Solution to the Problem of Theological Fatalism.Ryan Wasserman - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (1):66-77.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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  7. A robust future for conflict of interest".Edward Wasserman - 2010 - In Christopher Meyers, Journalism ethics: a philosophical approach. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Social and Psychological Capital for the Start-Up of Social Enterprises With a Migratory Background.Camilla Modesti, Alessandra Talamo, Giampaolo Nicolais & Annamaria Recupero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  9. Setting priorities fairly in response to Covid-19: identifying overlapping consensus and reasonable disagreement.David Wasserman, Govind Persad & Joseph Millum - 2020 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 1 (1):doi:10.1093/jlb/lsaa044.
    Proposals for allocating scarce lifesaving resources in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic have aligned in some ways and conflicted in others. This paper attempts a kind of priority setting in addressing these conflicts. In the first part, we identify points on which we do not believe that reasonable people should differ—even if they do. These are (i) the inadequacy of traditional clinical ethics to address priority-setting in a pandemic; (ii) the relevance of saving lives; (iii) the flaws of first-come, (...)
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    General and Eating Disorder Specific Flexibility: Development and Validation of the Eating Disorder Flexibility Index Questionnaire.Camilla Lindvall Dahlgren, Trine Wiig Hage, Joseph Arthur Wonderlich & Kristin Stedal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Two-step approaches to healthcare allocation: how helpful is parity in selecting eligible options?David Wasserman - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (2):547-563.
    Priority setting in healthcare is a highly contentious area of public decision making, in which different values often support incompatible policy options and compromise can be elusive. One promising approach to resolving priority-setting conflicts divides the decision-making process into two steps. In the first, a set of eligible options is identified; in the second, one of those options is chosen by a deliberative process. This paper considers the first step, examining proposals for identifying a set of options eligible for deliberation. (...)
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  12.  52
    Capacity for Preferences: Respecting Patients with Compromised Decision‐Making.Jason Adam Wasserman & Mark Christopher Navin - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (3):31-39.
    When a patient lacks decision-making capacity, then according to standard clinical ethics practice in the United States, the health care team should seek guidance from a surrogate decision-maker, either previously selected by the patient or appointed by the courts. If there are no surrogates willing or able to exercise substituted judgment, then the team is to choose interventions that promote a patient’s best interests. We argue that, even when there is input from a surrogate, patient preferences should be an additional (...)
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    When bad people do good things: will moral enhancement make the world a better place?David Wasserman - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):374-375.
    In his thoughtful defence of very modest moral enhancement, David DeGrazia1 makes the following assumption: ‘Behavioural improvement is highly desirable in the interest of making the world a better place and securing better lives for human beings and other sentient beings’. Later in the paper, he gives a list of some psychological characteristics that ‘all reasonable people can agree … represent moral defects’. I think I am a reasonable person, and I agree that most if not all items on the (...)
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  14.  6
    Midstream: The Chicago River, 1999-2010.Richard Wasserman - 2012 - Columbia College Chicago Press.
    In Midstream, photographer Richard Wasserman documents the entire length of the 156-mile Chicago River and gives readers a glimpse into a mostly hidden landscape. As the twentieth century was drawing to a close and the city's industrial manufacturing era was rapidly waning, Wasserman took note of increased efforts to clean, beautify, and conserve the river, and he felt an urgent need to preserve the memory of Chicago's brawling past. As the project progressed and the photographer found himself captivated (...)
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    Restricting Access, Stigmatizing Disability?David Wasserman & Noah Berens - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):25-27.
    In their comprehensive article, Bayefsky and Berkman outline a framework for limiting access to certain types of fetal genetic information through professional self-regulation. Given the rap...
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    Pediatric Assent and Treating Children Over Objection.Jason Wasserman, Mark Christopher Navin & John Vercler - 2019 - Pediatrics 144 (5):e20190382.
    More than 20 years ago, the pioneering pediatric ethicist William Bartholome wrote a fiery letter to the editor of this journal because he thought a recently published statement on pediatric assent, from the Committee on Bioethics of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), showed insufficient respect for children. That AAP statement, like its 2016 update, asserts that pediatric assent should be solicited only when a child’s dissent will be honored. Bartholome objected that pediatricians should always solicit children’s assent and that (...)
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    Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba: the life and works of a controversial thinker.Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro & Sabine Schmidtke (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume represents the state of the art in research on the controversial Muslim legal scholar, theologian and man of letters Ibn azm of Cordoba (d. 456/1064), who is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant minds of Islamic Spain.
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    The Contemporary American Child as a Docile Consumptive Body.Camilla Cannon - 2015 - Stance 8 (1):9-18.
    In this paper, I argue that the contemporary relationship between children and advertising can be seen as illustrative of Foucault’s theory of disciplinary power and docile body production. I contend that, within the context of a consumption-based economy, an individual’s prime utility is her rate of personal consumption. Therefore, the subjection of children to ubiquitous advertising can be seen as the discipline through which the utility of personal consumption is maximized.
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    Innovasjon er ikke noe nytt.Camilla Bakken Øvald - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 36 (1):233-242.
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  20. Symbolic arithmetic knowledge without instruction.Camilla K. Gilmore, Shannon E. McCarthy & Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    Symbolic arithmetic is fundamental to science, technology and economics, but its acquisition by children typically requires years of effort, instruction and drill1,2. When adults perform mental arithmetic, they activate nonsymbolic, approximate number representations3,4, and their performance suffers if this nonsymbolic system is impaired5. Nonsymbolic number representations also allow adults, children, and even infants to add or subtract pairs of dot arrays and to compare the resulting sum or difference to a third array, provided that only approximate accuracy is required6–10. Here (...)
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  21.  61
    Sex differences in mathematical reasoning ability in intellectually talented preadolescents: Their nature, effects, and possible causes.Camilla Persson Benbow - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):169-183.
    Several hundred thousand intellectually talented 12-to 13-year-olds have been tested nationwide over the past 16 years with the mathematics and verbal sections of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Although no sex differences in verbal ability have been found, there have been consistent sex differences favoring males in mathematical reasoning ability, as measured by the mathematics section of the SAT (SAT-M). These differences are most pronounced at the highest levels of mathematical reasoning, they are stable over time, and they are observed (...)
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  22. Non-symbolic arithmetic abilities and mathematics achievement in the first year of formal schooling.Camilla K. Gilmore, Shannon E. McCarthy & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2010 - Cognition 115 (3):394-406.
  23.  95
    Time Travel, Ability, and Arguments by Analogy.Ryan Wasserman - 2017 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):17-23.
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  24. Vagueness and the Laws of Metaphysics.Ryan Wasserman - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (1):66-89.
    This is a paper about the nature of metaphysical laws and their relation to the phenomenon of vagueness. Metaphysical laws are introduced as analogous to natural laws, and metaphysical indeterminism is modeled on causal indeterminacy. This kind of indeterminacy is then put to work in developing a novel theory of vagueness and a solution to the sorites paradox.
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  25. Let them Eat Chances: Probability and Distributive Justice.David Wasserman - 1996 - Economics and Philosophy 12 (1):29-49.
    Jon Elster reports that in 1940, and again in 1970, the U.S. draft lottery was challenged for falling short of the legally mandated ‘random selection’. On both occasions, the physical mixing of the lots appeared to be incomplete, since the birth dates were clustered in a way that would have been extremely unlikely if the lots were fully mixed. There appears to have been no suspicion on either occasion that the deficiency in the mixing was intended, known, or believed to (...)
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  26. The Standard Objection to the Standard Account.Ryan Wasserman - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 111 (3):197 - 216.
    What is the relation between a clay statue andthe lump of clay from which it is made? According to the defender of the standardaccount, the statue and the lump are distinct,enduring objects that share the same spatiallocation whenever they both exist. Suchobjects also seem to share the samemicrophysical structure whenever they bothexist. This leads to the standard objection tothe standard account: if the statue and thelump of clay have the same microphysicalstructure whenever they both exist, how canthey differ in their (...)
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  27. The Constitution Question.Ryan Wasserman - 2004 - Noûs 38 (4):693 - 710.
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  28. Material constitution.Ryan Wasserman - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  29.  85
    Adorno and Schelling on the art–nature relation.Camilla Flodin - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (1):176-196.
    When it comes to the relationship between art and nature, research on Adorno’s aesthetics usually centres on his discussion of Kant and Hegel. While this reflects Adorno’s own position – his comprehension of this relationship is to a large extent developed through a critical re-reading of both the Kantian and the Hegelian position – I argue that we are able to gain important insights into Adorno’s aesthetics and the central art–nature relation by reading his ideas in the light of Schelling’s (...)
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  30. Lewis on Backward Causation.Ryan Wasserman - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):141-150.
    David Lewis famously defends a counterfactual theory of causation and a non-causal, similarity-based theory of counterfactuals. Lewis also famously defends the possibility of backward causation. I argue that this combination of views is untenable—given the possibility of backward causation, one ought to reject Lewis's theories of causation and counterfactuals.
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  31. The Future Similarity Objection Revisited.Ryan Wasserman - 2006 - Synthese 150 (1):57-67.
    David Lewis has long defended an analysis of counterfactuals in terms of comparative similarity of possible worlds. The purpose of this paper is to reevaluate Lewis’s response to one of the oldest and most familiar objections to this proposal, the future similarity objection.
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  32. Performance-Enhancing Technologies and the Values of Athletic Competition.David Wasserman - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly 28 (3/4):22-27.
    What would be objectionable about sports doping if it were safe and legal? Some ethicists have justified their qualms about doping by invoking elusive distinctions between the natural and the artificial. But the harm in doping and other biotechnological enhancements is best understood in terms of the values of athletic competition—specifically, the spectators' identification with the performers, and the continuity and comparability of athletic achievement over time. Instead of endorsing categorical bans on specific enhancements, David Wasserman recommends caution informed (...)
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    Children’s Narrative Elaboration After Reading a Storybook Versus Viewing a Video.Camilla E. Crawshaw, Friederike Kern, Ulrich Mertens & Katharina J. Rohlfing - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:569891.
    Previous studies have found that narrative input conveyed through different media influences the structure and content of children’s narrative retellings. Visual, televised narratives appear to elicit richer and more detailed narratives than traditional, orally transmitted storybook media. To extend this prior work and drawing from research on narrative elaboration, the current study’s main goal was to identify the core plot component differences (the who, what, where, when, why, and how of a story) between children’s retellings of televised versus traditional storybook (...)
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  34.  63
    A Framework for Unrestricted Prenatal Whole-Genome Sequencing: Respecting and Enhancing the Autonomy of Prospective Parents.Stephanie C. Chen & David T. Wasserman - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):3-18.
    Noninvasive, prenatal whole genome sequencing may be a technological reality in the near future, making available a vast array of genetic information early in pregnancy at no risk to the fetus or mother. Many worry that the timing, safety, and ease of the test will lead to informational overload and reproductive consumerism. The prevailing response among commentators has been to restrict conditions eligible for testing based on medical severity, which imposes disputed value judgments and devalues those living with eligible conditions. (...)
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    The Irrelevance of Origins: Dementia, Advance Directives, and the Capacity for Preferences.Jason Adam Wasserman & Mark Christopher Navin - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):98-100.
    We agree with Emily Walsh (2020) that the current preferences of patients with dementia should sometimes supersede those patients’ advance directives. We also agree that consensus clinical ethics guidance does a poor job of explaining the moral value of such patients’ preferences. Furthermore, Walsh correctly notes that clinicians are often averse to treating patients with dementia over their objections, and that this aversion reflects clinical wisdom that can inform revisions to clinical ethics guidance. But Walsh’s account of the moral value (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Recombination, Causal Constraints, and Humean Supervenience: An Argument for Temporal Parts?Ryan Wasserman, John Hawthorne & Mark Scala - 2004 - In Dean W. Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 1. Oxford University Press.
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  37.  26
    Measuring unconditional stimulus expectancy during evaluative conditioning strengthens explicit conditional stimulus valence.Camilla C. Luck & Ottmar V. Lipp - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (6):1210-1225.
    During evaluative conditioning, a neutral conditional stimulus becomes pleasant or unpleasant after pairings with a positive/negative unconditional stimulus. Measures of US expectancy are...
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  38. “The Frightening Thing Is the Uncertainty”: Wittgenstein on Love and the Desire for Certainty.Camilla Kronqvist - 2023 - In Cecilie Eriksen, Julia Hermann, Neil O'Hara & Nigel Pleasants, Philosophical perspectives on moral certainty. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 58-75.
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    Positive and Negative Antecedents of Purchasing Eco-friendly Products: A Comparison Between Green and Non-green Consumers.Camilla Barbarossa & Patrick De Pelsmacker - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (2):229-247.
    This study aims to analyze what drives and prevents the purchasing of eco-friendly products across different consumer groups and develops a conceptual model embracing the positive altruistic, positive ego-centric, and negative ego-centric antecedents of eco-friendly product purchase intention and behavior. We empirically validate the conceptual model for green and non-green consumers. Data are analyzed using structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis of the two groups. The results confirm the relevance of the determining factors in the model and show significant differences (...)
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  40. Shurayòh al-Ru'aynåi and the transmission of the works of Ibn òHazm.Camilla Adang - 2013 - In Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro & Sabine Schmidtke, Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba: the life and works of a controversial thinker. Boston: Brill.
  41.  33
    Grotius and Empire.Camilla Boisen - 2015 - Grotiana 36 (1):28-39.
    _ Source: _Volume 36, Issue 1, pp 28 - 39 This article reviews Andrew Fitzmaurice’s recent book _Sovereignty, Property and Empire 1500–1800_ with a critical examination of the author’s analysis of Hugo Grotius. Unlike other works of intellectual history that focus on the relationship between empire and political theory, this book offers a refreshing account of how Western political thought also provided a critique of empire. Using the law of occupation to explain the origin of property and political society, Fitzmaurice (...)
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  42. George Buchanan Et Adam Blackwood.Camilla Hay - 1946 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 8:156-171.
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    Admissible rules, derivable rules, and extendible logistic systems.Howard C. Wasserman - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (2):265-278.
  44. L'age d'ambiguïte sexuelle.Camilla Krone - 1985 - Iris 1:43.
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  45.  23
    The social organization of assistance in multilingual interaction in Swedish residential care.Camilla Lindholm, Charlotta Plejert & Gunilla Jansson - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (1):67-94.
    In this article, we explore the organization of assistance in multilingual interaction in Swedish residential care. The data that form the basis for the study cover care encounters involving three residents with a language background other than Swedish, totalling 13 hours and 14 minutes of video documentation. The empirical data consists of a collection of 134 instances where residents seek assistance with the realization of a practical action. For this article, three examples that involve the manipulation of an object have (...)
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  46.  16
    Sexual Orientation, Peer Influence, Body Dissatisfaction, and Eudaimonic Well-Being in Italian Men.Camilla Matera, Amanda Nerini & Cristina Stefanile - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Eterotopia, tecnica di straniamento: luoghi e figure del soggetto in Foucault e Lévi-strauss.Camilla Pagani - 2013 - Nóema 4 (1):84-96.
    Questa ricerca, attraverso alcune letture incrociate di Michel Foucault e di Claude Lévi-Strauss, mette in luce l’attualità di due grandi pensatori che pongono al centro delle loro teorie il tema della distanza, dell’altro da sé e del ritorno a sé per comprendere il ruolo del soggetto nella civiltà occidentale. Al di là delle rilevanti differenze che li contraddistinguono, Foucault e Lévi-Strauss percorrono due cammini teorici volti a decostruire il rapporto tra verità e soggetto nella civiltà occidentale adottando una prospettiva della (...)
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    Husserl's Transcendental Subject.Camilla Warnke - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (1):103-109.
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  49. A Philosophy of Matter and Mind: A New Look at an Old Major Topic in Philosophy.Gerald D. Wasserman & C. U. M. Smith - 1996 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 18 (2):241.
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    Brightness enhancement in intermittent light: Methods of measurement.Gerald S. Wasserman - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (2):300.
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