Results for 'Calvin Blythe'

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  1. (1 other version)John Calvin on God and political duty.Jean Calvin - 1950 - New York,: Liberal Arts Press.
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    Bill Calvin's brainstorm.William Calvin - manuscript
    That’s Bill Calvin, whose brain is worthy of study in its own right. Technically, he’s a theoretical neurophysiologist and affiliate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. But he’s also known as a scientist with a wide-ranging intellect and a prolific (and accessible) writer who constantly offers remarkable insights about the world around him. As I sat down to interview Calvin in his book-lined Seattle home last Fall, I recalled the comments of someone who (...)
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    Heidegger, Afropessimism, and the Harlem Renaissance: An Interview with Calvin Warren.Calvin Warren, Michelle E. Banks, Robert Savino Oventile & Yuliana Samson - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (2):112-121.
    Abstract:Calvin Warren talks about Heidegger's influence on Afropessimism, and about the philosophical significance of the Harlem Renaissance.
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  4. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbook I: Cognitive DomainTaxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbook 2: Affective Domain.W. A. L. Blyth, B. S. Bloom & D. R. Krathwohl - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (3):119.
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    White dominance in nursing education: A target for anti‐racist efforts.Blythe Bell - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (1):e12379.
    Literature on racism, anti‐racism, whiteness, nursing education and nurse educators was reviewed and analysed for the development of race consciousness and application of anti‐racist pedagogy. The literature describes an oppressive educational climate for non‐white identifying people, a curriculum that does not attend to the social construction of difference, and a nursing culture that is not consciously situated in a broader sociopolitical context. A particular focus on studies of nurse educators demonstrates a stark need for personal and professional development towards effectively (...)
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    Emotion is perceived accurately from isolated body parts, especially hands.Ellen Blythe, Lúcia Garrido & Matthew R. Longo - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105260.
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    Monarchy, universalism, imperialism in Giovanni Botero’s Relazioni universali.Blythe Alice Raviola - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
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    “Just do your job”: technology, bureaucracy, and the eclipse of conscience in contemporary medicine.Jacob A. Blythe & Farr A. Curlin - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (6):431-452.
    Market metaphors have come to dominate discourse on medical practice. In this essay, we revisit Peter Berger and colleagues’ analysis of modernization in their book The Homeless Mind and place that analysis in conversation with Max Weber’s 1917 lecture “Science as a Vocation” to argue that the rise of market metaphors betokens the carry-over to medical practice of various features from the institutions of technological production and bureaucratic administration. We refer to this carry-over as the product presumption. The product presumption (...)
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  9. Family, Government, and the Medieval Aristotelians.James M. Blythe - 1989 - History of Political Thought 10 (1):1-16.
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    Socrates' Trial and Conviction of the Jurors in Plato's Apology.Douglas Blyth - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (1):1-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Socrates' Trial and Conviction of the Jurors in Plato's ApologyDougal BlythI am going to argue in this paper that, in the three speeches constituting his Apology of Socrates, Plato presents the judicial proceedings that led to Socrates' execution as having precisely the opposite significance to their superficial legal meaning. This re-evaluation will lead to some reflections on the politics of Socrates' defence, and, similarly, on Plato's own aims in (...)
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    What is a sign?John W. Blyth - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (1):28-41.
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    Giovanni Botero: un profilo fra storia e storiografia.Blythe Alice Raviola - 2020 - [Milan]: Bruno Mondadori.
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    Towards abandoning the master’s tools: The politics of a universal nursing identity.Blythe Bell - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (2):e12395.
    Healthcare environments continue to prove discriminatory and marginalizing towards patients and healthcare workers themselves, which contributes to inequitable health outcomes across lines of socially constructed difference. This content and discourse analysis of nursing identity scholarship asks whether there is a connection between nursing identity and oppressive behaviour by examining the construction of nursing identity and the foundational discourses, sometimes in absentia, that support such a construction. Bourdieu's concepts of social fields and Audre Lorde's concept of the master's house are applied (...)
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    William H. Calvin , "memory's future," psychology today 34(2):55ff.William Calvin - manuscript
    Psychology's fascination with memory and its imperfections dates back further than we can remember. The first careful experimental studies of memory were published in 1885 by German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, and tens of thousands of memory studies have been conducted since. What has been learned, and what might the future of memory be?
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  15. The Cerebral Symphony: Seashore Reflections on the Structure of Consciousness.William H. Calvin - 1989 - New York: Bantam.
    Neurobiologist William Calvin explores the human brain, positing that the neurons in the brain operate in an accelerated version of biological evolution, evolving ideas through random variations and selections, and supports his hypothesis with numerous ca.
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  16. I expériences humaines, Elan theqlogique et vie d'eglise; Calvin a strasbourg (1533-1541).M. Lienhard Calvin A. Strasbourg - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89:448.
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    A discussion of mr. price's Perception.John W. Blyth - 1935 - Mind 44 (173):58-67.
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    An Interview with Hélène Cixous.Ian Blyth - 2000 - Paragraph 23 (3):338-343.
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    Buddhism and Haiku.Reginald Horace Blyth - 1966 - Hibbert Journal 64:45-49.
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  20. Class logic.John William Blyth - 1963 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & World. Edited by John H. Jacobson.
  21.  44
    On Endomorphisms of Ockham Algebras with Pseudocomplementation.T. S. Blyth & J. Fang - 2011 - Studia Logica 98 (1-2):237-250.
    A pO -algebra (L;f,){(L; f, \, ^{\star})} is an algebra in which ( L ; f ) is an Ockham algebra, (L;){(L; \, ^{\star})} is a p -algebra, and the unary operations f and {^{\star}} commute. Here we consider the endomorphism monoid of such an algebra. If (L;f,){(L; f, \, ^{\star})} is a subdirectly irreducible pK 1,1 - algebra then every endomorphism ϑ{\vartheta} is a monomorphism or ϑ3=ϑ{\vartheta^3 = \vartheta} . When L is finite the endomorphism monoid of L is (...)
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    Open-Air Preaching: A Long and Diverse Tradition.Stuart Blythe - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (1):61-80.
    For many people, open-air preaching is associated with a particularly limited understanding of the nature of the event. In part this is related to the fact that open-air preaching has received relatively little serious academic study. From a variety of sources, however, it is possible to piece together something of a critically analytic sketch of the practice. This sketch demonstrates that not only can open-air preaching claim longevity but that in turn it is a practice with considerable diversity as open-air (...)
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    Proceedings of the first international congress of human genetics, Copenhagen, August 1-6, 1956.Helen Blyth - 1958 - The Eugenics Review 50 (2):133.
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    Thomas Hoccleve's Other Master.Charles R. Blyth - 1990 - Mediaevalia 16:349-359.
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    Simon Critchley, John D. Caputo and radical political theology?Calvin Dieter Ullrich - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (1-2):122-135.
    In his 2012 work, Faith of the Faithless, the philosopher Simon Critchley presented an ‘atheistic’ formulation of faith as an ‘experiment’ in ‘political theology.’ This work, as part of the so-called ‘turn to religion’ in continental political philosophy, gave an account of what Critchley had formerly articulated as ‘atheistic transcendence.’ Tracing the genesis of the latter and then linking to his notion of the supreme fiction, the paper seeks to account for Critchley’s ‘a/theological’ shift. Through a close reading, the paper (...)
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    Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea.Mark Blyth (ed.) - 2013 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Selected as a Financial Times Best Book of 2013Governments today in both Europe and the United States have succeeded in casting government spending as reckless wastefulness that has made the economy worse. In contrast, they have advanced a policy of draconian budget cuts--austerity--to solve the financial crisis. We are told that we have all lived beyond our means and now need to tighten our belts. This view conveniently forgets where all that debt came from. Not from an orgy of government (...)
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    How I Slugged It out with Toril Moi and Stayed Awake.Calvin Bedient - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):644-649.
    [Toril] Moi says that my misunderstanding of Kristeva lies in taking the “semiotic process” 1 for the whole of “poetic language”: “He does not seem to have noticed Kristeva’s account of the symbolic, her repeated insistence that language—the signifying process—is the product of a dialectical interaction between the symbolic and the semiotic” . But how could I not notice what Kristeva herself reiterates over and over? Not notice that “textual practice is that most intense struggle toward death, which runs alongside (...)
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  28. Aristotle's politics and ptolemy of Lucca.James Blythe - 2002 - Vivarium 40 (1):103-136.
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    Comments by John and Beatrice Blyth Whiting.Beatrice Blyth Whiting - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (1):4-6.
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    Heavenly Soul in Aristotle.Dougal Blyth - 2015 - Apeiron 48 (4):1-39.
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    Reductive Representationalism and the Determination of Phenomenal Properties.Jack Blythe - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (1):87-109.
    Reductive representationalism offers a promising route to an intelligible account of phenomenal consciousness. However, reductive representationalist accounts entail phenomenal externalism. Here I develop a new argument against phenomenal externalism and, by extension, standard reductive representationalism. I argue that the external determination of ‘here-and-now’ phenomenal properties entails an irreconcilable unintelligibility at the heart of reductive representationalist accounts. As reductive representationalism is motivated by the promise of rendering phenomenal experience intelligible, this criticism is fatal.
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    God as Otherwise Than Being: Toward a Semantics of the Gift.Calvin O. Schrag - 2002 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Speaking as one of the founders of American Continental philosophy, Calvin O. Schrag offers an exceptionally clear, balanced, and informative discussion of a complex questions vexing postmodern currents of philosophical and theological reflection: Does the "death" of the god conceived as a "highest being" in Western, and especially modern, traditions open a new space within which to rethink God in terms of a "gift" or "giving" that would stand beyond the usual spate of metaphysical categories? Schrag draws with grace, (...)
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  33. Hélène Cixous Live Theory.Ian Blyth & Susan Sellers - 2004
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    Our Aging Society: Paradox and Promise.Ronald Blythe, Thomas R. Cole, Sally Gadow, Alan Pifer & Lydia Bronte - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (4):41.
    Book reviewed in this article: What Does It Mean to Grow Old? Reflections from the Humanities. By Thomas R. Cole and Sally Gadow Our Aging Society: Paradox and Promise. Alan Pifer and Lydia Bronte.
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    Mental recovery, citizenship roles, and the Mental After-Care Association, 1879–1928.Hannah Blythe - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    This article argues for the importance of studying life after mental illness. A significant proportion of people who experience mental illness recover, but the experience continues to affect their lives. Historical examination of the birth of mental after-care through the Mental After-Care Association (MACA) highlights the challenges faced by those who were discharged recovered from English and Welsh lunatic asylums between 1879 and 1928. This research demonstrates the relationship between ideas regarding psychiatric recovery and citizenship. Throughout the period, certification of (...)
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    On mr. Hartshorne's understanding of Whitehead's philosophy.John W. Blyth - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46 (5):523-528.
  37. Plato’s Crito and the Common Good.Dougal Blyth - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):45-68.
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    Philosophy, policies, and programs for early adolescent education: an annotated bibliography.Dale A. Blyth - 1981 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Elizabeth Lueder Karnes.
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    The Peacock, the Chicken, and the Egg: Ennius' Avian Metempsychosis and Petronius' Satyrica.Barbara Blythe - 2020 - American Journal of Philology 141 (2):179-209.
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  40. Whitehead's Theory of Knowledge.John W. Blyth - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52:224.
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    Q: What is today's most important unreported story?William Calvin - manuscript
    A: That's easy: abrupt climate change, the sort of thing where most of the earth returns to ice-age temperatures in just a decade or two, accompanied by a major worldwide drought. Then, centuries later, it flips back just as quickly. This has happened hundreds of times in the past.
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    Richard Leslie Parrott.John Calvin - 2011 - Telos: The Destination for Nazarene Higher Education 1.
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    Ancient and medieval memories: Studies in the reconstruction of the past.Calvin B. Kendall - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (2):307-310.
  44. Kierkegaard's Existential Reflections on Time.Calvin O. Schrag - 1961 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 42 (2):149.
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    Jubilee, Discipleship and Social Rest.Calvin Tiessen - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (2):113-126.
    As we structure the economic and social practices of the communities, institutions and nations of which we are all a part, jubilee calls us to discipleship. Jubilee speaks to the creation of societies of hope, of celebration and of prosperity. It is about the creation of social rest as we rest in God. This requires the careful and intentional formation of agents of social rest. Jubilee clearly advocates for proactive rather than reactive social practices in relation to immediate needs as (...)
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    Ordinary People can Reason: A Rhetorical Case for Including Vernacular Voices in Ethical Public Relations Practice.Calvin L. Troup - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):441-453.
    Modern public relations practices have been dominated by appeals to impulses, desires, and images that affect publics defined predominantly in demographic terms. This paper argues that abandoning basic rhetorical assumptions about the ability of ordinary people to engage in practical reason has serious ethical implications for the marketplace as well as for society in general. The study applies recent rhetorical scholarship on issues of public discourse and rhetorical culture to public relations practices, considering how rhetoric can contribute to more effective (...)
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    Public Reason in a Pandemic: John Rawls on Truth in the Age of COVID-19.Calvin H. Warner - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):1503-1513.
    In “Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical,” John Rawls suggests an approach to a public conception of justice that eschews any dependence on metaphysical conceptions of justice in favor of a political conception of justice. This means that if there is a metaphysical conception of justice that actually obtains, then Rawls’ theory would not be sensitive to it. Rawls himself admitted in Political Liberalism that “the political conception does without the truth.” Similarly, in Law of Peoples, Rawls endorses a political (...)
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    Aristotle’s Ever-Turning World in physics 8: Analysis and Commentary.Dougal Blyth - 2015 - Brill.
    In _Aristotle’s Ever-turning World in _Physics _8_ Blyth analyses the reasoning in Aristotle’s explanation of cosmic movement, with detailed evaluation of ancient and modern commentary on this central text in the history of ancient and medieval philosophy and science.
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    Word learning under infinite uncertainty.Richard A. Blythe, Andrew D. M. Smith & Kenny Smith - 2016 - Cognition 151 (C):18-27.
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    Health and Data Equity in Public Health Emergency Risk and Crisis Communication (PHERCC).Calvin Wai-Loon Ho - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):102-104.
    The ethical restatement of the “risk and crisis communication in public health emergency” (PHERCC) matrix by Spitale et al. (2024) is a step up from mainstream approaches like the Crisis and Emerge...
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