Results for 'Caleb Fleming'

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  1.  35
    Virtue Beyond Contract: A MacIntyrean Approach to Employee Rights.Caleb Bernacchio - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (2):227-240.
    Rights claims are ubiquitous in modernity. Often expressed when relatively weaker agents assert claims against more powerful actors, especially against states and corporations, the prominence of rights claims in organizational contexts creates a challenge for virtue-based approaches to business ethics, especially perspectives employing MacIntyre’s practices–institutions schema since MacIntyre has long been a vocal critic of the notion of human rights. In this article, I argue that employee rights can be understood at a basic level as rights conferred by the rules (...)
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  2. Audre Lorde on the Sacred Scale of Livability: Alexis Pauline Gumbs in Conversation with Caleb Ward.Caleb Ward - 2024 - Hypatia 39 (4).
    Caleb Ward interviews Black feminist writer, poet, educator, organizer, and scholar Alexis Pauline Gumbs about Audre Lorde’s spirituality, her ecological political praxis, her pedagogy, and the cross-generational scale of social change.
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  3. Witness, the pedagogy of grace and moral development.Daniel J. Fleming & Thomas Ryan - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (3):259.
    Fleming, Daniel J; Ryan, Thomas Three recent phrases of Pope Francis warrant attention and guide this article. First, there is his call for 'witnesses of God's love' in his tribute to modern martyrs. The second is 'the pedagogy of grace' and the work of the Spirit explained in 'Amoris Laetitia'. Third, from the same document, we find his discussion of accompaniment in the process of moral discernment within the church. With these as guideposts and drawing on recent studies in (...)
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    Institution and Divergence: Toward a Phenomenology of Music.Caleb Faul - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (3):274-283.
    The underlying claim of this paper is that phenomenology is well-situated to re-orient the philosophy of music, a discipline too often concerned with logical wrangling over the ontology of musical works. By starting with the experience of music itself in its many forms, we can see how both work music and non-work music comes to have sense for us. Specifically, I contend that Merleau-Ponty’s notion that sense develops through what he calls “institution” accurately describes the sense of music, and I (...)
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    Wittgenstein's confession's.Caleb Thompson - 2000 - Philosophical Investigations 23 (1):1–25.
  6.  23
    Strange Positions.George Fleming & Jeremy Butterfield - 1999 - In George Fleming & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), From Physics to Philosophy.
  7.  64
    Practice-Centered Pluralism and a Disjunctive Theory of Art.Caleb Hazelwood - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):213-227.
    In this paper, I argue that ‘art’, though an open concept, is not undefinable. I propose a particular kind of definition, a disjunctive definition, which comprises extant theories of art. I co-opt arguments from the philosophy of science, likening the concept ‘art’ to the concept ‘species’, to argue that we ought to be theoretical pluralists about art. That is, there are a number of legitimate, perhaps incompatible, criteria for a theory of art. In this paper, I consider three: functionalist definitions, (...)
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  8.  22
    Freedom, Markets and Moral Motivation: Towards a More Adequate Account of the Implicit Morality of the Market.Caleb Bernacchio - 2024 - Journal of Human Values 30 (1):59-74.
    The market failures approach is amongst the most influential theories of business ethics. Its interest within the field is, in large part, a result of its rejection of moralism and any sort of applied ethics approach, favouring, in contrast, a focus on the institutionally embodied goal of economic activity, which it takes to be that of Pareto efficiency. From this articulation of the goal, or purpose, of markets, a set of efficiency imperatives are derived that are taken to comprise the (...)
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  9. What Is Meaningful Work?Caleb Althorpe - 2023 - Social Theory and Practice 49 (4):579-604.
    This paper argues that two orthodox views of meaningful work—the subjective view and the autonomy view—are deficient. In their place is proposed the contributive view of meaningful work, which is constituted by work that is both complex and involves persons in its contributive aspect. These conditions are necessary due to the way work is inherently tied up with the idea of social contribution and the interdependencies between persons. This gives such features of the contributive view a distinct basis from those (...)
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  10.  26
    The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Speculativism.Chris Fleming - 2022 - Derrida Today 15 (1):92-98.
  11. Cerebro, Aprendizaje e Investigación: Conexiones.A. Caleb - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (4):383-386.
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    (1 other version)An epistemological defense of religious tolerance: Faith, citizenship, and crises of religious and cultural identities in post -western missionary Africa.Caleb O. Oladipo - 2005 - Philosophia Africana 8 (1):21-35.
  13. The Will to Arise: Theological and Political Themes in African Christianity and the Renewal of Faith and Identity.Caleb Oluremi Oladipo - 2006
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  14. Political Philosophy and Nonhuman Animals.Caleb Ontiveros - unknown
    In this work I consider two arguments for the conclusion that nonhuman animals are not owed justice. Some argue that justice is solely a matter of distributing material goods and that this excludes nonhuman animals from the sphere of justice. This argument fails for two reasons. First, even if it's true that justice is solely a matter of distributing material goods, it's not clear that it follows that nonhuman animals are not owed justice. Second, the claim that justice is solely (...)
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    Evolution, the master-key.Caleb Williams Saleeby - 1906 - New York,: Harper & brothers.
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    A political theory of territory.Caleb Yong - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (2):293-298.
  17.  42
    Meaningful work, nonperfectionism, and reciprocity.Caleb Althorpe - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Any liberal argument for incorporating meaningful work within a theory of justice inherits a burden of proof to show why it does not fall to the objection that privileging the work process valorizes particular ideas about the good and thereby unfairly privileges some persons over others. Existing liberal defences of meaningful work, which rely on the formative effects of work in contemporary economies, have a limited scope of appeal and do not provide a convincing reply to the objection. The paper (...)
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  18.  38
    How Do Scientists Perceive the Relationship Between Ethics and Science? A Pilot Study of Scientists’ Appeals to Values.Caleb L. Linville, Aidan C. Cairns, Tyler Garcia, Bill Bridges, Jonathan Herington, James T. Laverty & Scott Tanona - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (3):1-23.
    Efforts to promote responsible conduct of research (RCR) should take into consideration how scientists already conceptualize the relationship between ethics and science. In this study, we investigated how scientists relate ethics and science by analyzing the values expressed in interviews with fifteen science faculty members at a large midwestern university. We identified the values the scientists appealed to when discussing research ethics, how explicitly they related their values to ethics, and the relationships between the values they appealed to. We found (...)
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  19. Audre Lorde’s Erotic as Epistemic and Political Practice.Caleb Ward - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (4):896–917.
    Audre Lorde’s account of the erotic is one of her most widely celebrated contributions to political theory and feminist activism, but her explanation of the term in her brief essay “Uses of the Erotic” is famously oblique and ambiguous. This article develops a detailed, textually grounded interpretation of Lorde’s erotic, based on an analysis of how Lorde’s essay brings together commitments expressed across her work. I describe four integral elements of Lorde’s erotic: feeling, knowledge, power, and concerted action. The erotic (...)
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  20. There Must Be A First: Why Thomas Aquinas Rejects Infinite, Essentially Ordered, Causal Series.Caleb Cohoe - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (5):838 - 856.
    Several of Thomas Aquinas's proofs for the existence of God rely on the claim that causal series cannot proceed in infinitum. I argue that Aquinas has good reason to hold this claim given his conception of causation. Because he holds that effects are ontologically dependent on their causes, he holds that the relevant causal series are wholly derivative: the later members of such series serve as causes only insofar as they have been caused by and are effects of the earlier (...)
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  21.  42
    Reciprocal causation and biological practice.Caleb Hazelwood - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (1):1-23.
    Arguments for an extended evolutionary synthesis often center on the concept of “reciprocal causation.” Proponents argue that reciprocal causation is superior to standard models of evolutionary causation for at least two reasons. First, it leads to better scientific models with more predictive power. Second, it more accurately represents the causal structure of the biological world. Simply put, proponents of an extended evolutionary synthesis argue that reciprocal causation is empirically and explanatorily apt relative to competing causal frameworks. In this paper, I (...)
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  22.  31
    Hydraulic society and a “stupid little fish”: toward a historical ontology of endangerment.Caleb Scoville - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (1):1-37.
    Endangered species are objects of intense scientific scrutiny and political conflict. This article focuses on the interplay among human-nonhuman relations, knowledge production, and the politics of endangerment. Advancing a historical ontology of endangerment, it highlights the role of transforming the nonhuman world in the coming to be of new objects of environmental knowledge. Such knowledge can provide the basis for credible claims of endangerment, facilitating mobilizations against the very human-nonhuman relations that produced it. An in-depth case study of the delta (...)
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  23.  47
    Increased response time of primed associates following an “episodic” hypnotic amnesia suggestion: A case of unconscious volition.Caleb Henry Smith, David A. Oakley & John Morton - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1305-1317.
    Following a hypnotic amnesia suggestion, highly hypnotically suggestible subjects may experience amnesia for events. Is there a failure to retrieve the material concerned from autobiographical memory, or is it retrieved but blocked from consciousness? Highly hypnotically suggestible subjects produced free-associates to a list of concrete nouns. They were then given an amnesia suggestion for that episode followed by another free association list, which included 15 critical words that had been previously presented. If episodic retrieval for the first trial had been (...)
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  24.  23
    Hegelian Reflections on Agency, Alienation, and Work: Toward an Expressivist Theory of the Firm.Caleb Bernacchio - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (4):523-544.
    Hegel’s practical philosophy has important insights for understanding the ethical role of the firm in modern society. From a broadly Hegelian perspective, the firm’s role in society is to facilitate freedom, that is, the concrete realization of rational agency. It does this by providing the institutional structures, norms, practices, and modes of discourse necessary for individuals to link their subjective aims with objectively valid societal aims, embodied in the firm’s purpose. Accordingly, I first present a Hegelian account of the link (...)
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  25.  51
    Networks of Giving and Receiving in an Organizational Context: Dependent Rational Animals and MacIntyrean Business Ethics.Caleb Bernacchio - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (4):377-400.
    ABSTRACT:Alasdair MacIntyre’sAfter Virtuehas made a significant impact within business ethics. This impact has centered upon applications of the virtues-goods-practices-institutions schema (Moore & Beadle, 2006). In this article, I develop an extension of the practices-institutions schema (Moore, 2017), drawing upon MacIntyre’s later text,Dependent Rational Animals. Two key concepts drawn from this text are “networks of giving and receiving” and “the virtues of acknowledged dependence.” Networks of giving and receiving are non-calculative relationships that enable participants to cope with vulnerability. These relationships are (...)
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  26. An argument for temporalism and contingentism.Caleb Perl - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (5):1387-1417.
    Aristotle and Aquinas may have held that the things we believe and assert can have different truth-values at different times. Stoic logicians did; they held that there were “vacillating assertibles”—assertibles that are sometimes true and sometimes false. Frege and Russell endorsed the now widely accepted alternative, where the propositions believed and asserted are always specific with respect to time. This paper brings a new perspective to this question. We want to figure out what sorts of propositions speakers believe. Some philosophers (...)
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  27. Some Question-Begging Objections to Rule Consequentialism.Caleb Perl - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (4):904-919.
    This paper defends views like rule consequentialism by distinguishing between two sorts of ideal world objections. It aims to show that one of those sorts of objections is question-begging. Its success would open up a path forward for such views.
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  28.  33
    Historical Perspectives on Climate Change.James Rodger Fleming - 2005 - Oup Usa.
    This intriguing volume provides a thorough examination of the historical roots of global climate change as a field of inquiry, from the Enlightenment to the late twentieth century. Based on primary and archival sources, the book is filled with interesting perspectives on what people have understood, experienced, and feared about the climate and its changes in the past. Chapters explore climate and culture in Enlightenment thought; climate debates in early America; the development of international networks of observation; the scientific transformation (...)
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  29.  91
    Observations on hyperplanes: I State reduction and unitary evolution.Gordon N. Fleming - unknown
    This is the first of two papers responding to ‘recent’ commentary on various aspects of hyperplane dependence by several authors. In this paper I focus on the issues of the relations of HD to state reduction and unitary evolution. The authors who’s comments I address here are Maudlin and Myrvold. In the second paper of this set I focus on HD dynamical variables and localizable properties and measurements and address comments of de Koning, Halvorson, Clifton and Wallace. Each paper ends (...)
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  30.  41
    The virtue of participatory governance: a MacIntyrean alternative to shareholder maximization.Caleb Bernacchio & Robert Couch - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):130-143.
    We draw on Alasdair MacIntyre's virtues, practices, and institutions schema to argue that employee participation in governance practices can play an important role in developing virtue. Whereas MacIntyre's schema has been most widely employed to understand how productive practices can cultivate virtue, we focus instead on the way that meaningful deliberation about the common good can provide experiences requiring employees to exercise the virtues. We then apply this theoretical framework to an analysis of the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation. Our analysis emphasizes (...)
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  31.  24
    network theory and the formation of groups without evolutionary forces.Leonore Fleming - 2012 - Evolutionary Biology 39 (1):94-105.
    This paper presents a modified random network model to illustrate how groups can form in the absence of evolutionary forces, assuming groups are collections of entities at any level of organization. This model is inspired by the Zero Force Evolutionary Law, which states that there is always a tendency for diversity and complexity to increase in any evolutionary system containing variation and heredity. That is, in the absence of evolutionary forces, the expectation is a continual increase in diversity and complexity (...)
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  32.  52
    Disciplines of Attention in a Secular Age.Caleb Smith - 2019 - Critical Inquiry 45 (4):884-909.
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    Self-evaluation of decision-making: A general Bayesian framework for metacognitive computation.Stephen Fleming & Nathaniel Daw - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (1):91-114.
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  34. Nous in Aristotle's De Anima.Caleb Murray Cohoe - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (9):594-604.
    I lay out and examine two sharply conflicting interpretations of Aristotle's claims about nous in the De Anima (DA). On the human separability approach, Aristotle is taken to have identified reasons for thinking that the intellect can, in some way, exist on its own. On the naturalist approach, the soul, including intellectual soul, is inseparable from the body of which it is the form. I discuss how proponents of each approach deal with the key texts from the DA, focusing on (...)
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  35. Attributing error without taking a stand.Caleb Perl & Mark Schroeder - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (6):1453-1471.
    Moral error theory is the doctrine that our first-order moral commitments are pervaded by systematic error. It has been objected that this makes the error theory itself a position in first-order moral theory that should be judged by the standards of competing first-order moral theories :87–139, 1996) and Kramer. Kramer: “the objectivity of ethics is itself an ethical matter that rests primarily on ethical considerations. It is not something that can adequately be contested or confirmed through non-ethical reasoning” [2009, 1]). (...)
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    Gadamer's Conversation.Marie Fleming - 2003 - In Lorraine Code (ed.), Feminist Interpretations of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 109.
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  37. Why the Intellect Cannot Have a Bodily Organ: De Anima 3.4.Caleb Cohoe - 2013 - Phronesis 58 (4):347-377.
    I reconstruct Aristotle’s reasons for thinking that the intellect cannot have a bodily organ. I present Aristotle’s account of the aboutness or intentionality of cognitive states, both perceptual and intellectual. On my interpretation, Aristotle’s account is based around the notion of cognitive powers taking on forms in a special preservative way. Based on this account, Aristotle argues that no physical structure could enable a bodily part or combination of bodily parts to produce or determine the full range of forms that (...)
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    The means and ends of nature.Caleb Scoville - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (6):951-965.
    What should sociologists make of nature? Pragmatism provides one possible answer to this question by centering the practical relations between humans and nonhuman nature. Stefan Bargheer’s Moral Entanglements offers perhaps the most ambitious effort to develop a pragmatist sociology of nature. The book’s polemical aim is to depose a family of theories that, Bargheer argues, dominate our way of thinking about the relationship between nature and culture. This essay constructs an alternative, more accommodating critical encounter between competing theories. It begins (...)
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  39.  61
    (1 other version)The two faces of personhood: Hobbes, corporate agency and the personality of the state.Sean Fleming - 2021 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (1):5-26.
    There is an important but underappreciated ambiguity in Hobbes’ concept of personhood. In one sense, persons are representatives or actors. In the other sense, persons are representees or characters. An estate agent is a person in the first sense; her client is a person in the second. This ambiguity is crucial for understanding Hobbes’ claim that the state is a person. Most scholars follow the first sense of ‘person’, which suggests that the state is a kind of actor – in (...)
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  40.  68
    Quietism from the side of happiness Tolstoy, Schopenhauer, war and peace.Caleb Thompson - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (3):395-411.
    Tolstoy writes in a letter to his friend A. A. Fet that what he has written in War and Peace, “especially in the epilogue,” is also said by Schopenhauer in The World as Will and Representation. Tolstoy adds, however, that Schopenhauer approaches “it from the other side.” Schopenhauer does indeed say much the same thing as Tolstoy says in his epilogue and elsewhere about history and the will. Each of these authors argues that history is not progressing and that it (...)
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  41. (1 other version)When and Why Understanding Needs Phantasmata: A Moderate Interpretation of Aristotle’s De Memoria and De Anima on the Role of Images in Intellectual Activities.Caleb Cohoe - 2016 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 61 (3):337-372.
    I examine the passages where Aristotle maintains that intellectual activity employs φαντάσματα (images) and argue that he requires awareness of the relevant images. This, together with Aristotle’s claims about the universality of understanding, gives us reason to reject the interpretation of Michael Wedin and Victor Caston, on which φαντάσματα serve as the material basis for thinking. I develop a new interpretation by unpacking the comparison Aristotle makes to the role of diagrams in doing geometry. In theoretical understanding of mathematical and (...)
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  42. Justifying Resistance to Immigration Law: The Case of Mere Noncompliance.Caleb Yong - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 31 (2):459-481.
    Constitutional democracies unilaterally enact the laws that regulate immigration to their territories. When are would-be migrants to a constitutional democracy morally justified in breaching such laws? Receiving states also typically enact laws that require their existing citizens to participate in the implementation of immigration restrictions. When are the individual citizens of a constitutional democracy morally justified in breaching such laws? In this article, I take up these questions concerning the justifiability of noncompliance with immigration law, focusing on the case of (...)
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  43. An enduring ethic of end of life care: Catholic health Australia's response to Victoria's 'voluntary assisted dying' act as participatory theological bioethics.Daniel J. Fleming - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (4):458.
    On 19 June 2019, Victoria's 'Voluntary Assisted Dying' Act came into effect. The Act makes legal two interventions at the end of life. In most cases, it allows a doctor to prescribe a patient who meets certain criteria with a lethal substance, which it is supposed a patient will take at a time and place of their choosing to end their life. In rarer cases, where a patient is unable to ingest the lethal substance, it also allows for a doctor (...)
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  44.  21
    Heritage Resources and Armed Conflicts: An African Perspective.Caleb Adebayo Folorunso - 2011 - In Peter G. Stone (ed.), Cultural Heritage, Ethics and the Military. Boydell Press. pp. 158.
  45. Introduction à la psychologie de l'affectivité et à l'éducation à l'amour.Caleb Gattegno - 1953 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 58 (3):325-325.
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    Greening auto jobs: a critical analysis of the green job solution.Caleb Goods - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Greening Auto Jobs: A Critical Analysis of the Green Job Solution provides a major contribution to the growing and important field of environmental sociology and labor studies by providing a theoretical and practical understanding of how the broader political-economic relations of society affect the relationship between labor and the environment.
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    The Magical and Bad Faith: Reflection, Desire and the Image of Value.Caleb Heldt - 2009 - Sartre Studies International 15 (1):54-73.
    In The Imaginary, Sartre provides the foundation upon which the development of his theory of bad faith is built, pointing to a fundamental choice at the level of image consciousness between the unreflective projection of the image and the impure reflection upon that image constitutive of imaginative comprehension, or what he refers to in this text as pure comprehension. Pure comprehension can be seen as Sartre's early formulation of pure reflection in which thought is characterised by movement rather than the (...)
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  48.  28
    Is Perception the Origin of Objectivity?Caleb Liang - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 57:69-76.
    In this paper, I challenge a specific claim by Tyler Burge that perception delineates the lower border of representational mind and exhibits the most basic form of objectivity. According to this claim, perception is the most primitive type of representation that, when veridical, accurately attributes properties to non-perspective, mind-independent subject-matters. I argue that perception of the external world, especially vision, is not the most primitive type of objective representation. My approach will be interdisciplinary. After presenting Burge’s theory of perception, I (...)
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  49. Cerebro, Aprendizaje e Investigación: Conexiones.Caleb A. López - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2 (2):383-386.
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    A State of Lesser Hope.Caleb R. Miller - 2018 - Hobbes Studies 31 (2):147-165.
    _ Source: _Volume 31, Issue 2, pp 147 - 165 Though Hobbes consistently differentiates between the ‘subject’ and ‘servant’ across Elements of Law, On the Citizen, and Leviathan, we currently lack an exhaustive account of the Hobbesian servant. In this paper, I argue that the distinction would have profound consequences for one’s disposition toward both the commonwealth and the community at large. Because the servant joins under the immediate threat of violence and covenants directly with the sovereign, we would expect (...)
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