Results for 'Ca Ñan̲acampantan̲'

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  1. Ācārya Madhva: baduku-baraha.Bannañje Govindācārya - 2017 - Uḍupi ; Beṅgaḷūru: Īśāvāsyapratisṭhāna.
    Life and works of Ācārya Madhva, chief proponent of the Dvaita school of Vedanta.
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  2. Saroja Ācārya racanābalī.Saroja Ācārya - 1987 - Kalikātā: Pārla Pābaliśārsa.
    Complete works of a Bengali Marxist philosopher and author.
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    Hélder Câmara y la justicia: ideario.Hélder Câmara - 1981 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme. Edited by Benedicto Tapia de Renedo.
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  4. Udayanācāryas Nyāyapariśiṣṭam: with Vardhamāna Upādhyāya's commentary Prakāśa. Udayanācārya - 1938 - Calcutta: Metropolitan Print. and Pub. House. Edited by Vardhamāna & Narendra Chandra Vedantatirtha.
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  5. Śaṅkarācāryyera granthamālā: Śrīmadyatīśvara-Śaṅkarācāryya praṇīta granthasamūhera samābeśa. Śaṅkarācārya - 1995 - Kalikātā: Basumatī-Sāhitya-Mandira. Edited by Pañcānana Tarkaratna & Cidghanānanda.
    Complete works of Śaṅkarācārya, Hindu philosopher; with commentary and Bengali translation.
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    Formalization and Informalization: Changing Tension Balances in Civilizing Processes.Cas Wouters - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (2):1-18.
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  7. Cāritrasāraḥ. Cāmuṇḍarāyadeva - 2002 - Ambālā Chāvanī: Muni Śrī Saurabhasāgara Granthamālā. Edited by Śreyāṃakumāra Jaina.
    Sanskrit text with Hindi translation on Jaina monasticism and ethics.
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  8. Śrīmadakhaṇḍabhūmaṇḍalācāryaśrīkr̥ṣṇavadanavirahavaiśvānarāvatāraśrīśrīmadvalla bhācāryaprādurbhāvitaṃ Śrīmadbrahmasūtrāṇubhāṣyam: akhaṇḍaśuddhādvaitabrahmavādapratipādanaparaṃ Peṭalādagrāmasthecchārāmabhaṭṭāvirbhāvitapradīpasamalaṅkr̥tam. Vallabhācārya - 1980 - Dillī: Buṭālā. Edited by Viṭṭhalanātha, Icchārāmabhaṭṭa, Gopālajī & Śāstrimagnalālaśarmā.
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    On Status Competition and Emotion Management: The Study of Emotions as a New Field.Cas Wouters - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (1):229-252.
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  10. Divya-jivana darśana: pr̥thvī upara cālī rahelī utkrantinā āgāmī tabakkā svarūpa divya-jīvananuṃ darśana karāvato Maharshi Śrī Aravindanā yugapravartaka mahāgranthanuṃ rocaka rasadarśana.Mānasiṃhabhāī Cāvaḍā - 2007 - Rājakoṭa: Mā. Śrī. Aravinda Sādhanā Kendra.
    Study on Life divine, work on metaphysics and spiritual life by Aurobindo Ghose, 1872-1950.
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    Studies on the Cārvāka/Lokāyata.Rāmakr̥shṇa Bhaṭṭācārya - 2009 - [Firenze]: Società Editrice Fiorentina.
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  12. Manual de morala creștina pentru clasa VII seminairala, conform programei in vigóre de economul St. Călinescu..St Călinescu - 1903 - Bucuresci,: Inst. de arte grafice "C. Göbl,".
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    Ādi Śaṅkarācārya's Aparokṣānubhūti: the essence of self realization. Śaṅkarācārya - 2019 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publications. Edited by Mukta Walvekar, Shrikrishna Deshmukh & Śaṅkarācārya.
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  14. Śrīmattoṭakācāryaviracitaṃ Śrutisārasamuddharaṇam. Toṭakācārya - 1972 - Ṛṣikeśaḥ,: Śrī Kailāsa-Āśramaḥ. Edited by Vidyānanda Giri.
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    D(i)e verhouding prediking, mus(z)iek en liturgie.Cas Wepener & Mirella Klomp - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3):8.
    The relationship between preaching, music and liturgy. In the Reformed liturgy in South Africa the sermon has traditionally been reserved a special place, taking precedence over the liturgy and music. In this article an argument is put forward for a better balance between preaching, liturgy and music in the Reformed liturgy in churches in South Africa. In order to do so, the South African Reformed liturgical context is briefly sketched and thereafter a theological and liturgical-historical argument is presented. Existing approaches (...)
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  16. Pañcasūtraṃ: Tarkasamrāṭjainācāryaśrīharibhadrasūrikr̥tapañjikāyutaṃ. Śrīharibhadrasūriviracitaṃ Śrīmadācāryayaśobhadrasūrimahopādhyāyaśovijayakr̥tavr̥ttidvayopetaṃ Ṣoḍaśakaṃ ca. Cirantanācārya - 1980 - Piṇḍavāḍā: Bhāratīyaprācyatattvaprakāśanasamiti. Edited by Haribhadrasūri, Yaśobhadrasūri & Yaśovijaya.
    Two works, with commentaries, on Jaina ethics.
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  17. Śrīmacchaṅkarācāryaviracitaṃ Brahmasūtraśāṅkarabhāṣyam. Śaṅkarācārya - 1929 - Banārasa Siṭī: Caukhambā Saṃskr̥ta Sīriza Āphisa. Edited by Ḍhuṇḍhirāja Śāstri, Pūrṇānanda, Govindānanda & Bādarāyaṇa.
    V. 1, Catuḥsūtryantapūrṇānandīyavyākhyāsaṃhitayā Śrīgovindānandapraṇītayā Ratnaprabhayā samanvitam; v. 2, Śrīgovindānandapraṇītayā Ratnaprabhayā samanvitam.
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  18. Śankarācārya.Es Bi Raghunāthācārya - 2002 - New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi.
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  19.  9
    Darśanaśāstra kī paramparā meṃ bhautika vijñāna: prakāśa evaṃ cakshurvijñāna, dhvani evaṃ śravaṇa vijñāna, vāyu evaṃ gati vijñāna, jala evaṃ rasa vijñāna, pr̥thivī evaṃ paramāṇu vijñāna.Sudyumna Ācārya - 2015 - Satanā (Ma. Pra.): Veda Vāṇī Vitāna.
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  20. (1 other version)Sadācāraḥ =. Śaṅkarācārya - 1988 - Bombay: Central Chinmaya Mission Trust.
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  21. Śrīmanmaharṣikaṇādaviracite Vaiśeṣikadarśane Śrīmanmaharṣipraśastadevācāryaviracitaṃ Praśastapādabhāṣyam: "Prakāśikā" Hindīvyākhyāvibhūṣitam. Praśastapādācārya - 1966 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Saṃskr̥ta Sīrīja Āphisa. Edited by Śrīnārāyaṇa Miśra, Kaṇāda & Ḍhuṇḍhirāja Śāstri.
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  22.  8
    The Āgamaśāstra of Gauḍapāda.Gauḍapāda Ācārya - 1943 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. Edited by Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya.
    Not being satisfied with the interpretation offered by Sankara and his followers, or some other teachers the author has attempted in the following pages to present to the readers his own interpretation of the work as he has understood it. But in no way does he claim that his interpretation is the interpretation, i.e., the interpretation intended by Gaudapada himself. In the present volume the author has given a new edition of the text of the Agamasastra based on a number (...)
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  23. Advaitacintāẏa Ācārya Maṇḍana.Ramāprasāda Bhaṭṭācārya - 1975
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    Social Stratification and Informalization in Global Perspective.Cas Wouters - 1990 - Theory, Culture and Society 7 (4):69-90.
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  25. The Tattvatraya of Lokācārya.Piḷḷai Lōkācāryar - 1973 - Delhi,: Indu Prakashan]; sole distributor: Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi. Edited by Brahma Mitra Awasthi & Chandra Kanta Datta.
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  26. Prāmāṇyavādakhaṇḍanam: Gadādharabhaṭṭācāryaviracitaprāmāṇyavādagranthasya vimarśatmako'yaṃ granthaḥ.Tirumala Bukkapaṭṭaṇamu "Kirīṭi" Vēṅkaṭācāryulu - 2000 - Tirupatiḥ: Rāṣṭriyasaṃskr̥tavidyāpīṭham. Edited by K. E. Devanathan.
    Study of Dīdhitiprakāśikā of Gadhādharabhaṭṭācārya, 17th/18th cent., commentary on Pramāṇyavāda, portion of Tattvacintāmaṇi of Gaṅgeśa, dealing with the concept of authenticity of proofs).
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  27. Śrī Bucci Vēṅkaṭācārya praṇītā Vēdānta kārikāvaḷī.Bucci Vēṅkaṭācāryulu - 1992 - Tāpēśvaraṃ, Tūrpugōdāvari Jillā, Āndhrapradēś: Vēdānta Punaruddharaṇa Kēndramu. Edited by Samudrāla Vēṅkaṭa Raṅgarāmānujācāryulu.
    Treatise on the basic tenets of Viśiṣṭādvaita school in Hindu philosophy as propounded by Ramanuja, 1017-1137, founder of sect.
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  28. Advaitavedānte ānandasvarūpam.Nārāyaṇa Ācārya - 2008 - Purī: Sāmvidī Prakāśanam.
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    Filozofia istoriei.Cătălin Zamfir - 1981 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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  30. Kavīndrācārya-Sarasvatī kā Bhāṣāyogavāsiṣṭhasāra (Jñānasāra): mūlasaṃskr̥ta Laghuyogavāsiṣṭhasāra, Kavīndrācārya-Sarasvatī kā Hindī dohānuvāda Aṅgrejī anuvāda, vistr̥ta, vivecaka prastāvanā ādisahita prathamabāra saṃpādita =. Kavīndrācārya - 1969 - Pūnā: Bhāratavāṇī-Prakāśanamālā. Edited by V. G. Rahurkar.
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    The Sociology of Emotions and Flight Attendants: Hochschild's Managed Heart.Cas Wouters - 1989 - Theory, Culture and Society 6 (1):95-123.
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  32. Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh với vấn đề đạo đức cách mạng.Văn Các Phan (ed.) - 1986 - Hà Nội: Thông tin lý luận.
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  33. Las migraciones rurales, el proceso de urbanizacion y la marginalidad social en América Latina. Breve sistematizacion de las propuestas analiticas sugeridas para un encuadre teorico del problema.Torres Ca - 1977 - Franciscanum 19 (56):185-230.
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  34. (1 other version)Naiṣkarmyasiddhi of Śrī Sureśvarācārya. Sureśvarācārya - 1965 - Mysore,: University of Mysore. Edited by S. S. Raghavachar.
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  35. The Naiṣkarmya-siddhi of Sureśvarācārya. Sureśvarācārya - 1980 - Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. Edited by George Adolphus Jacob, Mysore Hiriyanna & Jñānottama Miśra.
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  36. Sanatsujātīyam: Śrīmanmahābhārate Udyogaparvaṇi: Śrīmacchaṅkarabhagavatpādācāryapraṇītabhāṣyasahitam = Sanatsujātīyam: Makāpāratattīn̲ Utyokaparvattīl: Śrīcaṅkarapakavatapātācāryal arulīya paṣyattuṭan̲um ataiyan̲ucaritta Tamil̲uraiyuṭan̲um cuṭiyatu. Śaṅkarācārya (ed.) - 1978 - Tirukkovil̲ūr: Śrī Ñān̲ān̲anta Tapōvan̲am.
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  37. Informalisation and the Civilising Process.Cas Wouters - 2003 - In Eric Dunning & Stephen Mennell (eds.), Norbert Elias. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 2--279.
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    Constantin Rădulescu-Motru, filosof al culturii.Corina Hrișcă - 1987 - Cluj-Napoca: Editura Dacia.
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  39. Ātmatattvavivekaḥ: saṭippaṇarāṣṭrabhāṣānuvādopetaḥ sapariśiṣṭaśca. Udayanācārya - 1983 - Vārāṇasī: Kedāranāthatripāṭhī. Edited by Kedāranātha Tripāṭhī.
    Classical Nyaya treatise on the concept of self (ātman) refuting the Buddhist exposition of the subject.
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    Developments in the Behavioural Codes between the Sexes: The Formalization of Informalization in the Netherlands, 1930-85.Cas Wouters - 1987 - Theory, Culture and Society 4 (2-3):405-427.
    This article is about changes in dominant modes of social conduct, particularly involving relationships between the sexes. Changes in behavioural codes and ideals were noted in the course of a comparative analysis of etiquette books published in the Netherlands from 1930 to 1985. There was a gap of approximately thirteen years during which, with one exception, no books on this subject were published. There was, however, an upsurge of books on liberation and self-realization, coupled with a relative loosening of behavioural (...)
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  41.  12
    The Quest for New Rituals in Dying and Mourning: Changes in the We-I Balance.Cas Wouters - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (1):1-27.
    Rituals in dying and mourning have a social and a psychic aspect: they have the twin function of diminishing the danger of succumbing to intense emotions (fear, despair, powerlessness and grief) by evoking a feeling of solidarity, and of enhancing the sense of being connected to a larger community, on which basis these emotions are acknowledged as well as dimmed and kept under control. As the changes in mourning ritual of the last half of the 20th century demonstrate, the relation (...)
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    (1 other version)Kiraṇābalī: bistr̥ta bibr̥ti o anubāda sahita. Udayanācārya - 1911 - Kalikātā: Pracāraka Iu. Ena. Dhara. Edited by Gaurīnātha Śāstrī & Praśastapādācārya.
    Commentary on Praśastapādācārya's Praśastapādabhāṣya, compendium of the Vaiśeṣika philosophy; includes text.
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  43. Condiciones de una decisión político-intelectual : Manuel Sacristán hacia 1956.María Francisca Fernández Cáceres - 2014 - In Fernández Cáceres, María Francisca, Miranda Medina & Carlos Federico (eds.), Discurso, compromiso e historia: una aproximación sociológica al trabajo intelectual y político. Barranquilla, Cúcuta, Colombia: Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar.
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  44. Śaṅkaro jayati loka-Śaṅkaraḥ: Bhagavatpāda Ādiśaṅkarācāryasannyāsapañcaviṃśaśatīsmr̥ti-grantha = Adi Shankaracharya 25th centenary commemoration volume. Śaṅkarācārya, Jayamanta Miśra, Parmeshwar Nath Mishra & Rāmavilāsa Caudharī (eds.) - 2001 - Paṭanā: Akhila Bhāratīya Pīṭha Parishad va Śaṅkarācārya Paramparā evaṃ Saṃskr̥ti Rakshaka Parishad.
    Contributed articles on Śaṅkarācārya, Hindu philosophy, and religious life.
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  45.  32
    Expressão e contemporaneidade: a arte moderna segundo Merleau-Ponty.J. M. Bettencourt da Câmara - 2005 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
    O ponto de partida do presente ensaio é o entendimento de que a arte constitui um dos motivos catalisadores, se não mesmo um dos temas maiores da reflexão de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Na interpretação do autor, o filósofo da percepção, aquele que, de todos os pensadores contemporâneos, conferiu ao corpo po um estatuto que a reflexão do século XX ainda não lhe concedera, chegou à arte por necessidade intrínseca do seu próprio caminho especulativo, vindo a reflexão sobre a expressão artística a (...)
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  46.  10
    Vedāntasiddhāntaratnāñjaliḥ: Śrīvr̥ndāvanacandrikāvyākhyāsamvalitaḥ Dvaitādvaitavedāntaḥ=tattvatraya-jīva-jagad-brahma-yugala-svarūpa-upāsanā-mokṣasvarūpa-Śri ̄bhagavadbhaktinurupaṇa-arthapañcakaḥ.Harivyāsa Devācārya - 2017 - Vārāṇasī: Bhāratīya Vidyā Saṃsthāna. Edited by Dvārakādāsa Kāṭhiyābābā.
    On Dvaita Vedanta philosophy and doctrines of Nimbarka, sect in Vaishnavism; with Hindi interpretation.
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  47. Syntax and semantics in space-comprehension of spatially ambiguous sentences.Ca Perfetti, B. Adams, L. Bell & Jm Weitz - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):323-323.
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  48. Five faces of modernity: modernism, avant-garde, decadence, kitsch, postmodernism.Matei Călinescu - 1987 - Durham: Duke University Press. Edited by Matei Călinescu.
    _Five Faces of Modernity_ is a series of semantic and cultural biographies of words that have taken on special significance in the last century and a half or so: _modernity_, _avant-garde_, _decadence_, _kitsch_, and _postmodernism_. The concept of modernity—the notion that we, the living, are different and somehow superior to our predecessors and that our civilization is likely to be succeeded by one even superior to ours—is a relatively recent Western invention and one whose time may already have passed, if (...)
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  49. A nilpotent infinitesimal extension of 3i.Ca Knudsen - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 40:97-100.
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  50. Știinţă, filozofie, ideologie.Călina Mare - 1974 - București: Editura politică.
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