Results for 'C. Rabouille'

948 found
  1.  24
    Relations between bacterial biomass and carbon cycle in Marine sediments: An early diagenetic model.F. Talin, C. Tolla, C. Rabouille & J. C. Poggiale - 2003 - Acta Biotheoretica 51 (4):295-315.
    A new model for early diagenetic processes has been developed through a new formula explicitly accounting for microbial population dynamics. Following a mechanistic approach based on enzymatic reactions, a new model has been proposed for oxic mineralisation and denitrification. It incorporates the dynamics of bacterial metabolism. We find a general formula for inhibition processes of which some other mathematical expressions are particular cases. Moreover a fast numerical algorithm has been developed. It allows us to perform simulations of different diagenetic models (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Fallacies.C. L. Hamblin - 1970 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:492-492.
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  3. (2 other versions)Facts and Values.C. L. Stevenson - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):487-487.
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    Philosophical racism and ubuntu: In dialogue with Mogobe Ramose.C. W. Maris - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):308-326.
    This article discusses two complementary themes that play an important role in contemporary South African political philosophy: (1) the racist tradition in Western philosophy; and (2) the role of ubuntu in regaining an authentic African identity, which was systematically suppressed during the colonial past and apartheid. These are also leading themes in Mogobe Ramose’s African Philosophy Through Ubuntu. The first part concentrates on John Locke. It discusses the thesis that the reprehensible racism of many founders of liberal political philosophy has (...)
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  5. Whistle-Blower Narratives: The Experience of Choiceless Choice.C. Fred Alford - 2007 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 74 (1):223-248.
    Most whistleblowers talk as if they never had a choice about whether to blow the whistle. This doesn't mean they acted suddenly, or impulsively, only that they believe they could not have done otherwise. Trying to make sense of this near universal answer to the question "Why did you do it?" the essay draws on narrative theory. Narrative theory distinguishes between actant and sender—that is, between actor and his or her values. This distinction helps to explain what it means to (...)
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  6. Color and illusion.C. L. Hardin - 1990 - In William G. Lycan (ed.), Mind and cognition: a reader. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
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  7. Psychology and Alchemy.C. G. Jung, R. F. C. Hull, Herbert Read, M. Fordham & G. Adler - 1953 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 16 (1):156-156.
    Alchemy is central to Jung's hypothesis of the collective unconscious. In this volume he begins with an outline of the process and aims of psychotherapy, and then moves on to work out the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma and symbolism and his own understanding of the analytic process. Introducing the basic concepts of alchemy, Jung reminds us of the dual nature of alchemy, comprising both the chemical process and a parallel mystical component. He also discusses the seemingly deliberate mystification of (...)
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  8. (2 other versions)Animal Life and Intelligence.C. Lloyd Morgan - 1890 - The Monist 1:443.
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  9. (1 other version)What is Existence?C. J. F. Williams - 1984 - Mind 93 (369):146-149.
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    Wittgenstein, sources and perspectives.C. Grant Luckhardt (ed.) - 1979 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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  11. A study in violets : Alcibiades in the symposium.C. D. C. Reeve - 2006 - In Frisbee Candida Cheyenne Sheffield (ed.), Plato's Symposium: the ethics of desire. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 124--146.
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    The Greeks in Bactria and India.C. A. Robinson & W. W. Tarn - 1940 - American Journal of Philology 61 (1):122.
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  13. Democracy, socialism, and the working classes.C. L. Ten - 1998 - In John Skorupski (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Mill. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 372--95.
  14. Apuntes de filosofía del derecho (primera parte) compuestos en 1913 por el estudiante de la materia Carlos C. Malagarriga.Carlos C. Malagarriga - 1914 - Buenos Aires,: Tallers gráficos de la Penitenciaría nacional.
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    The epistemology of meat eating.C. E. Abbate - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (1):67-84.
    A widely accepted view in epistemology is that we do not have direct control over our beliefs. And we surely do not have as much control over our beliefs as we have over simple actions. For instance, you can, if offered $500, immediately throw your steak in the trash, but a meat-eater cannot, at will, start believing that eating animals is wrong to secure a $500 reward. Yet, even though we have more control over our behavior than we have over (...)
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  16. Epilogue.C. Mantzavinos - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 111-113.
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  17. Hobbes on the Evil of Death by Mark C. Murphy (Washington, DC).Mark C. Murphy - 2000 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 28:36.
  18. Draft discussion paper: Working conditions for bioethics in Canada.C. Macdonald, M. Coughlin, C. Harrison, A. Lynch, P. Murphy & M. Rowell - forthcoming - Canadian Bioethics Society, Calgary.
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    Mental magnitudes.C. R. Gallistel - 2011 - In Stanislas Dehaene & Elizabeth Brannon (eds.), Space, Time and Number in the Brain: Searching for the Foundations of Mathematical Thought. Oxford University Press. pp. 3--12.
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  20. Lire Ernst Troeltsch en France aujourd'hui: Science des religions ou théologie?C. Froidevaux - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (2):213-222.
    La réception tardive de l'oeuvre de Ernst Troeltsch en France nous a privés d'une analyse du christianisme originale et féconde. Elle nuance et enrichit ce que nous savons, au travers de la réflexion wébérienne notamment, des relations de la religion chrétienne à la modernité. Contre les interprétations usuelles qui datent l'émergence de cette dernière de la Renaissance et de la Réforme, Troeltsch insiste sur la centralité des Lumières comme marquant la fin de la civilisation ecclésiastique ; c'es l'évanouissement de la (...)
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    Inconsistent mathematics: Some philosophical implications.C. Mortensen - unknown
  22. Richard of St. Victor and the medieval sublime.C. Stephen Jaeger - 2010 - In Magnificence and the sublime in Medieval aesthetics: art, architecture, literature, music. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  23. Ueber den Begriff der Gemuthsbewegung.C. Stumpe - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9:92.
  24.  11
    Problems With Police Reports as Data Sources: A Researchers' Perspective.C. Dominik Güss, Ma Teresa Tuason & Alicia Devine - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Wer bestimmt, was es gibt? Zum Verhältnis zwischen Ontologie und Wissenschaftstheorie.C. Ulises Moulines - 1994 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 48 (2):175 - 191.
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    Thinking the Impossible: The Gestalt of a Round Square.C. Ierna - 2019 - In Arnaud Dewalque & Venanzio Raspa (eds.), Psychological Themes in the School of Alexius Meinong. De Gruyter. pp. 47-60.
    In this article I connect two concepts that played central roles in the School of Meinong: the notion of impossible objects and that of Gestalt. Ehrenfels claims that Widerspruch or incompatibility would be a temporal Gestalt quality, specifically the trying and failing to build an intuitive presentation. Where, when, and how does this process break down exactly? Meinong’s Graz students developed a more detailed production theory for the presentation of Gestalten (Vorstellungsproduktion) which can help to determine how the failure to (...)
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  27.  29
    (1 other version)Plato's metaphysics of morals.C. D. C. Reeve - 2003 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25:39-58.
  28.  46
    MIND: A quarterly Review, etc., edited by G. C. Robertson.G. C. Robertson - 1877 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 3:546 - 550.
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  29. Promise and prospect.C. David Gruender & Kenneth G. Tobin - 1991 - Science Education 75 (1):1-8.
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  30. On Lewis and then some.C. B. Martin - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 43 (169-170):43-48.
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    (1 other version)La sociologie biologique et le régime Des castes.C. Bouglé - 1900 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 49:337 - 352.
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  32. Appunti sul lessico miceneo.C. Gallavotti - 1957 - Paideia 12:329-336.
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    The social ethical aspects of care.C. Gastmans - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (2):94-95.
  34. Shame and Necessity. By Bernard Williams.C. Gill - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:166-167.
  35.  30
    Mind and motion a review of Alain Berthozs the brains sense of movement.C. Ginsburg - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (11):65-73.
    It is hard for most people to appreciate how little they know of themselves in regards to basic aspects of living, or how these simple and apparently uninteresting aspects of ourselves can have an influence on the higher aspects of human life and culture. As Alain Berthoz, in his groundbreaking book, The Brain's Sense of Movement, points out, 'Plato forgot the body.' It is a huge omission that continues into today and affects thinking in all our attempts to understand such (...)
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  36. Entwicklungen der Landschaftsarchitecktur in Europa.C. Girot - 2004 - Topos 49:40-48.
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  37. AI is philosophy.C. Glymour - 1988 - In James H. Fetzer (ed.), Aspects of AI. D.
  38. Salire verso il bello: Simposio di platone.C. Guidelli - 1994 - Rivista di Estetica 34 (47):38-59.
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    Axiologie și istorie în gîndirea contemporanǎ.C. I. Gulian - 1991 - București: Editura Academiei Române.
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  40. An extraordinarily simple theory of the syllogism.C. L. Hamblin & P. J. Staines - 1992 - Logique Et Analyse 35 (138):81-81.
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    The general semantics of set theory.C. A. Hilgartner - 1974 - In Donald E. Washburn & Dennis R. Smith (eds.), Coping with increasing complexity: implications of general semantics and general systems theory. New York: Gordon & Breach. pp. 31.
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    Eugenics in Norway.C. B. S. Hodson - 1935 - The Eugenics Review 27 (1):41.
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  43. Il problema critico. Confutazione della teoria rappresentazionista della conoscenza.C. Huber - 1985 - Aquinas 28 (1-2):267-274.
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    Diplomatiis samzareulo.A. Čʻikvaiże - 2008 - Tʻbilisi: Marketinguli da media komunikacʻiebis instituti. Edited by Hamlet Čipašvili.
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  45. L'héritage frégéen du "Tractatus Discussion".C. Imbert - 1969 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 23 (2):205.
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    5 The World of Qualia.Matjaž Potrˇc - 2008 - In Edmond Leo Wright (ed.), The Case for Qualia. MIT Press. pp. 109.
  47.  13
    Homo faber and homo economicus in the scientific revolution.Ahmet Selami Çalışkan - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Zahit Atçıl.
    Why did the scientific revolution take place in the West and not in China or the Islamic world? How did humanity's progress in science and technology, which had been moving along at a relatively steady pace for tens of thousands of years, end up taking such an unprecedented leap? Subjecting the history of thought and technology to a novel interpretation based on the relationship between theory and practice, Ahmet Selami Çalışkan argues that the industrial revolution and modern science-and the scientific (...)
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  48. Flat-space metric in the quaternion formulation of general relativity.C. Marcio do Amaral - 1969 - Rio de Janeiro,: Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas. Edited by Colber G. Oliveira.
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    From molecules to mindfulness: How vertically convergent fractal time fluctuations unify cognition and emotion.C. M. Anderson - 2000 - Consciousness and Emotion 1 (2):193-226.
    Fractal time fluctuations of the spectral “1/f” form are universal in natural self-organizing systems. Neurobiology is uniquely infused with fractal fluctuations in the form of statistically self-similar clusters or bursts on all levels of description from molecular events such as protein chain fluctuations, ion channel currents and synaptic processes to the behaviors of neural ensembles or the collective behavior of Internet users. It is the thesis of this essay that the brain self-organizes via a vertical collation of these spontaneous events (...)
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  50. Innate ideas, categories and objectivity.C. Antonopoulos - 1989 - Philosophia Naturalis 26 (2):159-191.
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