Results for 'C. Mikhail'

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  1.  35
    La destination politique de la propriété chez Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 66 (3):331.
    Résumé — Cet article fait le pari qu’il est possible d’assigner à Rousseau une théorie cohérente de la propriété et se propose de reconstruire cette théorie en distinguant, à partir des configurations empiriques de l’institution de propriété mobilisées par l’auteur, les trois moments logiques et chronologiques d’une histoire philosophique de la propriété : la propriété commune originaire, le domaine réel des États, les propriétés dans l’état civil. Cette théorie se laisse ainsi ramener à trois propositions essentielles : la propriété, rendue (...)
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    La Propriété: Étude de Philosophie du Droit.Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2004 - Presses Universitaires de France.
    Pendant près de deux siècles, la " question sociale"s'est confondue avec la question de la propriété, ou plus exactement avec celle de sa légitimité. Tel auteur affirme que c'est l'âme de la législation. Tel autre que c'est le vol. On dispute de ses origines et de ses limites, parfois de son abolition. Mais à travers la violence de la querelle, partisans et détracteurs de l'institution s'en font la même idée : un droit absolu d'une personne sur une chose. Or il (...)
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    The Russian Backdrop to Dobzhansky’s Genetics and the Origin of Species.Mikhail B. Konashev - 2023 - Journal of the History of Biology 56 (2):285-307.
    Theodosius Dobzhansky was one of the principal ‘founding fathers' of the modern ‘synthetic theory of evolution' and the ‘biological species' concept, first set forth in his classic book, Genetics and the Origin of Species (1937). Much of the discussion of Dobzhansky’s work by historians has focused on English-accessible sources, and has emphasized the roles of the Morgan School, and figures such as Sewall Wright, and Leslie C. Dunn. This article uses Dobzhansky’s Russian articles that are unknown to English-speaking readers, and (...)
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    Life's origin and unfolding popularized - de duve, C. (2002). Life evolving. Molecules, mind and meaning.Rob Hengeveld & Mikhail Fedonkin - 2003 - Acta Biotheoretica 51 (3):239-244.
  5.  73
    Toward a Clarity of the Extreme Value Theorem.Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz & Taras Kudryk - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (2):193-214.
    We apply a framework developed by C. S. Peirce to analyze the concept of clarity, so as to examine a pair of rival mathematical approaches to a typical result in analysis. Namely, we compare an intuitionist and an infinitesimal approaches to the extreme value theorem. We argue that a given pre-mathematical phenomenon may have several aspects that are not necessarily captured by a single formalisation, pointing to a complementarity rather than a rivalry of the approaches.
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  6. Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan The First Hundred Years of Mikhail Bakhtin.C. Emerson - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (1):121-121.
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    Freedom of Interpretation: Bakhtin and the Challenge of Feminist Criticism.Wayne C. Booth - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (1):45-76.
    In turning to the language of freedom, I am not automatically freed from the dangers of reduction and self-privileging. "Freedom" as a term is at least as ambiguous as "power" . When I say that for me all questions about the politics of interpretation begin with the question of freedom, I can either be saying a mouthful or saying nothing at all, depending on whether I am willing to complicate my key term, "freedom," by relating it to the language of (...)
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    Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary.Alexander N. Chumakov, Ivan I. Mazour & William C. Gay (eds.) - 2014 - Editions Rodopi.
    This book provides brief expositions of the central concepts in the field of Global Studies. Former President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev says, “The book is intelligent, rich in content and, I believe, necessary in our complex, turbulent, and fragile world.” 300 authors from 50 countries contributed 450 entries. The contributors include scholars, researchers, and professionals in social, natural, and technological sciences. They cover globalization problems within ecology, business, economics, politics, culture, and law. This interdisciplinary collection provides a (...)
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  9.  13
    Review of: Mikhail Epstein, The Phoenix of Philosophy; Russian Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991), New York &c, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, 300 pages, ISBN 978-1-5013-1639-5, hardcover €147.42, paperback €52.78, kindle €23.39; and idem, Ideas Against Ideocracy; Non-Marxist Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991), New York &c, Bloomsbury Academic, 2022, 264 pages, ISBN 978-1-5013-5059-7, hardcover €134.38, paperback €43.16, kindle, €32.37. [REVIEW]Evert van der Zweerde - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (4):735-739.
  10.  48
    Rostovtzeff and Cumont - (G.) Bongard-Levine, (C.) Bonnet, (Y.) Litvinenko, (A.) Marcone (edd.) Mongolus Syrio salutem optimam dat: La Correspondance entre Mikhaïl Rostovtzeff et Franz Cumont. Avec le concours de l'Académie des Sciences de Russie, de l’Academia Belgica de Rome et de la Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris). (Mémoires de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 36.) Pp. xvi + 364; b/w & colour pls. Paris: De Boccard, 2007. Paper, €70. ISBN: 978-2-87754-193-0. [REVIEW]Richard Gordon - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):286-.
  11. Cколько стоятъ въ Лондонѣ галоши.Grigori Utgof - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1-2):244-258.
    Summing up the ideas expressed in the most influential articles on the semantic halo of the Russian trochaic pentameter, scholars tend to avoid one particularly tricky question: how many units – and what kind of units – are needed to detect extra layers of meaning in a particular text? While the article of Kiril Taranovsky “О взаимоотношении стихотворного ритма и тематики” had implied that the source of these meanings (e.g. the dynamic theme of the journey) should be sought in a (...)
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  12. Speculative Naturalism: A Manifesto.Arran Gare - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (2):300-323.
    The turn to analytic philosophy in Anglophone countries, which is still underway and is spreading elsewhere, has generally involved a retreat from ‘synoptic’ thinking and an almost complete withdrawal from ‘synthetic’ thinking, the creative thinking that in the past has been the source of the greatest contributions of philosophy to science, the humanities and civilization. Analytic philosophy’s ‘naturalistic turn’ led by Willard van Ormond Quine was really a capitulation of philosophy to mainstream reductionist science. So-called ‘continental philosophy’ when it abjures (...)
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    The Enchantment of Interpretation.Daniel Cottom - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (4):573-594.
    First, a joke that was circulating among academics a couple of years ago. In the version I heard, a Texan is walking across Harvard Yard. He stops a guy and asks him, in his nasal drawl, “Can you tell me where the library’s at?” The guy looks him up and down, pauses, and says, “At Harvard we do not end our sentences with prepositions.” The Texan apologizes, saying, “Excuse me. Can you tell me where the library’s at, asshole?”This story may (...)
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    Speaking in Resistant Tongues: Latina Feminism, Embodied Knowledge, and Transformation.Mariana Ortega - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (2):313-318.
    This essay is an introduction to the cluster on Latina feminism published in Hypatia (Spring 2016), Vo. 31 (2), which features essays on various areas of Latina feminisms as well as discussions on the intersection of Latina feminisms and the work of thinkers such as Mikhail Bakhtin, Simone de Beauvoir, Enrique Dussell, Immanuel Kant, Édouard Glissant, Walter Mignolo, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Contributors to the cluster include Stephanie Rivera Berruz, Cynthia M. Paccacerqua, Andrea J. Pitts, Monique Roelofs, Susan C. Méndez, (...)
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  15. A dissociation between moral judgments and justifications.Marc Hauser, Fiery Cushman, Liane Young, J. I. N. Kang-Xing & John Mikhail - 2007 - Mind and Language 22 (1):1–21.
    To what extent do moral judgments depend on conscious reasoning from explicitly understood principles? We address this question by investigating one particular moral principle, the principle of the double effect. Using web-based technology, we collected a large data set on individuals' responses to a series of moral dilemmas, asking when harm to innocent others is permissible. Each moral dilemma presented a choice between action and inaction, both resulting in lives saved and lives lost. Results showed that: (1) patterns of moral (...)
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  16. Collection, storage and use of blood samples for future research: views of Egyptian patients expressed in a cross-sectional survey.A. Abou-Zeid, H. Silverman, M. Shehata, M. Shams, M. Elshabrawy, T. Hifnawy, S. A. Rahman, B. Galal, H. Sleem, N. Mikhail & N. Moharram - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):539-547.
    Objective To determine the attitudes of Egyptian patients regarding their participation in research and with the collection, storage and future use of blood samples for research purposes. Design Cross-sectional survey. Study population Adult Egyptian patients (n=600) at rural and urban hospitals and clinics. Results Less than half of the study population (44.3%) felt that informed consent forms should provide research participants the option to have their blood samples stored for future research. Of these participants, 39.9% thought that consent forms should (...)
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  17.  87
    An Integer Construction of Infinitesimals: Toward a Theory of Eudoxus Hyperreals.Alexandre Borovik, Renling Jin & Mikhail G. Katz - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (4):557-570.
    A construction of the real number system based on almost homomorphisms of the integers $\mathbb {Z}$ was proposed by Schanuel, Arthan, and others. We combine such a construction with the ultrapower or limit ultrapower construction to construct the hyperreals out of integers. In fact, any hyperreal field, whose universe is a set, can be obtained by such a one-step construction directly out of integers. Even the maximal (i.e., On -saturated) hyperreal number system described by Kanovei and Reeken (2004) and independently (...)
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  18. Effects of prosodically modulated sub-phonetic variation on lexical competition.Anne Pier Salverda, Delphine Dahan, Michael K. Tanenhaus, Katherine Crosswhite, Mikhail Masharov & Joyce McDonough - 2007 - Cognition 105 (2):466-476.
  19.  37
    Interpretation of Social Interactions: Functional Imaging of Cognitive-Semiotic Categories During Naturalistic Viewing.Dhana Wolf, Irene Mittelberg, Linn-Marlen Rekittke, Saurabh Bhavsar, Mikhail Zvyagintsev, Annina Haeck, Fengyu Cong, Martin Klasen & Klaus Mathiak - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  20. Is Leibnizian calculus embeddable in first order logic?Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Taras Kudryk, Thomas Mormann & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):73 - 88.
    To explore the extent of embeddability of Leibnizian infinitesimal calculus in first-order logic (FOL) and modern frameworks, we propose to set aside ontological issues and focus on pro- cedural questions. This would enable an account of Leibnizian procedures in a framework limited to FOL with a small number of additional ingredients such as the relation of infinite proximity. If, as we argue here, first order logic is indeed suitable for developing modern proxies for the inferential moves found in Leibnizian infinitesimal (...)
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  21. Problemy razvitii︠a︡ nauki i nauchnogo tvorchestva.Russia Rostov on the Don & Mikhail Mikhailovich Karpov (eds.) - 1971 - Rostov n/D: Izd-vo Rost. un-ta.
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    (1 other version)Reality and rationality.Wesley C. Salmon - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Phil Dowe & Merrilee H. Salmon.
    This volume of articles (most published, some new) is a follow-up to the late Wesley C. Salmon's widely read collection Causality And Explanation (OUP 1998). It contains both published and unpublished articles, and focuses on two related areas of inquiry: First, is science a rational enterprise? Secondly, does science yield objective information about our world, even the aspects that we cannot observe directly? Salmon's own take is that objective knowledge of the world is possible, and his work in these articles (...)
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  23.  10
    In Marx's Shadow: Knowledge, Power, and Intellectuals in Eastern Europe and Russia.Clemena Antonova, Aurelian Craiutu, Mikhail Epstein, Elena Gapova, Letitia Guran, Ivars Ijabs, Natasa Kovacevic, Jeffrey Murer, Veronika Tuckerova, Vladimir Tismaneanu & Maria Todorova (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    The volume draws attention to the unknown and unexplored areas, trends and ways of thinking under the communist regime. It demonstrates how various bodies of knowledge were produced, disseminated and used for a wide variety of purposes: from openly justifying dominant political views to framing oppositional and non-official discourses and practices.
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  24. Berkeley, George 60, 62 Bemasconi, Robert lln Bernauer, James 176, 180n, 181, 196 Beyssade, Jean-Marie 30n.Andrew Arato, Hannah Arendt, Jean-Baptiste Aristide, Antonin Artaud, Marcus Aurelius, Gaston Bachelard, Francis Bacon, Mikhail Bahktm, Gregory Bateson & Charles Baudelaire - 2003 - In Edith Wyschogrod & Gerald P. McKenny, The Ethical. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 217.
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  25.  51
    Viability Analysis of Multi-fishery.C. Sanogo, S. Ben Miled & N. Raissi - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (1-2):189-207.
    Abstract This work is about the viability domain corresponding to a model of fisheries management. The dynamic is subject of two constraints. The biological constraint ensures the stock perennity where as the economic one ensures a minimum income for the fleets. Using the mathematical concept of viability kernel, we find out a viability domain which simultaneously enables the fleets to exploit the resource, to ensure a minimum income and stock perennity. Content Type Journal Article Category Regular Article Pages 1-19 DOI (...)
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  26. Vo-vtorykh: ulʹtimatumy s ogovorkami kont︠s︡a proshlogo veka.Mikhail Mai︠a︡t︠s︡kiĭ - 2002 - Moskva: Pragmatika kulʹtury.
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  27.  33
    Comptes rendus.Fosca Mariani Zini, Nadine Vanwelkenhuyzen, Philippe Drieux, Alain Tallon, Françoise Waquet, Laurence Devillairs, Geneviève Brykman, Patrick Gautier Dalché, Mai Lequan, Emmanuel Poulle, Bruno Neveu, Mikhaïl Xifaras, Claude Blanckaert & Jean-Yves Goffi - 1998 - Revue de Synthèse 119 (1):131-166.
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  28. Filosofskie i sot︠s︡iologicheskie problemy nauchno-tekhnicheskoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii.V. G. Marakhov, Korneev, Mikhail I︠A︡kovlevich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1973
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    Cognitive and Empirical Pragmatics : Issues and Perspectives.Gregory Bochner, Philippe De Brabanter, MIkhail Kissine & Daniela Rossi (eds.) - 2011 - Belgian Journal of Linguistics 25.
    Over the last decade, research in semantics and pragmatics has started to increasingly incorporate new experimental methods from cognitive psychology. That this empirical stance on utterance interpretation has now reached maturity is revealed by two unmistakable symptoms: an increased reflection on the contextual methods used to elicit experimental data, and a continuous expansion of the linguistic phenomena and themes being investigated through these methods. The articles gathered in this volume testify to this very recent evolution of the field: a first (...)
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  30. Introduction.Gregory Bochner, Philippe De Brabanter, Mikhail Kissine & Daniela Rossi - 2011 - In Gregory Bochner, Philippe De Brabanter, MIkhail Kissine & Daniela Rossi, Cognitive and Empirical Pragmatics : Issues and Perspectives. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 25.
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    Retour, repentir et constitution de soi.C. Aslanoff, P. Aubin, V. Bibikhine, H. Blumenthal, D. Bourel & J. Carlier - 1998 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    La traduction de l'epistrophe grecque en conversio latine a pu laisser entendre une continuite entre le retour des philosophies grecques neoplatoniciennes et l'evenement religieux proprement chretien de la conversion. Le paradigme en serait le passage de Plotin a Augustin. Mais peut-on oublier que les grecques classiques n'ont pas d'ethique du repentir et que, sans ce rapport au temps de la faute, la constitution de soi n'a ni le meme sens ni le meme lieu? C'est le travail du Centre A.J. Festugiere (...)
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  32. Todor Pavlov--viden teoretik na marksistko-leninskata filosofii︠a︡.Todor Pavlov, Sava Ganovski & Mikhail Dimitrov Bŭchvarov (eds.) - 1983 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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  33. Hobbes on the Evil of Death by Mark C. Murphy (Washington, DC).Mark C. Murphy - 2000 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 28:36.
  34. Kritika sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ filosofii. Korneeva, Anna Ivanovna, [From Old Catalog], I︠A︡kovlev & Mikhail Vasilʹevich (eds.) - 1961
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  35. Observation of V-Type Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a Sodium Atomic Beam.George R. Welch, G. G. Padmabandu, Edward S. Fry, Mikhail D. Lukin, Dmitri E. Nikonov, Frank Sander, Marlan O. Scully, Antoin Weis & Frank K. Tittel - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (4):621-638.
    We have conducted an experimental study of V-type electromagnetically induced transparency in sodium. Its principles are elucidated by a simple model. Measurements show decreased fluorescence and absorption depending on the detuning of the driving and probe fields, which is in agreement with the results of numerical simulation.
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  36.  6
    Chronotopic thresholds: A feeling for the future.E. Jayne White, Catherine Matsuo, Fiona Westbrook, Caryl Emerson, Bridgette Redder, Mahtab Janfada, Dandan Cao & Mikhail Gradovski - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (10):935-945.
    E. Jayne Whitea, Catherine Matsuob and Fiona WestbrookcaUniversity of Canterbury; bFukuoka University; cAuckland University of Technology (AUT)This collective writing piece takes its points of depa...
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  37. Marksistskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ v XIX veke.I. S. Narskii, B. V. Bogdanov & Mikhail Trifonovich Iovchuk (eds.) - 1979 - Moskva: Nauka.
    kn. 1. Ot vozniknovenii︠a︡ marksistskoĭ filosofii do ee razvitii︠a︡ v 50-kh-60 godakh XIX veka.--kn. 2. Razvitie marksistskoĭ filosofii vo vtoroĭ polovine XIX veka.
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    Renée C. Fox and Judith P. Swazey, Observing Bioethics. Reviewed by.James C. Klagge - 2010 - Philosophy in Review 30 (4):259-262.
  39.  29
    Correlation of BOLD Signal with Linear and Nonlinear Patterns of EEG in Resting State EEG-Informed fMRI.Galina V. Portnova, Alina Tetereva, Vladislav Balaev, Mikhail Atanov, Lyudmila Skiteva, Vadim Ushakov, Alexey Ivanitsky & Olga Martynova - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  40.  27
    Société et pouvoir.Valérie Theis, Alain Tallon, Agnès Cugno, Catherine Larrère, Christian Nadeau, Laurent Bourquin, Dominique Weber, Gabrielle Radica, Géraldine Lepan, Bruno Karsenti, Mikhaïl Xifaras & Stéphane Haber - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (1):232-264.
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  41. Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls' Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Legal Judgment.John M. Mikhail - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Is the science of moral cognition usefully modelled on aspects of Universal Grammar? Are human beings born with an innate 'moral grammar' that causes them to analyse human action in terms of its moral structure, with just as little awareness as they analyse human speech in terms of its grammatical structure? Questions like these have been at the forefront of moral psychology ever since John Mikhail revived them in his influential work on the linguistic analogy and its implications for (...)
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  42. Universal moral grammar: Theory, evidence, and the future.John Mikhail - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (4):143 –152.
    Scientists from various disciplines have begun to focus attention on the psychology and biology of human morality. One research program that has recently gained attention is universal moral grammar (UMG). UMG seeks to describe the nature and origin of moral knowledge by using concepts and models similar to those used in Chomsky's program in linguistics. This approach is thought to provide a fruitful perspective from which to investigate moral competence from computational, ontogenetic, behavioral, physiological and phylogenetic perspectives. In this article, (...)
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    Art and answerability: early philosophical essays.Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Bakhtin - 1990 - Austin: University of Texas Press. Edited by Michael Holquist & Vadim Liapunov.
    The essays assembled here are all very early and differ in a number of ways from Bakhtin's previously published work.
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    Taxometric evidence for a dimensional latent structure of hypnotic suggestibility.Mikhail Reshetnikov & Devin B. Terhune - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 98:103269.
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  45. 10. Daniel Markovits, A Modern Legal Ethics: Adversary Advocacy in a Democratic Age Daniel Markovits, A Modern Legal Ethics: Adversary Advocacy in a Democratic Age (pp. 864-869). [REVIEW]John Tasioulas, Allen Buchanan, Rainer Forst, James Griffin, Mikhail Valdman & Louis‐Philippe Hodgson - 2010 - Ethics 120 (4).
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    From Utterances to Speech Acts.Mikhail Kissine - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Most of the time our utterances are automatically interpreted as speech acts: as assertions, conjectures and testimonies; as orders, requests and pleas; as threats, offers and promises. Surprisingly, the cognitive correlates of this essential component of human communication have received little attention. This book fills the gap by providing a model of the psychological processes involved in interpreting and understanding speech acts. The theory is framed in naturalistic terms and is supported by data on language development and on autism spectrum (...)
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  47. A theory of wrongful exploitation.Mikhail Valdman - 2009 - Philosophers' Imprint 9:1-14.
    My primary aims in this paper are to explain what exploitation is, when it’s wrong, and what makes it wrong. I argue that exploitation is not always wrong, but that it can be, and that its wrongness cannot be fully explained with familiar moral constraints such as those against harming people, coercing them, or using them as a means, or with familiar moral obligations such as an obligation to rescue those in distress or not to take advantage of people’s vulnerabilities. (...)
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    Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics.Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Bakhtin - 1984 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    This book is not only a major twentieth-century contribution to Dostoevsky’s studies, but also one of the most important theories of the novel produced in our century. As a modern reinterpretation of poetics, it bears comparison with Aristotle.“Bakhtin’s statement on the dialogical nature of artistic creation, and his differentiation of this from a history of monological commentary, is profoundly original and illuminating. This is a classic work on Dostoevsky and a statement of importance to critical theory.” Edward Wasiolek“Concentrating on the (...)
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    Responsible Protestantism. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):163-163.
    A collection of literate, intelligent essays and editorials dealing with the implications of orthodox Protestant Christianity for social and political action. The author, a professional philosopher, treats the philosophical issues inevitably raised by such considerations with a terse and illuminating competence. Christian journalism at its best.--A. C. P.
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    Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):541-541.
    The first volume of a projected three volume series, this book is at once a history of ancient philosophy and an attempt to explore and defend the thesis that "what is called Greek ontology was not only a strictly logical, but also a religious, concern." The following two volumes of the series will deal with medieval and modern philosophy from the perspective of the relation between speculation and revelation. Kroner argues that speculative philosophy and revealed religion, although exhibiting ineradicable differences (...)
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