Results for 'C. Cian'

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  1. Intermodal compensatory effects in a visual search task with congenitally deaf adults.P. Stivalet, Y. Moreno, C. Cian, J. Richard & P. A. Barraud - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 71-71.
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  2. Comments on 'Ontological Anti-Realism'.Cian Dorr - manuscript
    In 1950, Quine inaugurated a strange new way of talking about philosophy. The hallmark of this approach is a propensity to take ordinary colloquial sentences that all of us utter routinely when we are not thinking about philosophy, or (more often) other sentences that very directly and obviously logically entail such sentences, and treat those sentences (i) as having a clear content, calling for little or no elucidation, and (ii) as proper objects of philosophical controversy. Questions like ‘are there numbers?’ (...)
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  3. (2 other versions)Composition as a fiction.Gideon Rosen & Cian Dorr - 2002 - In Richard Gale, The Blackwell Companion to Metaphysics. Blackwell. pp. 151--174.
    Region R Question: How many objects — entities, things — are contained in R? Ignore the empty space. Our question might better be put, 'How many material objects does R contain?' Let's stipulate that A, B and C are metaphysical atoms: absolutely simple entities with no parts whatsoever besides themselves. So you don't have to worry about counting a particle's top half and bottom half as different objects. Perhaps they are 'point-particles', with no length, width or breadth. Perhaps they are (...)
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    Narratives From The Netherlands.C. Dr - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (1):77.
    I graduated from medical school in 1957. I first went into hospital practice for 3½; years, and then went to Africa for 5 years before returning to Holland to resume practicing as a Family Physician. I have also participated in the postgraduate training and education for family doctors in Amsterdam, Currently, there are approximately 2,300 patients in my practice, about average for a Dutch physi- cian. Ten percent of those patients are over the age of 65.
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    What is a “Real” Argument?G. C. Goddu - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (1):1-14.
    Numerous informal logi- cians and argumentation theorists restrict their theorizing to what they call “real” arguments. But is there a clear distinction to be made between “real” and “non-real” arguments? Here I explore four possible accounts of the alleged distinction and argue that none can serve the theoretical uses to which the distinction is most often put. Résumé: Plusieurs logiciens construction formels et théoriciens de l’argument- ation limitent leur non de théories à ce qu’ils appellent des arguments « authentiques ». (...)
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    Kenneth Burke's Way of Knowing.Wayne C. Booth - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (1):1-22.
    Kenneth Burke is, at long last, beginning to get the attention he de- serves. Among anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, and rhetori- cians his "dramatism" is increasingly recognized as something that must at least appear in one's index, whether one has troubled to understand him or not. Even literary critics are beginning to see him as not just one more "new critic" but as someone who tried to lead a revolt against "narrow formalism" long before the currently fashionable explosion into the "extrinsic" (...)
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  7. The Phenomenal Woman (PA Sayre).C. Battersby - 1999 - Philosophical Books 40:113-114.
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    Coping with Choices to Die.C. G. Prado - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines the reactions of the friends and family of those who elect to die due to terminal illness. These surviving spouses, partners, relatives, and friends, in addition to coping with the death of a loved one, must also deal with the loved one's decision to die, thus severing the relationship. C. G. Prado examines how reactions to elective death are influenced by cultural influences and beliefs, particularly those related to life, death, and the possibility of an afterlife. Understanding (...)
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    Cation self-diffusion in MgO up to 2350°c.B. C. Harding & D. M. Price - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 26 (1):253-260.
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    Sacred Space or Secular Rebellion? Religious and Ethical Reflections on the Evolution of Graffiti as Art.C. U. I. Xi - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):389-400.
    Graffiti, as a form of artistic and social expression, has long been entangled in debates concerning its legitimacy, ethics, and cultural significance. Initially serving as a medium for creative expression and social communication, graffiti has evolved from an act of defiance to a widely recognized form of urban artistry. However, this transformation raises deeper philosophical and theological questions about the nature of artistic legitimacy, the moral implications of public space utilization, and the tension between transgression and sacred expression. Is graffiti (...)
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  11. Lire Ernst Troeltsch en France aujourd'hui: Science des religions ou théologie?C. Froidevaux - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (2):213-222.
    La réception tardive de l'oeuvre de Ernst Troeltsch en France nous a privés d'une analyse du christianisme originale et féconde. Elle nuance et enrichit ce que nous savons, au travers de la réflexion wébérienne notamment, des relations de la religion chrétienne à la modernité. Contre les interprétations usuelles qui datent l'émergence de cette dernière de la Renaissance et de la Réforme, Troeltsch insiste sur la centralité des Lumières comme marquant la fin de la civilisation ecclésiastique ; c'es l'évanouissement de la (...)
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  12. 11 c-flumazenil positron emission tomography demonstrates reduction of both global and local cerebral benzodiazepine receptor binding in a patient with stiff person syndrome.N. Galldiks, A. Thiel, C. Haense, G. R. Fink & R. Hilker - 2008 - Journal of Neurology 255 (9).
    Stiff Person Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder associated with antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase, the key enzyme in γ -aminobutyric acid synthesis. In order to investigate the role of cerebral benzodiazepinereceptor binding in SPS, we performed [ 11 C]flumazenil positron emission tomography in a female patient with SPS compared to nine healthy controls. FMZ is a radioligand to the postsynaptic central benzodiazepine receptor which is co-localized with the GABA-A receptor. In the SPS patient, we found a global reduction of (...)
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  13. Foundationalism naturalized.C. Wade Savage - 1992 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15:207-236.
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    Against Totalitarianism: Agamben, Foucault, and the Politics of Critique.C. Heike Schotten - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:155-179.
    Despite appearances, Agamben’s engagement with Foucault in Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life is not an extension of Foucault’s analysis of biopolitics but rather a disciplining of Foucault for failing to take Nazism seriously. This moralizing rebuke is the result of methodological divergences between the two thinkers that, I argue, have fundamental political consequences. Re-reading Foucault’s most explicitly political work of the mid-1970s, I show that Foucault’s commitment to genealogy is aligned with his commitment to “insurrection”—not simply archival or (...)
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    Nietzsche's revolution: décadence, politics, and sexuality.C. Schotten - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Nietzsche’s Revolution argues that Nietzsche is a revolutionary who aims to liberate modernity by overthrowing Christianity. Although Nietzsche’s terrified inability to follow through on this revolutionary project causes him to retreat into a retrograde essentialism of race and gender that betrays his own revolutionary promise, Nietzsche’s complicity in this failure bequeaths this revolution to us, his future readers, who can take it up in the form of poststructuralist queer theory and politics. This is a revolutionary future Nietzsche could neither have (...)
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    Newman's Theses de Fide: A New Edition, Translation, and Commentary.C. Michael Shea & Robert J. Porwoll - 2017 - Newman Studies Journal 14 (1):16-45.
    John Henry Newman wrote the “Theses de Fide” in Rome as a seminary student in 1846/1847, and the text represents a key point in the development of his thought. Newman wrote the “Theses” in an attempt to grapple with scholastic categories on faith, a question that had occupied him in the Anglican Church for years. Although the “Theses” were not published in Newman’s life, he returned to these reflections often over the course of his Roman Catholic career. This edition and (...)
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    “Two Concepts of Liberty” Through African Eyes.C. N. Siame - 2000 - Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (1):53–67.
    In “Two Concepts of Liberty” Berlin notes the protean nature of the word “freedom” and then systematically proceeds to narrow its range of meanings. In the process, Berlin eliminates much of what most people, in everyday communication, regard as freedom, believing that this is in the best interest of intellectual clarity. As he puts it: [N]othing is gained by a confusion of terms. To avoid glaring inequality or widespread misery I am ready to sacrifice some, or all, of my freedom: (...)
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  18. Il dialogo cristiano-marxista a Budapest. Il simposio Società e valori etici in una recente pubblicazione.C. Skalicky - 1989 - Aquinas 32 (1):73-106.
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  19. Black Power and Christian Responsibility: The Biblical Foundations for Social Ethics.C. F. SLEEPER - 1969
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  20. The Victorious Christ: A Study of the Book of Revelation.C. Freeman Sleeper - 1996
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  21. Ubinam Gentium Sumus?C. Howard Smith - 1947 - Classical Weekly 41:187-190.
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  22. Gödel's incompleteness theorems.C. A. Smorynski - 1977 - In Jon Barwise, Handbook of mathematical logic. New York: North-Holland. pp. 27.
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    Uitgangspunte en temas in Godsdienssosiologie.C. S. Steenekamp - 1982 - HTS Theological Studies 38 (2/3).
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    "Geheimes Deutschland": George's Biopoetics.C. Strathausen - 2016 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2016 (176):51-76.
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  25. (1 other version)My brother death.C. L. Sulzberger - 1961 - New York,: Harper.
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  26. Integrated teaching units: Preservice teachers' experiences.C. Sunal, D. Sunal, Powell D. Clelland & B. Allen - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research, _1_ § _ (2).
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    The significance of professional and business ethics.C. F. Taeusch - 1927 - Philosophical Review 36 (6):552-561.
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    Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle.C. C. W. Taylor - 1992 - Philosophical Books 31 (4):200-201.
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    Reply to Schueler on akrasia.C. C. W. Taylor - 1984 - Mind 93 (372):584-586.
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  30. Tno1n1= soN CM. The prescription ofantidepressants in general practice. l.C. Thompson - 1989 - A Critical Review. Hum Psychopharmacol 4:91-102.
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  31. Dream and the problem of consciousness.C. Daly King - 1947 - Journal of General Psychology 37:15-24.
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    Fichte’s Kenotic Christology.C. Jeffery Kinlaw - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (1):39-51.
    According to Fichte, neither antithesis nor synthesis is possible without an absolute thesis, or what he called a thetic judgment. The only examples Fichte offers are ‘I am I’ and ‘self is free’. These judgments are absolute judgments, whereby the subject is neither equated with nor opposed to anything, but simply posited absolutely or as identical to itself. Thetic judgments presuppose no ground of conjunction or distinction, yet formally they seem to assert the identity of the subject and the predicate. (...)
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  33. Effects of positive suggestions and music presented during anesthesia.C. Korunka, G. Guttmann, D. Schleinitz, M. Hilpert, R. Haas & S. Fitzal - 1993 - In P. S. Sebel, B. Bonke & E. Winograd, Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia. Prentice-Hall.
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    On pseudopotential calculations of stacking-fault energies in silicon.C. W. Krause - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (1):207-208.
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    A special construction of Berezin'sL-Kernel.C. N. Ktorides & L. C. Papaloucas - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (2):201-207.
    We consider Berezin's algebraic considerations regarding the quantization of phase space polynomials. After making a connection with Prugovečki's stochastic quantization approach, we give a particular construction of Berezin's L-Kernel in terms of Prugovečki's ξ-functions.
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    Die gebruik van die Godsaanduidinge ’él en ’ělōhim in die geskrifte van die Profete.C. J. Labuschagne - 1959 - HTS Theological Studies 14 (2/3).
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  37. Proudhon and his Age. By John Ehrenberg.C. Laborde - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:138-138.
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    California court denies wrongful birth claim.C. LaCasa - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):273-274.
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  39. Growth of the Mind in Relation to Culture.C. Lambek - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):357-358.
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  40. The Hindu Yoga-System.C. R. Lanman - 1919 - Philosophical Review 28:110.
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    (1 other version)Narcissism and the Problem of "Morale".C. Lasch - 1980 - Télos 1980 (44):122-125.
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    Sensation cues to moisture.C. E. Lauterbach & R. E. Crouser - 1933 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 16 (2):328.
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  43. The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History.C. J. Hemer - 1989
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    On the Beth properties of some intuitionistic modal logics.C. Luppi - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (5):443-454.
    Let L be one of the intuitionistic modal logics considered in [4]. As in the classical modal case (see [7]), we define two different forms of the Beth property for L, which are denoted by B 1 and B 2 ; in this paper we study the relation among B 1 ,B 2 and the interpolation properties C 1 and C 2 , introduced in [4]. It turns out that C 1 implies B 1 , but contrary to the boolean (...)
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    (M.) Maaß Das antike Delphi. Pp. 128, ills, maps. Munich: C.H. Beck, 2007. Paper, €7.90. ISBN: 978-3-406-53631-.Michael C. Scott - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (2):623-.
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    A century of biodynamic farming development: implications for sustainability transformations.C. Rigolot & C. I. Roquebert - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-8.
    In the context of the agroecological transition, the ability of alternative ways of farming to develop themselves in the long run without being co-opted by mainstream input intensive agriculture is essential. Biodynamic farming (BF), which began a century ago in 1924, was one of the first alternatives to modern agriculture, associated with specific agricultural practices, worldview and human-nature relationships. Over the last 100 years, BF has developed worldwide in a context of growing industrialization, without becoming industrialized itself, and it is (...)
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  47. Religion and Politics [Signed F.A.C.].A. C. F. & Religion - 1880
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    Horat. Carm. IV, 2, 2.C. Hartung - 1882 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 41 (1-4):745-745.
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    Intuïtieve menschenkennis.C. A. J. Hartzfeld - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):313 - 318.
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  50. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 80: 1991 Lectures and Memoirs.C. Harvie - 1993
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