Results for 'C. Brisson'

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  1.  83
    Plurals, all, and the nonuniformity of collective predication.C. Brisson - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (2):129-184.
  2.  6
    Recherches Sur La Philosophie Et Le Langage: XVIII Reflexions Contemporaines Sur L'antiquite Classique.L. Bertelli, L. Brisson, J. Brunschwig, C. Calame, C. Chiesa & M. Desclos - 1997 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    Sont publiees dans ce volume les communications prononcees lors des Journees Henri Joly, les 25, 26 et 27 mars 1993 a Grenoble. On y trouvera ces reflexions que peut, aujourd'hui encore, susciter en nous l'Antiquite classique. Sur la jalousie ou l'existence de mondes multiples; mais egalement sur la guerre civile ou les consequences politiques du mepris des frontieres naturelles. Ce ne sont la qu'exemples parmi d'autres. Fideles a la curiosite philosophique d'Henri Joly, dont les travaux igonraient les barrieres disciplinaires, elles (...)
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  3. La «matière» et la «nécessité» dans le Timée de Platon.Luc Brisson - 2012 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 28:1-17.
    C’est dans le Timée de Platon que trouve son origine ce que nous appelons «matière», terme qui traduit ce qu’Aristote a nommé húle, et dont il convient de préciser qu’il s’agit de la «matière première». Comme l’hypothèse de la «matière première» est destinée à résoudre un problème métaphysique, celui du substrat du changement physique, on comprend bien pourquoi la science moderne s’est désintéressée de la question, considérant que, si l’on accepte le principe suivant lequel «rien ne naît ni ne périt, (...)
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    The Intellect and the cosmos.Luc Brisson - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    La figure complexe et même contradictoire du démiurge dans le Timée de Platon a suscité plusieurs interprétations de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours, même si habituellement le démiurge est considéré comme un intellect : intellect de l’âme du monde, activité productrice des Formes, Premier Moteur, divinité réalisant un plan déterminée comme le dieu de la Genèse, instrument du Bien. Le débat se poursuit, mais il est important d’insister sur l’originalité du Timée : c’est la première cosmologie dans l’Antiquité, qui fait intervenir (...)
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    Une approche extra-philosophique de l'histoire de la philosophie.Luc Brisson - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (3):523-530.
    Inclassable. C'est le qualificatif qui vient à l'esprit de celui qui s'interesse à l'oeuvre de Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Pierre Vidal-Naquet est et se veut avant tout historien. Mais il ne s'agit pas là d'une étiquette qui l'enferme dans une période donnée, dans un genre déterminé. S'attachant à des domaines aussi différents que l'économique, le social, le politique, le religieux et le philosophique, l'intérêt de Pierre Vidal-Naquet va de l'antiquité aux derniers rebondissements de l'actualité, de la Grèce ancienne à la France actuelle (...)
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  6. Colombian adolescents’ perceptions of autonomy and access to sexual and reproductive health services: an ethical analysis.Bryn Williams-Jones, Julien Brisson & Vardit Ravitsky - 2024 - Journal of Adolescent Research 39 (2):298­-327.
    There are conceptual and ethical challenges to defining adolescents’ autonomy to access health care, and these can lead to health care norms and practices that could be maladjusted to the needs and preferences of adolescents. Particularly sensitive is access to sexual and reproductive health care services (SRHS). Yet, while there has been substantial conceptual work to conceptualize autonomy (e.g., as independence), there is a lack of empirical research that documents the perceptions of adolescents regarding on how they access or wish (...)
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    The symposium L. Brisson (trans.): Platon : Le banquet. Pp. 261. PAris: G. F. flammarion, 1998. Paper, frs. 21. isbn: 2-08070987-9. C. J. Rowe: Il symposio di Platone. Cinque lezioni sul dialogo con un ulteriore contributo sul fedone E Una breve discussione con Maurizio Migliori E Arianna fermani. A cura di Maurizio Migliori . Pp. 115. Sankt Augustin: Academia verlag, 1998. Cased. Isbn: 3-89665-091-2. C. J. Rowe: Plato: Symposium (classical texts). Pp. VIII + 231. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1998. Paper, £16.50. Isbn: 0-85668-615-. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Belfiore - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (01):20-.
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    Vies et doctrines des philosophes illustres Diogène Laërce Traduction française sous la direction de Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé, introductions, traductions et notes de J.-F. Balaudé, L. Brisson, J. Brunschwig, T. Dorandi, M.-O. Goulet-Cazé, R. Goulet et M. Narcy Collection «Classiques modernes» Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 1999, 1399 p. [REVIEW]Denis Seron - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (1):172-.
    Cette traduction complète des Vies et doctrines des philosophes illustres de Diogène Laërce, sous la direction de M.-O. Goulet-Cazé, représente ce qu'il convient d'appeler un événement éditorial. Faut-il le rappeler, Diogène Laërce, en dépit de sa notoriété et de son utilité pour l'étude de la philosophie ancienne, reste un auteur peu traduit et peu édité. Pour s'en tenir à l'époque moderne et aux traductions complètes, le lecteur francophone n'avait guère à sa disposition, jusqu'ici, que les traductions de Zévort et de (...)
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  9. (2 other versions)The Power Elite.C. Wright Mills - 1957 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 19 (2):328-329.
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    Porphyre, Sur la manière dont l’embryon reçoit l’'me.Édouard Felsenheld - 2013 - Philosophie Antique 13:277-279.
    Le Sur la manière dont l’embryon reçoit l’âme, souvent appelé Ad Gaurum du nom de son dédicataire Gauros, est un traité qui fut longtemps attribué au médecin philosophe Galien (IIe siècle apr. J.‑C.) mais qui, depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, est attribué au philosophe néoplatonicien Porphyre (IIIe siècle apr. J.‑C.). En voici une admirable traduction commentée, précédée d’une riche introduction. P. 7-9, un avant-propos de L. Brisson souligne le caractère collectif de ce livre et donne les référ...
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  11.  13
    Substantial Knowledge: Aristotle's Metaphysics.C. D. C. Reeve - 2000 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    In this groundbreaking work, C. D. C. Reeve uses a fundamental problem--the Primacy Dilemma--to explore Aristotle's metaphysics, epistemology, dialectic, philosophy of mind, and theology in a new way. At a time when Aristotle is most often studied piecemeal, Reeve attempts to see him both in detail and as a whole, so that it is from detailed analysis of hundreds of particular passages, drawn from dozens of Aristotelian treatises, and translated in full that his overall picture of Aristotle emerges. Primarily a (...)
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  12. Modern Man in Search of a Soul.C. G. Jung - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (54):241-241.
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  13. (1 other version)Contributions to Analytical Psychology.C. G. Jung - 1929 - Mind 38 (151):371-376.
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    The genetical theory of natural selection.C. G. Darwin - 1930 - The Eugenics Review 22 (2):127.
  15.  10
    An Idiot’s Fugitive Essays on Science: Methods, Criticism, Training, Circumstances.C. Truesdell - 2012 - Springer Verlag.
    When, after the agreeable fatigues of solicitation, Mrs Millamant set out a long bill of conditions subject to which she might by degrees dwindle into a wife, Mirabell offered in return the condition that he might not thereby be beyond measure enlarged into a husband. With age and experience in research come the twin dangers of dwindling into a philosopher of science while being enlarged into a dotard. The philosophy of science, I believe, should not be the preserve of senile (...)
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    Philosophical racism and ubuntu: In dialogue with Mogobe Ramose.C. W. Maris - 2020 - South African Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):308-326.
    This article discusses two complementary themes that play an important role in contemporary South African political philosophy: (1) the racist tradition in Western philosophy; and (2) the role of ubuntu in regaining an authentic African identity, which was systematically suppressed during the colonial past and apartheid. These are also leading themes in Mogobe Ramose’s African Philosophy Through Ubuntu. The first part concentrates on John Locke. It discusses the thesis that the reprehensible racism of many founders of liberal political philosophy has (...)
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    The Art of Plato: Ten Essays in Platonic Interpretation (review).David Sider - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):462-465.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Art of Plato: Ten Essays in Platonic InterpretationDavid SiderR.B. Rutherford. The Art of Plato: Ten Essays in Platonic Interpretation. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; London: Duckworth, 1995. xv 1 335 pp. Cloth, $45.Richard Rutherford has given himself a difficult task: nothing less than a unified analysis of the form and content of several Platonic dialogues, without—as if this is not challenging enough—“losing sight either of his historical context (...)
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    Clinical Ethics: Theory and Practice.C. Barry Hoffmaster, Benjamin Freedman & Gwen Fraser - 1989 - Humana Press.
    There is the world of ideas and the world of practice; the French are often for sup pressing the one and the English the other; but neither is to be suppressed. -Matthew Arnold The Function of Criticism at the Present Time From its inception, bioethics has confronted the need to reconcile theory and practice. At first the confrontation was purely intellectual, as writers on ethical theory (within phi losophy, theology, or other humanistic disciplines) turned their attention to topics from the (...)
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  19. (1 other version)A consensual theory of punishment.C. S. Nino - 1983 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 12 (4):289-306.
  20.  11
    Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers by Brian C. Ribeiro (review).Donald C. Ainslie - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (3):517-518.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Reviewed by Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers by Brian C. Ribeiro Donald C. Ainslie Brian C. Ribeiro. Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers. Brill: Leiden, 2021. Pp. 165. Hardback, $154.00. Brian C. Ribeiro’s Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers is a charming and quirky investigation of his three titular skeptics. It is perhaps best understood as a skeptical investigation of skepticism. By that I mean that, like a good Pyrrhonist, Ribeiro explains how (...)
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  21. Nhập môn chính trị học.Quốc Tuấn Nguyễn - 2011 - [Ho Chi Minh City]: Nhà xuất bản Tổng hợp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
    On history and political studies in Vietnam.
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  22. Triết lý giáo dục thế giới và Việt Nam.Minh Hạc Phạm - 2013 - Hà nô̜i: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia-sự thật.
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    Change.C. Mortensen - unknown
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  24. The Tao Encounters in the West (AT Nuyen).C. Li - 2000 - Asian Philosophy 10 (2):172-175.
  25. Russellian intensional logic.C. Anthony Anderson - 1989 - In Joseph Almog, John Perry & Howard Wettstein (eds.), Themes From Kaplan. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 67--103.
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  26. Techniques for committee self-education and institution-wide education.C. Bayley & R. E. Cranford - 1984 - In Ronald E. Cranford & A. Edward Doudera (eds.), Institutional ethics committees and health care decision making. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Health Administration Press. pp. 149--156.
  27. Answer to Job.C. G. Jung - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (118):259-260.
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  28. Letters to Doubting Thomas: A Case for the Existence of God.C. Stephen Layman - 2007 - Ars Disputandi 7:1566-5399.
    Letters to Doubting Thomas is an exchange of letters between two characters on the existence of God; it provides a cumulative case for Theism (the belief that God exists). Chapter by chapter, theism is compared with Naturalism (roughly, the view that there is no God and that ultimate reality is physical reality), concluding that Theism (on balance) provides a better explanation of the world and human life than does Naturalism.
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  29. The Unity of the Phaedrus: A Reply to Heath.”.C. J. Rowe - 1989 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 7:175-88.
  30. Kaufmann, Paulus (2018). Ogyū Sorai and the End of Philosophy. In: Steineck, Raji C; Weber, Ralph; Gassmann, Robert; Lange, Elena L. Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic world (Vol. 1: China and Japan). Leiden: Brill, 607-629.Paulus Kaufmann, Raji C. Steineck, Ralph Weber, Robert Gassmann & Elena L. Lange (eds.) - 2018
  31. A semantical Analysis of the Calculi C n.Newton C. A. Costa - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal Fo Formal Logic 18:621-630.
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    A taxonomy of types of granularity.C. Maria Keet - unknown
    Multiple different understandings and uses exist of what granularity is and how to implement it, where the former influences success of the latter with regards to storing granular data and using granularity for reasoning over the data or information. We propose a taxonomy of types of granularity and discuss for each leaf type how the entities or instances relate within its granular level. Such unambiguous distinctions can guide a conceptual modeler to better distinguish between the types of granularity and the (...)
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  33. Special Issue: Quality and Education.C. Winch - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 30.
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    Language, cognition, and awareness in animals?C. A. Ristau - 1983 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 406:170-86.
  35.  17
    An association between inequity-averse moral preference and risk aversion in decision-making.C. J. Palmer, B. Paton, T. T. Ngo, R. H. Thomson, J. Hohwy & S. M. Miller - unknown
  36. Intelektuālās identitātes un vērtības: filosofei Larisai Čuhinai - 100.S. N. Kovalʹchuk & Larisa Čuhina (eds.) - 2015 - Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts.
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  37. Lehnert, Martin (2011). Amoghavajra: His Role in and Influence on the Development of Buddhism. In: Orzech, C; Sørensen, H; Payne, R. Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras in East Asia. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 351-359.Martin Lehnert, C. Orzech, H. Sørensen & R. Payne (eds.) - 2011
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    Medical ethics: the state of the law.C. Adèle Kent - 2005 - Dayton, Ohio: LexisNexis Butterworths.
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  39. The effects of maternal residence locality on parental and alloparental caregiving among the Aka foragers of Central Africa.C. L. Meehan - 2005 - Human Nature 16:62-84.
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    The promise and perils of business ethics: a resource for curriculum development.C. E. Huber - 1979 - Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges.
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    Two Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems and Their Relevance to Economics.C. A. Cosenza & Francisco Antonio Doria - 2018 - In Wuppuluri Shyam & Francisco Antonio Dorio (eds.), The Map and the Territory: Exploring the Foundations of Science, Thought and Reality. Springer. pp. 419-429.
    Maps and territory suggest problems which have to do with the opening of pathways in some poorly explored domain.
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    Aristotle.C. B. Daly - 1954 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 4:80-84.
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    From phenomena to metaphysics.C. A. Hooker - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl (eds.), Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 159--184.
  44.  11
    Philosophy, culture, and value: essays on the thoughts of G.C. Pande.R. C. Pradhan (ed.) - 2008 - New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
    Govind Chandra Pande, b. 1923, Indian philosopher and historian; contributed articles.
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  45. (1 other version)Protestant Thought in the Nineteenth Century.C. Welch - 1972
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  46. Time, Ambiguity, Miracle a Theological Investigation Based, in Part, on the Methods of M. Heidegger's Being and Time. --.C. D. Keyes & Martin Heidegger - 1966
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  47. (1 other version)Kant als Prediger und seine Stellung zur Homiletik.C. W. V. Kügelgen - 1897 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 1:290.
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  48. Steven Weinberg, Der Traum von der Einheit des Universums (uebersetzt von Friedrich Griese) und Stephen W. Hawking, Einsteins Traum (uebersetzt von Hainer Kober).C. Klein - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (2):354-363.
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  49. On Explanatory Games.C. Mantzavinos - 2018 - In A Dialogue on Explanation. Heidelberg and New York: Springer.
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  50. On Explanatory Progress.C. Mantzavinos - 2018 - In A Dialogue on Explanation. Heidelberg and New York: Springer.
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