Results for 'Bruce Isaacs'

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  1.  21
    Isaac Bashevis Singer and the Lower East Side.Bruce Davidson, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Ilan Stavans, Jill Meredith & Gabriele Werffeli - 2004 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    This book is a co-publication and appears in conjunction with an exhibition organized and presented by the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College, on the occasion of the centennial celebration nationwide of Singer's birth in 2004.
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    LGBTQ+ food insufficiency in New England.Isaac Sohn Leslie, Jessica Carson & Analena Bruce - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):1039-1054.
    As a group, LGBTQ+ people experience food insecurity at a disproportionately high rate, yet food security scholars and practitioners are only beginning to uncover patterns in how food insecurity varies by subgroups of this diverse community. In this paper, we use data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey—which added measures of gender identity and sexuality for the first time in 2021—to analyze New Englanders’ food insufficiency rates by gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. We find that (1) in the (...)
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    “Marriage is Necessary:” how accessing infrastructure through the family farm affects viability, transitions, and justice.Isaac Sohn Leslie, Alexa Wilhelm & Analena Bruce - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1369-1384.
    Infrastructure can make or break a farm’s economic viability. Farmers’ ownership and ability to invest in infrastructure is often arranged through the family farm model, where farmers are typically married to their business partners. In this paper, we analyze the implications of organizing infrastructure access through the family farm model. Through interviews with 66 farmers and key informants in New England, U.S., we identify a treadmill of infrastructure accumulation for farmers with family capital and a treadmill of high labor and (...)
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    “A farm is viable if it can keep its head above water”: defining and measuring farm viability for small and mid-sized farms.Analena Bruce, Elise Neidecker, Luyue Zheng, Isaac Sohn Leslie & Alexa Wilhelm - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    The way farm viability is defined and conceptualized has become increasingly incongruent with the way that small-scale farmers make a living, as their livelihood strategies have evolved and changed in response to broad structural changes over the past several decades. Farm viability is typically defined as meeting the income needs of the farm family as well as supporting the farm’s operating costs. However, our study shows that New England farmers define farm viability as their ability to stay in business and (...)
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  5. The image of time in post-classical Hollywood: Donnie Darko and Southland tales.Bruce Isaacs - 2014 - In Warren Buckland, Hollywood puzzle films. New York: Routledge.
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    Digital performance: Demoscene and the phenomenology of digital code.Bruce Isaacs - 2015 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 5 (1):111-116.
    Demoscene is a computer subculture that proliferated throughout the 1980s and 1990s. This article examines one aspect of the Demoscene culture, the production of the ‘Demo’, a computer animation generated and performed in real-time visualization through digital code. I analyse the Demo as a technological and aesthetic form, speculating on its possibilities for theorizing a unique mode of digital image experience.
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    China and Africa 1949-1970; The Foreign Policy of the People's Republic of China.Ross Isaac & Bruce D. Larkin - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):123.
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    On newton's proof that inverse-square orbits must be conics.Bruce H. Pourciau - 1991 - Annals of Science 48 (2):159-172.
    Physicists and historians of science have always held that Isaac Newton should receive credit for the first proof that inverse-square orbits must be conics. This conviction derives from a brief argument, regarded as essentially correct, given by Newton in the Principia. Recently, however, it has been contended that this outline or sketch contains irreparable logical flaws. Here, the logical structure of this outline of Newton's, as well as the details that this outline omits, are carefully examined. We find that whilst (...)
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    From centripetal forces to conic orbits: a path through the early sections of Newton’s Principia.Bruce Pourciau - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (1):56-83.
    In this study, we test the security of a crucial plank in the Principia’s mathematical foundation, namely Newton’s path leading to his solution of the famous Inverse Kepler Problem: a body attracted toward an immovable center by a centripetal force inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center must move on a conic having a focus in that center. This path begins with his definitions of centripetal and motive force, moves through the second law of motion, then (...)
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  10. Moral responsibility in collective contexts.Tracy Isaacs - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Intentional collective action -- Collective moral responsibility -- Collective guilt -- Individual responsibility for (and in) collective wrongs -- Collective obligation, individual obligation, and individual moral responsibility -- Individual moral responsibility in wrongful social practice.
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  11. Multiple Universes and Self-Locating Evidence.Yoaav Isaacs, John Hawthorne & Jeffrey Sanford Russell - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (3):241-294.
    Is the fact that our universe contains fine-tuned life evidence that we live in a multiverse? Ian Hacking and Roger White influentially argue that it is not. We approach this question through a systematic framework for self-locating epistemology. As it turns out, leading approaches to self-locating evidence agree that the fact that our own universe contains fine-tuned life indeed confirms the existence of a multiverse. This convergence is no accident: we present two theorems showing that, in this setting, any updating (...)
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  12. Updating without evidence.Yoaav Isaacs & Jeffrey Sanford Russell - 2023 - Noûs 57 (3):576-599.
    Sometimes you are unreliable at fulfilling your doxastic plans: for example, if you plan to be fully confident in all truths, probably you will end up being fully confident in some falsehoods by mistake. In some cases, there is information that plays the classical role of evidence—your beliefs are perfectly discriminating with respect to some possible facts about the world—and there is a standard expected‐accuracy‐based justification for planning to conditionalize on this evidence. This planning‐oriented justification extends to some cases where (...)
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  13. Infinite Prospects.Jeffrey Sanford Russell & Yoaav Isaacs - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (1):178-198.
    People with the kind of preferences that give rise to the St. Petersburg paradox are problematic---but not because there is anything wrong with infinite utilities. Rather, such people cannot assign the St. Petersburg gamble any value that any kind of outcome could possibly have. Their preferences also violate an infinitary generalization of Savage's Sure Thing Principle, which we call the *Countable Sure Thing Principle*, as well as an infinitary generalization of von Neumann and Morgenstern's Independence axiom, which we call *Countable (...)
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    See How She Runs: Feminists Rethink Fitness.Tracy Isaacs & Samantha Brennan - 2016 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9 (2):1-11.
    This special issue of IJFAB starts from the premise that fitness is a feminist issue, and, more specifically, it is an issue that ought to be of concern to feminists interested in bioethics. While a neglected concept in feminist bio-ethics, fitness is of key importance to women’s health and well-being. Not only that, it is also an area of women’s lives that invites unwelcome policing and advice from friends, family members, medical practitioners, and even strangers. People have a difficult time (...)
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  15. The problems of transformative experience.Yoaav Isaacs - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (4):1065-1084.
    Laurie Paul has recently argued that transformative experiences pose a problem for decision theory. According to Paul, agents facing transformative experiences do not possess the states required for decision theory to formulate its prescriptions. Agents facing transformative experiences are impoverished relative to their decision problems, and decision theory doesn’t know what to do with impoverished agents. Richard Pettigrew takes Paul’s challenge seriously. He grants that decision theory cannot handle decision problems involving transformative experiences. To deal with the problems posed by (...)
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  16. Collective Responsibility and Collective Obligation.Tracy Isaacs - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):40-57.
  17. Duty and knowledge.Yoaav Isaacs - 2014 - Philosophical Perspectives 28 (1):95-110.
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  18. The Fallacy of Calibrationism.Yoaav Isaacs - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (2):247-260.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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  19. Collective moral responsibility and collective intention.Tracy Isaacs - 2006 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 30 (1):59–73.
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    Moral Theory and Action Theory, Killing and Letting Die.Tracy Isaacs - 1995 - American Philosophical Quarterly 32 (4):355 - 368.
  21. Counting Your Chickens.Yoaav Isaacs, Adam Lerner & Jeffrey Sanford Russell - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (3):675-692.
    Suppose that, for reasons of animal welfare, it would be better if everyone stopped eating chicken. Does it follow that you should stop eating chicken? Proponents of the “inefficacy objection” argue that, due to the scale and complexity of markets, the expected effects of your chicken purchases are negligible. So the expected effects of eating chicken do not make it wrong. -/- We argue that this objection does not succeed, in two steps. First, empirical data about chicken production tells us (...)
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    Cultural context and moral responsibility.Tracy Isaacs - 1997 - Ethics 107 (4):670-684.
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    Social Development in Young Children.Susan Isaacs - 1999 - Routledge.
    First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    How can Rorty help nursing science in the development of a philosophical 'foundation'?Sandy Isaacs, Jenny Ploeg & Catherine Tompkins - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (2):81-90.
    What can nurse scientists learn from Rorty in the development of a philosophical foundation? Indeed, Rorty in his 1989 text entitled Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity tantalizes the reader with debates of reason 'against' philosophizing. Forget truth seeking; move on to what matters. Rorty would rather the 'high brow' thinking go to those that do the work in order to make the effort useful. Nursing as an applied science, has something real that is worth looking at, and that nurse researchers need (...)
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  25. Probabilities Cannot Be Rationally Neglected.Yoaav Isaacs - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):759-762.
    In response to Smith, I argue that probabilities cannot be rationally neglected. I show that Smith’s proposal for ignoring low-probability outcomes must, on pain of violating dominance reasoning, license taking arbitrarily high risk for arbitrarily little reward.
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    The most good we can do: comments on Peter Singer’s The Most Good You Can Do.Tracy Isaacs - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (2):154-160.
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  27. Intellectual Growth in Young Children.Susan Isaacs - 1931 - Humana Mente 6 (21):131-134.
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    The Evident Need for Specialization in Visual Art Studies.Bruce Anderson - 2011 - Journal of Macrodynamic Analysis 6:85-97.
    This paper is an attempt to identify a functional division of labour in art studies. To that end I have adopted the strategically minimalist approach advocated by Philip McShane in Method in Theology: Revisions and Implementations (2007).
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  29. Rules of the game, gaming the rules.Bruce Baer Arnold - 2023 - In Miroslav Imbrisevic, Sport, Law and Philosophy: The Jurisprudence of Sport. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples.Alick Isaacs - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (3):519-520.
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  31. Step by step: a story of the early days of Moses Mendelssohn.A. S. Isaacs - 1910 - Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America.
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    The prophetic spirit in the fourth gospel.Marie E. Isaacs - 1983 - Heythrop Journal 24 (4):391–407.
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    Wittgenstein and Judaism: A Triumph of Concealment.Alick Isaacs - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (1):169-170.
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    Are healthcare professionals working in Australia's immigration detention centres condoning torture?David Isaacs - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (7):413-415.
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    Kant's Theory of Morals.Bruce Aune - 1979 - Princeton University Press.
    Written for the general reader and the student of moral philosophy, this book provides a clear and unified treatment of Kant's theory of morals. Bruce Aune takes into account all of Kant's principal writings on morality and presents them in a contemporary idiom. Originally published in 1980. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important (...)
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    Praiseworthiness and Omitting to Do What Is Wrong.Tracy Isaacs - 1997 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):473-493.
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    Domestic violence and hate crimes: Acknowledging two levels of responsibility.Tracy Isaacs - 2001 - Criminal Justice Ethics 20 (2):31-43.
    (2001). Domestic violence and hate crimes: Acknowledging two levels of responsibility. Criminal Justice Ethics: Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 31-43. doi: 10.1080/0731129X.2001.9992106.
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    Freedom Without Responsibility.Bruce N. Waller - 1990 - Temple University Press.
    In this book, Bruce Waller attacks two prevalent philosophical beliefs. First, he argues that moral responsibility must be rejected; there is no room for such a notion within our naturalist framework. Second, he denies the common assumption that moral responsibility is inseparably linked with individual freedom. Rejection of moral responsibility does not entail the demise of individual freedom; instead, individual freedom is enhanced by the rejection of moral responsibility. According to this theory of "no-fault naturalism," no one deserves either (...)
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    The great psychotherapy debate: the evidence for what makes psychotherapy work.Bruce E. Wampold - 2015 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Zac E. Imel.
    The second edition of The Great Psychotherapy Debate has been updated and revised to include a history of healing practices, medicine, and psychotherapy, an expanded theoretical presentation of the contextual model, an examination of therapist effects, and a thorough review of the research on common factors such as the alliance, expectations, and empathy.
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  40. A patchwork epistemology of disagreement?Yoaav Isaacs - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1873-1885.
    The epistemology of disagreement standardly divides conciliationist views from steadfast views. But both sorts of views are subject to counterexample—indeed, both sorts of views are subject to the same counterexample. After presenting this counterexample, I explore how the epistemology of disagreement should be reconceptualized in light of it.
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    On Being Perfect and Doing the Right Thing.Tracy Isaacs - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (1):55-64.
    RésuméJ'examine ici la plausibilité du perfectionnisme, compris comme une théorie morale dotée d'une structure conséquentialiste maximisante et du principe d'action suivant: maximise la valeur perfectionniste. Je soutiens que: 1) la structure en question ne répond pas aux préoccupations principales qui ont été responsables de l'intérêt récent pour ce type de théorie; 2) le principe d'action n'a que l'apparence de la précision; 3) nous ne pouvons promouvoir la valeur perfectionniste, vue comme une exigence morale, qu'en l'intégrant à un cadre moral pluraliste; (...)
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    In His Image: The Cloning of a Man.Leonard Isaacs & David Rorvik - 1978 - Hastings Center Report 8 (3):44.
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    Every Person's Guide to What's Kosher and What's Not.Ronald H. Isaacs - 2000 - Jason Aronson.
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  44. Paleopathology: Disease in the Fossil Record.Bruce M. Rothscbild, Larry D. Martin & Jeffrey H. Schwartz - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):355.
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  45. Moral deliberation, nonmoral ends, and the virtuous agent.Tracy Isaacs & Diane Jeske - 1997 - Ethics 107 (3):486-500.
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    Why bother with hebrews?Marie E. Isaacs - 2002 - Heythrop Journal 43 (1):60–72.
    Few, if any, present‐day undergraduate degree courses in Theology include in their syllabus a study of the Epistle to the Hebrews or other New Testament writings other than the Gospels and the Pauline epistles. The result is in effect that we create a canon within a canon.This paper, originally read at a postgraduate seminar, gives reasons why Hebrews in particular should not be neglected.Hebrews provides evidence of the diversity of early Christian tradition, for example, with its teaching that it is (...)
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  47. The New Testament World. Insights from Cultural Anthropology.Bruce J. Malina - 1981
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    An Ethics Framework for Making Resource Allocation Decisions Within Clinical Care: Responding to COVID-19.Angus Dawson, David Isaacs, Melanie Jansen, Christopher Jordens, Ian Kerridge, Ulrik Kihlbom, Henry Kilham, Anne Preisz, Linda Sheahan & George Skowronski - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):749-755.
    On March, 24, 2020, 818 cases of COVID-19 had been reported in New South Wales, Australia, and new cases were increasing at an exponential rate. In anticipation of resource constraints arising in clinical settings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a working party of ten ethicists was convened at the University of Sydney to draft an ethics framework to support resource allocation decisions. The framework guides decision-makers using a question-and-answer format, in language that avoids philosophical and medical technicality. The (...)
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    Critical notices.Susan Isaacs - 1931 - Mind 40 (157):85-99.
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    International Criminal Courts and Political Reconciliation.Tracy Isaacs - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (1):133-142.
    In A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation, Colleen Murphy devotes a full chapter to arguing that international criminal trials make significant contributions to political reconciliation within post-conflict and transitional societies. While she is right to claim that these trials serve an important function, I take issue with her with respect to what that important function is. Whereas Murphy focuses on the contributions international criminal prosecutions might make to political reconciliation within the borders of transitional societies, I claim instead that their (...)
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