Results for 'Bowie Kotrla'

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  1.  70
    Radical change theory and synergistic reading for digital age youth.Eliza T. Dresang & Bowie Kotrla - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 92-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Radical Change Theory and Synergistic Reading for Digital Age YouthEliza T. Dresang (bio) and Bowie Kotrla (bio)Books with digital age characteristics... stimulate curiosity and foster community.—Elizabeth Lennox Keyser, 1999Today’s students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors.—Marc Prensky, 2001PrologueOne of our favorite books is McGillis’s The Nimble Reader: Literary Criticism and Children’s Literature.1 McGillis applies various literary theories—among them the New Criticism, structuralism, feminism, and (...)
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    Prelude to the Special Issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education on Children’s Literature.Ellen Handler Spitz - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 1-2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Prelude to the Special Issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education on Children’s LiteratureEllen Handler Spitz, Guest Editor (bio)When Professor Pradeep A. Dhillon, editor of the Journal of Aesthetic Education, suggested to me one day that I might guest edit a special issue of the journal devoted to the topic of children’s literature, my initial reticence was toppled and my sense of resolve buoyed as I began to fantasize (...)
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    Equality and Distributive Justice.Norman E. Bowie - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (172):140 - 148.
    One of the most influential appeals in disputes concerning distributive justice is the appeal to the value of equality. However, the concept of equality is one of the vaguest concepts in social philosophy and philosophical discussions of equality are notorious for their ambiguity. The purpose of this paper is to formulate concisely and then to evaluate the adequacy of four egalitarian formulas and a four-step egalitarian position for achieving distributive justice.
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  4. Schelling and Modern European Philosophy: An Introduction.Andrew Bowie - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Andrew Bowie's book is the first introduction in English to present F W J Schelling as a major European philospher in his own right. _Schelling and Modern European Philosophy_, surveys the whole of Schelling's philosophical career, lucidly reconstructing his key arguments, particularly those against Hegel, and relating them to contemporary philosophical discussion. Dr Bowie traces how central ideas and conceptual strategies in the work of philosophers as diverse as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida and Davidson relate closely to Schelling's often (...)
  5.  53
    Privacy in a Public Society. Richard F. Hixson.Norman E. Bowie - 1988 - Ethics 99 (1):161-162.
  6. Student Problems with Hypertext and Webtext: A Student-Centered Hypertext Classroom.J. Bowie - 2001 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 6 (2).
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  7.  15
    Las determinaciones genéricas en los procesos adaptativos.José Antonio Pérez Bowie - 2011 - Arbor 187 (748):305-315.
    El traslado de un texto literario a la pantalla suele estar condicionado por diversos factores derivados del nuevo contexto en el que el título adaptado debe funcionar. Entre ellos están los condicionamientos que ejerce sobre la obra originaria el género cinematográfico que sirve de modelo para el proceso adaptador. En el presente trabajo se reflexiona sobre esas determinaciones y se analizan tres ejemplos del cine español de postguerra en los cuales la obra literaria sufre una transformación considerable para adecuarse a (...)
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    Business Ethics Pioneers: Norman Bowie.Norman Bowie - 2021 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 40 (3):283-294.
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    Gadamer’s Repercussions: Reconsidering Philosophical Hermeneutics.Andrew Bowie (ed.) - 2004 - Univ of California Press.
    "Gadamer’s Repercussions is a terrific collection of essays. While Gadamer is not the most precise of philosophers, he turns out, in this book at least, to be among the most generative. The essays prove that Gadamer’s idealizing of dialogue can actually be put in practice by careful attention to the frameworks he addresses. I was most impressed by the essays that situate his ethics, his aesthetics, his relation to romanticism, his understanding of the relation of law and morality, his engagements (...)
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  10. Introduction to Judith Butler.Malcolm Bowie - 2005 - In Nicholas Bamforth, Sex Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2002. Oxford University Press. pp. 44.
  11.  3
    Making ethical decisions.Norman E. Bowie (ed.) - 1984 - New York: McGraw-Hill.
  12. (1 other version)Reply: The Schellingian Alternative.A. Bowie - 1994 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 30:23-42.
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    From Romanticism to Critical Theory: The Philosophy of German Literary Theory.Andrew Bowie - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    _From Romanticism to Critical Theory_ explores the philosophical origins of literary theory via the tradition of German philosophy that began with the Romantic reaction to Kant. It traces the continuation of the Romantic tradition of Novalis, Friedrich Schlegel and Schleiermacher, in Heidegger's approaches to art and thruth, and in the Critical Theory of Benjamin and Adorno. Andrew Bowie argues, against many current assumptions, that the key aspect of literary theory is not the demonstration of how meaning can be deconstructed, (...)
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  14. Theoretical considerations for a meaningful code of professional ethics.Karim Jamal & Norman E. Bowie - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (9):703 - 714.
    The professions have focused considerable attention on developing codes of conduct. Despite their efforts there is considerable controversy regarding the propriety of professional codes of ethics. Many provisions of professional codes seem to exacerbate disputes between the profession and the public rather than providing a framework that satisfies the public''s desire for moral behavior.After examining three professional codes, we divide the provisions of professional codes into those provisions which urge professionals to avoid moral hazard, maintain professional courtesy and serve the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Actuality of Schelling's Hegel-Critique.Andrew Bowie - 1990 - Hegel Bulletin 11 (1-2):19-29.
    In the English-speaking world it is not clear that any of the later Schelling's critique of Hegel haseverdirectly been part of serious philosophical debate, though its indirect effects, via the work of Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche and others, are oftenunconsciouslypresent in contemporary debates. How this fact looks in terms of a Hegelian conception of the history of philosophy is a question that would require more space than I have here. What I want to suggest is that the confrontation with Hegel of (...)
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  16.  27
    Adorno and Existence by Peter E. Gordon.Andrew Bowie - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (3):550-551.
    The Anglophone reception of the work of T. W. Adorno has yet to succeed in making him a major part of mainstream philosophical debate. Among the reasons for this are the refusal of too many analytic philosophers to consider alternative approaches to philosophy, and Adorno's writing style, which does not always offer direct points of access for other philosophical traditions. Things are also not helped by the fact that writers on Adorno can tend to adopt some of his mode of (...)
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  17. Preachingy.Walter Russell Bowie - 1954
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    Peeling the Onion: Commentary on "Should We Be Discussing This?".Norman E. Bowie - 1984 - Teaching Philosophy 7 (3):230-233.
  19.  21
    Teatro y cine: un permanente diálogo intermedial.José Antonio Pérez Bowie - 2004 - Arbor 177 (699/700):573-594.
    Se intenta trazar una panorámica de las aportaciones teóricas más significativas sobre las relaciones entre teatro y cine, con especial atención a algunas de las producidas recientemente en el ámbito español. En un primer apartado se lleva a cabo un recorrido somero sobre los principales problemas que plantea el cotejo de ambos medios y en los dos siguientes se abordan respectivamente los problemas planteados por adaptación de los textos teatrales al cine y la influencia ejercida por éste, a partir de (...)
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    Challenging the Egoistic Paradigm.Norman E. Bowie - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (1):1-21.
    Most economists are committed to some version of egoism. After distinguishing among the various sorts of egoistic claims, l cite the empirical literature against psychological egoism and show that attempts to account for this data make these economists' previous empirical claims tautological. Moreover, the assumption of egoism has undesirable consequences, especially for students; if people believe that others behave egoistically, they are more likely to behave egoistically themselves. As an alternative to egoism I recommend the commitment model of Robert Frank. (...)
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  21.  40
    Adorno, Pragmatism, and Aesthetic Relativism.Andrew Bowie - 2004 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 1:25-45.
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  22.  49
    Twenty Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy : UCF.G. Lee Bowie, Robert C. Solomon & Meredith W. Michaels (eds.) - 2003 - Wadsworth Publishing Company.
    TWENTY QUESTIONS, one of the best selling introduction to philosophy anthologies available today, presents a proven, well-acclaimed forum for introducing students to the rich variety of philosophical reflection. Animated by some of philosophy's more concrete questions--questions that students are likely to have pondered long before signing up for their first philosophy classes--TWENTY QUESTIONS fosters the creative exploration of many renowned classical and contemporary thinkers' responses to the very same questions.
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  23. (1 other version)Management ethics.Norman E. Bowie - 2005 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Patricia Hogue Werhane.
    My station and its duties : the function of being a manager -- Stockholder management or stakeholder management -- The ethical treatment of employees -- The ethical treatment of customers -- Supply chain management and other issues -- Corporate social responsibility -- Moral imagination, stakeholder theory and systems thinking : one approach to management decision-making -- Leadership.
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  24. Morality, money, and motor cars.Norman Bowie - forthcoming - Business, Ethics, and the Environment. The Public Policy Debate. From the Eigth National Conference on Business Ethics Sponsored by the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley College. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Inc.
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  25. Ethics, Public Policy and Criminal Justice.N. Bowie & F. Elliston (eds.) - 1982 - Oelgeschalger, Gunn & Hain.
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  26. Judith Norman and Alistair Welchman, eds, The New Schelling.A. Bowie - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  27. Organizational integrity and moral climates.Norman E. Bowie - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp, The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  28. Toward a New Theory of Distributive Justice.Norman Bowie - 1971 - Political Theory 2 (1):115-116.
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    The Role of Ethics in Professional Education.Norman E. Bowie - 2003 - In Randall Curren, A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 617–626.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Why Ethics in the Professional Schools? Professions and the Public Good Overcoming Information Asymmetry What Are the Objectives of Professional Ethics Courses? The Application of Theory in Applied Ethics The Professional Role The Problem of Dirty Hands Techniques for Teaching Professional Ethics Evolving Educational Strategies.
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    Where you find God.Walter Russell Bowie - 1968 - New York,: Harper & Row.
  31. Privacy Rights On The Internet: Self-Regulation Or Government Regulation?Norman E. Bowie & Karim Jamal - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (3):323-342.
    Consumer surveys indicate that concerns about privacy are a principal factor discouraging consumers from shopping online. The keypublic policy issue regarding privacy is whether the US should follow its current self-regulation course, or whether a European style formal legal regulation approach should be adopted in the US.We conclude that the use of assurance seals has worked reasonably well and websites should be free to decide whether they have aprivacy seal or not. Given the narrow scope and the wide variety among (...)
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  32. Business Ethics: A Kantian Perspective.Norman E. Bowie - 1982 - New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This book provides essential reading for anyone with an academic or professional interest in business ethics today.
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  33. Ethics and agency theory: an introduction.Norman E. Bowie & R. Edward Freeman (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Agency theory involves what is known as the principal-agent problem, a topic widely discussed in economics, management, and business ethics today. It is a characteristic of nearly all modern business firms that the principals (the owners and shareholders) are not the same people as the agents (the managers who run the firms for the principals). This creates situations in which the goals of the principals may not be the same as the agents--the principals will want growth in profits and stock (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Ethical Theory and Business.Tom L. Beauchamp & Norman E. Bowie - 1981 - Ethics 91 (3):525-530.
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  35.  93
    Adorno, Heidegger and the Meaning of Music.Andrew Bowie - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 56 (1):1-23.
    T. W. Adorno's philosophy of music aims to show that music is a source of important insights into the nature of modern society. This position leads, though, to a series of methodological difficulties, some of which can be alleviated by using resources from Heidegger's hermeneutics. The essay takes the key notion of `judgementless synthesis' from Adorno's unfinished book on Beethoven and connects it to Heidegger's account of pre-propositional under-standing and to Kant's notion of schematism. This connection is shown to have (...)
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  36. Ethical Issues in Government.Lee Bowie & E. Norman - 1982 - Environmental Ethics 4.
  37. Isaiah Berlin, The Roots of Romanticism.A. Bowie - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    Moral Decision Making and MultinationalsThe Ethics of International Business.Norman E. Bowie & Thomas Donaldson - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (2):223.
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  39. (1 other version)Business Ethics.Norman Bowie & Ronald Duska - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (9):718-728.
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    A Pluralist Theory of Organizational EthicsOrganizational Ethics and the Good Life.Norman E. Bowie & Edwin M. Hartman - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (4):707.
  41. Natural Cereals.Norman E. Bowie & Patrick E. Murphy - forthcoming - Business Ethics:477.
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  42. Privacy and the Internet.Norman E. Bowie - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
  43.  63
    The “War” Between Natural Law Philosophy and Legal Positivism.Norman E. Bowie - 1974 - Idealistic Studies 4 (2):145-155.
    The war between natural law philosophy and legal positivism is an ancient one. For a time the stunning victories of Bentham and Austin virtually drove the forces of natural law from the battlefield. However, upon the collapse of Germany and Japan at the end of the Second World War, natural law became a useful tool in attempting to resolve the practical difficulties of trying war criminals. This fact and the rise of two able antagonistic generals, H. L. A. Hart and (...)
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    Rights.Norman E. Bowie - 1986 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47 (1):165-168.
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  45. The similarity approach to counterfactuals: Some problems.G. Lee Bowie - 1979 - Noûs 13 (4):477-498.
  46.  67
    International Business as a Possible Civilizing Force in a Cosmopolitan World.Norman E. Bowie - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):941-950.
    The effect of capitalism on the quality of life has been much debated. Albert O. Hirschman has classified the views of the impact of capitalism on the quality of life as civilizing, destructive, and feeble. I believe that multinational corporations (MNCs) should be and could be a civilizing force in today’s cosmopolitan but turbulent world. A number of initiatives will be discussed with special emphasis on business contributions to human rights and to the achievement of past and present United Nations (...)
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  47.  49
    Some Comments on Rawls’ Theory of Justice.Norman Bowie - 1974 - Social Theory and Practice 3 (1):65-74.
  48.  27
    Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy.Andrew Bowie - 2013 - Malden, MA, USA: Polity.
    Theodor Adorno’s reputation as a cultural critic has been well-established for some time, but his status as a philosopher remains unclear. In _Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy_ Andrew Bowie seeks to establish what Adorno can contribute to philosophy today. Adorno’s published texts are notably difficult and have tended to hinder his reception by a broad philosophical audience. His main influence as a philosopher when he was alive was, though, often based on his very lucid public lectures. Drawing on (...)
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  49. New directions in ethics.N. E. Bowie - forthcoming - Business Ethics. Routledge and Kegan Paul, New York.
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  50.  43
    Religion and Politics in Aeschylus' Orestela.A. M. Bowie - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (01):10-.
    In the light of the remarkable changes of political colour which Aeschylus has undergone in the hands of scholars, there is a certain amusing irony about the fact that the satyr-play which followed the Oresteia was the Proteus. Sadly, we know too little of the Proteus to say whether it would have resolved this debate about the Oresteid's political stance, though one may have one's doubts.
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