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  1. Ambition, Modesty, and Performative Inconsistency.Boris Rähme - 2017 - In Jens Peter Brune, Robert Stern & Micha H. Werner (eds.), Transcendental Arguments in Moral Theory. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 25-45.
    This chapter argues that the distinction between ambitious and modest transcendental arguments, developed and deployed by various authors in the wake of Stroud’s influential critique of transcendental reasoning, may be pointless when applied to transcendental arguments from performative inconsistency that have moral statements as their conclusions. If moral truth is assertorically constrained, then any modest moral transcendental argument from performative inconsistency can be converted into an ambitious moral transcendental argument. The chapter provides an account of performative inconsistency and suggests an (...)
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  2. Performative Inkonsistenz für Fallibilisten.Boris Rähme - 2016 - In Michael Quante (ed.), Geschichte - Gesellschaft - Geltung: Xxiii. Deutscher Kongress Für Philosophie 28. September - 2. Oktober 2014 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Kolloquienbeiträge. Meiner. pp. 605-619.
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  3. (1 other version)Recognition. Reflections on a Contested Concept.Boris Rähme - 2013 - Verifiche. Rivista di Scienze Umane 42 (1-3):33-59.
    In recent years the term ‘recognition’ has been used in ever more variegated theoretical contexts. This article contributes to the discussion of how the concept(s) expressed by this term in different debates should be explicated and understood. For the most part it takes the concept itself as its topic rather than making theoretical use of it. Drawing on important work by Ikäheimo and Laitinen and taking Honneth’s tripartite distinction of recognition into love, respect, and esteem as a starting point it (...)
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  4. Genere.Boris Rähme & Valentina Chizzola - 2017 - Aphex 15:1-38.
    According to a standard interpretation of the term, ‘gender’ denotes sets of social roles and expectations conventionally associated with the sexual physiology of human beings. Originally introduced in psychology, the term is now widely used in the social sciences and humanities, as well as in the biological sciences. In this article we introduce and discuss the central themes of contemporary philosophical debates on gender. Particular attention is paid to recent feminist arguments concerning the distinction between sex and gender, and to (...)
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  5. Contingenza o validità universale? Rorty e Apel sul progresso morale.Boris Rähme & Valentina Chizzola - 2011 - Annali di Studi Religiosi 12:171-183.
    This paper examines two contemporary answers to the question of whether moral values and norms are apt for rational criticism and justification: Richard Rorty’s radically contextualist approach—which is centered around the notion of contingency and is characterized by a dismissal of all claims to philosophical justification—and Karl-Otto Apel’s transcendental-pragmatic version of discourse ethics—which encompasses highly ambitious claims to justification and universal validity. Contrasting the key theses of Rorty’s contextualism with those of Apel’s universalist discourse ethics and reconstructing their respective conceptions (...)
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  6. Die Rede von Wahrheitsansprüchen und ihre Konsequenzen.Boris Rähme - 2003 - In Dietrich Böhler, Matthias Kettner & Gunnar Skirbekk (eds.), Reflexion und Verantwortung. Auseinandersetzungen mit Karl-Otto Apel,. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  7. Reflexion und Sinnkritik.Boris Rähme - 2000 - Handlung, Kultur, Interpretation 9 (1):147-168.
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    Transcendental Arguments, Epistemically Constrained Truth, and Moral Discourse.Boris Rähme - 2015 - In Gabriele Gava & Robert Stern (eds.), Pragmatism, Kant, and Transcendental Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 259-285.
  9. The Paradox of Knowability and Epistemic Theories of Truth.Boris Rähme - manuscript
    The article suggests a reading of the term ‘epistemic account of truth’ which runs contrary to a widespread consensus with regard to what epistemic accounts are meant to provide, namely a definition of truth in epistemic terms. Section 1. introduces a variety of possible epistemic accounts that differ with regard to the strength of the epistemic constraints they impose on truth. Section 2. introduces the paradox of knowability and presents a slightly reconstructed version of a related argument brought forward by (...)
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  10. Karl-Otto Apel.Dietrich Böhler & Boris Rähme - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag.
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  11. Vertrag.Jens Peter Brune & Boris Rähme - 2009 - In Gert Ueding (ed.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik Vol. 9. Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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  12. Enhancement umano: un dibattito in corso.Boris Rähme, Lucia Galvagni & Alberto Bondolfi (eds.) - 2014 - L'Arco di Giano - Rivista di Medical Humanities.
    Non è un caso che l’enhancement umano, cioè il potenziamento di capacità fisiche, cognitive ed emotive degli esseri umani con l’ausilio di tecnologie, sia diventato un tema centrale nei dibattiti etico-applicativi e nei tentativi contemporanei di arrivare a una comprensione più adeguata della natura umana. In esso si incontrano quesiti decisamente ricchi e complessi, sia dal punto di vista tecnoscientifico e medico sia da quello filosofico – e lo fanno in un modo che ci permette di vedere questi quesiti sotto (...)
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  13. Behauptung, Wahrheitsanspruch und Begründung. Überlegungen zum Wahrheitsproblem.Boris Rähme - 2002 - In Holger Burckhart & Horst Gronke (eds.), Philosophieren aus dem Diskurs. Königshausen und Neumann.
  14. Common Sense, Strict Incompatibilism, and Free Will.Boris Rähme - 2013 - Philosophical Inquiries 1 (1):107-124.
    Peter van Inwagen and Colin McGinn hold that there are strong arguments for strict incompatibilism, i.e. for the claim that the free will thesis (F) is inconsistent not just with determinism but with the negation of determinism as well. Interestingly, both authors deny that these arguments are apt to justify the claim that (F) is false. I argue that van Inwagen and McGinn are right in taking the fact that epistemic commitment to (F) is deeply rooted in common sense to (...)
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  15. Dimensioni del riconoscimento: atti, atteggiamenti e relazioni.Boris Rähme - 2014 - In Paolo Costa (ed.), Tolleranza e riconoscimento. EDB. pp. 73-100.
  16. Der Konsens in Theorie und Praxis des Sokratischen Gesprächs.Boris Rähme - 1997 - In Dieter Kron, Barbara Neißer & Nora Walter (eds.), Diskurstheorie und Sokratisches Gespräch. Dipa.
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  17. Ethischer Universalismus und interkulturelles Lernen.Boris Rähme - 1998 - In Horst Steinmann & Andreas Georg Scherer (eds.), Zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus. Rationalität als Problem des interkulturellen Managements. Suhrkamp.
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  18. Fallibilism, Factivity and Epistemically Truth-Guaranteeing Justification.Boris Rähme - 2007 - In Nils Gilje & Harald Grimen (eds.), Discursive Modernity. Universitetsforlaget.
    This paper explores the question of how the epistemological thesis of fallibilism should best be formulated. Sections 1 to 3 critically discuss some influential formulations of fallibilism. In section 4 I suggest a formulation of fallibilism in terms of the unavailability of epistemically truth-guaranteeing justification. In section 5 I discuss the claim that unrestricted fallibilism engenders paradox and argue that this claim is unwarranted.
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  19. Konsens.Boris Rähme - 2006 - In Marcus Düwell, Christoph Hübenthal & Micha H. Werner (eds.), Handbuch Ethik. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
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    LITERATURESSAY: Die Vielfalt der Lebensformen und die Einheit der Vernunft.Boris RÄhme & Micha Werner - 1997 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 45 (3):439-454.
  21. Verdade e correção moral. O que teria que conseguir uma teoria integrativa.Boris Rähme - 2002 - In Francisco J. Herrero & Marcel Niquet (eds.), Ética Do Discurso. Novos desenvolvimentos e aplicações. Edições Loyola.
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    Wahrheit, Begründbarkeit und Fallibilität. Ein Beitrag zur Diskus-sion epistemischer Wahrheitskonzeptionen.Boris Rähme - 2010 - Ontos Verlag.
    The following two theses constitute the theoretical core of all epistemic conceptions of truth: (1) The concept of truth can be explicated in epistemic terms (e.g. in terms of justified assertability under ideal epistemic conditions, ideal coherence, ideal consensus etc.). (2) The assumption that there could be truths which cannot, in principle, be known to be true is false or even absurd. The book scrutinizes theses (1) and (2). It contains discussions of the truth-theoretical approaches of Peirce, Putnam, Dummett, C. (...)
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  23. Wahrheit und moralische Richtigkeit. Was hätte eine integrative Theorie zu leisten?Boris Rähme - 2001 - In Marcel Niquet, Francisco Javier Herrero & Michael Hanke (eds.), Diskursethik. Grundlegungen und Anwendungen. Königshausen und Neumann.
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