Results for 'Birgit Samson'

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  1.  42
    Zum Begriff nicht-mathematischer Funktionen.Birgit Samson & Wolfgang Detel - 2002 - Analyse & Kritik 24 (1):100-129.
    Proceeding from a set of conditions that an adequate notion of a non-mathematical function should satisfy, we examine some of the most influential of these notions, including Cummins-functions, to conclude that the teleosemantic notion of a non-mathematical proper function, suggested originally by Ruth Millikan, best satisfies the proposed conditions. In particular, this notion allows us to talk consistently about organisms having some functions while Operating, at the same time, dysfunctionally. In addition, we show that the teleosemantic notion of relational and (...)
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    Domain theory in logical form.Samson Abramsky - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 (1-2):1-77.
    Abramsky, S., Domain theory in logical form, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 1–77. The mathematical framework of Stone duality is used to synthesise a number of hitherto separate developments in theoretical computer science.• Domain theory, the mathematical theory of computation introduced by Scott as a foundation for detonational semantics• The theory of concurrency and systems behaviour developed by Milner, Hennesy based on operational semantics.• Logics of programsStone duality provides a junction between semantics and logics . Moreover, the underlying (...)
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    Axiomatizing AECs and applications.Samson Leung - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (5):103248.
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  4. Relational Hidden Variables and Non-Locality.Samson Abramsky - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (2):411-452.
    We use a simple relational framework to develop the key notions and results on hidden variables and non-locality. The extensive literature on these topics in the foundations of quantum mechanics is couched in terms of probabilistic models, and properties such as locality and no-signalling are formulated probabilistically. We show that to a remarkable extent, the main structure of the theory, through the major No-Go theorems and beyond, survives intact under the replacement of probability distributions by mere relations.
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  5. Self-Awareness in Dignāga’s Pramāṇasamuccaya and -vṛtti: A Close Reading.Birgit Kellner - 2010 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 38 (3):203-231.
    The concept of “self-awareness” ( svasaṃvedana ) enters Buddhist epistemological discourse in the Pramāṇasamuccaya and - vṛtti by Dignāga (ca. 480–540), the founder of the Buddhist logico-epistemological tradition. Though some of the key passages have already been dealt with in various publications, no attempt has been made to comprehensively examine all of them as a whole. A close reading is here proposed to make up for this deficit. In connection with a particularly difficult passage (PS(V) 1.8cd-10) that presents the means (...)
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  6. Conceptual and Practical Problems of Moral Enhancement.Birgit Beck - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):233-240.
    Recently, the debate on human enhancement has shifted from familiar topics like cognitive enhancement and mood enhancement to a new and – to no one's surprise – controversial subject, namely moral enhancement. Some proponents from the transhumanist camp allude to the ‘urgent need’ of improving the moral conduct of humankind in the face of ever growing technological progress and the substantial dangers entailed in this enterprise. Other thinkers express more sceptical views about this proposal. As the debate has revealed so (...)
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  7.  40
    Infants’ Goal Prediction for Simple Action Events: The Role of Experience and Agency Cues.Birgit Elsner & Maurits Adam - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (1):45-62.
    Looking times and gaze behavior indicate that infants can predict the goal state of an observed simple action event (e.g., object‐directed grasping) already in the first year of life. The present paper mainly focuses on infants’ predictive gaze‐shifts toward the goal of an ongoing action. For this, infants need to generate a forward model of the to‐be‐obtained goal state and to disengage their gaze from the moving agent at a time when information about the action event is still incomplete. By (...)
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  8.  26
    Self-control in Online Discussions: Disinhibited Online Behavior as a Failure to Recognize Social Cues.Birgit J. Voggeser, Ranjit K. Singh & Anja S. Göritz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Inclusion of children with disabilities in Ethiopian mainstream schools.Birgit Chapman Müllegger - 2024 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 18-1 (18-1):23-45.
    Les programmes d’éducation inclusive (IE) visent à intégrer les enfants handicapés dans les écoles ordinaires en leur offrant une éducation de qualité dans un environnement sans obstacles. Si l’éducation inclusive fait désormais partie intégrante du programme de développement mondial, de nombreuses questions subsistent à propos de la meilleure façon de mettre en œuvre ces programmes d’éducation inclusive, compte tenu des contextes et des défis différents qui se présentent dans les pays en développement. “One Class for All” est un programme d’éducation (...)
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    (1 other version)Attention Deficit: Alienation in Platform Capitalism.Samson Liberman - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Samson Liberman ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is a socio-philosophical analysis of attention deficit phenomenon, which is being detected at the intersection of several subject areas. The main methodological instrument of the study is a Marxist principle of alienation. Alienation of attention, which, on the one hand, is being ….
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    It's not me, it's you: Testing a moderated mediation model of subordinate deviance and abusive supervision through the self‐regulatory perspective.Samson Samwel Shillamkwese, Hussain Tariq, Asfia Obaid, Qingxiong Weng & Thomas Noel Garavan - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (1):227-243.
    Synthesizing self‐regulatory theories, we provide new insights into the antecedents of abusive supervision. We, from the perspective of supervisor's self‐regulatory resources depletion or impairment, introduce supervisor hindrance stress as an underlying mechanism of the subordinate deviance–abusive supervision relationship: this mediated relationship will be intensified at the level of high subordinate job performance. In addition, we develop a complex contingency model and propose a three‐way interaction (i.e., subordinate deviance, job performance, supervisor outcome dependence) to obtain the complete understanding of the subordinate (...)
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  12.  33
    The role of functional information for infant categorization.Birgit Träuble & Sabina Pauen - 2007 - Cognition 105 (2):362-379.
  13. From if to bi.Samson Abramsky & Jouko Väänänen - 2009 - Synthese 167 (2):207 - 230.
    We take a fresh look at the logics of informational dependence and independence of Hintikka and Sandu and Väänänen, and their compositional semantics due to Hodges. We show how Hodges’ semantics can be seen as a special case of a general construction, which provides a context for a useful completeness theorem with respect to a wider class of models. We shed some new light on each aspect of the logic. We show that the natural propositional logic carried by the semantics (...)
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  14.  34
    Foreword.Samson Abramsky & Dan R. Ghica - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (11):1037.
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    Socio-pedagogical tact in familial contexts: from empty space to teaching space and the handling of symbols and things 1.Birgit Althans & Cynthia Dyre - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (3):444-459.
    This paper informs about a specific German concept in Pedagogy, the concept of “tact”.Following an initial discussion of the particularities of the concept of (socio-) pedagogical tact, including its ethical and moral self-positioning and current demands for its operationality (1); will come the presentation of an empirical examination of the opportunities and limits to the feasibility of meeting these demands, based on a current example from the field of social work: ‘integrated family support’ (2); finally, options for further investigation of (...)
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  16. Social acceptance of dairy farming: The ambivalence between the two faces of modernity.K. Boogaard Birgit, B. Bock Bettina, J. Oosting Simon, S. C. Wiskerke Johannes & J. der Zijpp Akkvane - forthcoming - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.
    Society’s relationship with modern animal farming is an ambivalent one: on the one hand there is rising criticism about modern animal farming; on the other hand people appreciate certain aspects of it, such as increased food safety and low food prices. This ambivalence reflects the two faces of modernity: the negative (exploitation of nature and loss of traditions) and the positive (progress, convenience, and efficiency). This article draws on a national survey carried out in the Netherlands that aimed at gaining (...)
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  17.  20
    Der Frauen Weisheit ist nur bei der Spindel.Birgit Heller - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 51 (4):289-300.
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  18. Igrot tsafon: teshaʻ eśreh igrot ʻal ha-Yahadut.Samson Raphael Hirsch - 1951 - Jerusalem: Mosad ha-Rav Ḳuḳ.
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  19.  21
    Torah dynamics: Pirkei Avot looks at life.Samson Krupnick - 1991 - Spring Valley, NY: Feldheim. Edited by Morris Mandel.
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  20.  28
    How urban ‘informality’ can inform response to COVID-19: a research agenda for the future.Samson Kinyanjui Muchina, Moses Madadi Obimbo, Israel Nyaburi Nyadera & Francis Onditi - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-5.
    In the era of increasingly defined ontological insecurity and uncertainty driven by the ravages of COVID-19, urban informal settlement has emerged as a source of resilience. Indeed, the effects of a pandemic transcends its epidemiological characteristics to political economy and societal resilience. If resilience is the capacity of a system to adapt successfully to significant challenges that threaten the function or development of the human society, then ontological insecurity is about the lack of such capacity. Drawing on Keith Hartian’s understanding (...)
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  21. Affective governmentality : a feminist perspective.Birgit Sauer & Otto Penz - 2017 - In Christine Hudson, Malin Rönnblom & Katherine Teghtsoonian (eds.), Gender, governance and feminist analysis: missing in action? New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  22.  12
    Kultur als Praxis: Eine Einführung in die Philosophie Ernst Cassirers.Birgit Recki - 2003 - Akademie Verlag.
    Die vorliegende Arbeit versteht sich als eine Einführung in den systematischen Teil des Werkes in das, was über die Buchdeckelgrenzen des gleichnamigen Serienwerkes hinaus als Cassirers Philosophie der symbolischen Formen bezeichnet werden darf. Die Betonung soll dabei auf dem unbestimmten Artikel liegen: Es ist eine Weise des grundlegenden Verständnisses, die hier präsentiert wird. Sie steht im Verhältnis von Variation und Ergänzung zu den bereits vorliegenden Einführungen in Cassirers Werk; zugleich beansprucht sie aber insofern, etwas Neues und eine Alternative zu bieten, (...)
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  23. Logical Bell Inequalities.Samson Abramsky & Lucien Hardy - 2012 - Physical Review A 85:062114-1 - 062114-11.
    Bell inequalities play a central role in the study of quantum nonlocality and entanglement, with many applications in quantum information. Despite the huge literature on Bell inequalities, it is not easy to find a clear conceptual answer to what a Bell inequality is, or a clear guiding principle as to how they may be derived. In this paper, we introduce a notion of logical Bell inequality which can be used to systematically derive testable inequalities for a very wide variety of (...)
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  24.  52
    Socially responsive, environmentally friendly logic.Samson Abramsky - 2006 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 78:17.
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  25. Changing the Definition of Education. On Kant’s Educational Paradox Between Freedom and Restraint.Birgit Schaffar - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (1):5-21.
    Ever since Kant asked: “How am I to develop the sense of freedom in spite of the restraint?” in his lecture on education, the tension between necessary educational influence and unacceptable restriction of the child’s individual development and freedom has been considered an educational paradox. Many have suggested solutions to the paradox; however, this article endorses recent discussions in educational philosophy that pursue the need to fundamentally rethink our understanding of education and upbringing. In this article it is argued that (...)
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  26.  55
    Do I get what you get? Learning about the effects of self-performed and observed actions in infancy.Birgit Elsner & Gisa Aschersleben - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (4):732-751.
    The present study investigated whether infants learn the effects of other persons' actions like they do for their own actions, and whether infants transfer observed action-effect relations to their own actions. Nine-, 12-, 15- and 18-month-olds explored an object that allowed two actions, and that produced a certain salient effect after each action. In a self-exploration group, infants explored the object directly, whereas in two observation groups, infants first watched an adult model acting on the object and obtaining a certain (...)
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  27.  33
    (1 other version)The Emergence of Genetic Prenatal Diagnosis from Environmental Research.Birgit Nemec & Fabian Zimmer - 2019 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 27 (1):39-78.
    Die Geschichte der genetischen Pränataldiagnostik ist bislang als Teil der Geschichte der Humangenetik und deren Neuorientierung als klinisch-laborwissenschaftliche Disziplin in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts betrachtet worden. Anhand neuen Quellenmaterials soll in diesem Beitrag gezeigt werden, dass das Interesse an der Pränataldiagnostik in Westdeutschland auch im Kontext von Forschungen entstand, die sich mit Gefahren für den Menschen in der Umwelt befassten. Anhand der Debatten um die Einrichtung des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms „Pränatale Diagnostik genetischer Defekte“ 1970 untersuchen wir, wie die Technik der (...)
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  28.  29
    Development of a Research Integrity and Ethics Framework in a Higher Education Institution: Five Years On.Birgit Whitman & Gillian Tallents - 2010 - Research Ethics 6 (3):81-85.
    In recent years there has been increased recognition of the importance of high standards in ethics, governance and the integrity of research. This paper is a case study of the University of Bristol's approach to address these important activities in a Higher Education Institution. It will highlight the importance of working closely with the academic research community to ensure maximum engagement, leading to a sustained culture change that recognizes faculty and departmental specific needs. A key tool to ensuring high standards (...)
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  29.  76
    Games and full completeness for multiplicative linear logic.Abramsky Samson & Jagadeesan Radha - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (2):543-574.
    We present a game semantics for Linear Logic, in which formulas denote games and proofs denote winning strategies. We show that our semantics yields a categorical model of Linear Logic and prove full completeness for Multiplicative Linear Logic with the MIX rule: every winning strategy is the denotation of a unique cut-free proof net. A key role is played by the notion of history-free strategy; strong connections are made between history-free strategies and the Geometry of Interaction. Our semantics incorporates a (...)
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    Negation – failure or success? Remarks on an Allegedly Characteristic Trait of Dharmakīrti's Anupalabdhi- Theory.Birgit Kellner - 2001 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 29 (5/6):495-517.
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  31. Self-awareness (svasaṃvedana) and Infinite Regresses: A Comparison of Arguments by Dignāga and Dharmakīrti.Birgit Kellner - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):411-426.
    This paper compares and contrasts two infinite regress arguments against higher-order theories of consciousness that were put forward by the Buddhist epistemologists Dignāga (ca. 480–540 CE) and Dharmakīrti (ca. 600–660). The two arguments differ considerably from each other, and they also differ from the infinite regress argument that scholars usually attribute to Dignāga or his followers. The analysis shows that the two philosophers, in these arguments, work with different assumptions for why an object-cognition must be cognised: for Dignāga it must (...)
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  32.  18
    The environments of reproductive and birth defects research in the U.S. and West Germany (c. 1955–1975).Birgit Nemec & Heather Dron - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 95 (C):50-63.
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    What ought we do to bring back environmental integrity.Samson Eliudi Kyejo & Shamima Lasker - 2022 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 13 (1):55-60.
    The civilization of the world has become a threat and distorted environmental integrity in the 20th century. Therefore, environmental ethics is currently getting important in academic considerations. Various public and private institutions such as universities and research centers output throughout the world are now paying attention and seriousness to the environment. This paper focuses on what mankind ought to do regarding the cross-cuttingness of environmental problems.
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  34. Brain death and islamic traditions.Birgit Krawietz - 2003 - In Jonathan E. Brockopp (ed.), Islamic ethics of life: abortion, war, and euthanasia. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press. pp. 194--213.
  35. Von Kühlen und Hasen : der Tagtraum von der Autonomie "der" Musik (und einige Gedanken zu deren Eigenästhetik).Birgit Abels - 2018 - In Nikolaus Urbanek & Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (eds.), Von der Autonomie des Klangs Zur Heteronomie der Musik: Musikwissenschaftliche Antworten Auf Musikphilosophie. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
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    Om Kierkegaard, kvinder og kærlighed: en studie i Søren Kierkegaards kvindesyn.Birgit Bertung - 1987 - København: C.A. Reitzel.
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  37.  7
    Der Eigennutz-Feind oder "wahrer Begründer" des Gemeinwohls?Birgit Biehler - 2011 - Epfendorf/Neckar: Bibliotheca Academica.
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  38. Big Brother Ltd.Darren Botello-Samson & Kayce Mobley - 2018 - In Ezio Di Nucci & Stefan Storrie (eds.), 1984 and philosophy, is resistance futile? Chicago: Open Court.
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    Rüland, Jürgen, Christian von Lübke, and Marcel Baumann: Religious Actors and Conflict Transformation in Southeast Asia. Indonesia and the Philippines. Bräuchler & Birgit - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):529-531.
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    An introduction to Nigeria's philosophy of early childhood education.Samson Oladiran Davis - 1998 - Aboekuta, Nigeria: Goal Educational. Edited by Abayomi Adejobi.
  41.  24
    Enzymes and auxiliary factors for GPI lipid anchor biosynthesis and post‐translational transfer to proteins.Birgit Eisenhaber, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, Maria Novatchkova, Georg Schneider & Frank Eisenhaber - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (4):367-385.
  42.  13
    On Common Tastes.Birgit Eriksson - 2009 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 20 (36-37).
  43. Tasting The World.Birgit Eriksson - 2011 - In Mads Anders Baggesgaard & Jakob Ladegaard (eds.), Confronting universalities: aesthetics and politics under the sign of globalisation. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
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    Modelling compliance risk: a structured approach.Samson Esayas & Tobias Mahler - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (3):271-300.
    This article presents a structured and systematic approach for identifying and modelling compliance risks. The sophistication with which modern business is carried out and the unprecedented access to a global market means that businesses are exposed to increasing and diverse regulatory requirements in and across jurisdictions. Compliance with such requirements is practically challenging, partly due to the complexity of regulatory environments. One possibility in this regard is a risk-based approach to compliance, where resources are allocated to those compliance issues that (...)
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  45. Ḥorev:...ḥovot ha-Yiśreʼeli ha-bilti teluʼim be-erets yerushato..Samson Raphael Hirsch - 1892 - Vilna: Bi-defus ha-almanah ṿeha-aḥim Rom. Edited by Moses Solomon Arensohn.
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    The Hirsch anthology =.Samson Raphael Hirsch - 2017 - New York: Feldheim Publishers. Edited by Yitzchak Baror.
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    Socialism as Dystopia: Political Uses of Utopian Dime Novels In Pre-World War I Germany.Samson B. Knoll - 1991 - Utopian Studies 4:35-41.
  48. Cassirer and the problem of language.Birgit Recki - 2003 - In Paul Bishop & Roger H. Stephenson (eds.), Cultural studies and the symbolic: occasional papers in Cassirer and cultural theory studies, presented at the University of Glasgow's Centre for Intercultural Studies. Leeds, U.K.: Northern Universities Press.
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    Freiheit.Birgit Recki - 2009 - Wien: Facultas.wuv.
    Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Problematisierung der Freiheit in den Kontroversen, die sich um den Anspruch auf Freiheit entwickelt haben, auf der Kontextualisierung der Freiheit in den Determinismen aller Provenienz; ein weiterer in ...
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  50. Propaganda.Jim Samson - 2014 - In Stephen C. Downes (ed.), Aesthetics of Music: Musicological Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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