Results for 'Bickerton Derek'

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  1. Language and Human Behavior.Derek Bickerton - 1995 - Seattle: University Washington Press.
    According to Bickerton, the behavioral sciences have failed to give an adequate account of human nature at least partly because of the conjunction and mutual reinforcement of two widespread beliefs: that language is simply a means of communication and that human intelligence is the result of the rapid growth and unusual size of human brains. Bickerton argues that each of the properties distinguishing human intelligence and consciousness from that of other animals can be shown to derive straightforwardly from (...)
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  2. The language bioprogram hypothesis.Derek Bickerton - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):173.
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    More than nature needs? A reply to Premack.Derek Bickerton - 1986 - Cognition 23 (1):73-79.
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    Inherent Variability and Variable Rules.Derek Bickerton - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7 (4):457-492.
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    Prolegomena to a Linguistic Theory of Metaphor.Derek Bickerton - 1969 - Foundations of Language 5 (1):34-52.
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    Language and Evolution.Derek Bickerton - 2008 - In Sahorta Sarkar & Anya Plutynski (eds.), Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. Blackwell. pp. 431–451.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introduction Fundamental Differences Between Language and ACSs Language as Adaptation The Protolinguistic Adaptation Modern Human Language — Innate or Learned? The Evolution of Syntax The “Cultural Evolution” of Language References Further Reading.
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    Beyond the mirror neuron – the smoke neuron?Derek Bickerton - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):126-126.
    Mirror neurons form a poor basis for Arbib's account of language evolution, failing to explain the creativity that must precede imitation, and requiring capacities (improbable in hominids) for categorizing situations and unambiguously miming them. They also commit Arbib to an implausible holophrastic protolanguage. His model is further vitiated by failure to address the origins of symbolization and the real nature of syntax.
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    Constructivism, nativism, and explanatory adequacy.Derek Bickerton - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):557-558.
    Constructivism is the most recent in a long line of failed attempts to discredit nativism. It seeks support from true (but irrelevant) facts, wastes its energy on straw men, and jumps logical gaps; but its greatest weakness lies in its failure to match nativism's explanation of a wide range of disparate phenomena, particularly in language acquisition.
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    Mothering plus vocalization doesn't equal language.Derek Bickerton - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):504-505.
    Falk has much of interest to say on the evolution of mothering, but she fails to address the core issue of language evolution: how symbolism or structure evolved. Control of infants does not require either, and Falk provides neither evidence nor arguments supporting referential symbolism as a component of mother-infant interactions.
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    Creole is still king.Derek Bickerton - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):212.
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    (1 other version)But how did protolanguage actuallystart?Derek Bickerton - 2008 - Interaction Studies 9 (1):169-176.
  12.  36
    Haunted by the specter of creole genesis.Derek Bickerton - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):364-366.
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    Putting cognitive carts before linguistic horses.Derek Bickerton - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (4):749-750.
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    A dim monocular view of Universal-Grammar access.Derek Bickerton - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):716-717.
    This target article's handling of theory and data and the range of evidence surveyed for its main contention fall short of normal BBS standards. However, the contention itself is reasonable and can be supported if one rejects the metaphor for linguistic competence and accepts that are no more than the way the brain does language.
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    Darwin's last word: How words changed cognition.Derek Bickerton - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):132-132.
    Although Penn et al. make a good case for the existence of deep cognitive discontinuity between humans and animals, they fail to explain how such a discontinuity could have evolved. It is proposed that until the advent of words, no species had mental representations over which higher-order relations could be computed.
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  16. Language use, not language, is what develops in childhood and adolescence.Derek Bickerton - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):280-281.
    That both language and novel life-history stages are unique to humans is an interesting datum. But failure to distinguish between language and language use results in an exaggeration of the language acquisition period, which in turn vitiates claims that new developmental stages were causative factors in language evolution.
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    The supremacy of syntax.Derek Bickerton - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):658.
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    Syntax is not as simple as it seems.Derek Bickerton - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):552-553.
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    Okay for content words, but what about functional items?Derek Bickerton - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1104-1105.
    Though Bloom makes a good case that learning content-word meanings requires no task-specific apparatus, he does not seriously address problems inherent in learning the meanings of functional items. Evidence from creole languages suggests that the latter process presupposes at least some task-specific mechanisms, perhaps including a list of the limited number of semantic distinctions that can be expressed via functional items, as well as default systems that may operate in cases of impoverished input.
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    An innate language faculty needs neither modularity nor localization.Derek Bickerton - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):631-632.
    Müller misconstrues autonomy to mean strict locality of brain function, something quite different from the functional autonomy that linguists claim. Similarly, he misperceives the interaction of learned and innate components hypothesized in current generative models. Evidence from sign languages, Creole languages, and neurological studies of rare forms of aphasia also argues against his conclusions.
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  21. Broca's demotion does not doom universal grammar.Derek Bickerton - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):25-25.
    Despite problems with statistical significance, ancillary hypotheses, and integration into an overall view of cognition, Grodzinsky's demotion of Broca's area to a mechanism for tracking moved constituents is intrinsically plausible and fits a realistic picture of how syntax works.
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    Finding the true place of Homo habilis in language evolution.Derek Bickerton - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):182-183.
    Despite some sound basic assumptions, Wilkins & Wakefield portray a Homo habilis too linguistically sophisticated to fit in with the subsequent fossil record and thereby lose a reasoned explanation for human innovativeness. They err, too, in accepting a single-level model of conceptual structure and in deriving initial linguistic units from calls, a process far more dubious than the derivation of home-sign from naive gesture.
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    “Grammar growth” – what does it really mean?Derek Bickerton - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):564-565.
  24. Language evolution without evolution.Derek Bickerton - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):669-670.
    Jackendoff's major syntactic exemplar is deeply unrepresentative of most syntactic relations and operations. His treatment of language evolution is vulnerable to Occam's Razor, hypothesizing stages of dubious independence and unexplained adaptiveness, and effectively divorcing the evolution of language from other aspects of human evolution. In particular, it ignores connections between language and the massive discontinuities in human cognitive evolution.
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    Language in the modular mind? It’s a no-brainer!Derek Bickerton - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):677-678.
    Although Carruthers’ proposals avoid some of the more obvious pitfalls that face analysts of the language-cognition relationship, they are needlessly complex and vitiated by his uncritical acceptance of a highly modular variety of evolutionary psychology. He pays insufficient attention both to the neural substrate of the processes he hypothesizes and to the evolutionary developments that gave rise to both language and human cognition.
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    The last of Clever Hans?Derek Bickerton - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):141-142.
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    Unified cognitive theory: You can't get there from here.Derek Bickerton - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):437-438.
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    Afferent isn't efferent, and language isn't logic, either.Derek Bickerton - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):286-287.
    Hurford's argument suffers from two major weaknesses. First, his account of neural mechanisms suggests no place in the brain where the two halves of a predicate-argument structure could come together. Second, his assumption that language and cognition must be based on logic is neither necessary nor particularly plausible, and leads him to some unlikely conclusions.
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    Maggie Tallerman (ed.), Language origins: perspectives on evolution (Studies in the Evolution of Language 4). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. xx+ 426. [REVIEW]Derek Bickerton - 2007 - Journal of Linguistics 43 (1).
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  30. Language first, then shared intentionality, then a beneficent spiral.Bickerton Derek - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):691-692.
    Tomasello et al. give a good account of how shared intentionality develops in children, but a much weaker one of how it might have evolved. They are unduly hasty in dismissing the emergence of language as a triggering factor. An alternative account is suggested in which language provided the spark, but thereafter language and shared intentionality coevolved.
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    RESEÑA de : Bickerton, Derek. Lenguaje y Especies. Madrid : Alianza, 1994.Julio César Armero Sanjosé - 1995 - Endoxa 1 (5):235.
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  32. Derek Bickerton.Prolegomena to A. Linguistic - 1969 - Foundations of Language 5:34.
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  33. Reviews: Derek Bickerton, Bastard Tongues. A Trailblazing Linguist Finds Clues to Our Common Humanity in the World’s Lowliest Languages. [REVIEW]Leonardo Caffo - 2010 - InKoj: Interlingvistikaj Kajeroj 1 (1):82-86.
    BASTARD TONGUES: A Trailblazing Linguist Finds Clues to Our Common Humanity in the World’s Lowliest Languages. Author: Derek Bickerton (270 pp. Hill & Wang. New York - 2008. $ 26.) Review by Leonardo Caffo.
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  34. Derek Bickerton, "Language and Species". [REVIEW]Henry W. Johnstone - 1992 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 6 (3):247.
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    Derek Bickerton. "The Roots of Language". [REVIEW]Naomi S. Baron - 1985 - New Vico Studies 3:220.
  36. Language and Human Behavior: The Jessie and John Danz Lectures. By Derek Bickerton.G. E. Saunders - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:119-119.
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    (2 other versions)Review essay: Niche Construction and the Evolution of Language: Was Territory scavenging the One Key Factor? Review Essay for Derek Bickerton (2009), Adams Tongue. How Humans Made Language, How Language Made Humans. New York: Hill Wang.Michael A. Arbib - 2011 - Interaction Studies 12 (1):162-193.
  38.  12
    More than Nature Needs. Language, Mind, and Evolution by Derek Bickerton.Serena Nicchiarelli - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
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    Evolution of Language and Creativity: Evolutionary Precursors to Communicative Language: Internal Languages.Aaron Sloman - unknown
    At the end of the seminar, I suggested that most researchers on language and its evolution (including Derek Bickerton I suspect, though I've only read snippets of his work), mistakenly ignore a host of other competences that are present in far more species.
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  40. Thinking in language?: Evolution and a modularist possibility.Peter Carruthers - 1998 - In Peter Carruthers & Jill Boucher (eds.), [Book Chapter]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 94-119.
    This chapter argues that our language faculty can both be a peripheral module of the mind and be crucially implicated in a variety of central cognitive functions, including conscious propositional thinking and reasoning. I also sketch arguments for the view that natural language representations (e.g. of Chomsky's Logical Form, or LF) might serve as a lingua franca for interactions (both conscious and non-conscious) between a number of quasi-modular central systems. The ideas presented are compared and contrasted with the evolutionary proposals (...)
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  41. Relativism, metasemantics, and the future.Derek Ball - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (9-10):1036-1086.
    ABSTRACT Contemporary relativists often see their view as contributing to a semantic/post-semantic account of linguistic data about disagreement and retraction. I offer an independently motivated metasemantic account of the same data, that also handles a number of cases and empirical results that are problematic for the relativist. The key idea is that the content of assertions and beliefs is determined in part by facts about other times, including times after the assertion is made or the belief is formed. On this (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Equality and priority.Derek Parfit - 1997 - Ratio 10 (3):202–221.
  43. Quasirealism as semantic dispensability.Derek Baker - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (7):2313-2333.
    I argue that standard explanationist solutions to the problem of creeping minimalism are largely on the right track, but they fail to correctly specify the kind of explanation that is relevant to distinguishing realism from quasirealism. Quasirealism should not be distinguished from realism in terms of the explanations it gives of why a normative judgment—a normative sentence or attitude—has the semantic content that it has. Rather, it should be distinguished in terms of the explanations it offers of what the semantic (...)
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    Facts, norms and dispositions: practical uses of the modal verb would in police interrogations.Derek Edwards - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (4):475-501.
    Two uses of the modal verb would in police interrogation are examined. First, suspects use it to claim a disposition to act in ways inconsistent with whatever offence they are accused of. Second, police officers use it in challenging the suspect’s testimony, asking why a witness would lie. Both uses deploy a form of practical inferential reasoning from norms to facts, in the face of disputed testimony. The value of would is that its semantics provide for a sense of back-dated (...)
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    Darwin meets literary theory.Ellen Dissanayake - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):229-239.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Darwin Meets Literary TheoryEllen DissanayakeEvolution and Literary Theory, by Joseph Carroll; xi & 518 pp. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1995, $44.95.In my experience, most literary theorists, even those who participate in conferences called “Literature and Science,” know little about evolution, and don’t want to know. For them, “science” means information theory, chaos or catastrophe theory, fractals, pataphysics, “autopoeisis” or self-organization, emergence, cyborgs, hypertext, virtual signs and other aspects (...)
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  46. Future generations: Further problems.Derek Parfit - 1982 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 11 (2):113-172.
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    Ethical Issues in the Transition to ECMO as a Destination Therapy.Samuel N. Doernberg, Derek R. Soled & Robert D. Truog - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):18-20.
    Childress et al. (2023) present the case of a patient with capacity who requests to stay on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) indefinitely and highlight the ethical challenges associated w...
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  48. (1 other version)Justifiability to each person.Derek Parfit - 2003 - Ratio 16 (4):368–390.
    sonable, in this sense, if we ignore, or give too little weight to, some other people's well-being or moral claims.' Some critics have suggested that, because Scanlon appeals to this sense of 'reasonable', his formula is empty. On this objection, whenever we believe that some act is wrong, we shall believe that people have moral claims not to be treated in this way. We could therefore argue that such acts are disallowed by some principle which no one could reasonably reject, (...)
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  49. Faith: How to be Partial while Respecting the Evidence.Derek Haderlie & Taylor-Grey Miller - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (1):67-72.
    In her paper, “True Faith: Against Doxastic Partiality about Faith (in God and Religious Communities) and in Defense of Evidentialism,” Katherine Dormandy argues against the view that there is a partiality norm on faith. Dormandy establishes this by showing that partiality views can’t give the right responses to encounters with stubborn counter evidence. Either they (anti-epistemic-partiality views) recommend flouting the evidence altogether in order hold on to positive beliefs about the object of faith or they (epistemic-partiality views) lower the epistemic (...)
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  50. “Une création sans précédent”: "Les Liaisons dangereuses" à travers les yeux d’André Malraux.Derek Allan - 2020 - In Dialogues littéraires et philosophiques. Paris, France: pp. 93-108.
    Critics often situate "Les Liaisons dangereuses" within the tradition of the novel of libertinage. Many consider it to be superior to its predecessors but argue nonetheless that it is part of an established tradition, not the beginning of something new. Malraux demurs. While noting similarities with the novel of libertinage, he contends that Laclos’ novel links up much more significantly with the novel of the future, its descendants including Julien Sorel and even Raskolnikov.
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