Results for 'Bertrand Guest'

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  1.  8
    Révolutions dans le cosmos: essais de libération géographique: Humboldt, Thoreau, Reclus.Bertrand Guest - 2017 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    "Géographes naturalistes et penseurs éthiques, politiques, tels sont Alexander von Humboldt, Henry David Thoreau et Élisée Reclus en leurs essais, qu'il faut relire comme littéraires. Alors que le XXe siècle broie l'inconnu et le sauvage, ils cherchent à connaître la Terre et les hommes comme un tout sans que l'universel n'écrase individus et singularités. Luttant contre les oppressions qu'ils documentent, ils pluralisent des sciences écrites pour tous sans que la spécialisation n'impose de séparer les premières en disciplines et les seconds (...)
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    Système probable contre mondes possibles : data-mythologie et environnement.Bertrand Guest - 2015 - Multitudes 60 (3):72-77.
    Nombre de discours sur la planète s’appuient sur des données qui conditionnent en tant que telles le récit qu’elles livrent, que caractérisent non seulement une forte empreinte énergétique mais un risque d’appauvrissement ontologique et de marginalisation de l’acte interprétatif, c’est-à-dire une modélisation de nos imaginaires et de l’avenir lui-même.
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    (1 other version)Social Sciences in Schools.Bertrand Russell & Kenneth Blackwell - 1995 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 15:189-191.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eudora Welty House & GardenJessica RussellIf the past year had one theme, it would have been the gift of friendship. How heartening to reunite with fellow admirers of Eudora Welty on the grounds of her family home as our flagship events made their post-pandemic returns. Even so, among staff, 2022 brought challenges that, while unexpected, served to deepen our commitment to our mission and each other. Moreover, for every (...)
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    Sartre аnd America.William L. McBride - 2017 - Філософія Освіти 21 (2):266-275.
    The article is devoted to the North American Sartre Society, which was founded in 1985. The author as its co-founder develops his point of view presenting during panel discussion of Sartre’s relations with the United States on the 2015 meeting. He devoted a lot of papers and books to Sartre’s philosophy. Some of them are presented in the references. The author reflects at a somewhat deeper level on Sartre’s attitudes towards USA in the context of its history and international relations, (...)
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    The Emergence of Analytic Philosophy and a Controversy at the Aristotelian Society: 1900-1916.Omar W. Nasim - unknown
    For this year’s Virtual Issue, our guest editor, Omar W. Nasim, has collected together papers from the Aristotelian Society archives that represent a substantial part of a dispute that contributed to the emergence of analytic philosophy in Britain at the turn of the 20th Century. The dispute was primarily concerned with the problem of the external world – the nature of the sensible objects of perception, and how they relate to physical things and the perceiving subject. The participants in (...)
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  6. The Philosophy of Logical Atomism.Bertrand Russell - 1918 - The Monist 28 (4):495-527.
  7. Transversalité du sens et relations interartistiques : l’héritage greimassien.Denis Bertrand de la Liberté & Veronica Estay Stange - forthcoming - Semiotica.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Jbs jbs jbs.Hugues Plourde, Bertrand Nolin, Olivier Receveur, Marielle Ledoux, Masoumeh Simbar, Fatemeh Nahidi, Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Monika Krzyz, Olayinka O. Omigbodun & Kofoworola I. Adediran - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (5).
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    Vagues figures, ou, Les promesses du flou: actes du septième colloque du Cicada, 5, 6, 7 décembre 1996.Bertrand Cicada de L'adour) & Rougâe (eds.) - 1999 - Pau: Publications de l'Université de Pau.
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    The Impact of Science on Society.Bertrand Russell - 1951 - New York,: Routledge. Edited by Tim Sluckin.
    First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    VII.—The Limits of Empiricism.Bertrand Russell - 1936 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 36 (1):131-150.
  12. On the Nature of Acquaintance. Part III. Analysis of Experience.Bertrand Russell - 1914 - The Monist 24 (3):435--453.
  13. Mario Bunge.Bertrand Russell'S. - 1973 - In Mario Bunge (ed.), The methodological unity of science. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 3.
  14.  9
    (1 other version)Macht en principe: over de rechtvaardiging van politieke macht.Bertrand Julian de Clercq - 1986 - Tielt: Lannoo.
    Overzicht van de ideeën omtrent politieke macht in verleden en heden.
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    Tendencies towards environmental autocracy and technocracy.Stijn Neuteleers & Bertrand Guillaume - 2014 - Ethical Perspectives 21 (1):1-13.
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    Les modèles de l'action.Bertrand Saint-Sernin (ed.) - 1998 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cet ouvrage réunit huit études témoignant, dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire, du renouveau scientifique dans la description et l'explication de l'action. Adoptant tour à tour le point de vue de l'analyse sociologique, de la réflexion philosophique, des sciences économiques et de la théorie des jeux, les auteurs abordent des questions fondamentales pour la compréhension de la conduite individuelle et de l'interaction sociale. Les théories de la décision ont fait progresser, au cours des dernières décennies, la modélisation abstraite de l'action et des (...)
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    Is There an Absolute Good?Bertrand Russell & Alan Ryan - 1986 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 6 (2).
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    A Bi-Directional Examination of the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility Ratings and Company Financial Performance in the European Context.Bertrand P. Quéré, Geneviève Nouyrigat & C. Richard Baker - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):527-544.
    Research focusing on the relationship between measures of Corporate Social Responsibility and company financial performance has led to mixed results in the North American context. In addition, the ethical attitudes and approaches toward CSR investments of both companies and rating agencies are not necessarily the same in Europe and the United States. In this study, we use CSR ratings issued by a major European CSR ratings agency to examine in a bi-directional manner the relationships between CSR ratings and financial performance (...)
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  19. (1 other version)The Ethics of War.Bertrand Russell - 1915 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (2):127-142.
  20.  7
    Le droit à la lumière de Bergson: mémoire et évolution.Catherine Puigelier & Bertrand Saint-Sernin (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Éditions Panthéon-Assas.
    "Henri Bergson est élu au Collège de France le 17 mai 1900 et y enseigne jusqu’en 1914. Il fait deux cours : le samedi, où il explique un texte, et le vendredi où il traite de sujets comme "l’idée de cause" (1900-1901), "l’idée de temps" (1901-1902), "l’histoire des théories de la mémoire" (1903-1904), etc. Il ne fait pas cours tous les ans. À trois reprises, il se fait remplacer : en mars 1906 par Couturat (Bergson reprend ses cours à l’automne (...)
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  21. Bernard Mandeville's Skeptical Political Philosophy.Rui Bertrand Romão - 2015 - In John Christian Laursen & Gianni Paganini (eds.), Skepticism and political thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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    Des chefs, en leur absence.Patrick Boucheron & Aliénor Bertrand - 2024 - Cahiers Philosophiques 178 (3):109-116.
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  23. Why Christians Should Not Be Kaneans about Freedom.Michael D. Bertrand & Jack Mulder - 2017 - Philosophia Christi 19 (2):315 - 329.
    Abstract: In this paper we argue that Robert Kane’s theory of free will cannot accommodate the possibility of a sinless individual who faces morally significant choices because a sinless agent cannot voluntarily accord value to an immoral desire, and we argue that Kane’s theory requires this. Since the Jesus of the historic Christian tradition is held to be sinless, we think Christians should reject Kane’s theory because it seems irreconcilable with historic Christian Christology. We consider two objections to our argument (...)
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  24.  25
    IVThe Intractability Lobby: Material Culture and the Interpretation of the Israel/Palestine Conflict.Daniel Bertrand Monk - 2010 - Critical Inquiry 36 (3):601-608.
  25.  30
    Transversalité du sens et relations interartistiques : l’héritage greimassien.Denis Bertrand & Veronica Estay Stange - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):315-333.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  26.  39
    Investigations into the Applicability of Geometry.Douglas Bertrand Marshall - 2011 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    Philosophical reflection about the sciences has persistently given rise to worries that mathematics, while true of its own special objects, is inapplicable to nature or to the physical world. Focusing on the case of geometry, and drawing on the histories of philosophy and science, I articulate a series of challenges to the applicability of geometry based on the general idea that geometry fails to fit nature. This series of challenges then plays two major roles in the dissertation: it clarifies the (...)
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    The Persecution of the Jews.Bertrand Russell - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (1).
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    The Reconstruction of Intellectual Internationalism after the War.Bertrand Russell & Kenneth Blackwell - 1998 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 18 (2).
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    Carl G. Hempel and P. Oppenheim. Der Typusbegriff im Lichte der neuen Logik. A. W. Sijthoff, Leiden 1936, vii + 130 pp. [REVIEW]C. H. Langford & Bertrand Russell - 1937 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):61-61.
  30.  41
    Geoffrey Gorham, Benjamin Hill, Edward Slowik, and C. Kenneth Waters, eds. The Language of Nature: Reassessing the Mathematization of Natural Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016. Pp. vi+346. $150.00 ; $40.00. [REVIEW]Douglas Bertrand Marshall - 2017 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 7 (2):383-386.
  31.  35
    The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 1967 - New York: Routledge.
    Bertrand Russell was born in 1872 and died in 1970. One of the most influential figures of the twentieth century, he transformed philosophy and can lay claim to being one of the greatest philosophers of all time. He was a Nobel Prize winner for Literature and was imprisoned several times as a result of his pacifism. His views on religion, education, sex, politics and many other topics, made him one of the most read and revered writers of the age. (...)
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  32.  14
    Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell: A Lifelong Fight for Peace, Justice, and Truth in Letters to the Editor.Bertrand Russell & Ray Perkins - 2002 - Open Court Publishing.
    "Yet Russell was more than a great intellect; he was also a political animal. From the beginning of his long professional life he emphasized the importance of practice as well as theory. He was twice imprisoned by the British government for his political utterances. With his razor-sharp irony and morally impassioned rhetoric, Russell took on the forces of injustice, ignorance, and cruelty; one of his chief weapons was the letter to the editor.".
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    (1 other version)The collected papers of Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 1983 - Boston: G. Allen & Unwin. Edited by Kenneth Blackwell.
  34.  14
    (1 other version)Bertrand Russell: an introduction.Bertrand Russell - 1975 - London: Allen & Unwin. Edited by Brian Carr.
  35.  25
    The quotable Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 1993 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Lee Eisler.
    Renowned mathematician, philosopher, and humanist Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) spoke and wrote extensively on a broad range of topics, and is considered by many to be the most influential social critic and political activist of the twentieth century. In the Quotable Bertrand Russell, Lee Eisler has combed the whole of Russell's work to harvest his comments and reactions to important issues, political questions, and heated debates on morals and religion. Russell's views - iconoclastic, humorous, but always enlightening - are (...)
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  36.  13
    Bertrand Russell: Theorie de la Connaissance: Manuscrit De 1913.Bertrand Russell - 2002 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Mon impulsion fut brisee, comme une vague qui s'ecrase contre une digue. Je fus submerge par le plus complet desespoir.... Tels sont les termes dans lesquels Russell relate en 1916 l'effet qu'eurent sur lui les critiques adressees en mai 1913 par son jeune eleve, Ludwig Wittgenstein, au manuscrit qu'il etait en train de rediger sur la theorie de la connaissance, et qui le conduisirent a en suspendre la redaction et a n'en publier que quelques chapitres sous forme d'articles. Maillon essentiel (...)
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  37.  10
    The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell Volume 21: How to Keep the Peace: The Pacifist Dilemma, 1935–38.Bertrand Russell - 2008 - Routledge.
    In Collected Papers 21 Bertrand Russell grapples with the dilemma that confronted all opponents of militarism and war in the 1930s—namely, what was the most politically and morally appropriate response to international aggression. How to Keep the Peace contains some of Russell’s best-known essays, such as the famous Auto-obituary and his treatment of The Superior Virtue of the Oppressed . Like the sixteen previous volumes in Routledge’s critical edition of Russell’s shorter writings, however, Collected Papers 21 also includes a (...)
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    The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 2009 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Robert E. Egner & Lester E. Denonn.
    This is an essential introduction to the brilliance of Bertrand Russell.
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  39.  10
    The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell & Nicholas Griffin - 1992 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Edited by Nicholas Griffin.
    Brieven van de Engelse wijsgeer (1872-1970) uit de periode 1884-1914.
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    Bertrand Russell: Mysticisme Et Logique.Bertrand Russell - 2007 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Mysticisme et logique - dont on presente ici la premiere traduction francaise integrale - constitue un ouvrage crucial dans l'oeuvre de Bertrand Russell. Il comporte des textes techniques devenus classiques sur la methode scientifique en philosophie - a l'origine de ce qu'on a appele la philosophie analytique -, les constituants de la matiere, la relation des sense-data a la physique, la critique de la notion de cause, la distinction entre accointance et connaissance par description. Mais on y trouve egalement (...)
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  41.  34
    Bertrand Russell's Work for Peace [to 1960].Bertrand Russell & Edith Russell - 2009 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 29 (1).
    Bertrand Russell may not have been aware of it, but he wrote part of the dossier that was submitted on his behalf for the Nobel Peace Prize. Before he had turned from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament to the Committee of 100 and subsequent campaigns of the 1960s, his wife, Edith, was asked by his publisher, Sir Stanley Unwin, for an account of his work for peace. This document was likely used a few months later in Joseph Rotblat's submission (...)
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  42. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell Volume 29: Détente or Destruction, 1955-57.Bertrand Russell - 2005 - Routledge.
    Détente or Destruction, 1955-57 continues publication of Routledge's multi-volume critical edition of Bertrand Russell's shorter writings. Between September 1955 and November 1957 Russell published some sixty-one articles, reviews, statements, contributions to books and letters to editors, over fifty of which are contained in this volume. The texts, several of them hitherto unpublished, reveal the deepening of Russell's commitment to the anti-nuclear struggle, upon which he embarked in the previous volume of Collected Papers ( Man's Peril, 1954-55 ). Continuing with (...)
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  43. Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970.Bertrand Russell (ed.) - 1971 - Valencia,: Departamento de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Universidad.
    El pensamiento de Bertrand Russell, por M. Garrido.--La lógica y la matemática en la producción de Bertrand Russell, por J. Sanniartín Esplugues.--Bertrand Russell, filósofo, por J.L. Blasco.--La teoría y la praxis social de Bertrand Russell, por J. Carabaña.--Dos textos de Bertrand Russell.--Bio-bibliografía de Bertrand Russell, por A. García Suárez (p. [53]-79).
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  44. The autobiography of Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell - 9999 - Boston,: Little, Brown.
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  45. Essays in Analysis.Bertrand Russell - 1973 - London, England: Allen & Unwin.
  46.  10
    The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 5: Toward Principia Mathematica, 1905–08.Bertrand Russell - 2014 - Routledge.
    This volume of Bertrand Russell's Collected Papers finds Russell focused on writing Principia Mathematica during 1905–08. Eight previously unpublished papers shed light on his different versions of a substitutional theory of logic, with its elimination of classes and relations, during 1905-06. A recurring issue for him was whether a type hierarchy had to be part of a substitutional theory. In mid-1907 he began writing up the final version of Principia , now using a ramified theory of types, and eleven (...)
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  47.  41
    Bertrand Russell on God and religion.Bertrand Russell - 1986 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Al Seckel.
    Al Seckel has rescued many of Bertrand Russell's best essays on religion, free thought, and nationalism from their resting places in obscure pamphlets, hard-to-find books, and out-of print periodicals to form a superb compilation.
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  48. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell (Volume 28): Man's Peril, 1954 - 55.Bertrand Russell - 2003 - Routledge.
    The Collected Papers 28 signals reinvigoration of Russell the public campaigner. The title of the volume is taken from one of his most famous and eloquent short essays and probably the best known of his many broadcasts for the BBC. Man's Peril, 1954-55 not only captures the essence of Russell's thinking about nuclear weapons and the Cold War in the mid-1950s, its extraordinary impact served to jolt him into political protest once again. The activism of which we glimpse the initial (...)
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    Bertrand Russell, the social scientist.Bertrand Russell (ed.) - 1973 - [Hyderabad, India: Bertrand Russell Supranational Society.
    Venkataramanaiah, V. Introduction.--Narla, V. R. Russell and his rejection of religion.--Mehta, G. L. The sceptical crusader.--Dalvi, G. R. Russell, the man.--Venkatarao, V. The nuclear war and the future of man.--Innaiah, N. Bertrand Russell's philosophy.--Subbarayudu, P. Rationality vis-a-vis faith.--Nageswar Rao, B. Russell and nuclear warfare.--Rajagopala Rao, M. Rebel in Russell.--Shankar, G. N. J. The man who revolutionised modern thought.--Maharajasri. Russell, the social scientist in the four-dimensional universe.--The life of Bertrand Russell.--Acknowledgements.--A list of principal works of Bertrand Russell.--Russell's conception (...)
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  50. The Philosophy of Logical Atomism.Bertrand Russell - 1918 - In ¸ Iterussell1986. Open Court. pp. 193-210..
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